Technology as a reliable protector of man. In the modern world, information technology “rules”, to which a person more and more transfers the “production functions of the brain”. The perfect washing machine

Table of contents



The results of the review of literature and Internet sources…………………5

Main part

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

1.1. The meaning of the word "flicker" and the principle of its operation……………………..6

1.2. Statistics and law …………………………………………………………6

1.3. T………………………………..7

1.4 Surveyadults and children. ………………………………………………….8

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1 Experiment with reflectors…………………………………….11

2.2 Prophylactic work


2.2.2 Do-it-yourself Flicker master class………………………………..13


List of used sources and literature………………………….15


Attachment 1.

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6



The largest number of accidents occur at night. At this time, it is difficult for drivers to see a person who has entered the roadway in time. Unfavorable weather conditions and unlit sections of streets further exacerbate the situation. Therefore, there was a need forthe formation of a conscious attitude among pedestriansuse of reflective elements.


At school, we were taught that a driver would notice a pedestrian on the road earlier if he was wearing reflective clothing. I wonder if it is?

I decided to find out“Can the use of reflective elements at night protect a child pedestrian?”

This is how my research appeared: “Flicker – a reliable pedestrian protector?!”

Object of study : way to prevent traffic accidents involving pedestriansduring the dark hours of the day.

Subject of study : flickers - icons for pedestrian safety.

The purpose of my work : find out what a flicker is, how it works and whether flickers can really protect a pedestrian on the road at night and during bad weather conditions.

Hypothesis: if at night and in bad weather conditions reflective elements - flickers are used in clothing, then the driver will notice a pedestrian on the road much earlier, which means that with the help of flickers, you can save the life and health of pedestrians.

Based on the goal, subject and object of research, hypotheses, we put the followingtasks:

1. Find out the meaning of the word "flicker".

2. Conduct a survey on this topic, process questionnaires.

3. Conduct an experiment on the visual visibility of a pedestrian using various types of reflective elements and aboutsummarize the results in the form of a multimedia presentation.

4. Tell about the role and importance of flicker for the safety of life to future first graders.

5. Conduct a master class on making flickers with classmates.

Research methods and techniques

Study and analysis of literature and Internet sources;
- survey of schoolchildren and parents;
- conducting an experiment;
- analysis of the obtained data.

Research stages

- Information and analytical (October - November 2017)

Generalizing (February - March 2018)

Practical significance my research is that the materials of the work can be used onclasses extracurricular activities according to traffic rules, classroom hours, extracurricular activities as well as parent-teacher conferences.

Research novelty is that this topicpromotesformation among pedestrians of a conscious attitude to the use of retroreflective elements in order to ensure safety on the road.

Review of Literature and Internet Sources

After researching the literature and Internet sources, I learned a lot about the rulessafety on the road at night.The studied material helped me understand how the flicker works, which flickers are better to buy, and also to realize the importance of using reflective elements in clothing.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

1.1. The meaning of the word "flicker" and the principle of its operation.

Flicker ( , retroreflector) is a device (object) or element in clothing in the form of inserts, stickers, badges, bracelets, etc., which has high retroreflective properties when light hits it. Designed to improve the safety of pedestrians on the roads at night and in conditions of poor visibility.

These shiny keyrings were designed by a British road worker 70 years ago. Driving at night along an unlit road, he noticed that the eyes of a cat on the side of the road reflected headlights. This is because the eyes of a pet have a reflective layer that reflects light in such a way that some of the rays return along the same path that they entered the eyes.

Flickers are based on the law of light reflection. The law says: every body partially reflects, transmits or absorbs the light falling on it. That is, the principle of operation of the flicker is based on the fact that light, falling on a ribbed surface made of special plastic, is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam.

1.2. Statistics and law

Following the results of 2 months of 2018 in the territory Samara region 55 road traffic accidents involving children were registered, in which 1 child died and 54 were injured.

Participants in 24 accidents were minor children - pedestrians. There were no fatalities, 24 were injured. 50% of accidents occurred at pedestrian crossings.

There were 4 accidents during the hours of darkness. In 3 of which the children were without retroreflective elements. [ 6 ]

Since July 1, 2015, in order to increase the visibility of pedestrians at night on country roads, amendments to the Rules have come into force traffic included in them by government decree Russian Federation dated November 14, 2014 No. 1197. Now the SDA establishes that when crossing the road and driving along the roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility outside settlements Pedestrians are required to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by drivers of vehicles.

The rules of the road from March 18, 2018 will be supplemented with a new paragraph of the duties of drivers. In the event of a forced stop of the vehicle or a traffic accident outside populated areas at night, or in conditions of limited visibility while on the roadway or roadside, be dressed in a jacket, vest or vest - a cape with stripes of retroreflective material that meets the requirements of GOST 12.4 .281-2014.

1.3. Trequirements for reflective clothing.

Correct (certified) flickers:

    Visibility - 400 meters

    At a speed of 90 km / h, the flicker glows for 8 seconds

    At a speed of 60 km / h - 24 seconds

Wrong flicker:

    Visible at a distance of 80 meters

    At 90 km/h visibility 6 seconds

    At 60 km/h - 3 seconds

At the time of buying:

    ask sellers if there is a flicker certificate;

    give preference to white and lemon colors;

    choose the simplest form: strip, circle.

PRules for the use of reflectors:

    if you wear reflectors on your hand, then you need to wear them in pairs - on the right and on the left hand. So you will be visible from all sides;

    wearing reflectors only on a school backpack is inefficient. In this case, the drivers see you only from behind. For better visibility, reflectors should be located both in front and on each side;

    the higher the reflector is located, the more noticeable it is. The optimal height of the reflector is 80–100 centimeters above the ground;

    if you often go out of town, then ask your parents to buy a special vest with reflective stripes. Then the drivers will definitely notice you at any time and in any weather.

1.4 Survey adults and children.

To find out if students know elementary school and their parents, why do we need reflectors, my mother and I compiled questionnaires and conducted a survey of 67 students in grades 2-4 and their parents, in the amount of 35 people. (Attachment 1.)

