Orthodoxy with an Ossetian accent. Ossetians - Muslims or Christians? Religious worldview of Ossetians

Why Ossetians neglect their brothers - Yaghnobi?
07.12.16 21:35

As you know, the Ossetian language belongs to the Iranian language group. However, the Iranian peoples closest to the place of residence of the current Ossetians Kurds, Persians and Talysh do not actually understand the Ossetian language. Since, according to the linguistic classification, the Ossetian language belongs to the northeastern subgroup of the Iranian languages, and Persian, Kurdish and Talysh to the northwestern subgroup.

However, there is another people living in the world, albeit a small one, whose language also belongs to the northeastern subgroup of Iranian languages ​​and is mutually intelligible with Ossetian. This small nation is called Yaghnobi. They live in the valley of the Yagnob River in mountainous Tajikistan, although in Soviet times part of the Yaghnobis were resettled in the plain regions of Tajikistan.

Those. the Ossetian people have siblings in Central Asia!
It would seem that the Ossetian national figures should have maintained contacts with the Yaghnobis of Tajikistan in every possible way, sent delegations there, written treatises on the Ossetian-Yagnobi brotherhood and the common roots of culture, etc. etc.

However, nothing of the kind is observed at all. The unfortunate Yaghnobis are absolutely abandoned by their Ossetian brothers. Well, Ossetian nationalists, who are looking for Ossetian roots all over Europe, to the extent that they find Ossetian roots in the name of the British capital London, are more “concerned” with claims to native Georgian lands. And not only the separatist Tskhinvali region, but also those regions of Georgia where there are still Ossetian settlements - the south of Shida Kartli (the so-called "Trialet Ossetia" by Ossetian nationalists), and the Trusovsky Gorge of the Stepantsminda municipality.

They prefer not to talk about the fact that the Ossetian people have practically siblings who live in the same post-Soviet space, neither in Tskhinvali nor in Vladikavkaz. Although the Yaghnobis, being citizens of Tajikistan, go to work in the same Moscow, where a lot of Ossetian businessmen and representatives of the Ossetian elite live or come for one purpose or another.

Probably Kokoity, Tibilov and other separatist leaders from Tskhinvali, visiting Moscow at the "bosses" encountered janitors and builders - Yaghnobi without even suspecting that these are representatives of a truly fraternal people, you can speak Ossetian with them and those, albeit badly - but understand. Moreover, it seems that the Tskhinvali separatists have a whole “ independent state”- but establishing “diplomatic ties” with Nauru, far away and having nothing to do with the Ossetians, they are not at all interested in their close people.

What's the matter? Why are Ossetian nationalists so shy of their siblings, who also live in the mountains and are very similar in appearance and culture to Ossetians?

The fact is that in the light of South Ossetian separatism and Ossetian claims that they are supposedly an “indigenous people” in the Caucasus and literally in the center of Georgia, the Yaghnobis are a very “uncomfortable” kindred. After all, there are many thousands of kilometers between the Yaghnobis and the Ossetians. But between them there are no peoples that would be even remotely related to them in terms of language. And this means one thing, either the Yaghnobis are an alien people in Tajikistan, or the Ossetians came to the Caucasus from somewhere in Central Asia.

At the same time, there is no evidence that the Yaghnobis are newcomers to the lands where they live. it indigenous people mountainous Tajikistan, their language is close to the language of the ancient inhabitants of this area - the Sogdians.

Hence the conclusion that the alien people in the Caucasus are the Ossetians. They were sheltered on their lands by Georgians and Vainakh peoples, primarily the ancestors of the Ingush. For centuries, no one forbade the Ossetians to live in the Caucasus, and in Georgia they enjoyed all kinds of protection and patronage from the Georgian kings.

There were no facts of discrimination or unequal treatment of Ossetians in Georgia. They could settle throughout the territory of Georgia, and an indication of this is that the Ossetian villages are scattered over the vast territory of central and eastern Georgia.

