Characteristics for a cool team material (grade 5) on the topic. Imagine the situation

Characteristics of the class team 5 A class

There are 26 students in the class: 15 boys and 11 girls. All students born in 2006, several students born in 2007 (10 years old) 5 students (Velegon V., Evseev M., Holstein K., Remezov K., Prokhorenko S.) came from 2 other classes.

There are 13 students in the class who completed the academic year without triples (50%), but at the end of the 1st quarter, only 9 students confirmed their status as "good students". There are no poor performers in the class, but a number of children with low educational opportunities stand out (Velegon V., Holstein K., Prokhorenko S.). The class as a whole has an average and good level of education. Approximately 60% of children master the educational material as “good” on average. The general development of students is uneven: there are children who easily learn the material, and there are those who find it difficult. Students are actively involved in solving a problem situation in the lesson (they argue, discuss). Show initiative in learning activities on a variety of issues. 1 person is registered with the police per admin. offense. (Mingalev D.), preventive work is being carried out with him and his family.

Classes are not missed without a good reason, but there is a group of students who are constantly ill, plans are being drawn up for them to eliminate debts (Velegon V., Ushakova K.). Constantly violate discipline Prokhorenko S., Kochetkova V., Khramtsov A., Tatarchuk T.

Cl. the head visited the families of students, the acts of the ZhBU were drawn up. All students live in satisfactory and good conditions, have an educational and sleeping place, families are not registered at different levels.

5 "A" class has a high creative activity, many students attend a dance class, modeling, there are also skiers and football players. Children are responsive to the beginnings of the class teacher, readily carry out public assignments, participate in school-wide events: Autumn Ball, Initiation in 5th graders. (An example is the participation of children in the Stilyagi competition at the Autumn Ball, where the guys became winners in almost all nominations.) At the lessons, children work actively and with interest, diligently. However, a number of students shout from their seats, create extraneous noise, violate discipline during the lesson, engage in extraneous matters, comment on each other's answers and behavior aloud. At breaks, students behave just as actively, violating discipline. All this is a big problem for gaining knowledge and mastering the curriculum, noted by all teachers working in this class. To solve this problem, the following measures were taken: 1) personal conversations were held with parents about behavior in order to eliminate shortcomings

2) attending lessons by parents in order to control students

3) conversations of a group of students with social. teacher and teacher-psychologist about conflict situations and behavior

4) class hours, the subject of which is aimed at overcoming shortcomings in the behavior of students

As a result of checking the diaries, minor shortcomings were revealed (non-completion of the list of teachers, the first page, additional classes). Parents check the diaries in a timely manner and are interested in the success of their children. Only a few diaries fit the bill. A conversation was held with the students and active work is underway to eliminate all shortcomings.

The class is large 26 people. According to the results of a sociometric study, several groups can be distinguished in it: leaders, preferred, elected, there are outcasts.

There are "stars", "preferred" and "elected" in the class. According to the results of sociometry, there is a high coefficient of the well-being of relationships in the class. There are small groups, but they are united by common interests. Public opinion plays an important role in the class, there is also criticism from classmates. Most of the children try to improve the results of educational activities. The ability to overcome feasible difficulties is not available to all children, in my opinion, due to the fact that not everyone yet fully understands the meaning and importance of educational activities. to identify motivation in 5 cells. Questionnaires were also carried out and according to the results of their processing, I received the following results: 6 people have a high level of motivation: Radosteva V., Saltykov E., Krasnoperov K., Vystavkina V., Gevorgyan V. 16 people have an average level, 2 people have a low level (Khramtsov A., Holstein K.)

Boys and girls in the class are friendly. True, the girls in the class behave more restrained and more serious than the boys. Therefore, girls treat business, plans and their interests differently (more responsibly) than boys. They are the main violators of discipline. In addition, there are children in the class who are not accepted by the team, as a result of which problems constantly arise between this student and the team, which the guys sometimes find out right in the lesson.

The children try to take an active part in school affairs. Every week a class hour is held to unite the class team and pass on useful information. All students attend class. Various educational contests, quizzes and events are organized and conducted.

In the class, the duty schedule for cleaning the class, school duty, and the general office are observed. The guys, though, sometimes, reluctantly, but carry out all the instructions of the class teacher and other teachers.

The parent committee, which enjoys authority, has been created and is successfully functioning in the team. He successfully resolves all conflicts and problems in the classroom. The parent committee responds readily to the requests of the class teacher, is always interested in cooperation, organization of all events.

