Words of congratulations from the head teacher. Congratulations on the last call to the head teacher. Congratulations to the head teacher on his birthday

Always watch the learning process
You are the director's right hand,
Discipline at school with a bang,
The head teacher of the school is fair and strict.
Congratulations on September 1,

Let luck not leave you
May great success await you.

Can visit us for a lesson,
Although it looks very strict,
But she has a kind soul.
Today is September 1, congratulations,
We wish you a beautiful mood
Happiness and good luck for the school year,
May you be lucky in life.

Affectionate and strict, experienced and wise,
Already gray hair on the temples is silvering,
The school is the most lagging class, and the most difficult,
Thanks to the head teacher, he will turn into a leader.
Congratulations on September 1,
We wish you inspiration in your work,
Let life flow like a full river
Let all the time, there will be a white stripe.

Beautiful soul and very kind.
Talented and generous at heart
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
Ideas, lessons will not be in vain.
Since September 1, our head teacher dear,
Be you always gifted with fate,
May luck always smile on you
Peace to you, health, joy, kindness.

Work has become a calling for you,
School is like a second family
To interest students, always you,
You give your whole soul to them.
Congratulations on September 1, head teacher,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Let life be like pure water
May God give you joy, good luck and kindness.

The head teacher of the school is the main teacher,
Always serious and a little strict
The learning process always checks
For discipline will never forget.
May the beginning of September bring you good luck,
May there be a lot of happiness and joy in addition,
Let you be appreciated, loved, respected,
Let hope, faith and love not leave.

You are the main teacher in the school,
A lot always depends on you,
And discipline and educational process,
You give your heart and soul to the fullest.
Since September 1, we congratulate the head teacher,
We wish you happiness and good luck with all our hearts,
May fate always smile at you
Peace to you, success and family warmth.

So that the educational process is harmonious and clear,
Resulted in our educational institution,
The head teacher has a lot of work and care,
Find all the right solutions for this.
Do everything, make a schedule,
To cover everyone with a load, fairly, evenly,
To take into account the standards and even wishes,
To be in her school, everything is fine and about!

The head teacher firmly holds under his control,
In our school, the whole process is educational and educational,
In this field, his roles are very significant,
The head teacher copes with his role perfectly!
After all, it is necessary not to discourage interest and attraction to children,
Absorb information and always learn lessons
So that all student children can
Look into the origins of knowledge, formulas, books, history.

Without it, noise, din, always confusion,
Disputes, inconsistencies, breakdowns and of course vanity.
Where the head teacher walks, it is certainly quiet,
Where the head teacher - only one beauty!
Where he is - order, order and accuracy,
Where he is - the essence of the educational process,
It has wisdom, and decency, and delicacy,
Only with him - our studies are cheerful, the path is easy!

The school principal is very important for the process,
His hard work is very important,
All matters are important and the head teacher high tasks,
It would be very difficult for the school without him.
And today we say thanks in unison,
On a sacred and bright day for everyone,
We will remember all your efforts forever,
Because you are our beloved and dear head teacher!

Again we enter another educational life,
Summer study is patiently waiting for us - it will wait,
Here we run into a big cool room,
And the head teacher is waiting for us with a greeting.
We wish you success this year
Patience and wise decision,
Let's say together that studying is not fun,
May kindness and inspiration be with you.

What a loud, important and necessary calling,
To give the kids of the whole country an education,
To give a particle of the soul every day forever,
Be wise, kind, boldly forget all the bad.
We are all in the head teacher of caring and strong hands,
We forgot all our problems at all,
For the fact that you live by the school and in your students,
We want to say loudly to you: “Thank you Head teacher”!

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests! We begin our festive concert dedicated to the end of elementary school. We give our songs, poems, dances to teachers and we want to thank them very much for teaching us! Health to you, peace to your home, happiness to your families, good luck in business!

Here they will sing, dance, have fun.
Maybe a miracle will happen...
Let's get the holiday started.
It's time for us, friends, to receive guests.
I I know that you will certainly ask us:
Who are the main guests at the party?
I will answer you without batting an eye, -
These are fourth graders.

(Children enter the hall to the music)

The song "Ray of the sun, like a bunny" (the bell rings)

Hear! Hear! First call!
He invited us to class. The very first lesson
The lesson is the best, the most beautiful school lesson!

The song "We are the children of the sun." Annex 1. Applications

We are childhood, we are joy, we are light, we are an excellent answer in the classroom.
We are the defenders of the weak, we are the mother's helpers.
We know how to be friends, we learn to love the younger ones.
We will learn to be able to do everything, we can sing a good song,
To dance and read poetry, we strive to learn everything in the world.
So that everyone is proud of us, the teacher is beloved, and the school is indispensable.
Why are we all so dressed up and cute today?
Can we feel the breath of the approach of spring?
No, spring has come a long time ago, she met us in March.
And today, on May Day, we cannot sit at home.
Because the graduation holiday came to us in the spring!

