What Vanga predicted at the end of the year. Vanga's predictions over the years - what will happen to us in the future? Prophecies of the outstanding clairvoyant Vanga, which did not come true

We live in the age of information, which is updated almost every minute. No wonder they say that he who owns information owns the world. Many of us would like to look into the future. People have been trying to know the future since ancient times. To do this, they used various fortune-telling, folk signs and, of course, the help of psychics and clairvoyants.

Among these people there are many charlatans and simply extortionists of money from your wallet. But, there are clairvoyants who, with their truthful predictions, have earned trust among people from almost the whole world. A striking example of such clairvoyants is the famous Vanga.

Very soon, 2016 will come to its logical conclusion. On the eve of the new 2017, many would like to know what awaits Russia in 2017. The famous clairvoyant Vanga predicted the future of Russia until the year 2238. And then, according to her prophecies, the end of the world should come. But what awaits Russia and Russians in 2017?

Vanga's predictions for Russia for 2017 look encouraging. While hunger, devastation and constant wars will reign throughout the world, Russia will become mighty empire and above all the empire of the spirit. These prophetic words of the great clairvoyant Vanga speak of the following: under the wing of Russia, the entire Slavic people will be united. And in the unity of Russia there has always been a great power, and according to Vanga, the future of Russia is seen precisely in unity.

Another prediction of Vanga for Russia is connected with the direction to the east, or rather India and China. With these Eastern countries Russia in 2017 will strengthen the mutually beneficial partnership, sign a number of important treaties and agreements that will bring profit to Russia as well. Twenty years ago, Vanga's prophecy could have been skeptical. However, even now Russia, India and China are, if not friends, then definitely mutually beneficial partners.

Vanga's third prediction for Russia concerns the power of the ruler Vladimir. She claimed that a strong ruler named Vladimir would come to power, who could lead the country to peace and prosperity. Another clairvoyant prophecy is also connected with Vladimir. She said that Vladimir would be imprisoned under the walls of the Kremlin, and people would come to him and spit on him. From these predictions, it is not difficult to guess that the first Vladimir is the current president of the country, Vladimir Putin, and the one buried near the walls of the Kremlin is Vladimir Lenin.

Wang about Russia always spoke the most best words. Surely her predictions will come true next year. And let's hope that only the most positive predictions of the great seer will come true for Russia, and all the bad will bypass us.

Comments on the article

Nikolay, Izyum, 10/30/17

God bless these predictions. And in order for the bad to bypass it, you need to know about it. The Arctic is melting. AT Western Siberia five lakes are formed. The largest area is a quarter of the Caspian Sea. Two are smaller and the rest are from Ladoga.

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Enough has been written about the Estonian clairvoyant Marilyn Kerro in various media to satisfy the curiosity of a wide range of fans and ardent skeptics.

The World Wide Web has already told us about and around the world. In this article, you will learn another batch of predictions from another world-famous prophetess Vanga. Vanga's verbatim predictions for 2020 are slightly different from the words of other prophets, which is why they are of much greater interest.

The meaning of Vanga's predictions is revealed

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant during her lifetime predicted huge trials for the world, in which, oddly enough, the people themselves would be guilty. Large-scale bloody wars with the use of terrible weapons of mass destruction, disease outbreaks, monstrous disasters and, as a result of all this, the deterioration of the ecology on the planet. Vanga argued that all the troubles that happened would be our fault, and we ourselves would suffer from them.

Specifically, predictions for 2020 indicate that this year will begin terrible war that will cover the entire world. In addition, the deepest economic crisis will reign in all countries, which will develop into outright famine.

Social skirmishes and armed clashes will flare up everywhere. Moreover, in some countries the bloodshed will be very short-lived, in others - long and exhausting. People will be like animals with their intoxicating love for the sight of blood, cruelty will no longer horrify them, but only push them to new atrocities, murders and violence.

