Why do people often get colds. Liz Burbo about the flu and psychosomatics: the flu occurs when a person feels like a victim

A person is sick not only because of his sins, but also for a number of other reasons.

It is not uncommon for a person to fall ill because in this way God leads a person onto a spiritual path of development. So, it is known that many healers came to healing through their own illness. Illnesses, car accidents, accidents, injuries force a person to rethink his life, values ​​and come to God.

In some cases, illness is given in order to glorify God and manifest. (" And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: neither he nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God might appear on him.”) after death, people gain complete freedom: they enter the Kingdom of God - the higher planes of being. One example of a person who carried out God's plan was Ilya Muromets. Sick for 33 years, being bedridden, Ilya Muromets gained spiritual strength in order to then manifest the Will of God: to protect the Russian Land from the enemy. having completed his task, he attained holiness.

Many diseases, including hereditary ones, come to a person due to the sins of the family (for example, in old testament It is said that children suffer for the sins of their parents up to the 4th generation). When people who suffer by race become on, their task becomes to repent of tribal karma (sins committed by the clan). Usually God endows these people with the power of prayer for the family.

Also, a person gets sick and suffers because of sins in past incarnations. Such people have hidden spiritual strength to pray for "unknown" sins. For God does not give trials beyond our strength.

In addition to spiritual causes, human health is adversely affected by causes of the physical level, an unhealthy lifestyle.

So, if a person does not follow the correct drinking regimen, his body suffers. With a lack of water, the human body dries out, metabolic processes are disturbed in it. Excessive water expels useful substances from the body, and this also leads to diseases. Everything needs a measure, and each person should know his own norm.

Failure to comply with normal body hygiene, as well as sanitary and hygienic standards in the apartment and premises where a person stays, also leads to various diseases(we all heard about poisoning epidemics in kindergartens and schools).

An unreasonable approach to nutrition, overeating and malnutrition has a strong effect on the body (everyone knows the so-called “student malnutrition”, leading to stomach ulcers and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should adhere to a certain diet and balance in nutrition.

In today's ignorant world, spoiled products from shops and supermarkets pose a certain threat to health, where expired products are processed in various chemical solutions, the date of their manufacture is interrupted (there are many TV shows and documentaries on this topic).

Chronic overwork, not maintaining the balance of sleep, activity and rest also lead to diseases.

Due to the unreasonable interaction of man with nature environmental problems are another source of human disease. We all breathe unclean air, drink unclean water, eat food that has grown on poisoned land.

Passive lifestyle (lack of physical activity - exercise, sports, hardening) adversely affects bodily health.

If a person does not rest in nature, does not come into contact with the elements (earth, forest, sea, etc.), is not replenished by their strength, then such a shortage is a minus in health.

Thus, human health depends on the consonance of the soul and body - harmony.


A serious illness becomes a test for both the patient and his family. How to reconcile and accept the situation, how to find the strength to fight for recovery, how not to lose faith and how to gain it. We talk about all this with the psychologist of the Orthodox Crisis Center Inna Mirzoeva.

When our loved one is going through severe suffering, much more intense than we ourselves have ever experienced, it can be difficult to find the right words and topics to talk with him. The question arises how to properly express your sympathy.

The answer is simple. The most important thing is sincerity, love and attention. Often it is enough to be near, to hold the hand, and no words are needed at the same time. Sometimes we are afraid to upset the patient - we try to transfer the conversation to extraneous topics. Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh wrote that these conversations are devastating, because they are a screen for us to protect ourselves from anxiety. But, at the same time, we defend ourselves against truth and veracity. And for a sick person, this is very dangerous, since gossip takes him away from reality and deprives him of the strength to fight the disease.

While visiting the sick in the first Moscow hospice, which was created with the blessing of Vladyka Anthony, I read the instructions he had created for communicating with the sick. It contains these words:

“It is important for a person who cares for a seriously ill person to learn to be like a musical string, which in itself does not make a sound, but after the touch of a finger, it begins to sound.” All human relationships are based on this. The point is that the right words are always in the process of communication. The most important thing is that the person who is nearby simply feels our sincere sympathy. If we have it, then we will say everything correctly. We must move away from empty words.

It happens that by our actions we encourage the patient's pity for himself. How to avoid it?

First of all, it is necessary to show utmost attention to the patient's condition. I'll give you an example. I was approached by an elderly woman undergoing chemotherapy. She is in stage four cancer. The condition is serious, but she is used to taking care of herself. For her, peace, lying in bed is tantamount to. And she cries because her sister protects her from all worries. The sister forces the patient to lie down and does not allow anything to be done. This is a terrible situation. Pity and overprotection are not productive. It takes love and partnership. Everyone has their own internal resources. Thanks to these resources, a person fights. And if you take on all the duties and all responsibility, you will deprive him of the opportunity to act independently, deprive him of the strength to fight. If you face the truth, then relatives who are too protective of the patient think more about themselves - how to do everything faster so that there is less hassle. And you need to think about a sick person - how he feels better.

There is another extreme. It happens that a seriously ill person goes through a stage of denial of the disease. He tries not to notice that his physical state changed, lives the same life, taking on the same worries. And help is needed! And in front of my eyes, many tragedies connected with this unfolded. The man survived the most difficult treatment, weakened, but he gets up through force, walks a few steps and faints. And there are no relatives nearby ... because the patient himself did not ask for help in time. In such a situation, relatives themselves need to be very attentive, they need to analyze, draw their own conclusions and help in time.

