No progress. The concept of scientific and technological progress. Organizations performing research and development

The social and economic reorganization in Russia has caused instability in the backbone links of the previously existing mechanism. It was focused on the production of scientific and technical products. This, in turn, affected the state of the economic country as a whole.

Scientific and technological progress (STP) and economic growth

The modern priorities of advanced states are determined not only by the volume of labor resources and the extractive industry, and natural reserves. This is what traditionally acts as a characteristic of the welfare of the country. The degree of use of innovations in a particular sector is becoming increasingly important today. As you know, economic growth characterizes the functioning of the entire economic system. Its indicators are used in the analysis of the state of the national sector, in a comparative assessment of countries. Scientific and technological progress (STP) acts as a determining factor in this area. Let's take a look at what it is.

STP: definition and content

Talk about this form of development began for the first time at the end of the 19th - at the beginning of the 20th century. What is NTP? Definition in general view can be formulated as follows:

Improvement due to the needs of material production, the increase and complexity of the needs of society.

The need for this process arose as a result of strengthening the interaction of large-scale machine industry with technology and science.


They were the result of the relationship between science, technology and machine production. Contradictions affected two directions of development at once. In theory, therefore, they are divided into technical and social. With the mass production of the same products for many years, it becomes possible to create automatic systems for expensive machines. Over a long operating period, all costs for them pay off. Along with this, there is a need for continuous improvement of the production facilities themselves. This can be done either by upgrading them or by replacing products. This situation is due to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. This is the first contradiction. It occurs between the service life and the payback period. The social contradiction of NTP is the inconsistency associated with the human factor. On the one hand, innovations are aimed at facilitating working conditions. This is achieved through automation as a result of scientific and technical progress. This, however, causes monotony and monotony of work. The resolution of these contradictions is directly related to the strengthening of the requirements for the process of improvement itself. They are embodied in the public order. It acts as a form of expression of social strategic interests in the long term.


Scientists talk about various factors accompanying the NTP. Determining them is of particular importance in the analysis of social transformations. The importance of factors is related to their influence on changes in society. Together, these factors determine the features of scientific and technical progress, stages of development, and forms. The process can be either evolutionary or revolutionary. In the first case, scientific and technical progress is a relatively slow improvement of traditional production bases. In this case, we are not talking about speed. The emphasis is on the rate of production growth. So, they can be low for revolutionary improvement or high for evolutionary improvement. For example, consider labor productivity. As history shows, its growth rates are high in the evolutionary form, and low in the revolutionary form.


AT modern world this form of NTP is considered to be predominant. It provides large scale, accelerated reproduction rates, high effect. Revolutionary scientific and technological progress (STP) is a fundamental transformation in the entire system. The complex of interrelated revolutions in various spheres of material production is based on the transition to qualitatively new principles. In accordance with the changes taking place in material production, the main features and stages inherent only in such a phenomenon as scientific and technological progress (STP) are formed.


The changes mentioned above concern not only the efficiency of production itself, but also the factors that determine growth. Revolutionary improvement goes through the following stages:

  1. Preparatory (scientific).
  2. Modern, including the restructuring of the structural elements of the national economy.
  3. Large machine automated production.

Preparatory stage

It can be attributed to the first third of the 20th century. At that time, new theories of machine technology and principles of production formation were being developed. This work preceded the creation of updated equipment, technologies that were subsequently applied during the preparations for the Second World War. During this period, many fundamental ideas about factors changed radically. environment. At the same time, an active process of subsequent development of technology and technology was noted in production.

Second stage

It coincided with the beginning of the war. The most active scientific and technological progress (STP) and innovations were in the USA. This was due mainly to the fact that America did not conduct hostilities on its territory, did not have outdated equipment, had convenient minerals from the point of view of extraction and processing, as well as a sufficient amount of labor. Russia in the 40s of the 20th century could not claim the level of its technical development to a leading position in the field of scientific and technical progress. Its second stage in the USSR began after the end of the war and the restoration of the destroyed economy. The rest of the main Western European countries (Italy, France, England, Germany) entered this stage almost immediately after the United States. The essence of this stage was a complete production restructuring. In the production process, the material prerequisites were formed for a further radical revolution in the machine and other leading industries, as well as in the entire national economy.


It marked the third stage of the NTP. Over the past few decades, there has been an active production of many different automatic machine tools and machine lines, the creation of workshops, sites, and in a number of countries - the construction of entire factories. At the third stage, the prerequisites are formed for the enlargement of automated production, which affects, among other things, objects of labor and technologies.

Uniform Policy

The government of any country, in order to ensure an efficient economy and prevent lagging behind other states, must implement a unified scientific and technical policy. It is a set of targeted measures. They ensure the comprehensive development of technology and science, the implementation of the results obtained in economic system. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to identify priority areas in which the achievements will be used in the first place. This is mainly due to the limited public resources for conducting large-scale research work in all areas of scientific and technical progress and their subsequent implementation in practice. At each stage, therefore, priorities must be determined and conditions for the implementation of developments provided.


They represent areas of development, the implementation of which will ensure maximum social and economic efficiency in a short time. There are general (state) and private (branch) directions. The former are considered a priority for one or more countries. Industry directions are important for specific sectors of industry and economy. At a certain stage, the following national directions of scientific and technical progress were formulated:


This area of ​​scientific and technical progress is considered the most important. Without electrification it is impossible to improve other economic spheres. It should be said that for its time the choice of directions was quite successful. This had a positive impact on increasing efficiency, development, and accelerating production. Electrification is the process of generating and widely using electrical energy in industry and everyday life. It is considered bilateral. On the one hand, production is carried out, on the other, consumption in different areas. These aspects are inseparable from each other. Production and consumption coincide in time, due to physical features electric current as a form of energy. Electrification acts as a base for automation and mechanization. It helps to increase the efficiency of production, labor productivity, improve the quality of goods, reduce their cost, and obtain greater profits.


This direction includes a set of measures, within the framework of which a wide replacement of manual operations by machines is envisaged. Automatic machines, individual productions and lines are being introduced. The mechanization of processes means the direct replacement of manual labor by machines. This direction is in constant development and improvement. It passes from manual work to partial, small, general mechanization, and then to its highest form.


She is considered the highest degree mechanization. This direction of scientific and technical progress allows to carry out a full cycle of work only under the control of a person without direct participation. Automation is a new type of production. It is the result of scientific and technological development by transferring operations to an electronic basis. The need for automation is due to the inability of a person to manage complex processes with the required speed and accuracy. Today, in most industries, the main production is almost completely mechanized. At the same time, auxiliary processes remain at the same level of development and are performed manually. Most of these operations are present in loading and unloading, transport operations.


