What is etymology? Detailed analysis. School Encyclopedia

Term etymology formed from Greek words etymonʻthe true meaning of the wordʼ and logosʻteaching, wordʼ. Etymology is a field of linguistics that deals with establishing the origin of words, their initial structure and initial genetic links with other words.

Besides, etymology is sometimes called research process, a procedure aimed at finding out the origin of a word. In this case, the term has synonyms: etymologization, etymologization, etymological analysis.

The result of etymological analysis, that is, the version of the origin of the word formulated in the course of the study, also called etymology. Here is an example of the etymology of the word charter in the “Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by N.M. Shansky, V.V. Ivanova and T.V. Shanskaya:

Diploma. Other Russian borrowing from Greek lang. It has been noted in monuments since the 11th century. Greek grammata- "reading and writing" is the plural form. hours from gramma - "letter, record."

It is necessary to make a reservation. All words change over time. Both the phonetic shell and lexical meaning. Over the centuries, so many changes can accumulate that the original appearance and meaning of the word will be "obscured". This creates significant difficulties for analysis. And the establishment of the origin of the word in etymology does not mean that the earliest, original form will certainly be restored. Alas, on this stage development of science, this is often impossible, and it is not a fact that it will be possible in the future. Etymological analysis involves only the disclosure of the history of the word to a certain period in the past. For example, the etymology of many modern Russian words is traced back to their "ancestors" in Proto-Slavic or Proto-Indo-European languages. What happened to the words under study even earlier is not yet possible to find out, and the available assumptions are usually too unsteady.

In view of the difficulties described above associated with changing words and "obscuring" their original form, it often happens that the origin of a particular word cannot be established with absolute certainty. In this regard, the etymologies of words are divided into true(absolutely reliable, indisputable) and hypothetical(presumably, problematic). The word has only one true etymology, while there may be several hypothetical ones. In the dictionary, hypothetical interpretations are accompanied by marks and reservations: probably, most likely, apparently etc. At the present stage of the development of science, there are much more words with a hypothetical etymology than with an indisputable one. And there are words that have not yet been subjected to etymological analysis at all.

Both true and hypothetical etymologies must be scientifically based.

Linguist V.I. Abaev formulated the main tasks of scientific etymological analysis:

  1. For basic, non-derivative words given language- comparison with the words of related languages ​​and tracing the history of the form and meaning of the word deep into the base language.
  2. For words that are derivatives within a given language, the establishment of their constituent parts(stems, roots, affixes) in a given language.
  3. For borrowed words - identifying the source of borrowing.

From what has been said, it is clear that etymology is closely related to such areas of linguistics as lexicology(within its framework, semantics is studied, i.e. meaning, words) and word formation(study of the structure, constituent parts of the word). But for successful work, an etymologist must have comprehensive deep knowledge in almost all areas of linguistics. He will need to compare the given set different languages, both modern and ancient, i.e. master the methods comparative historical linguistics. He must be well versed in dialectology, historical grammar, know phonetic processes in languages ​​at different stages of their development, to have a developed linguistic sense. It will be necessary in the work and knowledge of other sciences, first of all, history, literature, ethnography, geography.

AT recent times amateur research into the origin of words became fashionable. Those who are fond of this often do not have the necessary knowledge (and many, which is the saddest thing, are not even going to accumulate it, believing that official science “everything lies”). As a result, words are interpreted by such "researchers" as they have to - mainly according to consonances. And this is a very unreliable way, since consonances are more often the result of a simple coincidence than a sign of kinship. These amateur etymologists almost do not take into account the structure of the word, in their conclusions they easily ignore the sounds, the presence of which in the word cannot be explained. They have a very vague idea about the history of the language and the laws that operated in it.

If such research remained within the framework of simple entertainment, there would be no problem. But at present, such interpretations are presented by their authors as alternative scientific hypotheses, and even the only true, true versions of the origin of words. And these fabrications inspire confidence in many people.