The song "Sailor". Appendix 2

Teacher: Dear children, dear adults. Behind 4 long school years, behind failures and difficulties. Do you guys remember how it all started? How timid and timid were you when you first came to school? Remember how you learned to sit at your desk and stand up beautifully? How did you get your first grades in your life? Now we will go to the past, the smallest students of our school will help us with this.

Meet the first graders.

Do you remember the yellow autumn when you came to the first grade?
And the first bell - the autumn bell rang for you for the first time.
Remember the first time you came to first grade,
How did you learn to write and count and draw.
Moms straightened bows for you, dropping tears from your eyes,

And you dreamed of studying for fives in order to please us.
Yes, there were bright days when, at that solemn hour,
With some kind of joyful excitement, you entered the first grade ...

The 2nd grade students also came to congratulate us. They will talk about how we were friends.

1 friend: I hit Mishka on the shoulder. What's with him is interesting.

2 friend: “Hi, silent!” Briefcase slightly cracked.

1 friend: And I give him a flick on the forehead. That, they say, today I will come.

2 friend: I gave change hastily. Like, come, of course!

1 friend: Have you seen a bruise on Mishka? So this is a sure sign of friendship.

2 friend: And I have two bumps. Gift from Mishka.

1 friend: We are not "Su-syu-syu" girls. We don't go as a couple.

2 friend: Well, if we are friends, then with might and main. Harsh! Like men.

We talked about friendship.
And they completely forgot about love.
A story about her that was funny
There are old songs about the main thing.

"The Chauffeur's Song" Appendix 3

Congratulations from 3rd grade students.

School ... This word has become dear and close to us. Where does it all begin?

From a portfolio?
- Since the first call?
- With a piece of white chalk?
- From the first letter?
- Since the first evaluation?
- Since the first school break?
- Or maybe from the first notebook sheet?
- From the album, paints, diary?
- From the board and the desk? From a primer?
- Why - I don’t know for sure, I only know when: always in early September!
What were you! What have you become!
Everyone has grown up so much! Everyone was so angry!
They studied without knowing much sadness.
We did a lot and we learned a lot.

It's time for class 4

Scene "wolf and seven kids"

I'll tell you a fairy tale: there lived a goat with kids.
And those kids were great kids.
They loved to jump and jump and play different games.
All the cartoons were watched, they did not want to study.
Their dad brought money, he was often on business trips.

(Under these words, the kids-goats depict different games: they jump on a rope, play patties, throw balloon etc.)

And my mother stayed at home, children, was engaged in housekeeping.

Goat: You goats, you kids!

Goat: You don't jump, you don't shout, but sit down, you teach lessons.

(Screams, angry.)

Well, that's it, I'm tired of it! Come on, let's get down to business quickly!

Come on, students, open your diaries! (Kids are taken out of their pockets, crumpled, torn diaries from behind their bosoms.)

Goats (in chorus): We were not asked anything!

Goat: Or maybe you didn’t write down what you were asked to teach today?
Admit it yourself, or I'll have to call other kids,
Obedient, smart kids!

1st kid: Don't, we'll remember now!

3rd kid: And learn a poem!

4th kid: And write two essays.

5th kid: Finish the craft for work!

6th kid: A report for tomorrow needs to be done!

7th kid: Draw the corners in a notebook.

1st kid: And learn all the cases!

2nd kid: But you, mom, will you help us?

3rd kid: We can!

4th kid: We do not understand anything, and we do not know these topics!

(The goat angrily takes off her scarf, apron, looks in the mirror, powders her nose).

All! My patience has run out, your teaching is torment to me! I went to the concert in DC!

Goats (in chorus): And we?!

Goat: Learn! Bye!

(The goat leaves, and the kids remain sitting with sad faces. There is a knock on the door.)

5th kid: Do you hear? Someone is knocking!

6th kid: I'll look through the peephole! (He runs away, then returns and speaks with fear.) Someone gray and shaggy!

7th kid: Brothers, but this is a Wolf!

1st kid: Okay, Wolf, don't pretend, come to us, don't be shy!

(The wolf enters, licking its lips rapaciously, but the 6th and 7th kids attack him from behind and grab his hands.)

2nd kid: Lock the door, brothers!

3rd kid: That's it, gotcha, predatory beast!

4th kid: Well, quickly undress, get down to lessons!

5th kid: Solve two problems for me!

6th kid: Tell me about the cases!

7th kid: Learn a rhyme with me!

1st kid: Draw a seascape!

2nd kid: Write me a story in a dozen and a half phrases.

3rd kid: Tell us about the ataman, how he drowned in the river!

4th kid: At the same time about Genghis Khan!

(The wolf frightenedly looks from one look from one goat to another and eventually grabs his head)

Wolf: Help, guard!

