Another look at the history of Russia. Alternative history: Antiquity of Russia Alternative history in the context of DNA genealogy

Ancient Russia has never been a specialization of Marcel Ivanovich. But it was during this period that someone's evil will abandoned him. Slavic Magi still represent a formidable force, dashing people on the roads do whatever they want, any mistake can cost a life. How can a city dweller survive in such conditions?

I am my own friend!

He was born with the blessing of the God of Wars and named after his father's sword. He killed the first enemy at the age of nine, and at fourteen he passed the Perun initiation and put on a military grivna. With his mother's milk, he absorbed hatred for the damned Khazar yoke and is ready to give his life for liberation. native land from "who...

A new pagan thriller from the best-selling author of Svyatoslav the Brave, Evpaty Kolovrat and Pagan Russia! The Slavic tribes, united under the banner of the great Svyatoslav, are throwing off the hated Khazar yoke! Holy Kolovrat against the damned star! The Russian army that blocked the Wild Field of Chervl ...

A new fantastic action movie from the author of the best-selling books Time Detachment, Time Penal Battalion and Submarine Navigator! An alien from the future floats downstream of Eternity - from the 21st century to the 15th century. Rescue of drowning "popadants" is the work of the "popadants" themselves! Nearly sinking these days, he...


The book is an author's reflection on the origins and fate of Russian Civilization, on its genetic place on the Eurasian continent, on its confrontation with the Civilization of the West, and directly on its bearer - namely, the Russian people. The Russian people in the book are opposed to alien power...


Dear reader, you have just taken into your hands a book that contains by no means knowledge, but quite dark story about how a person has to fight day after day, year after year, over many centuries, with his eternal enemy known as fear. Now any of our actions ...

People forgot the old pokon, rejected their gods. So now they live according to foreign laws, worship someone else's faith. Having betrayed once, you will betray also the second. Maybe that's why the Russian people live in hardships and hardships? What should be done to prevent the wrong choice? Where to throw a stone on the trodden ...

What will you decide if you have a time machine at your disposal that opens a portal to 881? Would you take a selfie with Oleg Veshchim? But Igor Tuchin has much grander plans! He wants to help the prince train a powerful regular army, beat the Khazars, start industrialization, bring out his ancestral…

Waking up in an unfamiliar forest, what will you do? Most likely, at first you will try to understand - where are you? And what to do to get to habitable places? So Vladimir, realizing that he was in a strange forest at another time, begins to ask himself questions. Why and why was he here? Where is the path...


“... Whoever did not come to the spacious princely tower, cut down recently on the top of a picturesque hill in the heart of the Kyiv mountains. Slavic princes came from the lands of the Krivichi and Vyatichi, Novgorod Slovenes and Radimichi, from the Drevlyansk forests and meadows of the Tivertsy; the feud with Oleg was left behind, ...


Podії, like trapleyayutsya in the context of history chi in the life of a great person - is it regularity or volatility? What do we care about our fillings and choice, how do we sew the fabric of the past and future? Chi skin c…


Ladoga, late 9th century. Voivode Domagosta has three daughters. The eldest, Yaromila, Lele of Volkhov, is destined to meet with Prince Odd Haleig: this is how the one who will be called Prophetic Oleg appears in Russia. The middle one, Divlyana, fell in love with the Pskov prince Volga, but at this time, matchmakers come to Ladoga, wishing ...


"Shoot Batu!" - the first thing that comes to mind to our contemporary, abandoned with a sniper rifle in the era of the Tatar-Mongol invasion. But will the "hitman" be able to get close to the khan's stake on an aimed shot? And most importantly - will the death of the great conqueror stop the steppe avalanche? Or …

NEW book from the best-selling author of "Black Archaeologist from the Future" and "Filibuster of Time"! A continuation of the adventures of our contemporary, abandoned in the 17th century and becoming a Cossack, a pirate of the Black Sea, a fighter of the steppe hordes and Ottoman slave traders. You say, “We don’t need the Turkish coast”? Damn…

The owner of a large St. Petersburg PR agency, Vasily Zubov, decided to hunt wolves. How was the PR man to know that the gray predator he liked was not a beast at all, but an insidious sorcerer Prostomir? And was it not his charms that Vasily was transported to the alternative Ancient Russia exactly at the beginning of the election campaign ...

IX century. Ancient Russia. Leaving her home, the red-haired beauty Divlyana, betrothed to Prince Askold, was afraid to even imagine what awaits her on the long journey from Ladoga to Kyiv. Saving Divlyana from the encroachments of the prince of the Krivichi Stanislav, her brother Velem found another girl, a slave, and slipped her S ...

He was a useless invalid who felt that his life was coming to an end. But fate gave him a second chance to start over, and retired FSB officer Vadim Sokolov finds himself in the past. Twelfth century. He is young and strong again. But where should he go, and what should he do? Can …

The war continues. Once again, the Catholics are gathering huge armies of crusaders and are trying to defeat the Venedian Union. Cities are burning again and crops are being trampled, women and children are crying, and men with weapons in their hands meet enemies and die in battles. To survive, the Wends need the help of allies, and Vitya ...

If at the height of the war against the Poles during the siege of Smolensk, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich fell seriously ill - who will save him from certain death? The English court doctor only knows how to bleed. And then the HEALER FROM THE FUTURE, abandoned in the Moscow Kingdom from our time, comes to the rescue. But vy…

New adventures of our contemporary in the distant past. The courier of the government communications of the Russian Federation, abandoned in Ancient Russia, changes his profession. He will become a combatant of the Moscow prince and Novgorod ushkuin, serve at the border outpost and go on sea voyages against the Swedes, assaults ...

He was transferred 1000 years into the past by the will of the pagan gods in order to lead an uprising against the Christians who baptized Russia with "fire and sword." Finding himself in the XI century from the birth of Christ, he took the name RATIBOR in honor of the hero of his favorite novel, made an alliance with the Magi and led the pagans into battle. But is it possible to…


Kievan Rus, 997. On the edge of the Pecheneg steppe, Prince Vladimir built Belgorod - a shield city that shielded the Russian land. The foreman Yavor is the first daring man in the city, respected by the squad and beloved by the governor, and only the spoiled and frivolous beauty Medvyanka does not want to recognize his worth ...

In the bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible, the guardsmen were popularly nicknamed pitchmen - they instilled such absolute horror in the country. But our contemporary, abandoned in this merciless epoch, will himself arrange a pitch hell for the tsar's punishers! He will shoot the guardsmen like mad dogs. It will become a mystery...

Battles with the steppes on the borders of the Wild Field and a campaign against Lithuania, battles with English pirates and the storming of Smolensk - fate continues to test the strength of our contemporary, abandoned in the Moscow Kingdom. Awarded for his faithful service by the boyar rank, he takes fencing lessons to become ...

A new thriller about the prehistory of Russia and the exploits of our distant ancestors. Slavic tribes unite around the sacred temple of Perun, creating the first Russian state- Ruskolan. But in order to become the heirs of the great Scythian state, the Rus must rise up against the nomadic Huns and throw off hatred ...

Slavic Kolovrat against the Khazar star. Russian squads against countless hordes. An indestructible wall of scarlet shields against the Wild Field. Having united under the banner of Prince Svyatoslav, the Slavic tribes throw off the hated Khazar yoke. The formidable battle cry of the Rus drowns out the heart-rending screech of the steppe...

The Urals of the middle of the first millennium of our era, where the Slavs, the Volga Bulgars and the Finno-Ugric peoples coexist. As a result of a scientific experiment, a former investigator with an engineering education and experience as a production worker was thrown here. But they didn’t expect a stranger here… Having survived several battles with abor…

Russia, which was-2. Alternative version of history Maksimov Albert Vasilyevich


It seems that the time has come to briefly summarize what was said in this and the previous book "Rus that was." But to generalize does not mean at all that this topic is closed for me. Historical processes are continuous, and everything changes not only in the present, but, as you have seen, in the past. Truth is not given to us in its pure form, and in its search lies the deepest meaning of knowledge. And perhaps even life itself.

Where exactly did it originate? human civilization, today it is impossible to answer, since the carrier of information - writing originated much later. Initially, these were hieroglyphs and cuneiform, and only centuries later did the first alphabet appear. And the hieroglyphs themselves, due to an incorrect methodological approach to historical chronology, were subsequently either incorrectly translated or misinterpreted. But be that as it may, with a high degree of probability we can say that civilization originated in the Mediterranean region. Perhaps it was Egypt, perhaps Asia Minor, or some other region of the Eastern Mediterranean.

It is also impossible to answer the question: who were the first carriers of civilization - Indo-Europeans or some other peoples. Our ancestors - the Indo-Europeans (more precisely, the ancestors of the peoples of Europe) many millennia ago began their great path of settlement from the regions of Lakes Van and Urmia, that is, the regions of the Armenian Highlands. Indo-Europeans through the Balkans penetrated into Europe, starting a gradual, but rather rapid assimilation. And the ancient Semites penetrated into the vacated place in the region of the Armenian Highlands, where they then lived in a certain self-isolation for many millennia. It is to the Semites that the world owes the appearance of the alphabet, thanks to which science was able to preserve knowledge and, consequently, develop it further.

The Indo-Europeans spent a lot of energy on the energy of promoting and settling their ethnic group in new, not yet inhabited areas. The Semites, on the contrary, have been accumulating strength for a future “explosion” within their ethnic cauldron for several millennia.

But, as already mentioned, there are almost no written sources from those times to the present day. We do not know the names of rulers, the names of states and tribes that lived before our era. As, by the way, we practically do not know what happened in our era before the beginning of the Semitic expansion, that is, before the 7th century. Although some of the information has survived to this day, but, incorrectly translated and interpreted, it formed the basis of fairy tales and fables, known today as the "History of the Ancient World."

Of course, states also existed in the preliterate period. There were wars, invasions, invasions, entire kingdoms rose and fell, and even empires, because civilization cannot exist without the institution of the state. But, I repeat, we know almost nothing about this today.

Little more can be said about the tribes that lived in Europe before the start of the Semitic invasion. The Celts lived in Gaul. They also penetrated the British Isles, partly into Spain, Central Europe and the Baltic Pomerania. The Germans, initially located on the territory of modern Bohemia, Bavaria and Austria, moved north in the first centuries of our era, occupying a significant part of present-day Germany, Denmark and part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In the east, the ancient Germans "stretched" in a long but relatively narrow strip through Hungary, northern Romania, even reaching the Crimea. The Slavs, who lived in a rather small area, shortly before the Semitic invasion, managed to conquer the Balkans, Poland and part of the eastern lands, reaching the Dnieper and Pripyat. To the north and east of them lived the Letto-Lithuanian, Scythian-Sarmatian tribes of the Indo-Europeans, as well as numerous Finno-Ugric peoples, and even to the east - the Turks. The ancient Romans partially occupied the Apennines, and Rome had not yet been founded.

Greeks lived in the coastal regions of Greece and Asia Minor, and Armenians lived in Asia Minor itself. And already to the east, on the lands of the Armenian Highlands, there were Semites. Such was the ethnic map of Europe and Asia Minor by the middle of the first millennium.