Scientific and technological progress should be considered not as simply the sum of its constituent elements or forms of its manifestation. They are in close unity, mutually complementing and conditioning each other. STP is a continuous process of the emergence of technical and scientific ideas, developments, discoveries, their implementation, obsolescence of equipment and its replacement with new technology. The concept itself includes many elements. Scientific and technical progress is not limited only to forms of development. This process presupposes all progressive changes both in the production sphere and in the non-production one.

SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS - process and result-tat co-ver-shen-st-in-va-niya of tech-no-ki, tech-no-logia, energy-ge-ti-ki, then -var-ditch and service-meadow on the basis of using-pol-zo-va-niya re-zul-ta-tov on-scientific research-sled-to-va-ny in order to dos-ti- same eco-no-mi-che-sko-go, so-qi-al-no-go, eco-lo-gi-che-sko-go and in-for-ma-qi-on-no-go ef-fek-ta.

Maintenance of NTP - but-in-introduction (in-no-va-tion) in the process of developing tech-no-ki in all areas of human lo-ve-che-sky activity-tel-no-sti (including in its production part of the environment and pre-me-you labor), tech no-logies (so-co-bov of co-union of means and objects of labor), energy-ge-ti-ki (is-toch-no-kov, co- bov pre-o-ra-zo-va-niya, trans-por-ti-ditch-ki and use-zo-va-niya energy in production and life), as well as op -ga-ni-za-tion pro-from-water-st-va (spo-so-ba co-ed-non-niya of tech-no-ki and living labor). The source of the NTP you-stu-pa-et creative, in-tel-lek-tu-al-naya activity in the form of scientific research va-ny, experience-no-con-st-ruk-tor-sky, tech-no-logical, project-ny and organizational developments-ra-bo-current (R&D).

The rezul-tat (effect) of the NTP can be eco-but-mi-che-sky (increase in the volume of production of goods and services, reducing their specific labor-to-yom-ko-sti, ma-te-ria-lo-yom-ko-sti and energy-go-yom-ko-sti, dos-ti-the-same-nie structure-tour-no-go-effect-ta from pe-re-me-shche-niya re-sur-owls in more pro-from-in-di-tel-ny spheres), so-qi -al-nym (creation of new jobs for qualified labor, increase in free time nor its more rational use, the reduction of the sphere of application of the t-zho-lo-go, harm- but-and not-with-in-ca-tel-no-go labor-yes, improving the quality of the quality of life and the conditions of life), eco-lo-gi- che-skim (save-re-same-nie-not-re-pro-from-di-my natural re-sur-owls, reduce-emission-throw-owls in ok-ru- living environment, pre-du-pre-g-de-nie and mitigate the consequences of natural and tech-no-gene-nyh ka-ta-stanzas), in -form-ma-qi-on-nym (increase-whether the volume of scientific knowledge and their races-pro-country-non-tion in society).

NTP as a process of pre-la-ha-et the following stages: 1) fundamental research ty-za-tion of facts and yav-le-ny, you-yav-le-ny for-ko-no-mer-no-stay func-tsio-ni-ro-va-nia and development natural, technical and social systems); 2) in-is-ko-vye-research-before-va-tion and innovative marketing (analysis of possibilities and prospects of practical research -pol-zo-va-niya re-zul-ta-tov research-follow-to-va-ny); 3) applied research-follow-up-va-tion (justification of technical feasibility, so-qi-al-no-eco-no-mich. tse -le-so-about-diff-no-sti and ways of practical-tich use-pol-zo-va-niya re-zul-ta-tov fun-dam. ; 4) construction, tech-no-logic, project-nye and or-ga-ni-zats. raz-ra-bot-ki (creation and experimental pro-ver-ka of tech-no-ko-eco-no-mich. to-ku-men-ta-tion and pilot -raz-tsov, not-about-ho-di-my for os-war-ing re-zul-ta-tov times-ra-bo-current); 5) tech. and eco-no-mich. os-vo-ne time-ra-bo-current (creation and os-vo-tion of production. power-no-stay, or-ga-ni-for-tion pro-from-va kon-ku-ren-to-spo-own to-va-ditch and us-meadow); 6) registration, protection and distribution of in-tel-lek-tu-al-noy own-st-ven-no-sti, created-given-noy in re- zul-ta-te NTP. In such a way, NTP includes the development of science (applying new knowledge) and in-no-va-tion (pre-vra - the development of new knowledge into a market product, into an object of mass co-application).

The main directions of the NTP in modern conditions: complex auto-to-ma-ti-za-tion and ro-bo-ti-za-tion of production and would-that; in-for-ma-ti-za-tion based on global information networks and computer devices for collecting, processing bots, pe-re-da-chi and storage of new knowledge; development of new syn-the-tic ma-te-ria-lov for production, builder-st-va, me-di-qi-ny, etc .; the basis of new-outs, including in-goiter-new-lyae-my and not-coal-le-native, sources of energy, ways her pre-ob-ra-zo-va-nia and trans-por-ti-ditch; development without-from-running and eco-logic-tech-no-logies. In Russia, in the quality of the pri-ori-tet-nyh of the brothers on the right of the NTP, allowing the use of having -scientific task and get the greatest effect: energy-saving and energy-efficient, na-but - and biotech-no-logies, medical tech-no-ka and pharmaceutics-ti-ka, information tech-no-logies and super-com-p-u- te-ry, nuclear and space tech-no-ka.

NTP - so-qi-al-no-eco-no-mic process, os-no-va ka-che-st-ven-no-go pre-ob-ra-zo-va-tion of all spheres of life not-doing-tel-no-sti. The results of the NTP, op-re-de-laying the development of the community, would you always be connected with in-tel-lek-tu -al-noy activity-tel-no-stu. This is ka-sa-et-sya iso-bre-te-niya and the first tools of labor, and then com-pa-sa, in-ro-ha, boo-ma-gi, etc. But only in the XVII-XIX centuries such activity took the form of professional scientific research in the field of ma-te- ma-ti-ki and me-ha-ni-ki, physio-ki, chemistry, biology, etc. natural sciences. Science has become more and more the main source of infor-mation for the creation of new tech-no-ki, but tech-no -ka pre-dos-tav-la-la nau-ke ma-te-ri-al-ba-zu. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, revolution in production and in everyday life was connected with the appearance of a pa-ro-vo-go move te-la, weaver-to-go and other machines, electro-tech-no-ki, and in the 20th century - with a mass production of auto-to-mo-bi-lei, LA, te-le-fon-noy, radio-, ki-no- and te-le-vi-zi-on-noy tech-no-ki, syn-te-tic ma-te-ria-lov. Pe-re-move to innovatory eco-no-mi-ke at the end of the 20th century is associated with the emergence of In-ter-no-ta, com-p-yu-te -ditch, mobile communication. The new tech-no-logical order in the 21st century is associated with the development of na-no-, bio-, physi-co-chi-mi-che-sky and in - formational technologies, transforming the atom-but-mo-le-cu-lyar-ny and gene-no-clear-tact-structure of the pre-me -tov work-yes.

