How to raise your intellectual level. How to develop intelligence - the best exercises and advice from psychologists. Learn foreign languages

Intelligence develops as we grow up. So, there are ways to stimulate the increase in its level. Why not use them?!

Before answering the main question of the article, how to increase intelligence, let's turn to the studied facts.

Psychologists have established a difference in the development of intelligence in women and men. If in the former it develops sharply up to a certain point, then in the latter it develops slowly and throughout life. Unfair but true! Therefore, if a woman undertakes to develop her intellect, then she should know: after a period of her formation as an adult, the chance to increase her IQ drops sharply. Many psychologists express this idea more sharply: after 23-25 ​​years, a woman can increase her knowledge base and only, it is no longer possible to develop mental abilities.

There are also opposite opinions (mainly the indignation of female psychologists, more like a denial of the fact). In any case, your intellect, on which success in business depends, is your life choice and fate in general, worth the effort...

So, back to the problem of how to increase intelligence. What methods are known and available to everyone?

First, remember the main rule and make it your motto, otherwise nothing will work out: the intellect develops while it is used! If you don't grow, you degrade. Self-development should be your goal, no matter how it is expressed.

Limit your intellect from harmful influences: stupid TV shows, empty talk. Better make him work: on a serious project, an interesting riddle, a puzzle (in extreme cases, a crossword puzzle). Do more things that require mental effort. For example, you can write a scientific or philosophical book. What is closer to you?

Practice thinking globally and acting in relation to a real and current situation. The more information you can cover, the wider you look at the problem, the more effective you will be in business.

Here are some important principles to achieve the task, how to increase intelligence. By the way, they can also serve as examples of global thinking (for the future, in a long-term project).

What can be done privately? How to increase your intelligence now?

The brain must constantly be saturated with oxygen. Do not deprive him of this: regular walks in the fresh air, airing the premises and a mandatory minimum of physical activity - 2 times for 30 minutes every week !!! Even if you are not a supporter of physical education, aerobics, fitness, choose the most simple exercises and do them. Or start running. You can choose an active sport. What do you like more?..

If you want to be as productive as possible, study your mental performance: what time is the peak of activity (for most people - at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, for some at one in the morning).

Be sure to improve your own speech. It is these two that are most closely connected with thinking and intellectual capabilities. Find the right tricks for (not pills! otherwise the effect will be short-lived), and start reading more. Give preference to books and magazines that are written in a language that requires extra effort to understand it. In a word, always reach for more (this is an example of a local action on a global plan).

External stimuli will also help to increase intelligence, with the help of which (smell, music, color) you can regulate any mental process and performance. And then train to work in any conditions: nothing is a hindrance to a good dancer! ..

Now you have "on hand" the basic techniques of how to increase intelligence, start small and do not be distracted from the intended goal, then the result will please you, and life will take on a different meaning ...

To have pumped up muscles, they need to be trained. The same principle works with the intellect. If you want to be smart, upgrade your IQ. This does not mean that you need to read the whole scientific literature. It is enough to do simple exercises every day to increase your IQ.

Memorize poetry or prose

Perhaps you don't like learning passages by heart. And this time-consuming and nerve-wracking activity perfectly develops the brain. And at school, children learn poetry or prose not just for a good mark, but to train their intellect, so that it would be easier for them to solve tasks in mathematics, Russian and other academic subjects. Therefore, do not stop learning poetry after school. Find passages that interest you and try to memorize at least one a week or two.

Write down your thoughts

Get into the habit of taking interesting notes. It can be your thoughts, entertaining facts from news or entertainment portals, catchy quotes or entries for personal diary. So you will learn to analyze information and train your brain without stress.

go in for sports

Moderate physical activity increases blood circulation, and the brain receives more oxygen and nutrients. It can be the simplest exercises that can be easily done at home, or a walk down the street.

Read books

Try to read books regularly. Reading stimulates brain activity, makes the imagination work, develops creative thinking and memory, improves concentration. Analyze the plot, characters, decipher the subtext and look for morality in the works. So you will pump not only erudition, but also intelligence.

Solve math problems

It is not necessary to climb into the jungle of higher mathematics. For training, you can take simple calculations: multiplying two-digit numbers or adding three-digit ones. Get into the habit of writing down examples on a piece of paper and try to solve them in your head, comparing your result with the calculations on the calculator. Great for developing analytical skills.

Solve puzzles

The Internet is full of thematic for pumping IQ. It can be logic puzzles and puzzles. For example, find small details in a picture, memorize an image, decipher an anagram, and much more. If you do not forget about such a warm-up every day, then you can perfectly develop your brain.

