Class hour "reserves of our region". Class hour "reserves of our region" Download presentation on the theme of the Barguzinsky reserve

Irkutsk region

Kazachinsko-Lensky district

MBOU "Magistralninskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 22"

Competition of methodological developments

"Ecological lesson".

Development of a class hour on the topic:

Dobrynina Olga Innokentievna

Magistralny settlement 2017

Explanatory note

This methodical development, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the first reserve in Russia. Students are familiar with nature conservation measures, but I would like to dwell on this reserve in particular, to get acquainted with the history of creation, geographic location and conditions organic world and attractions of the reserve. The unique nature has always attracted tourists to the reserve. I would like the students, having become acquainted with the Barguzinsky Reserve, to understand the importance of preserving the unique corners of the nature of our vast Motherland.


Form of conducting: conversation with elements of the game.

The development is designed for students in grades 7-8.

"The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is the pride of our country."


    Raising a sense of responsibility, respect for nature and its constituent parts;

    Acquaintance of students with the oldest reserve in Russia;

    Disclosure on specific examples of the role of man in nature protection;

    Acquaintance of students with some species of animals and plants living in the Barguzinsky Reserve.

    Acquaintance with the natural attractions of the reserve.

Equipment: video film about the Barguzinsky Reserve, computer presentation, tokens, paper blanks for creating sables or leaflets, felt-tip pens, paper (white and color), glue, scissors, a map of the reserve.

What is Barguzin?

Some will say that this is a river on Baikal, others that this is a village on the Barguzin River. Someone will remember that this is the name of the Baikal wind blowing in a northeasterly direction. But not everyone will say that this is a short collective name for enough large area adjacent to Baikal.

... My father's land is adjacent to Baikal,
And Barguzin hurries there all his life,
Where shaft after shaft slowly rises
Bottomless, epic water.

Sable stalks in the branches, freezing.
Ridges securely hold the sky.
Where am I from? From the land of song...

The history of the creation of the reserve . slide 1.

Russia has long been famous for the wealth of soft gold. And the dark sable - Barguzin with high thick fur was in special demand. Even Ivan the Terrible issued the highest command, they say, whoever dares to sell a live Russian sable to a foreign power, “slaughter his head!”.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, sable, like some other valuable game animals, as a result of unlimited hunting throughout Siberia, was on the verge of extinction.

Urgent and decisive measures were needed to save the "favorite" of the fur kingdom from extinction. On April 16, 1912, the government adopted a resolution in which it recognized the need for the speedy extension of the law on the protection of sable to Siberia and pointed out the urgency of allocating protected areas. Specialists - zoologists understood that a temporary ban on hunting would not save the animals. “The only condition,” wrote the hunter A.A. Silantiev, “is the establishment of reserves that would serve as a place for the peaceful existence and reproduction of sables and their resettlement in the surrounding areas.” Under his leadership, the Department of Agriculture prepared policy documents for the preservation of valuable fur-bearing animals from destruction: “Project for surveying sable regions of Russia in 1913-1915” and “Project for studying sable as an object of hunting and surveying sable hunting regions of Russia”. Slide 2.

In 1913, the “Barguzinskaya” expedition, led by a prominent zoologist and expert in hunting G.G. It is here that one of the places of existence of the most valuable Barguzin sable has been preserved. By the beginning of the century, only about 40 sables remained on the territory of the proposed reserve. slide 3.

For almost two years, in the most difficult conditions, the arriving expedition carried out serious prospecting work. Scientists studied the Barguzin sable, the natural conditions of the region and the state of the sable industry. The research routes covered the valleys of all the rivers on the 200-kilometer section of the Baikal coast. And as a result, a project for the organization of the reserve appeared.

On May 17, 1916, by the decree of the Irkutsk Governor General, the Barguzinsky Sable Reserve was established. On December 29, 1916, the Russian government signed a decision on the organization of the Barguzinsky Reserve (dated January 20, 1917, No. 18, art. 107). Thus, the first nature reserve in Russia was established by law. The first director of the Barguzinsky Reserve was Konstantin Alekseevich Zabelin. He worked in this position for 8 years, until the fall of 1924. His permanent assistant, and from 1924 to 1933 - and the director of the reserve, on whose shoulders all economic concerns fell, was Zenon Frantsevich Svatosh. Slide 3. Slide 4.

The first employees had to work in very difficult conditions. According to Svatosh, “the area of ​​the reserve and the hunting area is gloomy, wild taiga, movement through which is possible only on skis in winter and on foot in summer.” Particular difficulties are associated with remoteness from residential areas. "Message between settlements and a nature reserve during the summer on boats on Lake Baikal, and it does not differ in either speed or safety, especially during autumn storms, ”he writes in 1932. From Sosnovka, the center of the reserve, to the first village is 150 km and the trip takes from 3 to 10 days. In winter, horse riding is also on Lake Baikal, which is not safe and takes a lot of time due to the abundance of snow, hummocks, ice movement and cracks, and lasts from 10-15 days for a trip to the village of Barguzin. During the freeze-up and opening of Lake Baikal in the spring, the reserve is cut off from settlements for 3-4 months.

On January 4, 1926, a scientific and fishing station and a nursery for animals were created on the territory of the reserve. This made it possible to carry out extensive research and practical work. Already in 1929, there were 17 rangers and 2 researcher. The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is one of the first research institutions on the coast of Lake Baikal. Since 1946, a village in the picturesque Davsha Bay has become the center of the reserve.