There are Ossetian villages in Kakheti, including in the east of this Georgian region in the Lagodekhi region, almost on the border with Azerbaijan and in Western Georgia in Racha and in Upper Imereti and in the south of Georgia - in the Borjomi Gorge, the Trialeti Mountains and in Tetritskaro area. However, nowhere do the Ossetians form a continuous “mass” of the population. Their villages are, as a rule, scattered or in groups among the bulk of the Georgian population.

This is proof of the presence of the Ossetian ethnos on the territory of Georgia and the absolute groundlessness of the claims of Ossetian nationalists to their ethnic state called “South Ossetia”.

If the Ossetian researchers of antiquity want to find their "roots", then they should take a closer look at the Yaghnobi brothers, forgotten due to exorbitant geopolitical ambitions. Moreover, the places of settlement of the Yaghnobis are almost the poorest regions of the already poor Tajikistan. Even a thousandth of the intentional aid that was invested by the Russian government in separatist South Ossetia and plundered by the local criminal elite could help the people really kindred to the Ossetians.

Ossetians have long been a people who live on different sides Caucasian ridge which left a noticeable imprint on his past and present. The mountains became an insurmountable barrier that divided the ethnic group into two parts.

For a very long time, communication between the southern and northern regions was carried out exclusively along mountain paths. Only in 1984 was a highway finally built that connected the South and, and to this day this road remains the only one.

History of the Ossetian people

The ancestors of the Ossetians are militant nomads - Iranian-speaking tribes, which are spoken of in written sources as early as the 1st century. It was then that these numerous and powerful Scythian-Sarmatian tribes mastered Ciscaucasia and had a serious impact on the entire region.

In the VI century, the number of Alans significantly decreased - most of the tribes left, like many other peoples of the world, taking part in the Great Migration of those years, initiated by the invasion of the warlike Huns. The rest formed their own state, merging with local tribes.

The Alans are mentioned under the name "yasy" in the Russian Nikon chronicle - Prince Yaroslav made a successful campaign against them in 1029 for the Russian squad. The Mongols, who captured the fertile Ciscaucasia in the 13th century, forced the Alans to retreat to where modern Ossetia is now located. Here they led a typical life, adopted some of the customs of their neighbors, but also carefully preserved their own.

Nothing was heard about this ethnic group for a long time, until in the 18th century the Northern, and in the next century, became part of Russian state. When annexing the southern territories, the tsarist administration rejected the claims of the Georgian princes for the serfdom of the Ossetian population. The benefits of joining were mutual. The landless people gained access to the fertile plain, and Russia gained control over important passes.

After becoming part of Russia, the history of Ossetia and the history of the Russian state became common. In the 20s of the last century, an event took place with colossal consequences for the future: there was an official division into southern and northern zones for more convenient administration. The northern territory became a separate republic, the southern one became part of.

In the Great Patriotic War, both Ossetias suffered heavy losses - almost all men were drafted into the army, more than half of them fell in battle. In the list of Ossetian Heroes Soviet Union dozens of surnames, and in terms of the number of representatives of the people per hero, it is the descendants of the warlike Alans who are in the first place!

How the Alans became Ossetians

The Alans did not become Ossetians of their own free will - that's what their neighbors, Georgians, called them, under this name they were recognized in Russia. The Georgian words "ovsi" and "eti" put together formed "Oseti". It should be clarified that by Ovsi the Georgians meant Ases, who are part of the Alans.

What religion do they practice

Orthodox and Muslim communities coexist here for a long time, taking part in rituals based on the ancient beliefs of their ancestors. Moreover, according to a survey conducted in 2012 by the Sreda service, about 30% of the population identified themselves as perceivers exclusively. Another feature is the Ossetians (about 12-15% according to local authorities) live mainly in the Northern zone.