In the questionnaire for parents n and the first question is “How often does your child have to walk on the road (roadside), cross the road?”

54% (19 people) answered that “every day, on the way to and from school”;

26% (9 people) answered that “rarely, because more often we carry it by car”;

20% (7 people) answered that "often".

For the second questionDo you think that the use of flickers (reflectors) at night should be mandatory for children?

91% (32 people) answered that “Yes, we agree!”;

9% (3 people) answered that "Not always".

To the third question, “Are there reflective elements or flickers (in the form of reflective badges, stickers) on your child’s clothes (briefcase)?”

71% (25 people) answered “Yes, there are”;

29% (10 people) answered that "Not available".

For the fourth questionAre you ready to get flickers for your kids?”

94% (33 people) answered “Yes, we will definitely buy”;

1 person answered that “no, because we consider them useless” and 1 more that “I would like to, but there is no possibility.” (Appendix 2)

In the questionnaire for students nand the first question is “Who often tells you about the rules of the road?”

40% (27 people) answered that they are told about the rules of the road by their parents and teachers;

30% (20 people) answered that only teachers;

25% (17 people) answered that only parents tell;

3% (2 people) answered that no one tells them about it;

2% (1 person) answered that he himself learns in books, the Internet.

To the second question, “How do you usually get to school (from school)?”

58% (39 people) answered that “One, on foot”;

22% (14 people) answered that “With parents by car”;

12% (8 people) answered that “With parents, on foot”;

4% (3 people) answered that “One, on »;

4% (3 people) answered that “With parents on public transport».

To the third question, “Do you and your parents use reflective flickers when you go outside at night and in bad weather?”

48% (32 people) of children answered yes;

43% (29 people) of children answered no;

9% (6 people) of the children surveyed answered that they did not know what a flicker was.

To the fourth question, “What do you think, what is the flicker for?”

91% (61 people) of the children surveyed answered that flickers are needed for safety in order to become more noticeable in the dark on the road;

2 students (3%) answered that “for beauty” and the same number of people answered that “it is fashionable”, “flickers are useless and not needed”

To the fifth question, “Where do you think you should wear a flicker?”

91% (61 people) of the children surveyed answered that the flicker should be worn on outerwear and a backpack on the street;

6% (4 people) of the children surveyed answered that they were at home and in the classroom;

3% (2 people) of children answered thaton the neck under clothes. (Appendix 3)

Conclusion : The results of the survey showed that most children and adults know what flickers are and what they are for. These survey results did not surprise me, because at school from the first grade we are taught to drive safely. 91% of parents believe that the use of flickers (reflectors) at night should be mandatory for children. However, only 71% of parents answered that their childthere are reflective elements on the clothes (portfolio). Despite the fact that most children mostly get to and from school alone and they have to walk along the road (roadside) and cross the road every day.

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1 Experiment with reflectors.

In order to understand how effective the use of reflectors is, let's conduct an experiment to determine the distance at which a pedestrian is visible using reflectors and not using them. (Appendix 4)

For the experiment, we chose a dark road with no heavy traffic. At the beginning of the section of the road they parked the car, and they themselves retreated to a distance of 50 m. (Photo 1)

My classmate Alena and her younger sister put on reflective vests, and my classmate Alina and I put on reflective bracelets and badges. Another girl, her name is Masha, took part in the experiment without the use of reflective elements.

In the photo, Masha is standing between us. It is almost invisible, but the distance to the car is only 50 meters. The car's headlights are on.

We continue the experiment and, remaining at the same distance from the car, turn on the high beam. Here's what happened. (Photo 2)

It becomes visible and Masha. However, in the city, drivers are prohibited from using high beam headlights, so in real conditions, at a distance of 50 meters, the driver would not see a child in ordinary clothes without reflective elements.

The distance at which it becomes visible to a pedestrian without reflectors is 25 meters. (Photo 3)

In conversation withtraffic inspector BadgerNatalya Nikolaevna, I learned thatIf a car is traveling at a speed of 40 km/h on a snowy road, then the car needs 30 meters to stop completely, on wet asphalt - 22 meters, on a dry asphalt road - 19 meters.

That is, in winter in the city it is possible to avoid a collision with a pedestrian, if only the driver noticed him more than 30 meters away. This means that the previous photo shows a situation in which it will not be possible to avoid a collision with a pedestrian.

In the next picture, the car still has its low beam headlights on. We are located at a distance of 150 meters from the car. (Photo 4)

Reflectors (which means me and the three girls) are clearly visible. But our friend Masha is not (although she stands between us).

It would be possible to continue the experiment and increase the distance, but we felt that this could be dangerous!

However, even 150 meters was enough to understand how effective the use of reflectors is.

Conclusion: As a result of the study, I was convinced that the use of retroreflective elementson clothesat night and in bad weather conditions is very effective, assignificantly increases the visibility of pedestrians on the road

2.2 Preventive work

2.2.1 Speech by the Firefly propaganda team

Working with the material, I decided that it would be useful to other children and adults. My mother, teacher and my classmates prepared a performance by the Firefly propaganda team for the children of the preparatory group. (Appendix 5.)

In our speech, we talked about how important it is to be "noticeable on the road." The kids will be going to school soon.become road users, so wearing flickers will ensure their safety at night.

Everyone was interested in this meeting!

2.2.2 Do-it-yourself Flicker master class

I noticed that many of my classmates do not have reflective elements on their clothes. Therefore, I brought a reflective film with me to the classroom and suggested that the children make their own flickers and decorate their clothes and school backpacks with them.

It turned out very great! Now our class is the most visible in the school! (Annex 6)


I realized that flicker is, first of all, our reliable safety on the road. But relying only on them is also not worth it. This is just one of the ways of passive protection of pedestrians. It is necessary to remember about other methods of solving the problem of children's road traffic injuries - the education of a competent pedestrian. Only in the complex they can ensure the safety of children. Identify yourself and let us see you on the roads!

Conclusion: So, the hypothesis that if reflective elements are used in clothing at night, the driver will notice a pedestrian on the road much earlier has been confirmed.

“Buy flickers for children, parents, let drivers see them on the road!”