Since 1953, under the leadership of O.K. Gusev, winter huts have been built in the taiga, stationary studies of the ecology of sable, ungulates, and birds have been launched. Since that time, intensive scientific activity Barguzinsky Reserve. The study of sable ecology was continued by O.K. Gusev, Yu.B. Baevsky, B.S. Latynsky; ungulates and a bear - S.K. Ustinov; birds - K.P. Filonov and N.G. Skryabin; murine - N.M. Baevskaya. The ecology of chickens was studied by S.P. Kirpichev, floristic collections were carried out by V.M. Kaplin. At that time, a census of the number of ungulates was carried out, many aspects of the ecology of sable, bear, ungulates, birds, and the effect of snow cover on the distribution of animals in the reserve were studied.

By 1960, the range and resources of the Barguzin sable were completely restored (one individual per two kilometers).

In 1958, a 3-kilometer strip of Baikal water area adjacent to its territory (15,000 ha) was transferred to the reserve. Thus, the total area of ​​the reserve was 263,200 hectares. On the territory of the reserve, they are engaged not only in the study and restoration of sable, but also in the preservation of all natural complex this corner of Baikal, therefore, in 1986, the status of the biosphere.1986- the reserve is included in the list of World Natural Heritage Sites "Lake Baikal" under No. 754.

According to the well-known Baikal expert and conservation enthusiast O.K. Gusev, "the first reserve on Baikal is the pride of our reserve system, a classic example of a reserve - the standard of nature."

Geographic features of the reserve.

Situated on western slopes (2840 m), including the northeast coast and part lakes .

Area=374 thousand ha 15 thousand ha Baikal and 111 thousand hectares. biospheric polygon

max h=2652m.a.s.l.


extreme points

"Core" of the reserve

biospheric polygon

north latitude

East longitude

north latitude

East longitude





















11 rivers flow on the territory of the reserve, which create a dense hydrographic network of the reserve.

The climate is sharply continental, with maritime features, whenBaikal is not covered with ice.

Winter lasts 166 days of precipitation of 134 mm in the form of snow. January temperature 22.7°C, February temperature 22.8°C. The organic world of the reserve is diverse:

1. Animals are represented:

    262 bird species

    50 kinds of fish

    41 species of mammals

    1015 insect species

    106 species of arachnids

2.Plants are presented:

    212 lichen species

    147 types of mosses

    1500 types of algae

    1024 species of higher plants: 886 vascular and 147 mosses, of which 38 plant species and 9 lichens are listed in the Red Books: (The Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of Buryatia)

    132 types of mushrooms.

We got acquainted with the history of the creation of the reserve, its geographical features, the organic world in general terms and made sure that this corner of Russia, amazing in its beauty and uniqueness, needs to be known, protected, and protected.

I propose to your attention to conduct a quiz in pictures, which would allow you to learn about animals and plants that are under protection.

Conducting a quiz. Slides 6 to 22. Tokens. Summarizing.

    musk deer

    Barguzinsky sable

    Orlan - white-tailed

    Baikal seal

    Black-capped marmot

    red deer

    Slipper lime

    pure white water lily

    Calypso - bulbous

    bathing suit

    Radiola pink


    gray crane

    lily curly


    Whooper swan

    Black stork

Practical task. Draw a sable and attach it to your outline. Write a slogan in defense of this animal.

Acquaintance with the sights of the reserve. Slides 23 to 27.

    Daveshanskaya bay

    Shumilikha river and waterfall

    geothermal springs

    Valley of the Seven Lakes

    Meander on the river Bolshaya

Write a short review about our event.

The Barguzinsky Reserve is of great practical importance, since it creates the Factual Base for the timely adaptation of economic activity to changing natural conditions.

Changes in climate, species composition of flora and fauna are currently an acute task of the Barguzinsky Reserve. The problems of the Barguzinsky Reserve are being solved today not only at the federal level, but at the international level.



1. Atlas of the Irkutsk region.

2. The Red Book of Russia. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2013

3. Red Book of the Irkutsk region.

4. Photo album. Baikal, Barguzinsky Reserve.

5.I.Bulekova "Barguzinsky Reserve".

6. Video film Studio "Irbis"

7.Sitezapovednoe- sublemorye. en

Municipal Budgetary Society educational institution

"Secondary school No. 12"

city ​​of Noyabrsk

Theme: Reserves of Russia

teacher primary school

2013-2014 academic year


The development of the lesson "Reserves of Russia" is intended for use in the lessons of the surrounding world when studying the topic "Nature Protection", for conducting class hours using a set of posters Ethnocalendar of Russia, 2013.

Main goals and objectives: to familiarize students with the concept of "Reserve", with the activities of the organization of protected natural areas. To form ecological knowledge about the relationship of organisms, human impact on nature, knowledge about protected areas, promote the development logical thinking, aesthetic perception of nature, activate creative independent activity students.

Theme: Reserves of Russia


1. To familiarize students with the concept of "Reserve", with the activities of the organization of protected natural areas.

2. To form ecological knowledge about the relationship of organisms, human impact on nature, knowledge about protected areas.

3. To promote the development of logical thinking, aesthetic perception of nature, to intensify the creative independent activity of students.

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual

Equipment: computer, projector, explanatory dictionary, materials about the reserves of Russia, their region, a set of posters Ethnocalendar of Russia 2013. Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, CJSC Fregat, magazines "Yamal Meridian", articles from the Internet.

