Famous people of Tuva. Outstanding citizens of Russia: list, biographies, interesting facts and achievements. August Genrikhovich Kruse

Lost among the circle of the Sayan Mountains, the Tuvans have always felt separate and isolated from the world. In ancient times, the Mongols, Turks, Saxons, Scythians participated in the formation of the nationality. The result of the mixing of cultures was the original Tuvan people, in whose life Buddhism, shamanism, unique throat singing and the national wrestling Khuresh were closely intertwined.


The self-name of the people "Tuva" has been known since early times: the first mentions are found in the Chinese chronicles of the 6th-7th centuries, as "stupidly", "dubo", "tubo". The name goes back to the name of the ancient Turkic tribe Tuba, who occupied the territory of modern Tuva at the end of the first millennium AD.
Neighboring peoples erroneously called the Tuvans Soyots and Uriankhians. The second option is common among the Mongols. Soyots, by analogy with the common name of the Sayan tribes, Tuvans were defined by the Khakasses and Altaians, who still use the exonym in relation to the nationality.

Where do they live and number

Experts estimate the size of the nation at 300,000 people. The 2010 Russian census showed that 263,934 Tuvans live in the country. Most of them - about 250,000 people - are located on the territory of the Republic of Tyva, in the historical habitat zone. Tuvans also live in other regions of Russia:

  • Krasnoyarsk Territory - 2,939 people
  • Irkutsk region - 1,674 people
  • Novosibirsk region - 1,252 people
  • Tomsk region- 983 people
  • Khakassia - 936 people
  • Buryatia - 909 people

In other states, the number of Tuvans is smaller due to the processes of long-term assimilation, however, there are a number of national diasporas where the cultural and linguistic traditions of the people are preserved. Among them:

  • Aimaki Khuvsgel, Khovd, Bayan-Ulgiy in Mongolia - about 5000 people.
  • Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China - about 3300 people.


The vast majority of the people, 283,000, know native language relating to the Turkic branch, the Sayan group. The formation of the language was significantly influenced by the Uighur and Kyrgyz tribes that invaded the region of the modern location of Tuva and mixed with the Turkic population.
In ancient times, the Tuvans used the Mongolian language for correspondence; their own writing did not exist. The first alphabet was developed in 1926 on the basis of Russian graphics, in 1930 it was replaced by the Latin version. 1943 was marked by the appearance of a new Cyrillic version of the alphabet used today. In the Republic of Tyva, the national language is used everywhere in everyday life, culture, and the media. Russian, Mongolian are widespread.


Similar genotypes of Tuvans and American Indians indicate the presence of common ancestors. According to research, ancient tribes that migrated from Eastern Siberia 15,000 years ago partially settled on the territory of the Sayan Mountains. Part crossed the ice isthmus in North America, laying the foundation for the development of Indian tribes.
The beginning of the formation of the Tuvan people falls at the end of the first millennium of our era. Then, scattered Indo-European, Samoyed, Ket-speaking tribes lived on the territory of modern Tuva. archaeological finds prove connections with the Scythians, the tribes of Kazakhstan and Mongolia, the Saka tribes.
By the 8th century, the region was under the influence of the powerful Turkic Khaganate, which at the end of the century was defeated by the Turkic-speaking tribes of Uyghur origin, who invaded the territory of Tuva, which influenced the ethnogenesis and the formation of the national language. A century later, the Tuvans were captured by the Yenisei Kyrgyz, who quickly assimilated with the local population.

The primary formation of national characteristics was completed in the XIII-XIV centuries, when a number of Mongolian tribes settled in the region, which had a significant impact on the appearance of the Tuvans. In the same period, the Tuvan tribes were under the rule of the Mongol khans: there is a version that the mother of Genghis Khan came from this nation. The decline of the Mongol Empire led to the emergence of several khanates: the Tuvan lands were part of the Oirat, and then the Dzungar Khanate. In 1755-1766. the region is seized by the troops of the Qing Empire: the Tuvans fall under the rule of Manchuria. During this period, military service was introduced, the feudal organization of society was strengthened, and a division into administrative territories was made.
Since 1860, Russian and Chinese merchants have been allowed free trade on the territory of Tuva. Active land development by Russian settlers begins. This put an end to the isolation of Tuva, led to the emergence of modern household items, dwellings, clothing. Trade with ignorant Tuvans was carried out at inflated prices, which led to a sharp reduction in livestock among the population.
At the beginning of the 20th century, political disputes began between Russia, Mongolia and China regarding the strategically attractive Uryankhai region. As a result, in 1912, the Tuvans preferred Russia, asking the state for protection and patronage: in 1914, the Russian emperor included the region in the country.
1922 - formed independent state People's Republic of Tannu-Tuva, or Tuvan People's Republic. During the Great Patriotic War, Tuvans volunteered to go to the front, where they became a real thunderstorm for the Wehrmacht. Accustomed to the restrictions in everyday life, they were brave and fought desperately. The people gave to the needs of the war all the horses, which were distinguished by their special endurance. And to complete the allied forces with skis, unique birch trees, found only in the republic, were cut down, perfectly suited for these purposes.