And if a person is embarrassed to accept help even from the closest people?

Indeed, there are many people who find it difficult to accept help. They are used to being patrons themselves. In psychology, there is such a thing as congruence. This is when our feelings and behavior coincide. If we are congruent, sincere, then the person will still accept our help. Any falseness is felt. If you really sincerely want to help, it is unlikely that your help will be rejected.

Physically suffering people are characterized by mood swings that are difficult for loved ones to understand.

You need to know that a seriously ill patient goes through several stages in his psychological state. These stages - shock, aggression, depression and acceptance of the disease - are very well described by Andrey Vladimirovich Gnezdilov, psychotherapist, founder of the hospice in St. Petersburg. The sequence of stages may be different. Some of the patients can avoid aggression, while others may not accept their illness. But in general, the change of these psychological states is very characteristic.

The most dangerous stage is the shock stage. In this state, suicide is possible. And the patient needs special attention and support. At the stage of aggression, a person pours out his feelings. And, if we are nearby, we must give the opportunity to pour out these feelings. Because the patient cannot keep them in himself. Otherwise, aggression can result in auto-aggression, a destructive state. I understand that families are having a hard time. But you need to be aware that the patient needs to go through this, and show sympathy and understanding.

Often, relatives begin to sound the alarm when the patient is overcome by depression. But we must remember that not always depression should be hammered with drugs. Pain must be endured, because through suffering guilt is redeemed, through suffering a person can come to God. When the onset of depression is "killed" with the help of antidepressants, pathological personality changes are possible. If a person does not survive depression, he may not come to realize his true state, he will not have the strength to fight.

It is better to find a qualified psychiatrist or clinical psychologist which will help to properly survive all stages of the disease.

Very often, patients complain: first, a relative plunges headlong into my problems, literally takes all the worries on himself. And then he overstrains, his strength dries up. As a result, the patient remains completely unattended. It must be remembered that, of course, if a loved one falls ill, we will need a lot of patience and work, but care should be reasonable. It is necessary for a person to see that we care about him with love and joy.

And we can survive the illness of a loved one only with God's help. We need to turn to God more.

Often, Orthodox relatives of a non-church sick person really want him to receive the sacraments of confession, communion, unction, but the person himself is not ready for this. What is the best course of action to take in this case?

We need to pray for this person. Anthony of Surozhsky said this beautifully: “The imposition of God at the hour of death on a person, when he renounces God, is simply cruel. If he says that he does not believe in God, then you can say: “You do not believe, but I believe. I will talk with my God, and you listen to how we talk to each other.

If a person is ready for a dialogue about faith, then you can carefully tell him about your experience. Then we offered our patients books and CDs. And in my experience through books, including modern authors, people came to faith.

A few years ago, a man who had been practicing yoga for a long time approached us. When he became ill, he experienced severe depression. He was highly educated and clever man who, in his spiritual search, has reached a dead end. Illness led to faith. It happened literally in front of my eyes. He asked to be introduced to the priest, talked, read. At some point, I realized that I was leading people along the wrong path. Gathered his students and announced it to them. And before his death he took monasticism.

In a difficult situation, it is natural for a person to hope for a miracle. Were there people among your patients who were healed by faith?

I want to say that miracles really do happen and people need to talk about it. But we must remember that everything is God's providence. I have come across cases that can only be called miraculous. Once a young woman came to us in severe depression - her husband left her with a small child. She brought her aunt, herself loved one. My aunt has a cancerous tumor - melanoma. Doctors confirmed the diagnosis, the operation was scheduled for Monday. On Saturday we went to the temple. She confessed there, took communion. She stood at the icon for a long time, praying. In the evening, my colleague calls me and says: "They say that the tumor is decreasing." We didn't believe. But it turned out that this is indeed the case. The doctors were unable to explain what had happened. This woman, thank God, is now alive. She constantly calls us, thanks, but we say that we should not be thanked. She said that she prayed in desperation that day. She said that she didn’t even ask for herself: “Lord give me a little life to support my niece.” The disease did not return.

One more case. A man with kidney cancer was brought in for surgery, but there was no tumor. The professor cursed, suspected that they had mixed up the patients. And in a conversation with his wife, it turned out that right before the operation, a priest came and christened him.

Healings are happening. Each of us working with seriously ill people can remember them. An Orthodox person, if he falls ill, should receive a blessing, be treated, communicate with a confessor, pray, take communion. To believe is the most important thing. Without this it is very difficult.


    “There are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge and energy. And aging is a disease that can be treated.” (V. I. Vernadsky)

    As the Chinese sages say, “He who has a lot of Qi (energy) has a lot of everything.
    If we want great success in life, good health, great relationships, prosperity in business, we need to start with ourselves.

    I — and only I — am the source of everything that happens to me. Good and bad.

    It is our invisible aura, the winds of karma, chakras that are the cause of our successes and failures in life.

    If there are energy disturbances in your biofield, as a result, you can observe this in your life, as constant failures, depression.

    Success, good health, joy and love, a developed psyche and consciousness - this is your pure, powerful, creative energy.

    Each person has only two directions in life: either improvement or degradation.

    Of course, there is also “stagnation”, but it is still replaced by movement along one of the paths.

    Any, relatively healthy mentally, person strives for evolution, and this is one of the laws of the world order.