Whether-che-st-vein-noe from-me-re-ing NTP ba-zi-ru-et-xia on the following ka-te-go-ri-yah: 1) on-scientific -ten-qi-al - co-package of personnel-ro-out, ma-te-ri-al-no-technical, fi-nan-so-out, informational and or- gasification resources of NTP (number and qua-li-fi-ka-tion of scientific co-workers, number of their publics li-ka-tsy, index qi-ti-ro-va-niya, on-there are scientific and technical collectives-lek-ti-vs, recognized in the world, ob -em fi-nan-si-ro-va-niya R&D as a percentage of GDP and in the race-those per one co-work-no-ka, the number of father-che- st-ven-nyh and foreign-beige patents for inventions, etc.); 2) scientific and technical in-ten-qi-al - co-in-study of scientific and technical times-ra-bo-current, under-go-to-flax for con -ku-ren-that-spo-of-own-pro-production (mass-shta-would be in-me-not-niya own and with-ob-re-ten-ny pa-tents on inventions, useful models, industrial samples, then, according to the logic of integrated circuits, know-how, specific the weight of you-co-tech-no-logic production in general production, export and on the world market, to pre- acceptances, os-vai-vayu-shchih innovations, and races for R&D in their you-handle); 3) scientific and technical level of production - the degree of co-op-shen-st-va and con-ku-ren-to-s-capability of production and ma- te-ri-al-no-technical base of production; 4) the technical-no-eco-no-mic level of production - the production of labor in comparison with the highest world-ro- you-mi dos-ti-the-same-mi, se-be-cost-bridge and quality-of-production, ok-pae-bridge of in-ve-sti-tions in scientific and technological progress.

See also Na-uch-but-tech-no-ches-kay re-vo-lu-tion.

Scientific and technical progress- this is the interconnected development of science and technology, which determines the progress of the productive forces and society as a whole.

The main source of the development of scientific and technical progress lies not in itself, but in the essential forces of man. The need for scientific and technical progress is not due to the needs of the technique and technology itself, it is inherent in human nature, in the essence of human existence. It is people who, developing the productive forces and changing under their pressure, ultimately determine the basic principles and directions of scientific and technical progress. The modern stage of scientific and technical progress is the modern scientific and technological revolution.

Scientific and technological revolution: essence and main directions.

Scientific and technological revolution- intensive qualitative change in the productive forces and society as a result of the creation of new types of equipment and technologies as a result of the practical application of fundamental scientific discoveries.

The essence of scientific and technological revolution can be expressed by its following features. First of all, these are fundamental scientific discoveries in physics, chemistry, biology, primarily in physics, which has penetrated into the microcosm and, with its successes, has advanced the entire complex of natural sciences. New areas of knowledge have emerged, including decisive role cybernetics began to play. New industries emerged: nuclear power, rocket technology, radio electronics. Automation and cybernetization of production are the core of modern scientific and technological revolution. As a result of the scientific and technological revolution, the place and role of man in the system of production and, consequently, the content of living labor is changing radically. A radical change in the content of labor entails a radical change in the entire system of social life, in the way of life as a whole.

The following main directions of scientific and technological revolution are distinguished:

1. According to Toffler

Search for new renewable energy sources

Electronics industry

space industry

Penetration into the depths of the sea

Genetic Engineering

2. According to Bell

Replacement of mechanical equipment with electronic

Miniaturization of production

Transition to numerical methods of information storage and processing

Software production

3. Other sources

Automation of production (unmanned production)

Alternative energy sources


Artificial materials with predetermined properties

New technologies (biotechnology, genetic engineering)

Contradictions of modern scientific and technological progress.

Contradictions of NTP:

Science and technology in their development bring not only benefits, but also threats to man and mankind. This has become a reality today and requires new constructive approaches in the study of the future and its alternatives.

NTP allows a person to solve many problems. But what price do we pay for the development of science and technology? Production has a negative impact on human health, pollutes the environment. The acceleration of the pace of life leads to nervous diseases.

Already in the present, the prevention of undesirable results and negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution has become an urgent need for humanity as a whole. It presupposes the timely foresight of these dangers, combined with the ability of society to counteract them. This is what will largely determine which alternatives will ultimately prevail in the future for man:

Failure to foresee and prevent the negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution threatens to plunge humanity into a thermonuclear, environmental or social catastrophe.

The abuse of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, even under certain control over their use, can lead to the creation of a totalitarian technocratic system in which the overwhelming majority of the population can be ruled by a privileged elite for a long time.

The suppression of these abuses, the humanistic use of the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution in the interests of the whole society and the all-round development of the individual is accompanied by an acceleration of social progress.

It depends on the moral responsibility of scientists, on the political consciousness of the broadest masses, on the social choice of peoples, in line with which of these alternatives the scientific and technological revolution will shape the future of mankind in the coming decades. In the historical perspective, the scientific and technological revolution is a powerful means of social liberation and spiritual enrichment of man.

In the educational and special literature there is no unambiguous interpretation of the essence of scientific and technical progress and scientific and technological revolution. But in a generalized plan, the following definitions of these concepts can be given.

NTP- this is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on the achievements and implementation of scientific knowledge. The concept of scientific and technical progress is wider than the concept of scientific and technological revolution. The scientific and technological revolution is component NTP.

scientific and technological revolution- this is the highest stage of scientific and technical progress, means fundamental changes in science and technology that have a significant impact on social production.

Thus, the scientific and technological revolution is an integral and more significant part of the scientific and technical progress. But if scientific and technical progress can develop both on an evolutionary and revolutionary basis, then scientific and technological revolution is a spasmodic process. This process is shown schematically in Fig. 6.1.

There are macro and micro revolutions.

Macro- a revolution, the results of which most fundamentally affect all social production or many of its spheres. Examples of a macrorevolution can be electrification, the introduction of computers, radio, etc.;

Micro- a revolution, the results of which affect only certain sectors of the national economy or industry, for example, homeless steel production in ferrous metallurgy, FMS in mechanical engineering, etc.

