Dark stories about houses and their inhabitants. The most mysterious haunted houses. photo. Church in San Juan Parangarikutiro

According to the stories of local residents, in these abandoned buildings you can meet the ghosts of slaughtered brides, murdered children, executed soldiers, etc.

Baldun Castle

Baldoon Castle, Bladnock, Scotland

Access: free

The colorful ruins of an ancient castle do not look ominous during the day. But at night, the ghost of a girl in a bloody wedding dress allegedly wanders around them. They say that in mid-seventeenth century, a certain Sir James Dalrymple decided to marry his daughter Janet to the wealthy owner of Baldun Castle. The girl loved another, but she could not go against the will of her father. However, Janet did not have a chance to become the wife of a wealthy nobleman: just a few minutes before the start of the wedding ceremony, she was found stabbed to death in the room where the brides were waiting for their exit to the altar. Most likely, the crime was committed by Janet's rejected lover, who could not survive the insult inflicted on his feelings, but some believe that the girl committed suicide.

Bhangar fort

Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India

Access: free

The first thing that catches your eye on the way to Bhangar Fort is the signs that strictly forbid approaching the ruins after sunset. According to legend, a powerful magician cursed Bhangar due to the fact that the shadow from him fell on a sacred place intended for meditation. Frightened, people left the fort, but they failed to escape: almost all of them soon died and were forced to return to the cursed place already as incorporeal entities. To debunk this myth, the Indian government wanted to deploy armed patrols in Bhangar, but no one was willing to join the detachments.

St. John's Hospital

St. John's Hospital, Lincolnshire, England

Access: free

The clinic, founded in 1852, contained not ordinary patients, but poor people suffering from mental disorders. Few people cared about the fate of the unfortunate, so the methods of treatment were applied to them quite cruelly. After the closure of the establishment in 1989, hired workers had to remove all medical utensils from the building. However, they could not spend even a few days there: the men claimed that they were haunted at every step by terrible cries of incomprehensible origin. Firefighters were repeatedly called to the abandoned clinic: it seemed to passers-by that flames were escaping from the windows. The brigades who arrived at the scene did not find any signs of fire, but they saw some strange lights flickering in the corridors.

Berengaria Hotel

Berengaria Hotel in Cyprus

Berengaria Hotel, Prodromos, Cyprus

Access: free

The hotel, which opened its doors in the 1930s, was intended for wealthy tourists and brought in big profits. His sad fate was determined by the death of the owner, who bequeathed the management of the family business to his sons. At first, the three men tried to follow the order of their father, who, dying, demanded that they work together and share the proceeds equally. However, over time, quarrels over money began to flare up between them more and more often. It all ended with the fact that the young owners of the hotel died one after another under unclear circumstances. There was no one to continue their work. The huge building quickly fell into disrepair, and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages stole valuables - they just claim that the ghosts of greedy brothers settled on the ruins of the hotel.

Church in San Juan Parangarikutiro

San Juan Parangaricutiro Church, Michoacan, Mexico

Access: free

The inhabitants of the Mexican village of Paricutin for a long time did not know that they lived on a volcano - in the literal sense of this expression. Their surprise knew no bounds when, in the winter of 1943, in a field owned by one of the peasants, an impressive cone-shaped mountain grew in a matter of days. Soon the volcano began to erupt. The inhabitants of Paricutin, as well as the nearest locality San Juan Parangarikutiro fled their homes. Lava crawled slowly, and therefore all people managed to escape. She also spared the stone church. Now, once a year, Mexicans make a pilgrimage to the cracked altar and try to appease the spirit of the volcano with small offerings. If he remains dissatisfied with the gifts, the pilgrims will be tormented by nightmares for a long time.

Great Isaac Cay Lighthouse, Bahamas

Access: free

tiny island in Atlantic Ocean Not listed on every map. Nevertheless, ghost hunters from all over the world know about its existence. According to legend, in the 19th century, a shipwreck occurred near the island, as a result of which only Small child. What happened to him later is unknown, but the spirit of his mother - the Lady in Gray - still wanders around the abandoned lighthouse at night and cries bitterly. By the way, she also left with two lighthouse keepers strange story: they disappeared without a trace in the summer of 1969. Their bodies were never found. The solution to this mystery is usually associated with the fact that Great Isaac Cay is located on the territory bermuda triangle. However, skeptics believe that the lives of caretakers, most likely, were claimed by a hurricane.