One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is insufficient education in the field of scientific etymology. Even in textbooks for students of philological faculties, this section of linguistics is presented in a smaller volume than it should be. There is no need to talk about school teaching: graduates educational institutions at best, they will be able to explain what the term “etymology” itself means, but they usually do not know anything about the principles of this science and the features of the historical development of the language. Ignorance is fertile ground for the spread of anti-scientific ideas, which may at first glance seem logical and attractive, but in reality take those interested in them very far from real history mother tongue.

Modern etymology is a fascinating and complex science, it still has many more questions than answers. And yet, if you want to know more about the origin of the words of the Russian language, it is the works on scientific etymologies - articles, popular science books, textbooks, dictionaries.

More about other phenomena called the word etymology, cm. .

Examples of words with true etymology can be found in.


Vvedenskaya L.A., Kolesnikov N.P. Etymology: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

Abaev V.I. On the principles of the etymological dictionary // Questions of linguistics. - 1952. - No. 5. - S. 56-69.

Otkupshchikov Yu.V. To the origins of the word: Stories about the science of etymology. - St. Petersburg, 2005.

Shansky N. M., Ivanov V. V., Shanskaya T. V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1971.

" has Greek roots and comes from the words "truth" and "doctrine". Usually this concept is used in two main meanings, which should not be confused. When they talk about the etymology of an individual, they usually mean the establishment of its historical roots. Often this term is used to refer to a section that deals with the study of the origin of words.

The principles of this science can be applied to the very term "etymology". For the first time it is found in the writings of the ancient philosophers of Greece. The constituent parts of this word have the meanings "true, true" and "meaning, teaching." In other words, etymology aims to find the true meaning of words. Of particular importance for linguists is the search for the meaning of the word that was invested in it at the time of creation, as well as tracking the dynamics of changes in the original meaning.

Developing, words change not only their meanings, but also their external form. Undergoes a change, in particular, the sound expression and appearance of the word. If scientists manage to restore the most ancient form of the term, then the question of its origin is often clarified. Sometimes it turns out that the ancient sound implied a completely different meaning that modern native speakers put into the word.

Etymology as a science

The subject of etymology as a science should be considered the study of the process of creating the vocabulary of a language and the sources of word formation. Linguists involved in etymology strive to reconstruct the composition of the language as accurately as possible, starting from the most ancient periods, when writing was just emerging.

The etymological analysis is aimed at the word-formation model according to which a certain word arose. It is especially fascinating to follow the historical changes in primary forms and their successive transformation. Among the methods of etymology are genetic analysis and a comparative historical approach, which are most often used in combination.

Being a section of linguistics, etymology is closely connected with other sciences of: lexicology, morphology, semantics, dialectology. Without the data that etymology provides, it can be difficult to understand the nature of the shifts in semantic structures that occur when historical development speech. The methods of etymology make it possible to penetrate those chronological levels where written history did not yet exist. This science supplements with its data the information that mankind draws from history and archeology.

Like many other scientific words, it was formed using the Greek stems etymo(n) "true meaning" and logos "learning".

Watch value etymology in other dictionaries

False etymology- the same as folk etymology.

Folk etymology- (false etymology) - understanding the morphological composition of the word and motivating its meaning on the basis of convergence with consonant words that are different from it in origin ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Folk etymology- - everyday, not associated with special historical linguistic knowledge and training, explanation of the origin of words; e.g. lat. by origin "proletarian" ........
Psychological Encyclopedia

ETYMOLOGY- ETYMOLOGY, -i, f. 1. A section of linguistics that studies the origin of words. 2. The origin of a particular word or expression. Determine the etymology of the word. * Folk etymology........
Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

ETYMOLOGY— ETYMOLOGY, etymologies, f. (from Greek etymos - true and logos - teaching) (lingu.). 1. only units Department of linguistics that studies the origin of words. Etudes on Russian etymology. 2. Most........
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Etymology- and. 1. A section of linguistics that studies the origin of words. 2. The origin of a word or expression in terms of its relationship with other words or expressions of this and other languages
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

MBOU Kochunovskaya school


Etymology is the science of the origin of words.