Rice. 6.1. Development of scientific and technical progress

Thus, the main differences between macro and micro revolutions are the scale of distribution and the significance of the results of scientific and technological revolution.

Throughout the existence and development of mankind, many scientific and technological revolutions have taken place, and the stages of this development are named according to the evolution of the tools used: stone Age, bronze age, iron age. Many scientists and experts say that the iron age in which we now live will be replaced by the age of light metals. Our age is most often called the age of the atom, cybernetics, computers, etc.

Modern scientific and technological revolution significantly differs from the previous ones in terms of quality parameters and the scale of the new tools and technological processes used. It has a number of features that distinguish it from its predecessors. These features are:

The transformation of science into the direct productive force of society. It is known that the productive forces include the means of production (tools + objects of labor) and labor. But it does not follow from this that science is turning into the fourth element of the productive forces of society, it simply influences each of these elements in a qualitative way in the most significant way, thereby strengthening each of them, and consequently, the productive forces of society as a whole;

Reducing the time interval from the moment discoveries and inventions appear to their implementation in practice. For example, it took humanity 112 years for photography from the scientific field to be put into practice, for an electric motor - 56 years, for a quantum generator - 2 years. But this does not mean that now all discoveries and inventions can be put into practice in such a short time;

Leading the development of science, i.e. theory outpaces practice. And from this follows a very important conclusion that now it is possible to accurately predict what equipment and technology will appear in real life after 5-10-20 or more years;

Expanding the boundaries of penetration of modern scientific and technological revolution and its scale; modern science penetrates deeper and deeper into the knowledge of space, earth and ocean, atom and man and other spheres.

The scale of the scientific and technological revolution means not only the scale of this knowledge, but also the scale of implementation.

Modern scientific and technological revolution, like the previous ones, primarily affected the tools of labor and weakly touched on technology, objects of labor and management. And if it truly affects these elements of production, then the economic and social consequences will be even more significant. Therefore, the center of gravity of scientific and applied research should be reoriented to these areas.

Any state, in order to ensure an efficient economy and keep up with other countries in its development, must pursue a unified state scientific and technical policy.

Unified science and technology policy- a system of targeted measures that ensure the comprehensive development of science and technology and the introduction of their results into the economy. For this, it is necessary to choose priorities in the development of science and technology and those industries in which, first of all, scientific achievements. This is also due to the limited state resources for conducting large-scale research in all areas of scientific and technical progress and their implementation in practice. Thus, the state at each stage of its development must determine the main directions of scientific and technical progress, provide conditions for their implementation.

The main directions of scientific and technical progress are those directions of development of science and technology, the implementation of which in practice will provide maximum economic and social efficiency in the shortest possible time.

There are national (general) and sectoral (private) areas of scientific and technical progress. National - directions of scientific and technical progress, which are this stage and in the future are a priority for a country or a group of countries. Branch directions - directions of scientific and technical progress, which are the most important and priority for certain sectors of the national economy and industry. For example, for the coal industry, some areas of scientific and technical progress are characteristic, for mechanical engineering - others based on their specifics.

At one time, the following areas of scientific and technical progress were identified as nationwide: electrification of the national economy; complex mechanization and automation of production; chemicalization of production. The most important, or decisive, of all these areas is electrification, since without it other areas of scientific and technological progress are inconceivable. It should be noted that for their time these were well-chosen areas of scientific and technical progress, which played a positive role in accelerating, developing and increasing the efficiency of production. They are also important at this stage in the development of social production, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

Electrification- the process of production and widespread use of electricity in social production and everyday life. This is a two-way process: on the one hand, the production of electricity, on the other, its consumption in various fields, starting from the production processes occurring in all sectors of the national economy, and ending with everyday life. These aspects are inseparable from each other, since the production and consumption of electricity coincide in time, which is determined by the physical characteristics of electricity as a form of energy. Therefore, the essence of electrification lies in the organic unity of the production of electricity and its replacement of other forms of energy in various spheres of social production that use energy to one degree or another. Since electrification is the unity of the production and consumption of electricity, the study of the economic problems of this process should not be limited to one of its sides, which, unfortunately, is still the case.

The importance of further electrification development There are many reasons, but the main ones are:

The advantage of electricity over other types of energy. It consists in the fact that electricity is easily transmitted over long distances, provides greater speed and intensity of production processes, can be divided and concentrated in any quantity, converted into other types of energy (mechanical, thermal, light, etc.);

The level of electrification does not yet meet the needs of the country;

The possibilities of electrification in the development of the country's productive forces are far from being exhausted.

In fact, only the first stage of electrification was completed, which used physical properties electricity is converted into mechanical and light types of energy. This made it possible to electrify mainly power processes that use energy as a motive force. The process of displacement by electricity of all other energy carriers and in lighting has ended. The electrification of power processes radically transformed the motive apparatus and, in accordance with it, the instruments of labor of the branches of material production, primarily industry.

However, at the first stage, electrification did not affect other functional elements of the production process, primarily the technological principles of processing objects of labor. Electrical energy participates in these processes only indirectly, being converted into mechanical energy. Of course, as the tools of labor improved, certain aspects and elements of technology developed, but its fundamental foundations did not change. Required Forms and the physical properties of the object of labor are still imparted by mechanical influences on it (cutting, drilling, grinding, etc.) with the help of various tools. This poses certain barriers to further increase in labor productivity.

Finally, the current technology is also very wasteful in regard to materialized labor, since it causes large wastes of processed raw materials. So, about 25-31% of ferrous metals consumed by mechanical engineering are thrown into waste in the form of chips, sawdust, waste.

Thus, the need for fundamental changes in the technological principles of processing objects of labor is due to the urgent needs of the development of social production. The process of transforming the object of labor should proceed without the direct and direct participation of a person in it and be distinguished by low operational efficiency.

One of the main directions of fundamental changes in technology is its transfer to the use of electricity as a working counterparty that directly processes the object of labor. The technology based on the thermal effect on the object of labor already uses the property of electricity to be easily converted into thermal energy. Electrothermal processes are widely developed in ferrous metallurgy (smelting electric steel and ferroalloys), metalworking (heating and melting of metals), and metal welding.

On the property of electricity to serve as a reagent in chemical processes, electrochemical technology is based, which is widely used to obtain a number of non-ferrous, light and rare metals (aluminum, magnesium, sodium, titanium, etc.), as well as a number of organic compounds by electrosynthesis.

The electrification of mechanical technology consists in the fact that electricity should displace and replace the working tool of a mechanical tool (a cutter in metalworking). Electricity will begin to perform the same function as the tool of a mechanical tool, i.e. actually affect the processed material (electrophysical technology). Such types of electrophysical technology of metal processing as electrospark, electropulse and electrocontact have been developed and applied. Electrophysical methods based on the action of an electric field and electric charges for processed raw materials, electroseparation, electrospinning. These processes can be used in a wide variety of industries - textile, engineering, mining, building materials industry.

