Anastasia scorpio meaning. The female name Anastasia - which means: a description of the name. The name of the girl Anastasia: mystery, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Hello dear readers.

Today we will talk about the name Anastasia, popular all over the world. Do you know that it was worn by the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible? Only she knew how to pacify the harsh temper of her husband, who was reputed to be a cruel and merciless person. But are the girls who bear this name really so friendly and gentle? Let's find out the characteristics and meaning of the name Anastasia.

Despite the fact that the name was common in Tsarist Russia, it has Greek roots. The name Anastas or Anastasius was called men in Ancient Greece. It is translated as "resurrected", "returned to life".

In Slavic countries, this name was common both among peasants and among nobility. Its popularity is associated with a beautiful and noble sound. It consists of melodic sounds, but at the same time, it has some pressure. A girl named by this name has been distinguished since childhood by excellent intuition, strong energy and a subtle mental attitude.

The meaning of the name Anastasia: childhood

In her youth, Nastya stands out among her peers with sincerity, kindness and gullibility. She loves fairy tales, often she comes up with various stories herself. A rich imagination allows her to come up with new ideas for games that she enjoys playing with friends. But, at the same time, excessive daydreaming prevents Nastya from concentrating on everyday affairs.

She is hardworking, but can afford to be lazy. Parents should ensure that the girl does not get used to idleness. It is innate diligence, if developed, that will play an important role in her life. Diligence and perseverance will also be the cause of prosperity in the future.

Anastasia: character and fate

Adult Anastasia is a skilled craftswoman. If she decides to do needlework, then, with due perseverance, she will achieve significant success in this. She cooks well and loves order in the house.

Nastya's sensitivity contributes to frequent amorousness. Winning a girl's heart is not difficult. But, having married, she ceases to pay attention to strangers. For her, stability and trust in relationships are in the first place.

Nastya is strict with children, but this is just an appearance. Caring about the future of her children, she tries to give them a good upbringing and education. She knows that success does not come by itself, it must be achieved. Anastasia is a good, caring wife and mother. Her house is always cozy, the walls are decorated with paintings and family portraits.


Developed intuition and a deep understanding of the essence of the problems will help Nastya become a good psychologist. She knows how to analyze and draw reasonable conclusions. And her kind attitude disposes the interlocutor to frank, sincere conversations. She also gets along well with children, so the profession of an educator or teacher will also be an excellent choice.

The desire to change places and the love of travel become the reason for choosing a profession related to movement. Nastya can become a flight attendant or a tour guide. The profession of an actress is also suitable for her. The love of the audience, frequent tours and new acquaintances - this is what Anastasia strives for.

Another one distinguishing feature women bearing this name - an innate sense of style. They can become excellent designers, fashion designers.

But credulity, in this regard, often plays a cruel joke with her. Nastya is inclined to give up her choice if the one whom she considers more competent in the matter of fashion and beauty advises her something else.

For example, Nastya may refuse to wear a chic dress that, according to a good friend, does not suit her. At the same time, she will wear a suit, even if she does not like it, but which the same friend likes. In these matters, Anastasia should learn to be persistent. After all, it is her choice that often turns out to be the right one.


As a child, Nastya often suffers from a cold. Parents should protect the girl from dampness and drafts. Diseases often occur against the background of high temperature, so it is important to prevent hypothermia and strengthen the child's immunity.

As an adult, Anastasia suffers from frequent bouts of irritation. Sociability, restraint at work, becomes the cause of breakdowns in the circle of close people. It is necessary to find a way to relax in order to splash out nervous tension without harm to the family. It can be swimming, exercising in the sports section, morning and evening jogging.

Anastasia is distinguished by inattention, which sometimes leads to accidents. She should be especially careful when driving a car. Another vulnerable spot is the eyes. After the age of 20, Nastya should have her eyes checked regularly. Also, gynecological problems are not excluded, which must be eliminated in a timely manner.

Anastasia: the path to glory

The secret of the name Anastasia hides incredible Creative skills girls. Among the famous women who have achieved recognition, there are many who bear or bore this harmonious name.

Anastasia VertinskaI- People's Artist of the RSFSR. Even as a child, she was distinguished by a craving for art. I wanted to become a ballerina, translator, actress. AT school years starred in the film "Scarlet Sails", where she played Assol. After that, she was often invited to the cinema, her acting career was rapidly going uphill. The fate of this talented woman was successful.

Anastasia Grebenkina- figure skater. As a child, she was distinguished by perseverance and independence. Mom brought Nastya to figure skating when she was 5 years old. Hard training brought results - Nastya became a master of sports of international class. In addition to a successful career as a figure skater, Anastasia has distinguished herself as an actress. She played the role of Maria Feodorovna in the movie Star of the Empire.

Anastasia Davydova- synchronizer. This girl has more than one gold medal, she was recognized as the best synchronized swimmer of the decade, in the period 2000-2009. Her name is included in the World Swimming Hall of Fame. But as a child, Nastya wanted to do rhythmic gymnastics. It was my mother who convinced the future world star to enroll in the synchronized swimming section. Mom turned out to be right - Anastasia achieved outstanding success in this sport.