(Mom goat appears.) What is it? What happened?

Wolf: Mom! Help soon!

Goat: I don’t understand how it happened - there were seven children in the morning ...
This one seems to be the eighth... What happened to the head?
I won't take anything for granted!

5th kid: Mom! Come on, it's a wolf!

Wolf: Former Wolf! Now - Goat! I used to be very angry
And now - more tender than a flower! I want to be your son!
Don't drive! (Kneels before the Goat.)

Goat: So be it, stay with us to live.

(To the kids): I rested for an hour ... Well, bring your lesson!

(The kids rush to the Goat. Each of them shouts his own words: “cases”, “landscape”, “story”, etc. The goat runs away, and the kids with the Wolf follow her)

Song "Childhood, childhood, where are you running"

And now we want to sincerely thank everyone who has worked with you over the years.

Poems to the director of the school Solovyov A.S.

You are the most wonderful director, you gave so much to your school!
Everyone respects you very much for this, from first-graders to teachers.

We wish the guys to rush to you year after year with the advent of September.
To call your school the best, thanks to the director for everything!

Congratulations to the school principal.

Poems of the head teacher of primary school Bulanova V.A.

So that the educational process goes smoothly in an educational institution,
The head teacher has a concern: to find a solution to that.
Without it - confusion, inconsistency, vanity.
Where the head teacher is immediately quiet, where the head teacher is beauty.

Congratulations to the head teacher of the elementary school.

Dear Natalya Alexandrovna

We wish next year to be, without fail, well to do.
Keep fit, eat only healthy food: Nuts, porridge, vegetables and fruits... ou "ll be lighthearted and merry, and no doubt happy very!

Dear Gennady Viktorovich

They say that physical education is a very important subject.
Like a foreign language, literature, because when there is no health,
Antibiotic, vitamins, arbidol will not save.
Just ruin your tummy, but gymnastics, football
At physical education lessons, bars, skis and a horizontal bar
Much better than potions. Remember this, student!

Dear Yaroslav Nikolaevich

Informatics is familiar in our time since childhood.
The whole evening dad is at home "studying the Internet"
We will study together, we will master the laptop at once.
If you try hard, you will become a doctor of science!

Dear Elena Mikhailovna

On this best holiday, on this day, and at this hour,
Every student wants to congratulate YOU on the holiday! (Children give flowers).

All these four years, guys, we studied with you and your parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters helped you in everything.

Boys and girls, let's get together!
Thank you mom! Thank you dad!
Thank you grandmothers! Thank you grandpa!
For troubles, for caresses, for songs and for fairy tales!
For delicious cheesecakes! For new toys!

Children (in chorus ) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Teacher: I I would like to once again thank everyone and present letters of thanks to those people who have been our great helpers for four years.

"Parental Suffering" (Own Composition) . Appendix 4

Thank you teacher and students.

Poems dedicated to the first teacher

You are our very, very, very, very first teacher.
You have taught us the most important lesson in our lives.
You taught us to learn, and to be friends, and to respect...
This is more useful than dividing and multiplying.
We were not lazy, we tried our best.
Even if sometimes they were in a hurry, they forgot about the zeros.
We chatted in class and didn't listen at all.
They even got deuces, but today no problem
We can easily write an essay, a report,
And divide and multiply, this is your great contribution.
You were everywhere, be it a ruler or lunch.
And with just one look they explained clearly: "NO".
Dear Natalia Vasilievna
We wish you obedient, like us, students.
Moderately noisy, good-natured first-graders - beginners.

Order on the transfer of students in grade 4 to grade 5

Awarding honors students.

My dear guys! I say goodbye to you today.
Maybe she's to blame for something. You forgive. Let's be friends.
I have been with you in happiness and in sorrow. Your "deuces" upset me,
And when in the diaries of the “five” - sadness was suddenly forgotten.
Do not forget your compositions, sometimes you wrote in verse.
And I rejoiced, admired and, of course, grew up with you.
The collection of your works, guys, has now become a thick volume,
Sometimes I will read them to new schoolchildren, unfamiliar to you.
And I will remember the good things about you, all the bad things will remain in the past.
You will go to others to study, but our hearts will not part.
Our problem book is both simple and complex, you have added the tasks yourself,
And I propose to solve them only at the station “Themselves with a mustache”.
You loved funny poems. Mothers came to us for holidays.
And also ... remember birthdays! How different they were!
We walked quickly through the lessons, but sometimes we ran or rushed.
We strived to always get more deep knowledge.
All this will not return, it will now remain in the past ...
But let's be friends further, we won't part until the eleventh!

Teacher. And finally - the main thing: big changes await you. New subjects, teachers, among them is the one who will become your kind and caring “school mother”.

Attention! The Disciple Transfer Ceremony Begins!

Teacher. Classroom teacher!