Basic words and concepts: nature reserves, sanctuaries.

Formed UUD

Personal UUD:

Evaluate people's actions in terms of generally accepted norms and values.

Regulatory UUD:

Together with the teacher, discover and formulate a learning problem.

Make a plan to solve the problem together with the teacher.

Cognitive UUD:

Convert information from one form to another: present information in the form of a table.

Communicative UUD:

Communicate your position to others: express your point of view and try to justify it by giving arguments.

Negotiate with people: playing various roles in the group, cooperate in a joint solution to the problem.

During the classes.

Protect nature -
It means to protect the Motherland.

M.M. Prishvin

I. Updating knowledge and creating problem situation.

Teacher: Our nature has created many different creations. Animals and plants occupy a special place in it. But many of them are now in great danger of simply disappearing from the face of the Earth (slides 2-5).

II. Formulation of the problem.

Teacher: What was the question?

Children:Why are they in danger? (slide 6)

In connection with the increasing impact of man on the environment, the need for special, thorough protection of separate corners of the "wild" nature , habitats of species of animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction. The state announces such sites reserved .

What are "preserves"? Where can one find the definition of this word?

(Searching for the meaning of a word in explanatory dictionary) (slide 7)

Reserves are a place where everything is under strict protection, where any economic activity person, and only his employees or scientists are allowed to enter.

- What do you know about nature reserves? (Children offer their versions, the teacher writes them on the board).

- Why do people create reserves? What types of nature reserves do you know?

- Which of you guessed what topic of the lesson we will work on today?

III. "Discovery of new knowledge".

1. Teacher question:– When do you think people started thinking about nature conservation and why? (the word is given to students with historical reference about the history of the creation of reserves).

History reference.

Environmental problems confronted man most acutely in the second half of the 20th century, when his destructive activity acquired global proportions. Today, humanity is realizing that the preservation of nature is a condition for its survival on Earth. However, the history of nature conservation goes back to prehistoric times.

In ancient times, almost all nationalities had sacred forests and groves, where, according to legend, the gods of the forest lived. For example, among the Buryats, such sacred forests were inviolable, protected, and strictly protected from any kind of destruction, pollution and desecration. Here it was not supposed to cut down trees, break twigs, disturb the turf, mow the grass. At the wrong time, the Buryats were afraid to enter these groves.

The first information about the partial protection of natural areas by the state refers to the reign of Kievan Rus Grand Duke Vsevolod and Vladimir Monomakh (late 11th - early 12th century) During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, to the west of Moscow in the Zvenigorod region, there was a "Kuntsevskaya area" - a reserved side, strictly guarded for royal hunting.

A special place in the organization of nature protection belongs to Peter 1. It was then that state measures became purposeful and systematic. The tsar's instructions determined water protection forests, cutting down trees within 30 versts from big rivers and at 20 - from small ones, in these forests it was impossible even to graze cattle. The felling of ship pine forests in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in the Volga region and in the Southern Urals was limited or completely prohibited. To protect the forests, Peter 1 created a special forest guard and established very severe penalties for violations (up to death penalty). He also began to regulate fishing and hunting.

The first reserve in Russia, Barguzinsky, was established on January 11, 1916 in Buryatia. Now in Russia, January 11 is considered the Day of reserves and national parks (showing the poster of the Ethnocalendar). In Russia, this Day began to be celebrated in 1997 as a response to the initiative of international public organizations: the Center for Wildlife Conservation, founded in November 1992, and the World Wildlife Fund, operating since 1961.

2. Work in groups.

- In order to replenish our knowledge base, we are going on an expedition to protected areas (slide 8 - map). To date, there are 101 nature reserves in our country, but we will be able to visit only some of them.

For group work, information (cards, answer plan, questions) is put into envelopes in advance.

After five minutes, the groups talk about this reserve.

3. Group performances.

The expedition is back. Everyone worked together.

The story is accompanied by a computer presentation, which was prepared in advance by one of the guys from the group.

1 group. Barguzinsky Reserve (slide 9).

2 group. Kologrivsky forest (slide 10).

3rd group. Utrish (slide 11).

4 group. Verkhne-Tazovsky State Nature Reserve (slide 12).

5 group. State natural reserve "Gydansky" (slide 13).

6 group. Nadymsky reserve (slide 14).

7th group. Nizhne-Obsky reserve (slide 15).

8 group. Kunovatovsky reserve (slide 16).

4. Generalization of speeches.

Teacher: What tasks are carried out in the organization of reserves and sanctuaries?

(The guys answer the question, the teacher shows on slide 17:

Preservation of living organisms.

Security environment.

Prevention of the development of destructive processes.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

- Tell me, guys, why do we need reserves?

Correctly! Reserves are needed in order to preserve the beauty of nature, the wealth of its animals and flora(slide 18). Our reserves have already played a big role in the conservation and restoration of the population certain types animals and plants.

Only thanks to the reserves it was possible save many rare species of animals, such as bison, goral, kulan, Bukhara deer, tiger.

The guardians made it possible reestablish to the commercial abundance of already disappearing game animals: sable, river beaver.

Mikhail Dudin has good words:

A student reads a poem:

Take care of the Earth! take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder stalks,
Sunshine on the path
On the stones of a playing crab,
Over the savannah the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in life.
Save the earth, save...

Why do you need the acquired knowledge and how can you apply it?