The dominant role in the formation of ancient beliefs was played by the Sarmatians and Scythians. After moving to the mountainous regions, religious traditions were supplemented with elements of local beliefs. This system includes the supreme god Huytsau, who is subordinate to the deities - patrons of natural elements. The religious system is tolerant, capable of accepting new spiritual ideas, so Ossetian Christians and Muslims have not become an alien phenomenon for it.

Orthodoxy came to the local mountains from Byzantium already in the 5th century through the Orthodox, and in the 10th century Christianity was recognized as the official religion of the country. Islam originated in the country during the Golden Horde period, when part of the Alans, who served the khans, converted to Islam. Timur's invasion led to the loss of the position of Christianity, but after joining Russia, they gradually recovered.

Culture, traditions and customs

Many cultural traditions of the Ossetians are rooted in the Scythian-Alanian past. The long isolation in the mountains, which came after the invasion of the hordes of the Mongols and Timur, became the reason for the preservation of cultural norms almost in their original form, although neighboring peoples influenced the rituals and general culture. That is why scientists, historians and philologists show genuine interest in the language of this people and that part of its culture that is associated with the Alanian period.

Famous Ossetians

In "A Hero of Our Time" Lermontov about the Ossetians expressed himself in the words of one of the characters: "... stupid, pitiful people." Although nothing says that he thought the same way, people still resent him for it. Although they are sure that in our time, Lermontov's opinion would change dramatically. This people gave the world community a lot prominent people, and one of them is Kosta Khetagurov, a writer, the founder of Ossetian literature, who also wrote in Russian.

The conductor Valery Gergiev, the famous wrestler Andiev Soslan are known all over the world. In Vladikavkaz, Evgeny Vakhtangov, the famous theater figure, was born and lived for a long time, after whom the Moscow theater is named. - the birthplace of Valery Gazzaev, a famous football coach, one of the most titled in Russia. Fifteen Shotaev cousins ​​and their sister took part in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. Only four wounded Shotaevs returned home.

Ossetians consider Stalin half of theirs, because according to some sources, the father of the leader of the Communist Party was an Ossetian. The list of famous representatives of the Ossetian people can be continued for a long time. It is simply amazing how many well-known cultural figures, athletes, warriors, politicians gave this small nation - the number of Ossetians is only 700 thousand people in the world, and only about half a million live in their native places.

This is an original people who remember their history well. Its traditions and customs have deep roots going far back in the past centuries. Culture is extremely interesting and deserves not only attention, but also development. Its best representatives are the pride of the entire Caucasus and all of Russia, an example for young people - work and talent allow you to reach any heights!

On the territory of the countries of South and. However, they live in Russia and other countries. In total, there are about 700 thousand Ossetians in the world, 515 thousand of which live in Russia.

Residents speak Russian, Georgian and Ossetian languages, all three are state languages. If we talk about religions, then the Ossetians adopted Christianity from Byzantium back in the period of the 4th-9th centuries. There is a small part of the population professing Islam. Ossetians are attributed to the Caucasian type of the Caucasian race. They are characterized not only by dark hair, fair-haired, red-haired people are also often found. The shape of the head of the people of Ossetia is elongated, the color of the eyes is brown, sometimes gray or blue.

National composition of South Ossetia in 1926-2008:

Ossetians - 46,289 (64.3%)

Georgians - 18,000 (25.0%)

Russians - 2016 (2.8%)

Armenians - 871 (1.21%)

Jews - 648 (0.9%)

others - 4,176 (5.8%) (Armenians, Tatars, Gypsies, Kyrgyz, Tajiks)

According to South Ossetia, now (in 2009) the majority of the population are Ossetians (80%)

Speaking about architecture, it is worth noting that the most interesting monuments created by Ossetians are fortresses, towers, castles, barrier walls, etc. They built such structures in all the gorges that they inhabited. Since ancient times, such buildings have been a reliable guarantor of freedom of childbirth, providing shelter to the owners. However, during the hostilities, a large number of architectural monuments were destroyed.