Anastasia Melnikova- an actress. She, like Vertinskaya, dreamed of becoming a ballerina as a child. But a large physique did not allow Nastya to become the prima ballerina. After school, the girl entered Theatre Institute. She has a good acting destiny. And not so long ago, Anastasia decided to go into politics and is now the deputy chairman of the standing commission on culture, science and education in the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly.

No less famous are other Nastyas: Myskina (tennis player), Zavorotnyuk (actress), Tsvetaeva (writer, sister of Marina Tsvetaeva), Makarova (actress). The list can be long. After all, there are a lot of women with this name who have become successful. Anastasia is a beautiful and strong name that endows a woman with determination, perseverance, determination and hard work.


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Today we learned what the name Anastasia means. If you bear this name, or you have a girlfriend Anastasia, describe your or her character in a few words. Let's find out how exactly the given characteristic corresponds to the nature of this name.

On January 4, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Witnesser. Read about the history of one of the most popular female names in Russia and St. Anastasia in our material.

The origin of the name "Anastasia" is connected with the ancient Greek language and in translation means "resurrection", "return to life". There is also a paired male name with the same meaning, but it is not widely used in Russia.

Orthodox saints testify to the popularity of a female name. In the Russian calendar Orthodox Church we will meet 15 saints with this name, most of them (10 people) are martyrs. One Saint Anastasia is the mother of the Monk Savva of Serbia, one Alexandrian hermit who, according to legend, lived in a male monastery under the name Anastasius is a eunuch, one passion-bearer is the daughter of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, another nun and Saint Anastasia of Latria.

No less impressive is the list of saints with a paired male name Anastasius - it has 20 Orthodox ascetics from different countries- from Egypt to Persia, Bulgaria and Russia.

Name Anastasia in different languages

The harmonious sonorous name has long been loved not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Britain we will meet Stacy (Stacy), in Germany - Nastja, Anastasija (Anastasia), in France - Anastasi, Naste (Anastasi and Nastya), in Slavic languages variations of our Anastasia. In general, "Nastya" was loved throughout Europe - from warm Greece to cold Russia. Anastasia can be found even in China or Korea.

Nastya, Nastenka and other abbreviated and diminutive forms of the name Anastasia

A rare Russian personal name can compete with Nastya in a variety of diminutive forms. Tasya, Stasya and even Asya - all these forms are in modern vocabulary personal names are associated with the familiar Nastenka, and there is also Anastasiyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya (Nasta), Nasya (Nasa), Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya (Nastulya), Nastyunya (Nastunya), Nastyura, Styura, Nastyukha, Nastyusha, Nastyakha, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Asyusha, Syusha, Asyuta, Syuta. If a person needs to turn to some “Anastasia Ivanovna”, then it is worth remembering that this name has the same forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

Male name Anastasy

A male name with the same ancient Greek root is not often seen in Russia. Most people will only remember Anastas Mikoyan - Soviet leader With short form name "Anastasy".

Mikoyan is now most often spoken of in connection with the meat-packing plant of the same name. In the 1930s, Anastas Ivanovich was People's Commissar Food Industry and created the Soviet fast food. In particular, not without his participation, the famous “Doctor’s” sausage and the infamous “fish days” in Soviet canteens were invented.

Few people know that Anastas Mikoyan studied in 1916 at the Theological Academy, located in the Etchmiadzin Monastery.

In other countries, the male name Anastasius was more common, four popes and two Byzantine emperors can serve as proof of this.

Pope Anastasius IV, who lived in the 12th century, entered the history of the Church as a Roman bishop with one of the shortest tenures in the see of the eternal city. He was Pope for a little over one year - from July 12, 1153 to December 3, 1154, but during this time he transferred the relics of St. Helena Equal to the Apostles - the mothers of Constantine the Great were transferred to a modest shrine, and the luxurious antique sarcophagus, where the remains of the saint were previously kept, he prepared for myself. In this sarcophagus he was buried in the crypt of St. Peter.

But among the women of celebrities there was a sea - the tennis player Myskina, the heroine of Dostoevsky Nastasya Filippovna, the woman - the hero Nastasya Mikulishna, the daughter of the last Russian emperor Nicholas - that's just short list historical figures and literary characters named Anastasia. Anastasia was also the daughter of the Prince of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise - the Queen of Hungary. Her image can be found on the fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. The fate of the queen herself was very difficult - from Hungary she had to flee with her children to Bavaria. One of her sons argued with Anastasia Yaroslavna and even raised his hand to her.