- Our green planet danger threatens. When you become an adult, only you can protect her. What can you do now to save nature? (slide 20)


1. A set of posters Ethnocalendar of Russia 2013. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, CJSC Fregat.

2. Magazines "Yamal Meridian".

Internet resources.

1. Website –;

2. Website –; 7 . - the history of Russian reserves.

Purpose: formation of a responsible attitude to the nature of the native land.

  1. Contribute to the development of love for native nature;
  2. Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in nature;
  3. Replenishment of students' knowledge of ecology.


  • 1st poster “Save nature - save life on Earth”.
  • 2nd poster “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland” (M. Prishvin).
  • Plates with ecological signs.
  • Proverb cards.
  • Picture "nature".
  • Drawings of children.
  • Crossword.
  • Tokens.
  • Music: "Sounds of Nature", "Voices of Birds", Y. Chichkov "It's called nature".

Hello, friends! Hello nature!

Humanity has been living on planet Earth for almost a million years, but people do not think much about the fact that all the riches of the earth are not eternal, that they need protection, replenishment and careful handling.

In past centuries, when the number of earthlings was small, and industry was poorly developed, people rarely thought about the consequences of gross interference with nature. And gradually, with the development scientific and technological progress, the attack on nature led to the depletion of soils, the shallowing of rivers and lakes, the death of vegetation, and the formation of deserts. Per last years the ecological situation has deteriorated sharply, many species of plants and animals are disappearing and becoming rare, many corners of nature are losing their value. Many people began to worry about the deterioration of the ecological situation on earth. And then they began to create entire territories in the world, on which they began to protect entire natural ingredients, including here in Russia.

In 1916 January 11 in history Russian state The first Barguzinsky nature reserve was established. At present, there are already 100 nature reserves, 35 national parks and 68 reserves in Russia, including Khakassia, the region where we live!

Everything that surrounds us, we must learn to love and cherish. And this is the purpose of our today's meeting.

2 teams take part in the game, as well as spectators - fans. For each correct answer, teams will receive tokens, and at the end of the game, the winning team will be determined.

(The music “Sounds of Nature” sounds, the presenters come out - Flora and Fauna).

On our globe on earth
Where we were born and live
Where is the summer dew in the grass
And blue skies
Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -
Full of mysterious wonders.
- A gray wolf roams the forest,
And the thin lily of the valley blooms,
In the steppe feather grass, like delicate silk,
The wind blows.
A waterfall thunders on the rocks,
And rainbow splashes fly.
And in the blue sea, a blue whale -
Big as a house, sleeping on the waves.
Don't destroy this world
Girls and boys
Otherwise these miracles
Remain only in the book.
- To be in the sources of Narzan,
From the clearing - strawberries,
Be careful like Tarzan
Make friends with wild nature!
- You are also part of her miracles,
And the forest darkens for you
And the bright river flows
And everything will bloom in spring.
And you have to try
We can't part with this!
So, our game begins!

Tour “Ecological dates and holidays”

Each team must name the date when environmental holidays are celebrated:

  1. International Earth Day (April 22)
  2. Forest Workers Day (September 18)
  3. International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (16 September)
  4. Bird Day (April 1)
  5. Folklore holiday Magpies (March 22)
  6. Folk holiday Ivan Kupala (July 7)
  7. World Day to Combat Desertification and Dehydration (17 June)
  8. World Environment Day (5 June)
  9. World Tourism Day (September 27)
  10. World Animal Day (October 4).

Tour “Solve the crossword puzzle”

  1. Territory where natural components are protected.
  2. What is the name of the Russian writer, a great lover of nature.
  3. A science that considers the interaction between man and the environment.
  4. Name the bird - a symbol of homesickness?
  5. What tree is considered sacred in Russia?
  6. What fish endures the most severe frosts?
  7. What wood are musical instruments made from?
  8. Which coniferous tree sheds leaves for the winter?
  9. Which bird breeds chicks in winter?
  10. What birds eat mushrooms?
  11. What is the name of the animal listed in the Red Book, depicted on the coat of arms of Khakassia?

Tour “Fold a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards in the allotted time.

Stork on the roof - // peace in the house.
Although the earth feeds, // it also asks for food.
Life is given // for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.
Lots of water - // lots of grass.
Plant - // land decoration.
A lot of forest - // do not destroy, little forest - // take care, there is no forest - // plant.
Feed the birds in winter, // they will repay you with good in summer.
Nightingale is not needed // golden cage, but he needs // an earth branch.
They cut down the bushes - // goodbye birds.
I saw a starling - // spring at the porch.
Carcass spark // before the fire, take away the trouble // before the impact.
Groves and forests - // beauty of the native land.
The fate of nature - // the fate of the Motherland.

Tour “Logic chains”

Each team receives a table in which, to the definition of the left column, it is necessary to choose the correct concept from the first column.

(the correct answer is 1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1).

Musical tour “Who will sing whom”

With a song, the holiday is more fun
We can't live without her
'Cause the song contest
We invite you, friends!

Each team in turn must sing a song about nature, about animals, about birds, about plants.

Tour “Guess the Riddles”

white-sided magpie
flew in from afar
She didn't say where she was.
- But she, guys
Very tricky riddles
Brought to us on the tail.
Who can guess faster
He gets the token.