The main dishes of the cuisine of South Ossetia are local pies, meat stew with potatoes, meat stewed in sour cream, beans and corn boiled together, pepper leaves sauce with cream or sour cream. Of the drinks, it is necessary to highlight beer, kvass, as well as the local alcoholic drink araka, which is like whiskey. Of course, as in any other Caucasian country, people in South Ossetia love and know how to cook barbecue.

Since ancient times, the main occupation was cattle breeding and agriculture. Also, for more early stages locals were hunting.

In the economy, the most developed were the preparation of cheese and butter, the production of cloth, the manufacture of wood and metal products, Ossetians were engaged in wool processing. The costume of the inhabitants of Ossetia had the following appearance: tight trousers that reached the shoes, and a beshmet. In the mountains, a kind of footwear was used - archita, as a headdress they used a hat made of sheep fur, and in summer - a mountain hat. In everyday life, women wore dresses with collections at the waist, with a stand-up collar, a straight slit on the chest to the waist.

Applied and art Ossetian people are extremely rich. So, local craftsmen were engaged in wood carving, ornamental embroidery, metal processing, stone carving, etc. Ossetian musical instruments are basically similar to Caucasian musical instruments. Among these, one can distinguish a shepherd's flute, a harp, a two-stringed violin. They were played only by men. A little later, in Ossetia, a two-row harmonica was brought from Russia.

Ossetians are a very hospitable, tolerant and friendly nation.

Ossetian city of Dargavs.

Ossetians are one of the most mysterious ethnic groups of the Caucasus. Scientists called them the descendants of the ancient Polovtsy, put forward theories about Germanic and Finno-Ugric origin. Such a discrepancy is due to the fact that scientists traveling around the Caucasus in the 18th-19th centuries had little knowledge of the history and ethnographic genealogy of the region. Subsequently, they came to a common denominator, agreeing with the theory of Heinrich Julius Klaproth about the Alanian origin of the Ossetians. This was later reinforced by Academician Vsevolod Miller.

The outstanding Caucasian scholar and Slavist in his writings managed to confirm the hypothesis that the Ossetians are descendants of the Scythian-Sarmatian-Alanian tribes. The historian collected archaeological, ethnographic and folklore data, which irrefutably proved that the Ossetians inhabited the entire flat strip of the North Caucasus. And in the narrow geographical framework of the mountains of the Central Caucasus, they were pushed aside only in the recent past by the Tatar-Mongols.

Scythian roots in the epic and language of the Ossetians.

The linguist and etymologist Vasily Ivanovich Abaev supplemented the works of Vsevolod Miller. In his research, he proved that the modern Ossetian language, religion and culture are closely related to the carriers of the Koban culture.

This is what the Scythians looked like.

In his opinion, the fact that the Scythians are the ethnogenetic ancestors of the people is clearly indicated by the language and epic. Vasily Abaev found more than 200 matches with the Scythian language in the modern Ossetian language: common roots in words, in the names of Roxana and Zarina, as well as in the names of the Dnieper, Don, Danube and some other rivers. Many Scythian-Sarmatian words are easily identified in the modern Ossetian language. This can be easily traced from the works of ancient authors and numerous inscriptions left in the places of the ancient Scythian colonial cities.

The Scythian epic is also reflected in the Nart plots. The legends of the Ossetians and other peoples of the Caucasus in many details coincide with the descriptions of the life and customs of the Scythians, seen in ancient authors, for example, in Herodotus. The ethnographic parallels in the funeral rites and traditions of the hearth, the heptatic cult, and the culture of the honorary glass look indicative.

Alanian cavalry goes on the offensive.

Religious beliefs of Ossetians. Way of life.

A striking resemblance to the Scythian rituals has been preserved for thousands of years, passing into the Ossetian way of life. A part of the people, up to our time, adheres to traditional pagan beliefs (according to polls in 2012, their number among Ossetians is 29%). The mountain people revere the god of war Uastirdzhi and the god of thunder Uacilla, who are the prototypes of George and the prophet Elijah. Some Ossetians profess Islam, which they adopted from the Kabardians in the 17th-18th centuries. The overwhelming majority, 57%, belong to Orthodox Christians.