Quite disappointing verbatim prophecies for 2020 from a blind seer. We all need to prepare for terrible events. According to her, at first people will believe that they are fighting for a just cause, for justice, but very soon they will start fighting, no matter how trite, for food. This will also add the most terrible and terrible fanatical idea, because of which blood has been shed like a river for thousands of years - the religious strife of the people.

2020 will be fatal, there will be neither peace nor stability in the world. Only legends will circulate about justice, since it itself will go into oblivion. And not the one who is honest and smart will be right, but the one who is stronger and more cunning, the one who will be able to take everything and even more from his neighbor.

“Traditional power will disappear. There will be a struggle for power. The greed of the people will go to cities and fields. As if the animals will start to tear and throw, and this will affect the future.

We should all listen to Vanga's words and think - where are we going? What abyss is mankind striding into, and perhaps it is time to draw conclusions?

Vanga's predictions for 2020 for Russia

Vanga's forecast for 2020 for Russia is alarming. Russia will plunge into wars that will take place in places, somewhere they will be short, in other regions the confrontation will drag on and be long.

Vanga saw that the global economic crisis would also affect the Russian economy. In our time, all powers have become accustomed to such economic upheavals, when the local currency depreciates and for the same amount you can buy much less products with goods than before. She saw Vladimir as the head of the country, but it is not clear whether the current president or another? Vanga predicted that at that time the power would change and in Russia there would be not a president, but a real tsar.

Vanga always said that Russia is her love and predicted to her that in 2020 she would become one of the leaders, greatly influencing the balance of power in the world. She will not need to conquer countries by force, they themselves recognize her indisputable authority, so Russia will be internally transformed in 2020.

Vanga predicted verbatim for 2020 for Russia that in the 2nd half of 2020, streams of immigrants will be drawn to the United States or Canada. Many will strive to get to Russia. Due to such migrations, the main population will be concentrated in these countries.

Vanga's predictions for 2020 for Ukraine

Vanga, during her rather long life, made many predictions for contemporaries and descendants. Many of them came true. What did she broadcast about the fate of Ukraine? Let's pay attention to Vanga's verbatim prediction for 2020 for Ukraine. The seer clearly saw our time, otherwise, one cannot say how she knew about the great political and world economic crisis? She believed that it would also happen when many were left without electricity, their apartments would not be heated and there would be little food. People have experienced such hard times in Lugansk and the surrounding area.

Vanga emphasized that only honest leaders would help bring countries out of a deep crisis, but she was upset that there were few of them. In 2020, she did not predict prosperity for Ukraine, she said that difficult times would not pass yet. She emphasized that thanks to a strong spirit, Ukrainians will survive, and misfortunes are approaching them from different sides. Vanga complained that the brothers would be at enmity with each other and they would have their inner eyes closed and the ability to hear each other in dialogue. Vanga literally said that at this time everyone will be on their own and will try to escape if they stay in the territory where the fighting is really going on.

From 2015 to 2020, she saw that the country, which is next to Russia and previously united, is crumbling into smaller formations. Even 2 years ago, everyone thought that she was talking about the European Union, it turns out that the words of the seer referred to Ukraine. Vanga was sure that the Ukrainian people would definitely live well, but for now, you need to wait and survive this Time of Troubles. Such periods of rebellion occur in the history of every power.

Vanga's predictions for other countries

Vanga prophesied that by the beginning of 2020 Europe would be dying, because due to numerous wars, people would die at the borders different countries. Initially, Vanga literally said that the first country to become empty would be Libya. But, due to today's changes, Syria will become an empty country by 2020 - and the great clairvoyant spoke about this.

The beginning of the Third World War will begin precisely in the countries of Europe, since many countries will suffer due to the conflict in the Middle East. Europeans will fight with Muslims, in the fight will be used nuclear weapon that will destroy the whole world.

Vanga's verbatim predictions for 2020 are unlikely to be found, since they have all been translated into modern language. Perhaps that is why sometimes the information does not converge, the fault of the poor-quality translation.