  1. He searches all day for crumbs,
    Eats insects, worms.
    Winter does not fly away
    Lives under the eaves. (Sparrow)
  2. He comes every year
    Where the house is waiting for him,
    Knows how to sing other people's songs
    And yet it has its own voice. (Starling)
  3. Spinning, chirping,
    Laughs all day long. (Magpie)
  4. She can't sleep in the dead of night.
    She does the business. (Owl)
  5. These friendly guys
    They grow on a stump in the forest. (Honey mushrooms)
  6. Gray hats, ruffled legs.
    They grow under a birch, what are their names? (boletus)
  7. He has a nondescript appearance, mind you - he is very poisonous!
    Don't take him from the clearing, what's his name? (Death cap)
  8. And this handsome man on a white leg.
    He is in a red hat, and on it are pots. (Amanita)
  9. I look out the window
    Thin Antoshka is walking. (Rain)
  10. I fly - I twist, I grumble for the whole world. (Blizzard)
  11. Cheerful in the spring, cold in the summer,
    Dies in autumn, warms in winter. (Wood)
  12. Over the river, over the valley
    hung a white canvas. (Fog)
  13. The moon is blooming
    The rye is ripening
    When does it happen? (Summer)
  14. What will not be sown? (Grass)

Tour “Green Pharmacy”

Choose from herbariums for each team two medicinal plants growing in Khakassia and talk about their effect on the human body.

  • Plantain
  • Hawthorn
  • Cowberry
  • yarrow

Pictorial Tour “Save Our Earth Together”

Each team must draw an environmental poster in the allotted time (5 min.). The participants are given markers and paper.

While the teams are preparing for this competition, we have a “Game with Spectators”.

Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have rivers and forests
They give in the summer ... (miracles)
Who did the miracle
In summer, into a fairy tale ... (turned)?
Who made the whole world like this:
Voiced, joyful ... (colored)?
- The whole earth became a circle
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
Lush green ... (forest).
- Flowers are blooming all around
Unprecedented ... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
How nice it is to run
On chamomile ... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams
Golden ... (dandelions).
- To the world of goodness and beauty
Turn the world... (flowers)!

Tour “Red Book”

In 1963, for the first time, a list of rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants of the world appeared, which was called the "Red Book of Facts". This is a book of anxiety, a book - a warning, in which those animals and plants are named, there are very few of them left on Earth.

In our country, the first red book appeared in 1982.

Red Book - Red!
So nature is in danger!
So, not even a moment can be wasted.
If something got into the Red Book!
- Be protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds
To survive the many-sided space
For the light of the coming lightning.
- So that the deserts do not dare to descend,
So that the souls do not become empty,
Animals are protected
The snakes are guarded
Even the flowers are protected!

Now each team is given the task to choose from the cards the plant or animal that will be discussed.

  • Water lily
  • Anemone
  • Swan
  • beauty crane
  • Sheep argali
  • Grows in stagnant and slowly flowing waters. This plant is also called the "Lotus of the North".
  • A rare species of plant, parts of this plant are poisonous. Flowering time - late April - early May, coincides with windy weather.
  • A ground-nesting bird of the steppe belt with an ornament on its head.
  • A waterfowl of extraordinary beauty, which is popularly a symbol of fidelity.
  • An animal that builds its home under water, makes dams on rivers, is valued by people for its valuable fur.
  • The animal is an inhabitant of the alpine belt, of a very shy nature.

Tour “Ecological Signs”

Take care of the earth
Take care of the earth!
Take care of the lark
At the blue zenith
- Take care of the mountains
rivers and forests
Let it not disappear
Beauty in life!

Each team is given 5 signs-symbols. Participants in turn must name the rules of behavior in the forest, according to the signs:

  1. Don't pick flowers.
  2. You can't destroy anthills.
  3. Do not break branches of trees and shrubs.
  4. Do not damage tree bark.
  5. Do not take eggs from nests.
  6. Don't make a fire in the forest.
  7. Do not knock down mushrooms, not even edible ones.
  8. You can not dig holes and disturb animals.
  9. In the forest, in nature, it is forbidden to raise a shout and noise.
  10. Resting in the forest, do not leave trash behind!

The famous writer M.M. Prishvin said: “Take care of nature! If there is water and not a single fish, I won’t believe the water. And even if there is oxygen in the air, but birds don’t fly in it, I won’t believe the air either. A forest without animals is not a forest ... ".

... You, man, loving nature,
Feel sorry for her sometimes.
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields!
And don't go to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
Don't burn it down
We are few - and she is alone!

(V. Shefner)

The results of the game are summed up. Teams are awarded.

The song of Y. Chichkov to the words of M. Plyatskovsky “This is called nature” sounds performed by all participants:

We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear rivers slow speech ...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Administration of Ulan-Ude

Education Committee

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 17"

Classroom hour

on the topic "Reserves of our region"

to the 100th reserve system in Russia

Compiled by:

primary school teacher

MAOU "School № 17"

Budazhapova Seseg Viktorovna

Ulan-Ude, 2017

Classroom hour

on the topic "Reserves of our region"

Lesson objectives : to introduce children to the reserves of Buryatia, plants and animals listed in the Red Book

Tasks : tell children about what is being done in our country to protect nature; create an environment in which children themselves express their opinions about what they themselves can do specifically for nature conservation; cultivate love for nature, respect for it.

Equipment: posters, recording with bird voices, books, postcards, various illustrations, the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia..