The class teacher applies a democratic style of leadership, the teacher relies on the team, stimulates the independence of students. Pupils participate in the discussion of the problems of collective life and as a result make certain choices. But the final decision is formulated by the teacher or must be approved by him. The teacher shows a certain tolerance for students' critical remarks, seeks to understand them, to delve into their personal affairs and problems, and tries to take the position of "first among equals" in organizing the activities of the team. I hope that I will develop friendly, trusting relations with the guys, everything is within the framework of the school rules.

The level of development of upbringing is average, all the children observe the Charter of the school and wear school uniforms (a few violate).

The solution I see is the following:

  1. Monthly class attendance. committee
  2. Class hours, parent meetings, conversations with students and parents
  3. Psychological-pedagogical and social. accompaniment of the class and parents, as well as the involvement of other services and departments

Characteristic 5 class

"Let's slowly, not expecting quick results, teach a little person to feel a person."

Simon Lvovich Soloveichik

There are 7 students in class 5: 2 girls and 5 boys. Dobrynya is studying under a different program, under the 8th type program by decision of the regional medical and pedagogical commission. Two children are brought up in large families. This is Sasha and Marat. Two children are brought up in single-parent families - Andrei and Valeria. These children are at risk.

All students study at our school from the first grade.

Grade 4 finished on 4 and 5 - Sasha and Marat.

From one 3 - Kirill in Russian.

According to the results of the first quarter:

Good students - Sasha, Kirill, Marat.

With one "3" - Danil in mathematics, Dobrynya in Russian.

The class undergoes an annual medical examination. In general, the health of children is normal.

In terms of behavior, the class is very complex. Children, studying in elementary school, are used to reasoning aloud, expressing their opinion, defending their point of view. But since they were not taught the “art of argument”, any opinion is defended without argumentation and, most importantly, without listening to the opinion of another. Children are not accustomed to reckon with the opinion of another, they simply do not hear what their friend is talking about. And, as a rule, the discussion (and they love to discuss) turns into general noise. Thus, one has to be very careful when bringing any issue to class discussion.

In the classroom, there were cases of ridicule and other forms of negative attitude towards Dobrynya and Valeria.

Thus, the class requires constant monitoring by the class teacher and subject teachers.

I attended lessons in natural history, music, history and literature. Students actively work in the classroom, freely express their opinion on any issue. Deviant behavior (scattered attention, obsessive movements, defiant behavior, rudeness), with the exception of A. and in rare cases in M., was not detected.

The main task that I set during the adaptation period - creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort and support for each student in the classroom.

To ensure a favorable course of the adaptation process, the following activities were carried out:

    Parent meeting "Adaptation of 5th graders to new school conditions" (the parents of Valeria and Andrey were not present)

    Monitoring students during and outside of class

    seating children in the classroom, taking into account their individual characteristics, psychological compatibility, health and wishes of parents

    Familiarization of students with the following components of education in the 5th grade: "subjects", "subject teachers", "lesson", "change". "dining room", "rules of conduct".

    Close relationship with the school psychologist, social pedagogue

    Collaboration with subject teachers.

Grade 5 students were involved in the preparation and holding of joint events, holidays and sports competitions with high school students. Participated in all collective and creative affairs of the school and class. Each student has a task in the class.

Children spend most of the day at school. The main task is to gain knowledge, to form positive learning motivation.

Outside of school, only Sasha (dance and Berestyanochka) and Danil (football and Berestyanochka) are busy.


Not all 5th grade students are prepared to study educational material (I note Valeria's unsatisfactory preparation).

Adaptation to the conditions of education in the middle level of the school takes place within the acceptable norm.

The general mood of the class, its "emotional portrait" is positive.

There are no "problem" subjects and negative attitudes towards teachers working in the classroom.

All teachers use various forms and methods of teaching to successfully adapt students to the learning environment in the middle school.

Based on the analysis of work for the 1st quarter, the following educational tasks have been identified:

    Continue work to unite the children's team, promote the development of students' organizational skills, and cultivate a sense of camaraderie. Carry out work to improve academic performance in the classroom, organize conversations to help students.

    Continue studying the culture of behavior and interpersonal relationships.

MBOU "Kornilov secondary school"

Dobrynya has been studying at the Kornilov secondary school since the first grade. Prior to that, he attended the Yolochka kindergarten at the place of residence. He studies in a general education class, but according to the program of the 8th type (decision of the regional medical and pedagogical commission). Mathematics and Russian are studied individually.

In the fifth grade I came in time in all subjects. Goes to school willingly. Has time for "good" and "satisfactory". Reads in syllables, without intonation, punctuation marks. It is not always possible to retell the text; he learns poems by heart. Logical thinking is weak, he counts mainly on the ruler. He performs homework in all subjects regularly and quite successfully, thanks to the efforts of his mother and grandmother. He cannot work independently in the classroom, attention is not stable. Low motivation. Touchy, often disagrees with the assessment.