To believe or not in Vanga's predictions is the business of every person. But one thing is certain: you should not rely one hundred percent on the seer. In her practice, there were both predictions that came true and those that were refuted. For example, Vanga said that in 2010 a war would begin that would last four years. As you can see, this did not happen. Therefore, not everything that clairvoyants say can be considered true.

Why do people believe the famous blind seer?

About who Vanga is, everyone knows without exception. The real name of the psychic is Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova. Her main difference from other people can be called the fact that she was blind, but had a strong gift that allowed her to treat people from various diseases and foresee their future fate. Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12, when she was returning home with her sisters and fell under a strong hurricane, which took her hundreds of meters away from her native village. The girl's vision could have been saved, but the family did not have the funds for this, so Vanga spent her whole life in blindness.

They learned about the psychic during the Second World War, when rumors began to spread that she saw the location of the missing soldiers. Since then, many people have come to her for help.

Wang received for free, and since 1967 she was registered as a civil servant, and she began to receive a salary. But, despite a good salary, Vanga did not have enough money for the operation, and she died of breast cancer. She spent all the money she earned on charity and the maintenance of the state.

Vanga's predictions that did not come true

  • Start nuclear war in 2010 year.
  • The extinction of animals and plants in 2011 and the beginning of the chemical war between Muslims and people on the planet.

Video: Vanga's heiress - 15 prophecies for Russia

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Grade 5

Psychics have long agreed that our country is now going through very difficult times. It is scary even to imagine how many wars have swept past us and, of course, the Russian people are looking forward to the future with horror in order to know whether it is worth stocking up on salt and matches. Every psychic understands the current state of limbo of the Russians and tries to look into the future in order to make a forecast for 2017.

Summary 5.0 excellent

Psychics have long agreed that our country is now going through very difficult times. It is scary even to imagine how many wars have swept past us and, of course, the Russian people are looking forward to the future with horror in order to know whether it is worth stocking up on salt and matches.

Every psychic understands the current state of limbo of the Russians and tries to look into the future in order to make a forecast for 2017 for Russia and the world. This year our domestic visionaries also spoke about Russia, like Matrona of Moscow and Vanga, who often worked with Russians, although she lived in Bulgaria. However, Russia was also noted by clairvoyants from other countries, for example, Nostradamus talks about it in 2017-2020.

We have collected the most famous predictions for 2017 that relate to the Russian Federation.

Predictions of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017

Matrona of Moscow was born in 1881, and since early childhood began to make predictions that came true with amazing accuracy. You can read more about her and Matrona's prophecies here.

It was she who made a prediction about Russia and the rest of the world for 2017.

Matrona's prediction for 2017 literally sounds like this:

“In 2017, humanity will perish: a bad time is coming. The end is near. Save your soul. You don't know what awaits you. Such sorrows await you, which you do not know. Without a war, everyone will die. There will be many victims. All the dead will lie on the ground." She also added: “In the evening everything will be in place, and in the morning it will go underground.”

Her prophecy chills the blood, but what did Matron mean? Perhaps this is a prediction about an earthquake of such magnitude that the world has not yet seen, but similar to the tragedy in Spitak that shook the world 25 years ago. You can read more about the Spitak earthquake here.

With the same chances, we can talk about biological weapons that countries have prepared for war with each other.

After all, different states are constantly conducting exercises and trying to come up with more sophisticated ways to kill people.

However, the Matrona of Moscow could also speak of the spiritual death of people. The saint generally lived in such a way as to be in harmony with God, and she was depressed by the fact that people were moving away from God more and more. It is no secret that people who are mired in consumerism and satisfaction of their physical needs: sex, hunger, alcohol addiction, have completely forgotten that they all walk under God. Well, those who vehemently believe in their religion, on the contrary, use the name of their God to destroy other people.

That is why the prediction of the Matrona of Moscow can still be considered harmless for our physical bodies, but can this only be considered a good omen, because life will still be empty without spiritual development. One should not doubt the prediction of the Matrona of Moscow - all her predictions came true with amazing accuracy. For example, she predicted a revolution in 1917, after which the last Tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, was executed without trial. You can read about it here.