Lesson progress :

1. Communication of the topic and goals:

There is a huge house on earth
Blue roof.
The sun lives in it
rain and thunder
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Spring sound of the stream
You live in that bright house
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead
You will always be in it.
NATURE of native land
This house is called. (slide 2)

Or can you tell yourself what we are going to talk about today? Who guessed? (Children's answers)

Teacher: Guys, do you like nature?

Of course, and how not to love, the sun and water and the sky, flowers and butterflies. In winter and summer, in spring and autumn, on a sunny or cloudy rainy day, our nature is beautiful. Nature soothes us, pleases us, excites us. (slides 3-4)

All our life is closely connected with nature. Nature gives us a home...

What else does nature give us? (Children's answers) (slide 5)

The nature of our Motherland is rich, but its riches are not endless. Nature gives us everything we need for life, so it must be protected and protected. Nature protection is one of the main responsibilities of every citizen of our country. Much is being done in our state to protect the air, water bodies, soil, plants and animals. Specially protected territories are state reserves.

Guys, do any of you know what a reserve is? (Answers)

A reserve is a place where it is forbidden, it is forbidden to hunt, cut down trees, mow grass and even catch butterflies. (slide 6)

What can you do in nature reserves?

-What can not be done? (slide).

This year the Russian nature reserve system is celebrating its 100th anniversary.

And today, guys, we will find out what reserves are in our Republic of Buryatia, we will visit wonderful world nature that lives next to us. We will visit animals, birds, look into the kingdom of mushrooms. Interesting questions and fun games await you. (slide 8)

What is shown on the map? (answers) (slide 9)

Correct. What is highlighted in green?

White color?

We want to congratulate the reserves of Russia on their 100th anniversary with poetry. (Children read poetry)

Let's start by splitting into teams. "Defenders of the Forest", "Clean Spring", "Ecologists".

2)Acquaintance with the Baikal Reserve

In order to find out to find out the name of this reserve, let's try to guess the riddle.

There is a mirror in the middle of the field.

Blue glass, green frame.

Young birches in front of him

Fixing hair.

And the month and the stars are reflected in it.

What is this mirror called? (lake)

What is the deepest and cleanest lake on the planet? (Baikal)

That's right, around the deepest lake on our planet, Lake Baikal - one of the largest sources fresh water in the world - spread fabulously beautiful Baikal Reserve. Currently, the forests around Baikal and the lake itself are a protected area and are protected by the state. Hunting and any human activity is prohibited there. The main part of the protected area is located on the southern coast of the lake in the central part of the Khamar-Daban ridge. (slide 10)

What do you know about Lake Baikal?

This is the oldest, largest and deepest lake in the world. It is called the well of the planet, because it contains pure, fresh, drinking water. And if we imagine that if all the water suddenly disappears from the planet, this lake will water the entire population for another half a century.

There are forests around the lake where many different animals live.

We are at station 1 - " Animal Kingdom" slide 11)

Let's guess who lives in these forests. For a correct answer, the team gets 1 point. Let's start with team 1.

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a bump at the kids?

And into the bushes through the stump

Flashed like a flame? (Squirrel) (slide 12)

The animal goes to transshipment

For raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much

And when autumn comes

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where does he sleep and dream? (Bear) (slide 13)

She is smarter than all the animals,

She has a red coat on.

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

This forest animal ....... (Fox) (slide 14)

And now very difficult riddle.

Predatory little animal

But not a mink, not a ferret.

The squirrel in the hollow is afraid

What will find her……………. (Marten) (slide 15)

Have you ever heard of such an animal?

The marten is a beautiful, agile and predatory animal. His fur coat is fluffy, warm, thick. The marten is famous for its wonderful fur.

In the snow lair will be born.

Not afraid to catch a cold.

Grow up - start to dive,

Change white coat.

If you're very lucky-

He will live for 50 years.

What kind of beast is that with a mustache?

Well, think for yourself. (seal)

This is a unique animal. – Baikal seal. She lives near water, eats fish and loves to play in the water. The baby seal is called - squirrels for his wonderful soft, shiny, white coat. (slide 16)

The word "Baikal" is not simple, it is translated as "rich lake".

What do you think this lake is rich in? Who lives in lakes? (Pisces) (slide 17)

What are the names of the fish? (Children's answers)

There are a lot of fish in Lake Baikal: pike, crucian carp, sturgeon, burbot. Just like any other lake. But not only fish live there. There are several inhabitants who live only on Baikal and nowhere else. But before we know about them, let's take a break.


- We will now warm up a little, repeat the movements after me.

We quickly went down to the lake, (steps in place)

Bent over and washed. (tilts)

One two three four.

What a nice refreshment!

And now they swam together,

You need to do this by hand:

Together - one, this is breaststroke,

One, the other is a crawl.

All as one we swim like a dolphin.

Went to the steep shore

And we went home.

3)Conversation about the protection of nature. We got to know who lives on Baikal, got acquainted with amazing animals. Please tell me what these animals need in order to be healthy and live long? (Water, sun, heat)

And what should be the water? And the air? (Clean)

All these animals have been threatened and are now in danger. For a long time, Lake Baikal was polluted because a factory was built on its shores. Dirty, poisonous water from the factory was poured directly into the lake.

But there are such factories not only on Baikal, but all over the world.

Another danger to animals is poachers. Do you know who poachers are? People who capture and kill animals for their own gain. For example, they hunt for the Baikal seal, or rather for its cubs, because they have very valuable fur.