Connection of etymology and toponymy»

I've done the work:

5th grade student

MBOU Kochunovskaya school

Barakhov Maxim.


teacher of Russian language and literature

Nikishina Elena Petrovna

Kochunovo, 2014.


1. Introduction.

1) What is etymology.

2) Tasks of etymology.

3) The word is a monument of history.

7) Relationship between etymology and toponymy. Toponyms of the village of Kenshevo.

3. Conclusion. Conclusions.

4. Resources.

1. Introduction.

The theme of my work: “Etymology is the science of the origin of words. Relationship between etymology and toponymy.

I chose the topic of work on my own, as it seems to me very interesting. In addition, it is little studied in the classroom, and I decided to study it more deeply. Goals of my project:

Show the significance and relevance of etymology.

Consider the relationship of etymology with other sciences: with vocabulary, word formation, spelling, grammar and toponymy.

Knowledge of etymology helps to develop spelling literacy, expands the vocabulary, and contributes to the development of the skills of correct, competent oral and written speech.

I also traced the connection between etymology and toponymy on the examples of toponyms in the village of Kenshevo. This work is very exciting and relevant, has a patriotic character. I was interested to see how connected various sciences between themselves.

2. The science of etymology and its connection with toponymy.

    What etymology.

Etymology is a branch of linguistics that studies the origin of words. Sometimes the very origin of the word is also called: for example, “the word notebook has Greek etymology”, “propose a new etymology”, that is, a version of the origin.

2) Tasks of etymology.

Usually a word etymologyused in two meanings that should not be confused.

When we say, for example, that the etymology of a wordharedoes not cause any particular difficulties, then we mean etymology as establishing the origin of a word. In addition to this, the termetymologyis also used in the sense of "a department of the science of language that studies the origin of words." In practice, this double word usage usually does not cause much difficulty.

ancient greek wordetymologia[etyumology:] is first found in the writings of the ancient Stoic philosophers. The origin of this word, its etymology can be established without any difficulty: Greeketymos[etyumos] means "true, true", andlogos[logos] - "meaning, meaning". Thus, etymology seeks to find the "true meaning" of the word - why we call something this way and not otherwise. The famous Italian linguist V. Pisani in his book "Etymology" wrote that the main task of the etymologist is "to find the meaning of the word at the time of its initial creation." Sometimes in works on etymology this "true meaning" of the word is called the "original" or "original" meaning.

Has every person ever thought about why everything around is called that way and not otherwise? How are words born, when and by whom are they created? Where did they come to our language set expressions in which you can no longer rearrange and replace a word with another. Etymology is engaged in the search for answers to these questions (translated from Greek, the science of the meaning and origin of words). If you do not know the names, the knowledge of things also disappears. This wisdom has survived the ages. Having become acquainted with the word closer, recognizing it, according to K. Paustovsky “to the touch, taste and smell”, a person will never use it inopportunely. How pleasant it is to talk with a person whose speech is rich, figurative, each word is used both in place and in time. “A lame word is a lame speech,” says a Russian proverb. In order to understand well what is read or seen, so that speech is not “lame”, but beautiful and expressive, you need to know a lot of words and expressions, constantly expand your vocabulary.

3) The word is a monument of history.

Where does the Motherland begin?.. From the study of the native land, history, native language. How would we know about the past, if the names of what has long sunk into oblivion, the river of oblivion, had not been preserved?

But that which is forever enshrined in the word, the most powerful monument of history, never dies. Is it enough for a person to know the meaning of a word, or is it still useful to look into its history? These are the questions I want to answer. And also consider the history of the emergence of some words of our rich Russian language. And also to show the connection between etymology and toponymy on the example of the toponyms of the native land.

4) The process of changing the meaning of words. Relationship with vocabulary.