Because Matrona was a woman who cared more about her spiritual state, she might not care that material events would happen, but the spiritual decline of human strength could simply terrify her.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 for Russia

Another very famous soothsayer, whose words should be heeded, is Vanga, the Bulgarian seer. They saw a lot and told a lot. In fact, she made predictions for Russia until the year 2238, in which she predicted the appearance of an extraterrestrial race. Then her prophecies ended, which can mean both the end of the world and the unwillingness or impossibility of continuing the foresight.

What did Vanga predict Russia for 2017? We sadly answer that nothing good is expected in the world this year. Wars will take over the world more and more. Hunger, which has reigned in Africa for so many years and cannot be eliminated by greedy humanity, will suddenly begin to change its place of localization.

Mass riots and murders will begin in Europe. People will no longer be afraid to break the law, what is the law to them, if the law is always not on their side. The concept of morality will disappear. This will start in Europe but will continue in other countries. The wars will not subside, it is also possible that so many states will get involved in the Syrian conflict that it will begin and World War.

Against the background of all this, there is Vanga's bright prediction for Russia for 2017. It sounds like this:

"Russia will again become great empire, first of all, the empire of the spirit "

By the way, it is also very interesting that there is a prediction to Tsar Nicholas II, who was told that in 100 years he would again ascend the throne, and this is just 2017.

Wang talks about Russia's cooperation with other countries China and India. It sounded rather strange 20 years ago, when this prophecy was made, but now the first prerequisites for such an alliance are already visible.

Vanga also talks about the great Vladimir, it is possible that this is the current president, because Vanga did not predict a coup d'état for 2016-2017, on the contrary, she spoke only about uniting the country while a massacre was taking place in the west.

But further her predictions are rather bleak - it is reported about Vladimir, who will be imprisoned under the Kremlin and people will go down and stand in crowds in order to spit at him. I would like to note for those who were horrified by these words: Even now people gather in crowds and descend into the Kremlin Mausoleum to see the great Vladimir there - Lenin Vladimir Ilyich. About spitting - already two years ago in Ukraine, a mass displacement of monuments to Lenin in all cities began, perhaps the same movement will move to Moscow or spit means only one of Vanga's visions, at the moment of which someone behaved incorrectly. We already wrote earlier in the article “How to develop the gift of clairvoyance” about the difficulties in interpreting your own visions.

Nostradamus prediction for 2017

Nostradamus is an even more famous soothsayer all over the world, who wrote his quatrains with prophecies several centuries ago. They are painted up to the third millennium, and many of them begin to decipher only now or see confirmation of his words after the event.

And in his prophecies for 2017, something reappears that confirms the words of the first predictor on our list, Matrona of Moscow. Nostradamus talks about the confrontation between two religions - Islam and Orthodoxy. Matrona says that people will be mired in the abyss of their immorality, and what can be more terrible than sinning with such a terrible deed as murder, while hiding behind the name of the Lord God (or Allah).

What did Nostradamus predict for 2017, besides war?

The beginning of a deadly era that will bring war and death will mark the birth of an ugly dwarf. Nostradamus says that famine will begin, due to the fact that people again forget about God. In the preface to his son Caesar, Nostradamus says that the Lord will often send famine and rains on people, sometimes fiery, with the words: "I will punish iniquity with a rod of iron."

And the prophecies of Nostradamus, recorded up to 3793, should come true, famine should begin, and such heavy rains should fall that there will be no dry place on the planet until enlightenment is revealed to people and the Lord becomes merciful to the Sinners who have returned to their father how David returned to his father in a moment of weakness humble and submissive.

In addition to hunger, he also predicts thirst due to environmental pollution of water bodies in the West. Moreover, he even specifies that the drought will occur in France, provinces such as Béarn will suffer.