Name Nastya

In the new millennium, you rarely find a school, institute or job where there would not be a girl or Nastya's girlfriend. In 1978-1981, 31 out of a thousand babies were called Anastasia, and this name was only in 11th place. But then the rapid growth in popularity began:

In the 80s of the last century, Yuri Antonov sang "Anastasia":

Life is wide open to me,
You came, spring is more beautiful.
Birds in the sky are chirping: "Nastya",
Herbs echo: "Anastasia."
Happy am I, conquered by power
Those eyes are cornflower blue.
Lips tenderly whisper: "Nastya",
The heart echoes: "Anastasia."

Since then, the popularity of the name has been constantly growing.

In 2011, 53 out of a hundred newborn Muscovites were named Anastasia. Several times over the past 15 years, this name has come out on top in popularity. In 2013, it was second, losing the championship to Maria in Moscow.

Name day Anastasia

Rare owners of the name can boast of such an abundance of patron saints. Nastya can celebrate name days on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, 5 and 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11 and 12, December 17.

Saints named Anastasia

In the Orthodox calendar, you can find at least fifteen saints with this name, let's try to tell a little about the most famous ascetics.

Among the ascetics with the name Anastasia, the patron saint of prisoners, the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Witnesser, will be in the first place in terms of fame. Her earliest life, which has come down to us, was compiled in the 6th century, so we know almost nothing about the life of this saint.

The Great Martyr Anastasia suffered in 304 during the cruel persecutions of Emperor Diocletian. It was an emperor who wanted to save the decaying Roman Empire. As the Christian writer Lactantius notes in his essay “On the Death of Persecutors”, the persecution for faith was total: “All people, (without distinction) of sex and age, were driven to the stake; and there were so many of them that they were surrounded not one by one, but in crowds, and put on fire; servants (same) were drowned in the sea, tying each to the neck of a millstone. . No less wild persecution touched other people, because the judges, scattered in all the temples, drove everyone to the sacrifices .. altars, so that those involved in the lawsuit would first offer sacrifices and, under such circumstances, speak out about their deeds.

Anastasia fearlessly visited Roman prisons and helped the sufferers. After the death of her teacher, she traveled through the provinces of the Roman Empire, where persecution raged. She visited Greece and Macedonia, alleviated the suffering of prisoners - brothers in faith. Soon she was seized and, as a Christian, was sentenced to be burned at the stake.

The Great Martyr was widely revered in the West as early as the 4th century. Her honest head was in the monastery of St. Anastasia near the Greek city of Thessaloniki, but on the night of April 22-23, 2012, unknown people stole the relics of this ascetic.

Anastasia Roman or Roman

In 250 or 256 in Rome, after prolonged torture, another martyr named Anastasia was beheaded. Orphaned at the age of three, the noble girl was brought up in a Christian community near the eternal city. She was very beautiful, and at the age of 20, the rejected suitors gave her to the mayor Prov. He demanded to renounce Christ and marry some patrician. Anastasia refused, the enraged persecutor ordered her to be tortured naked in front of the crowd, but the saint continued to praise the Savior and was finally executed. Her body was found by local Christians and buried in the vicinity of Rome.

Anastasia Rimskaya

Apparently, Rome had a special attraction for the martyrs with the name Anastasia. After the sermon of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, one inhabitant of the eternal city accepted the new faith. During the persecution of Nero, Anastasia and her friend Vasilisa buried the bodies of dead Christians. After being tortured, she was beheaded as a Roman citizen in 68. (Roman citizens, as we can learn about, for example, from the Acts of the Apostles, had a number of privileges: they could demand the emperor's trial, so the Apostle Paul was taken to Rome, and he himself spent several years in prison awaiting trial. Roman citizens could not apply shameful executions (crucifixion or eating wild animals in the arena), so they were executed with a sword.

The reasons for Nero's persecution of Christians are briefly reported by the ancient historians Suetonius and Tacitus. The text of the latter in the XV book of the Annals links the persecution of the followers new faith with the great fire of Rome and the emperor’s desire to shift the blame on the Christians: “Here, Nero, in order to overcome rumors, found the guilty and betrayed to the most sophisticated executions those who, with their abominations, brought upon themselves universal hatred and whom the crowd called Christians. Christ, from whose name this name comes, was executed under Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate; suppressed for a while, this malicious superstition began to break out again, and not only in Judea, from where this destruction came, but also in Rome, where everything most vile and shameful flows from everywhere and where it finds adherents. So, first those who openly admitted themselves to belong to this sect were captured, and then, according to their instructions, a great many others, convicted not so much of villainous arson, but of hatred for the human race. Their killing was accompanied by mockery, for they were dressed in the skins of wild animals, so that they were torn to death by dogs, crucified on crosses, or doomed to death in fire were set on fire after dark for the sake of night illumination. For this spectacle, Nero provided his gardens; then he gave a performance in the circus, during which he sat among the crowd in the clothes of a charioteer or drove a team, participating in a chariot race. And although the Christians were guilty and they deserved the most severe punishment, nevertheless these cruelties aroused compassion for them, for it seemed that they were being exterminated not in the form of public benefit, but because of the bloodthirstiness of Nero alone.

The relics of the holy martyr Anastasia are in Rome.