    If you do not follow the law, spiritual crises occur, accompanied by such signals as boredom, dissatisfaction with the outside world, work, relationships, there is a lack of knowledge even at the physical level, expressed by symptoms resembling depression.

    Unpleasant events and situations arise that “scream”: “You’re doing it wrong…, wrong…, follow the laws of the Universe…”.

    A person's desire for improvement can be called one of the dominant needs, the dissatisfaction of which immediately affects the quality of life.

    When people, circumstances and the outside world stop hurting you, you will stop getting sick.
    The more negative images from your life hurt you, the faster your body disintegrates.
    Try right now to enter into such a state of soul and mind, when NOTHING AND NOBODY AFFECTS you, neither in the present nor in the past. If you succeed, then all the pains in the body will immediately disappear. Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances! Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances!

    If at least someone hurts you, this is a sign that you don’t know yourself, you haven’t found yourself yet. Find yourself and then nothing external will be able to hurt you, but for now you are not you, i.e. until you find yourself inside yourself — you are a puppet in the hands of various forces and energies.

    Why does a person get sick

    The person himself gets sick, violating the laws of space.

    He is responsible for his own health and recovers himself. A doctor, healer, priest only helps. And they can help exactly as much as a person can change himself, restoring inner harmony and changing his consciousness. It is not right to rely on a doctor, a healer. Health is not bought. The system of true values ​​is not bought. Human diseases are a consequence, but not a cause. People often confuse cause with effect, and as a result, people's whole life is connected with eternal problems, illnesses, and misfortunes. Do you want to be healthy? Work on yourself. Starting with the spine. The body is like a tree. The one who fights recovers, and the one who gives up remains sick. Energy is the soul. And when it is deformed, it is transferred to the body, and it starts to hurt. Without restoring harmony in the soul, it is not possible to be healthy and harmonious. I.Christ said: I came to heal not the body, but the soul.

    A person develops spiritually and the soul becomes harmonious and stable.

    The person becomes healthy. Be the master of yourself.

    A person's karma lives in his character. To understand karma, you need to know a person. All its + and - . And if they tell you that they see your karma, this is a deception. To work out karma, you need to work on yourself, and the very first thing on your negative qualities of character. For example: pride, selfishness, greed, resentment, irascibility, irritability, jealousy, anger, fear, thirst for money, power, fame and others. And you need to start by admitting that I have it.

    Confession is the first step to deliverance. Recognition of one's weakness is the first step towards gaining strength, mastering oneself. Forgiving and asking for forgiveness is also strength. The weak one justifies himself, and he will not forgive and will not ask for forgiveness, because he is weak. And the strong, asking for forgiveness, rises above his weakness. At this moment, his spirit does his inner work, it glows. And in accordance with the flow comes from the Divine world, it dissolves the burden of sins and the burden of karma. This is how we work off karma and sins. If a person avoided the lesson, then the situation will repeat itself, perhaps on a different level.
    Remember one of the main Laws of the Spiritual World: Likeness attracts like. Good thoughts and actions attract good thoughts and situations, and negative thoughts and actions attract negative thoughts and situations. Each person is not your friend, not your enemy, but the Teacher!

    We ourselves create the world around us. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we resent the life we ​​have created for ourselves? Whom to blame, whom to thank, but ourselves! Who, besides us, can change it as soon as they wish?
    In our lives, we can find justification, or we can find health, love, understanding, adventure, wealth and happiness. We create our life by the power of our choice. We feel completely helpless when we shy away from the opportunity to make a choice, when we do not want to build our own life.

    Gray boredom, and fear, and anger - these are the reasons why life is so short.
    We attract into our lives whatever we think about.
    The important thing is not whether we lose in the game, it is important how we lose and how we will change because of this, what we will take out new for ourselves, how we can apply it in other games. In a strange way, defeat turns into victory. Trouble is not the worst thing that can happen to us. Worst of all, when N-I-W-E-G-O does not happen to us!

    The perfect time will never come. You are always either too young or too old or too busy or too tired or whatever. If you constantly worry about choosing the perfect moment, it will never come.

    If you decide to change, then just turn to the Lord and the Mother of God: Forgive me, I want to improve, I love you, I strive with my whole being for you, each with my breath, every thought, desire, every minute of my existence.

    That's it. It's very simple. And from this moment, start working on yourself, improve yourself in everything, give love, joy, goodness to the world around you and love, joy and goodness will return to you according to the law of attraction.
    It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues.

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds from our past.
    There are no guarantees in this world, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.

    “If a person wants to become healthy, then first you need to ask him if he is ready to get rid of the causes of the disease. Only then can he be helped." Hippocrates

    What does each of us want? .. What do we always wish when congratulating friends, acquaintances, relatives? .. Not a single feast is complete without a toast? Right! This is Health!

    A person wants to be healthy... and at the same time he chooses his illness... Absurd, you say, and yet it is true. We choose our own diseases. And then we cherish them as if they were the most valuable asset...

    And, indeed, this is so - the exclusive property of a person, which even heirs do not claim, is his illness.

    How do we manage to do this - to acquire not one, but even several ailments? This is what we're going to talk about...

    "Anyone living on earth has dual citizenship - the kingdom of the healthy and the kingdom of the sick."
    Susan Sontang

    Modern medical science excellently heals injuries and diseased organs, helps with acute conditions. Successfully prescribed drugs for diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Perhaps the greatest achievement is the prevention of childhood diseases and the prevention of infectious diseases.
    However, when it comes to stress-induced chronic diseases—migraines, indigestion, stomach and duodenal ulcers, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, and many, many others—conventional medicine treats only their symptoms, not
    going deep into the true causes of these conditions.