Nostradamus has a prediction that says that at 48 degrees, when Cancer ends, a fiery body will fall from the sky. And then a terrible drought will begin, from which even the fish in the sea will die. This quatrain came true two years ago. At 48 degrees north latitude, a Malaysian plane crashed in Donetsk and there were shelling. It happened on July 15, 2014, as it is known that the sign of the Zodiac Cancer these days is running out and ends on July 22.

There was also a drought when, on the Crimean peninsula, in the same month, Ukraine turned off fresh water, and all the planted crops dried up among the Crimeans. Based on the fact that this quatrain took place in our time, we can assume that the next one speaks of subsequent events. It is written there:

"The arsonist will die from his arson"

This may mean that the one who burned the plane with people will be rewarded a hundredfold.

In addition, many predictions of Nostradamus speak about Europe, and we will talk about this in a separate article.

Predictions about Russia for 2017: a Christian's view

In general, we can say that in Russia this year will not be as scary as in the rest of the world, which does not make 2017 an easy one. Perhaps it is not worth fleeing the country, but it is better at this time to think about your own spiritual purification in order to stop the impending degradation.

You should think about your sins. The seers say: "Repent!" And this is the only thing that a person can do on this sinful earth. There has not been a day since its very creation that man did not break the covenants of the Lord. And just as you get angry and spank a child for leprosy, so the Lord is angry for our disobedience. And just as you forgive a child for his apologies and sad face, so the Lord will forgive people for their sincere repentance.

Is it worth it to think that there is no one above us who gave birth to life and gives it the opportunity to continue every day. Do you really want to live in a world where lawlessness reigns and everyone does what he pleases? Remember how God dealt with Sodom and Gomorrah, mired in depravity so much that they wanted to copulate with angels. God destroyed their city, completely covering it with fire and leaving only sulfur in its place.

When the Lord, in desperation, does not see a way to change people, he sends punishment on them. And he makes it possible for righteous people to leave and be saved, but only can people remain righteous, having lost bread? It was the same in the biblical parable of Leviathan, which we have already written about here, answering readers' questions about "who is Leviathan."

Conclusion on predictions for Russia for 2017

All predictors who talk about the future of Russia agree that the next few years will be very difficult for the whole world, and this will partially affect Russia, however, more on the economic side.

A war for faith will also begin (or continue?), but not between the Islamists, but the Orthodox Church will also intervene. Thus, all the data speak of two opposite things: the complete degradation of the population as a whole and the restoration of the strengthening of the spirit in Russia.

Perhaps, after reading the prophecies, you will understand that they are completely dependent on each of us, and the events of 2017 are just the case when you cannot passively rely on power, and everyone needs to take care of themselves and their spiritual values. To reconsider our morality, to think about the fact that it is our generation that connects the bright future that our ancestors dreamed of, and in order to make it so, every person needs to try now. It is worth reconsidering your lifestyle, raising children, actions, remembering how much you have done in order to improve the world.

Dear readers of our site. You know that predictions are not jokes, but subtle matter that is subject to change under the general influence. In order to be able to take care of the future, it is time to make an investment in it - an investment of kindness, attention, forgiveness.

Now, in order to stop the war, you need to be patient and learn how to protect your family. You can sign up with psychics to help you pick up a talisman that will protect your family and teach you protective prayers and spells. Be kind to the people around you, suppress aggression in yourself, because it can become a fatal action in the general world of evil. We wish you and your family happiness.

Please write in the comments what you think about the future of 2017 and the most likely course of events in Russia in 2017-2018.

How about your life and fate, and about the fate of an entire country or even all of humanity. The New Year is just around the corner, so let's look into tomorrow and consider the prophecies of the great clairvoyant Vanga for 2017.

Vangelia Pandeeva was born in the small town of Petrich (Bulgaria) back in 1911, exactly on January 31st. Young Vanga did not differ in anything remarkable from her peers until one terrible, but fateful day. Once Vangelia was caught by a terrible tornado that lifted the girl above the ground.

