Testing papers on the history of the ancient world vigasin. Printed History Tests

Tests on the history of the Ancient World, grade 5, Maksimov Yu.I., 2013.

The proposed manual includes tests on the history of the Ancient World for the current and final control and corresponds to the content of the textbook A.A. Vigasina, G.I. Godera, I.S. Sventsitskaya "History of the Ancient World" for grade 5 educational institutions. Many test tasks developed taking into account the requirements of the State final certification in grade 9 (in a new form) and the Unified state exam. They will help students master new types of tests for them and prepare for future oral and written exams. Tests can be used for teaching and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control when working with any textbook on the history of the Ancient World from the Federal List of Textbooks.

Reasonable people hunted animals that are now gone on earth
1) bison
2) mammoths
3) cave bears
4) woolly rhinos

Find and indicate the number of the animal that is superfluous in this list. primitive people on the territory of modern Europe appeared about
1) 40 thousand years ago
2) 500 thousand years ago
3) 2 million years ago

In these rather large groups, people were considered relatives. Together they hunted, took care of children, supported the hearth, protected the home from strangers. Here the custom “one for all, all for one” operated. It -
1) human herd
2) family
3) tribal community

Preface 6
Topic 1. Primitive gatherers and hunters 8
Test 1. Ancient people 8
Test 2. Tribal communities of hunters and gatherers 9
Test 3. The emergence of art and religious beliefs 11
Final test on the topic "Primitive gatherers and hunters" 13
Topic 2. Primitive farmers and pastoralists 16
Test 1. The emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry 16
Test 2. The emergence of inequality and nobility 18
Final test on the topic "Primitive farmers and pastoralists" 20
Final test in the section "Life of primitive people" 24
Topic 3. Ancient Egypt 28
Test 1. State on the banks of the Nile 28
Test 2. Ancient Egyptian state: pharaoh, nobility, war 30
Test 3. Religion. Art of Ancient Egypt 32
Test 4. Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians 34
Final test on the topic "Ancient Egypt" 36
Topic 4. Western Asia in antiquity 40
Test /. Ancient Mesopotamia. Laws of Hammurabi 40
Test 2. Phoenician sailors 42
Test 3. Bible stories. Hebrew kingdom 43
Test 4. Assyrian Empire 46
Test 5. The Persian state of the "king of kings" 48
Final test on the topic "Western Asia in antiquity" 50
Topic 5. India and China in antiquity 54
Test 1. Nature and people ancient india. Indian castes 54
Test 2. China in antiquity 56
Final test on the topic "India and China in antiquity" 58
Final test in the section "Ancient East" 62
Topic 6. Ancient Greece 66
Test 1. Greeks and Cretans. Mycenae and Troy 66
Test 2. Poems of Homer 68
Test 3. Religion of the ancient Greeks 70
Final test on the topic "Ancient Greece" 72
Topic 7. Policies of Greece and their fight against the Persian invasion 76
Test 1. Athens polis 76
Test 2. The birth of democracy in Athens 77
Test 3. Ancient Sparta 79
Test 4. Greek colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas 81
Quiz 5
Test b. Greco-Persian Wars 84
Final test on the topic "Policies of Greece and their fight against the Persian invasion" 86
Topic 8. The rise of Athens in the 5th century BC. e. and the rise of democracy 90
Test 1. In the harbors of the Athens port of Piraeus 90
Test 2. In the city of the goddess Athena 92
Test Z. In Athens schools and gymnasiums. Theater 94
Test 4. Athenian democracy under Pericles 96
Final test on the topic "The Rise of Athens in the 5th century BC. e. and the rise of democracy” 98
Topic 9. Macedonian conquests in the 4th century BC. e 102
Test 1. Cities of Hellas are subject to Macedonia 102
Test 2. Campaign of Alexander the Great to the East 104
Test 3. The collapse of the power of Alexander the Great 106
Final test on the topic "Macedonian conquests in the 4th century BC. e." 108
The final test in the section " Ancient Greece» 112
Theme 10. Rome: from its origin to the establishment of dominance over Italy 116
Test 1. Ancient Rome 116
Quiz 2. Roman conquest of Italy 118
Test 3. Structure of the Roman Republic 120
Final test on the topic "Rome: from its origin to the establishment of dominance over Italy" 122
Theme 11. Rome - the strongest power in the Mediterranean 126
Test 1. Wars of Rome with Carthage 126
Test 2. Establishing Roman domination in the Mediterranean 128
Test 3. Slavery in Ancient Rome 130
Final test on the topic "Rome is the strongest power in the Mediterranean" 131
Topic 12. Civil wars in Rome 135
Test 1. Land law of the Gracchi brothers 135
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4: Establishing an Empire 141
Final test on the topic "Civil Wars in Rome" 143
Topic 13. The Roman Empire in the first centuries of our era 147
Test 1. Neighbors of the Roman Empire. Rome under Emperor Nero 147
Test 2. The rise of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century. Persecution of Christians 149
Test 3. The Eternal City and its inhabitants 151
Final test on the topic "The Roman Empire in the first centuries of our era" 153
Theme 14. The defeat of Rome by the Germans and the fall of the Western Roman Empire 157
Test 1. The Roman Empire under Constantine 157
Test 2. The capture of Rome by the barbarians 159
Final test on the topic "The defeat of Rome by the Germans and the fall of the Western Roman Empire" 161
Final test on the section "Ancient Rome" 165