Anastasia Romanova

The youngest daughter of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was born on June 18, 1901. She was the fourth child in the family, from the age of 8 she received home education. The curriculum included French, English and German languages, history, geography, the Law of God, natural sciences, drawing, grammar, arithmetic, as well as dance and music.

Anastasia Nikolaevna did not like grammar, she wrote with a lot of mistakes, and she called arithmetic "stinking". At the same time, Anastasia had a very kind character - she loved pets, adored sweets and sweets and willingly shared them with others.

Anastasia's teachers said that the girl had an easy character. She loved to play hide-and-seek, rounders, serso (a game in which you need to throw rings on a peg). She willingly climbed trees, loved to weave flowers into her hair and was affectionately attached to her brother Alexei, spending whole days with him during bouts of his illness.

Growing up, during the First World War in the hospital, she gave concerts for the wounded and helped her sisters and mother in their ministry of sisters of mercy.

Together with the rest of the royal martyrs, she was shot in the basement of the Ipatiev House on the night of July 16-17, 1918.

The legend of the rescue of Anastasia Romanova

After the execution of the royal family, the story of the miraculous rescue of the younger children of Nicholas II, Anastasia and Alexei, became widespread. The most famous false Anastasia was Anna Anderson, who claimed that she was saved by a soldier with the musical surname Tchaikovsky. The impostor was quickly exposed, and two genetic examinations conducted in 1995 and 2011 put an end to this issue.

Icons of Anastasia

On the icons of saints, you can often find objects associated with their feat.

The Great Martyr Anastasia the Patterner is depicted with a cross (a symbol of martyrdom) and a flask of healing oil, with which she alleviated the suffering of prisoners.

Anastasia the Roman woman is often dressed in monastic robes as a symbol of chastity.

The iconography of St. Anastasia Romanova is notable for some portrait resemblance. The saint holds a cross in her hands as a symbol of suffering. On the most common icon of the royal martyrs on Anastasia's head, one can see a crown or diadem as a symbol of the royal

Names: origin and forms

Anastasia- (from Greek) resurrected.

colloquial: Nastasia, Nastasia.
colloquial: Anastasia, Nastasia.
Derivatives: Anastasiyushka, Anastaska, Nastasya, Nastya, Nasya, Nata, Naya, Nayusya, Nusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyulya, Nastyunya, Nastyura, Styura, Nastyuha, Nastya, Nastya, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya , Asyusha, Syusha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastasyushka.

Directory of Russian names

resurrected(from Greek).

Usually natures are complex, contradictory. Proud, strict and persistent. Crafty and attractive. Changeable and elusive. Years go by: yesterday's "ugly duckling" becomes and remains a seductive woman.

The secret of the name

Anastasia, Nastasia- resurrected (ancient Greek).
The feminine form of the male name Anastasius is resurrected.
A century ago, this name was popular both among the royal family and among the peasantry. Nowadays, the name is still common.
name zodiac: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: dark green.
Talisman Stone: malachite.
auspicious plant: jasmine, orchid.
name patron: Siamese cat.
Happy day: Tuesday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Nastya, Nastasya, Nata, Nasya, Nyusya, Nastena, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Nastyunya, Nastya, Nastya, Stasya, Tasya, Taya, Asya, Susha, Asyuta.
Main features: nobility, simplicity.


Anastasia Patricia of Alexandria, desert, March 23 (10). Saint Anastasia came from an aristocratic family of Constantinople and enjoyed great respect from Emperor Justinian (527-565). Widowed early, she secretly left the world and founded a monastery near Alexandria. A few years later, Emperor Justinian, also a widow, decided to find Anastasia in order to marry her. In order to hide from the search, the venerable one, with the blessing of the venerable Abba Daniel, hid in solitude in a remote cave under the guise of the eunuch Anastasia and lived in strict seclusion for 28 years. Only after the peaceful death of the Monk Abba Daniel revealed her secret. The relics of St. Anastasia in 1200 were transferred to Constantinople.
Anastasia Roman Thessalonica (Thessalonian), venerable martyr, November 11, 12 (October 29, 30). She lived in the 3rd century. She was raised as an orphan in a monastery near Rome. endured twenty years of age cruel torture for the faith of Christ. In a rage, the executioners cut out her tongue. The people, seeing the inhuman abuse, were indignant, and the tormentors were forced to stop the torture, decapitating the martyr.
Anastasia Rimskaya, martyr, April 28 (15).
Anastasia the Patterner, Roman, Illary, Great Martyr, January 4 (December 22). Wealthy Roman woman, lived in the 4th century. She consoled Christians imprisoned in prison, healed their wounds, and freed them from prison for a ransom. For this, she was called a pattern-maker. Then she herself endured great torment for the faith of Christ and died during the torment.


Anastasia is considered the patroness of pregnant women, they pray to her during childbirth.
November 11 - Anastasia the sheepdog, Nastasia the shearer: the beginning of shearing sheep. Shepherds are treated to go home for saving the sheep.