Ossetian Orthodox monks.

As it should be according to Christian laws, Ossetians mostly adhered to monogamy. Among the wealthy representatives of the population, polygamy used to be to a certain extent, but the Christian clergy waged a tough fight against it. Some concessions were made only in one case - if the first wife was childless.

Women traditionally fell on all homework: cleaning the house, cooking and chores around the house. Men were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. The people were famous for high-quality woolen products, cheeses and butter. Metal forging, stone and wood carving, embroidery and other applied arts were also well developed.

This is what Ossetian houses look like.

For a long time, the houses of the Ossetians (Hadzars) were divided into two halves: female and male. And if beautiful objects, musical instruments, weapons and turya horns were placed on the side of the head of the house, then all household utensils were on the female side.

Role Russian Empire in the development of Ossetia

Ossetian family.

Decline in the 18th century Agriculture in Ossetia reached its apogee. In difficult mountainous conditions, any attempts to engage in agriculture and animal husbandry were initially doomed to failure. The situation was aggravated by the issue of serious overpopulation of the country. The Ossetian princes saw two ways out of the situation: agree to become vassals of the Georgian or Kabardian nobility and gain access to the North Caucasian plain, or join the Russian Empire.

Not having received sufficient guarantees of political and economic stability, the Ossetian community refused to cooperate with the Georgians and decided to establish diplomatic relations with the Russian Empire. Ossetia received official permission to enter citizenship in 1774 during the reign of Catherine II. But in fact, the people have been under patronage since 1743, immediately after the representatives sent their request to the empress.

Ossetians are discussing the terms of unification.

The merger of Ossetia and the Russian Empire created fertile ground for the revival of the mountain people. Profitable peasant reforms, the mass migration of Ossetians to the plains and the expansion of external relations.

Formative years Soviet power the region once again experienced economic and cultural decline. Many wealthy Ossetians fought for the White movement, peasants - for the Reds. The conflict was superimposed by a stubborn struggle with Georgia, which turned into the burning of villages and the expulsion of Ossetians from their native territories. The bloody events ended in peace during the Soviet era. Then Ossetia was administratively divided into two parts: South fell under the jurisdiction Georgian SSR, Northern departed the RSFSR.

In the nineties of the last century, a new historical period began. The collapse of the USSR led to serious territorial disputes. The South Ossetian Autonomous Okrug demanded to recognize its independence from Georgia. The conflict of interests led to the final division of Ossetia. South Ossetia received the status of a partially recognized state, North Ossetia remained part of the Russian Federation.

08/07/04, Nastya1
I love this people! Such cool boys... And I also love Chechens, Dagestanis, Georgians.

11/05/05, Boris Sergeevich
I traveled with my wife and children to Ossetia. Russians there are the second most populous people. How good it is, you won't believe it! People are completely different, everything is different ...

25/10/05, Abrek
I myself am Georgian by nationality, but despite some graters of my and the Ossetian people, I respect the Ossetians. Because they are also a mountain people, just like us. Honoring traditions, respecting the older generation. But I don't like ... let's say the Udmurts. Votyaks, they are votyaks - what to take from them?

24/06/07, soleil
If someone did not like the attitude towards themselves in the army, you do not need to write about it here. You just had to be a man, and not allow someone to punch you in the face, and not pour mud on the whole nation afterwards. By the way, among the immigrants from Ossetia, there are the most Heroes of the Soviet Union - 63. This is the largest specific share among all the republics. Vladikavkaz, the capital North Ossetia, which became an impregnable fortress during the years of the great patriotic war, is a city of military glory. At the Olympics, Ossetia usually brings the lion's share of medals to the Russian team (mostly wrestlers). It is also worth noting such outstanding Ossetians as Valery Gergiev, Yegor Beroev, Valery Gazzaev, Stanislav Cherchesov and many, many others.