References and Internet sources

    Kovalko V. I. Game modular course according to traffic rules or a student went out into the street: 1 - 4 classes. - M.: VAKO, 2006. - 192 p. - (Teacher's workshop).ISBN 5-94665-198-6.

    A. Kuznetsov. Conversations in the morning or physics for kidssecondhand edition, 2001

    "Rules of the road of the Russian Federation as of 2015" - M.: Publishing house AST, 2015. - 100 p. ill.

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2014 No. 1197.

    Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, modern electronic universal, 2008.

    Review of children's road traffic injuries in the Samara region based on the results of 2017. .

    YouTube. SDA for children . People & Blogs.Journey with Migal Migalych Svetoforov

Attachment 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. How often does your child have to walk on the road (roadside), cross the road?

A) Rarely, because more often we carry it by car.

B) often.

C) Every day, on the way to and from school.

2. Do you think that the use of flickers (reflectors) at night should be mandatory for children.

A) Yes, we agree!

b) Not always.

B) No!

3. Are there reflective elements or flickers (in the form of reflective badges, stickers) on your child's clothes (briefcase)?

A) Yes, there are

B) Not available

4. Are you ready to purchase flickers for your children?

A) Yes, we will definitely buy

B) No, because we consider them useless

C) I would like to, but it is not possible.

Questionnaire for children.

    Who often tells you about the rules of the road?

What about parents

B) at the teacher's school

C) both parents and school

D) I myself learn in books, the Internet

D) no one

2. How do you usually get to school (from school)?

A) Alone, on foot

B) one,

C) With parents, on foot.

D) With parents on public transport

D) with parents in the car

3. Do you and your parents use reflective flickers when you go outside at night and in bad weather?

A) yes

B) no

c) I don't know what a flicker is

4.What do you think the flicker is for?

A) for beauty

b) it's trendy

C) For safety, to become more visible in the dark on the road

D) Flickers are useless and unnecessary

5. Where do you think the flicker should be worn?

A) on the neck under clothes

B) At home and in the classroom

C) On outerwear and a backpack on the street

Appendix 2

Parent survey results (total 35 people):

Appendix 3

The results of the survey of children (total 67 people):

Appendix 4


The distance to the car is 50 meters. The car's headlights are on.


The distance to the car is 50 meters. The car's headlights are on.

PHOTO 3 The distance at which it becomes visible to a pedestrian without reflectors is 25 meters.

PHOTO 4 Distance to the car 150 meters. The car's headlights are on.

Appendix 5

Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team

"Flicker gives the light of life!"

Hello friends!

Hi people!

What a glorious city lives!

Now welcomes all of you!

- All:The propaganda team is just class!

I'm glad to welcome everyone

"Firefly" propaganda team!

Our speech:

To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly

We must traffic rules

Observe always and everywhere!

Our motto:

Firefly! Put on the badge

Or a bright flicker!

Let you in the darkness of the road

The driver will see!

Children leave and heroes appear - mom, dad, daughter.


Mother: Oh, my pretty daughter

Here are foreign toys for you

Choose any, I'll pay for everything.

Daughter: Only flicker I want!

Dad: She is in a hysterical state.

Yes, desire is too fantastic

Maybe show it to a doctor.

Daughter: Only flicker I want!

Mom, dad: What is a flicker and where can I find it?

What benefit can it bring to you?

Students appear (all in flickers)


1. Put your ears on top

And today is four

We are talking about flicker - lights

We'll sing ditties to you.

2. What glitters and plays there,

Like sparks of fire?

This is my flicker shining

On my clothes.

3. We have an icon like this,

Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple -


4. We sewed clothes with mom

Named "Firefly"

In the dark so you can see

What a man is walking.

5. Pedestrians on the road

would be in danger

But they have on their clothes

Flicker safety!

6. Being a child is not easy.

Can't see us far

But with flicker, friends

You can see us from afar.

7. If the flickers are on

Meters for 150,

We are visible to drivers

Protected from disaster!

8. We sang ditties to you,

So that you can remember

Safety lesson

Our alphabet of roads!

Children appear with signs:

1st: The best flickers - white or lemon - yellow color. They are the brightest. (tablet)

2nd: A pedestrian with a flicker is visible in the headlights of a car at a distance of 150 - 400 meters. (Plate)

3rd: The use of flickers reduces the risk of collision with a pedestrian by 6-8 times. (tablet)

All: We call you with this slogan,

May health flourish in the world.

So that trouble does not happen to the child,

Flicker should ALWAYS be trendy!

Together “Buy Flickers for children, parents, let drivers see them on the road!”

Mom: I realized that reflective elements help solve the problem of accidents on the roads.

Dad: Reflective on clothes is real way protect the child from injury on an unlit road.

Mom, dad turn to daughter:

Mom: Badges and stickers, pendants, bracelets will save your life in any part of the world.

Papa:I'm silent, silent, silent ... I'll buy you a Flicker!

Daughter: I will never

Leave flicker at home.

I'll attach it to my clothes

And I'll go for a walk!

Badge, pendant on a cord

On a bag, jacket, backpack

Give me elegance

And they will save you from being hit.

The whole team is lined up together:

Remember there is only one life

She is the most important.

- Safety is a wish,

And thanks for your attention!

Appendix 6

In the middle of the XX century. there was a scientific and technological revolution that changed the face of modern culture and is comparable in scale to the scientific revolutions of the 17th and early 20th centuries. It was the result of a close connection and interaction between science and technology. The word "technique" comes from the Greek "techne" - art, skill. Technique, on the one hand, is understood as a way and ability to achieve something, on the other hand, as a set of means of human activity used to deliberately change reality in accordance with the needs and desires of a person.

There are three stages in the development of technology: the dominance of tools, the dominance of machines, the dominance of automata. At the first stage, which lasts from prehistoric times to the 19th century, technology is represented by tools. Man is the main productive force, and the tools of labor act as additional amplifiers of his natural physical abilities. At this stage, technology is in a primitive, undeveloped state, and therefore, as cultural phenomenon practically not noticed.