Teacher . And I, in turn, promise to be your reliable assistant in all this. Together we can do everything! And we are not afraid of any changes. Dear Olga Borisovna, I give you my children with the words that belong to Maxim Gorky: “There are invisible strings in the soul of every child: if touched with a skillful hand, they will sound beautifully.” I hope you find these strings.

Final verses (performance by boys).

Today he says goodbye to us, who knows how to keep secrets
Our first teacher who could teach us to hope, to believe, to love.
What lies ahead is unknown, but we will never forget
Those good songs that we sang together, we will cherish and love them.
When we came to grade 1, at first we were afraid of you,
We are a little visible from the earth you could get over.
We only knew twice two, the letter A and the letter I.
You have long been familiar with the wise uncle Pythagoras.

Difficult tasks, first confessions, mischievous and very friendly class.
Long lessons and a strict teacher, we will never forget you.
We praise you today, teachers! Well, who is the most important in the world, you say?
And without a doubt, the Earth rotates only because there is a teacher on it.
He knows every corner of the school and spends days and evenings here.
And it is necessary, so it grabs the night, but it is necessary, and it does until the morning.
How many joys, how many worries the school bell gives us all.
We walk through the classes with him, how many years, how many springs and winters!
We know that childhood cannot be repeated, school friendship can never be forgotten,
Do not forget our relatives of these walls, small and big changes.

The first day of autumn always marks the beginning of a new school year, and to start it on a good and positive note, a wonderful holiday was created - the Day of Knowledge. This is a great opportunity for teachers to wish their wards good luck, patience, bright victories and set them up in the right way. However, schoolchildren expect these words not only from teachers, but also from head teachers, because thanks to them the educational process is built competently and professionally, and any problems are solved under their strict guidance. Especially for you, dear head teachers, we have prepared wonderful congratulations and parting words that will help your students join the learning process with an even more positive mood and look forward to the first high marks in their diaries.

Solemn speech of the head teacher on September 1

Hello our dear students! The warm and sunny summer holidays flew by unnoticed, autumn has come into its own, which means that the school is again opening friendly doors for its students. But not only comfortable desks and the trill of a bell await you ahead. A huge world full of new knowledge, discoveries and sciences opens its arms before you. You, someone for the first time, and someone again, will plunge into the previously unknown secrets of the subjects you have already loved and plunge into the exciting maelstrom of new disciplines. I hope that this year and the journey of knowledge ahead will be bright, interesting and unforgettable for you. I am sure that our dear first-graders will find within the walls of the school not only attention and warmth from the teachers, and us, head teachers, but also a strong and sincere friendship. And I would like to wish future graduates to spend this academic year richly and profitably, looking to the future with confidence.

So the day of knowledge has come, which means that a new and eventful school year begins. The time is over summer holidays and I really hope that they were for you, our dear students, bright and filled with unforgettable events. However, do not be upset about the past summer, because no less interesting and memorable discoveries await you ahead. Your favorite school desks and colorful textbooks are already waiting for their students, and teachers with all their love and patience are ready to help you transport yourself to the land of knowledge and sciences. I hope that the transition from leisure to the educational process will be smooth and easy, and the knowledge gained will help you achieve your dreams. I am sure that our dear first graders will love the school and their teachers, and future graduates will successfully pass all school tests and plunge into the new adult world with a bright head.

Hello dear guys! I am very glad to see you again within the walls of our school, I am pleased to watch your happy smiles and shining eyes, filled with the expectation of new discoveries and intriguing secrets. The new academic year promises to be eventful and interesting. Ahead of you is waiting for acquaintance with new subjects and gaining important knowledge. I am sure that our esteemed teachers will do everything in their power to make your studies easy and calm, so that every morning you get up and eagerly run to the first lesson, and your confidence in yourself and your knowledge grows stronger every day. I wish you all to successfully master all the sciences that you have to study, get a lot of pleasant impressions both within the walls of the school and outside it, and successfully move towards your cherished dream and goal. I hope that the day of knowledge and the next academic year will be another important step for you on the path to the desired success.

Dear Guys! I am very glad to see you today so happy, tanned, smiling. I hope that the summer holidays helped you gain strength, energy and positive. I am sure that you missed your native school walls and your favorite teachers. The coming school year will be for each of you an important chapter in the still incomplete book of life. It depends on you what it will be, however, I am sure that each page will be filled with bright moments, interesting discoveries and memorable events. I am sure that the knowledge that you will receive will be useful to you in other chapters of your life book and will become an important springboard on the way to the realization of your cherished desires. As a head teacher, I want to promise each of you, our dear students, that we and your teachers will do everything in our power to convey to your bright heads all the necessary knowledge, and each lesson will be special and amazing.