What do you think, poachers hunt only on Baikal? (no, they are everywhere)

How to protect animals from poachers? (children's answers)

Poaching is prohibited by law and our state monitors this. Poachers are caught and imprisoned.

4)Acquaintance with the Barguzinsky Reserve.And now we will get acquainted with the very first reserve in Russia and Buryatia- Barguzinsky Reserve(slide 18)

The Barguzinsky Reserve is rich not only in animals, but also in plants.

Name these animals. (sable, elk, musk deer, hare, bear) (slides 20-23)

There are different types of fish in the rivers of the Barguzinsky Reserve. Name them. (slides 24-25)

The Barguzinsky Reserve is protected by UNESCO. (slide 26)

Station " Kingdom of PLANTS».(slide 27)

1st competition . Quiz "Know the plant."

Each team listens carefully to their question.

1. What trees do cones grow on? (On the tree, pine.)

2. The tree has cones (spruce), and the pine (pine).

3. Spring wreaths are woven from it, and when it fades, it scatters to all parts of the world. (Dandelion).

4. What trees are called evergreen ? (Spruce, pine). Why?

5. What trees have white bark? (birch, aspen)

6. What berry is red, white, yellow, black? ( Currant).

7. Girls in love like to guess on this flower. (Chamomile).

8. This is the very first flower that appears from under the snow. (Snowdrop).

9. What flower is called the queen of flowers? (Rose).

10. Which tree gives sweet juice? ( Birch)

11. What is the name of the plant that burns?

12. Riddle: many arms, but one leg? (Wood.)

5) Acquaintance with the Dzherginsky Reserve.

- "Dzherginsky" reserve located in the upper reaches of the Barguzin River. The reserve is characterized by mountain landscapes, high ridges, narrow and deep river valleys. (Slides 27-30)

The fauna of the reserve is diverse (slides 31-32)

Teacher: Guys, let's remember who lives in the forest? (Animals, birds and insects.)

We know a lot about birds

And at the same time not enough.

And everyone needs: both you and us,

To make them more

For this we save

Your feathered friends

Otherwise, we will reduce to zero

Our winged singers.

Will eat trees and fruits

insect larvae.

And all the gardens will thin out.

Without our familiar birds!

Station "Kingdom of Birds"(slide 33)

Competition « fourth extra »( slides 34-36)

1. "Clean spring" Three of the birds listed here are wintering and one is migratory. Find her. ( Rook, woodpecker, titmouse, bullfinch.)

2. "Defenders of the Forest" Three wild birds, one domestic. Specify it. (Sparrow, dove, titmouse, rooster.)

3. "Ecologists" One of these birds is not a predator. Which? (Hawk, vulture, falcon, sparrow.)

6)Tunkinsky National Reserve(slides 37-39)

Reading the poem "Defenders of the fields."

In the valleys, on the hills,

They rustle with cheerful foliage.

They stand in green gymnasts,

As if on a military test,

Ask them, traveler, how rich they are,

They will answer - with their loyalty.

In green tunics, like soldiers,

They stand, the defenders of the fields.

Who is called the "defenders" of the fields?

The significance of the forest in our life is great. The forest provides the wood necessary for the national economy. Game animals and birds live in the forest, mushrooms, berries and wild fruit trees grow. Forests beautify the earth and purify the air. That is why it must be so guarded and protected. And although there are many forests on Earth, we must remember: not a single tree can be cut down in vain, especially breaking it just like that:

Mature trees have large trunks

And the crown clouds are majestic.

Comrades, people, no need for saws

For greenery, happiness and glory.

Most dangerous enemy for the forest - it's a fire!

REMEMBER! One tree can make a million matches, and one match can burn a million trees!

Be careful with fire!

Protect the forest from fire!

Station "Forest Riddles"

Teams take turns answering questions.
1. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with feathers? (Birds).
2. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales? (Fish).
3. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with wool? (Beasts).
4. Chicks, what bird does not know its mother? (Cuckoos).
5. Who travels through the air on a string? (Spider).
6. Who has a pantry on a bitch? (At the squirrel).

7) Acquaintance with the Altacheysky reserve .

Altacheysky Reserve was established in 1966 and is the oldest reserve in the Republic of Buryatia. It is located within the Mukhorshibirsky district. The flora of the reserve includes about 520 species of higher plants, including those rare for Buryatia and Russia. 3 species are listed in the Red Book of Buryatia, 2 of them - in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: leafless chin and clo-buchkovy nest flower. The reserve also protects such rare animals as red deer, wolf, roe deer, wild boar, musk deer, fox, white hare, sable, etc. (slide 40)

Mushroom Kingdom Station

Guess the riddle and find out which station awaits us.

Along the path, along the path
We follow them into the forest.
If the place gets
Then we'll pick up a basket. ( Mushrooms).

Game "Collect mushrooms".

(Pictures of mushrooms are scattered on the field. One member from the team comes out).

- Who will gather more mushrooms. ( Repeat several times).

- What groups can all mushrooms be divided into? ( into edible and non-edible).


1. Here are conspicuous in the grass
Multicolored hats.
Remember their name
But don't eat it raw! (Russula).

2. Very friendly guys
They live at the stump ... (Honey mushrooms).

3. Where there are too many needles,
They are waiting for us... (Oil).

4. Under the aspen, that mushroom, children,
In a bright red beret. (Boletus).

5. By the birches, look:
One here, three here! (Boletus).

6. The king of mushrooms lives in an oak forest.
Mom needs it for a roast. (Borovik, white).

8) About the Red Book

- Although in our country a lot is being done to protect nature, nevertheless, some species of plants and animals are becoming less and less. Due to the careless attitude towards nature, rare and endangered species of animals and plants are recorded in a special book.