The boy rarely gets sick, has no chronic diseases. Observable signs of a student's predisposition to health problems: high fatigue, inattention, distractibility, restlessness, touchiness, pugnacity. Obsessive habits: nail biting.

Complaints from parents: excessive fatigue after school, motion sickness in transport.

Family Composition:

Mother - Snezhana Nikolaevna (b.). Works as a sales assistant in the store "Dawn". Contact phone number - 895********.

Father - Sergey Vladimirovich (b.). Education: secondary special. He works as the chief mechanic of Zelennikles LLC. Contact phone number - 895********.

Brother - Vladimir Sergeevich, attends kindergarten "Yolochka"

The family lives in the village of Dvinskaya, Zelenaya street, house 5, apartment 1. Living conditions are good. The material condition of the family is average. Dobrynya has a separate room, all conditions for study and recreation are created. There is no contradiction between the requirements of the school and the family. Parents are always aware of the school life of their son. Parent meetings are always attended. Signatures in the diary are regular. Throughout all the years of schooling, the boy did not miss lessons without good reason and was not late for lessons. Dress neatly.

The student is psychologically protected, loved, can count on moral support in the family, adults are sympathetic to the individual problems and characteristics of the teenager, take them into account, are interested in his inner life, and enjoy the authority of the teenager.

In the school team, Dobrynya is sociable, easily makes contact with both adults and peers. Relations with the majority of classmates do not yet add up, conflicts often take place. Classmates treat the student with disdain, he does not enjoy authority and trust.

Dobrynya takes an active part in sports competitions for the honor of the class. In winter, she loves skiing with her mother and grandmother. He is fond of computer games, loves to dance. Out of school hours, she willingly attends a wood carving circle at school and a modeling circle at the Youth Center.

Director _____________ Naumova M.N.

Characteristics for a 5th grade student

MBOU "Kornilov secondary school"

Valeria has been studying at the Kornilov secondary school since the first grade. I came to the fifth grade doing well in all subjects. The girl studies well, has grades "3" and "4". Memory is average. The greatest difficulty is experienced in the study of mathematics and English. Shows no interest in studies. Everything you need to study at the school is there. He receives textbooks in the school library free of charge, printed workbooks were purchased by his mother.

Lera lives in the village of Dvinskaya, street 12 Line, house 2, apartment 1. The family is low-income. Mom, Nadezhda Valerievna, was repeatedly seen drunk, so the family is in a socially dangerous position. The living conditions in which the girl lives are satisfactory. Lera has a brother who attends kindergarten. Mother looks at her daughter's diary, there are paintings in the diary. Nadezhda Valeryevna is engaged in the upbringing of her daughter sporadically, she practically does not attend parent meetings. Although he visits school at school hours, talks with the class teacher, the social teacher of the school, and makes regular phone calls.

By nature, Lera is friendly, sociable with young children or adults, but she can’t be friends with her peers, excessive obsession and family status affect. Does not enjoy authority in the classroom. There are no friends among classmates. Chatting with a girl two years older than himself. Lera is excitable, sometimes harsh and rude, she can run away from lessons. There are missed lessons without good reason, being late for lessons. She has been seen smoking cigarettes outside of school, but claims not to smoke.

The school is trying to control the girl, there are constant conversations and strict control. After school, the child does not want to go home, because. does not feel proper attention and understanding at home. Lera does not obey her mother, she can leave home without asking. Recently, the girl is not frank with the class teacher, she does not tell the truth, she dodges. Lera easily gives in to bad influence. The result is severe poisoning with pills.

Outwardly, Lera does not always look neat. This suggests that the mother is not always engaged in raising her daughter.

Physically, the girl is well developed. He performs assignments conscientiously, in the class he is responsible for the labor direction. To the best of her ability, she tries to do the job well and in every possible way to attract attention to herself, to earn praise, which she lacks. He does not attend sports events and class evenings.

The school pays attention to Valeria's family. Home visits are being made. The girl, it turns out, if possible material and humanitarian assistance. Until the new year, Lera ate at the school cafeteria for free at the expense of social security funds. During the holidays, Lera attends health school camps, if such are organized.

The girl requires special attention from adults.

Class teacher ________ Fefilatieva V.V.

Characteristics for a 5th grade student

Andrey has been studying at MBOU "Kornilovskaya secondary school" since the first grade.

He came to the fifth grade doing well in all subjects. According to the class teacher of the elementary school, Andrei studied poorly. The memory is average, but there are flashes.