Learn a foreign language

It has long been proven that the study of foreign languages ​​perfectly trains the brain. Yes, and knowledge can be useful when traveling abroad. Therefore, try at least on your own, with help and textbooks to learn grammar, words of a foreign language and train your speech. And the result will not be long in coming.

eat right

Decreased analytical abilities, poor memory, absent-mindedness can be signals that the body lacks vitamins and minerals. Therefore, nutrition should be balanced and healthy. Read about 100 products for the mind .

Before starting tasks. Then choose the workout option you like or combine several. The main thing is regularity and conscious training. If in a couple of months you perform better on the IQ test, then you are on the right track.

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The level of human intelligence depends, contrary to popular belief, not only on the number of books read and memorized lectures. Here and the presence healthy eating, and the number of sports loads, and even the rate of fire in computer games. In today's article, read about how to increase your IQ level by 16 points in just one week.

More vitamins

Day: Monday. Elapsed time: 30 seconds. Result: +2 IQ points

Athletes take creatine to increase their muscle mass, but this carboxylic acid also great for stimulating the brain. Research by Australian scientists from the Universities of Sydney and Macquarie shows that taking just 5 grams of pure creatine per day for a month will increase intelligence by as much as 14 points, and especially the ability to quickly calculate and perform logical operations.

Just remember it

Day: Tuesday. Elapsed time: 30 minutes. Result: +5 IQ points

An elastic and mobile brain capable of assimilating and remembering a large amount of information is the key to success both in life and passing iq tests. For development short term memory, Dr. Susanna Jaggi (University of Michigan) offers to play at least once every two days in the so-called. dual n-back games in which you need to memorize a sequence of images and sounds.

Make up words

Day: Wednesday. Elapsed time: 1 hour. Result: +1 IQ point

AT Soviet time the game "Erudite" was in deserved demand, but over time it was somehow forgotten. And absolutely in vain! From today, scrabble (modern interpretation) should be your great friend. Because composing words from a limited number of letters is also the development competent speech, and activation vocabulary, which is undoubtedly in the best way will affect your IQ. Moreover, you can play anywhere and any way you like - various variations of the game exist for all major desktop and mobile operating systems.

When everything is lazy and you want to sleep ... blow on the treadmill

Day: Thursday. Elapsed time: 1 hour. Result: +2 IQ points

Researchers at the Institute of Neurology and Psychology, located in Tsvetsii, claim that a healthy and well-functioning cardiovascular system can increase the level of intelligence by as much as 50% (although it seems to me that the reverse process is more likely here - the less health, the lower the intelligence). "Intense cardio training has a clear positive effect on human cognition," says Maria Aberg, who led the study. And by the way, for those who still doubt, I remind you that it is already spring outside the window and you will soon be able to run in any park you like.

Get more knowledge

Day: Friday. Elapsed time: 40 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

Another key point in increasing Iq is the variety of knowledge gained. And the point here is not only in the general expansion of horizons, but also in training the brain, like ordinary muscles. Instead of your favorite NTV with its murders and series about cops, turn on the Discovery Channel or the National Geographic. Read on the road not jokes from the bashorg, but science fiction (for example). Don't get hung up on one thing!

Give up meat

Day: Saturday. Elapsed time: 15 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

It seems incredible, but the results of many studies conducted by different scientists in different countries and in perfect different years says one thing - vegetarianism can really improve your intelligence. I have not found any justification for such a causal relationship, and to be honest, I myself am not ready to give up meat yet, but if you are already thinking about a vegetarian diet, then here is another argument in favor of this decision.

Play video games

Day: Sunday. Elapsed time: 1 hour. Result +2 IQ points

Everything is good in moderation, and computer toys are no exception. Military first-person shooters are a good way to improve the perception of visual signals and coordination of movements in the real world. For example, a person who plays CS once a week is more likely to have time to react to a car suddenly flying onto the sidewalk and save his own life. Also a kind of increase in the level of intelligence.

Many people wonder how to develop their thinking. In this article, we will talk about 7 simple and free tricks that will help increase intelligence, creativity and improve concentration.

Why is brain training important?

Imagine that the brain is a house built of bricks. Neurons act as "bricks", they are the main building material. As with building a house, how securely the “bricks” are interconnected plays a big role here. The better the cement mortar, the better the bricks are connected to each other. It is the same with the brain - the stronger the connections that neurons form with each other, the better and faster the brain functions.

Neural connections are formed throughout life, helping different areas of the brain to accumulate information from the outside world, such as experience and knowledge. To develop your brain, you must constantly maintain the activity of already formed neural connections. This can be done with the help of special exercises.

In her book Brain Building: Exercising Yourself Smarter, Marilyn vos Savant writes: “Train your brain and you will open up new horizons, behind which lies the understanding of what previously seemed unthinkable.”