Waverly Hills Sanitarium

Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Access: with an excursion group

The former sanatorium for tuberculosis patients has been repeatedly recognized as the most frightening place in the United States. It is believed that paranormal activity within its walls is very high. It is especially manifested in the so-called "tunnel of death", which was originally cut so that the employees of the sanatorium could get to their jobs, bypassing the steep slopes of the hill. However, later the tunnel was adapted for the secret removal of the bodies of the dead: the living were not supposed to see how their neighbors in the ward set off on their last journey. Ghosts can live not only in a narrow dark corridor, but also in separate rooms. For example, room 502 is haunted by the spirit of a nurse who hung herself here after contracting tuberculosis while pregnant.

Diplomat Hotel

Hotel "Diplomat" in the Philippines

Diplomat Hotel, Baguio City, Philippines

Access: free

Residents of houses located near the Dominican Hill in Baguio complain that chilling sounds keep them awake at night - screams, groans, hurried steps, slamming doors. The source of these sounds, they believe the abandoned hotel Diplomat, whose building served as a refuge for refugees during the Second World War. It was repeatedly bombed and shelled, and many sisters of mercy were innocently executed by soldiers of the Japanese army. The guests of the hotel, which opened on this site in the 1970s, also had a hard time: they constantly imagined mysterious black figures that walked around the halls, appeared in the windows, and hid behind heavy curtains.

Salesian school

Salesian School, Goshen, New York, USA

Access: the building is protected

The Catholic school for boys, opened on the territory of the former aristocratic estate, enjoyed great respect in the district until one of the pupils died. In 1964, nine-year-old Paul Ramos fell from the roof of the educational building and crashed to his death. Then everyone decided that a tragic accident had happened. Already in the early 2000s, the case again attracted the attention of the press and special services. It turned out that the boy's body lay too far from the building: in order for the child to fly to such a distance, he had to be pushed, but, of course, it is no longer possible to find the killer. Those few daredevils who managed to get close to the dilapidated building, passing the guards, assure that they saw the silhouette of a boy in the window openings.

VIDEO: Haunted house found in Russia

There are many in the world mysterious places, where all sorts of strange phenomena occur, for decades, researchers of anomalous incidents have been trying to understand the nature of such places. In this article, we want to tell you about the most terrible houses in the world, which are famous for their permanent "residents" - ghosts. So, let's start our little excursion.

The most frightening haunted houses

This strange house with a complex structure of premises was erected in 1922, it was owned by the wife of the late "king of rifles" - Sarah Winchester. The attendants and visitors to the house claimed that they lived in the mansion. Several invited psychics (in different time) stated that not one, but three ghosts "live" in the house.

The story goes that once Sarah Winchester felt that something mysterious was haunting her, she went to a psychic who told her that her life was influenced by the spirits of people who died from Winchester rifles, in order to protect themselves from persecution, it is necessary to build "rooms" for ghosts in a mansion. Mrs. Winchester heeded the call of the medium and from 1884 began a constant expansion of the house.

Construction has not stopped for many decades, the mansion has more than 150 rooms, 3 dance halls, 50 bedrooms, more than 10 thousand windows. Employees and tourists who have visited the house in our time, talk about a strange frightening feeling when entering the building, people try to stay here in groups so as not to be left alone with the unknown.

This mysterious house is located on the outskirts of New York, in the Long Island area. In the 70s, the Lutz family moved into the building, however, after not even living here for a month, the new owners moved out in horror. It turned out that a year before Lutz moved in, a terrible massacre took place in the house - the previous owner, R. Defeo, shot all the members of his family. The Lutz family claimed that an evil spirit lives in the house, which negatively affects people.

This house has survived to this day, no one lives in it, the builders do not risk making major repairs in the house, fearing an ominous spirit, only the windows have been replaced. Based on the history of this, the feature film "The Amityville Horror" was filmed.

This ancient mansion was built in the 18th century, it belonged to the slave owner - Mr. Mirt. Nowadays it is a cozy hotel in Louisiana. The idyll is broken by periodic reports of strange murders within the walls of the former estate, which cannot be solved.

The story says that the first owner of the house had a mistress - a slave Chloe, she poisoned objectionable residents of the house, whether she did it on the orders of the owner is unknown. Psychics claim that the Myrtle house is haunted by many ghosts, including the spirit of Chloe. Hotel guests have repeatedly recorded all sorts of oddities in their rooms.