Today one of the most exciting and pleasant holidays in the life of every student has come - the day of knowledge. Our dear first-graders were waiting for it with special impatience. Soon you will sit down at school desks and immerse yourself in the incredible world of sciences and disciplines, which will be the beginning of a new life for you. Your teachers and I will try to make this process easy and interesting for you, so that the thirst for knowledge always burns brightly in your eyes, and love for the subjects you study remains for many years. Among the students standing here, there are those for whom this academic year will be final and they will leave the school walls, entering a new adult world. I hope that you will successfully cope with all the tests and pass "excellent" final exams. I wish all of you, our dear students, good luck in your studies, great patience and only positive marks. May the coming academic year be a time of victories and achievements for you.

Today is a beautiful autumn day that marks the beginning of the school year. Knowledge Day is a wonderful holiday, symbolizing a smooth return to the world of school knowledge and sciences. Already today you will immerse yourself in your favorite subjects and start making new discoveries, and your teachers will help you with this. I would like to wish you, our dear students, that the knowledge that you will receive this academic year become a reliable basis for new skills and impressions, that the lessons are easy and interesting, and that only positive grades please the eye in the diaries. I hope that for those of you who cross the school threshold for the first time, mastering the subjects and sciences that they carry in themselves will become a pleasant and exciting experience, and the school will invariably be a second home. I wish you to successfully overcome all the trials of this academic year and have many reasons to be proud of your achievements.

Hello dear students! Today is the day of knowledge, which means that the school corridors that have quieted down during the summer holidays will come to life again and be filled with cheerful children's laughter, and new textbooks and notebooks will habitually fall on the desks. Ahead of us is an incredible and eventful academic year full of surprises, bright victories and important achievements. We, with our respected teachers, always strive to be for you not only teachers who professionally perform their work, but also good friends, always ready to help and support. Therefore, you can always contact us for advice or a request. I hope that today, like the whole academic year, will be fruitful, exciting and useful.

Today is a very important and responsible day in the life of every student - the day of knowledge. It symbolizes the beginning of a new school year, and for our dear first-graders it will be the beginning of a bright and unforgettable stage in their lives. School is not only a place to gain knowledge, it is a second home where friends are waiting, and beloved teachers strive to create an atmosphere of warmth and trust. We strive to turn the lesson into a fabulous journey filled with unexpected discoveries and interesting finds. And today I want to invite you to go on a journey through this country and I sincerely hope that it will become fascinating, fascinating and filled with meaning for you. Let all the knowledge you gain play its special role in your life and bring only benefit.

Our dear students! I am very glad to see you rested and happy today. Each of you in your soul feels excitement and enthusiastic interest in anticipation of the upcoming new school year. My dear teachers and I will try our best to keep this interest throughout school year and bring a lot of important and exciting things into your life. I hope that each subject will become dear to you in its own way, and the knowledge gained will help you on the way to the realization of your cherished goal. I wish you to boldly look forward, be self-confident and strive to achieve new heights, including in the school world.

Today we celebrate a wonderful event in the life of every student - the day of knowledge. It's like the first chapter in a wonderful book called the new school year. I think that each of you has already decided for yourself what content will fill its pages. I hope this will be a book of success and important achievements, consisting of many stories of great victories and interesting discoveries. I promise you that our dear teachers and I will try to make each chapter rich and exciting, and its writing easy and interesting. Let your every school day be filled with joy, pleasant worries and sunny smiles, and your achievements will be a real reason for pride. I would like to wish you that you always feel the support of your relatives and friends, and the attention and warmth of teachers have become another reason to strive for the lesson.

Today I really want to note the person who is responsible in our school for discipline, organizing events and creative development- our wonderful head teacher! Thank you for everything that you did for us, for the most interesting extra-curricular life, various circles that help us develop spiritually and physically, for your patience and care for us! I would like to wish you good health, success in your difficult profession, obedient and intelligent students and well-being!

Dear head teacher, let me thank you for your wisdom, professionalism, responsiveness and wish you to achieve heights, success in work, health and well-being.

Here it rang last call for your next release. You, as the head teacher, put not only knowledge and discipline into the heads of these guys, but also a piece of yourself - somewhere through your life experience, somewhere through health. So let this parallel be special. Let the guys who say goodbye to school today become the best representatives of society - scientists, testers, doctors ... Let them return to you after 10 years and tell you that you knowingly kicked them out of class and scolded them in front of their parents. Let them find the strength for a simple but very important word - "thank you."

With the end of the year and the last call, congratulations to our head teacher! Thank you for always supporting Hard time and shared the joy, taught to strive for knowledge, to be diligent, honest, fair. I would like to wish you to always remain the same responsive, kind and always ready to help person. We wish you patience and good students.

Congratulations to our responsible, serious and fair head teacher on the day of the last call! We wish you a great mood, good rest, hardened nerves and a great desire to work and develop within the walls of our school. Be healthy, as always responsive and just happy!