Guys, who knows the name of this book? (Red Book.)

- Red Book - it is a document of a person's conscience, a document of alarm, a document of warning. The pages of this book contain the rarest animals and birds, fish and snakes, insects and plants .. Sometimes it seems to us that there are a lot of them, but in fact their number decreases and decreases every day and, if we , then they can completely disappear from the face of the Earth. This has already happened to many species of plants and animals. All of them are recorded in the "International Red Book". (slide 40)

9).Rules of conduct in nature

What rules of behavior in nature do you know?

"Forest Rules": Animals suffer not only from factories and poachers, but even from ordinary people. Irresponsible tourists leave a lot of garbage and harm nature.

Listen to one story here:

It was summer. Once a group of schoolchildren went to rest on the lake. And they went through the forest. On the way they came across mushrooms - white, boletus, russula. Someone cut them with a knife, someone uprooted them. Then the students stopped for a halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. They rested, and the garbage - tin cans, plastic bags were thrown into the bushes. When they left the resting place, burning coals winked at them. They found a small hedgehog in a clearing, the schoolchildren decided that their mother had abandoned him - they took him with them. And the crawling snake was hit with a stick, deciding that it was a viper. And it turned out to be harmless.

Rules of conduct in nature (signs)

Our lesson is coming to an end, in conclusion, let's play one game with you. The game is called "Silence". Listen carefully, if you agree with the statement - nod "yes", if you disagree - "no".

Are we protecting nature? (Yes)

Do we protect all animals? (Yes)

Are we throwing trash around? (No)

And we break trees? (No)

Do we make bird feeders? (Yes)

Do we catch different animals? (No)

Do we clean the river banks? (Yes)

Are we nature's friends? (Yes)

What mistakes did the students make? (children's answers)

_Rules of conduct in nature(signs) (slides)

Guys, we talked a lot about how nature is protected in our country, what is being done for this, but all this is not enough. Need your help guys.

Well, first of all, we must start with caring for the animals living next to us. Never offend dogs, cats. Try to find reliable owners for homeless animals, remember the rules of behavior in nature.


Teacher: Finally, I want to say these words to you:

Don't destroy this world

Girls and boys.

Otherwise these miracles

Remain only in the book.

You, too, are part of her wonders.

And the forest darkens for you

And the bright river flows

And lilacs bloom in spring.

And you have to try

We can't part with this.

Reflection: - What did we talk about today? What nature reserves and sanctuaries are there in the Republic of Buryatia? What rules of behavior in nature do you know?

100 years ago, on January 11, 1917, the first in the history of Russia was founded on the shores of Lake Baikal. state reserve- Barguzinsky. It was created thanks to the efforts of the members of the IRGS Permanent Nature Conservation Commission in order to protect the Barguzin sable, whose numbers have declined catastrophically at the beginning of the 20th century.

On May 30 (May 17, old style), 1916, the Irkutsk Governor-General issued a decree on the organization of the Barguzinsky sable reserve, and on January 11, 1917 (December 29, 1916, old style), this document was approved by the Government of Russia. On February 2 (January 20 old style), 1917, the law was published.



The reserve is located on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal, on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky Range. The area of ​​the reserve is 366,870 hectares and includes a biospheric polygon - 111,146 hectares and a 3-kilometer strip near the coastal waters of Lake Baikal with an area of ​​15,000 hectares. The fauna of the Barguzinsky Reserve is typically taiga, but with some features caused by the mountainous terrain and the close proximity of Lake Baikal. It includes 41 mammal species, 281 bird species, 6 reptile species, 3 amphibian species, 46 fish species and over 800 insect species.

Since the foundation of the Barguzinsky Reserve, the formation of modern Russian system specially protected natural areas (PAs), which in 2017 celebrates its centennial anniversary. The Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories in Russia is timed to coincide with the solemn date. The corresponding decree was signed by the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

On the site Electronic Library Society posted a booklet prepared by the Commission for the Development of Tourism of the Russian geographical society, – . The illustrated edition contains Interesting Facts about the Barguzinsky Reserve, about its natural and man-made sights.

Holding the Year of Protected Areas will draw attention to the conservation of natural heritage. Specially protected natural territories are one of the most effective forms of nature protection activity, which allows to completely or partially withdraw from economic use the lands most important for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity.

For a hundred years, a lot has been done by the protected community: populations of endangered species of animals, such as bison, sables, sea otters, have been restored; implemented modern technologies, allowing to effectively study and protect nature without disturbing the inhabitants of protected areas; unique geographic features, new species of animals and plants have been discovered. Every year, since 1997, on January 11, Russia celebrates the Day of Reserves and National Parks. Employees of specially protected natural areas spend this day at work - they protect, study and popularize wildlife.

Today in our country there are more than 13 thousand specially protected natural areas. different levels(from federal to municipal) and categories (reserves, national and natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries of federal and regional significance, natural monuments, and others). The federal system of protected areas, which was formed over the course of a century, this stage includes 103 state natural reserves, 48 ​​national parks, 64 federal state natural reserves. The total area of ​​all federal protected areas is almost 3% of the territory of Russia, and protected areas of all categories - 12%.