Tikhomirov Sergey Evgenievich physics teacher 56 gymnasium. Former physics teacher student: He spanked and drugged high school girls. You are a brilliant teacher, you have wonderful students

In St. Petersburg secondary school No. 1, the teacher of physics and mathematics, the honored teacher of Russia, who once worked at the research institute, Sergei Fedorovich Tikhomirov, was fired. The reason for the removal from work is weighty - harassment to the 9th grader. After the parents of the schoolgirl wrote a statement to the police, the school administration simply put Tikhomirov before the fact of dismissal.

Physics teacher Sergei Tikhomirov, who was accused of harassing a student in his office high school No. 1 of St. Petersburg, said that the schoolgirl slandered him, trying in this way to earn a triple in the subject. According to him, the student did almost nothing for the entire quarter.

- The girl did practically nothing in my subject during the entire first quarter. And in two weeks I decided to get my top three at an accelerated pace. There are different ways, the girl decided in this way to get her three. She probably thought that some other teacher would come and draw her a triple, says Tikhomirov, who raised three children himself.

Tikhomirov noted that he was looking for a job, so he decided not to make this story public. I only wanted to chat with the girl, but my parents did not make contact and did not begin to communicate.

- A few days later she showed up at school, as the guys said. And she told one of the guys that I was fired because I harassed her. Everyone thinks it's impossible. Everyone saw how I worked. The guys loved me,” says Tikhomirov.

According to him, you can’t tell from a girl that she could do In a similar way. And the administration characterizes it with positive side because she never acted like that. However, in exact subjects, the girl's knowledge is small.

- In my subject, almost none at all. This child could not learn a formula consisting of three symbols. I want to leave the story on this girl's conscience. She has to live with her. And I will keep working. I have been in the school for 30 years. I do it the best. Children can only say good things about me, because I have not done anything bad in my life, says Tikhomirov.

The teacher notes that he does not feel guilty, because he did not do anything illegal.

“I don’t feel guilty about anything, of course, I’m spat on now. But I think I can handle it. And those who know me will not think that of me. I did not commit any illegal actions, and I have nothing to blame, the teacher clarifies.

The parents of the ninth grader, in turn, refused to comment on the incident.

But I will give my comments. It is very strange that a teacher with 30 years of experience was fired because of a statement to the police. Has the presumption of innocence ceased to apply? As I understand it, the schoolgirl had no evidence that she was harassed.

Yes, and a counterclaim for libel can be filed against parents with compensation for moral and financial damage. The director who did not stand up for his subordinate should also suffer. And put a schoolgirl on record for such an act.