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  • Tests on the history of the Ancient World, grade 5, to the textbook by A.A. Vigasina, G.I. Godera, I.S. Sventsitskaya, A.A. Iskenderov "General History. Ancient world history. Grade 5”, Federal State Educational Standard, Maksimov Yu.I., 2020

Generalize and systematize knowledge on the topic "Ancient East"; develop cognitive activity students. Test The software is not built on tests where you can play a guessing game. Tasks are built on preparation of the OGE where students should be able to work with definitions, analyze, compare and generalize facts and phenomena. The last task is creative, for which you can put a separate mark.

The historical dictation is designed for students of the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. 9 questions are offered to which students must give brief answers. The dictation is compiled on the basis of the textbook Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. General history. "Story ancient world» 5th class: - M., Enlightenment - 2015 Used to test students' knowledge of the topic.

Target audience: for grade 5

The historical dictation is designed for students of the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. 8 questions are offered to which students must give short answers. The dictation is compiled on the basis of the textbook Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. General history. "History of the Ancient World" 5th class: - M., Enlightenment - 2015 Used to test students' knowledge of the topic.

Target audience: for grade 5

General history test "States of Africa and Asia", basic level. Designed for students of the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. There are 15 questions with one answer. The test was compiled on the basis of the textbook Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S. General history. "History of the Ancient World" 5th class: - M., Enlightenment - 2015 Used to test students' knowledge for the first semester.

Target audience: for grade 5

The test is intended for 5th grade students. The test can be used based on the results of studying the section "Ancient Greece" of the textbook on the history of the Ancient World by A.A. Vigasina, G.I. Godera, I.S. Svintsitskaya. The test has two options. The test allows you to identify the level of assimilation of the studied material.

Target audience: for grade 5

The test was compiled on the basis of §35 of the textbook for grade 5 A. A. Vigasin, G. I. Goder, I. S. Sventsitskaya “General History. Ancient world history". Dedicated to testing knowledge about the Greco-Persian wars

Target audience: for grade 5

The closed type test is based on §§. 36 - 37 of the textbook Vigasin, A.A., Goder, G.I., Sventsitskaya, I.S. History of the Ancient World: textbook. for 5 cells. general education institutions / A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya. – 14th ed. - M. : Education, 2010. - 287 p. Dedicated to testing knowledge on the peculiarities of trade in the port of Piraeus and on the most important historical and geographical objects of Athens.

Target audience: for grade 5

The tests are used in the final lesson on the history of the ancient world in the fifth grade. The goal is to test the mastered knowledge of the period of antiquity, Antiquity in the history of the peoples of Europe, Asia and their place in the history of civilization. Objectives: to check in students the development of intellectual abilities and the ability to independently master historical knowledge to develop a tolerant attitude towards cultural heritage other peoples. The tests are based on the textbook for grade 5 A. A. Vigasin, G. I. Goder, I. S. Sventsitskaya “General History. Ancient world history"

Target audience: for grade 5

The closed type test is based on §§. 22 - 23 textbooks Vigasin, A.A., Goder, G.I., Sventsitskaya, I.S. History of the Ancient World: textbook. for 5 cells. general education institutions / A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya. – 14th ed. - M. : Education, 2010. - 287 p. Covers various aspects of the life of ancient Chinese society: beliefs, writing, culture, the teachings of Confucius. Knowledge is tested geographical location China and the events of the reign of Emperor Qin Shihaong.