Congratulations on the last call. You are always support and support for us, there is no better head teacher in the whole world. We wish you to leave aside school worries and affairs, folders, plans, books and reports. We wish you to complete this school year with a sense of pride and go towards sunny adventures and summer dreams.

Today is the last call. And on this day I would like to congratulate our head teacher. We are grateful to you for all your work, for your care and attention. We wish you good health, respect from colleagues and students. May your work be appreciated. Have a good rest, gain strength and energy, because there are still so many students who need you!

Dear our head teacher, wonderful and kind person, we congratulate you on the Last Bell, on the last drop of the waterfall of knowledge and sonorous changes of this academic year. We wish you big and grandiose plans, cheerful and interesting ideas, bright colors of happiness and a wonderful mood of summer.

We want to congratulate our wonderful head teacher on the successful completion of this academic year, on our joint achievements and victories. The last bell is ringing, which means it's time to take a break from important matters and allow yourself to relax a bit. We wish you to spend this summer in a good mood and return to your favorite work with renewed vigor in September.

Congratulations on your last call! I would like to express my gratitude for your work and support to our children. We wish you health harmonious relations with loved ones. May your work bring you joy and pleasure. Our task is to help children open up as much as possible, and we succeeded thanks to your attitude towards our children.

The holiday is dedicated to the end of elementary school. At the holiday, children remember the first grade, share their successes and failures. Thank you to the school administration, teachers and parents. Students receive certificates in the nominations "Erudite", "Excellent student", "Hostess", "Best voice" and others. Many songs are heard at the festival. The holiday ends with the presentation of a certificate of completion of elementary school.



Sarsengalieva Bibinur Musaevna, teacher primary school MBOU "Zabuzanskaya secondary school named after Turchenko E.P." Krasnoyarsk district of the Astrakhan region

Graduation Scenario "Goodbye Elementary School!"

Leading: Dear Guys! Dear guests! Dear Parents!

How quickly time flies... It seems that only yesterday they entered, small, a little frightened, at the door of the school, crossing the threshold of their class for the first time. It became their home for four years. They are a little noisy, a little cocky, restless, curious 4th graders.

Let's invite our graduates to the hall. (Students of the 4th grade enter the music)

  1. Greetings.

Student: We welcome guests!
Dear teachers!
All the acquaintances
And serious
And fun!
Chorus: 4th grade, 4th grade invited you to the holiday!

2. The choir in front of the stage sings a song to the tune “Golden Wedding»

A holiday, a holiday we celebrate with a family, a holiday, a holiday, a graduation holiday.
In our school today there is vanity, screams, noise, and beauty everywhere!
Grandmothers, mothers and grandfathers look at adult children.

Your kids have matured, and now they are graduates.
Look here they are sitting, they are not screaming and, it seems, they are not naughty!
We are all a little worried, our cheeks are burning with a blush.
Grandmothers, mothers and grandfathers look at adult children!

4 students in suits with white scarves (gentlemen) enter the stage.

1: Gentlemen, are we waiting for someone?
2: Really, sir, why don't we start?
3: Yes, why don't you open our session?
4: Gentlemen! Given the importance and solemnity of our meeting, we will not begin without our ladies.

1: So where are they? You always need cherche these la femme!
2: Gentlemen! True ladies can afford to be 15 minutes late.
3: True ladies are not late. They linger.
4: Quiet! Quiet! Gentlemen, it seems they are coming.

The ladies enter. (Polonaise) Stand next to the gentlemen.

1: Ladies and gentlemen! May I now open the last meeting?
Lady : Excuse me, I did not understand why the last meeting?
2: The latter because for us this is the last call in elementary school.
3: Last call! How much we dreamed about it! Rather finish elementary school and - on vacation!
4: This is not necessary. Better get your handkerchiefs ready.

1: Today there will be many tears of sad and joyful.
2: Sir, are you going to cry?
Z: Gentlemen don't cry, but they have ladies. They are so tender.
4: I think that scarves will be needed not only by our ladies, but also by adults.
Lady: So what! Are you ashamed? After all, there are so many things that connect us with those sitting in this hall.

Chorus to the tune of the song "Our Neighbor"

How can we not be sad with you,
Because today is a sad day.
We're done guys.
First step schools.
We are a little scared
Waiting for novelty
And, of course, what we will
We are without a teacher.

How can we not have fun?
Do not laugh and do not sing?
Let's keep learning!
And for many long years
We will be one family
Friendly, kind, mischievous!
We stand up for each other
Even if we fight sometimes.

Student : Last quarter,
Spring quarter...
The chalk freezes in the hand.
On the blackboard
We carefully draw
Our parabolas
Hopes and worries.
Summer's soon
In our school
The sun filled the sky with light.
We've grown up today
Went up a step.
Student : Years will pass and it will ring
Call for the last time.
Today's rehearsal
Finished fourth grade
Student : Today is our day -
Both sad and happy
After all, we say goodbye to the native
His elementary school.