Another of the scariest houses in the world is the Belmez mansion in Spain. Ghosts, in the usual sense, are not here, but there is another mysterious phenomenon. Silhouettes of human faces periodically appear on the floors of the house, which then disappear. The floors of the building were even studied by a group of scientists, but they did not draw any intelligible conclusions.

One part of the researchers believes that the interaction is to blame chemical elements floor and dampness, as a result of which there are contours on the floor, similar to human faces. Another group believes that this is a "projection" of the subconscious of the visitors of the mansion, the house can somehow "burn out" images on the floors.

Visitors to the Belmez home continue to spot mysterious faces on the floor, and even take photographs.

The castle in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh, is a medieval building in which people lived until the seventeenth century. This place has seen many battles, and where there have been battles, there are many ghosts. In the early 2000s, thorough Scientific research, but scientists have not been able to give a clear explanation for the mysterious phenomena that occur in the castle. Caretakers and visitors to the Scottish often talk about frightening silhouettes that sometimes appear in the dark corridors of the structure.

There are scary haunted houses in China. In one of the districts of Beijing, there is building number 81, a large 3-story baroque building. However, wealthy Chinese are in no hurry to acquire it. The point is that during civil war the imperial official and his wife lived here, during the coming of the communist troops to the city, the wife of the official committed suicide, it is believed that her spirit still lives in the building. Because of this story, house 81 has not been able to find its new owners for many years, no one wants to "neighbor" with a ghost.

Hotel Berengaria

This large building was erected in the 30s of the 20th century. The hotel was designed for wealthy guests and in the early years brought a good profit. Before his death, the founder of the hotel bequeathed to his three sons to run the business together and jointly, sharing the profits equally. At first it was like that, but gradually the brothers began to quarrel more and more often over money.

History is silent under what circumstances, but three brothers died one after another, there was no one to continue doing business, the back ones fell into decay, and everything valuable became the prey of local thieves, it was they who said that they repeatedly observed three brothers in the former hotel.

Salesian school

Initially, it was the estate of one of the aristocratic families of the United States, then the building became Catholic educational institution for boys. Until 1964, this place was not shrouded in a veil of secrecy, this year one of the pupils of the school died, he fell from the roof, the investigators considered this case an accident. However, a re-investigation showed that the boy was too far from the building, he simply could not fall like that, and talk of murder began. People who keep an eye on the building say they sometimes see the boy in the old windows of the former school.

Here they are, the most terrible haunted houses, there are many more such places in the world, you can’t write about everything in one article, so stay tuned on the site, visit us more often! If you know about similar houses in your city, be sure to write about them in the comments.

Sarah's fortune was more than 20.5 million US dollars (in terms of current money, this amount would exceed 500 million).

Three years later, Sarah went to a session with a medium, where she allegedly talked with the spirit of her late husband. He told her that all their troubles (the relatively early death of William and the death of his daughter shortly after birth) are the result of a curse imposed on Father William by the souls of all who once died from the rifles he invented.

William advised Sarah to purchase a house and rebuild it so that the spirits could not find her and take revenge.

The construction of the house was carried out by 22 carpenters 24 hours a day, without breaks for weekends and holidays. Mrs. Winchester, frightening the locals with her strange lifestyle and incomprehensible passion for design, inspired respect and brought stability to their lives.

Sarah then bought a building in San Jose and hired workers to change it. At the same time, the woman did not use the services of architects. She daily contacted the other world and received instructions about the construction, which she retold to the workers.

Quite often, Sarah's instructions were reversed literally the next day. But its employees received wages 1.5 times more than usual at that time. Therefore, men were ready to unquestioningly follow any instructions of a woman.

This photo was accidentally taken by one of the workers. It is believed that if Mrs. Winchester found her, she would certainly break. However, it seems to me that she is posing here. Is not it so?

The house grew at an incredible rate. Sarah bought more and more plots of land, farms, orchards and fields.

As a result, a 7-story mansion was erected (later, several upper floors were destroyed during an earthquake) on 162 acres of land. The house had 300 rooms, 13 bathrooms, 2 ballrooms, 6 kitchens, 47 fireplaces, 2 basements and 3 elevators. There were also about 2,000 doors here.