Born in a Leningrad working-class family. He graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after P. Togliatti in 1985 and worked for three years at a research institute. In 1988, he moved to work at a school as a teacher of physics and mathematics. Now he has the highest qualification category, teaches physics at school No. 133 and performs the duties of deputy director. The pedagogical credo can be expressed in the lines of M. Tsvetaeva: “Children are the sun in cloudy motives,// A whole world of hypotheses, joyful sciences,” and in the words of V. O. Klyuchevsky: “To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach, and love those you teach." Both are fully inherent in the hero of the day. Here is an excerpt from a letter from the parents of graduates of school No. 133 to the commission for awarding the St. Petersburg Government Prize in the nomination "The Best Teacher of St. Petersburg": "Sergei Evgenievich is a highly qualified teacher of physics, not only knowing his subject perfectly, but also constantly improving knowledge in advanced training courses. It is easy to learn from him - this teacher knows how to capture the attention of the children, at a memorable interesting lesson in accessible form conveys the material to the students, so any homework is done easily and quickly. Sergei Evgenievich is always fair in grading and knows that the main thing is to arouse interest in the subject in the child, without forcing him to study “under pressure”. Children like the justice of the teacher, his attitude towards them as independent individuals. Sergei Evgenievich loves his work and his students. He manages to prevent any conflict situations at the very beginning. He easily finds contact with parents, you can always come to school or even call home at any time to talk about your child. Sergei Evgenievich is always friendly, responsive and attentive. It gives special pleasure open lessons, which parents of students often come to and sometimes rediscover its subject. Pupils constantly participate in various city olympiads and competitions and often become winners. Sergey Evgenievich is also engaged in extracurricular work with his students: he regularly conducts field lessons in his subject and related disciplines (mathematics, astronomy), often organizes excursions, visits to museums and exhibitions. The physical classroom is a favorite place for schoolchildren, because many visual aids were made by Sergei Evgenievich himself. Graduates maintain constant contact with their former teacher. Many of them are now studying at prestigious universities and always remember Sergey Evgenievich with great gratitude.” This opinion is shared by colleagues, teachers of physics in the Nevsky district. Since 1990, Sergei Evgenievich has been a constant participant in all methodological festivals and urban pedagogical readings held by the Physics Cabinet of St. Petersburg APG10 (GUPM). He repeatedly delivered reports at pedagogical readings in memory of L.I. Skrelin in 1996, 2001 and 2005, pedagogical readings in memory of A.A. Vaneev in 1997, at a pedagogical conference dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the methodological service of St. Petersburg ( 2003), at pedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of P.A. Znamensky, two international conferences “Physics in the system of modern education”. Every year he comes to the Day of Physics, which is held as part of the Moscow Pedagogical Marathon and to the Festival of Educational Literature in Moscow. For active methodical work in the Nevsky district, Sergei Evgenievich in 2005 was awarded a diploma from the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. She has scientific publications in the collections of the NMC of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg, in newspapers and teaching aids of all-Russian publishing houses of educational and methodological literature. For ten years, Sergei Evgenievich Tikhomirov participated in the approbation of the program and educational and methodological package in physics by G.N. Stepanova for basic and complete secondary schools. Possessing a high level of creativity, Sergey Evgenievich is constantly in a creative search, attracting students and colleagues to participate in various projects, striving to maximize the students' abilities. Since 1990, his students have been annually winning prizes at the Olympiad in Physics and other creative competitions. At his school, he organized a research society in physics for students in grades 7-11. Sergei Evgenievich has a large and friendly family. His wife, Nina Nikolaevna Tikhomirova, is an engineer at JSC Russian Gems. The eldest daughter Anna graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics and has been working as an accountant in a firm for six years; son Sergei is a professional photographer, participates in prestigious city competitions, is published in magazines; the youngest daughter, Irina, is a 4th year student at the Academy of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft at the coaching faculty. The teacher's hobbies are automotive technology, reading, solving various puzzles.

We sincerely wish Sergey Evgenievich health, creative success,
authority among colleagues, respect for students and love in the family!

You are a brilliant teacher, you have wonderful students!

Physics teacher Sergei Tikhomirov, who was accused of harassing a student in the office of secondary school No. 1 in St. Petersburg, said that the schoolgirl slandered him, trying to earn a three in the subject in this way. According to him, the student did practically nothing for the entire quarter. - The girl did practically nothing in my subject during the entire first quarter. And in two weeks I decided to get my top three at an accelerated pace. There are different ways, the girl decided in this way to get her three. She probably thought that some other teacher would come and draw her a triple, says Tikhomirov, who raised three children himself.

The teacher said that a week before the end of the first term, he was summoned by the principal. Two head teachers and someone's parents were also present in the office.

Parents handed the paper to the director. The director read out that I was allegedly accused of some kind of harassment of a girl who was in my class. I said that it was nothing, because it was nothing. The director told me that I did not work from the next day. They were very sorry that there were no cameras in the physics classroom - nothing could be proved. On the contrary, I said that it was a pity, because with the help of a camera it would be possible to prove that this had not happened, - the teacher specified. Tikhomirov noted that he was looking for a job, so he decided not to make this story public. I only wanted to chat with the girl, but my parents did not make contact and did not begin to communicate.

A few days later she appeared at school, as the guys said. And she told one of the guys that I was fired because I harassed her. Everyone thinks it's impossible. Everyone saw how I worked. The guys loved me, - says Tikhomirov.

According to him, you can’t tell from a girl that she could do such a thing. And the administration characterizes her on the positive side, because she has never behaved in such a way. However, in exact subjects, the girl's knowledge is small.

Almost none in my subject. This child could not learn a formula consisting of three symbols. I want to leave the story on this girl's conscience. She has to live with her. And I will keep working. I have been in the school for 30 years. I do it the best. Children can only say good things about me, because I have not done anything bad in my life, - Tikhomirov notes.
The teacher notes that he does not feel guilty, because he did not do anything illegal.

I don't feel guilty about anything, of course, I'm spat on now. But I think I can handle it. And those who know me will not think that of me. I did not commit any illegal actions, and I have nothing to blame, - the teacher clarifies.

The parents of the ninth grader, in turn, refused to comment on the incident.