11/03/09, Alan777
my father once told me .. "Alan, to be an Ossetian means to remain a man in every situation, to honor the laws of the mountains and the memory of our ancestors ... and always, in any situation, be able to answer for your words!" now in my life I try to observe these 3 components .. I love my people and am ready for anything for them! .. (although I admit that there are enough geeks and scum in it) ..

11/03/09, Quetzalcoatl
Ossetians are the only (not counting the Abkhazians) people in the Caucasus, who for the most part did not convert to Islam, but remained Christians. True, there is a small percentage of Muslims among the Ossetians, but they do not succumb, unlike the Nokhchi, Maarulal, Dargins, and so on. Ossetia became part of Russia voluntarily, unlike the same Dagestan. And in general, I did not see a single Ossetian among the bazaar traders. All Muslims. Ossetia has always been on the side of Russia, and the South Ossetians, when the war began, were waiting for help from us.

11/03/09, Brian Boru
I live in Sochi, and we have more representatives of Caucasian nationalities here than Slavs, and I have long understood that not all of them are "khachiks" - there are very similar peoples, there are completely different, both in appearance and in behavior. So - I have never met a vile Ossetian. I cannot speak for all Ossetians, but most of them have a concept of honor, and such a noble, rude concept, not to show off, but such an innate one. If they consider you their friend, then they can literally give away their last shirt - but if they are an enemy, they can be very cruel. Although they look stern in appearance, many go unshaven, some wear beards, but mostly good-natured. I had a very good friend, an Ossetian - sorry, he left.

27/06/09, Next 051595
Ossetians are the people among whom I live! Simply handsome!

08/10/09, Roxy 565
Most of them are pretty good people. Along with the Azerbaijanis, the most intelligent and cultured peoples of the Caucasus. Honor traditions, respect elders. And among the Ossetians, I have never met mean people. How can you not love such people?

03/11/09, mushroommushroom
"Ossetians are especially fearless and hardened like Spartans. Negotiating with them is a political necessity" ahaha "I saw this George" but it's okay that the images are different, the language is different ... go to the Armenian church and there the icons are not quite as sharp as those of Christians . and the Armenians are not Orthodox now, or what? Ossetians will never be humiliated, let there be death, execution for it .. so historically, why were the Ossetian princes exiled constantly? because if they refused to negotiate with the king, then they went to the end. they obeyed the law, but they never quit what they started in blood

03/11/09, mushroommushroom
a wonderful girl in the right column, yes you are fucked up.

03/11/09, Old Gopher
It so happened that I was closely acquainted with only one Ossetian, or rather, an Ossetian. Kingdom of heaven to her. She was an interesting person, everyone loved her ...

03/11/09, Katharine Moier
Why shouldn't I love them? They didn’t do anything bad to me, and even if they did, it’s at least stupid to start hating the whole nation because of one person ... All the Ossetians I know are kind-hearted people, honest, without any scoundrels. So, I respect Ossetians!

05/01/10, Old Gopher
Osentins are Iranian litter, this is original. This is the funniest thing I've heard in the past few days, including New Year. I have only the best impressions from communication with Ossetians. And I more than deserved a couple of twos, received at one time from an Ossetian teacher.

05/01/10, Dark Demon
I hope there are no my compatriots in the right column, otherwise I will be ashamed of the Russian guys with unflattering reviews. Firstly, stop inciting hatred among the peoples! Secondly, Ossetia cannot be called an Iranian bedding. Moreover, if you are not blind, respected Ossetian-phobes, then I ask you to pay attention to the fact who is now a litter, not Iranian, but American. It is no secret to anyone who ordered Saakashvili to start a war. I am sure that there are as many in common, like a Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian. Poor Ossetian people! Either Gamsakhurdia with his lousy policy of genocide, or the vile terrorist Viro! You will always be brothers for us Russians, and we will never leave you. Russia-Ossetia - friendship forever!