Give yourself a little time every day to exercise, and soon you will notice that you have become much more attentive, and your IQ - a few points higher.

Learn by teaching others

“If you don’t understand a topic well, you will never explain it to another. While teaching, you improve your own knowledge, so if you want to remember something as quickly as possible, try to teach it.”

Here are some tips:

  • For a better understanding of a topic, break it down into parts, study each section in detail, and then make a brief summary.
  • Try to teach someone. AT accessible form Present what you have learned to the audience. Write about what you learned in a blog, tell your friends or relatives about it. Most importantly, remember that your explanation should be as simple and understandable as possible for everyone.

Write to learn

Writing thoughts is a common teaching method that develops the ability to think coherently and logically. In order for the text to turn out to be coherent, you will have to describe each concept in detail, this is what will allow you to understand the topic in detail and slowly and how to remember the material.

  • Start writing for an existing blog or start your own. Use the blogging platform or the Telegram channel.
  • Write an article on a topic that interests you. If you have received feedback from experts, listen to their advice.

go in for sports

Physical activity will not only help you stay in good shape, but also improve brain function. It has been proven that playing sports increases the level of the BDNF protein, which accelerates neurogenesis - the formation of new brain cells.

  • Choose a set of exercises that suits you and perform them every day. It is not necessary to force yourself to run several kilometers at a time or spend hours in the gym - a simple exercise in the morning will be enough to start.
  • Change your diet. Switch to a healthy diet, for example, try to give up products with high content Sahara.

Listen to audiobooks

Audiobooks are a great way to gain new knowledge without being distracted from everyday activities. On the way to work or home, at the gym or in the kitchen while preparing dinner - an audiobook can be with you anywhere and anytime.

Read wisely

  • Scroll through the book: read the contents, chapter titles, introduction and afterword.
  • Determine main topic works, as well as the main problems raised by the author. Ask yourself questions as you read, such as "Why does the author disagree with this?"
  • After reading the book, answer three questions:
  1. What was said in the book?
  2. What conclusion can be drawn from this?
  3. How can this information be used?

Count in your mind

Remember the simple arithmetic operations you were taught in primary school. Leave the calculator alone, mental counting makes the brain work and is a good workout for it:

Multiplying two-digit numbers by 11:

Add the first and second digits of the given number: 3 + 2 = 5

Put 5 between 3 and 2 and you're done: 352

Addition of two-digit numbers:

Add 84 + 50 = 134

Then add 7 to 134: 134 + 7 = 141

Subtraction of three-digit numbers:

Subtract 400 from 645: 645 - 400 = 245

Then add 28 as 400 - 372 = 28

645 – 372 = 273

Multiplication hint:

88 x 54 is about 90 x 50 = 4500

Exact answer: 88 x 54 = 4752

Learn a new language

The best way to develop intelligence and improve cognitive abilities is to learn a foreign language. Scientists have found that people who know two or more foreign languages ​​maintain a clear mind longer in old age. Also, the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease in polyglots is significantly lower than in those who speak only their native language.

Follow these simple advice and you will certainly notice improvements in the functioning of your brain.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends. With you Yuri Okunev.

Today on the agenda is the question: how to increase aikyu, develop intelligence and become smarter? It is no secret that intellectual and smart people are always appreciated, they get the best personnel positions and their salary is higher. Can anyone become an intellectual? And is there any connection between the brand of gasoline and the ability to solve super complex problems?

About everything in order.

Our brain can be compared to a machine. This machine provides us with opportunities to achieve the goal. Our work, career, daily activities - this is the way we go to our goal.

What is a goal? Everyone has it different. I propose to conditionally designate it with the word "Success". We all move towards success at different speeds. Some slower, some faster...

What determines the speed of our car?
I hear the exclamation of avid motorists: "From the motor!". Correctly.

What is IQ (IQ)?

In our case, the role of the motor will be performed by the level of intelligence - IQ (aykyu).

The IQ level is a conditional score in points that characterizes the degree intellectual development specific person.

This term was first introduced by the Austrian W. Stern in 1911. And the first attempts to measure intelligence were made a little earlier, in 1903, by the French psychologist A. Binet, the author of the idea itself.

The IQ level is determined using special tests. As a rule, it gives an idea of ​​the potential of a person, how flexible his thinking is, whether his memory works well, whether he is able to solve certain problems. With the help of IQ it is impossible to measure the level of knowledge and erudition.

What is the level?

The most famous IQ test is the Eysenck test. You can go through it both at home and under the guidance of an experienced psychologist. In the first case, it is easier and faster; in the second, it will give more objective indicators.