The further history of the people is inextricably linked with Russia:

  • 1944 - Tuva became part of the USSR as an autonomous region;
  • 1961 - acquired the status of the Tuva ASSR;
  • 1991 - Republic of Tuva within Russia;
  • 1993 - renaming to the "Republic of Tyva".


Turkic, Indo-European, Mongolian, Ket tribes, Saxons and Scythians participated in the process of forming the appearance of the nationality. The inhabitants of Tuva are referred to the North Asian race, more precisely, to the Mongoloid Central Asian type.
Distinctive features appearance:

  • average height;
  • athletic or thin figure;
  • black coarse hair;
  • dark eyes with epicanthus;
  • weak vegetation on the face and body;
  • broad and tall face;
  • slightly protruding nose.

The nomadic way of life made the Tuvans strong, hardy and agile. The people were distinguished by courage, quick-tempered character, self-esteem. And to this day, the mentality is characterized by a tendency to isolate the people, whose country is lost among the spurs of the Sayans, hidden from other regions and nations.


The national costume of Tuvans is diverse, rich in bright colors and decor. Clothes were sewn from purchased fabrics, felt of our own production, dressed skins of domestic and wild animals. Traditional summer clothing is a Mongolian-cut robe, long, wrapped to the right, complemented by a belt. The clothes were monochromatic - purple, green, blue, red, yellow. The top of the dress was decorated with a stand-up collar, assembled from multi-colored strips of fabric.
In the off-season, they wore short sheepskin coats with the fur on the outside, in winter they were replaced with long-brimmed ones, fastened from the right side. Shoes - boots made of rawhide with elongated and bent up socks. Festive couples were decorated with applications with geometric, floral, animalistic ornaments. In winter, felt stockings were additionally worn.
Women appreciated jewelry, having enough of them: Tuvans were considered skilled jewelers. They preferred rings, rings, engraved bracelets, massive earrings. Metal plates decorated with precious stones were woven into two braids. Men shaved the front of their heads, and collected one braid from the remaining hair.

The uncovered head of women was not welcome, they always wore scarves and hats. Six-panel hats, hats with a high peaked top, trimmed with fur along the brim, were popular. Married women decorated them with fur tassels and red ribbons. Patterns and inserts of the same color were attached to the chest over the suit: it was believed that red shades drive away evil spirits.

Family way

Until the 20th century, Tuvans retained remnants of tribal relations. Small families from two generations prevailed, living in separate yurts as part of the aal. The aal community consisted of two or three related generations; usually grown sons set up their dwellings next to the yurt of their parents. With this composition, they wandered, and in the summer they united with other communities according to the neighborhood principle.
The predominant type of family is monogamous, rich Tuvans who own large herds had several wives. The marriageable age of girls came at 15 years old, there are cases of marriage at 11-13 years old. According to tradition, a wedding could only be played in an odd year of life: 15, 17, 19 years. The age of the groom did not play a role, sometimes 10-12-year-old boys were married, widowed old men were also looking for brides.
Weddings were practiced by agreement, concluded after the child was 8-9 years old, there were "cradle" weddings. When the bride reached the age of childbearing, appointed matchmakers arrived with gifts: fabrics, alcohol, sweets, furs. Native girls took kalym, in response, rolling a day-long feast: the result of the feast was the appointment of a wedding date.

The second visit of the matchmakers took place together with the groom, who was left alone with the bride: his “male strength” was tested. This led to premarital pregnancies and childbirth, which Tuvans did not consider shameful. On the day of the wedding, the bride moved to the groom's aal, where they held a feast that lasted a day, regardless of the wealth and social status of the family.
Before the girl left home, the bride's parents prepared a new yurt, clothes, bedding, kitchen utensils, and allocated livestock. The "dowry" did not pass to the groom's family, but remained the property of the bride until the end of her life: the young people moved to a new yurt immediately after the wedding.
Relations before marriage not with the intended were punished only by the wrath of the father: the children resulting from such unions were left in families, brought up along with legitimate ones. Tuvans aspired to having many children: it was believed that a woman who gave birth to five children automatically gets a place in better world. The people did not have other people's children: relatives and neighbors took care of orphans.


By occupation and territorial distribution, Tuvans were divided into eastern and western.