Over time, not only the sound appearance often changes, but also its meaning, its meaning. So, the words “shame” and “shame” in the Old Russian language meant “spectacle”, that is, literally: “what is presented to the eye.” We find the same ancient meaning in such ancient Russian words as “shameful” - “witness , eyewitness ", etc. The outdated meaning of the word "shame", that is, "spectacle", is also found among poets of the 19th century:

Majestic and sad was a disgrace

Desert waters, forests, valleys and mountains.

The key to understanding how the ancient meaning of "spectacle" in the word "shame" develops its contemporary meaning, may serve as an ancient custom to expose the criminal at the pillory, that is, for all to see.

There were also cave etymologies. One must think that even in that remote era that dates back to the childhood of mankind, in the era when our ancestors still lived in caves and hunted mammoths, in the mind primitive people the first glimpses of interest in etymology were already appearing. Indeed, at the very dawn of history human society people used the language. No matter how primitive the language was at the first stages of its development, it was still a language in which there were certain connections between words. And this language had to gradually develop, and it was constantly replenished with new words. And in the process of word creation, a person involuntarily relied on those patterns that were characteristic of the language. In other words, ancient man was practically forced to resort to some kind of methods of etymological analysis, to establish etymological connections between words on the basis of existing samples.

Probably, already in ancient times, people thought about the origin of individual words, as they thought about the origin of the Sun and Moon, the Earth and man. We do not have direct evidence of this, since in that distant era people did not write etymological dictionaries, and indeed did not write anything at all. But we have indirect evidence that people from ancient times tried to etymologize words they did not understand. These proofs have been preserved for us by mythology.

Etymology is closely related to vocabulary.The object of study of vocabulary is the word. It is also studied in and . However, if in them words turn out to be a means for studying the grammatical structure and word-formation models and rules of the language, then in lexicology words are studied for the knowledge of the words themselves, as well as the vocabulary of the language (lexicon). Because is not just a sum of words, but a certain system of mutually relative and interconnected facts, then lexicology appears as a science not about individual words, but about the lexical system of the language as a whole.

The vocabulary of the language is the most open and mobile area of ​​the language. New words constantly enter it and old ones gradually leave. The growing sphere of human knowledge is primarily fixed in words and their meanings, due to which there are more and more lexical acquisitions in the language. Education, science, the latest technology, information from other cultures - all this forms new type modern society(information) in which a new language style- the style of the era of information development.

The science of etymology tells us about how these lexical acquisitions occur, from where and in what way new words appear. Thanks to this science, we can trace how one word was obtained from several words by merging and in this form it came to us in the Russian language.

For example, in the 19th century, the phrase "NATURA MORTE" was taken from the French language, which meant "Nature is dead." It came into the Russian language as the familiar word "Still Life".

And from Italian came the expression "POMI DORO" - which means "Golden Apple". Us this word is known as "Tomato". It appeared by merging two roots.

5) Etymological dictionaries. Max Vasmer.

There are special dictionaries. They are called etymological dictionaries.Etymological dictionaryis a dictionary containing information about the history of individual words, and sometimes morphemes, that is, information about the phonetic and semantic changes that they have undergone. The most famous etymological dictionary is M. Vasmer's dictionary.Max Julius Friedrich Vasmer (1886-1962) - scientist - linguist, lexicographer, Slavicist of Russian origin. Better known as the compiler of the "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language"

6) The origin of some words.

Consider the origin of some words.

The word "stomach"

For example, the word "stomach". This word has two origin stories. The first story tells that the stomach is like ae lunatic in shape. And the second story is that the word stomach came from OEge lim"swallow".


The word "Horizon"borrowed from Greek.ho rizon- "limit".Horizonliterally - "limited" (space).


It is an ancient word, borrowed from Turkic. lang. -kö bak.( dog)

ATa rut

Borrowed from German. from the wordWa gene(wagon, trolley)


To pave the road, you need to clear a strip of land from trees, shrubs, turf. Apparently therefore the wordd about horns formed fromd about rg , which meant "cleared place".