A fundamentally new way of cutting materials is proposed - with the help of a laser beam. Quantum generators are used in a number of branches of mechanical engineering, replacing mechanical metal-cutting machines. Plasma jet technology has been developed and started to be introduced into the production of many chemical products.

Electrification is becoming one of the main directions of fundamental transformation of technology, because it has many technological and economic advantages. Electrical processing improves the quality, reliability and durability of already known types of products, allows you to create products with new consumer properties, which expands the scope of production and personal consumption.

The following data testify to the wider use of electricity in technological processes. If in 1928 2% was used for technological purposes, now it is more than 30% of all electricity consumed in industry.

Electrification level characterized by the following indicators:

General electrification coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy consumed by an industry, sub-sector, association (enterprise);

Drive electrification coefficient - the ratio of electrical energy to the mass of all types of energy used to set in motion machines, equipment and various mechanisms;

The share of electricity consumed directly in technological processes (electrolysis, electric smelting, electric welding, etc.) in the total volume of electricity consumed for production needs;

The electric power of labor is the ratio of electricity consumed (minus electricity used for technological purposes) to the number of employees or hours worked for a certain period (usually a year).

An analysis of these indicators in dynamics makes it possible to judge the development of such an important area of ​​scientific and technical progress as electrification.

The significance of electrification lies in the fact that it is the basis for the mechanization and automation of production, as well as the chemicalization of production, it helps to increase production efficiency: increase labor productivity, improve product quality, reduce its cost, increase production volume and profit at the enterprise. Thus, a direct connection between productivity and the electric power of labor has long been established. The importance of electrification is also great for solving many social problems: heating and lighting residential buildings, improving working conditions in production, wider use of a wide variety of household appliances, etc.

Another important area of ​​scientific and technical progress is the complex mechanization and automation of production.

Mechanization and automation of production processes- This is a set of measures that provide for the widespread replacement of manual operations by machines and mechanisms, the introduction of automatic machine tools, individual lines and industries.

Mechanization of production processes means the replacement of manual labor by machines, mechanisms and other equipment.

The mechanization of production is constantly developing and improving, passing from lower to higher forms: from manual labor to partial, small and complex mechanization and further to the highest form of mechanization - automation.

In mechanized production, a significant part of labor operations is performed by machines and mechanisms, a smaller part - manually. it partial (non-complex) mechanization, in which there may be separate weakly mechanized links.

Integrated mechanization- this is a way to perform the entire complex of works included in a given production cycle, machines and mechanisms.

The highest degree of mechanization is automation of production processes, which allows you to carry out the entire cycle of work without the direct participation of a person in it, only under his control.

Automation is new type production, which was prepared by the cumulative development of science and technology, primarily by transferring production to an electronic basis, using electronics and new advanced technical means. The need for automation of production is caused by the inability of human organs to control complex technological processes with the necessary speed and accuracy. Huge energy capacities, high speeds, ultra-high and ultra-low temperature conditions turned out to be subject only to automatic control and management.

Currently at high level mechanization of the main production processes (80%) in most industries, auxiliary processes are still insufficiently mechanized (25-40), many works are performed manually. The largest number of auxiliary workers is used in transport and the movement of goods, in loading and unloading operations. If, however, we take into account that the labor productivity of one such worker is almost 20 times lower than that of a worker employed in complex mechanized areas, then the acuteness of the problem of further mechanization of auxiliary work becomes obvious. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the mechanization of auxiliary work in industry is 3 times cheaper than the main one.

But the main and most important form is production automation. At present, computing machines are becoming more and more decisive in all areas of science and technology. In the future, these machines will become the basis of production automation and will control automation.

The creation of new automatic technology will mean a broad transition from three-link machines (working machine - transmission - engine) to four-link machine systems. The fourth link is cybernetic devices, with the help of which huge powers are controlled.

The main stages of automation of production are: semiautomatic devices, automatic lines, automatic lines, sections - and workshops - automatic machines, factories - and automatic factories. The first stage, which is a transitional form from simple to automatic machines, are semi-automatic machines. The fundamental feature of the machines of this group is that a number of functions previously performed by a person are transferred to the machine, but certain operations are still retained by the worker, which are usually difficult to automate. the highest level is the creation of factories and automatic factories, i.e. fully automated enterprises.

The main indicators characterizing level of mechanization and automation, are:

The coefficient of mechanization of production

where K mp - coefficient of mechanization of production;

V M - the volume of products produced with the help of machines and mechanisms;

V total - the total volume of manufactured products at the enterprise;

The coefficient of mechanization (automation) of labor (K ^.t)

where N M is the number of workers employed in mechanized (automated) work, people;

Np is the number of workers performing manual operations;

Coefficient of mechanization (automation) of works (Cr)

where V M is the amount of work performed in a mechanized (automated) way;

V total - the total amount of work;

The level of automation Y and in practice is often determined from the expression

where K a - the number of automatic equipment in pieces or its cost in rubles;

K is the quantity or cost of non-automatic equipment.

It should be noted that this indicator of the level of automation, determined on the basis of a comparison of the used automatic and non-automatic equipment, does not quite accurately characterize the level of automation in the enterprise.

To a certain extent, the level of mechanization of production characterizes such an indicator as the technical equipment of labor (Kt.v.) which is determined from the expression

where Fa - the average annual cost of the active part of fixed production assets;

N - the average number of employees of the enterprise or workers.

The economic and social significance of mechanization and automation of production lies in the fact that they make it possible to replace manual labor, especially heavy labor, with machines and automatic machines, increase labor productivity and, on this basis, ensure real or conditional release of workers, improve the quality of products, reduce labor intensity and production costs. , increase the volume of production and thereby provide the enterprise with higher financial results, which makes it possible to improve the well-being of workers and their families.

Chemicalization- the process of production and use of chemical products in the national economy and everyday life, the introduction of chemical methods, processes and materials in the national economy.

Chemicalization as a process is developing in two directions: the use in the production of various products of progressive chemical technologies; production and widespread use of chemical materials in the national economy and everyday life.

In general terms chemistry allows:

Sharply intensify technological processes and thereby increase output per unit of time;

Reduce the material consumption of public and industrial production. So, 1 ton of plastic will replace 5 tons of metal;

Reduce the labor intensity of products through the introduction of robotics;

Substantially expand the range, assortment and quality of manufactured products and thereby meet the needs of production and the population in consumer goods to a greater extent;

Accelerate the pace of scientific and technological progress. For example, the creation of spacecraft was hardly possible without the use of light, strong and heat-resistant artificial materials with predetermined properties.