    In fact, when our body begins to speak to us in the language of disease, illness, and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware of and change the way we think or act.

    In suffering, it tells us that we have reached our physical, emotional or mental limit, that we need to get rid of destructive internal attitudes and beliefs.

    Dictate of society: » Don't be yourself! And be who you are prescribed to be within the existing hierarchical structure. Do what you are told!"

    Do what you want, you are sometimes allowed. But only if you obey your elders.
    Don't flaunt your feelings!
    You have no right to openly be angry, afraid. Get upset, love ... Do not laugh when you are not asked! Control yourself when irritated! Don't cry until you hide somewhere!
    Do not think!
    Others will think about everything for you. Those who are smarter than you.! This commandment is hammered into the child's head by parents from early childhood, and to parents by all other members of society.

    Don't jump over your head!
    Don't get intimate with anyone!
    Don't mention yourself!
    Don't sit back!
    Don't show off!

    And there are an infinite number of these NOT ... True, these requirements cause an unconscious inner protest in the form of negative emotions - bad mood, resentment, disappointment, anger, hostility towards someone or something ...
    Freud himself said that there is a certain connection between the body and the psyche. Carl Jung, his student, believed that "the body and spirit are constantly interacting, just as the conscious and the unconscious interact." These claims are more than half a century old.

    Significant work on the study of this relationship was done by such famous scientists as Wilhelm Reich, Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and many others.

    “You cannot heal the body without healing the soul.” Socrates

    As a rule, most people struggle with the symptoms of diseases. But eliminating a symptom without finding out the underlying (that is, metaphysical) cause of the disease is the same as removing some small red light from the signal board in the cockpit.

    Yes, the alarm signal will disappear, but this will certainly result in much more serious consequences. Remember that the doctor usually deals only with your physical body, while the health of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies depends solely on you.

    In fact, any illness is a gift and an opportunity to restore the balance of the soul.

    The causes of illness are not to be found in the physical body. The physical body only reflects what is happening in the human soul. Any disease indicates that the body is trying to restore balance, since its natural state is health.

    Most common causes diseases are negative thoughts and emotions, guilt, need for attention and the desire to avoid an unpleasant situation.
    Light-suggestible people often become victims of various popular beliefs -
    like what "draught causes runny nose", and they easily pick up any infectious disease.
    Illness begins the moment a person reaches his physical limit. Each person has their own limits of physical, emotional and mental energy.

    These limits are individual. The time it takes to reach these limits depends on
    how much energy a person has and how many times he experienced the same inner pain.

    The greater the supply of energy, the later a person will reach the limit of his physical capabilities. Sometimes it happens that a person reaches this limit last, after the limits have been reached.
    emotional and mental capabilities.

    In general, those who hide their emotional suffering are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses. The main psychological traumas that are often forced into the subconscious are the feeling of being rejected, the feeling of being abandoned, humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

    Instead of giving themselves the right to be imperfect and suffer from emotional wounds, most people continue to blame others as the cause of their fear, anger, and sadness. That is why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, in turn, cause all kinds of diseases.

    But these emotions can be used for good:

    Fear helps you understand that you need protection and are looking for it. He also reminds us that real protection should be sought in oneself.

    Anger is useful in that it helps you discover your need for self-assertion, articulate your demands, and listen more closely to your needs.
    Sadness helps you understand that you are suffering from a sense of loss or fear of losing. Sadness teaches a person not to be attached.
    Any illness is a reminder that you must love yourself. Why?

    Yes, because when a person loves himself, he is led by the heart, not the ego.
    If we allow our ego to rule our lives and it prevents us from being who we really want to be, then part of our desires is blocked, and this leads to the blocking of the part of our physical body that is necessary for the realization of these desires.

    let yourself live full life. This means, give yourself the right to be a man, that is, to have experiences, to have fears, beliefs, delusions, shortcomings, desires and hopes, to be,
    finally, AS YOU ARE.

    There is no need to judge yourself, to think about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong.
    Just live in the present and know that whatever you decide will have consequences, good or bad.
    And it's just an experience... that you get during your life. Remember that the physical body is just a reflection of our soul.

    PRACTICE: In order to clarify the reason physical problem ask yourself the following questions if you have:

    Allergy- What situation in my life, which attracts and repels at the same time, is regularly repeated, or in relation to which person do I feel hostility, but at the same time I seek approval from him? ..

    Arthritis Why do I suppress my anger? Why am I so strict with myself and find it difficult to express my wants and needs?

    hypertension What do I dramatize in my life? How important is it for me to
    all happy, forgetting about yourself? Why do I need to control everything?

    Diabetes How many expectations do I have? Are they real? Am I living in the present?

    Stomach diseases Who or what can't I digest? What am I resisting in my life? How easily do I accept something new?

    Constipation What do I keep clinging to in my life day after day? What am I afraid to let go of? What can I lose if I allow myself to say and do what I want?

    Sciatica– Am I confident in my future? Why am I punishing myself? Am I afraid of losing what I have accumulated? Am I attached to material possessions?

    Skin (problems) How much do I value what others think of me? Do I love and appreciate myself?