Target audience: for grade 5

Didactic material "Texts with errors"
The work presents didactic material on the history of the Ancient World (grade 5) on the topic "Early Rome", which allows the system to use it in lesson work. This form of work is very productive, develops critical thinking, Creative skills students.
Texts with errors help to increase motivation when studying history. They can be used when conducting cognitive and entertaining games, in lesson work of various directions: fixing the material, when checking homework, for individual work etc.
There are many options for working with texts. If there is time, the task is given to write out the errors and correct them, if there is no time, you can simply underline the errors in the text, etc. this work may be individual or collective.
This didactic material was tested in the 5th grade of the boarding school No. 16 in Moscow

Target audience: for grade 5

Option 1

Part A.

1. Marathon battle took place A) 480 BC b) 490 BC c) 479 BC d) 390 BC 2. The preparation of the Greeks before the war with the Persians led by Xerxes led A) Solon b) Miltiades c) Themistocles d) Pericles
3. What was the name of the council of the nobility in Athens A) areopagus b) acropolis c) archons d) colonies
4. Short, precise speech is called6 A) beautiful b) concise c) pleasant d) boring
5. Author of the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" A) Aeschylus b) Homer c) Aristophanes d) Sophocles
6. Slave accompanying a child to school: A) archon b) teacher c) orator d) strategist
7. What wonder of the world was in Alexandria of Egypt: A) pyramids b) Pharos lighthouse c) Ear of Rhodes d) hanging gardens
8. According to legend, Rome was founded A) 594 BC b) 776 BC c) 753 BC d) 525 BC
9. What were the names of slaves trained to fight each other a) lictors b) veterans c) legionaries D) gladiators
10. Republic "in translation means A) the power of the few b) the power of the best c) the power of the people d) a public matterPart B. 1. Arrange in chronological order:A) the battle of Chaeronea b) the Trojan WarC) Battle of Marathon d) Battle of Cannes

Translation control on the history of the Ancient World, 5th grade.

Option 2

Part A.

For each task of this part, several answers are given, of which one is correct. 1. First Olympic Games took place in A) 753 BC b) 776 BC c) 509 BC d) 490 BC
2. Greek writing was created in the 7th century BC based on: A) Mesopotamia cuneiform b) Egyptian hieroglyphs c) Old Greek alphabet d) Phoenician alphabet
3. School for physical exercises. A) gymnasium b) palestra c) portico d) orchestra
4. What was the name of the military leader in Greece, who in peacetime served as a ruler A) archon b) strategist c) Areopagus d) teacher
5. What was the name of the stage in the theater where the actors performed? A) skene b) seats for spectators c) orchestra d) palestra
6. The last king of Rome was A) Ankh Marcius b) Tarquinius the Proud c) Servius Tullius d) Nero
7. Solemn entry into Rome of the victorious commander. a) demonstration b) carnival c) parade d) triumph
8. The commander who led the army of Carthage in the fight against Rome A) Pyrrhus b) Scipio c) Antony d) Hannibal
9. The protection of the king was called a) plebeians b) patricians c) lictors d) legionaries
10. What was the name of the ruler with unlimited power a) governor b) emperor c) dictator d) senatorPart B. In the tasks of this part, you must give the answer yourself, there may be several of them. Compare events, or find out by description. 1. Match the date and the event a) 218 ​​BC 1. Battle of Cannae b) 216 BC 2. destruction of Carthage c) 202 BC 3. Hannibal crossing the Alps d) 146 BC 4. battle near Zama

Sample answers

ass 1 option 2 option ass

Test with answers and presentation on the history of the Ancient World for grade 5 on the topic: Ancient Rome

Simakina Olga Ivanovna, teacher of history and social studies, State Educational Institution "Special Correctional comprehensive school– boarding school 3-4 types”, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude.
Job Description and Purpose:
The use of tests in teaching is one of the rational additions to the methods of testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. It optimally corresponds to the complete independence in the work of each student. The test makes it possible to check a significant amount of studied material and quickly diagnose mastery educational material a large number students.
This test, aimed at identifying learned concepts, historical dates, can be used both during the consolidation of the material, and during the verification of homework. The test is intended for history teachers working with 5th grade students.
Target: find the correct answers in the test.
Tasks: assessment of the quality of assimilation of the material, identification of the acquired concepts, definitions, historical dates of this topic;
develop logic, attention, horizons;
cultivate perseverance.

Test questions.

1. Names associated with the founding legend ancient rome:
A) Amulius and Osiris;
B) Mars and Jupiter;
C) Sylvia and Isis;
D) Romulus and Remus.