A large country of that period was a state formation with its capital in the city of Byzantium. This city was founded by the tribes that had previously captured and destroyed the city of Troy. What were the limits of the borders of the Byzantine state, it is not possible to say today. But, most likely, its borders did not go far to the north. If the rulers of Byzantium initially extended their power to the Balkans, then the massive Slavic migration in the 5th century should have significantly pushed them to the south. By the time of the Semitic invasion, the borders of Byzantium in the north should not have exceeded a distance of a hundred or two kilometers from its capital. Most likely, we can say that by the time the Semites appeared in the Mediterranean region, a picture had developed similar to that which was in America at the time the Spaniards appeared there: the ancient states were in decline, which led to their rapid fall.

So, for several millennia, the ancient Semites lived on the territory of the Armenian Highlands. They lived almost in isolation. The problem of overpopulation was solved here by a rather simple but effective method. All boys born in the family, except for the eldest in the family, were castrated, hence the custom of circumcision among modern Muslims and Jews. Full-fledged young men, the eldest in the family, became polygamists, otherwise there would be too many unmarried women in the country, and with a monogamous marriage, the population would fall quite quickly. But even with this option of maintaining the demographic balance, sooner or later there would be an overabundance of the population, which happened by the beginning of the 7th century.

During this period, the Semitic cauldron in the region of the Armenian Highlands literally exploded: huge hordes of Semitic settlers poured into neighboring lands. The main direction of movement of the settlers was Mesopotamia and further west. Having reached Palestine, the Semites split up: part went north, through the territory of Byzantium to Khazaria and Greece. And the other part through Egypt and northern Africa to Spain.

When seizing new lands, the Semites got the opportunity for unhindered reproduction, castration was replaced by a symbolic rite of circumcision. In the new lands, the local male population was destroyed or enslaved, and women replenished the harems of the invaders.

Strongly fortified Byzantium for several decades stubbornly defended its independence, being surrounded by Semitic possessions both from the south and from the north: the Peloponnese was captured by the Semites at the turn of the 7th-8th centuries.

Byzantium fell under the blows of the Semites in the second decade of the 8th century. In 717, Leo the Isaurian was proclaimed Byzantine emperor, and a few decades later, his descendant Constantine renamed the city in his honor. So Byzantium becomes Constantinople.

Could the Semites be stopped? It is difficult to answer this question: they were well organized, incredibly cruel, they were united by a common faith, and there were a lot of them. Nevertheless, in the middle of the 7th century, the Byzantines were still stronger. At least in the Crimean region, the Semites barely managed to escape from their persecution, having migrated to the area between the Don and Volga rivers. Here they defeated the local Ugric tribes of the Bulgars, forcing one part of them, led by Khan Asparukh, to migrate west to the Balkan region, the other to go to the Middle Volga region, and subjugated the rest. Here the Semites, mixed with the local Khazar tribes, formed Khazaria.

The Bulgars of Asparuh in the Balkans assimilated with the remnants of the Slavs, whose bulk, fleeing from the Semites, left the Balkans to the northeast to the Russian Plain, where after several centuries they began to dominate the emerging Russian ethnos. Other fugitives from the Black Sea steppes went through the north of the Balkans and Italy, where, by the way, the Semites also already ruled, to Gaul, and from there to Spain. These were the tribes of the Visigoths, Sueves, Vandals and Alans, but even there, in Spain, at the beginning of the 8th century, Semites appeared, who conquered them. In the course of a swift flight to the west, all these tribes of Germanic, Ugric, Iranian and other origins mixed up.

The Semites who appeared in Italy created an early century state with the capital in Ravenna and the predominant Romance language among the population. The Balkans and Asia Minor belonged to another Semitic state with its capital in Constantinople, where the Greek language began to predominate. It is curious, but at the same time, the inhabitants of these two empires called themselves the same - Romans, or Aromeans, Arameans.

A flurry of Semitic invasions literally mixed all the tribes in Europe that speak perfect different languages, which led to the emergence of a new ethnic picture in Europe. The descendants of the Semites and Romance prevailed both culturally and politically over the inhabitants of all other tribes, which ensured the victory of the Romance language not only in Italy, but also in Spain, Gaul, and Dacia. In the Byzantine Empire, the descendants of the Semites and Greeks allowed the spread of the Greek language in the south of the Balkans and a large part of Asia Minor, displacing the languages ​​of the Slavs and Armenians. The Slavs were able to assimilate the Bulgars, as well as to stay on the territory of modern Serbia and Croatia. And the Armenians held only the region of Cilicia, but at the same time they were able to occupy the liberated region of the Armenian Highlands. It is from these times that world history begins to receive a more or less truthful reflection in the modern traditional interpretation. Naturally, we are talking about the history of Western and Central Europe, Asia Minor and Western Asia, but not the fictional "ancient" history of India and China, as well as the history of Eastern Europe, the alternative chronology of which we will now consider separately and in more detail.

The history of the formation of the Old Russian state is directly related to the history of Khazaria. If it were not for the Semites who invaded Europe, then European history would have gone in a completely different direction, the Semites, who seized the Khazar lands in the 7th century, determined exactly that option of beginning ancient Russian history which she followed. The tributary of the Khazars, the Ugric tribe of the Rus, consisted of energetic, warlike and enterprising people. Russ with their qualities earned the trust of the Khazars, having received from them the right to collect tribute from lands remote from Khazaria. The Khazars, receiving a good tribute, turned out to be very short-sighted, "overlooking" a strong enemy in the Rus, for which they later paid the price.

It just so happened that the region of the Upper Volga became a priority center for the formation of the future Russian state. Large shopping centers rose and expanded here: Novgorod (Yaroslavl), Rostov, Pereslavl, Suzdal. A special role in this was played by ancient Novgorod, which stood at the confluence of the Nera (Kotorosl) and the Volga. A few kilometers to the south was Timerevo, a settlement that arose at the site of the fall of the largest meteorite, the remains of which were actively melted down by local residents for several centuries. Slavs and Finno-Ugric peoples lived here, and the Russians seized political power. In addition, trade routes also crossed here: merchants exported furs from the north and northeast.

In addition to the Upper Volga region, there were other centers of emerging statehood on the territory of the Russian Plain. First of all, these are the cities of Smolensk and Kyiv. But fate, in the face of heavenly providence, bestowed a huge meteorite on the Upper Volga region, which was a priority in those days.

The ancient Rus, who settled in cities and settlements on the territory of the Russian Plain, did not interrupt their relations with their homeland - the Taman lands. It was there that the real center of their tribe was, from there more and more waves of Russ splashed to the north: merchants, warriors. It was there that their main tribal leaders lived.

The first known historical figure in Russia should be called the Hungarian prince Almos, who ruled together with prince Levedius. The Hungarian tribes were closely related to the Rus. It is quite possible to consider them even as a single entity. In 882, Almosh captured Kyiv, where the Khazar henchmen ruled. Whether it was Askold and Dir, or they had other names, today it is not clear to answer. At the end of the 9th century, Almos' son Arpad, together with Prince Kursan, captured Pannonia, where he founded the Hungarian state. Almosh himself in 913, after the well-known Caspian campaign, due to the attack of the Khazar Muslims, was forced to break through with a fight up the Volga, heading for Novgorod = Yaroslavl. On the way, having defeated the Bulgars, he remains as a ruler in their lands, and soon accepts Islam.

A new page in ancient Russian history began with the names of two other princes: Igor and Oleg, who ruled in Tmutarakan. In 940, these two princes attack the Khazar Sarkel and capture it, but soon they are defeated by the Pesach commander, who obliges them to attack Byzantium. The campaign of the Rus in 941 against the Greeks ended in failure. The naval forces of the Rus, who attacked Constantinople and were led by Prince Oleg, were completely destroyed, while Oleg himself died. Cavalry troops led by Igor, marching along the coast, were able to escape. So Prince Igor became the sole ruler of the Rus.

Two years later, the Rus, who left Novgorod = Yaroslavl and led by Igor's son Prince Uleb, are trying to gain a foothold in Transcaucasia, but, having lost their leader in one of the skirmishes, they were forced to go back. And in the next 945, Prince Igor himself, who collected tribute in their lands, died at the hands of the Drevlyans.

There were three main applicants for the vacant vacancy of the main Russian leader: Svyatoslav Igorevich and Vladimir Ulebovich, who were young, and also the already adult Igor, the son of Oleg. The Russian nobility supported the candidacy of the young Svyatoslav, planting him to reign in Novgorod = Yaroslavl. Until Svyatoslav grew up, his mother Princess Olga and grandfather Sveneld ruled the Russian lands. It was at this time that the elite of the Rus adopted Christianity according to the Western model. At the same time, young Prince Vladimir remained a pagan.

Having matured, Prince Svyatoslav, according to the tradition of the Rus, fights a lot and actively. It was he who was able to defeat Khazaria, which, after his famous campaign, was no longer able to rise.

Two years later, Svyatoslav's Bulgarian campaign begins. Invited by the Byzantines to oppose the Bulgarians, Prince Svyatoslav wanted to take advantage of the fruits of his victory himself, deciding to remain the ruler in Bulgaria forever. (Almosh and Arpad did the same in their time in Volga Bulgaria and Pannonia. This was also achieved by his paternal brother Prince Uleb in Transcaucasia, but was killed.) Together with Svyatoslav, his cousin Igor Olegovich and grandfather Sveneld took part in this campaign .

Successfully launched campaign ended in defeat for the Russians. Princes Svyatoslav and Igor perished. Wishing to save the remnants of the Russian army, Sveneld hid the death of Svyatoslav from the Byzantines and went to Kyiv. Prince Yaropolk, the son of Svyatoslav, becomes prince of Kyiv. Soon Yaropolk opposes the Drevlyansk prince Oleg, who dies in the confrontation. Vladimir, who ruled at that time in Novgorod = Yaroslavl, was forced to flee under the threat of the same Yaropolk. Returning with a strong mercenary detachment, he regains Novgorod = Yaroslavl, includes soldiers from the Slavs, Chud and Krivichi in the squad, and goes on a campaign against Yaropolk. The latter flees, but soon dies. Vladimir in 980 becomes the prince of Kyiv and restores pagan cults.

The most famous act of Prince Vladimir is the baptism of Russia by him in 988 according to the Greek (Orthodox) model. Vladimir came to Orthodoxy without bothering himself with a painful search for faith. It is likely that even before this, the pagan Vladimir was already attached to the Muslim faith, or considered it a priority. And only political situation forced him to go to Orthodox baptism.

Being a polygamist before baptism, Vladimir had many children. The names of twelve of his sons have survived to this day, although there should have been many more. But after the death of Prince Vladimir in 1015, only three of them received real power: Boris received Kyiv, Chernigov, Smolensk and other lands, as well as the princely squad. Yaroslav got North-Eastern Russia, and Vysheslav - North-Western. The remaining sons of Vladimir received only dependent destinies. Only one more of their brothers, Prince Mstislav, turned out to be independent, having received distant Tmutarakan in control.

Soon, between Boris, who received control over more than half of all his father's lands, and Yaroslav, who attracted Scandinavian warriors to his side, a war begins. Yaroslav's commander, the Varangian Eymund, treacherously kills the sleeping Boris in his tent. His brother Prince Gleb of Murom and, possibly, brother Svyatoslav also fall at the hands of Yaroslav's hired killers. But soon Eymund and his retinue are lured to his side by Prince Vysheslav, who captures Kyiv. Yaroslav remains a prince in Novgorod=Yaroslavl, and Eymund receives Polotsk as a fief.