  1. Eastern Tuvans (Todzhins) are reindeer herders and hunters who roamed in the mountainous area of ​​the Eastern Sayan. They hunted fur-bearing, hoofed animals: the skins of the former were sold, the meat and skins of the latter were used for sewing clothes, home improvement, and food.
  2. Western Tuvans are pastoralists who occupied the plains and foothills of the western regions. The predominant activity is nomadic cattle breeding, grazed yaks, camels, horses, sheep. During the summer stops, they were engaged in farming, sowing barley and millet, breaking through artificial canals to irrigate the fields.

Gathering of roots, nuts, herbs played an important role: the stocks of sarana reached several hundred kilograms in the aal. Traditional folk craft - the creation of felt products: clothes, shoes, carpets, mats, shelters for yurts. Men were engaged in blacksmithing, carpentry, women dressed leather, created birch bark products.


The traditional Tuvan dwelling is a yurt, built of lattice walls-bases, fastened inside with a hoop that formed a window for smoke to escape. The base was covered with felt fastened with ropes. Western Tuvans installed conical tents, covered with birch bark in summer and animal skins in winter.
In the center of the Tuvan dwelling there was a hearth: a symbol of well-being, endowed with a sacred meaning. Every year, shamans held rituals of greeting and feeding the spirit-fire in every house. In everyday life, it was up to a woman to watch over the hearth, since the fire had a feminine nature in the minds of the Tuvans and was called Ot-ine: the real embodiment of a woman-keeper of the hearth.
The right half of the yurt is female: utensils, clothes, household items were kept here. On the left, there were men and objects of the male area of ​​responsibility: felt, weapons, carpentry tools, hunting tools, cattle drives. Opposite the entrance, a free zone was equipped for receiving guests. Metal chests with exquisite forging were placed on the sides of the yurt, leather bags with stocks of grain, oil, and tea were hung on the walls.


The property of the Tuvan people is the unique throat singing khoomei. The skill of the performers allows you to achieve sounds of different tones without movements vocal cords, but by contractions of the diaphragm: due to constant pressure on internal organs professional singers get sick more often than others and have a shorter life expectancy.
Throat singing originated due to the environment: the yurts located in the desert fields were permeated with the sounds of wind and rain, the cries of birds and animals. The human ear is not able to fully distinguish the range of sounds of throat singing, but its effect on the subconscious, animals has been proven. The most famous khoomeizhi is called the Mongol warrior, known as the Nightingale the Robber, who killed with a loud whistle.


The traditional beliefs of the Tuvans are associated with endowing the surrounding world with spirits: guardians, helpers, defenders, punishers. Religion is closely connected with shamanism: shamans were family and professional, men and women. In the XIII-XIV centuries, Buddhism from Tibet penetrated the region, it harmoniously intertwined with national beliefs.
Even today shamans and lamas play an important role in the life of society. People go to shamans for advice, to find out the future, to ask for healing or good weather on a certain date. From the moment they arrived in the region, lamas have been quite tolerant of manifestations of traditional beliefs, including a number of spirits in the pantheon, and part of the holidays in the religious calendar.
To Tuva New Year Shagaa in Buddhist temples, divine services are held all night long with the participation of the spiritual leader of the people, the Kaba Lama. In the morning, shamans, together with lamas, perform the San-saryly ritual dedicated to the sun and fire. Lamas read sacred scriptures, and shamans "feed" the fire with offerings of sweets and meat.

Tuvinians revere and deify the sun, and during an eclipse they stand up for its defense, because they think that the luminary fights against the dark ones, evil spirits. In the past, people ran out into the street, began to shout loudly, shoot at the sky with guns, beat on iron dishes. Today, with the help of a national spoon with nine holes, tos-karak “sprinkle the sky”, sprinkling up the national salted tea or milk.


Funeral traditions are also closely connected with the cults of the sun and fire: in the past, the dead were burned, and the houses of the dead were fumigated with larch branches. Later, they began to carry the dead far into the taiga: they left them on the ground, building a tombstone around them.
On their last journey, Tuvans were seen off with applause: it was believed that loud sounds drive away evil spirits. Clapping was so associated with funerals that children were forbidden from clapping during games, and if they did, protective crosses were drawn on their palms.
Every year at the end of summer, the national Tuvan holiday Naadym is celebrated, previously held to unite tribal ties, honor the spirits of ancestors. Today, the national traditions of the people are being revived at the holiday. Among the obligatory elements of the festivities:

  • Throat singing;
  • Khuresh national wrestling. Wrestling is similar to sumo, so Tuvans have repeatedly shown themselves to be excellent sumo wrestlers. The most famous of them are Batkar Baasan and Ayas Mongush;
  • Horse races, where children from 3-5 years old act as riders;
  • Archery at a target;
  • Exhibition of felt products;
  • Tasting of national cuisine dishes;
  • A colorful performance based on the history of the nation.