To date, there are about 160 rooms on 4 floors. At the same time, it is interesting that the house has a huge number of doors that lead to nowhere. So the woman tried to confuse the spirits that were supposed to haunt her.

For the same reason, stairs were built that led simply to the ceiling.

You ask why such a hulk to a small, lonely old woman? And who told you that she needed a house? The spirits needed him! It is said that Sarah stayed up two nights in a row in the same room...to hide from them.

No matter how hard Sarah Winchester tries to shield herself and her home from the misfortunes brought by evil spirits, all measures were powerless before the famous earthquake in San Francisco in 1906. It happened late at night when everyone in the house was asleep. Some sections of the building were partially destroyed or damaged. Sarah was trapped in her bedroom and couldn't get out on her own. It took the servants several hours to find the bedroom in which the hostess slept that night and help Sarah get out of there.

The Grand Ballroom and several other rooms were destroyed. The tower buildings that make up the top three floors also collapsed. Recovering from her shock, Mrs. Winchester ordered the restoration of the Grand Ballroom and the rooms damaged by the earthquake. Mrs. Winchester did not restore the upper floors, considering the destruction of the three upper floors as a sign indicating to her the correct height of her house. The work was completed, and the Grand Ballroom and 30 other restored rooms were boarded up, and never again visited by anyone.

Windows do not always face the street. They are not easy in the house either. Each of them is personally designed by the hostess, commissioned and executed not just anywhere, but in the workshops of Tiffany. Sometimes you could look into other rooms from them. Apparently, in order to see the approaching ghost.

10 thousand windows! It would be interesting to meet those who counted them! How many windows are in your apartment building?

This is the so-called Blue Room, in which Sarah communicated with her otherworldly advisers.

It is said that Sarah most likely did not sleep too much. Every night at exactly 2:00 a.m., a ringing sounded from its bell tower. In this way, ghosts were also driven away!

The continuity of construction was needed, because she did not want to die. And good spirits (including the spirit of William and baby Annie who are dead in peace) should have been comfortable and happy in this house. A huge variety of fireplaces - for them. According to legend, spirits enter the house through chimneys.

There are only three mirrors in a huge house. It's also because of the spirits. Who is pleased to remember that you are not alive, every time you pass by a mirror and not see your reflection in it? The servants working in the Winchester House were forbidden to use mirrors. They were allowed to bring them with them in their bags and keep them there or in their pockets, taking them out only temporarily if necessary. But then hide it back.

Here is one of two ballrooms that have never been used for their intended purpose.

Sarah was very fond of mahogany, but she did not like its color, so the woman insisted that everything around be painted or covered with cloth.

The ballroom also has stained glass windows with quotes from Shakespeare. No one knows what meaning the woman attached to these words.

By the way, the woman (or ghosts) liked the number 13. It can be found throughout the house in quantities various items, drain holes, stairwells and so on.

In this house one could see the best achievements of science of that time: steam heating, horizontal elevators, toilets and gas lamps on buttons.

When the woman died in 1922, she left behind a huge number of rarities. At the same time, all the funds that Sarah possessed were allegedly spent on the construction of the building. After the death of the hostess, only strands of hair of the deceased daughter and husband were found in her safe.

Now the Winchester house is a very popular tourist attraction. We invite you to take a virtual tour.

So why are tourists strictly forbidden to inspect the house on their own?

Well, of course, because of the presence of ghosts there. This is also dangerous (probably). But, mainly, this prohibition is necessary to preserve their own health. Not only is it easy to get lost in this incomprehensible house, there are also many traps and unexpected dangers to health and, sometimes, life. Why are only “doors to nowhere”! You never know where you'll end up when you enter the next door: into another room, or slam your nose into the wall... ...or plop into the kitchen sink on the floor below, or not fall out into the bushes at all!

It’s good if there is a person nearby who knows exactly which door to enter!

  • The doors of some bathrooms and toilet rooms are transparent for some reason.
  • Stairs in the house are also a problem. Of the 40 stairs in the house, only a few are simple and straightforward. Well-known are those that lead to ... the ceiling.
  • By the way, the pipes stretched under the ceiling along the “stairs to nowhere” do not continue on the other side of the wall. Their purpose is not clear.
  • The only explanation this - the stairs are designed to confuse evil spirits, knock them off the pontolyku and prevent them from hunting for Sarah's life ....