Andrei lives with his mother in the village of Dvinskaya, Lesnaya street, house 4, apartment 8. The family is low-income. Mom, Alena Andreevna, works in the MBOU "Kornilovskaya secondary school" as a kitchen worker. The mother is always aware of her son's school life. Signatures in the diary are regular. I almost always attended parent meetings. Alena Andreevna is engaged in the upbringing of her son sporadically. Most often, the child is left to himself and the street. But we must pay tribute to the fact that for four years of schooling the boy did not skip classes without good reason.

In the school team, Andrei is sociable. The boy easily makes contact with both adults and peers. He does not enjoy authority in the class because of his unbalanced, quick-tempered nature.

The child is excitable, sometimes rude and harsh with adults and classmates, swears with obscene words, fights. Can be kind and gentle. It all depends on Andrey's mood, which is changeable.

Andrei is an active participant in school events, but can also act as a disruptor. Artistic, sings well. This academic year, I went on a hike with the class, took part in cleaning the area near the monument, refused the autumn cross - did not come.

During extracurricular hours, he attended and attends circles in the Youth Center and the football section, but intermittently with interruptions.

Director __________ Naumova M.N.

Class teacher ________ Fefilatieva V.V.

There are 25 students in the 5 "B" class: 15 boys and 10 girls. 24 people - born in 2002, 1 student - born in 2001. 10 children (40%) live in the city of Vyksa, 15 (60%) live in the suburbs.

One boy is on individual training.

All children are brought up in complete families. 3 children - from large families. The living conditions of children in families are satisfactory. All students are diligent, tidy, provided with textbooks and necessary school supplies. This allows us to conclude that parents care about their children.

Not all students receive hot meals, but only 12 people. The rest of the children buy pies in the cafeteria.

Analysis of the results of the medical examination showed that 5 students (20%) have a special group for physical development: FI student. This fact should be taken into account when planning physical education lessons.

As a result of observing the behavior of students, individual conversations with children and parents, questioning, we can conclude that children have a high motivation for learning, adequate self-esteem, and the level of upbringing is quite high.

The classroom is dominated by a good mood, a positive attitude towards learning. In the classroom, children are diligent and active. Successfully cooperate with each other. Differ diligence and accuracy (FI pupils). They have high working capacity (FI students). Able, but not self-confident (FI students). Three children, (FI students), cannot independently organize educational work.

Among students, they are distinguished by an expanded outlook and increased curiosity (FI students). These guys enjoy authority in the class, they listen to their opinion, most of the students in the class want to be friends with them.

Behavior is generally good in class. The general emotional background is even and calm. Children became friends with each other, became more tolerant of each other, ready to help. But there is no cohesive team yet. Self-criticism is not sufficiently developed, it can be difficult for students to assess their capabilities, they are more demanding of others than of themselves.

Most students take an active part in the social life of the class.

Almost all children are engaged in city and school associations of additional education. Some students are in two groups.

The highest body of self-government is the class meeting, which plans, discusses and evaluates the work of both the class as a whole and the work of each child. Such an organization makes each student feel his belonging to the class team, teaches independence and responsibility.

See the full text of the material Characteristics of the class team of the 5th grade in the downloaded file.
The page contains a snippet.

Report on educational work

With class

Work completed:

Student of group 51

Kostina V.V.

Checked work:

Prozorova N.V.

Kursk - 2012

Place and time of teaching practice:

MOU "Secondary school No. 28" of the city of Kursk

The system of educational work of the class teacher

Class teacher 8 "A" class Byvsheva Oksana Fedorovna sets as her task in the current academic year the development of the abilities of each student, the formation of a spiritually rich, physically healthy, creatively thinking personality, the upbringing and socio-pedagogical support of students, the establishment of a favorable spiritual, moral and emotional-psychological climate in the school community.

Tasks of educational work for the 2012-2013 academic year

Collective level:

· Development of the student team on the principles of spirituality and morality;

· Increasing the social activity of students, their independence and responsibility in organizing the life of the school team (assisting each other in the study of complex material, visiting sick students, participating in socially significant events);

Formation of skills and abilities of students in self-education and self-development.

Group level:

Maintaining a favorable moral climate in the classroom for personal development, self-affirmation of each student, preservation of originality and disclosure of his potential abilities;

The use of various forms of educational activities of the class team;

· Consolidation of skills and abilities of teamwork, collective solution of creative problems.