After some time, Vysheslav dies or perishes, and Yaroslav enters Kyiv in 1017, concentrating power over almost all Russian lands in his hands. In 1018, the Polish king Boleslav and his son-in-law Prince Svyatopolk, Yaroslav's brother, interfere in political events. But in the end, the Poles were defeated, and Svyatopolk flees to the west, and his traces are lost in history. Nevertheless, civil strife in Russia continues without outside interference. Yaroslav is opposed by his brother Prince Mstislav of Tmutarakan, the elder brother from a common mother Sudislav and nephew Bryachislav Izyaslavich, who captured Polotsk.

By this time, the Principality of Polotsk, as a fief, with the consent of Yaroslav, was already ruled by another Varangian - Ragnar, a relative and brother of Eymund. The brave and resolute Bryachislav captured Polotsk, killing Ragnar and his two young sons, and married his young daughter Rogneda. Yaroslav is defeated by the squad of Mstislav, who becomes the prince of Kyiv, retaining Tmutarakan, Chernigov and Smolensk. And in Novgorod = Yaroslavl, Sudislav already reigns. Yaroslav gets only a small Novgorod-Ilmensky.

But such a person as Prince Yaroslav could not be satisfied with such an unenviable reign for himself. In 1036, during the storming of Kyiv by the Pechenegs, Prince Mstislav and his entire family perished. It is difficult to say what the role of Yaroslav was in this. Did he himself take part in the siege and assault, or did he simply bribe the steppes, inciting them against Kyiv? Most likely, he was involved in the death of Mstislav. Yaroslav again becomes the prince of Kyiv and in the same year captures his brother Sudislav, concluding him in the Pereslavl dungeon and annexing Novgorod = Yaroslavl to his possessions.

In 1054, Yaroslav dies, having bequeathed the Kyiv throne, bypassing his older sons, to Vsevolod, his favorite, the eldest of the surviving sons of Ingigerda by that time. Another son of Yaroslav Svyatoslav received Vladimir-on-Klyazma, Chernigov and Tmutarakan, and the elder Izyaslav - Smolensk and Turov. The grandson of Yaroslav from the eldest, already deceased, son of Vladimir - Rostislav got Novgorod = Yaroslavl.

The most capable and active of all the Yaroslavichs, Prince Svyatoslav exchanges principalities with Rostislav, giving him Tmutarakan, but soon expels him from there too. Thus, he concentrates in his hands the best half of the Russian land. In order to weaken the positions of Izyaslav, he helps Vseslav Polotsky to capture Novgorod-Ilmensky, which belonged to the Smolensk principality.

The goal of Svyatoslav was to establish sole rule in Russia. Where by intrigue, where by force he stubbornly goes to this goal. After helping Vseslav, after some time, together with his brothers, he captures him as well. But the Polovtsy prevented Svyatoslav: the Russian troops were defeated, the liberated Vseslav began to rule in Kyiv, and the troops of his father-in-law, the Polish king Boleslav, were already coming to the aid of Izyaslav. Nevertheless, in 1073, Svyatoslav captures Kyiv, expelling Izyaslav, practically completing the process of unification of Russia within the borders of his father Yaroslav the Wise. But the early death of Svyatoslav in 1076 prevented him from consolidating his success by transferring the rule of the country to his descendants.

Izyaslav and Vsevolod, united, oppose the Svyatoslavichs. Izyaslav receives Kyiv, his son Svyatopolk - Yaroslavl (Novgorod). Vsevolod gets Chernigov, and his son Vladimir Monomakh gets Smolensk. The death of Izyaslav in the battle leads to the weak Vsevolod coming to power in Kyiv. The Svyatoslavichs eventually received only Chernihiv. In Russia, a period of civil strife begins, constantly changing Kyiv princes. In the meantime, North-Eastern Russia, ruled by the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh, is becoming more and more isolated from Kyiv and growing stronger.

The political significance of Kyiv is steadily declining, and under Monomakh's grandson, Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, the capital of Ancient Russia is de facto transferred from Kyiv to Vladimir. Under Bogolyubsky, princely power is strengthened, with a firm hand he suppresses strife, primarily among his brothers, and the influence of the boyars is falling. However, this positive process stops after the assassination of Bogolyubsky. The probable killer of the prince can be considered his brother Vsevolod the Big Nest, during which the process of fragmentation of Russia into ever smaller destinies continued.

In the course of a two-year struggle for power, after the assassination of Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod wins, and, as a result, Andrei Bogolyubsky's son Yuri (or Georgy, in those days it was the same name) Andreevich was forced to flee to his relatives in the steppe , still a teenager who received the name Temuchin in the steppe. Thus began the story of the great Genghis Khan.

A lot of dashing had to sip young Yuri-Temuchin in the steppe, here he was a stranger, an outcast. But the outstanding data of young Yuri, his energy, courage and ambition allowed him to put together a 13,000th army. Meanwhile, young Tamara ascended the Georgian throne in 1184. Georgia of that period was a strong state, extending its power to the neighboring Azerbaijani and Armenian lands. The queen needed a husband, and the Russian prince Yuri, having his own army, was quite suitable for this. However, Yuri could not come to terms with the role of just a husband and soon began an armed struggle with the reigning wife. But, despite the fact that he managed to attract half of Georgia to his side, military happiness smiled on Tamara, and Yuri was forced to flee to the Turkmen steppes with 2,600 of his remaining comrades-in-arms. A few years later he was proclaimed Genghis Khan there, i.e. Prince Khan. Genghis Khan begins to put together a future empire, the center of which is Karakorum, in the Karakum desert.

In 1223, the troops of Genghis Khan, that is, the so-called Mongols, who were a diverse collection of various "seekers of fortune", entered the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov region, defeating the Alans, and then the Polovtsian troops. Genghis Khan, already as Yuri Andreevich, the son of Bogolyubsky and the eldest in the family of the descendants of Monomakh, demands for himself Kyiv reign. Despite the fact that the opinions of the southern Russian princes differ, Kyiv in 1224 passes to Yuri = Genghis Khan. So he becomes the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

In 1228, Yuri (George) dies and is buried in Kyiv. (Several centuries later, his grave is found, but they mistakenly declare the grave of another Yuri = George - Prince Yaroslav the Wise.) The Kyiv throne passes to his eldest son Vladimir = Jochi. However, the weak Jochi was expelled, and only after receiving an army from his brother Udegei, who ruled in Karakorum, did he manage to return Kyiv. But a year later, Vladimir = Jochi dies, transferring power and troops to his sons Ordu-Ichen and Batu. The latter, unable to hold Kyiv, flee again to the steppe to Uncle Udegei and at the end of 1237 with a four thousandth Mongol-Tatar army (perhaps there were still more invaders - ten thousand) appear in the patrimony of their great-grandfather Andrei Bogolyubsky - in North-Eastern Russia .

The first Russian cities - Ryazan and Izheslavets - are taken by the Mongols by storm and completely destroyed. All other cities passed under the rule of the Mongols voluntarily. The Mongols, approaching these cities, sent ambassadors to the townspeople. These ambassadors spoke not on behalf of the Mongol Khan, but on behalf of the Russian prince, a descendant of the Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky and a close relative of the prince who ruled in this city. The Mongols promised the princes and retinue a safe exit from the city, and the townspeople were cited as an example of Ryazan and Izheslavets. Such a trick succeeded: the townspeople put up princes with a retinue from the city, leaving the latter to decide for themselves who would be their prince. The princes and the squad left the city without fear, the Mongols disarmed them and cut them out a few miles from the city. And in order to prevent the news of the fate of the deceived princes from spreading, the Mongols were in a hurry and, having divided into parts, simultaneously captured several cities. The Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich himself was killed in a similar situation near Yaroslavl.

Only one small Kozelsk resisted the Mongols for seven weeks. This happened because by this time the soldiers and townspeople already knew the true value of the Mongol promises. But it was too late: North-Eastern Russia, and soon Western, submitted to the descendants of Genghis Khan = Yuri Andreevich. The Russian lands became part of the White Horde, which included the territories of the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Black Sea region and the steppes of Kazakhstan. The White Horde was headed by the eldest son Jochi Khan Ordu-Ichen. His younger brother Batu had power only over Russian lands. In Russia, Batu bore the name of Prince Yaroslav and he chose the city of Yaroslavl as his capital.

The period of the so-called Tatar-Mongol yoke began, when the supreme power was transferred outside the then Russian lands, which, in fact, was the “yoke”. And in Russia, Genghisids began to rule (descendants of Genghis Khan = Yuri, son of Andrei Bogolyubsky) - proteges of the Golden Horde - younger brothers and sons of the Golden Horde khans.

In 1246, a new Supreme Khan of the Mongols was elected in Karakorum to replace the third son of Genghis Khan, Udegei, who died in 1241. There were two rivals: Ordu-Ichen and Udegei's son Guyuk. Khan Guyuk won in a fierce and long struggle, and the defeated Ordu-Ichen was forced to take poison from the hands of the mother of the new khan.

After the death of his elder brother, Batu takes his place and leads the Golden Horde. Guyuk, not wanting to cede power, gathers troops to march on Batu, but soon dies. Remembering the fate of his elder brother, Batu does not participate in the election of a new supreme khan, who becomes Mongke, the son of the fourth son of Genghis Khan Tolui. It was during these years that the final demarcation of the descendants of Genghis Khan into the European and Central Asian branches took place.

Having gained a foothold in North-Eastern Russia, the Mongols nevertheless had an unstable geopolitical position. On the western border of Russia, an independent Principality of Lithuania grew, absorbing Russian lands, headed by the Genghisides. Inside the lands of North-Eastern Russia, anti-Mongolian sentiments began to grow. Batu leaves for the safer southern Russian steppes, dividing the Russian lands into two parts: the North-Eastern, giving it to his son Andrei, and the South with Kyiv, which passed into the hands of Alexander Nevsky. Soon, between the sons of Batu, a fight for power over the entire Mongol Rus begins, immediately after his death in 1256. Throughout the Golden Horde, a struggle flares up between the sons of Batu: Alexander, Andrei and Sartak, as well as Berke, Batu's brother, who eventually becomes the Khan of the Horde. Sartak is fixed in Yaroslavl, and Alexander Nevsky in 1262 flees to the southern Russian steppes, where he becomes under the name of Khan Nogai at the head of the Horde of the same name.

In 1266, after the death of Berke, the son of Batu Andrey was established at the head of the Golden Horde under the name of Khan Mengu = Timur. Thus, the rivalry of the brothers, who led the two hostile Hordes, continues. Each of the khans also competes for control over Russia. After the assassination of Sartak in 1272, the son-in-law of Nogai = Nevsky, Fedor Cherny, became the prince of Yaroslavl, and other Russian lands were received by the sons of Nevsky - Dmitry and Andrei.