2. Indicate the name of the peninsula where Ancient Rome was located:
A) Balkan;
B) Asia Minor;
B) Apennine;
D) Hindustan.

3. The rulers of Ancient Rome after the establishment of the republic were called:
A) senators
B) protectorates;
B) consuls
D) gerousia.

4. Determine what power the Senate had:
A) was in charge of the treasury;
B) resolved issues of war and peace;
C) solved the issues of educating the younger generation;
D) elected the Council of Elders.

5. What law did Tiberius Gracchus try to adopt in the Senate:
A) limit the size of holdings;
B) take away the surplus and distribute to the poor;
C) allow patricians to buy and sell land;
D) to allow the transfer of land by inheritance.

6. The Romans fought wars:
A) with Carthage;
B) with Darius 1;
B) Troy
D) with Cyrus.

7. Indicate how it was possible to distinguish a slave from a free person:
A) on the collar;
B) for short clothes;
C) according to the pattern on the body;
D) sandals.

8. Sick slaves their owner could send:
A) to the temple
B) on the island of Sicily;
C) an island on the Tiber
D) on the estate.

9. In what year was the uprising of Spartacus:
A) 34 - 32 BC
B) 91 - 89 BC
C) 53 - 51 BC
D) 73 - 71 BC

10. The uprising of Spartacus began:
A) in Rome
B) in Capua;
B) in Cannes
D) in Tvarent.

Test key:
1. - G;
2. - B;
3. - B;
4. - A, B;
5. - A, B;
6. - A;
7. - A, B;
8. - B;
9. - G;
10. - B.

Presentation on the topic: Test with answers on the history of the Ancient World Ancient Rome

The proposed manual includes tests on the history of the Ancient World for current and final control and corresponds to the content of A.A. Vigasina, G.I. Godera, I.S. Sventsitskaya "History of the Ancient World" for the 5th grade of educational institutions. Many test tasks are developed taking into account the requirements of the State Final Attestation in Grade 9 (in a new form) and the Unified State Exam. They will help students master new types of tests for them and prepare for future oral and written exams.

Tests on the history of the ancient world. Grade 5 To the textbook Vigasina A.A. and etc.

Description of the tutorial

Tests can also be used as educational cognitive tasks, for frontal work, for individualization of learning, self-examination and independent work schoolchildren. In this case, we advise students to use a textbook, notes in notebooks and other additional sources of information.
The regular use of the test form of knowledge testing will allow students to be in constant “form”: quickly answer elementary questions of the studied topic and get involved in the work of each lesson already at initial stage- the stage of updating knowledge. The proposed test tasks will significantly increase the efficiency and quality of work of both the teacher and students in the generalizing and final lessons.
Tests can be used for training and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control, as well as for developing the skills and abilities necessary in the future when preparing for the state final certification (in a new form) and the unified state exam.
Primitive gatherers and hunters Test 1. Ancient people Option 1

The most ancient people lived in hot countries where there are no frosts and cold winters. 1) true 2) false
The oldest people
1) communicate using words and gestures
2) had articulate speech
3) couldn't speak
Main occupation ancient people, search for edible roots, fruits, berries, bird eggs
1) hunting
2) gathering
3) farming
Digging stick, club, pointed stone
1) these are the oldest tools of labor
2) these are items that ancient people used to hunt
3) these are items that monkeys could make
The mastery of fire allowed the most ancient people (continue the list)
1) tastier and healthier to eat
2) keep warm on cold nights