The second stage in the development of technology is associated with the emergence of machine production in the 19th century. During this period, the process of convergence of science and technology begins, as well as the rapid development of the latter. Now the main force of production is the machine, and the person turns into its appendage. It is during this period that a technical or technotronic civilization is formed, technology becomes essential element culture, and in philosophy the problem of understanding this phenomenon is formulated.

Approximately from the second half of the XX century. the third stage of the development of technology begins, associated with the use of automata. A person is gradually taken out of the production process and acts as an organizer and leader of this process. The machine is now not just a tool, a means, a person, in a certain sense, enters into communication with it. So, for example, a computer can be considered as a primitive analogue of human mental activity. Of course, a computer is a means by which a person solves many problems. But, interacting with a computer, a person is influenced by a virtual environment that appears along with computer technology. Like any communication, communication between a person and a machine is built according to certain rules. A person, on the one hand, sets these rules, and on the other hand, he is forced to obey them. Considering that the process of computerization is becoming total, the problem of human-machine interaction is moving from a private scientific to a general humanitarian one.

The German philosopher K. Jaspers identifies the following features of modern technology. Technique is the application of the forces of nature against itself, it is characterized by the ability to dominate, not to create. Technology acts as a link between man and nature and is part of the overall process of rationalization modern society. The creation and application of technology is based on the use of scientific knowledge, and, therefore, technology is directly related to science.

Modern technology is a practical continuation of science. Discovery of the laws of mechanics in the 17th century. allowed to create machine technology; laws electromagnetic field in the 19th century - electrical engineering (2.3); theory building atomic nucleus in the 20th century became the basis of nuclear technology (3.3, 3.4), the decoding of the DNA molecule in the 20th century. - the beginning of genetic engineering (5.6). All modern technical innovations are based on scientific knowledge, and the development of technology and technology, in turn, poses new challenges for science. In the XX century. a new cultural phenomenon arose based on the inseparable unity of science and technology - the scientific and technological revolution and its consequence - the scientific and technological revolution. technical progress.

In the philosophy of the XX century. along with the concepts of “biosphere” and “noosphere”, the concept of "technosphere". The technosphere is the totality of all technical systems together with the technical activity of man. Modern researchers even talk about the creation of technocenoses, which are similar to the biogeocenoses that make up the biosphere (5.4, 5.7, 5.8). In the structure of the technosphere, techno-substance (the totality of all technical devices and systems), bio-substance, which is in close interaction with techno-substance, the upper part of the earth's crust, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and near-Earth space, mastered by man, are distinguished. It is clear that the technosphere closely interacts with the biosphere and significantly changes it.

The new artificially created environment, on the one hand, allows a person to satisfy various needs - from physiological (food, shelter, etc.) to ideal ones (self-development and self-realization), but on the other hand, it enslaves him. The influence of technology on the development of culture is extremely diverse, and even difficult to predict in the future. Indeed, technology creates new effective means for self-realization of a person, but at the same time imposes serious restrictions on him. The growth of human needs only accelerates this two-pronged process. The development of technology contributes to an ever more complete and adequate satisfaction of needs, to lightening work and reducing everyday physical effort. But the increase in the technosphere also gives rise to a number of humanitarian problems: the predatory use of natural raw materials, pollution environment, one-sided specialization of labor, a decrease in the value of an individual, the emergence of previously unknown weapons of mass destruction, etc. That is why the attitude to technology in modern man is ambivalent. A number of philosophers consider technology and technological progress as an undoubted evil, the consequence of which is the emasculation of spirituality, leading humanity to self-destruction. Proponents of technological progress, on the contrary, point out that technology frees a person from routine work, saves him time and allows him to focus on more complex tasks.

Both supporters and opponents of technological progress capture the objective moments associated with the state of modern technotronic civilization, but at the same time make extreme and therefore often incorrect conclusions. More balanced and adequate is the neutral position demonstrated by K. Jaspers. The German philosopher argued that technology in itself is neither good nor evil. Technique makes sense only as a means for a person to achieve certain goals and therefore cannot be an end in itself. Various humanitarian problems arise in connection with the use of technology, i.e. in connection with human activity, but not with technology itself. Science and technology are indispensable from modern civilization, so a person will have to find a reasonable solution to emerging problems, while science and technology can become the means of solving these problems.

The department of rehabilitation treatment consists of a physiotherapy room, a hall physiotherapy exercises, a massage room, as well as a traction table and equipment for shock wave therapy, unique for Zelenograd. take advantage modern methods treatment and prevention of the widest range of diseases can be provided by any patient who needs it. Moreover, unlike the state healthcare system, you won’t have to sit in queues and wait weeks for referrals for the necessary procedures at the Childhood Plus clinic. There is a problem - I came to the doctor, received the necessary recommendations for the course of treatment, and today I started taking the prescribed course. The treatment offered by the clinic is available to people of all ages: along with children, adult patients are also treated here. Moreover - which is especially important for adults - the department of rehabilitation works on Saturdays and Sundays.

The physiotherapy room "Childhood Plus" is the best among private medical centers in our city in terms of the breadth of its equipment. There is also equipment that you will not find in state clinics.

“Physiotherapy is recommended not only for diseases, but also for their prevention, to maintain healthy lifestyle life, - says a physiotherapist of the highest category, Dr. medical sciences Elena Vladimirovna Filatova - If we talk specifically about diseases that can be treated with the help of physiotherapy, then I will have to list almost all sections of medicine: these are almost any inflammatory processes, regardless of their stage, orthopedic pathology - joints, spine, consequences of injuries; neurology, gynecology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, skin problems, even stress... There are methods of physiotherapy that are not contraindicated even for oncological diseases: a constant magnetic field, electrophoresis, some reflexotherapy techniques and others.”

The course of treatment with physiotherapy methods is always prescribed by a physiotherapist. You can come to him both with a referral from another Detstva Plus doctor, or “from outside” - however, in this case, you need to have a diagnosed and confirmed diagnosis. The task of a physiotherapist is to select suitable procedures and methods for their application for each patient, based on the main diagnosis, as well as other diseases and individual characteristics of the body. For example, you can cure a sore knee with several different procedures, however, if a person suffers from, say, hypertension, not all physiotherapy is suitable for him.