Meanwhile, discord in the steppe does not subside. The Golden Horde, led by the new Khan Tokhta, gains the upper hand, Nogai is killed. Tokhta begins to spread his power over Russia, where Dmitry, Fedor Cherny and, finally, Andrei perish one by one. The Khan's Horde is not satisfied with a strong and independent Yaroslavl - the central city of North-Eastern Russia, in which the new power system has not fully taken root. In opposition to him, Moscow is founded and strengthened - the headquarters of the Horde governors in Russia. In 1321, Yaroslavl was plundered and burned by the punitive Horde army, and the son of Fyodor Cherny, the local prince, was killed.

After the defeat of Yaroslavl, power over the Russian lands completely passed into the hands of the Moscow princes - henchmen of the Golden Horde. In 1325 (1326), the Horde appointed Khan Telebuga as Moscow prince, who received the name Ivan Kalita in Russia and concentrated both secular and spiritual power in the country in his hands. After him, princes Simeon Gordy and Ivan Ivanovich ruled Moscow.

Meanwhile, a period of great silence begins in the Horde, when the khans slaughtered each other every few months. In 1359, after the assassination of Khan Berdibek, the clan of Mengu-Timur was suppressed, and khans from the clan of Tolui (Tushi) came to power. Together with them, since 1359, the younger brothers and sons of the new Golden Horde khans, who received the same names Dmitriev in Russian chronicles, sit down to reign in Moscow.

As a result of the strife, the Golden Horde is significantly weakening, and another Moscow prince, known to us under the name of Dmitry Donskoy, decides to take advantage of this, who set out to gain complete independence from the Horde. The consequence of this is the battle that took place in 1380 and is known to us as the Battle of Kulikovo. The Don troops defeated the Horde forces under the command of Temnik Mamai, but on the way back the Russian-Tatar troops of the Don were overtaken by the Lithuanian-Tatar army, an ally of the Horde, and were defeated, and Dmitry himself was killed. The Lithuanian viceroy, Prince Ostei, becomes Prince of Moscow.

Meanwhile, Khan Tokhtamysh, a descendant of Batu and a rival of Mamai, having defeated the latter, establishes himself in the Golden Horde. In 1382 Tokhtamysh captured Moscow, killed Ostey and appointed his son as the new Russian prince.

However, Tokhtamysh was soon defeated by Timur. Timur-Kutluy, Timur's henchman, became the new Khan of the Horde. Tokhtamysh leaves for Lithuania. A long confrontation between the Horde and Lithuania begins. Russia is squeezed in this vice, and, as a result, princes change in Russia, depending on which side the scales lean in the battle between the Horde and Lithuania.

The year 1425 is coming, the year from which, perhaps, the Time of Troubles in Russia should begin. The Moscow prince Vasily Dmitrievich, a descendant of Tokhtamysh, dies, leaving Moscow with the lands to his brother Yuri according to his will. The only descendant of Prince Vasily - grandson Dmitry Krasny could not claim power, he was only 9 years old.

Yuri Dmitrievich was the Moscow prince from 1425 to 1432. In 1432, the Horde Khan Kichim-Ahmet gave the Moscow principality, vassal from the Horde, as an inheritance to his brother Makhmet, ignoring Yuri Dmitrievich, who reigned here. The last one was simply killed. But two local Dmitrys enter the fight against Makhmet - Shemyaka, the son of Yuri Dmitrievich, and Shemyaka's cousin, the grown-up Dmitry Krasny. Moscow and especially Yaroslavl become the main centers of the struggle for power; several times these cities change hands.

In 1437 Shemyaka blinds Makhmet. Nevertheless, after many years of stubborn struggle, the victory goes to the latter, and after his death in 1448, his sons Kasim and Yagup become stronger in Russia. Dmitry Shemyaka was poisoned in 1453, and Dmitry Krasny - in 1440.

A new round of unrest begins in 1462 after the death of Kasim, when a long and bloody struggle for power begins between Yagup = Yuri, who is supported by his brothers Boris and Andrei Bolshoy, and his nephews, the sons of Kasim - Andrei the Less = Daniyar and Vasily. Nephews control their capital - Yaroslavl and surrounding cities. But most of the country is in the hands of Yuri, whose capital is Moscow.

The confrontation between rivals reached its climax in 1471. Yaroslavl was taken and devastated, and Prince Andrei = Daniyar fled to the Horde to Khan Akhmet. Having received troops from the Horde, Andrei = Daniyar defeats the troops of Yuri = Yagup, the latter dies, and Moscow passes to the winner. However, the north and northeast of the country with the cities of Yaroslavl and Pereslavl remain under the control of Yuri's brothers - Andrei Bolshoy and Boris and their nephew Fyodor Yuryevich, the son of the deceased Yuri. In 1478 Andrei the Less = Daniyar captures Yaroslavl, and his opponents flee to Lithuania.

Yaroslavl (Veliky Novgorod), the largest Russian city, was completely plundered and destroyed. Soon, residents of Muscovy and the Tatars began to move to the city, which was deserted after the massacre. And the memory of him was erased from Russian history.

In 1480, the Crimean-Lithuanian army, led by the Krymchaks Nordoulat and Aidar, as well as Boris and Andrei the Great, invaded the lands of the Moscow principality. A decisive battle takes place in the region of the Ugra River. The united Horde-Moscow army was defeated, and Khan Akhmat himself was soon slaughtered in the Horde. A few months later, Andrei the Lesser = Daniyar also dies.

In 1481, power in the Principality of Moscow passed to the Crimean dynasty, headed by Nordoulat, the elder brother of the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray. Together with the new rulers from the Crimea, Karaite Judaism came to Russia. In 1490, Nordoulat was poisoned by his son Saltagan, and serious religious clashes began in Russia between supporters of Orthodoxy and Judaism.

In 1493, Saltagan was also killed, and Nordoulat's nephew Magmet-Amen came to power. However, the turmoil in Russia continues, and in 1499 the great reign is captured by the brother of Nordoulat Aidar. But he, however, did not stay on the throne for a long time. In 1502, the nephews of the Horde Khan, Isup and Shigavliyar, were seated to reign in Moscow. By this time, the country was in complete decline, and, as a result, real power began to concentrate in the hands of the boyars, and the Grand Duke Kuydakul, the great-grandson of Khan Makhmet, who was appointed by them in 1505, decides little.

In 1521, Khan Magmet-Girey, at the head of the Crimean and Kazan troops, captured Moscow, Kuydakul was killed. The unborn Khabar Simsky is imprisoned in the Moscow reign of Crimea. However, soon in the Crimea begins its own civil strife. Magmet Giray was killed, and the position of his henchman Simsky in Russia becomes fragile. During the coup in 1525, Simsky was deposed, and Shig-Aley, the son of Shigavliyar, was elected Grand Duke.

In 1533, a large and successful invasion of the Crimeans forced the boyar elite to overthrow Shig-Aley and elect the three-year-old Ivan Glinsky, a descendant of Temnik Mamai, as king.

In Moscow, a leapfrog of coups is growing, the Shuiskys alternately come to power, Ivan Belsky - the son of Aidar, again Glinsky and again Shig-Aley, and then the sons of Shig-Aley, Simeon and Dmitry Belsky. Finally, in 1571, the Kasimov Tsar Sain-Bulat, who was soon baptized as Simeon Bekbulatovich, was elected king.

However, the weak and indecisive Simeon Bekbulatovich was deposed in 1582, blinded and tonsured a monk. Fyodor Belsky, the son of Tsar Ivan Belsky, who was killed during the Crimean invasion of 1571, becomes king, and the son of Simeon Bekbulatovich, Tsarevich Dmitry, still a baby, sent with relatives to Uglich, is appointed as his heir.

Around the feeble-minded Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich begins death match for influence over the king. Fyodor Mstislavsky, a relative of the Glinskys and Tsarevich Dmitry, is moving forward, pushing back the tsar's brother-in-law, Boris Godunov.

Clearing the way to the throne, Mstislavsky in 1591 gives the order to kill Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich. However, the boy was switched at the last moment and hidden in the monastery.

In 1598 Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich dies. A Great Council is convened to elect a new king. The main contender, of course, is Fyodor Mstislavsky, a close relative of the “deceased” Tsarevich Dmitry and the main figure in the boyar Duma. However, the “resurrected” Dmitry unexpectedly appears at the cathedral. Godunov, using his chance, flees to the south and, with the support of the khan, leads the Crimean troops to Moscow. In this situation, on September 1, he becomes king.

At the same time, Tsarevich Dmitry manages to leave for Lithuania, from where in 1604 he enters Russia with a recruited army, having not only a legal right to the throne, but also power. The population of the western lands begins to go over to the side of Dmitry. Godunov in such a situation has no choice but to declare the prince an impostor. Military operations bring success to Godunov, but in April 1605 he dies, his young son Fedor becomes king, but not for long. The troops go over to the side of Dmitry, who, already as a new tsar, enters the capital, and Fyodor Godunov and his mother were killed.

Dmitry, who has reigned in Moscow, gives high ranks to many who fell into disgrace in previous reigns: to their relatives Nagim, Romanov and their other supporters. His blinded father Simeon Bekbulatovich returns to Moscow with honor. And the Shuiskys fell into disgrace, the eldest of them was executed, others were exiled. Kazan Metropolitan Ermogen (Alexander Shuisky) also fell into disgrace. Six months later, the Shuiskys were pardoned. And, as it turned out, in vain: in 1606, a coup took place in Moscow, the Shuiskys came to power, and Dmitry, who managed to escape, was declared killed by them.

However, none of the Shuiskys was ever crowned, although the real power was held by Patriarch Hermogenes (Alexander Shuisky) and his brothers Dmitry and Ivan.

Meanwhile, Dmitry is declared alive and unharmed, and the western Russian lands again go over to his side. Dmitry's troops go to Moscow, the nobility and the people, as before, go over to his side. Metropolitan Philaret of Rostov (Fyodor Romanov) in Tushino, Dmitry's temporary capital, is proclaimed patriarch.

Hermogenes, wishing to retain power, informs the Poles of his readiness to give the royal crown to the son of the Polish king Vladislav. Polish troops enter Russia. The success of the tsarist troops led by Skopin-Shuisky and the invasion of the Poles bring confusion and confusion to the Tushino camp. Filaret is captured by the Poles, and Dmitry flees to Kaluga, where after some time he was killed by the Tatars.

In this situation, the supporters of the Shuiskys offer Skopin-Shuisky as king, but Dmitry Shuisky, brother of Hermogenes and the main contender for the royal crown, naturally does not agree with this. Skopin-Shuisky was insidiously poisoned. A new conspiracy is brewing in Moscow, headed by Mstislavsky, and the Shuiskys are deposed. The Poles enter Moscow. Notable captives were sent to the Polish king - Dmitry and Ivan Shuisky, and soon the patriarch Hermogenes.

However, the Poles are expelled from Moscow militia under the leadership of Prince Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin. (In these turbulent and controversial events, the Russian authorities, almost four hundred years later, will see an occasion for a national holiday.) At the Zemsky Sobor, the Cossacks force the audience to elect 18-year-old Mikhail Romanov, the son of the Tushino Patriarch Filaret, who at that time was in Polish captivity, as king. And in Russia from that moment, in 1613, a new dynasty of tsars was established - the Romanov dynasty.