Individual level:

· Improving the intellectual, moral, communicative, aesthetic and physical potentials of the student;

Expansion by students of a holistic system of knowledge about the world around them;

· Consolidation and improvement of techniques and methods of self-knowledge and self-development, value attitudes towards oneself and the surrounding social reality;

· Increasing the level of upbringing and culture of behavior of students.

Leading tasks of practice in educational work.

Improving moral self-awareness, responsibility as a personality trait;

Improving the culture of behavior based on self-management;

Strengthening the sense of duty to relatives, family, Motherland;

development of human culture, creative activity of students;

· strengthening the desire for a healthy lifestyle and the activation of schoolchildren in sports, recreational and preventive activities;

· further rallying schoolchildren and strengthening a friendly team based on fostering a sense of mutual respect.

characteristics of a class team.

List 8 "A" class:

There are 28 students in the class, of which 11 are boys and 17 are girls. Most of the children were born in 1998. Some children live in incomplete families (Levchenko Artem, Zemlyansky Oleg). In general, children are brought up in good families, where parents pay due attention to their children. There are no delinquent children.

There are 2 excellent students in the class - Andrey Byvshev and Anastasia Zaporozhchenko, 8 good students, among which we can note Vdovina Nastya, Rita Dronova and Pavel Volobuev. Lower performance is observed in Levchenko Artem, Rakhimova Yulia, which can be associated with a lack of development of the motivational sphere of schoolchildren. Two students have a serious visual impairment: Andrey Maltsev and Lisa Frantsova. They are regularly observed in the ophthalmological office.

The students showed the following types of thinking as visual-figurative, intuitive and reproductive. There are gifted kids in the class. Pishkov Andrei is artistic, is engaged in a theater group, as well as in boxing and hockey sections; Loktionova Alina studies at a music school; Razinkova Anastasia is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. Students in the class are sports, 4 people go to sections of various martial arts, 6 people go in for football.

The class is active, students take part in all school activities, many have pronounced leadership traits. Zaporozhchenko Anastasia and Vdovina Anastasia draw well, take part in art competitions.

The class is generally friendly, with good potential. Students are able to work collaboratively. The class shows a high interest in success, steadfastly overcomes difficulties, students value the honor of the class. In general, students know each other well, the relationship between them is friendly.

A critical attitude to one's shortcomings is far from always manifested, but the majority can appreciate their work. Schoolchildren are able to evaluate the activities of their comrades. The class is dominated by a calm, businesslike, friendly mood.

The head of the class is Oleg Zemlyansky. Anastasia Zaporozhchenko and Pavel Volobuev are informal class leaders. Class teacher Byvsheva Oksana Fedorovna is an experienced teacher and a master of her craft, enjoys unquestioned authority among students, pays great attention to the development of group cohesion of the team and the formation of positive character traits. The general level of discipline in the lessons is above average, students are sometimes distracted, they do not always listen carefully to the teacher.

In general, the class can be called cohesive, students always come to the aid of each other, friendly relations prevail. The class team is actively involved in school life, distinguished by exemplary performances at school events.

The class team has its own traditions: annual events dedicated to Knowledge Day, New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Women's Day, Victory Day. The life of the team outside the classroom is quite active - this is extra-curricular activities, organization of subbotniks, trips and excursions, visits to sports grounds.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this team is a traditional representative of the student class of a general education Russian school. The emerging shortcomings are associated with the subjective special selection of the contingent, families. The presence of children of different nationalities, cultural, material and intellectual levels confirms the general availability of education, but, as a rule, is accompanied by a number of difficulties that a teacher has to face in everyday work. It should be noted that the relationship between the teacher and the students is friendly, respectful, the students love the teacher, in turn, the teacher organizes and maintains a favorable climate in the team, showing love, care, and interest in each student. The student team ensures the unity, friendship, camaraderie of older students.

The program of educational work with the classroom team in a school environment is subject to the main provisions of the School Education Program, which is aimed at humanizing the educational process at school, the formation of the intellectual, moral, communicative, aesthetic and physical potentials of the student. The main content of educational work in the 8th "A" class was aimed at strengthening a single team of students through the development of communicative abilities of students, the organization of joint activities; creation of favorable conditions for the individual development of each student. I have done a lot of work to study the class team. Individual methods of work (observations, conversations, questioning) and collective (class hours) were used. When working with the class, I took into account such principles of educational work as taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students in choosing the content and forms of events, conducting collective creative activities, and involving children in organizing extracurricular activities. When working with the class team, I tried to achieve the tasks set to create favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the individual, the formation of a friendly responsive team, increasing independence and responsibility. To do this, I conducted thematic class hours aimed at forming concepts about the correct organization of mental work and educational activities, at creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom and tolerance, at maintaining a healthy lifestyle.