Ma lina

There are several explanations for the origin of the wordraspberry . According to one version, the name was based on the sign of a berry fruit, consisting of small parts. Yes, the wordraspberry derived from the wordm a ly - "small".

Pe cash

In the old days, they wrote with goose quills, later with metal ones. To store pens and pencils, people came up with a special box. The name was given to him from the wordfeather . On the Latin pen calledP e nna . Therefore, the box was calledpencil case.

To a reta

This word came to us from the Polish language in the middle of the 17th century. AT Polish this word has a tatin rootCA RRUS(meaning "cart on four wheels")


The bird is named for the color of its plumage. It came from the common Slavic word "solv" - "gray, yellowish." Then they called it "nightingale".


The word "conversation" in the old meaning "outside, outside" and "seda" - "sitting". That is, its original meaning is "sitting outside in front of the house." It is formed by merging words.


The word "sofa" came first in French from Iran. In Persian, "divan" is "an elevated floor covered with a carpet."

A week

The word "week", it turns out, is formed on the basis of the phrase "do not do", and originally "week" meant "a day of rest."


The word "maybe" has been found since the 16th century. in the form of "avose". It arose, most likely, from the indicative particle ose, which meant "here."

String bag.

The word "string bag" appeared in the Russian literary language in the 30s of the XX century. Literally, “string bag” is “a shopping bag that is taken with you in the calculation “maybe you can buy something”. But in some Russian dialects, "string bag" still means "happiness and good luck."


The word "teacher" comes from Ancient Greece and means literally "leading the child." But it was not called the teacher, but the slave who took the child to school and brought him back. Usually, slaves were chosen as teachers, unsuitable for any other work, but distinguished by their loyalty to the house.


The term "conciseness" was formed from the name of the ancient Greek region of Laconia, whose inhabitants were distinguished by laconicism and brevity. The city of Sparta was also located in Laconia.


Leggings used to be worn exclusively by men, it was part of the formal wear. They were originally made from elk skin, hence the name.


Turnip is the most ancient vegetable in Russia. Our ancestors loved both raw, and boiled, and steamed turnips. The turnip dish was quick and very easy to prepare. Since then, the expression "Easier than a steamed turnip" has gone. So they say that it is easy to do.


The word "mitten" is made up of 2 roots: the first root is easy to determine - this is a hand, the second one is known to us in the verb to twist. It turns out that a mitten means "wrapping a hand". Interestingly, in many Slavic languages ​​there is the word "nogavitsa" - the name for special clothes on the leg, that is, "wrap around the leg." And in the monuments of ancient Russian writing, both words are often found - leggings and mittens.


Everyone understands the expression "get married." It means "behind the husband's back." But with the bride a little more difficult. This word has such linguistic relatives as "ignoramus". This speaks of an ancient custom: the bride was brought to the matchmaker's house, the groom's relatives did not know anything about her before, they did not know. Often, the groom himself has never seen the chosen one before the matchmaking. The bride is a stranger, unknown. "Bride" - who knows who and who knows where... Such an echo in the language was left by ancient traditions, forgotten almost everywhere today. But the word remains.


The word "school" originally originated in ancient Greece, but its meaning was completely different - "leisure, recreation." However, this leisure was not idle - it meant philosophical conversations in his spare time.

7) Relationship between etymology and toponymy. Toponymy of the village of Kenshevo.

The science of etymology is very closely related to another science - toponymy. Toponymy studies names settlements, streets, mountains, forests, etc.

I collected a small amount of material on the toponymy of the village of Kenshevo, and on this material I traced the connection between two sciences: etymology and toponymy. So, let's start with the origin of the streets of the village of Kenshevo.

Streets of the village of Kenshevo.

Nagornaya - located on a mountain. It's always been called that.

Podgornaya - located under the mountain. It's always been called that.

Dam - located behind the pond. It used to be called that.