This is how the story turns out, if without colors and details. Here you will involuntarily be surprised, but how did you and I survive in such conditions? But the struggle for power is only one side of life. People sowed, gave birth, built cities. And life was richer than it seems from a distance of centuries. And everything about her was the way it was.

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What the traditional chronology of English history looks like Scotland and England: two parallel dynastic streams Figure 8 is a rough outline of the current version of English history. The beginning is in the 1st century AD. e. (conquest of England by Julius Caesar). Then from 1 to 400

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Chapter 2 New Chronology and Conception of Chinese History C Chinese history there is a lot of prejudice involved. Today it is believed that it is extremely ancient, that its dating is absolutely reliable, that it predates European history in many ways. It is argued that the fundamentals

author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

Chapter 3 New Chronology and the Concept of English History England and Russia-Horde A Brief Outline of the Scaligerian Version of English History Introduction The second part of our book is devoted to the analysis of the Scaligerian version of the English "ancient" and medieval chronology. Our

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2. What does the Scaligerian chronology of English history look like 2.1. Scotland and England: two parallel dynastic currents 3.2 and fig. Figure 3.3 is a rough outline of the current version of English history. The beginning is supposedly in the 1st century AD. e., when England is conquered

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CHRONOLOGY OF ANCIENT HISTORY The chronology of pre-literate history is based on radiocarbon dates (C-14) and relative archaeological chronology (i.e., the sequence and roughly determinable duration of archaeological layers). Absolute Chronology III

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ALTERNATIVE VERSION OF WORLD HISTORY TEN "EXECUTIONS OF THE EGYPTIAN" One of the most interesting assumptions of the authors of the "new chronology" G. Nosovsky and A. Fomenko is a new look at the history of the campaign (the so-called Biblical exodus of the Jews) of Moses and his successors.

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What is the first thing the winner does in the occupied territories? That's right, he destroys the history of the captured country. Without the destruction of people's memory, it is impossible to establish domination in the occupied territories.

Otherwise, a guerrilla war awaits him, and it always ends in defeat for the occupier. As long as a warrior remembers why he shed blood, it is not possible to turn him into a slave. As soon as a person is deprived of the heritage of his ancestors, he immediately does everything possible to regain what is rightfully his. As soon as a person loses his mind, read - memory, everything becomes indifferent to him. He loses his taste for life, stops creating and goes with the flow, considering himself a hostage to circumstances. Having lost the meaning of existence, a person embarks on the path of self-destruction, burning himself in idleness, drunkenness, drug addiction, and getting bogged down in all other types of "legal drugs". Such as: television series, battles of sports fans, idol races, and eternal aimless walking in the desert, to the whistle of the whips of the drovers, following the carrot hanging in front of the nose on a string. "Walking" I call what millions of Egyptologists, Sumerologists, Akkadologists and other "OLOGOS" are doing, transfusing from empty to empty. Their activity boils down to one thing - to be busy all the time and go on the wrong path, leading further and further away from the truth. The main goal of progressors is to make slaves feel involved in "great" things and not be distracted by what is really happening. The set of tools for this is the widest. From inflating a "sensation" about a buffoon who imagines himself a people's artist and believes that he can crush people with a drunken snout on an expensive car, with purchased rights in his pocket, to deliberately creating all-consuming tragedies, such as "terrorist attacks" with blown up "terrorists" "high-rise buildings and towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

The purpose of all this is one: so that the slaves do not have questions. For example, why is there still registration at the place of residence, or where does the money from the sale of Russian hydrocarbons go to the west and east, who built this fort and who destroyed it?

This is not Magendavid, drawn by green men in a wheat field, as one might think. These are traces of a fort that used to be here, but which has been completely torn down, level with the ground. Those. Have you now understood what the Russian expressions literally mean: - "You can't leave a stone unturned, and level it with damp earth"? Where do you think it was filmed? In France? Germany? Spain? There are a dime a dozen such forts, and they are all rebuilt and maintained in the best possible condition, and this has been removed ... Do not fall from chairs and chairs. This is the Omsk region!

Once on the ground, you will see such a picture. In other words, you won't see anything. Not a single stone, block or brick. Everything was dismantled to zero, and exported!

How much effort and money spent on it? Is the end so important that it justifies the means?

There can be no doubt that this is the case. Target! That's the most important thing to understand how this could happen. If you know that the enemy will destroy any reminder of the past of the conquered people, burn archives and books, prohibit the original religion, destroy culture and art, then it will become clear that the victors have razed this fortress to the ground. Who was defeated in that war? Who defended inside this Siberian fortress? We don't know this yet. Perhaps they called themselves Russians, perhaps Tartars, what to guess now. I called them pre-Russians. I absolutely do not want to be a Russian. This clumsy, alien name came from the Kremlin, and I do not intend to apply it to myself. Was there anything useful from the Kremlin at least once? I remember that the first law that was repealed by the new "democratic" Russian Duma was an article in the USSR Criminal Code that punished sodomy. Everything fell into place. The pederasts came to power. And is it their laws I have to follow? Have mercy!

So. If the pre-Russians lost in that war, then the Russians won. They won and destroyed everything that allowed the pre-Russians to know about their recent past. If there are forts in Europe to this day, and their existence in Russia has become known only now, then what is the conclusion? Correctly! The conquerors came from where the forts stand intact. If you decide that our scientists do not know anything about them, then you are deeply mistaken. Return to the beginning of the article, to the first photo. It is clearly written "-" Protected by law ". But Omsk residents themselves do not know anything about this fortress, not to mention the fact that this information simply SHOULD BE known to every schoolchild. But the miserable seedy little fort "Bayard" is known to the whole world! Science is so but in the hands of the occupiers, like all the usual levers of power.
We, the people of Russia, are the slaves of the occupiers who run the country. We are ruled by the descendants of those who dismantled the defeated forts of Tartaria, they are still at the helm and at the sails, continue to mock the vanquished. Just like their great-great-great-grandfathers, who made a successful drang nakh osten of the eighteenth century.
If you think that the Pokrovskaya fortress is the only one, then I hasten to surprise you. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of such forts on the territory of Russia, and all of them, ALL!!! - Hidden completely!

If the invaders at that time knew that someday they would invent cameras and aviation, they would have covered it all with sand. People roam the earth and it doesn’t occur to them what kind of picture opens from a bird’s eye view.

All the forts presented in this article are located in a very limited space in the Irtysh region. What is written in the textbooks about the development of Siberia?

Do you know why the guides do not lie that these are forts of the eighteenth century, and not earlier ones? Because their fortification speaks for itself. Such "petals" and arrows began to be erected only with the widespread use of artillery. A core or projectile "loves" a perpendicular surface, but from an inclined one it ricochets and flies to lunatics or Martians.

Can you imagine how much effort it took to “clean up” the area so thoroughly? After all, we could never even find traces of the former fortification power of the Siberian "savages". So did the occupants of the Romanovs master the Urals and Siberia, or, as they truly write, did they "conquer"?

The answer is in front of your eyes. it was the first blitzgrig - the throw of the invaders to the east, drang nah osten. Our grandfathers stopped Hitler, and what if they couldn't? Believe me, they would have done the same with the Kremlin as with these forts.

And the intervention of the eighteenth century was only a development of the war of conquest by comrade Ermak Timofeevich!

Well, chiiista ruussky muschiina! You don't know who - you decide that this is some kind of Vaska da Gama.

In Europe, each fort was built according to an individual project. Siberian forts are typical. Like "Khrushchev". Do you know what it says? This indicates the existence of standardization at the time of their construction. The specialist will say that this is from the category of fiction, and he will be right.

There can be no standards in a non-industrialized country. Standards appear where there is mass production and a unified system of personnel training. United, understand?

We can also draw a very important conclusion from quantitative indicators. Such a huge number of complex fortifications suggests that their workers, engineers and designers had not only high qualifications, coupled with a huge number of builders, but also powerful material and human resources, which does not fit into the tales of scattered principalities on the territory of the medieval Russia.

Only a centralized country with an education and training system capable of mobilizing a huge amount of resources, financial and human, can do this. Having a system of military education and training of soldiers. How do you like this? Sounds like a history textbook? They write about the endless deserted expanses inhabited by savages, worshiping wooden idols to the sound of a shaman's tambourine.

And after all, the conquest lasted more than one century! Until the middle of the nineteenth century, dorossia tried to throw off the yoke of the invaders. In a series of national liberation wars, there are such events as " peasant uprisings and riots" by Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev.

Stepan Razin. A descendant of Tamerlane, judging by his appearance. And no wonder. All this is nonsense, as if a simple Cossack decided to jump on the royal throne. The people followed him precisely because he remained one of the last legitimate heirs of one of former rulers Tartaria.

The wars of Peter the Great were also not against "foreigners", but against the former republics that were part of pre-Russians, who remained loyal to their country and tried to overthrow the power of the invaders, the door to which was opened by False Peter, who is now called "great".

Charles XII. His official title is Ruler of the Goths and Wends. Do you understand? There was no Sweden yet. He was the governor of Tartaria in Scandinavia, ruled the Wends (Russians) and Goths (the so-called European Tatars). And near Poltava, Peter defeated the "federal troops" sent to restore constitutional order in a separate traitorous enclave, with its capital in captured St. Petersburg. Peter is the elder brother of Dzhokhar Dudayev. You know who supported the first Chechen general. Do you think that Peter had support from another diaspora?

I dare to suggest that Peter, who had dug in in the captured Petersburg, found himself at the forefront of the treacherous war between the Russians and the pre-Russians, who even did not know what they called themselves. I doubt that the Tartars. Tartaria is not a self-name. That was the name of this country in Europe, which replaced the king, and he, like a traitor in a besieged city, opened the gates at night and let in bankers, lawyers, jewelers, priests, "scientists", tobacconists, vodka drinkers, homosexuals, lesbians, well, in general, arranged a complete tolerance in a barbaric ignorant country of savages.

Probably the only fort left to us from pre-Russian times is the so-called Peter and Paul Fortress.

It, like Petersburg, was not destroyed. It is much easier to attribute the merits of construction to yourself. Only here to explain how it was all built, the invaders simply could not. They didn't know anything about high technologies, here the French in the nineteenth century wrote fairy tales with pictures about the construction of St. Petersburg.

Pay attention to the building density of fortifications on the Irtysh alone.

And this is wild undeveloped Siberia? What are you talking about, I don't understand!

Was it able to build tribes led by shamans? Yes, completeness! Modern Russia is not capable of this. More precisely, it is capable, but only with the help of guest workers from Moldova and Tajikistan, and then for a hundred years, at least.

Well, that's not all, just a small part! And what is the Zavolzhskaya Great Wall worth?

She, too, would certainly be covered up if they knew that aviation and aerial photography would appear in the future. Scientists say that it was built to repel the attacks of Asian nomads on Muscovy. Well, yes, yes ... Only the ledges of the towers look in the opposite direction - to the west. Those. the defenders of the wall defended themselves against an invasion from the west. Do you know the length of these fortifications? Obviously, no one knows for sure. But the fact that the fortifications were from Astrakhan to Perm is beyond doubt by anyone!