    Bones (problems)– Am I afraid of being without support in life or leaving
    someone without their support? Do I believe in myself and my uniqueness?

    Migraine Am I giving myself the right to be myself? If there were ideal circumstances in my life, who would I want to be?

    Baldness– Do I feel protected? Is it easy for me to ask for protection from others? What am I afraid of?

    Liver (diseases) - Who am I angry at and what am I worried about? How do I release my anger? Am I always striving to be right?

    LOVE YOURSELF means to be responsible for your life and give yourself the right to exercise this responsibility. If you love yourself, you will have a healthy and energized body that will allow you to fulfill all your dreams.


    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds from our past.
    There are no guarantees in this world, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.

    All diseases are laid first of all not in the physical body.

    Therefore, it is also very important to cleanse yourself of mental and emotional problems.

    Even modern doctors have come to the conclusion that many physical illness arise from negative thoughts and emotions. If a person is pessimistic or thinks of someone with anger, it reflects on him.
    For emotional cleansing:

    ● Try to get rid of negative emotions. The emotion of anger is especially destructive, it instantly launches dangerous biochemical processes in the body. We need to take care of ourselves and not allow negative thoughts, because they complicate our life in the first place.

    Even if you are very attentive to emotions, you can be influenced by someone else's energy. Just like you can stain the physical body, you can defile and emotional body. And even if you just talked with the negative or, as they say in modern psychology, an unresourceful person who is riddled with fear, you can get infected with this mood. It seems that before that you lived calmly, but here you also begin to have similar fears. It's all deforming subtle body, and over time, problems begin at the physical level, and life difficulties: a person attracts a certain reality into his life and, as a result, cannot achieve anything in his career, in his personal life, and so on.

    ● Don't get addicted to memories. We need memories as the realization of a certain experience. If we tried to walk along the road twice and fell down twice, because there is a hole in the middle, it means that there is no need to go there the third time. At the same time, an ordinary person most often regrets the past and dreams about the future. But our strength is to live in the present. Most of our energy is taken away by negative memories, resentments. It happens that a person was offended at school, and he remembers this all his adult life. Some studies even show that it is resentment that causes serious diseases, such as cancer. Don't suppress memories or ignore them. But, if memories come, one must observe them without emotional overtones; yes, it was and gone. It is even worth drawing such a diagram: draw a straight line and mark on it all the periods when something unpleasant happened to you. And in this place draw flowers or something else that you associate with love. Imagine how the energy of love fills these periods. And if you do it sincerely once or twice, then usually negative thoughts go away.

    ● For an emotional mood, it is also desirable to take a shower Cool in the morning and warm in the evening. You can even say: “Where there is water, there is trouble” (sleep, illness, etc.). At the same time, you need to imagine that everything unpleasant leaves you with water.

    ● Connect with interesting, wise people who can teach you something.
    Lighter forms of meditation are very helpful. Now many people think that in order to meditate, you need to be a yogi or live in the Himalayas. But it's not. If you come in the evening upset from work, try meditating. Take a shower, turn off the TV. And sit for 10 minutes in silence, watch your breath, watch your mind. Yogis have a "pranayama" system, when a person breathes in a certain way, and all the negative goes away.

    It is also very important to say: “I wish everyone divine love” or “I wish everyone happiness” - and imagine how the energy of love and bliss permeates your every cell and goes from you to other people. First of all, to your offenders. It clears the mind.

    All human diseases arise due to bad character traits, an incorrect attitude to life and negative states associated with it. In other words, any disease begins at the level of the mind (manifesting itself in the form of one or another character trait or state), and then, as it develops, it is reflected on the physical body in an appropriate way. This happens because the body and mind have a close relationship, and everything that happens at the level of the mind, the psyche, is necessarily reflected at the level of the body.

    If a person's character deteriorates badly enough, the body cannot withstand such a negative load, so diseases begin to develop.

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds from our past.
    There are no guarantees in this world, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.

    When people, circumstances and the outside world stop hurting you, you will stop getting sick.

    The more negative images from your life hurt you, the faster your body disintegrates.

    Try right now to enter into such a state of soul and mind, when NOTHING AND NOBODY AFFECTS you, neither in the present nor in the past. If you succeed, then all the pains in the body will immediately disappear. Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances! Only the person who develops his inner world and relies on it is not affected by external circumstances!

    Are your pains and illnesses of the body worth anything from the outside world? Yes or no?

    If at least someone hurts you, this is a sign that you don’t know yourself, you haven’t found yourself yet. Find yourself and then nothing external will be able to hurt you, but for now you are not you, i.e. until you find yourself inside yourself — you are a puppet in the hands of various forces and energies.
    From now on, let no negative image of the outside world be able to hurt you. Be always in the soul, peace and complete peace of mind. (Nikolai Peychev)

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds from our past.
    There are no guarantees in this world, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.


    Arms- a storehouse of all kinds of information: from them, like from a book, you can learn not only about the past and future of a person, his inclinations and character, but also about his state of health - you just have to look at them carefully.

    Red palms indicate toxic liver damage: hepatitis or hepatosis is possible.

    The marble pattern on the palms indicates a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system.

    If the skin of the palms becomes yellowish, then there are probably changes in the liver or gallbladder (hepatitis, gallstone disease, disorders in the biliary tract, cholangitis, cholecystitis).

    Brown spots on the back of the hand not only indicate age (disturbances in the pigmentation of the skin, characteristic mainly of older people), but also mean that you have problems with the gallbladder.