Green glade - there is a glade near each house. It used to be called that.

Karabakh - probably from the name "Nagorno-Karabakh" (a village in the eastern part of the Armenian Highlands, in Transcaucasia). Previously, the street was called Youth. And now Molodezhnaya is written in passports, and the villagers call it Karabakh. Probably due to the fact that this street is located at the top, as if on a highland.

The arrow is at the crossroads. It's always been called that.

Novaya Sloboda - this street appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, which is why it was called Novaya Sloboda. AT " explanatory dictionary» Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, the word "sloboda" means "village of free people"

The next object of my research is forests.

The woods.

Straight forest - the forest is located on a straight terrain, without meanders and turns.
Maidan - this forest is located towards Inkin, on a hill. In the dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, the words “maidan” means “a square, a place where scammers gather to play dice, grain, toss, cards.
Goose - this forest includes several forests located one after another. If you look at the forest from afar, then a picture is created that looks like a flock of geese following each other, that is, “in single file”.

I will say a few words about the ponds, wells and springs of our village.


"Under the store" - the name itself speaks for itself. This pond is located under the store, but not literally, but figuratively - not far from the store, just below it. There are expressions in Russian: “near Moscow”, “near Nizhny Novgorod”. They mean "to be near something".

"New ravine" - this pond was created artificially and relatively recently, in the 20th century. That is why it is called New ravine. And the word "ravine" means "depression dug in the ground"


Novikov well - the well was located next to the Novikovs' house.

3 more wells are named after the names of the families: Bezzubov Well, Ponin's Well, Pyshkin's Well. They operate even now.

Springs .

"Under the red clay" - the name speaks for itself.

"Barsky meadow" - the spring is located on a green meadow. The word "Barsky" comes from the word "master". This gentleman lived above the spring, on a hill. As the elderly residents of the village say, “this place was especially revered by the people. People came here to pray, to thank God for the pure wonderful water. Also, mass festivities were held here, where people had fun, played, danced, arranged fisticuffs.

Thus, I tried to conduct a small study to study the connection between the two sciences: etymology and toponymy. Worked with local history and linguistic material. Learned a lot of new and interesting things.

3. Conclusion. Conclusions.

Etymology is a very interesting and important science. It helps to better understand the lexical meaning of the word, its structure, and most importantly, teaches the correct spelling of the word. After allwriting words with unchecked vowels and consonants is difficult for many, since they need to be mostly memorized. But you can find an interesting way to test these words. It turns out that not all unverifiable unstressed vowels are unverifiable. Can't learn spelling dictionary words, and use the selection method test words by looking in an etymological dictionary. It's much more interesting.

In addition, etymology is closely related to another very fascinating science - toponymy. In my work, I tried to trace this connection using the toponyms of my native village of Kenshevo as an example.

The work done on the project gave me a lot. I learned to use various dictionaries, books more correctly and efficiently scientific style, learned new terms and concepts, new local history material. The work on collecting and designing the toponymy of the village of Kenshevo gave me the opportunity to learn more about the history of my native land, taught me to compare sciences, and conduct a research analysis of linguistic phenomena.

I chose the theme of my project myself, as it is very interesting to me.

4. Resources.

1. Vasmer Max. Etymological dictionary of the Russian languagehttp

5th grade student project review

MBOU Kochunovskaya secondary school Barakhov Maxim.

The theme of Maxim Barakhov's project is: “Etymology is the science of the origin of words. Relationship between etymology and toponymy. This topic fully disclosed by the author on a rich illustrative linguistic and local history material.

Maxim gave an explanation of the concept of "etymology", which she studies, how it is connected with other sciences: vocabulary, spelling, grammar, word formation and toponymy. The author of the project gave many examples demonstrating the process of the origin of words. He showed how this material can be applied in the classroom when completing assignments in the Russian language.

In addition, Maxim expanded the scope of the topic being studied. He drew a parallel between etymology and toponymy. To do this, he collected local history material and skillfully examined it in his work.