Sarah Winchester died on the night of September 4-5, 1922 at the age of 82. Her death was not painful. After communicating, as usual, with the spirits at a nightly seance, she went to bed in her favorite bedroom and did not wake up again. "Cardiac arrest" - the doctors stated. Nobody saw her alive again. And inanimate - as much as you like!

The Winchester house is called a model of bad taste, a stupid whim of a crazy rich woman, an example of lack of culture. But the flow of those wishing to see him does not decrease from this. Did this house seem interesting to you?

I made a list of mystical houses where it is better not to take a selfie - unless, of course, you want to see a ghostly stranger in the background.

Elsa's House, Pyatigorsk

The once opulent but derelict 62-room, three-story mansion earned its grim notoriety thanks to the ghost of a young girl living in it. This house at the beginning of the 20th century was built by confectioner Alexander Gukasov for his beautiful bride Elsa. The happiness of the spouses was short-lived - the girl was never able to get pregnant, and a few years later her husband left her alone in the castle, leaving with another woman. After the betrayal, Elsa could not cope with her grief and suddenly disappeared in the 40s. The true circumstances of the death of the mistress of the mansion are not known, but according to one version, she began to go crazy and eventually poisoned herself with a deadly poison. According to another, she was killed, and her body was walled up in the walls of the mansion.

Since then, the house has acquired mystical legends. Those who dared to go inside talk about children's crying coming from distant rooms, the sound of footsteps, groans. A strange white haze or incomprehensible shadows often appear in the frame in the pictures. And on one of the balconies there is a poem written, which, according to rumors, Elsa herself whispered to one of her guests:


Find me voiceless

Wash me with rain

Find me fading

Bring back my old house.

The basement is considered the darkest place in the house - there a curious visitor can find a strange tiled parallelepiped. Maybe it is in it that the body of the mistress of the mansion rests.

Glinka's estate, Moscow region

An old house in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region literally attracts tourists with its legends. They are connected with the former owner of the estate, Yakov Broyus, who was fond of science, but people's rumor dubbed him a warlock magician. Frightened peasants whispered about how he froze the ponds in the midst of summer, and then launched iron birds into the sky.

After his death, the new owners were clearly uncomfortable in the house. For some reason, they very subtly got rid of the elegant antique statues that used to decorate the territory of the estate: they were destroyed, some were walled up in the walls, and some were even sunk to the bottom of the pond. At night, creaks and groans were heard in the corridors, which forced the frightened owner and hostess to move to the farthest rooms of the mansion.

Today, the residence looks no different from others. estates XVIII century, but there are several special skeletons in her cabinets. It is said that the house has a network of secret underground passages, through which the former owner entered his "secret rooms": an astronomical observatory, a repository of archaeological finds, a laboratory and scientific library. At the end of the 20th century, enthusiasts conducted dowsing, which showed that there really were hollow chambers under the foundation, many of which remained undiscovered. According to legend, the Black Book and the chest with Bruce's gold are stored in them, which will "open" only to his blood relative. In addition, many notice that the demonic masks that adorn the façade of the manor grimace and wink at anyone who looks at them for a long time.

GUM, Vladivostok

Palace of Oldenburg, Ramon village, Voronezh region

There are many rumors about the ghosts and evil spirits that are found in the Palace of Oldenburg in the Voronezh region. According to local beliefs, many years ago, a talented healer fell in love with the mistress of these properties. But the young princess Eugenia did not share the feelings of the doctor, for which she was cursed along with the mansion.

Since then, strange things began to happen in the estate. The husband of the Princess of Oldenburg became interested in the occult and began to invite mystics to esoteric seances, and the son of the couple allegedly performed experiments on people in the basements of the house. It is believed that even the princess herself kept prisoners and a chained bear in the dungeon, to which she gave unwanted servants to be torn to pieces. The workers who restored the castle in the 80s of the XX century constantly complained about creaks and groans coming from the basement.

Another mysterious event happened in Ramon just recently. Museum staff found that the plaster had collapsed in the basement, and a silhouette began to emerge from the broken part formed on the wall, in which visitors can recognize the mistress of the mansion. By the way, if all your life you have dreamed of spending the night in a haunted house, then this is your chance - the Palace of Oldenburg willingly accepts tourists.