In this booth there are three devices at once, allowing you to carry out various physiotherapy procedures. On the right is a magnetotherapy apparatus with various inductors for influencing different parts of the body. This method is used mainly for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

On the left (with a black curtain) - a UV device, the so-called therapeutic tan, which is very good for prevention and treatment colds. For example, it is used to treat rickets in babies - special rubber glasses of the smallest size are even attached to the device.

Another device located in this booth - the so-called combine - can be said to be the pride of physiotherapists. It combines ultrasound and various electrical currents.

Another feature of such a combine is its intelligence. Depending on the set program, he himself suggests which points need to be acted upon.

Electric currents are used to relieve pain and stimulate muscles - for example, after removing a cast. Ultrasound very well contributes to the resorption of scars. Another useful function of the combine is the ability to use it for electrophoresis.

Electrophoresis is a method of drug administration using electric current. It has several advantages over traditional pills. Firstly, during electrophoresis, a directly active substance is introduced into the body, and with a tablet, chalk, glucose and other “side” substances also enter it. Secondly, the active substance is administered with some electric charge- plus or minus - and, getting into the body, it begins to look for something to “cling to”, as a rule, finding such an object in the problem area. Thus, the medicine does not spread throughout the body, but gets exactly to the place that needs treatment. Thirdly, this method allows the drug to accumulate in the problem area, having a beneficial effect on the body and for some time after the end of treatment.

One of the varieties of this method of drug administration is endonasal electrophoresis, when the drug is administered through the nasal passages, since it is much easier for it to be absorbed through the mucous membrane than through the skin. This method is used, for example, in the treatment of problems associated with the allergy season.

In one of the neighboring booths there is a "little brother" of a physiotherapy combine, which also has the ability to treat a large number of currents, and in addition, conducts electrosleep procedures. During this procedure, a person in all physical characteristics as if falling asleep - all tension is removed from the cerebral cortex. For 20-30 minutes a person gets a good rest - as during an 8-hour sleep. This procedure is used in "Childhood Plus" very widely: not only in neurology, but also in allergic conditions, stress, and various chronic pains.

The devices "Iskra-1" and "Ultraton" are widely used in cosmetology, but are also used for medical purposes - for example, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in the nose and paranasal sinuses. The devices are very similar. Only "Iskra-1" works with pulsed current, which has a more stimulating effect, and "Ultraton" with direct current, which is good for combating a wide variety of inflammations, starting from "banal" youthful acne.

The "armament" of "Childhood plus" are also UHF devices - both new and old models. The devices differ markedly in design, but the more brutal “big brother”, unlike his “young colleague”, allows treating babies under the age of five with eddy current electrodes. Both of these devices are widely used to treat respiratory diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis. They generate the so-called endogenous, that is, internal, heat. Almost no increase in temperature is felt on the surface of the body, but inside there is a powerful warm-up - no heating pads at home can achieve such an effect. Inflammations of the joints (arthritis), muscles (myositis), nerves (neuritis) are also well treated.

The device for laser therapy (on the right) is an invariable attribute of any self-respecting medical institution with a physiotherapy room. It is believed that the laser can treat almost any type of disease. The device has several “outputs” with red and infrared lasers, as well as with matrix radiation, which allows treating large areas of the body, but with less intensity compared to the “point” laser.

"Childhood Plus" also uses a combination of laser therapy and vacuum massage. This combination is good because, if the laser has an anti-inflammatory effect, then the use of vacuum allows you to simultaneously "disperse" the circulatory system.

The presence in the clinic "Childhood Plus" of modern medical equipment, of course, is not limited to the walls of the physiotherapy room. The pride of the clinic is the first traction table in Zelenograd, designed primarily to solve problems of the musculoskeletal system and back pain.

The traction table can be used in two modes. In the vibration mode, it is somewhat reminiscent of a massage in terms of its effect - two pairs of rollers move along the spine, bending around the vertebrae. Due to the fact that the patient lies on these rollers, blocks and stagnation are removed in his back, dislocations are reduced, and blood supply improves. Multiple mechanical impacts align the spinal column, which is important for the prevention and treatment of posture disorders. In this mode, "visiting" the traction table can benefit almost anyone.

The second mode - directly therapeutic - traction mode. With the help of special belts and weights, the traction table helps to stretch specific areas of the spine or joints in other parts of the body - for example, in the knee or ankle. Such treatment is prescribed mainly for people with orthopedic and neurological problems. However, given the special role of the spine in the human body, the traction table is also used in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases and hypertension.

Next to the traction therapy room there is a massage room where treatment is carried out in the usual non-mechanized way. Its technical equipment, in general, is standard: a soft massage table with height adjustment and a chair for massage of the collar area and head. However, in this case, the main thing, of course, is not the furniture, no matter how comfortable and modern it may be, but the hands of the massage therapist.

The approach to massage in the clinic "Childhood Plus" is medically serious. Massage here is carried out only on the prescription of a doctor who, making such an appointment, takes into account all the nuances and characteristics of a particular patient, up to the presence of birthmarks on the back - it is undesirable to massage areas with damaged skin.

If we return to the methods of treatment associated with the use of special medical equipment, then perhaps the most modern and high-tech among them can be called the method of shock wave therapy. It began to be actively used in Europe in the 90s, but in Russia it has found its distribution only in the last decade. Not a single medical center in Zelenograd can boast of such equipment as the "Childhood Plus" clinic has.

The essence of shock wave therapy is that infrasound at a certain angle penetrates into tissues to a certain depth and has a powerful therapeutic effect on the problem area of ​​the body. This equipment is capable of crushing kidney stones and destroying growths on the bones, being the most effective way treatment of osteochondrosis. In "Childhood Plus" it is used mainly for the treatment of orthopedic and neurological pain syndromes.

Natural science, grade 11

Lesson 1

The list of issues addressed in the topic:

1. What are the features of technology as a type of human activity?

2. Is there a relationship between man-made artificial environment and technology?

3. What is a technogenic civilization?

Related Glossary:

Technique (Greek technike, lit. skillful): 1.– a) in broad sense is a component of culture human civilization, technical knowledge that affects the development of society. b) in a narrow sense, these are tools used by man in the transformation of nature; objects created by man in the process of specific activity.