17/03/10, miner
the last time I was in Vladikavkaz was in 2004, I went on a business trip (I found equipment on the Internet that I was interested in, phoned the owner of the company, i.e. absolutely strangers) met at the station, taken to the office, then went to the facilities where the equipment is, along the way a city tour, finished business, to a country cafe, an attempt to even get into your pocket for a wallet was considered an insult. The trip confirmed past impressions: Ossetians are friendly, decent, hospitable people !!! noticed that everyone who writes in the left column is based on personal experience and describe their cases, on the right, on the contrary, abstract, unsubstantiated malice, apparently based on the old enmity between Ossetians and some peoples, not a single example or explanation, everything is only from personal (some kind of directly animal) hatred

12/06/10, DagLezg
It’s not that I love Ossetians, I don’t know Ossetians and so on ... I treat them like any other people - it’s normal. In general, I do not distinguish between people by nation - this is contrary to the norms of Islam. Why did I choose the green column? Because I love Ossetians rather than hate them. There is no hatred towards them. But hey!!! Stop enjoying the favor of Russia and grabbing the lands of your neighbors. A suburban area with parts of Malgobek, in the second half of the 19th century, Vladikavkaz was generally considered the capital of the Ingush. The territory of South Ossetia was settled by Ossetians in the middle of the 19th century. And so, these were the possessions of the Georgian princes Machabeli. If the Ossetians want to live peacefully with their neighbors, then at least they need to return the Prigorodny district, as a neutral person I declare: well, this land is not yours!

08/07/10, Ivan Korneev
Most the best people in the Caucasus - Ossetians! I am Russian, but I communicate with Ossetians in Moscow, such good guys! They invited me to visit them in Beslan, I went there, they fed me with Ossetian pies, they took me to the mountains! Guys are simply the best! I feel very sorry for those who do not have at least one Ossetian friend! When I arrived in Moscow, my car was stolen, and there was nowhere to live, but then 8 Ossetians took me in! And we are still close friends! They saved my life, I can say! + Russians are treated well, so many Russians live in Ossetia, I didn’t feel like a guest there! Thank you for being my friends!

15/07/10, Fox305
Hello! I don't know why people judge a nation by one person or occasion. In general, what kind of hatred can go between people who need each other? If people exist on Earth, then it must be so! We are all part of one whole! I respect the Ossetians and the entire Caucasian people in general! I myself am a mestizo - Georgian, Ossetian, Russian - only if you take 2 tribes of a generation. I have many acquaintances and friends among Ossetians. I consider them very good, sociable, cheerful, smart, patriotic and friendly people. Frankly, I have disgust for the Americans and Ukrainians, BUT, note that hatred is NOT FOR THE PEOPLE, BUT FOR THE GOVERNMENT!!! And for many, I’m sure, so don’t sling mud at the whole nation ... purely my opinion. I would love to discuss this topic further. [email protected]

25/08/10, Batraz
Ossetians are truly a great nation, if the Ingush, spitting on their ancestors, the Hurrians, the Dzurdzuks, wanted to become Alans. And if the left-green column is filled with uninterested sane people, then aggressive Ingush nationalists write in the right column, and they are the same ones. I understand that there is nothing interesting in your story, but this is not a reason to consider yourself Alan.