Student We say goodbye to elementary school.
We part, alas, forever.
We meet again in September
Will be secondary school then.

Performance of the song "Primary School" (to the motive of the song "Little Country») 1. We know everything that there is a small country in the world.
The country has its own name - "Primary School".
There are many discoveries waiting for you, there is no evil and grief,
There the teacher manages everything and knowledge gives light!

Chorus : Primary school!
2 times In the heart you are forever!
A class where the teacher is strict and affectionate,
A class where it's always spring!

2. We remember how our mothers brought us by the hand for the first time,
And we followed the teacher into a light, spacious classroom.
At our native school, we knew for sure that we would always be understood,
That school mothers are waiting for us in any bad weather!
Chorus 2 times. 3. Here we became students and made friends.
Here we have matured a little, become a little smarter.
We studied at elementary school, but years have passed:
We've grown up and it's time to say goodbye!
Chorus 2 times.

II. About first class Teacher: let's remember that September, when you came to the first class, what it was, this day - cloudy or sunny, cold or warm. Who did you go to school with? What flowers were in your hands? Who congratulated you? It's great that you and I can now return to that September day and see what it was like.View slides with the arrival of children in the first grade. student : What we were!
What have we become!
Everyone's grown up so much
Everyone was so angry!
student : Studied, not knowing much sadness,
And we know a lot, and we know a lot!

Teacher: Dear my students! Dear parents and guests! For 4 years we have been one friendly family: we shared joys and failures, we learned not only to read, write and count, but also to be friends. You have matured and learned a lot. You will have new teachers in the fall, but I think that in high school you will remember elementary school with gratitude.
Now I propose to go back 4 years and remember how it all began.

Student . Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.

Student . On that day, with new portfolios, notebooks, and pencil cases, we entered our bright classroom, and for the first time the school bell rang for us.

Student: The hardest first class
The hardest first class
Because for the first time.
student . The bell rang and fell silent:
The lesson starts.
Teacher. You wrote more than one notebook in 4 years of study. And remember how difficult it was at the beginning. How the letters did not obey, how diligently you deduced sticks, hooks, loops in the prescriptions. Today I will return your first prescriptions to you as a memento of your first successes and disappointments at school.

Leading . Now listen to Rimma Aldonina's poem "Notebook"

I am 11 years old, I am in the 4th grade,
I have already moved into the fifth.
I'm under the sofa on the terrace
Yesterday I found my notebook
My notebook - Smirnova Vova-
I lost in first grade.
You can't make out a word inside!
Did I write this?
What terrible hooks
And dead circles -
Hunched over like old men
And hung from the line.

Well, fat letter A,
Well, just like a frog.
"I" turned his head,
The "e" has lost its ear.
And what is this nonsense?
Four sticks jump!
Everyone leaned over,
Like our fence in the country!
I had a lot of fun:
Babies write terribly!

Leading. For 4 years there were many lessons, new interesting topics, you learned a lot, learned a lot, proved yourself.
Presentation of diplomas for study. (Drummers).Presentation of Certificates of Honor in the nominations "For Artistry", "Hostess", "Soul of the Class", "Best Athlete".

Leading. But besides successes, there were also failures.

/ Reading the poem "Two" /
The song "The Suffering of a Loser" (to the motive of Abraham Russo's song "I Know")

Night... This night will not warm us,
And the next morning we are back in class.
I already know this pain
What will be a bad evaluation.
Silently my soul cries
Problems need to be solved again
And not for the last time
I know what, I don't know anything
But dad doesn't want to understand.
He threatens to give me a belt.
I know I'm forgetting something again
Some lesson was given
But I couldn't remember him.
I know that I often forget my notebook
And I will have a deuce again
And I can't get past it.

Sh. What is a school?

Teacher : Do you know what a school is?

Song to the tune "Communal Apartment".

This is a communal, communal apartment,
This is a communal, communal country.
First grade primer reads
Fifth grade runs to the gym
And the tenth splits the magazine into molecules.
Someone writes, someone jumps,
Someone bit off a globe.
And the teacher almost cries, the poor man is exhausted.

3 student: Dear administration!
The school is a state within a state.
And a republic, not a monarchy.
And she needs the right medicine
From lawlessness and anarchy.

4 student: In order not to stray from the right path,
To set the motion vector -
The school has strict
But fair head teachers and director.

Carcass sounds, flowers are handed

Poems dedicated to the director of the school.

Dear Natalya Anatolyevna!
You are so charming, and attentive to anyone,
And in everything obligatory and infinitely wise,
Diligent in work, thorough in business,
You are adorable and very kind!
Natalya Anatolyevna, we are nowhere without you!
Natalya Anatolyevna we are always with you!

Greetings for the head teacher of the senior classes.Natalia Raulevna! We see tears in your eyes too. Hello! Adopt a new generation of your students!