Built environment - part of the environment that is created by man in the process historical development social production and does not exist by itself like nature;

Technocracy (from the Greek. techne - art, skill) - this is the absolutization of the role of technology in the development of society.

technogenic civilization - a special type of civilizational development based on the accelerating progress of science and technology, the rapid change in the objective world and social relations, on the dominance of scientific rationality in the culture, which acts as a self-sufficient value.

Basic and additional literature on the topic of the lesson:

  1. Natural science. Grade 11 [Text]: textbook for general education. organizations: basic level / I.Yu. Aleksashina, K.V. Galaktionov, I.S. Dmitriev, A.V. Lyaptsev and others / ed. I.Yu. Aleksashina. - 3rd ed., Rev. - M .: Education, 2017. : 4 - 6.
  2. Moiseev N.N. The fate of civilization Way of the Mind. - M.: Languages ​​of Russian. culture, 2000. - p. 36-26, p. 72-75, p. 188-191

Open electronic resources on the topic of the lesson:

  1. F. Rapp Technique and natural science URL:
  2. History of the development of science and technology URL:
  3. 21st century technologies URL:
  4. 21st century inventions that changed the world URL:

Theoretical material for self-study

The technology originated in early stages human evolution in the form of the manufacture and use of tools and has always been the most important condition for the development human society. The concept of "technology" has a variety of meanings and is considered in different contexts: a set of skills, techniques, operations, mastery; environment conversion tool natural environment; an intermediary between man and nature, which sets the type of relationship between them; a means of changing the person himself, freeing him from restrictions and creating problems for him.

Any technical device can be considered as a result of human creative activity. Technology is an essential component of culture, just like science or art. These components of culture actively interact. Technology, as a component of culture, carries its inherent meanings: universal human value; measures of perfection of methods of activity; means of personal development.

From these positions, human technical activity has certain features: purposeful, conscious and creative. E This is manifested in the invention of tools, devices, the processing of natural materials, the construction and decoration of dwellings, etc. The combination of these characteristic features affects the development of intelligence and contributes to the fact that a person has directed his activities to changing the natural environment and its transformation.

The surrounding world can conditionally be divided into the natural and artificial worlds. Man has managed to penetrate into the essence of natural processes and become an active transformer of the world. The result of the transforming activity of man is the emergence of a "second nature" - an artificial reality created by man, built on top of the natural habitat. Technique in this process is both a means of creating artificial reality and its integral part. The artificial environment gradually and inevitably steps on the natural (natural) environment.

At the same time, man, as part of nature, largely depends on the natural environment. At the same time, its activities often come into conflict with the natural environment. In this regard, a person is forced to take care of reducing the anthropogenic load on the biosphere. In solving this problem, humanity must find a balance between the created artificial environment and the natural environment as the main condition for the survival and sustainable development of modern civilization.

The concept of "civilization" is wider than the concept of "culture" and, moreover, than the concept of "technology". In general, the concept of "civilization" includes all cultivated nature, means ( guns) its transformations, the person himself and the whole range of relationships existing between people. The main features of civilization include: social division of labor; the emergence of production and commodity-money relations; creation of writing; the emergence of the state; development of forms of spiritual relations.

The absolutization of the role of technology in the development of society (technocracy) leads to the transformation of technology from a means of improving human life into the goal of its existence. Modern civilization is acquiring characteristic features technogenic civilization (civilization generated by technology): highlights not a person, but technology; asserts the dominance of technology in the system of human values.

The main role in the culture of this type of civilization is occupied by scientific rationality, the special value of reason and the progress of science and technology based on it are emphasized. To characteristic features technogenic civilization can be attributed to: 1) the rapid change in technology and technology due to the systematic application in the production of scientific knowledge; 2) the scientific and technological revolution as a result of the merging of science and production, which significantly changed the relationship between man and nature, the place of man in the production system; 3) rapid renewal of the artificial environment in which human life and activity directly take place; 4) change and rapid transformation of social ties (over the course of one or two generations, there is a change in lifestyle and the formation of a new type of personality).

On the basis of technogenic civilization, two types of society have formed: industrial society and post-industrial society. Today, technogenic civilization is entering a new round of its development. Its features are the growth of processes globalization and informatization modern society.

AT modern world Increasingly, there are calls to abandon the excesses of technogenic civilization, to stop further technological progress, or at least to limit ourselves to the use of the simplest devices driven by the power of human hands. At first glance, attractive ideas that lead a person back to nature are hardly feasible for a modern person who is accustomed to the benefits of civilization.

Overcoming the conflict between the development of society and nature is possible if society is oriented towards a balanced development of society, which tries to anticipate new contradictions and solve existing ones, on the basis of coordinating its needs with the ability of the biosphere to remain in a stable state and preserve vital resources for future generations.


Technique is a means of creating an artificial reality by a person and at the same time it is an integral part of this reality.

The modern world is unthinkable without technology. It has become an integral part of human life, a condition for the existence of society and its unprecedented technological progress.

Examples and analysis of the solution of tasks of the training module:

1. Fill in the gap in the text:

A special type of civilizational development based on the accelerating progress of science and technology, the rapid change in the objective world and social ties, on the dominance of scientific rationality in the culture, which acts as a self-sufficient value, is called _______________ civilization

Answer options: traditional / technogenic / modern / scientific and technical

Correct answer: technogenic

2. Match the phrases in pairs to make the correct statements:

Since the advent of technology, there have been disputes between its supporters and opponents. Connect the figures so that you get arguments for each point of view.

  1. Tech advocates say...
  2. Technology critics say...
  3. ... that technology is an unjustified excess,
  4. ... that technology is indispensable,
  5. leading man to "technogenic satiety".
  6. ... it helps a person in solving urgent problems, improves and facilitates his life.

Correct option: the inscriptions in the connected figures should be the following phrases:

1. Supporters of technology argue that technology is indispensable: it helps a person in solving pressing problems, improves and facilitates his life.