As a child, Nastya is a sweet simpleton and laughter. She is loved in the family and kindergarten, so she is very trusting, open to people, she is easy to deceive. The girl grows up dreamy, she loves fairy tales very much, where Nastenka is a beautiful princess or a smart beautiful girl who has become a queen. She became a queen thanks to kindness and diligence, and Nastya wants to be kind and hardworking, however, the latter is inculcated with great difficulty. She does not want to clean up the toys, having matured - the room. She will learn to sew, cook, but she will do it according to her mood.

He studies well at school, but does not shine with special knowledge. Likes to read books, draw.

The charming snub-nosed face of Nastya does not portend that its owner will become a stylish woman whose taste will be envied by many. She is distinguished by a subtle mental attitude, unmistakable intuition, she is able to foresee events. She has an analytical mind, she will quickly understand the situation and make the right decision. She is changeable in mood, cautious, authoritative, diplomatic.

Most of all, Anastasia is suitable for activities related to any kind of art. She can be an educator kindergarten, psychologist, stewardess, journalist, doctor. Anastasia is strict, persistent and proud, these qualities of her help to establish business relations in business, and there success can await her.

In her youth, Nastya is sly and attractive, she marries early, sometimes making a hasty decision. Her chosen one is most often a strong, courageous man, a military man. Life is not always easy, but Nastya is a devoted and caring wife, a good housewife. She loves flowers, beautiful things, she has an unmistakable taste. She likes to make unexpected original gifts.

Nastya adapts to life circumstances. She loves children very much, gets along well with her mother-in-law, she is easy to touch, she is very compassionate and suggestible, no one except her relatives and friends exists for her. The most successful will be her marriage with Boris, Vladimir, Victor, Konstantin, Denis, Oleg, Pavel and Semyon.


Anastasia Romanovna (? -1559) - the first wife of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible, from the Zakharyin-Yurin family, who later received the nickname Romanovs. That genus has long been known in the Muscovite state. Anastasia's father, Roman Yurievich, served as a roundabout under Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich. When Anastasia was still a girl, her mother, Ulyana Fedorovna, the Monk Gennady predicted that her daughter would become a queen.

In 1547, Ivan Vasilyevich was married to the kingdom, and then he decided to marry. To do this, letters were sent to the cities with an order to bring the girls to the governors for review, those chosen by the governors were brought to Moscow, where the tsar himself chose a bride from them. The choice fell on Anastasia.

The queen had a great influence on the king, according to the chronicle, "the kind Anastasia instructed and led John to all sorts of virtues." Ivan Vasilyevich was faithful to Anastasia until her death. Presumably, Anastasia was poisoned, this is not excluded, because the tsar's close associates were afraid of her influence, they were afraid of being excommunicated from him. The priest Sylvester compared the queen with Evdokia, the persecutor of John Chrysostom, believed that she was "obscene". The tsar himself wrote in a letter to Kurbsky: "And what did you part with your wife about?" Kurbsky fled, Sylvester and Adashev, who are considered the culprits of the death of the queen, fell into disgrace.

In any case, Anastasia died of her own death, or she was poisoned, the death of the tsarina had a serious effect on the state of mind of Grozny, and contributed to the aggravation of his struggle with the boyars.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Anastasia is one of the most beautiful female names, possessing a special mystery, tenderness, but at the same time, strength and special magic. In this article, we will tell you in detail about meaning of the name Anastasia, about the talents and abilities of girls whom their parents called such a fabulous name.

Anastasia is a beautiful name for a girl, which will grow beautiful, tender, smart and feminine. You can pick up many beautiful petting forms for this name.

You can name your daughter:

  • Nastya
  • Nastasya
  • Natoy
  • Nasei
  • Nyusey
  • wall
  • Nastekhoy
  • Nastusei
  • Tusei
  • Nastyunya
  • Nastya
  • Nastya
  • Stasey
  • Tasey
  • sushi
  • Asyuta

origin of the name Anastasia has ancient Greek roots. Translated from Greek it sounds like "resurrecting." Girls with this name have their own talismans that help them succeed in life and be happy:

  • the zodiac sign that patronizes all Nastya is Scorpio;
  • the planet that brings good luck to Nastenka is Pluto;
  • the color that personifies the name Anastasia is dark green (this color should prevail in Nastya's wardrobe);
  • Anastasia's talisman is a malachite stone (if you want to give something worthwhile to Nastya, give her a piece of jewelry with malachite);
  • Flowers that are best given to Anastasia are either jasmine or orchids;
  • The sacred animal that protects all Nastya from troubles is the Siamese cat;
  • The best day of the week for all Anastasii is Tuesday;
  • The most beautiful time of the year for Nastenek is autumn.

When is Anastasia's Day celebrated?