Sergei Tikhomirov graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after P. Tolyatti, after which he worked at a research institute for three years. In 1988, he went to work at the school as a teacher of physics and mathematics. Tikhomirov was repeatedly published in newspapers and teaching aids All-Russian publishing houses of educational and methodical literature. His students annually participate and win physics olympiads.

Recall that on the evening of November 18, a 36-year-old Petersburger turned to the police. The woman said that over her 15-year-old daughter.

According to a law enforcement source, the mother of the victim said that on October 25, in the physics classroom, a teacher committed sexual assault against a 9th grade student.

Physics teacher Sergei Tikhomirov, who was accused of harassing a student in the office of secondary school No. 1 in St. Petersburg, said that the schoolgirl slandered him, trying to earn a three in the subject in this way. According to him, the student did almost nothing for the entire quarter.

The girl did practically nothing in my subject during the entire first quarter. And in two weeks I decided to get my top three at an accelerated pace. There are different ways, the girl decided in this way to get her three. She probably thought that some other teacher would come and draw her a triple, says Tikhomirov, who raised three children himself.

The teacher said that a week before the end of the first term, he was summoned by the principal. Two head teachers and someone's parents were also present in the office.

Parents handed the paper to the director. The director read out that I was allegedly accused of some kind of harassment of a girl who was in my class. I said that it was nothing, because it was nothing. The director told me that I did not work from the next day. They were very sorry that there were no cameras in the physics classroom - nothing could be proved. I, on the contrary, said that it was a pity, because with the help of a camera it would be possible to prove that nothing had happened, - the teacher specified.

Tikhomirov noted that he was looking for a job, so he decided not to make this story public. I only wanted to chat with the girl, but my parents did not make contact and did not begin to communicate.

A few days later she appeared at school, as the guys said. And she told one of the guys that I was fired because I harassed her. Everyone thinks it's impossible. Everyone saw how I worked. The guys loved me, - says Tikhomirov.

According to him, you can’t tell from a girl that she could do such a thing. And the administration characterizes her on the positive side, because she has never behaved in such a way. However, in exact subjects, the girl's knowledge is small.

Almost none in my subject. This child could not learn a formula consisting of three symbols. I want to leave the story on this girl's conscience. She has to live with her. And I will keep working. I have been in the school for 30 years. I do it the best. Children can only say good things about me, because I have not done anything bad in my life, - Tikhomirov notes.

The teacher notes that he does not feel guilty, because he did not do anything illegal.

I don't feel guilty about anything, of course, I'm spat on now. But I think I can handle it. And those who know me will not think that of me. I did not commit any illegal actions, and I have nothing to blame, - the teacher clarifies.

The parents of the ninth grader, in turn, refused to comment on the incident.

Sergei Tikhomirov graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after P. Tolyatti, after which he worked at a research institute for three years. In 1988, he went to work at the school as a teacher of physics and mathematics. Tikhomirov has repeatedly published in newspapers and teaching aids of all-Russian publishing houses of educational and methodical literature. His students annually participate and win physics olympiads.

Recall that on the evening of November 18, a 36-year-old Petersburger turned to the police. The woman reported that her 15-year-old daughter was abused by a physics teacher.

According to a law enforcement source, the mother of the victim said that on October 25, in the physics classroom, a teacher committed sexual assault against a 9th grade student.

Later, the school management fired the teacher.


In one of the St. Petersburg schools, the teacher was accused of pedophilia.

FROM the shackle flared up around the physics teacher Sergei Tikhomirov, who teaches at school No. 1. He is suspected of violence against a schoolgirl. As his former student said, he always allowed himself signs of attention in relation to schoolgirls that were unacceptable for a teacher. Sergei Evgenievich always complimented the appearance and figure of her classmates, Anna recalls, and also allowed himself spanking below the back. In addition, he often offered alcohol to his students, writes Life.ru.

He gave a lot of unsatisfactory marks, and then invited to retake, hinting that the schoolgirls would bring something tasty. After answering all the questions on the subject by heart, Tikhomirov invited her to mark the passing of the test.

“He went to his laboratory, brought a plastic bottle from there, said that it was homemade wine, very tasty, “try it, you will like it very much,” recalls a former student.

After a couple of sips, the girl felt inadequate. At the same time, the teacher tried to kiss his ward.

I sat down in horror, I became really scared. I couldn't even imagine what would happen next. Maybe he is aggressive, he can attack, somehow press me. Then she asked to be let out of the office,” she said.

Recall that on the evening of November 18, a 36-year-old Petersburger turned to the police. The woman said that her 15-year-old daughter was abused by a teacher of physics and.