    If the skin on the hand, and especially on the palm, peels off in small plates, this may be a sure indication of a lack of vitamins A and D. If the palms peel off in large plates, you need to contact a dermatologist: a fungus has settled on the hands.

    Hand temperature - status barometer

    - Cold hands- a sign of impaired peripheral circulation, the body lacks nicotinic acid. Therefore, care must be taken to replenish its supply with vitamin preparations or add foods containing this acid in abundance to the diet: dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, cabbage.

    - If the palms, on the contrary, burn, which means that the liver cannot cope with intoxication caused by drug poisoning, alcohol, chemicals. Doctors call them hepatic.

    - The syndrome of "crawling" in the palm of your hand indicates that a person has problems with the endocrine system. - Wet hands also indicate endocrine problems - possibly an overactive thyroid gland. And dryness and pallor of the skin on the palms - on the hypofunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

    Spots on the fingertips may indicate health problems. If a person often goes numb in his little fingers, he should consult a cardiologist - these problems are associated with the cardiovascular system. And numbness of the thumbs indicates the weakness of the respiratory system.

    If deep longitudinal folds similar to wrinkles appear on the skin of the terminal phalanges of the fingers, you should pay attention to the endocrine system - you may have hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus.

    If the fingertips have become purple, you need to take care of the digestive system. Dark red or even purple - you should pay attention to the kidneys and liver. The spots on the hillocks of Venus (as palmists call the elevated bases of the thumbs) are a possible sign that not everything is in order with the genitals.

    Itching on the side of the index finger right hand indicates problems that have arisen in the work of the colon. Roughness of the skin on the back of the index finger often indicates problems with the gallbladder.

    Cracking joints - a sign of calcium deficiency

    Many interesting conclusions can be drawn by paying attention to the state of the joints. Too flexible joints (as well as, on the contrary, not bending at all) with a general reduced tone of the muscles of the fingers mean malfunctions in the liver and gallbladder.

    A crunch in the joints of the hands indicates a lack of calcium in the body. irregular shape painful finger joints are a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes occur in people suffering from gout.

    If the joints began to painfully swell and swell, redness appeared, you need to urgently consult a doctor - this is a clear manifestation of polyarthritis. And the pain between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warns of the imminent manifestation of a serious illness in the knee joints.

    By the shape of the hand, you can calculate future ailments

    It has long been noted: the wider the palm, the stronger the health. However, people with wide palms and short fingers are prone to circulatory disorders, especially to an increase in blood pressure.

    Narrow palms with thin long fingers and pale skin are usually found in people with a fine nervous organization, sensitive to sudden changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure, jet lag, harsh sounds, emotional overload.

    Owners of small brushes have a too susceptible vegetative nervous system: their "signature" diseases - bronchial asthma, inflammation of the rectum, hypotension.

    People with fleshy palms most often have circulatory problems: they have a reduced metabolism, hypofunction of the thyroid gland is possible.

    The point of pain indicates a malfunction in a particular organ.

    According to Chinese medicine, the point in the very center of the palm is considered the energy center of the whole body. If, sharply pressing on it with the thumb of the other hand, a piercing pain is felt - this means the presence serious problems with health and indicates the need to seriously take care of your well-being.

    We deal only with our karma and have in life only what we deserve, having created the present for ourselves with our thoughts, words, deeds from our past.
    There are no guarantees in this world, but only opportunities and always freedom of choice.


If there is a bedridden patient in the house who is in serious condition, then it does not prevent relatives from knowing the signs of impending death in order to be well prepared. The process of dying can take place not only in the physical, but also in the mental plane. Given the fact that each person is individual, then each patient will have their own signs, but still there are some common symptoms that will indicate an early end life path person.

What can a person feel as death approaches?

This is not about the person for whom death is sudden, but about patients who are ill for a long time and are bedridden. As a rule, such patients can experience mental anguish for a long time, because being in their right mind, a person perfectly understands what he has to go through. A dying person constantly feels on himself all the changes that occur with his body. And all this eventually contributes to a constant change of mood, as well as the loss of mental balance.

Most bedridden patients close in on themselves. They begin to sleep a lot, and remain indifferent to everything that happens around them. There are also frequent cases when, just before death, the health of patients suddenly improves, but after a while the body becomes even weaker, followed by the failure of all vital body functions.

Signs of imminent death

predict exact time it is impossible to leave for another world, but it is quite possible to pay attention to the signs of approaching death. Consider the main symptoms that may indicate an imminent death:

  1. The patient loses his energy, sleeps a lot, and the periods of wakefulness become shorter and shorter each time. Sometimes a person can sleep for a whole day and stay awake for only a couple of hours.
  2. Breathing changes, the patient may breathe either too quickly or too slowly. In some cases, it may even seem that the person has completely stopped breathing for a while.
  3. He loses his hearing and vision, and sometimes hallucinations can occur. During such periods, the patient may hear or see things that are not actually happening. You can often see how he talks to people who have long been dead.
  4. A bedridden patient loses his appetite, while he not only stops eating protein foods, but also refuses to drink. In order to somehow let moisture seep into his mouth, you can dip a special sponge into the water and moisten his dry lips with it.
  5. The color of urine changes, it acquires a dark brown or even dark red color, while its smell becomes very sharp and toxic.
  6. Body temperature often changes, it can be high, and then drop sharply.
  7. An elderly bedridden patient can get lost in time.