Anastasia has several patron saints, so girls bearing this name celebrate their name days several times a year:

  1. 4 January- on the day of memory of Anastasia the Solver, who devoted her whole life to prisoners, comforting and healing them. She did her best to help them find their way out of the dungeon. For this she was tortured, and in agony she died. By the way, all pregnant women pray to this saint so that Anastasia the Solver will help them cope with pain during childbirth.
  2. March 23- on the day of Anastasia of Alexandria, who founded a monastery in Alexandria and lived in a cave for 28 years, hiding from the emperor Justinian, who wanted to marry her. The relics of this saint are kept to this day in Constantinople.
  3. 11th of November- on the day of memory of Anastasia of Thessaloniki, who went through cruel torture in Rome for believing in Jesus Christ. She was deprived of her tongue, and soon beheaded.

Characteristics of the name Anastasia

Now let's take a closer look at what is character named Anastasia. In many ways, it will depend on the time of year in which the girl named by this name was born:

  • If Nastenka was born in winter, then she will have a rather restrained and stingy character. But she will grow up as a smart girl and achieve great results in her career.

  • If Nastya was born in the spring, then she will be a romantic, amorous and vulnerable girl. She can build a successful career in the photography business, film industry and art.
  • Born Anastasia in the summer becomes very friendly, kind, sympathetic and sociable. She manages to achieve success in work related to social activities.
  • Nastenka, who was born in autumn, is restrained, unemotional. She prefers to keep everything in herself, does not want to communicate with anyone. From such Anastasia it can turn out lovely teacher, academic or lawyer.

In general, if you do not get attached to the time of year when Nastya was born, you can characterize this name like this. All Anastasias are very charming, graceful. They are characterized by a certain variability in mood, caution, nervousness. But Nastya devotes herself to love and completely dissolves in it, alienating herself from the whole world around her.

Girls named Anastasia have a very fine mental organization, she is strongly attached to her native people. Nastasya has a particularly developed intuition. She can predict some events from her life. In addition, all Nastya are able to think analytically, which distinguishes them from all other representatives of the fair sex. However, when thinking deeply about something, Nastya can become cold and lazy.

Nastya can change throughout her life:

  • In kindergarten, Nastyusha is a baby from an old Russian fairy tale - a gentle and charming creature. She is dreamy, likes to fantasize and imagine. She is considered a laughingstock, a simpleton. Only in early childhood can Nastya have problems with appetite, keeping order and cleanliness in her room and not only.
  • At school, Anastasia will responsibly fulfill all the duties assigned to her. She will never let down or deceive the expectations of her parents and teachers, although it cannot be said that she will study with great pleasure. Nastya's favorite subjects can be literature and art. However, Nastenka will be too vulnerable. With cunning and evil people she will be very hard to find mutual language. She will not do any work around the house unless she wants to. The only rule that she will always follow in her room is to decorate it with fresh flowers and fine things.
  • In her youth, Nastasya is a sophisticated girl, but very amorous. Because of this, she can trade her career for an early but happy marriage. If she prefers to grow and develop, then she will achieve everything with her own labor. It will be difficult for her on this path, because she is Nastya, incredibly kind person and talented. She is ready to take on any business that interests her.
  • In adulthood, Anastasia is a wise woman who is distinguished by irresistible beauty and a brilliant mind. She has great taste and style, always looks perfect. From any situation, Anastasia will find a wise solution without conflict, despite the fact that she will behave cautiously and emotionally.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude:

  1. To positive qualities Anastasia's character includes:
  • beauty and intelligence
  • tenderness and dreaminess
  • sensitivity and devotion
  • spirituality and romance
  • perfectionism and altruism
  • hard work and dedication
  • diligence and perseverance
  1. The negative qualities of Nastasya's character include:
  • variability in mood
  • melancholy and vulnerability
  • indecisiveness and debauchery
  • despair, which often overcomes Nastya
  • readiness to put up with difficult life circumstances, because Nastya is afraid to change something

Which job is more suitable for Anastasia?

Anastasia's work is always associated with professions, where you have to set yourself and be sure to complete difficult tasks. But it cannot be said that Nastya loves to do business, as she rather brings disharmony into her world.

Very often she is exposed to her emotions and changes jobs, but she will never choose to go abroad for her career, as it is important for her to be close to the house where her parents live. If Nastya wants to and makes every effort to do this, she can become successful:

  • journalist
  • writer
  • actress
  • director
  • document manager
  • doctor

Anastasia is not very concerned about the material side of life, so she will not work all her life to become rich and wealthy. She has a stable salary enough to provide for herself and her family. Nastya does not need glory, because it will not make her happy.

What Anastasia in love and marriage?

As we have already mentioned, Nastya can get married very early. In marriage, she will be a wonderful wife, a caring mother and a devoted woman. She will not be interested in flirting on the side. Anastasia has a marriage, as a rule, one and for life. Nastya will be able to get along with her husband's relatives. He is necessarily happy, although not thorny, because Nastya will have to go through many difficult trials in family life, disappointments.