From all this it follows that chemicalization most significantly and directly affects the efficiency of production. Moreover, this influence is multifaceted.

There is also a negative side of chemicalization - chemical production, as a rule, these are harmful productions, and in order to neutralize them, it is necessary to spend additional funds.

The basis for the chemicalization of social production is the development of the chemical industry in the Russian Federation.

The main indicators of the level of chemicalization are divided into private and general.

Private indicators reflect certain aspects of the process of chemicalization of the sphere of material production and everyday life. Among these indicators are the following:

The share of synthetic rubber, chemical fibers, synthetic detergents and others in their total balance;

Consumption of chemicals (feed preparations, mineral fertilizers, protective chemicals, etc.) per unit of livestock, poultry production, per hectare of usable area;

The cost of chemicals and building parts, structures made of chemical materials per 1 million construction and installation works in industrial, cultural, community and housing construction;

Production of plastics and synthetic resins as a percentage of steel production by weight and volume, etc.

General indicators characterize the level of development of chemicalization in the country as a whole.

These indicators include:

Share of chemical industry products in total volume industrial production;

Production of plastics and synthetic resins per capita;

The share of artificial and synthetic materials in the total volume of consumed materials;

The share of products manufactured using chemical technologies, etc.

Above, we examined the main directions of scientific and technical progress, which are common and long-term for all sectors of the national economy. The state at each stage of its development must determine the priority areas of scientific and technical progress and ensure their development.

It should be noted that at the end of the existence of the CMEA, a comprehensive program of scientific and technical progress was developed for the long term, and the following priority areas were identified in this program: integrated automation of production; electronization of the national economy; development of nuclear power industry; creation of new materials and technologies for their production; development of biotechnology; creation and development of other progressive technologies. In our opinion, these were successfully chosen priority directions for the development of scientific and technical progress, which can be called acceptable for our country in the near future.

The EU countries are implementing a comprehensive STP program called "Eureka", and it, in fact, contains the same priority areas of STP. In Japan, the list of priority areas includes more than 33, but the development of biotechnology is in the first place.

Consider the essence of some progressive technologies.

Biotechnology- one of the most important areas of scientific and technical progress, a new rapidly developing branch of science and production, based on the industrial application of natural and purposefully created living systems (primarily microorganisms). Industries based on biological processes arose in ancient times (bakery, winemaking, cheese making). Thanks to the successes of immunology and microbiology, the production of antibiotics and vaccines began to develop. Biotechnology products are widely used in medicine and agriculture. After the Second World War, biotechnology methods began to produce fodder protein (oil, waste from the pulp and paper industry are used as raw materials). In the 1950s, the DNA double helix model was discovered. In the 70s, a technique for isolating a gene from DNA was created, as well as a method for propagating the desired gene. As a result of these discoveries, genetic engineering arose. The introduction of alien genetic information into a living organism and the techniques that force the body to implement this information constitute one of the most promising areas in the development of biotechnology. Using genetic engineering methods, it was possible to obtain interferon and insulin.

Flexible automated production (GAP) - an automated production system in which, on the basis of appropriate technical means and certain solutions, it is possible to quickly change over to the production of new products in a fairly wide range of its range and parameters. The beginning of HAP was laid in the 50s in connection with the creation of CNC machines. Major advances in robotics, the development of various automated control systems, CAD, the emergence of microprocessors have dramatically expanded the possibilities for creating and implementing HAP. Modern HAPs include:

Computer-aided design systems;

Automated control of technological preparation of production, numerical programming devices;

Robots (manipulators);

Automated vehicles;

Automated warehouses;

Automated control systems for technological processes, product quality;

Automated systems of control and enterprise management.

HAP can significantly reduce the time for designing and reconfiguring production for the release of new products.

Robots, robotics - the field of science and technology associated with the study, creation and use of a fundamentally new technical means of integrated automation of production processes - robotic systems.

The term "robot" was introduced by the Czech writer K. Capek in 1920.

Depending on the main functions, there are:

Manipulation robotic systems;

Mobile, moving in space;

Information robotic systems.

Robots and robotics are the basis for complex mechanization and automation of production processes.

Rotary line (from lat. rato - I rotate) - an automatic line of machines, the principle of operation of which is based on the joint movement around the circumference of the tool and the object processed by it. The discovery of the rotor principle belongs to the Soviet scientist Academician L. N. Koshkin.

The simplest rotary device consists of discs located on the same shaft, on which a tool, workpiece holders and copiers are mounted (simple means that ensure coordinated interaction between the tool, holder and workpiece).

Rotary lines are used in filling, packaging, stamping, casting, assembly, pressing, painting, etc.

The advantage of rotary lines over conventional means of automation is simplicity, reliability, accuracy, and enormous productivity.

The main disadvantage is the lack of flexibility. But it is overcome in rotary-conveyor lines, in which the tool blocks are not located on the rotor disks, but on the conveyor that wraps around them. In this case, the automatic tool change and thus the readjustment of lines for the production of new products do not cause any particular difficulties.

There are other progressive production technologies, but all of them are characterized by one very important circumstance - higher productivity and efficiency.

On the present stage and in the future it is hardly possible to find such a factor that would have such a strong influence on production, the economy and social processes in society, which is the acceleration of scientific and technological progress.

In general terms, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress creates several types of effects: economic, resource, technical, social.

Economical effect- this, in fact, is an increase in labor productivity and a decrease in labor intensity, a decrease in material consumption and production costs, an increase in profits and profitability.

resource effect- this is the release of resources in the enterprise: material, labor and financial.

technical effect- this is the emergence of new equipment and technology, discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals, know-how and other innovations.

Social effect- this is an increase in the material and cultural standard of living of citizens, a more complete satisfaction of their needs for goods and services, an improvement in working conditions and safety precautions, a decrease in the share of heavy manual labor, etc.

These effects can only be achieved if the state creates the necessary conditions for accelerating the scientific and technical progress and manages the modern scientific and technological revolution in the direction necessary for society. Otherwise, there may be negative social consequences for society in the form of environmental pollution, the extinction of wildlife in rivers and lakes, etc.

Foreign and domestic practice has long proved that enterprises, especially large and medium-sized ones, cannot count on success without systematic forecasting and planning of scientific and technical progress. In general, forecasting is a scientifically substantiated prediction of the development of socio-economic and scientific and technological trends.