2. Opponents of technology say that technology is an unjustified excess that leads a person to "technogenic satiety."

Chapter 1
Worldview aspects of mental health and flight safety

In any field of human activity, prevention as a social organization begins with an analysis of the threat to the object or subject that we want to secure. A socio-psychological analysis of the causes of flight accidents shows that the "human factor" has acquired a different dimension, the knowledge of which will help us to reconstruct the methodology of accident prevention in a fundamentally new way. First of all, the philosophy of ensuring the reliability of the "man-machine" system should be changed. This refers to increased attention to the laws of the functioning of the "man-man" system. The mechanism of coherence in the operation of such a system is the ability of officials to professionally participate in the education, training, and training of aviators. Rely on scientific knowledge about a person as a subject of labor. Acceptance of what a person can be should be an end, not a means to it. From the standpoint of understanding the pilot as a subject of labor, it will be possible to explain the place and role of professional risk, which is organically inherent in a dangerous profession. This problem equally includes the economy, health, flight work. For pilots, aircraft operators, managers, risk acts as a social test of professional maturity and suitability for work in dangerous conditions. For flight crews, the need to expand the boundaries of risk is dictated by the very essence of the profession and acts as a psychological phenomenon of psycho-physiological resistance to aviation and social stresses. Knowledge is the source of fearlessness. But not only. The reliability of aviators is in the development of intelligence, independence and spiritual responsibility, in character, breed and nature. In 40-50% of incidents, the cause is not bad knowledge, but the loss of aviation of its elitism. The aviation complex, the social interaction of all participants in civil aviation requires a high culture, ethical attitude, powerful intellect, pronounced mental health and flying abilities from the crew. In response to these requirements, there is a reality: 60-90% of the flying crews belong to the 2nd and 3rd groups of psychological selection. More than 40% are physically untrained, overweight, in the grip of a variety of bad habits that threaten their professional health.

At the same time, the celestial system "pilot-sky-plane" additionally demanded that a person have a special moral quality- spirituality. Spirituality is the highest (incorruptible) responsibility for the trust given to you to protect the lives of passengers, aircraft, citizens on the ground and ... your own. This means that in all blocks and infrastructures of the aviation industry there must be sprouts of saving. Everything with which the crew interfaces is aimed at revealing its capabilities, taking into account the limitations. It is worth including the sacrament of technology in our worldview: it requires more High Quality life, a wider culture in the entire range of the human factor: selection, education, training, operation of aviation equipment. Today, members of the club of commanders of aircraft production in Russia have been awarded a gold badge, which is a sign of material wealth, but I would very much like to give it a spiritual crown. Spirituality is also knowledge, but, first of all, about oneself. Weak knowledge about oneself, about the laws of mental activity, about one's weaknesses, limitations - Achilles' heel in accident prevention. Risk management of the human component is the highlight of the medical, managerial personnel policy, plus educational.

Due to the weakness of said policy, there is potentially hidden threat flight safety: the impossibility of the crew in full force use your expertise.This was especially evident in a market economy. We are talking about the substitution of the ideal, when, figuratively speaking, they exchanged oxygen for money, that is, they raised the value of everyday life and perverted the values ​​of being. It was cynicism in relation to virtue that became the cause of twilight consciousness, that is, a threat to mental health. A thinking worldview, expressed in a spiritual goal: not to rise into the sky, but to bring Heaven closer to Earth. Such a worldview disavows the evil generated by temptations. For 1993–2000 more than a hundred accidents occurred in the entire aviation of Russia. All those catastrophes where the crew showed carelessness in flight, adventurism, acquisitiveness, the vector of his personality was directed to the earthiness of the Higher principle in man. This is not mysticism, it is scientifically proven. Therefore, it is worth awarding the gold badge to all officials who acutely feel responsible for blattmeistership in the selection of aviation, in the appointment of those incapable of command positions, for indefatigable materialism, for the semi-criminal practice of charter flights (overloading, postscript in class, etc.). This is possible if mental health is especially valued and reproduced. This quality of health is educated. My reflections boil down to a simple thought: to shift the focus to the education of adults, to the education of independent individuals, mentally hardy, spiritually stable, mentally gifted, capable of spiritualizing the meaning and significance of their work. For employers, it is necessary to create a legal framework that regulates their liability(personal) for maintaining conditions of mental health, social well-being and the proper level of professional training. Mental health is directly related to the social quality of aviation: elitism, which is manifested in the social price of a person flying and passengers as well. The eliteness of the crew is transformed by consciousness into the most important feeling - their need and social security. For pilot-readers, as a flying doctor, I will say:

"The elite of aviation is primarily in your high standard of honesty and civil decency, in your love for your profession, devotion and reverence for life."

These words will seem to many good calls. In this connection, I want to draw the attention of aviation doctors and pilots to the need for knowledge from such a field of science as psychophysiology. It is this specific knowledge, like no other, that will help bring the doctor and the pilot closer together. Although my closer communication with the flight crew of civil aviation made it possible to feel that the community of aviation psychologists, doctors, ergonomists is in dire need of sincere communication with flight crews, in the exchange of information, including on scientific problems.

In this regard, we will more deeply reveal the content of aviation psychophysiology. Aviation psychophysiology is involved in the formation of mental health. Healthy mentality, flying abilities see, hear, feel, think, be emotionally stable, enduring, prudent and constitute mental health as a guarantor of the reliability of a person flying.

In many aviation medicine is clearly not held in high esteem by today's squadrons. This means that the person is not held in high esteem. In this regard, it can be responsibly stated that many social conflicts based on assessing the professional suitability of flight crews, personal stresses from an unprofessional attitude towards a pilot not as a subject of labor, but as a “hired labor force” are due to an uncultured attitude to the role and place of aviation medicine and psychophysiology.

I am convinced that the flying brother will understand my opinion that the medical examination of the fitness of the pilot, i.e. fitness to the profession cannot be performed by doctors not having a certificate of "aviation doctor". Life requires a significant increase in power and personnel powers.