The best thing compatible with the name Anastasia very unusual and rare male names. Nastya will become a happy woman if she marries:

  • Whitening
  • Bogolyub
  • Vsevolod
  • Danila
  • Lubomir
  • Mstislav
  • Svyatopolk
  • Seraphim
  • Tverdislav
  • Yaroslav

Below is a list of male names that do not suit Anastasia. Nastya will not be happy if she marries:

  • Andrew
  • Boris
  • Victor
  • Vladimir
  • Denis
  • Oleg
  • Paul
  • seeds

The man Nastya chooses will be distinguished by special masculinity and strength. He will become her chosen one, because with all his might he will win the heart of Anastasia, who will be moved and agree to become the wife of such a brave man.

What is the health of Anastasia?

Nastya is a very painful girl from birth:

  • in infancy, she often develops pneumonia, which is usually accompanied by a very high temperature;
  • the newborn Nastenka often has a disturbed appetite, which is why she refuses her mother's milk;

  • in preschool age Nastenka often suffers from tonsillitis, and in school she often develops either a sore throat, for example, a sore throat, or bronchitis;
  • Anastasia may also have diseases associated with nervous system- she can be too irritable and even unbalanced;
  • in adolescence Nastya is constantly sick with the flu, which is complicated by neuropathy;
  • becoming a woman, Anastasia is constantly forced to treat gynecological diseases, because her menstrual cycle goes astray, her uterus weakens, she becomes unable to bear a child, and if she manages to give birth, then childbirth is very difficult;
  • Anastasia, reaching old age, often suffer from rheumatism, varicose veins, and eye diseases.

The fate of the name Anastasia

The proportion of women named Anastasia can be largely predicted by studying the biography of women who have been noted for something in history:

  1. Anastasia Zakharyina-Yuryeva became the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, although she came from a family with an average income.
  2. Anastasia Vertinskaya is a famous actress who played the role of Margarita in the first film adaptation of The Master and Margarita.
  3. Anastasia Liukin is a Russian gymnast who has become a multiple Olympic champion in uneven bars.
  4. Anastasia Ermakova is a Russian swimmer who managed to become the world champion in swimming four times.

  1. Anastasia Volochkova is the prima ballerina of Russian ballet.
  2. Anastasia Tsvetaeva is a modern Russian writer who is successfully engaged not only in philology, but also in directing.
  3. Anastasia Vyaltseva is a Russian operetta, pop and gypsy romance singer.
  4. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Honored Artist of Russia, theater and film actress, famous TV presenter.
  5. Enestecia is a popular US pop diva.
  6. Stacey Keenan is a Hollywood film actress.

If your parents named you Anastasia, it means that you are a happy person who has not only a beautiful name, but also a wonderful destiny. But remember that a person's life does not determine his name. We can change it at any moment better side if you suddenly find yourself in an unpleasant situation. We wish that all Anastasias have a life as fabulous as their name.

Video: "The Secret of the Name Anastasia"

Nastya is a very beautiful, sonorous name. It has been very popular for more than a century. Finding out the meaning of the name Anastasia will be useful and interesting to all parents who have chosen it for their girl.

It is interesting that the discussed female name came from the male. This is a variant of the Greek name Anastas. The society really liked the female version, so the name began to spread quickly in different countries.

Initially, it was given to representatives royal dynasty and noble children. But gradually, daughters in peasant families also began to receive it.

The very first known Anastasia was the wife of Ivan the Terrible.

Historians note that the tenderness and courtesy of a woman helped her soften the temper of a cruel ruler. Only Anastasia Zakharyeva-Yuryeva knew how to influence the tyrant in this way. After her death, the king remembered her alone with light sadness and compared with her all his subsequent chosen ones.

Believers are probably familiar with the Great Martyr Anastasia. This is a saint who suffered from the cruel persecution of the pagans in Rome. The martyr was executed for her faith and for helping other Christians.

The meaning of the name for a girl

The male name Anastas, from which his female version appeared, means "resurrected" in translation. The meaning of the name Nastya for the girl turned out to be similar - “returned to life”, “resurrected”, “resurrecting”.

This meaning of the name influenced the fate of its owners. Next to Nastya, completely desperate people who have fallen out of love with her again return to life.

Character and fate associated with the name

Parents will not be enough to know what the name of the child means. It is much more important and interesting to study how it affects the character and fate of the girl.

  • From early childhood, Nastenka are very kind, trusting and completely unforgiving girls. They are incapable of revenge and all kinds of evil deeds.
  • Little Nastya love to read. Especially fairy tales. They have a well-developed imagination, so girls are able to invent fascinating stories themselves and tell them to their parents and friends. Nastenki can easily entertain themselves on their own. They are comfortable playing alone without a large group of friends.

Girls believe that good should always win in life. Therefore, any injustice is extremely painful.