In the work done, he showed independence and great personal interest. The topic is close and understandable to the author, he independently made observations on linguistic and local history material, proved the connection of several sciences. This is especially commendable in this project.

The work is written correctly literary language. Logically completed and thought out. The project reflects all the themes and micro-themes stated in the content of the project.

The composition of the work is logically built correctly, one problem follows from another. All topics are related to each other.

This is the relevance and significance of the work done by the author for himself, as well as for the audience.

I think that the work of the 5th grade student Maksim Barakhov deserves praise and can be rated as "excellent".

We don't often think about how the words we use came into being and how their meanings may have changed over time. Meanwhile, words are quite living beings. New words appear literally every day. Some do not linger in the language, while others remain. Words, like people, have their own history, their own destiny. They can have relatives, a rich pedigree, and vice versa, be complete orphans. The Word can tell us about one's nationality, about one's parents, about one's origin. The study of the history of vocabulary and the origin of words is an interesting science - etymology.

Railway station

The word comes from the name of the place "Vauxhall" - a small park and entertainment center near London. The Russian Tsar, who visited this place, fell in love with it - in particular, the railway. Subsequently, he commissioned British engineers to build a small railway from St. Petersburg to his country residence. One of the stations on this section railway called "Vokzal", and this name later became the Russian word for any railway station.


The word bully is of English origin. According to one version, the surname Houlihan was once worn by a famous London brawler, who caused a lot of trouble for the residents of the city and the police. The surname has become a household name, and the word is international, characterizing a person who grossly violates public order.


Until the 16th century, Europeans had no idea about oranges at all. Russians, even more so. We don't grow oranges! And then the Portuguese navigators brought these delicious orange balls from China. And they began to trade with their neighbors. In Dutch, "apple" is appel, and "Chinese" is sien. Borrowed from the Dutch language, the word appelsien is a translation of the French phrase Pomme de Chine - "an apple from China."


It is known that in the old days they were treated with various conspiracies and spells. An ancient healer would say something like this to a sick person: “Go away, sickness, to the quicksands, to the dense forests ...” And he muttered over the sick different words. The word doctor is originally Slavic and is derived from the word “vrati”, which means “to speak”, “to speak”. Interestingly, from the same word comes “lie”, which for our ancestors also meant “to speak”. It turns out that in ancient times doctors lied? Yes, but this word initially did not contain a negative meaning.


Ancient Russia did not know the Turkic word "pocket", because money was then carried in special wallets - purses. From the word "purse" and produced "swindler" - a specialist in thefts from scrotums.


The word "restaurant" means "strengthening" in French. This name was given in the 18th century to one of the Parisian taverns by its visitors after the owner of the Boulanger establishment introduced nutritious meat broth to the number of dishes on offer.


The word "shit" comes from the Proto-Slavic "govno", which means "cow" and was originally associated only with cow "cakes". "Beef" - "cattle", hence "beef", "beef". By the way, from the same Indo-European root and English name cows - cow, as well as the shepherd of these cows - cowboy. That is, the expression "fucking cowboy" is not accidental, it has a deep family connection.


One version is that Russian word"heaven" comes from "not, no" and "demon, demons" - literally a place free from evil/demons. However, another interpretation is probably closer to the truth. Most Slavic languages there are words similar to "sky", and they probably originated from the Latin word for "cloud" (nebula).


In the Soviet Union, a well-known manufacturer of rubber slippers was the Polymer plant in the city of Slantsy, Leningrad Region. Many buyers believed that the word “Slates” squeezed out on the soles was the name of the shoe. Further, the word entered the active vocabulary and became a synonym for the word "slippers".


In the late 17th century, the French physician Gali Mathieu treated his patients with jokes. He gained such popularity that he did not keep up with all the visits and sent his healing puns by mail. This is how the word “nonsense” arose, which at that time meant a healing joke, a pun. The doctor immortalized his name, but at present this concept has a completely different meaning.