Sorry, I didn’t remove the marks on the map, don’t let them confuse you. The red line marks the wall. Its length is about two and a half thousand kilometers! Now pick up a calculator. Today, the remains of this wall are an average of five meters high, and SEVENTY wide! Add a moat, about ten meters wide and up to four meters deep. Sochi - baby talk! It's just fantastic, these are unrealistic figures! And that's just what has survived to this day. Feel free to add thirty percent to these figures, and the Egyptian pyramids simply pale in terms of the amount of work done. You feel like a dwarf in some way compared to your ancestors. They did all this without building mechanization? But I believe it myself, but you can’t argue against the facts. What we see with our own eyes is real. It's impossible to dismiss. And this is the history of the country in which we live. Why are historians silent? Where is this information in textbooks? BUT? Sorry! I forgot that there was an ice age on these lands, and at that time Western civilization flourished ... It seems that the Western "enlightened" civilization, through deceit, betrayal and using information attacks, was able to defeat the civilization in the east, which many times exceeded its level of development. Then I had to invent her story. Inventing from scratch is difficult, so it's easier to take and change the names of key characters and geographical names. This explains the paradox that was discovered and described by the remarkable researcher Andrey Stepanenko chispa1707 who gave the name to the phenomenon
Don't be lazy, read it. It is posted here in a condensed form. you will immediately understand the origin of the Romanov surname RoM - ROME, Man - MAN. Romanov - literally - a man of Rome.

A grain the size of rice, for example, is capable of destroying a modern tank. The only question is how to achieve such speed. The solution of this problem could be helped by the application of the fifth state of aggregation substances - plasma. If a plasma "cocoon" forms around a flying object, for example, a dumbbell, or a teapot, then it is able to accelerate to speeds many times higher than the speed of sound, and colliding with the goal of causing an explosion comparable in power to a nuclear one!
Now, armed with knowledge, we can take a fresh look at the archaic copper (bi-metal) weapon loaded from the barrel, using a spherical STONE core. Copper (Honey) is a very soft and expensive metal. It is cheaper and easier to use cast-iron or steel barrels for firing shells, but "ignorant" ancestors persistently cast guns from copper. Why? Indeed, in order to increase the service life of the barrels, it was necessary to burn out and make them bimetallic - the muzzle - iron (less resistant to wear), and the "shirt" - copper. And if you know that after gold, copper is quite a suitable conductor? And if you know the properties of minerals to emit microwave radiation? And if we remember the piezoelectric properties of quartz-containing minerals? After all, the very fact that, having the ability to cast cannons, a person made shells from stone is already nonsense! The stone is light, brittle, such properties minimize its damaging properties, and it is very time consuming to manufacture. Another thing is the cast-iron core! Drain - no problem. Heavy, when shooting - just what you need! But no... Stone balls!

So ... Copper, electricity, piezoelectricity, perhaps a few more unknown, or simply not taken into account "ingredients", and everything ceases to seem so fantastic. Read Raldugin yourself, at least the first page, and you will see that everything is quite scientific. There is every reason to believe that we are dealing with a case when the tomograph ended up in a camp, and they did not find any other use for it than as a "oppression" for pickling mushrooms. Whoever knew used a bimetallic tube to accelerate a piezoelectric projectile to hypersonic speed, and it destroyed an entire city with one explosion. Isn't that why there are so many craters and craters on the territory of Russia with a diameter of up to a kilometer, and about the origin of which all altos are racking their brains? They think it's footprints atomic bombing, but in fact these are traces of firing from simple copper pipes? Hypersonic kinetic weapons?
Well, why not? After all, then it is logical that the invaders simply did not understand the true purpose of the copper guns. Petrusha the First even ordered all the church bells to be poured into cannons. I thought it would work out now, and his guns would work just like those of the savages whom he conquered. However, nothing came of it. He did not know that it was not at all gunpowder that needed to be filled up as a charge, but something else that created an impulse to fire a piezoelectric projectile. Therefore, over time, copper was abandoned, which is completely logical for pre-Petrine times, if you shoot with simple cannonballs, and with the help of an explosive. And the cores began to be cast from cast iron, which is also absolutely understandable, and the development of artillery went down a dead end. degraded to today's level. This, of course, is only a version, but other, indisputable facts only confirm the version. See for yourself:
The invaders on the developed lands were alien, and the essence geographical names they did not know, just as they did not know the history of their origin. That is why some old names drive Russians into a stupor. If the village is called Vasilyevo, then there are no questions, but what if the lake is called Alol? What is an alien language? By the way, the most beautiful place in the Pskov region. I recommend it, especially for lovers of multi-day kayaking. Alol is the final point of the route along the rocky turbulent river.
However, let's continue. The invaders, invading, did not even imagine the size of the land that they began to conquer. Here is an example: In schools and universities, teachers cite Muravyov-Amursky as an example

as a genius of Russian diplomacy, who was able to bloodlessly return the territories ceded earlier to China, and thanks to his talents, the border passed along the Amur River. What a blatant lie! This "diplomat" had to be tied to a pillory for a whole day, and then sent to one of the most severe prisons - to the British Isles, Japan or Sakhalin. He did not even know that he gave the Chinese thousands of square kilometers of primordially Russian lands for free! The border with China was marked on the ground. It is she who is now given out as a miracle of the fortification thought of the ancient Chinese. Or maybe he knew. Then the Chinese gave him some money for a pretty house in Miami. I would rather not say anything about stone processing technologies. This is such an obvious fact that it does not require proof. What the pre-Russians could do with stone in Europe they learned to do only at the beginning of the 20th century. But interesting about cast iron. The pre-Russians cast cast iron statues with a wall thickness of only one or two centimeters. They say that with modern foundry equipment such results can be achieved if casting under high pressure, but practically our contemporaries are not able to repeat anything that the occupiers inherited from pre-Russians. Not so long ago, they dismantled the triumphal arch in Moscow in order to restore it. It almost ended in complete failure. Our luminaries of science and technology could not restore the ancient thin-walled cast iron, because they themselves do not know how to do this.

With the allegedly Ural Demidov factories, there is an even more surprising embarrassment.

Nikita Demidov.

This is the person who built the world's best metallurgical enterprises throughout the Urals? Well, he does not pull more than the "most humane" of all professions - the craft of a usurer. No, miracles do happen, of course, it happens that hidden talents wake up in people, but judging by the deeds and deeds of this family, far-reaching conclusions can be drawn. Lies, betrayals, bribery, theft, cruelty and illegibility in methods betray the true role of the "great industrialists". Rockefeller and Ford became great businessmen precisely because of exactly the same qualities.
So, recently there was information that already in the middle of the twentieth century, Soviet engineers were racking their brains over unraveling the purpose of some machine tools and mechanisms at the old Demidov factories. This is nonsense. As a person with higher technical education may not understand the principles and purpose of the unit that he holds in his hands, or sees it in an abandoned workshop! It is also worth remembering that even during the Great Patriotic War, many of the industries remained operational and took part in the production of weapons to defeat fascism. Without steam engines and even without electricity, I use the power of rivers and waterfalls. The kinetic energy of flowing water was converted into mechanical energy on an industrial scale. It sounds fantastic, but it is a true fact, and you can’t argue against the facts, which I repeat once again.
Now I propose in this context to recall the replicated quote by M.V. Lomonosov: - "Russian land will grow with Siberia"! A completely different meaning is heard in this long-hackneyed phrase, isn't it?
Well, now, I believe that there will be fewer distrustful, because the motives and methods for destroying the memory of Russians about their history have been revealed. Now it is clear why not a single reliable written source has been preserved before the reign of Peter the Great. True, something global happened again in the nineteenth century, which forced the whole history to be rewritten again, including from Peter to Nicholas II, but that's another topic. If I guess great secret nineteenth century, then I'll eat my own hat without salt on the air.
Good to you all. Teach your kids the right way!

Do you know that the royal rule in Russia was not inherited before Christianization?

In Russia, they lived according to Kopnoy Pravo, where only those who, not in word, but in deed, proved that he was a normal smart man, a family man, and not a drunk or some kind of lazybones, had a voice. A handicraft craftsman, such as a woodworker. Here are 10 such men unanimously (!) chose the tenth, the tenths chose the sotsky, etc. to the Monarch, whose power was not inherited! Those. the best of the best was chosen, and when they saw him, the people said Tse Zarya (TSE (tse - this, this one) ZARYA (Dawn - Carrying Light)), which later was reduced to “King”. Children born from kings were called Tse Sarevich (Tse Zarevich). That is, it is the same as the son of the dawn. From the Etruscans (the Russian ethnic group is one of our clans), the Latins adopted this concept and called their rulers Caesar (Caesar). That's where there was freedom of speech, will and democracy of elections.

And who teaches us democracy today? Those who a thousand years ago imposed monarchy and totalitarianism.

About taxes in Russia

The tax was in the form of a tithe, i.e. everyone paid tithes. Those. 10th part of 144. Now instead of 144, 100 (%) is taken. In order to recalculate the tithe in a modern way, we will make up the proportion: 144/10 \u003d 100 / x. Hence x = 10 100/144 = 7 (%). The tithe went to the maintenance of the Cossacks (“the sighted horse”) and the construction of border towns to protect our lands from invaders. One of the camps of the Cossacks is now called KazakhStan, this happened after October revolution, although even before the revolution it was called the Cossack camp (KazakStan). The Cossacks were skilled warriors, and they were even hired by the Japanese emperors, the samurai probably did not reach the level of our Ancestors.

History of Russia

Our modern official history, taught in schools, took its final form in the 18th and 19th centuries AD. and was written in accordance with the biblical concept of history commissioned by the Romanovs. Thus, today we are taught from childhood that our history is only a little over 1000 years old. Allegedly, the brothers Cyril and Methodius did good to the dark and wild pagans, giving them writing.

Let's see what happened and who and how falsified our past.

Let's start with Tsar Peter the Great, who instead of “Summer” introduced “Year” and in Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.X (Creation of the World in the Star Temple, where the creation of the world used to mean the signing of a peace treaty) On December 20, Peter I postponed the New Year by issuing a decree to congratulate each other on January 1st “with the new Got”, and to introduce a new foreign Julian calendar, where after December 31, 7208 from S.M. January 1, 1700 began from the birth of Christ. Thus, he easily and simply stole 5508 years of history from us.

Since our Ancestors wrote the numbers in drop caps, our writing has at least existed for more than 7.5 thousand years, which Catherine II wrote in her “Notes on Russian History”: “... the Slavs had a written language older than Nestor ...”.

But the worst thing was during Christianization, when monuments of pre-Christian writing and culture were subjected to total destruction in Russia. ancient Russia-Russia-Rasseniya.

About the "Great" Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko

The illegitimate son of the Khazar woman Malusha, Prince Vladimir, who illegally occupied the throne of Kyiv (by poisoning the legitimate heirs), introduced an alien religion with fire and sword. In the years from 988 to 1000, ¾ of the population of Kievan Rus was destroyed, after which only 3 million people remained from the original 12 million. The survivors were mostly children and the elderly. Children deprived of parents were brought up in a Christian spirit, with the denial of the entire great Heritage of the Ancestors.

The Higher Clergy of Belovodye (the center of Belovodye was in Asgard, modern Omsk), the sacred land of Russenia-Rus-Russia in 1222 from the RH decided to create a special governing body to protect the Old Faith, which became known as: OR-DEN, which meant “Strength Light” or “Light Force”, where the Kh'ary rune “OR” meant “strength” in the Old Slavic language, the rune “DEN” meant “light”. This Light Power came from beyond the Urals in the form of retribution to the Russian lands, devastated and captured by the Greek-Jewish-Christian.