  • At an early age, Nastya is incapable of aggression, but as a result of severe life situations they can withdraw into themselves and become angry. This is an alien state for such girls, which definitely does not make them happy.
  • All Anastasias have a highly developed intuition. The bearers of this name are often religious. Faith and regular church attendance help them keep peace of mind and inner harmony. True, Nastya is easy to lure into a sect. It's all about her gullibility and passion for the other world.
  • Nastasyas are romantic and dreamy. If a the world does not make the girl happy, she can hide in her "shell" and refuse to go outside. Due to the fact that Nastya is afraid of mental pain, often at first glance she seems cold and aloof in communication. But it is worth getting to know the girl better and you will be able to understand that in fact she is always responsive and friendly.
  • Hard work is also an integral part of the character of the bearer of the name under discussion. True, daydreaming often distracts her from important matters. All these qualities have a serious impact on the adult life of a girl.

Anastasia is an excellent craftswoman. It is easy for them to study various types of needlework. Nastya is interested in knitting, sewing, cooking delicious original dishes.

Adult bearers of the name always strive to keep their home clean. They easily throw out everything superfluous, without regret get rid of annoying things or gifts they don’t like. Anastasias are very fond of coziness and can wander around the shops for hours to find the very vase that will perfectly complement the composition on the shelf.

Such girls are sympathetic, sincere, mercy and pity are not alien to them. Nastya can be safely entrusted with any secret. She will definitely keep it in the strictest confidence.

  • Often, already adult Anastasias choose for themselves those professions in which they have the opportunity to help others - to give them warmth, care, attention. For example, they can go into medicine, children's educational institutions to become a psychologist. If Nastya's work is in no way connected with helping people, most likely she will want to join the ranks of volunteers in order to satisfy her strong inner desire to be useful to others.
  • Interestingly, even adult Anastasia continues to dream and fantasize a lot. Sometimes this quality prevents them from taking a serious look at life and realistically assessing their position in it. Sometimes it does not even allow you to choose the right man. It is easy for Nastya to “powder” her head and subdue her with empty talk about the high. The girl rarely dares to check whether the words of the chosen one coincide with the actions.
  • The bearers of this name are always ready to sacrifice their needs, desires, time and money for the sake of another person. Even if it's a stranger they're seeing for the first time. At the same time, Anastasia has a firm, unbending character. If she decides to achieve something, she will definitely come to an excellent result.
  • Nastya dreams of being under the protection of a man. Therefore, he tries to find a strong one for himself. courageous man for the role of the second half. The girl herself is not always able to provide for her family and expects this from her husband. Anastasia often finds herself dependent on her life partner not only financially, but also psychologically. As a rule, such women marry early. As a result, they become faithful caring spouses and loving mothers. If necessary, Nastya will quite easily give up her career and begin to deal exclusively with her home and family.
  • It is not easy to be friends with Anastasia. The reason for this is their frequent mood swings. Nastya can laugh uncontrollably in one minute, and in another - plunge into a depressive state. The girl loves to play with feelings, to manipulate people. From close friends and admirers, she demands obvious admiration and a stream of compliments. Therefore, from the outside it can sometimes seem overly self-confident.

Among the negative features of Nastya, one can also note the inability to overcome troubles with dignity. Even the slightest failure can drive a girl crazy. In addition, Anastasia dreams all her life just to go with the flow, and to shift the solution of her own important tasks to someone else.

When Nastya celebrates her name day

All bearers of the name Anastasia celebrate name days almost throughout the year.

  • In winter - December 26 and January 4.
  • In the spring - March 23, April 5 and 28, May 10.
  • In summer - June 1 and 9, July 4 and 17, August 10.
  • And in the fall - November 11 and 12.

Each Nastasya can choose the number that she likes most from the list presented and consider it her main Angel day. On this date, relatives will surely prepare beautiful, touching congratulations and small memorable gifts for the girl.

Middle name compatibility

Anastasia is considered a complex (due to the number of syllables), but at the same time a very melodic name.

Best of all, it is combined with short middle names.

For example, with the following: Petrovna, Ivanovna, Yakovna, Igorevna.

The name sounds good next to even long patronymics (like Vladislavovna or Alexandrovna). But in this case, the combination will be difficult to pronounce and even more so to write to others.

What male names will have a happy family life

It will be important for the girl herself to know not only the meaning own name, but also its compatibility with men's. Such information will help you choose the ideal chosen one for yourself, with whom you will be able to build a relationship for life.

The minimum probability of a strong happy relationship with Nastya with the representatives of the stronger sex with the following names: Maxim, Andrey, Timur, Mark, Efim, Daniel, Taras, Philip.

Most likely, it will be possible to live for a long time in love and harmony with the bearers of the names: Arseny, Roman, Bogdan, Yaroslav, Stepan, Anatoly, Dmitry, Vasily, Victor and Valentin.

Talismans for the name Nastasya

The name under discussion has several talismans at once.

Among them:

  • malachite stone;
  • orchid flower (white or pink);
  • jasmine plant;
  • animal cat;
  • number two.

Nastya can choose any of the listed talismans for herself and, for example, hide it under a shirt with a pendant. Such decoration will protect the girl from failures and external negativity.

The name Anastasia never loses its popularity. It is perfect for both a little girl and an adult serious lady.