Scientific and technical forecast - a reasonable probabilistic assessment of the prospects for the development of certain areas of science, engineering and technology, as well as the resources and organizational measures required for this. Forecasting scientific and technical progress at an enterprise makes it possible to look into the future and see what the most likely changes may occur in the field of applied equipment and technology, as well as in manufactured products, and how this will affect the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Forecasting scientific and technological progress at an enterprise is, in fact, finding the most probable and promising ways for the development of an enterprise in the technical field.

The object of forecasting can be equipment, technology and their parameters, organization of production and labor, enterprise management, new products, required finances, research, training of scientific personnel, etc.

The emergence of fundamentally new discoveries and inventions;

Areas of use of already made discoveries;

The emergence of new designs, machines, equipment, technologies and their distribution in production.

In terms of time, forecasts can be: short-term (up to 2-3 years), medium-term (up to 5-7 years), long-term (up to 15-20 years).

It is very important that the enterprise achieves continuity of forecasting, i.e. availability of all time forecasts, which must be periodically reviewed, updated and extended.

Domestic and foreign practice includes about 150 different methods for developing a forecast, but in practice the following methods are most widely used:

extrapolation methods;

Methods of expert assessments;

Modeling methods.

essence extrapolation method consists in extending the patterns that have developed in science and technology in the pre-forecast period to the future. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not take into account many factors that may appear in the forecast period and significantly change the existing predictive pattern (trend), which can significantly affect the accuracy of the forecast.

Extrapolation methods are most expedient to use for predicting areas of science and technology that change over time in an evolutionary way, including for predicting processes that develop in an extensive way. When predicting new directions in the development of science and technology, methods that take into account advanced information about new technical ideas and principles are more effective. One of these methods may be the method of expert assessments.

Methods of expert assessments are based on statistical processing of predictive estimates obtained by interviewing highly qualified specialists in the relevant fields.

There are several methods of expert assessments. An individual questionnaire survey allows you to find out the independent opinion of experts. The Delphi method involves conducting a secondary survey after the experts get acquainted with the initial assessments of their colleagues. With a sufficiently close coincidence of opinions, the “image” of the problem is expressed using average estimates. The group forecasting method is based on a preliminary discussion of the "tree of goals" and the development of collective estimates by the relevant commissions.

A preliminary exchange of opinions increases the validity of the assessments, but creates the possibility of subordinating individual experts to the influence of the most authoritative members of the group. In this regard, the method of collective idea generation can be used - "brainstorming", in which each member of a group of 10-15 people independently expresses original ideas and proposals. Their critical assessment is made only after the end of the meeting.

Various forecasting methods based on simulation: logical, informational and mathematical-statistical. These forecasting methods at enterprises are not widely used, mainly due to their complexity and lack of necessary information.

Generally NTP forecasting includes:

Establishment of the forecast object;

Choice of forecasting method;

Development of the forecast itself and its verification (probabilistic assessment).

After forecasting comes STP planning process at the enterprise. When developing it, the following principles must be adhered to:

priority. This principle means that the plan must include the most important and promising areas of scientific and technical progress provided for in the forecast, the implementation of which will provide the enterprise with significant economic and social benefits not only in the short term, but also in the future. Compliance with the principle of priority follows from the limited resources of the enterprise;

planning continuity. The essence of this principle lies in the fact that the enterprise should develop short-term, medium-term and long-term plans for scientific and technical progress, which would follow from each other, which will ensure the implementation of this principle;

end-to-end planning. All components of the "science - production" cycle, and not its individual components, should be planned. As you know, the cycle "science - production" consists of the following elements: fundamental research; exploratory research; applied research; design development; creation of a prototype; technological preparation of production; release of new products and their replication. In full, this principle can be implemented only at large enterprises, where it is possible to implement the entire cycle "science - production";

complexity of planning. The STP plan should be closely linked with other sections of the economic and social development plan of the enterprise: the production program, the capital investment plan, the labor and personnel plan, the cost and profit plan, and the financial plan. At the same time, an NTP plan is first developed, and then the remaining sections of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise;

economic feasibility and availability of resources. The STP plan should include only economically justified activities (i.e., beneficial to the enterprise) and provided with the necessary resources. Quite often, this most important principle of planning scientific and technical progress is not respected, and hence its weak realizability.

For the economic justification of the introduction of new equipment and technology, the release of new products at the enterprise, a business plan should be developed. It is needed not only to ensure that the employees of the enterprise are convinced of the profitability of a particular project, but also to attract investors, especially foreign ones, if the enterprise does not have or does not have enough own funds to implement a profitable project.

The main method of planning scientific and technical progress at the enterprise is the program-target method.

Sections of the STP plan depend on the current situation at the enterprise, the specific needs of forecast estimates and the availability of own and borrowed resources.

The STP plan at the enterprise may consist of the following sections:

1. Implementation of scientific and technical programs.

2. Introduction of new equipment and technology.

3. Introduction of computers .

4. Improving the organization of production and labor.

5. Sale and purchase of patents, licenses, know-how.

6. Plan for standardization and metrological support.

8. Improving the quality and ensuring the competitiveness of products.

9. Performance of research and development work.

10. Economic justification of the NTP plan.

The NTP plan may include other sections, since there is no strict regulation on the number and title of sections.

After the STP plan is drawn up and approved, the rest of the sections of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise are drawn up taking into account this plan. To correct the remaining sections of this plan, it is necessary to know how the implementation of the STP plan will affect the technical and economic performance of the enterprise (profit, cost, labor productivity, etc.) in the planning period.

The planned increase in profit from the production of new or upgraded products is determined by the formula

where DP is the planned increase in profit from the production of new or modernized products;

C n, C st - wholesale (selling) price of new and old products;

Cn, Cst - the cost of production of a unit of new and old products;

V H, V ST - the volume of output before and after the project.

The planned reduction in material costs from the implementation of the project can be determined by the formula

where DMZ - savings in material costs in the planned period from the implementation of the project;

H st, H n - old and new consumption rate per unit of production;

C - the price of a unit of a material resource.

The value of reducing the cost of production from the introduction of innovations is determined by the formula


where DC - the value of reducing the cost of production due to the introduction of innovations;

C 1 , C 2 - unit cost of production before and after the introduction of innovations;

V 2 - the volume of output after the introduction of innovations.

The introduction of innovations also affects the growth of labor productivity (production). The growth rate of labor productivity (PT) can be determined by the formula

where PTpl, PT 0 - labor productivity in the planning and reporting period.

This influence can also be determined by the formula

where D PT - the growth rate of labor productivity;

D N total, - the total value of the real or conditional release of workers due to the introduction of new technology;

N is the total number of personnel with the planned volume and basic labor productivity.