Tatar-Mongol yoke

This word “Order” was distorted by the Latins as “Orde”, and the writers of history changed it to the word “horde” and the Great Horde or the Mongol-Tatar yoke appeared. Foreigners called Russia Mongolia. The very name “Mongolia” (or Mogolia, as Karamzin and many other authors write, for example) comes from the Greek word “Megalion”, i.e. "Great". In Russian historical sources, the word "Mongolia" ("Mogolia") is not found. But there is "Great Russia". The word "Igo" means order, hence the name "Igor" - the guardian of order. “Tat” is an enemy, i.e. the Tatar is the enemy of the Aryan. And to whom could the Aryan be an enemy? Could he be an enemy of the Rasichs, i.e. to their brothers in the Clans of the Great RACE? No. The only one to whom he was an enemy was those who wanted to enslave these Rods. That is why they write in their history (from tori-ya) that to Russia (and they considered only Kyiv and the surrounding lands to be Russia, and “Kievan Rus” was invented by M. Pogodin, who in his dissertation “On the Origin of Russia” ( 1825), as well as Messrs. G. Bayer, later G. Miller and A. Schlözer substantiated Norman theory the emergence of Russian statehood: “come and rule us”) went the Great Horde, or in other words - the Mongols-Tatars - the Great Enemies of the Aryans, who did not accept Christianity. And they went from the East of Rasseniya (Rasseniya are the territories over which the Clans of the Great Race settled), more precisely from Siberia, which in those days from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and from the Cold Ocean to Central India was called Tarkhtaria, the land of which is patronized by the Gods - the son and daughter of Perun, brother and sister, Tarkh, nicknamed Dazhdbog (Giving God), and his younger sister Tara. Our Ancestors told foreigners: "... we are the children of Tarkh and Tara ...". Later, Tarkhtaria became Tartaria, and the biblical people, who hardly pronounce the letter “r”, called it Tataria.

Let's look at the map of 1754 "I-e Carte de l'Asie"

Through the entire vast territory of the Russian Empire, up to Pacific Ocean, including Mongolia, Far East etc., there is an inscription in large letters: Grande Tartaria, that is, Great Tartaria.

Now it is clear that the words “Tatar” and “Tatar” had nothing to do with modern Tatars until, after the revolution of 1917, historians of biblical nationality decided to falsify the “trace of the Mongol-Tatar yoke”, so that by another deception, substitution of concepts, to confirm my fictional story about the invasion of Russia by an enemy that never existed and to avert suspicion from oneself as a real enemy.

They carried out this plan to declare someone a former enemy for about a decade and a half, and Lazar Moiseevich Koganovich completed it in 1935, declaring several peoples Tatars: the Volga Bulgarians or Bulgars, baptized people, Uighurs, and also Siberians. Thus, in recent history, another substitution of names and concepts was carried out.

Once, in the northeast of the Black Sea, there was Khazaria, which undertook predatory and predatory attacks on neighboring peoples. Once Khazaria seized the Volga lands with their peace-loving peoples and subjugated them. But part of the Volga Bulgars did not want to submit to the power of the Khazars, and they, together with their khan (i.e. military leader) Astarukh, moved to the Danube, built their cities there and still live there - these territories are called Bulgaria. But note that modern historiography ranks the Danube Bulgarians among the Slavs, and their eastern brothers - the Volga, Kazan Bulgarians - to the Turks - to the Tatars.

What caused this division? Yes, due to the fact that from Tsar-grad Christianity was imposed on the Danube, and Islam was imposed to the Volga. And since in ancient times Islam was accepted mainly by Turkic tribes, therefore, the Volga Bulgarians began to be classified as Turks, although they were actually Slavic tribes that at first did not accept Christianity, but then Islam was forcibly imposed on many of their tribes.

However, among them there were tribes that did not recognize either Islam or Christianity, and many, especially along the Vyatka and higher, and closer to the Caspian Sea, remained on their ancient faith of the Ancestors and lived apart. Therefore, they still call themselves White Bulgarians.

Why don't modern Russian children get this knowledge at school?

Yes, again, because modern official version the history of the Russian people was finally framed in the 18-19th century and was written in strict accordance with the biblical picture of the world: they say that there is the most ancient, God-chosen people - the Jews, and the Russians were wild pagans before they were Christianized by the Greeks (Semites), and even writing was given to the Russians Greek monks Cyril and Methodius.

In fact, the semi-literate monks Cyril and Methodius reduced the Slavic Initial Letter (I know God, I know the Verb Good ... - one of the types of our writing that existed in Russia many thousands of years before Christ) from 49 letters to 44, and four of the remaining letters were given Greek titles that do not contain such sound images. It was precisely those letters from the old Initial Letter that were destroyed that did not find a match in the Greek language.

Greek is built on the basis of simplified Phoenician, and Phoenician is based on Scythian, and Scythian is our Slavic, because. Scythians are one of the Slavic tribes. Yaroslav the Wise with his "wisdom" removed one more letter. The reformer Peter the Great removed five letters, Nicholas II - three, Lunacharsky - three, introduced "Yo" and removed images from the ABC (Az, Buki, Vedi ...) and introduced phonemics (a, b, c ...) and the ABC became the Alphabet (alpha + vita - in the Greek manner) and our mighty language became without figurative (ugly).

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Historical facts, accepted as an indisputable truth, sometimes cause many doubts among those who are used to analyzing the course of events and reading “between the lines”. Frank contradictions, silence and distortion of obvious facts cause healthy indignation, since interest in one's roots is inherent in man by nature. That is why a new direction of teaching has arisen - an alternative history. Reading various articles about the origin of mankind, the development and formation of states, one can understand how far the school history course is from reality. Facts that are not supported by elementary logic and argumentation are laid in young heads as the only right way. historical development. At the same time, many of them do not stand up to elementary analysis even by those who are not luminaries in this area, but are only interested in world history and know how to think sensibly.

The essence of alternative history

This direction is considered to be unscientific, since it is not regulated at the official level. However, reading articles, books and treatises on alternative history, it becomes clear that they are more logical, consistent and substantiated than the "official version" of events. So why are historians silent, why do they distort the facts? There can be many reasons for this:

  • It is much more pleasant to present your origin in a more advantageous light. Moreover, it is enough just to provide the bulk of the population with an attractive theory, even if it does not fit with the context. real history- she will definitely be accepted “as a native”, amusing her self-esteem on the subconscious.
  • The role of the victim is advantageous only in the event of a successful ending, because, as you know, all the "laurels" go to the winner. If it didn’t work out to defend your people, then, a priori, the enemies must be bad and insidious.
  • To act on the attacking side, destroying other nationalities is “not comme il faut”, therefore it is at least unreasonable to flaunt such facts in the annals of historical events.

The list of reasons for lies and cover-ups in history is endless, but they all originate in one single statement: if it is written that way, then it is profitable. Moreover, in this context, the benefit implies not so much economic as moral, political and psychological comfort. And it doesn’t matter at all that any lie looks stupid, it’s enough just to analyze the indisputable facts of that time.

Over time, the alternative history becomes more complete and meaningful. Thanks to the work of people who are not indifferent to their origin in the annals of our country, and the world as a whole, there are less and less “dark spots”, and the chronology of events takes on a logical and consistent form. That is why reading about an alternative history is not only informative, but also pleasant - clearly verified facts make the narrative logical and reasonable, and accepting one's roots allows you to better understand the deep essence of historical events.

An alternative history of mankind: a look through the prism of logic

Darwin's theory of human origins is ideally suited to be taught to children as a cautionary tale about the benefits of work, with one acceptable context - it's just a fairy tale. Each artifact obtained during the excavations, each ancient find causes healthy skepticism regarding the official version of history, since they clearly contradict the voiced version. And if you consider that most of them are simply kept under the heading "Secret", the origin of mankind looks vague and doubtful at all. A consensus on this issue has not yet been formed, but one thing is known for certain: a person appeared much earlier than history ascribes to him.

  • traces of a man of the era of dinosaurs discovered in Nevada, which are more than 50 million years old;
  • a fossilized finger, which, according to research, has been stored for about 130 million years;
  • hand-drawn metal vase, about half a billion years old.

The proof of the correctness of alternative versions of history is not limited to these facts - the number of traces of human presence in the ancient world is steadily growing, however, far from everyone is known to a wide range of people. Moreover, many theories regarding the course of historical events have already been voiced in the context of mythology, but scientists have dismissed them, since there was no evidence for this. Now, when the revealed facts convince of the opposite, they simply do not want to “lose face”, rewriting the history of mankind.

If in the course of evolution and technical progress people became more and more developed, then how were the famous Egyptian pyramids built then? After all, even now, having a huge arsenal of equipment and building materials, such a structure causes delight and awe, because it seems almost unreal. But such pyramids were built not only on the African continent, but also in today's America, China, Russia and Bosnia. How could such inept and technically illiterate ancestors, according to the version of academic history, be able to build this?

Turning to the ancient Indian treatises, one can find references to flying chariots - the prototypes of modern aircraft. They are also mentioned in the writings of Maharshi Bharadwaja, a sage of the 4th century BC. His book was found back in the 19th century, but never had a resonance thanks to the efforts of those who adhere to the official version of history. These works were recognized as nothing more than entertaining writings based on a fertile imagination, while the descriptions of the machines themselves, suspiciously reminiscent of modern ones, were considered mere conjectures.

Not only the ancient Indian works confirm the dubiousness of the academic theory of the development of mankind - the Slavic chronicles store no less number of confirmations. Based on the described technical structures, our distant ancestors could not only move through the air, but also make intergalactic flights. So why is the alternate history suggestion of Earth populating the planet from space considered practically insane? It is a completely logical and reasonable version that has the right to exist.

The question of the origin of man is considered one of the most controversial, since rare facts make one only speculate and speculate. The academic version assumes that mankind came out of Africa, but this version hardly withstands the elementary “strength test” of modern facts and discoveries. The novelties of alternative history seem more convincing, since even the latest articles in 2017 consider several options at once as a possible course of events. One of the confirmations of the plurality of theories are the works of Anatoly Klyosov.

Alternative history in the context of DNA genealogy

The founder of DNA genealogy, which reveals the essence of migration processes ancient population through the prism of chromosomal similarities, is Anatoly Klyosov. His works cause a lot of indignant criticism in his address, since the theories set forth by the scientist openly contradict the official version of events about the African origin of the entire human race. The critical questions raised by Klyosov in his books and publications reveal the essence of the erroneous claims of popgeneticists that "anatomically modern man”(precisely in the context of the current genetic basis) went from the African people through constant migration to neighboring continents. The main evidence of the academic version is the genetic diversity of Africans, but this fact cannot be considered confirming, but only makes it possible to put forward a theory that is not supported by any justification.

The main features of the idea promoted by Klyosov are as follows:

  • the genetic genealogy founded by him (DNA genealogy) is a symbiosis of history, biochemistry, anthropology and linguistics, and not a subsection of academic genetics, as is commonly believed in scientific circles, accusing the author of quackery;
  • This approach allows us to formulate a new calendar of ancient migrations of mankind, which is more accurate and scientifically justified than the official one.