Overnight, as a result of a meeting with the raging elements, young Vanga lost her sight, but gained, as it turned out later, the gift of foresight. The seer lost the ability of physical touch, having received in return a truly valuable thing - clairvoyance. Like a film, Vanga “scrolled” phenomena, images and events that came into the mind of a woman with bright flashes. She could both look into the future and see the distant past.

The greatest clairvoyant Vanga left our mortal world at the age of 85 on August 10, 1996, leaving behind many predictions and prophecies.

Vanga's predictions for the whole world for 2017

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant during her lifetime predicted huge trials for the world, in which, oddly enough, the people themselves would be guilty. Large-scale bloody wars with the use of terrible weapons of mass destruction, disease outbreaks, monstrous disasters and, as a result of all this, the deterioration of the ecology on the planet. Vanga argued that all the troubles that happened would be our fault, and we ourselves would suffer from them.

To be specific, predictions for 2017 indicate that this year a terrible war will begin that will engulf the whole world. In addition, the deepest economic crisis will reign in all countries, which will develop into outright famine.

Social skirmishes and armed clashes will flare up everywhere. Moreover, in some countries the bloodshed will be very short-lived, in others - long and exhausting. People will be like animals with their intoxicating love for the sight of blood, cruelty will no longer horrify them, but only push them to new atrocities, murders and violence.

Quite disappointing prophecies for 2017 from a blind seer. We all need to prepare for terrible events. According to her, at first people will believe that they are fighting for a just cause, for justice, but very soon they will start fighting, no matter how trite, for food. This will also add the most terrible and terrible fanatical idea, because of which blood has been shed like a river for thousands of years - the religious strife of the people.

2017 will be fatal, there will be neither peace nor stability in the world. Only legends will circulate about justice, since it itself will go into oblivion. And not the one who is honest and smart will be right, but the one who is stronger and more cunning, the one who will be able to take everything and even more from his neighbor.

“Traditional power will disappear. There will be a struggle for power. The greed of the people will go to cities and fields. As if the animals will start to tear and throw, and this will affect the future.

We should all listen to Vanga's words and think - where are we going? What abyss is mankind striding into, and perhaps it is time to draw conclusions?

Predictions of the great Vanga for Russia - what awaits the Russians

Undoubtedly, the blind soothsayer loved Russia, because in her prophecies she always spoke positively about our state, foreshadowing a bright and great future for Russia. Vanga's predictions for 2017 assign our country a major role in saving the whole world.

The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power that will give hope to our entire world and bring spiritual rebirth throughout the planet. According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, in 2017 the greatest union of the Slavs is coming under the powerful wing of a renewed Russia.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all, an empire of the spirit”

Among other things, Vanga predicted an extremely beneficial alliance between Russia and China and India. And, as leading political scientists note, trends towards this event are already emerging.

Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would wake up from a dream, reject everything discrediting and negative, and fame would go about her as a superpower. In general, if you believe the prophecies of the famous clairvoyant, then Russia is destined for the fate of a great and powerful state, the purpose of which will be to subjugate the whole world to itself.

Moreover, it will not look like a cruel conquest or rude submission and the imposition of one's interests, by no means, no. It will be a voluntary and respectful recognition of the superiority of Russia and the willing observance of subordination by other countries.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world”

The grandiose fateful changes are already approaching. They will find their response literally in everything and promise a great change in the geopolitical map of the world.

Prophecies of the outstanding clairvoyant Vanga, which did not come true

Despite the fact that the famous Bulgarian soothsayer clearly saw both the past and the future and gave very accurate predictions, sometimes her words did not come true or, perhaps, were misinterpreted. For example, in 2010, the Third War, fortunately, never started. True, this does not mean at all that it will not begin in the near future.

As for Russia and Vanga's predictions for 2017 regarding our country, let's hope that all the good things that the great clairvoyant spoke about will come true, and all the bad things will bypass us and our state.

People have always been worried, frightened and extremely interested in their future. It is understandable. Who is not curious to open the invisible veil of secrecy and look, even with one eye, into the future? Man is so arranged that he needs to know everything in advance.