Option 2

The earliest people lived in hot countries such as East Africa.
1) true 2) false
2. Ancient people
1) were very similar to modern people
2) were no different from monkeys
3) very reminiscent of monkeys
3. A group of ancient people united for gathering, hunting, living together
1) community
2) human herd
3) team
4. Fire, tools
1) this is how ancient people differed from monkeys
2) this is what the most ancient people failed to master
3) this is what the monkeys were able to get
5. Animal features prevailed in the appearance of the most ancient people (continue the list)
1) a rough face with a wide flattened nose, forehead receding
2) brow ridge
Test 2. Tribal communities
hunters and gatherers
Option 1
Is the following statement true?
Homo sapiens appeared about 40 thousand years ago.
1) true 2) falseSection I. The life of primitive people
Reasonable people hunted animals that are now gone on earth
1) bison
2) mammoths
3) cave bears
4) woolly rhinos
Find and indicate the number of the animal that is superfluous in this list. Primitive people on the territory of modern Europe appeared about
1) 40 thousand years ago
2) 500 thousand years ago
3) 2 million years ago
In these rather large groups, people were considered relatives. Together they hunted, took care of children, supported the hearth, protected the home from strangers. Here the custom “one for all, all for one” operated. It -
1) human herd
2) family
3) tribal community
Match the following concepts. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
1) mammoth hunting
2) hunting for small animals
3) hunting for large fish
A) harpoon
B) trapping hole
B) bow and arrow
Option 2
Is the following statement true?
One of the differences between Homo sapiens and the most ancient people was the emergence of articulate speech. 1) true 2) false
Reasonable people knew how to make new tools
1) digging stick
2) harpoon
3) composite spear with a sharp stone tip
4) bow and arrow
Find and indicate the number of the weapon that is superfluous in this list.
Topic 1. Primitive gatherers and hunters
3. Replaced the human herd came
1) family
2) a group of hunters
3) tribal community
4. People hunted together, gathered together, took care of children, defended themselves from strangers. All of them were considered
1) friends
2) fellow citizens
3) relatives
5. Match the following statements. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
A) hunting for animals 1) women
B) maintaining a fire in the hearth 2) all members of the genus
B) mutual assistance and protection 3) men
TestZ. The emergence of art and religious beliefs
Option 1
1. Cave painting was first discovered in late XIX century
1) in Spain
2) in France
3) in Italy

To all the mysteries and secrets of ancient painting modern science gives accurate answers. 1) true 2) false
3. The supernatural being that lives, as ancient people believed, in every person, is
1) werewolf
2) soul
3) sorcerer
I. The life of primitive people
4. Ancient artists who lived 40 thousand years ago depicted
1) bison
2) deer
3) werewolves
4) hunters
5) farmers

1) The basis of witchcraft rites was the belief in the existence of a supernatural connection between the animal and its image
2) the basis of faith was the desire of people to understand what was happening in themselves
3) the belief in _ was based on the idea that people and animals can miraculously turn into each other.
Option 2
1. On the ceiling of the cave of Altamira were depicted
1) running bison
2) running deer
3) wounded bears
2. Is the following statement true?
Unraveling the meaning of ancient drawings, scientists, unfortunately, cannot rely on observations of the life of modern tribes and peoples. 1) true 2) false
3. A fantastic creature, in the form of which the features of people and animals are intertwined, this
1) soul
2) werewolf
3) sorcerer
4. The most ancient artists, who lived 40 thousand years ago, depicted
1) werewolves 4) people
2) bison 5) shepherds
3) bears
Find and indicate the number of the concept that is superfluous in this list.
Topic 1. Primitive gatherers and hunters
5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct words.
1) the belief in werewolves was based on the idea that people and animals can miraculously turn into each other
2) The basis of witchcraft rites was the belief in the existence of a supernatural connection between _
3) the basis of faith in the soul was the desire of people to understand what is happening _
Final test on the topic "Primitive gatherers and hunters"
Option 1
1. Is the following statement true?
Reasonable people, unlike the most ancient people, lived in tribal communities. 1) true 2) false
2. The oldest way of hunting was
1) hunting with bow and arrows
2) hunting using pit traps
3) hunting for the weakest animals using clubs and pointed stones.
3. The tools that the most ancient people who lived 2 million years ago were able to make were
1) digging stick
2) puncture
3) chopped
4) bow and arrow
Find and indicate the number of the concept that is superfluous in this list.
4. The main occupations of the most ancient people were
1) hunting
2) farming
3) gathering
4) fishing
Find and indicate the number of the concept that is superfluous in this list.
Section I. The life of primitive people
Match events and dates. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
A) about 40 thousand years ago
B) about 500 thousand years ago
B) more than 2 million years ago
1) the appearance of ancient people
2) the appearance of Homo sapiens
3) the appearance of the most ancient people on the territory of our country
Read the text and fill in the gap with the correct word. Primitive people were afraid of formidable natural phenomena, they wanted to understand their causes. This is how the first
In the human herd (continue the list)
1) the main occupation was collecting
2) _
3) _
8. Colorful drawings in caves, stone figurines of people are
1) works of primitive art
2) magic items
3) idols
9. Dwelling, fire, stocks of firewood, food, bones and skins of animals, tools
1) this is what was necessarily put in the grave of the deceased
2) this is what was common among relatives
3) this is what belonged to the most skillful hunters
10. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.
A) the appearance of the most ancient people on the territory of our Motherland B) the invention of the most ancient tools
B) the emergence of Homo sapiens
D) the discovery by archaeologists of primitive drawings Answer:

Tests on the history of the ancient world. Grade 5