Example. At the mine for the reporting period, the annual volume of coal production amounted to 1.2 million tons, and the average number of people - 1,000 people. In the plan for the next year, through the implementation of organizational and technical measures, it is envisaged to conditionally release 200 people (including through the implementation of measure No. 1 - 50 people, measure No. 2 - 120 people, measure No. 3 - 30 people), increase coal production by twenty%. It is known that the growth of the average wage will be 7%, and the share of wages in full cost - 30%.

Determine the impact of the introduction of innovations on labor productivity and the cost of coal mining.


1. We determine labor productivity for the reporting period (PTo):

2. We determine labor productivity for the planned period (PTpl):


3. Determine the growth rate of labor productivity (D PT):

4. We determine the growth rate of labor productivity by another method (for verification) according to the formula

including through the implementation of activity No. 1:

through activity #2:

through activity #3:

Examination. DPT \u003d 5 + 12 + 3 \u003d 20%.

5. We determine the impact of labor productivity growth on the cost price (С) of products according to the formula

where Izp - the index of average wages in the planning period;

Ipt - index of labor productivity in the planned period;

U zp - the share of wages in the cost of coal mining.

Consequently, due to the growth of labor productivity, the cost of coal mining in the planned period will decrease by 3.3%, since the growth rate of labor productivity outstrips the growth rate of average wages (20 > 7).


Many factors influence the economic and social processes in society, but the acceleration of scientific and technological progress is the main one. Scientific and technical progress is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organizing production and labor based on achievements and the implementation of knowledge. The concept of scientific and technical progress is wider than the concept of scientific and technological revolution. The scientific and technological revolution is an integral part of the scientific and technical progress.

Any state, in order to keep up with its scientific and technological development, must develop and implement a unified state technical policy. A unified state scientific and technical policy is understood as the choice of the most important areas of scientific and technical progress and their implementation with strong support from the state.

With the transition to market relations in Russia, due attention was not paid to the development of science and technology by the state, which led to an even greater lag of our country from the developed countries of the world in the field of priority areas of scientific and technical progress and, naturally, did not contribute to Russia's way out of the crisis. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Russia has not yet developed a unified state scientific and technical policy and the state allocates meager funds for the development of fundamental science.

Any enterprise cannot have a good prospect if it does not constantly implement the results of scientific and technical progress, since the quality of products, the costs of its production and sale, the volume of sales and the amount of profit received depend on this.

Forecasting and planning of scientific and technical progress at an enterprise should be carried out on the basis of a developed strategy for the development of an enterprise for the long term, taking into account real financial opportunities.

test questions

1. What are the essence of scientific and technical progress and scientific and technological revolution, features of scientific and technological revolution at the present stage?

2. What are the main directions of scientific and technological progress, their essence and relationship?

3. What are the priority areas of scientific and technical progress at the present stage, what is their content?

4. What is the general economic and social essence of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress?

5. What is the methodology for forecasting and planning scientific and technical progress at the enterprise?

6. How does the NTP affect the main economic indicators of the enterprise?


1. Scientific and technological progress is the basis for development and intensification


2. The main directions of scientific and technological progress……….…….6

3. The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress……………….……14

4. Scientific and technical progress of industrialized countries at the present stage………...19


List of used literature…………………………………….28


Scientific and technological progress is an interconnected progressive development of science and technology, which is manifested in the constant impact scientific discoveries and inventions at the level of engineering and technology, as well as the use of new instruments and equipment. It affects the transformation and development of the means of labor and the relationship of people in the process of production.

Scientific and technological progress is a powerful means of rapid economic growth and the solution of many social problems. The pace of implementation of its achievements and the efficiency of production largely depend on the development and consistent implementation of a science-based nationwide policy in this area of ​​activity.

The application of scientific discoveries in the use of natural resources, the development and formation of the productive forces of society is truly unlimited. Under certain conditions, with the help of science, the enormous forces of nature can be put at the service of production, and the production process itself can be represented as a technological application of science.

A concrete expression of scientific and technological progress is the continuous improvement of machines, tools and other means of production, as well as the introduction of progressive technology and the organization of production. A particularly important role in the development of scientific and technological progress is assigned to mechanical means of labor. The latter are one of the main elements of the productive forces of society and to a greater extent contribute to the development of scientific and technological progress and the growth of production. They contribute to saving social labor costs, rational and efficient use of labor resources.

1. Scientific and technological progress is the basis for the development and

production intensification

Scientific and technical progress - this is a process of continuous development of science, technology, technology, improvement of labor, forms and methods of organizing production and labor. It also acts as the most important means of solving social and economic problems, such as improving working conditions, increasing its content, protecting the environment, and, ultimately, improving the well-being of the people. Scientific and technological progress is also of great importance for strengthening the country's defense capability.

In its development, scientific and technical progress manifests itself in two interrelated and interdependent forms - evolutionary and revolutionary.

evolutionary the form of scientific and technical progress is characterized by a gradual, continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technologies, the accumulation of these improvements. Such a process can last quite a long time and provide, especially at the initial stages, significant economic results.

At a certain stage, there is an accumulation of technical improvements. On the one hand, they are no longer effective enough, on the other hand, they create the necessary basis for fundamental, fundamental transformations of the productive forces, which ensures the achievement of a qualitatively new social labor, higher productivity. A revolutionary situation arises. This form of development of scientific and technological progress is called revolution. Under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, qualitative changes are taking place in the material and technical base of production.

Modern scientific and technological revolution based on the achievements of science and technology. It is characterized by the use of new energy sources, the widespread use of electronics, the development and application of fundamentally new technological processes, progressive materials with predetermined properties. All this, in turn, contributes to the rapid development of industries that determine the technical re-equipment of the national economy. Thus, the reverse influence of scientific and technological progress is manifested. This is the interconnection and interdependence of scientific and technological progress and the scientific and technological revolution.

Scientific and technological progress (in any form) plays a decisive role in the development and intensification of industrial production. It covers all stages of the process, including fundamental, theoretical research, applied research, design and technological development, the creation of samples of new technology, its development and industrial production, as well as the introduction of new technology into the national economy. The material and technical base of industry is being updated, labor productivity is growing, and production efficiency is increasing. Studies show that over a number of years, the reduction in the cost of industrial production by an average of 2/3 was provided by measures of scientific and technological progress.

In the context of the transition of the country's economy to market relations, the situation has changed somewhat. However, this situation is temporary. The trend of the influence of scientific and technological progress on the level of production costs, which exists in Western countries with a market economy, as our country moves towards a civilized market, will also be carried out in our country.