To the tune of "Your Honor"Natalia Raulevna! You are our hope! You are so kind, who will support us?
We know it is difficult with us, but we promise to do our best, we will not let you down!
We know it's troublesome with us, but we promise to do our best, we won't let you down!

Greetings for the head teacher of VR. (to the tune of "Black Eyes").

A very difficult job. It turned out to be an aunt

At the deputy director of VR Very nice looking

I want to figure it out And she alone decides

Who is this scary beast? What holiday do we have?

Chorus: We are very happy that we are at school.

At Galia Mikhailovna

Lots of things around

So the holidays are coming.

Presentation of Certificates of Honor in the nomination "Excellent student" (Evdokimov D., Shambuzov R., Dudarev S.) "Erudite" (Shambuzov R., Balikeev D., Panina L., Dzhasheva I.) - head teacher in UVR, In the nomination "Artist", " Best voice" - head teacher for VR

IV. Thanks to subject teachers.

Leading. But, despite all the disappointments, the guys love school.

15 student . School, school! You are the beginning
All professions and roads.
You have become a true friend to us,
To the heart of the occupation
Everyone has a choice in life.

17 student. Teacher is with us everywhere
The teacher teaches us good
Teaches reading and writing.
Drawing, singing, and also patience.
Teaches honest, courageous to be,
Teaches you to love your country.

Student: Who will always help you
Support with a kind word,
What he did not understand - will explain,
Praise you for your success.

Student: Who will deliver with a smile?
The long-awaited five?
Who himself is not happy, upset,
If you deserve a deuce?

Student: Who does not like quarrels and noise,
Who can't stand lies?
Who furrows his brows angrily,
Why don't you learn your lesson?

Student: On this glorious May day
We will give a bouquet to whom,
Whom do we congratulate from the bottom of our hearts?
Well, of course, our strict,
Well, of course, our kind,
Well, of course, our dear ...

Students (in chorus): TEACHERS!!

We are speaking thank you very much our teachers Uteueva S.A., Kuranova T.A., Yakubova E.S., Mukhambetaliev R.Z. for kindness, patience, love for us.

Dedicated to the music teacher. To the motive "Svetka Sokolova has a birthday."

Music is like a birthday for us,
We are happy to go to class.
After all, for us it is not just singing -
This is a prize and happiness and a lesson.

teacher foreign language dedicated.

Song to the motive "Little by little".

  1. Once you entered the class,
    They brought someone else's speech.
    I tried, I got used to
    Little by little I got used to it.
  2. Another year has already passed
    I entered the course of science.
    I puffed, did not lose heart
    Little by little I got used to it.
  3. I'm going to the fifth
    I'm talking about a foreigner.
    And at first he suffered so much
    Little by little I got used to it.
  4. Thank you for everything

I love computer science
And then I did not understand
Little by little I got used to it.

The song "We wish you happiness"

VI. Gratitude to parents from graduate children.

Leading. Guys! All this time, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your parents were re-learning with you. They often worried more than you, experienced your failures, rejoiced at your victories. Let's thank them for their patience and care.


Words of gratitude to parents from graduate children:

  1. Without you, our dads, without you, our moms,
    We would not have studies, but drama.
    The hardest learning process without you
    For us, he would have lost interest a long time ago. 2. Our parents teach us patience,
    So that our teaching does not become a torment.
    You force us to study at school -
    We just have to be proud of you!
    3. You tolerate our whims and laziness,
    You worry about us every day
    You learn lessons with us until you sweat ...
    Thank you all for your warmth and care!
    (in chorus)
    We love you dearly!

Presentation of Letters of Appreciation to Parents

V. Presentation of Diplomas on completion of elementary school.

Student: A student starts from school

Student: School starts with the principal

Student: Who is the primary school from?

Student: Probably from the "initial" director - that is, from the head teacher of the primary classes.

The word - the head teacher of primary school Seitkaziyeva N.R.

The life of every student is divided into three periods: elementary, middle and senior. In the life of our children today ends the first, most important period. They went to this long four years.

(presentation of DIPLOMAS on graduation from elementary school to graduates, put on ribbons “Primary School Graduate”).

VIII. W final word of the students.

We will leave today, activists and just guys.
You and others will have to start from scratch.
We have gathered to say goodbye to you
And to assure you that we will miss you!

Farewell song.

  1. The corridors become quieter.
    You can even hear the beating of hearts
    goodbye elementary school
    We send you our farewell greetings!

We are sad, we sing, parting,
Remembering happy days.
How did we get here as kids?
And what we have left of you.


Friends break up.
Tenderness remains in the heart
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye until we meet again.

  1. In this class you dreamed with us
    And they led the way of knowledge.
    Here we met our friends,
    We made discoveries here.
    Do not be sad, our beloved teacher,
    We will come running to you more than once,
    Let others come to replace us,
    We are the only one with you.