According to the data obtained in the course of a long and rigorous analysis of historical, anthropological and chromosomal studies, the development "from the African source" is not complete, since the alternative history of the Slavs at that time was taking a parallel course. The Proto-Slavic origin of the Aryan race is confirmed by the fact that the chromosomal halogroup R1a1 came from the Dnieper territory and the Ural River and went to India, and not vice versa, as the official version of events claims.

His ideas are actively promoted not only in Russia, but throughout the world: the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy founded by him is an international online organization. In addition to publishing online, Klyosov has published many books and periodicals. His collection of articles on alternative history, based on a DNA genealogical database, is constantly updated with new works, which each time lift the veil of secrecy over the ancient civilization.

Tatar-Mongol yoke: an alternative history

There are still many “dark spots” in the academic history of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, which allow not only scientists and historians of our time to make assumptions and guesses, but also ordinary people who are interested in their origins. Many details indicate that the Tatar-Mongol people did not exist at all. That is why the alternative history looks very reliable: the details are so logical and justified that, willy-nilly, doubts arise, but are the textbooks lying?

Indeed, there are no mentions of the Tatar-Mongols in any Russian chronicle, and the term itself causes healthy skepticism: well, where could such a nationality come from? From Mongolia? But, according to historical documents, the ancient Mongols were called "Oirats". There is no such nationality and there was not, until in 1823 it was introduced artificially!

The alternative history of Russia in those days is clearly reflected in the work of Alexei Kungurov. His book “There was no Kievan Rus, or what historians are hiding” caused thousands of controversies in scientific circles, but the arguments seem quite convincing even to those who are familiar with history, not to mention ordinary readers: “If we demand to present at least some material evidence of the long existence of the Mongol empire, then archaeologists, scratching their heads and grunting, will show a pair of half-rotted sabers and several women's earrings. But do not try to find out why the remains of sabers are "Mongol-Tatar" and not Cossack, for example. No one will explain this to you for sure. At best, you will hear a story that the saber was dug up at the place where, according to the version of the ancient and very reliable chronicle, there was a battle with the Mongols. Where is that chronicle? God knows it, it has not reached our days ”(c).

Although the subject is thoroughly revealed in the works of Gumilyov, Kalyuzhny and Fomenko, who are undoubtedly experts in their field, the alternative history reveals the Tatar-Mongol yoke in such a reasoned, detailed and thorough manner precisely at the suggestion of Kungurov. Undoubtedly, the author is thoroughly familiar with the timing of Kievan Rus and studied many sources before putting forward his theory regarding that time. That is why there is no doubt that his version of what is happening is the only possible chronology of events. Indeed, it is difficult to argue with a logically competent justification:

  1. There was not a single "material evidence" of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars. Even from the dinosaurs, at least some traces remained, and from the whole yoke - zero. No written sources (of course, one should not take into account subsequently fabricated papers), no architectural structures, no coin trace.
  2. Analyzing modern linguistics, it will not be possible to find a single borrowing from the Mongol-Tatar heritage: the Mongolian and Russian languages ​​do not intersect, and there are no cultural borrowings from the Transbaikal nomads.
  3. Even if Kievan Rus wanted to eradicate the difficult times of the dominance of the Mongol-Tatars from memory, at least some trace would remain in the folklore of the nomads. But even there - nothing!
  4. What was the purpose of the capture? They reached the territory of Russia, captured ... and that's it? Was the conquest of the world limited to this? And the economic consequences for present-day Mongolia were never discovered: no Russian gold, no icons, no coins, in a word, nothing again.
  5. For more than 3 centuries of imaginary dominance, not a single mixing of blood has occurred. One way or another, domestic population genetics did not find a single thread leading to the Mongol-Tatar roots.

These facts testify in favor of an alternative history of ancient Russia, in which there is not the slightest mention of the Tatar-Mongols as such. But why, over the course of several centuries, people were instilled with the opinion of the cruel attack of Batu? After all, something happened during these years that historians are trying to cover up with external interference. In addition, before the pseudo-liberation from the Mongol-Tatars, the territory of Russia was really in a huge decline, and the number of the local population decreased tenfold. So what happened during these years?

The alternative history of Russia offers many versions, but the most convincing seems to be forced baptism. According to ancient maps, the main part of the Northern Hemisphere was the Great State - Tartaria. Its inhabitants were educated and literate, they lived in harmony with themselves and with natural forces. Adhering to the Vedic worldview, they understood what was good, saw the consequences of planting a religious principle and tried to maintain their inner harmony. However, Kievan Rus - one of the provinces of the Great Tartaria - decided to take a different path.

Prince Vladimir, who became the ideological inspirer and executor of forced Christianization, understood that people’s deep convictions cannot be broken just like that, so he ordered to kill most of the adult population, and put a religious principle into innocent children’s heads. And when the troops of Tartaria came to their senses and decided to stop the cruel bloodshed in Kievan Rus, it was already too late - the province at that time was a miserable sight. Of course, there was still a battle on the Kalka River, but the opponents were not a fictional Mongol corps, but their own army.

Looking at the alternative story about the war, it becomes clear why it was so "sluggish": the Russian troops, who forcibly converted to Christianity, perceived the Vedic army of Tartaria not as an attack, but rather as a liberation from the imposed religion. Many of them even went over to the side of the "enemy", while the rest did not see the point in the battle. But will such facts be printed in textbooks? After all, this discredits the modern idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "great and wisest" power. There are many dark spots in the history of Russia, as, indeed, in any state, but hiding them will not help to rewrite it.

An alternative history of Russia from ancient times: where did Tartaria go?

By the end of the 18th century, Great Tartaria was wiped out not only from the face of the Earth, but also from political map peace. This was done so carefully that there is no mention of it in any history textbook, in any chronicle and official paper. Why is it necessary to hide such an obvious fact of our history, which was revealed relatively recently, only thanks to the works of Academician Fomenko, who was engaged in New Chronology? But Guthrie William described Tartaria, its provinces and history in detail back in the 18th century, but this work remained unnoticed by official science. Everything is simple to the point of banal: the alternative history of Russia does not look as sacrificial and imposing as the academic one.

The conquest of Great Tartaria began in the 15th century, when Muscovy was the first to attack the surrounding territories. The army of Tartaria, which did not expect an attack, which at that time concentrated all its forces on protecting the external borders, did not have time to orient itself, and therefore yielded to the enemy. This served as an example for others, and gradually everyone sought to “bite off” at least a small piece of economically and politically profitable lands from Tartaria. So for 2 and a half centuries, only a weak shadow remained from the Great State, the final blow to which was World War, referred to in the course of history as the "Pugachev Uprising" in 1773-1775. After that, the name of the once great power began to gradually change to the Russian Empire, however, some regions - Independent and Chinese Tartaria - still managed to preserve their history for some more time.

Thus, the long war, which ultimately exterminated all the native Tartarians, began precisely with the filing of the Muscovites, who subsequently took an active part in it. This means that the territory of modern Russia was brutally recaptured at the cost of tens of thousands of lives, and our ancestors are precisely the attacking side. Will such textbooks be written? After all, if history is built on cruelty and bloodshed, then it is not as “wonderful” as they are trying to portray.

As a result, historians who adhere to the academic version simply took certain facts out of context, changed characters in some places and presented everything “under the sauce” of the sad saga of devastation after the Tatar-Mongol yoke. In this perspective, there could be no talk of any attack on Tartaria. And what an alternative history of Tartaria, there was nothing. The maps are corrected, the facts are distorted, which means that you can forget about the rivers of blood. Such an approach made it possible to inspire many inhabitants, who were not accustomed to think and analyze, with exceptional integrity, sacrifice and, most importantly, the antiquity of their people. But in fact, all this was created by the hands of the Tartarians, who were subsequently destroyed.

An alternative history of St. Petersburg, or What is hidden in the chronicle of the Northern capital?

Petersburg is almost the main platform for the country's historical events, and the architecture of the city makes you breathless with delight and awe. But is everything as transparent and consistent as it shows official history?

The alternative history of St. Petersburg is based on the theory that the city at the mouth of the Neva was built in the 9th century BC, only it was called Nevograd. When Radabor built a port here, the settlement was renamed Vodin. A heavy fate fell on the locals: the city was often flooded, and enemies tried to seize the port area, causing devastation and bloodshed. In 862, after the death of Prince Vadim, the Novgorod prince who came to power destroyed the city almost to the ground, destroying the entire indigenous population. Having recovered from this blow, after almost three centuries, the Vodinians met another attack - the Swedish one. True, after 30 years the Russian army was able to regain their native lands, but this time was enough to weaken Vodin.

After the suppression of the uprising in 1258, the city was renamed again - in order to pacify the recalcitrant Vodinians, Alexander Nevsky decided to eradicate his native name and began to call the city on the Neva Gorodnya. And after another 2 years, the Swedes again attacked the territory and named it in their own way - Landskron. Swedish dominance did not last long - in 1301 the city returned to Russia again, began to gradually flourish and recover.

Such an idyll lasted a little more than two and a half centuries - in 1570 Moskhi captured Gorodnya, calling it Kongrad. However, the Swedes did not give up their desire to get the port territory of the Neva, so in 1611 they were able to recapture the city, which has now become Kanets. After that, it was renamed one more time, calling Nienschanz, until Peter I won it back from the Swedes during Northern war. And only after that the official version of history begins the annals of St. Petersburg.

According to academic history, it was Peter the Great who built the city from scratch, created St. Petersburg the way it is today. However, the alternative history of Peter I does not look so impressive, because, in fact, he received a ready-made city with a long history into submission. It is enough to look at the numerous monuments allegedly erected in honor of the ruler in order to doubt their origins, because on each of them Peter I is depicted in completely different ways, and not always appropriate.

For example, the statue in the Mikhailovsky Castle depicts Peter the Great, dressed for some reason in a Roman tunic and sandals. Enough strange outfit for the St. Petersburg realities of that time ... And the marshal's baton in an awkwardly twisted hand suspiciously resembles a spear, which for some reason (obviously why) was cut off, giving it the appropriate shape. And looking into Bronze Horseman”, it becomes clear that the face is made in a completely different way. Age changes? Hardly. Just a fake historical heritage Petersburg, which was adjusted to suit academic history.

Alternative history review - answers to burning questions

Thoughtfully reading a school history textbook, it is impossible not to “stumble” over contradictions and imposed clichés. In addition, the revealed facts make us either constantly adjust the approved chronology for them, or hide historical events from people. But A. Sklyarov was right, stating: "If the facts contradict the theory, it is necessary to throw out the theory, not the facts." So why do historians act differently?

What to believe, which version to stick to, everyone decides for himself. Of course, it is much easier and more pleasant to close one's eyes to the obvious, proudly calling oneself a luminary in the field of historical sciences. Moreover, the novelties of alternative history are met with great distrust, calling them quackery and creative fiction. But each of these alleged fictions has much more logic and facts under it than academic science. But to admit this means to abandon an extremely convenient and advantageous position that has been promoted for decades. But if the official version continues to pass off fiction as reality, maybe it's time to stop being deceived ourselves? All you need to do this is to think for yourself.