Of course, the pain of loved ones from the imminent loss of a loved one cannot be extinguished, but it is still possible to prepare and set yourself up psychologically.

What does drowsiness and weakness of a bedridden patient indicate?

When death approaches, the bedridden patient begins to sleep a lot, and the point is not that he feels very tired, but that it is simply difficult for such a person to wake up. The patient is often in deep sleep, so his reaction is inhibited. This state is close to a coma. The manifestation of excessive weakness and drowsiness naturally slows down some of the physiological abilities of a person, so in order to roll over from one side to the other or go to the toilet, he will need help.

What changes occur in respiratory function?

Relatives who care for the patient may notice how his rapid breathing will sometimes be replaced by breathlessness. And over time, the patient's breathing can become wet and stagnant, because of this, wheezing will be heard when inhaling or exhaling. It arises from the fact that fluid collects in the lungs, which is no longer naturally removed by coughing.

Sometimes it helps the patient that he is turned from one side to the other, then the liquid can come out of the mouth. Some patients are prescribed oxygen therapy to relieve suffering, but it does not prolong life.

How do vision and hearing change?

Minute clouding of consciousness in severe patients can be directly related to changes in vision and hearing. Often this happens in their last weeks of life, for example, they stop seeing and hearing well, or, on the contrary, they hear things that no one else can hear except them.

The most common are visual hallucinations just before death, when it seems to a person that someone is calling him or he sees someone. In this case, doctors recommend agreeing with the dying person in order to somehow cheer him up, you should not deny what the patient sees or hears, otherwise it can greatly upset him.

How does appetite change?

In a lying patient, before death, the metabolic process may be underestimated, it is for this reason that he ceases to want to eat and drink.

Naturally, to support the body, one should still give the patient at least some nutritious food, therefore it is recommended to feed the person in small portions while he himself is able to swallow. And when this ability is lost, then you can’t do without droppers.

What changes occur in the bladder and intestines before death?

Signs of imminent death of the patient are directly related to changes in the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys stop producing urine, so it becomes dark brown, because the filtration process is disrupted. A small amount of urine can contain a huge amount of toxins that adversely affect the entire body.

Such changes can lead to a complete failure of the kidneys, a person falls into a coma and dies after a while. Due to the fact that the appetite also decreases, changes occur in the intestine itself. The stool becomes hard, so there is constipation. The patient needs to alleviate the condition, so relatives who care for him are advised to give the patient an enema every three days or make sure that he takes a laxative on time.

How does body temperature change?

If there is a bed patient in the house, the signs before death can be very diverse. Relatives may notice that a person's body temperature is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that the part of the brain that is responsible for thermoregulation may not function well.

At some point, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, but after half an hour it can drop significantly. Naturally, in this case it will be necessary to give the patient antipyretic drugs, most often they use Ibuprofen or Aspirin. If the patient does not have the function of swallowing, then you can put antipyretic candles or give an injection.

Before death itself, the temperature instantly drops, the hands and feet become cold, and the skin in these areas becomes covered with red spots.

Why does a person's mood often change before death?

A dying person, without realizing it, gradually prepares himself for death. He has enough time to analyze his whole life and draw conclusions about what was done right or wrong. It seems to the patient that everything he says is misinterpreted by his relatives and friends, so he begins to withdraw into himself and ceases to communicate with others.

In many cases, clouding of consciousness occurs, so a person can remember everything that happened to him a long time ago in the smallest details, but he will not remember what happened an hour ago. It is scary when such a state reaches psychosis, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor who can prescribe sedative drugs to the patient.

How to help a dying person relieve physical pain?

A bedridden patient after a stroke or a person who has become incapacitated due to another disease may experience severe pain. In order to somehow alleviate his suffering, it is necessary to use painkillers.

Painkillers may be prescribed by a doctor. And if the patient does not have any problems with swallowing, then the drugs can be in the form of tablets, and in other cases, injections will have to be used.

If a person has a serious illness that is accompanied by severe pain, then it will be necessary to use drugs that are only available on prescription, for example, it can be Fentanyl, Codeine, or Morphine.

To date, there are many drugs that will be effective for pain, some of them are available in the form of drops that drip under the tongue, and sometimes even a patch can provide significant assistance to the patient. There is a category of people who are very cautious about painkillers, citing the fact that addiction can occur. To avoid dependence, as soon as a person begins to feel better, you can stop taking the drug for a while.

Emotional stress experienced by the dying

Changes with a person before death concern not only his physical health, but also affect him. psychological condition. If a person experiences a little stress, then this is normal, but if the stress drags on for a long time, then most likely it is a deep depression that a person experiences before death. The fact is that everyone can have their own emotional experiences, and there will be their own signs before death.

A bedridden patient will experience not only physical pain, but also mental pain, which will have an extremely negative impact on his general condition and will bring the moment of death closer.

But even if a person has a fatal disease, relatives should try to cure the depression of their loved one. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants or consult a psychologist. This is a natural process when a person becomes discouraged, knowing that he has very little left to live in the world, so relatives should in every possible way distract the patient from sorrowful thoughts.

Additional symptoms before death

It should be noted that there are different signs before death. A bedridden patient may feel those symptoms that are not defined in others. For example, some patients often complain of constant nausea and vomiting, although their disease is not related to the gastrointestinal tract. This process is easily explained by the fact that due to the disease, the body becomes weaker and cannot cope with the digestion of food, which may cause certain problems with the work of the stomach.