Bulgarian Vangelia Pandev Gushterova, known as Vanga, is considered almost the main seer of the 20th century. She is especially loved in the Russian expanses, where, due to uncertainty about their own future, people willingly trust such characters. Did Vanga make predictions for 2017, what they contain and what Russia will come to according to the words of the Bulgarian Nostradamus.

Vanga's predictions for 2017: Russia and the world

Here brief retelling those predictions that were allegedly made by Vanga regarding 2017:

  • Europe will begin to perish, and the world is waiting for the third world war, which will flare up again from this continent. For some reason, the EU countries will decide that it is time to start a deadly war against Muslims, uncover their nuclear missiles, and this will end the history of mankind. By the way, according to another version of Vanga, in 2016 there should not have been a significant number of people left in Europe, we missed this fait accompli a little in the news programs, but it’s not entirely clear who will fight with whom now.
  • Do not avoid the war and Russia. However, unlike the first two world wars, we will have nothing to do with the third, we will have our own problems. We will wage war with ourselves (what news!) - some will fight for power, others - for food, the resource of which will sharply decrease.
  • However, it won’t take long for everyone to fight, because as soon as the Russians share power and food, they instantly reconcile everyone in the world. At least those who survive the cataclysms.
  • Having pacified everyone, Russia will finally console its pride and finally become the most important country in the world.
  • President Vladimir is waiting for a new position - the king.
  • A new president with a duck name will appear in America, who will decide to return to Russia its ancestral lands - Alaska and California.

Did Vanga make predictions for 2017

The authors of the last prediction are ourselves. However, if we didn’t report it right away, it’s quite possible to assume that this “sensation” would eventually spread over the Internet and strengthen the myth of the “great Vanga”, which even could foresee the election of Donald Trump to the post of US President. In a similar way and myths about people are born that have nothing to do with reality at all. The main thing is that the myth speaks of the mysterious abilities of “fortune-tellers”, and the meaning of the stated “prediction” is pleasant and promises the realization of some complexes, in this case, national ones.

With an unbiased look, we can conclude that Vanga is a kind of show business product of the last century. It can even be assumed that she really had a little unusual psychological abilities, which allowed her to gain some fame at the local level in her youth. Someone had similar intentions, or it happened by accident, but thanks to a rather competent campaign, Vanga's name eventually turned into a brand. And what exactly no one could calculate - the brand turned out to be almost global.

If we talk about the last years of Vanga's life, then at that time there was a whole group of people around her, to whom this brand was directly beneficial. And everyone had their own interests. Thus, it was beneficial for local taxi drivers and hotel owners to feed the myth, since it attracted more and more new pilgrims to their small town. Gathering in advance the details of what led this or that person to Vanga is not a problem at all for talkative taxi drivers. A small dossier about a person was transmitted directly to the people around Wang, she knew who and why came to her and could easily amaze the visitor with her mystical vigilance. For the Bulgarian special services, in turn, the myth was beneficial insofar as Vanga was visited and statesmen a variety of countries that could frivolously blurt out something interesting for intelligence to her.

In fact, Vanga last years life - an ordinary sick old woman, tired of her own way of life, but has long become his hostage. She had to either say what people, according to her understanding, wanted to hear, or, starting at certain moments to quietly get angry at people, the Bulgarian could promise them all sorts of troubles. In any case, Vanga did not engage in any description of the schedule of future historical events and did not make predictions for 2017 or some other. All available “predictions” are made by sensationalist journalists, because the brand does not die with a person, but lives its own life, bringing income to someone for many years to come. Further, the selective perception of a person comes into force - if a vague prediction came true, then this confirms the power of the predictor. If not, nothing happens, we just didn’t understand something when we interpreted the words of a wise woman.

Be that as it may, but whether Wang gave predictions for 2017 or not, Russia and all Russians should rather not pay attention to this, but remember that our fate is only in our hands, and you should not be infantile, sitting, folding hands and talking about “destiny” and “destiny”.