At all times mankind was concerned about the question of life after death. It was believed that not all the dead find peace and go to another world. Some souls remain on earth and continue to roam it, unseen by anyone.

But some ghosts and ghosts are not so harmless. For so many centuries, thousands of different stories about restless souls have accumulated in the world, which can even harm a person. Some houses generally got a bad reputation due to the fact that ghosts live in them.

In this compilation, we have collected 12 of the creepiest haunted houses from around the world!

12 Villa de Vecchi

This luxurious Italian villa has been abandoned for several centuries. Its history began in the 1800s, when the nobleman Felix de Vecchi decided to build a mansion in the mountains of Lake Como. However, the architect has died, and a curse seems to hang over the mansion. Soon the count's wife was brutally murdered, and the daughter disappeared. The Comte de Vecchi searched for the girl, but without results, and ended up committing suicide. No one else wanted to live in the castle, where the lost souls of the count and his wife roam.

11 MadHouse, Ohio, USA

This house has collected several creepy stories during its existence. The mansion was built between the 1850s and 1900s. All its owners experienced some unpleasant stories, for example, one of the owners kept his slaves here. When one escaped, he killed the whole family. The ghost of Bloody Mary also lives here, because her children were killed in the mansion.

10 White House, USA

Surprisingly, the White House is one of the most famous haunted houses in the United States. For so many years, it has become a habitat for hundreds of ghosts of officials, presidents, their families and other people. The most frequently seen ghost is, of course, Abraham Lincoln. He is seen pensively sitting on a bed or tying his shoelaces.

9 House of Despair, Mexico

This house in the small Mexican town of Guanajuato has a very dark history. Here, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the serial maniac Tadeo Fugencio Mejia was operating. There was a series of murders in the house, and locals since then they haven't approached him. They say that the screams of the victims are still heard in the house, and the paranormal phenomena just go off scale.

8 Monte Cristo Manor, Australia

This house is the most popular haunted house in Australia. Its history began in 1884, when farmer Christopher Crawley got rich and built a mansion. For all the time, the house had only two owners, and both, having spent their whole lives in the mansion, did not leave it even after death. In addition, victims of accidents remained in the house - a maid who died to death, the son of a housekeeper who spent 30 years on chains, a burned-out groom and others.

7 Amityville, USA

This story is known all over the world thanks to the horror movie. But this house has a real creepy story that made a lot of noise. In 1974, Ronald Defeo took a rifle and killed his parents and four siblings. He does not know why he did it, but the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 150 years in total. The house stands to this day, haunted by the ghosts of the unfortunate victims.

6 Lemp Mansion, USA

This Missouri mansion has a very bad reputation. It was built in the 19th century by the Lamp family of beer barons. The once-successful dynasty suffered a string of deaths and suicides in the early 20th century. First, the heir of the family died, then the father shot himself in the head, and then the mother died of cancer. Subsequent generations also could not find a place for themselves, and the dynasty left the mansion. Now in it you can meet all those who once died here.

5 Lawang Sewu, Indonesia

The name of this house translates to "house of a thousand doors" and is the most haunted place in Indonesia. It was built in 1917 and was used as a prison for many years. Lawang Sewu is haunted by Pontianak, a female vampire spirit, Dutchwoman, a girl who committed suicide in prison, and other ghosts.

4 Moore House, USA

Another house inhabited by the ghosts of people who were brutally murdered. This mass murder remains unsolved to this day. In 1912, the richest resident of the city of Villisk, Josiah Moore, and his entire family - his wife, three sons, a daughter and her two girlfriends - were killed in the house. All were killed with an axe, and nothing was stolen. They say that screams can still be heard here and a figure with an ax can be seen.

3 Rainham Hall, England

It was in this mansion that the most famous ghost photograph of all time was taken. Rainham Hall was built in 1637 and has rich history. The ghost of the Brown Lady roams here, who was caught in the lens, descending the stairs. It is believed that this is the ghost of Dorothy Walpole, who lived here in the early 18th century.

Delphine LaLaurie is one of the most brutal serial killers in American history. She lived in a huge mansion in New Orleans in the 18th century and was a famous socialite. However, in the house she held, tortured and killed her servants, who were chained in the basement. After LaLaurie's deeds were revealed, the house was badly damaged, but still preserved.

All of these haunted houses have a creepy history, and it's no surprise that these innocent victims couldn't leave the world and are still roaming where they were killed.