The maximum number of points can reach up to 160 - this is the most powerful level of intelligence. Average level- somewhere around 100-110 points. Below 80 points - this is low intelligence, and above 130 - quite high, only 2.2% of the world's population possess it.

Does the level of intelligence depend on the profession? To some extent it can and does, but not always. An ordinary turner at a factory can have an intelligence of 125-130 points, be able to solve the most complex problems. But, for example, one of the US presidents, George W. Bush, was content with a level of 91 points.

In general, the level of IQ is directly related to the number of synapses - nerve connections that ensure the interaction of various parts of the brain. They are formed in childhood. Therefore, in a child up to 10-11 years of age, the intellect will still be rather weak, but in a teenager it is fully formed and remains at the same level throughout life.

Can it be developed?

But back to our sheep. So, we found out that in order to safely drive a car to a destination called "Success", the car must have a good engine (or IQ) that will not act up and knock.

But what if the “motor”, frankly, is not very good? Pump it up! Of course, you won't get a racing car. But an increase in your aikyu by 10-12 points after a month of regular training, according to psychologists, is a very real result.

I use for this purpose service for the development of intelligence Brynapps. Training takes fifteen minutes a day, includes a variety of tasks for the development of logic, attention and memory, which allows you to quickly pump "aikyu". The training program is built individually.
Got the motor sorted out. Let's go further.

What else?

On what components does the correct operation of the car depend? Any car enthusiast will answer this question:

  • From gasoline (what brand will you fill in);
  • From good driver skills (should not confuse "gas" and "brake").

Moreover, the last point will also affect the speed with which we will go. Let's figure it out.

We choose only high-quality gasoline

Our brain needs food. Some products can speed up the brain and increase productivity, while others can slow it down. Just like gasoline: a good brand - the engine works, a bad one - also works. But not to long.

What are these products?

  • Walnuts - rich in protein, a valuable building material, also increase the amount of melatonin, normalize sleep;
  • Olive oil - slows down cell aging;
  • Berries - contain antioxidants, improve memory performance;
  • Hot pepper - increases the efficiency of the brain and concentration;
  • Cocoa - strengthens blood vessels, has an anti-sclerotic effect.

By including these "additives" in the menu, add 3-5 points to your iq.
Filled up with petrol. Now to get our car moving…

Slowly release the "Brake"

Otherwise, putting pressure on Gaz is useless, isn't it? 
What do you think it will be about? About bad habits! Yes, yes, if you want to drive your car a little faster and not miss your goal, you need to reconsider your preferences.

What slows down the brain the most? And lowers the IQ?

  • Irregular TV viewing. Talk shows designed for a narrow-minded audience and television series stretched to infinity dull the brain, taking, by the way, a lot of useful time from us;
  • Regular listening to hard rock and pop music suppresses the functions of not only the brain, but of our entire body. New age, classical, instrumental or jazz music can be much more useful;
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The level of intelligence directly depends on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Physical exercises and sports give us pleasure, and our body at the same time intensively produces the hormone dophanin, thanks to which the number of brain neurons is maintained at the desired level.
  • Low self-esteem. Self-doubt and the belief that you “never succeed” can nullify all efforts. Develop positive thinking;
  • Well, but about alcohol, nicotine and other "pleasures of civilization", I think it's not worth talking about. Even a schoolboy understands that they cause oxygen starvation, and the brain slowly dies.

... And click on "Gas"

If you are done with the “not quite good” habits, it's time to go directly to the ways to develop intelligence:

  1. Read books, preferably fiction, and aloud - advise Japanese psychologists.
  2. Solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, rebuses. Master the game of chess, checkers or backgammon - great brain training.
  3. First of all, pay attention to math skills. They form the basis of the intellect. Get out and study the textbook of logic. Get the calculator out of your sight - count in your mind.
  4. Be curious like children. Learn everything new, sign up for seminars and trainings, learn a second language, develop memory and attention.
  5. Even in ordinary everyday affairs, show non-standard thinking. We went to the store one way - came back completely different.
  6. Get creative.

Having brought to life at least three points out of these six, feel free to add another 10 IQ points to your piggy bank.


So, to increase the level of aikyu, we will:

  • Regularly train the brain - pump the engine of our miracle machine;
  • Give preference to healthy food - fill in high-quality gasoline;
  • Pressing the gas pedal more often, not forgetting to release the “Brake” at the same time, will say goodbye to bad habits, review the daily routine and include a lot of useful activities in it.

In this case, we will quickly reach the destination called "Success".

That's all for today. Leave comments, share with friends on social networks. If you haven't subscribed to the blog news yet, be sure to do so.

And I ran to build up my aikyu.
See you all soon! Sincerely, Yuri Okunev.