In this case, relatives will need to seek help from a doctor who can prescribe medications that alleviate this condition. For example, with persistent constipation, it will be possible to use a laxative, and for nausea, other effective drugs are prescribed that will dull this unpleasant feeling.

Naturally, not a single such drug can save a life and prolong it for an indefinite time, but it is still possible to alleviate the suffering of a dear person, so it would be wrong not to take advantage of such a chance.

How to care for a dying relative?

To date, there are special means for the care of bedridden patients. With the help of them, the person who cares for the sick, greatly facilitates his work. But the fact is that the dying person requires not only physical care, but also a lot of attention - he needs constant conversations in order to be distracted from his sad thoughts, and only relatives and friends can provide spiritual conversations.

A sick person should be absolutely calm, and unnecessary stress will only bring the minutes of his death closer. To alleviate the suffering of a relative, it is necessary to seek help from qualified doctors who can prescribe all the necessary drugs to help overcome many unpleasant symptoms.

All the signs listed above are common, and it should be remembered that each person is individual, and therefore the body in different situations may behave differently. And if there is a bedridden patient in the house, his signs before death may turn out to be completely unforeseen for you, since everything depends on the disease and on the individuality of the organism.

Unfortunately, life consists not only of joys and pleasant moments. It so happens that it brings us bitter, sad events, which often cause a state of shock when they happen unexpectedly. In this case, I'm talking about a sudden and severe illness of a loved one. When a loved one falls ill, the whole life changes. Habits are changing, the usual way of the family.

Of course, a great physical and psychological load falls on all households. But most of all suffers, of course, the sick person himself. And at this moment it is very important to find and say important and necessary words of support to a sick person. However, often we do not know what to say, how to behave, how to avoid uncomfortable situations and not worsen the experience of the patient and his relatives even more.

Most importantly, you need to understand that words of support, care and attention are very important. This does not depend on whether an adult or a child is sick. It doesn't matter if you're at home or in the hospital. You should always try to be as involved as possible.

What to say to the patient to cheer him up?

The most important thing that the patient needs is to feel that he remains for you the same family, loved ones, as before the illness. It is important for him to make it clear that the relationship has remained the same, that he has not become a heavy burden for you. Tell him that you love him and that you will take care of him until he is fully recovered.

To a person who is seriously ill, say words of love as often as possible, stay with him longer, talk, discuss news, consult, that is, behave as usual. Thus, you will show that the relationship has remained the same, that his opinion is still dear to you.

When you are caring for a sick person, give them words of encouragement and think of some simple entertainment or pleasurable activity. For example, you can watch a movie on TV together or read a book, look through a magazine.

If a child is sick, you can come up with an embroidery pattern together or assemble a picture from a mosaic. The main thing is to do everything together or with your live participation. It is very helpful to support a sick person. Read books, discuss what you read. Sometimes the words that the invented hero says are perceived by the sick child in relation to themselves. Therefore, try to pick up good books and fairy tales, where good always wins.

If not your relative or close friend is sick, but just a familiar person, do not talk to him in clichés. Frequent expressions such as "Please accept my words of support", "I'm sorry", "I sympathize" - will not bring much benefit. Therefore, find more sincere words and expressions that will really support morally.

For a loved one and a loved one, there is one single phrase that will calm him down and give him hope. Here it is: "Be calm, I will never leave you and will always be with you, no matter what happens." With these words, you make it clear to the person that he will not be left alone, he will know that you will always support him. Usually, after such words, a person calms down, becomes more cheerful and even begins to recover faster.

How else to alleviate the patient's condition

It is very important to create an atmosphere of comfort for a person. Especially if he is in hospital. Bring his favorite things, photographs, books, some items reminiscent of home to the ward from home. Put indoor flowers on the windowsill.

If the disease is not infectious, the patient will be supported by a friendly atmosphere. Therefore, invite guests - friends or colleagues. Organize friendly, warm communication with tea, cakes. This event is likely to please the sick. But, of course, you need to consider his character. If he does not like to communicate very much, think of something else. You need to understand that in each situation you need to find an individual solution.

Some Helpful Tips

Never make a secret of the fact that your loved one is sick. No need to hide it from relatives, friends. Be aware that they may take this as distrust on your part and be offended. In addition, by doing this you deprive them of the opportunity to help the patient, to show their warmth, their best qualities.

Therefore, directly, frankly, tell everything to people who are directly related to the sick person. They will appreciate your frankness. In addition, it will help the patient not to give up, but on an equal footing with everyone else to bear responsibility for their own health. This often plays an important role and contributes to the beginning of recovery.

Try to keep yourself in control, set yourself up positively. Of course, this does not mean that you need to smile and laugh all the time. Just be kind and considerate. Even a simple hug will make him feel better.

And one more thing: be tactful, do not concentrate only on your own person. When you talk to a person who is sick, depressed, you do not need to tell him a funny story about how you had a lot of fun yesterday at your mutual friend. How much did you drink and what did you do next. It is unlikely that he will be interested now.

Or, for example, if a person has problems in his personal life or an unfavorable financial situation. In this case, it is not at all necessary to tell him about your new passion or the purchase of a country house.
Remember that words of support, your genuine participation, presence nearby in Hard time are very necessary for a sick person. They help him recover faster and begin to recover sooner.