To this day, many line pilots identify psychophysiology with an examination of their health aptitude. In this regard, we will consider the purpose, place, content of psychophysiology in the system of accident prevention. It is known that safety is forged on the ground, starting with the culture of designing an aircraft (LA) for the person who controls it. The point is that at all stages of the creation of an aircraft, when choosing not only display systems, controls for viewing from the cockpit, but also the characteristics of stability and controllability, the principles of interfacing automation with a person, determining the boundaries of the fail-safety of systems and assemblies, it is required to apply knowledge of the laws in the work of the psyche , nervous system, human analyzers and behavioral features in non-standard and complicated flight conditions. This was part of the scientific tasks of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation.

Experience has confirmed that both man and equipment can be reliable in themselves, and when they interact, unreliability is manifested, but already the “pilot-aircraft” systems. This seemingly simple idea contains the answer to the question of where the troubles of the flight crew come from, when qualifying their guilt in the course of investigating flight incidents, especially due to their mistakes. In military aviation back in the 80s in regulations to investigate the causes of errors, in addition to the concept of "personal factor", we introduced the engineering and psychological concept of "human factor". This category included regular errors caused by the failure to take into account the psychophysiology of a person when creating jobs and flight performance, errors provoked by physiological phenomena of deceiving the senses, mental states, confusion, overwork, fear, uncertainty, etc. Having introduced this classification of the causes of errors, managed to fundamentally separate the misfortune and guilt of the pilot. No less important is the fact that a precedent was created for the industrial participation of aviation medicine and ergonomics in the joint design of a military aircraft and the project for the future activities of the crew in the scope of all flight tasks. Regulations were introduced in TTT and TK about accounting disabilities human due to the design perfection of aircraft. For these purposes, stands were created jointly with the Design Bureau of Mikoyan, Sukhoi, Kamov, Mil, where the conditions of activity were simulated, with the help of which they obtained quantitative characteristics of the reliability of actions that characterize the degree of consistency between a person and technology in terms of the competence of human psychophysiology. The introduction of the stage of engineering-psychological design and psycho-physiological support for the development of MiG-29, Su-27, Tu-160 aircraft, Mi-28, Ka-50 helicopters led to a decrease in human factor errors by 45-60%. This success, dear pilots, was achieved thanks to knowledge of the essence and content of flight labor. Therefore, do not push doctors away from their profession, but rather, on the contrary, involve and teach them the meaning of your holy craft!

To prove the need for mutual enrichment of professional knowledge, let us give an example from living history. When designing a promising aircraft without sufficient consideration of the differential thresholds for the sensation of physical stimuli, a choice was made of the dependencies between the flow of the control stick and overload, the magnitude of the effort and the flow of the rudders. This led to the deception of the senses, the so-called “tugging” phenomenon of the handle, the output of a maneuverable aircraft at supercritical angles of attack and, as an end result, 22 aircraft lost within three years.

Dear aviators, it is not doctors who impose restrictions on your career, but insufficient ergonomics of workplaces, control systems and information.

Just one fact: the insufficient movement of the seat cup in height on some aircraft led to the fact that more than 35% of the flight crew, due to their height, could not set the desired viewing angle, which caused landing errors and, of course, "through the fault of the pilot." Based on this, limited admission to schools on growth indicators. This example, if not proves, then shows that aviation psychophysiology as a science and practice is one of those human aviation disciplines which counteracts immoderate technocratic demands on the crew as a servo drive, as an executor of someone else's will, as a system nut. It was this attitude that gave rise to a subconscious biological prejudice that the crew is a potential violator of the rules, a source of self-will and a carrier of flight accidents.

In order to substantiate the control and supervisory role of the flight crew and the level of ensuring the safety of one's own life in flight, I will formulate three moral and psychological imperatives.

First imperative. A powerful breakthrough in the field of flight safety lies not so much in technology as such, but in a fundamental change worldview on the pilot and his work, on the educational qualification of aviation medicine.

Flight is a special type of human labor activity in unearthly conditions, which cannot be absolutely secured by technical means without the creative, intellectual, legal participation of the crew, acting as the state guarantor of a safe flight. The fact is that the technocratic principles of approaching a person in flight, if not de jure, then de facto, often refuse to be a celestial being in the sky, i.e., unlike earthly life, to feel time and space in a different way, in their own way to experience the third dimension, to use the feeling of flight and the feeling of the plane to control the aircraft, to experience in a special way the state of mind of freedom as an act of loftiness of the spirit and responsibility. In our opinion, in the 21st century, in addition to the necessary codes, manuals, and safety rules, a purely flight catechism will be created, a kind of moral imperative, where, in addition to personally flying professional responsibility for their actions, the pilot will be endowed with the right to self-expression of his "I" in an airplane, in training, in the air. To be able to publicly and visibly protest against the limitation of his professional intelligence. Demand confidence in yourself as a subject of flight labor, endowed with the highest responsibility for the lives of passengers and their lives with the aircraft. Such a requirement is naturally balanced by professionalism, business and moral responsibility.

From this position, in the interests of flight safety, we derive a vocational and educational direction in the interests of increasing the reliability of flight crews. Its essence is the creation of socio-psychological working conditions to empower the crew to use their knowledge and abilities. It is in this direction that civil aviation should develop, support Scientific research biological, psychological, social, individual characteristics of the person and the organism, which constitute that part of mental health that provides the ability to control the aircraft in an unusual habitat. Patients need to be treated, but to ensure health, specific, psychophysical reserves are studied that support human and professional reliability in flight. I really wanted to convince the reader of the validity of an unusual statement: flight professional training, which provides knowledge, skills, and skills, forms efficiency, and then reliability. The addition of psycho-physiological training and psycho-physiological exercises to it give human reliability and reasonableness, as they reveal to a person what he can and cannot do. On this path of self-realization as a professional, but having limitations in flight, one can cultivate the maturity of a safety guarantor. This is very important in connection with the constant retraining for a new, more advanced technique. In civil aviation, a third of people are over 50 years old, i.e. experienced professionals. Not sick, but some of them with reduced psychophysiological reserves. These persons, and not those who have a "bouquet of diagnoses", more often make erroneous actions. Reduced psycho-physiological reserves are a syndrome of deterioration in the quality of life, psychological climate, fear of losing a profession, loss of flight orientation.