08/12/10, WIKING
The attention of prominent scientists is riveted to such a people as the Ossetians. In European universities, Alanovologists study the Ossetian language, since it is the Ossetian language that helps in deciphering the Alanian, Sarmatian and Scythian records.. Alans. Road to the west h t t p: / / r u t u b e . r u / t r a c k s / 2 4 6 1 5 1 1 . h t m l ? v = 1 a c 3 0 3 a 5 2 e d c 6 3 b 1 c d b e 5 5 1 2 6 4 a 8 0 1 3 f (Connect url)

08/12/10, WIKING
"Both dialects of the Ossetian language - Iron and a somewhat more archaic Digor - descended from Scythian in the same way as Italian and Spanish descended from Latin ... They (Ossetians - approx. Ts. X.) have preserved to this day not only the language as a form , which carries a certain cultural content, but also this content itself, which reflected the state of the Scythian civilization at the last stages of its development. the images of the epic are still fresh and original.Moreover: this oral literature was adopted to one degree or another by the neighboring peoples, distorting in it exactly what was specifically Ossetian, Scythian." Georges Dumézil "We were unanimous (with J. Dumézil - approx. C. X.) recognizing the importance for European science Ossetian people, the last descendants of the Scythians." Emil Benveniste

08/12/10, WIKING
..I am surprised at this people - the Ossetians, their patience, Tolerance, etc.., how many outright lies, dirty slander have been pouring on him for decades .. Isn't this the GREATNESS of the people ??? But all kinds of ignoramuses, impregnated with POISON and hatred of the heart, slanderers, liars, and envious people, do not even understand what a TERRIBLE, agonizing Karma - fate they create for themselves (and not only) in the future, ROUGHLY VIOLATING THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE, HARMONY - BALANCE. You don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that any INJUSTICE, LIE, blasphemy, etc., is punished by the HIGHER DIVINE FORCES, Watching this from the side, frankly speaking, I feel only Pity for them, because more than IT IS OBVIOUS that they are creating a problem for themselves out of the blue, plunging themselves into the abyss.. A pedantic situation... ..and all this wildness is going on in the 21st century. But to each his own, nothing more, nothing less.

08/12/10, WIKING
DagLezg, you know, at least STRANGE how you talk about land claims, even demand .. I never cease to be amazed at human shortsightedness, and naive claims .. I want to note to you DagLezg that your morality in this regard is more than selective, and Extremely NOT fair .. DagLezg You are talking about some kind of suburban district, why bother with trifles, since you touched on this issue, let's consider it globally, unless of course such a thing as JUSTICE matters to you at all .. You look at the map of the territory at your leisure Alanian state, I think that after that, you will no longer have questions of this nature.. P.S. Man, - a sense of JUSTICE, and HIGH CULTURE makes a man ...

09/12/10, Alan777
WIKING, you seem to be an intelligent person, do you really think that there is such a thing as retribution in its direct form? History doesn't care about people's actions. What we take for retribution, God's punishment, etc., is nothing more than a side effect of a showdown between those who are considered a negative force worthy of heavenly punishment, i.e. they punish themselves, heaven has nothing to do with it. --- As for DAgLezg, it really would not hurt him to take a broader look at the territorial issue: for example, in Dagestan, wherever you go, there are Scythian graves everywhere.

09/12/10, Eternal Mystery
In every nation there are both good and bastards. I am Russian, but I know two Ossetians. They are incredibly decent, intelligent and well-mannered people.

21/01/11, I am OSSETIAN
you geeks started a battle here, you Russian bitch who served with OSSETIANS didn’t love them just because they showed you Kuzkin’s mother to Ukrainians ... half of Ossetians are Christians, that’s why they revere Christian saints ... and he has no similarities with OSSETIAN saints ... sons of bitches ... you come up to the OSSETI in the face and tell him this, you won’t come up, because he will fuck you ... Russian whores who cares about you Olympic Games brings gold medals? Our wrestlers ... who in time fought wars and did not meet the Germans with bread and salt (like the Ingush)? OSSETIANS!!! and we are not looking for brotherhood with you Russians, pig-nosed ... there are normal personalities among you, but this applies to a huge minority ... an Ingush who blathers there that the Ingush are descendants of ALAN)))))) here you are munik ... Alans were an Iranian-speaking tribe, and you speak a language that belongs to the Caucasian group ... learn the history of your people, and do not envy the history of someone else ... you just envy us all !!!