The daily diet of Tuvans consisted of boiled sheep meat and dairy products. After slaughter, only the skin was left from the ram, “horns and legs.” Meat, internal organs and even blood were used for food. Salted khan tea was considered the main drink that quenches thirst well. For cooking, milk was poured into a large cauldron, a couple of pinches of black or green tea were thrown, they were allowed to boil, salted, and melted butter was added.

The national Tuvan dish is black pudding. Expressed blood was poured into thoroughly washed mutton entrails, salt and onions were used from spices. The top was tied in a knot and pierced with a stick, then the workpiece was lowered into boiling water for several hours. When ready, the lower part of the sausage was fed to the spirit of fire, the upper part, with a stick, was taken to the head of the family. By tradition, a piece of sausage or part of a carcass (for cooking one dinner) was necessarily distributed to each member of the aal.

Notable Tuvans

The most famous Tuvinian is Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Interestingly, his real name is Shoigu, and his surname is the generic name Kuzhuget. That is, at birth, the future minister was Shoigu Kuzhuget: he became Sergei only in adulthood when receiving documents.


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The Republic of Tuva or Tyva is a subject Russian Federation. Tuva is located on the border with Mongolia, has a total area of ​​​​168 thousand km², on which mountains and intermountain pits are located. At the same time, about 80% of the territory is mountain ranges. The region is one of the poorest in Russia, but nevertheless there are wealthy people among the population. The richest people in Tuva are not as famous as the millionaires of Russia, Europe or the rich in the USA. But this does not prevent them from year to year competently improve their financial condition.

The facts about the well-being of the Republic are not rosy:

    in terms of unemployment in the country, Tuva ranks second;

    the average salary of the inhabitants of the Republic in relation to the minimum basket of consumer goods is 1.11.

And this despite the fact that Tuva is rich natural resources region. On the territory of the Republic there are the richest deposits of coking coal, a lot of copper and nickel, cobalt and uranium. Thanks to the stunning nature, there are all the prerequisites for the development of tourism. Only the entire industry of this region is in a very deplorable state, and the tourist market does not even try to attract the attention of potential visitors. But there are industries that allow some residents of the region to receive a good income.

Irgit Sholban-ool Sovetovich is currently the Deputy Prime Minister in the Republic. Before receiving a responsible post, he changed many positions. Several years after receiving higher education Irgit worked at the Kyzyl poultry farm, served as deputy director. Then he moved to the position of director of Pluton LLC. After that, he also worked as the executive director of APK Uryankhai LLC.

Since 2007, Sholban-ool Sovetovich has been actively political activity. This is the year of his election as a deputy of the people's council, after which his career growth to the Deputy Prime Minister was noted. The deputy receives the main income from entrepreneurial activity.

Nevolin Anatoly Afanasyevich is currently the chairman of the world's largest artel of miners. Nevolin did not come into gold mining right away, before that he worked for about 10 years as an editor in the media. He came to the Tuvan village for the sake of his own book about gold diggers. Nevolin's work book has many points:

  • foreman,

    Shift Supervisor,

    artel chairman.

Anatoly Afanasyevich takes his work very seriously. Therefore, from the moment he realized that he was interested in gold mining more than just for writing a book, he received the necessary education. During his studies, Nevolin realized that gold mining in Tuva was a century behind modern methods. But he did not give up, but began to gradually innovate, improving the level of gold mining in the region, improving its methods and changing the attitude towards workers. And if in the 80s of the last century, the Oina artel panned about 20 kilograms of valuable metal, now it occupies a leading position among the leaders in gold mining in the Russian Federation. Over the years of Nevolin's leadership, the staff has grown from 9 to 700 employees. Workers are offered comfortable housing, and some are even paid for tuition at specialized universities.

Anatoly Afanasyevich was also a member of the Great Khural of the Republic of Tuva. But his condition is the result of painstaking work in the Oina artel.

Sholban Valeryevich Kara-ool occupies the post of head of the Republic of Tyvas 2007. Graduated from Ural State University, has a specialty "philosopher-political scientist", and also studied at full-time department postgraduate studies at the Ural State University. Prior to his political career, he taught at DSU.

He was elected a deputy in 1998, after which Sholban Valeryevich firmly consolidated his position in politics. Since 2007, he has been the Chairman of the Republic of Tyva, and since 2012 he has been re-elected to this post. The head resigns, in 2016, but is currently the acting Head of the Republic until a new candidate emerges.

The wife of the Head of the Republic is the general director of Dokar LLC, which brings a good income to the family.

Sergei Konviz

Konviz Sergey is a well-known person in Tuva, who can also claim a prominent place in the list of the richest people in Tuva. Konviz is the publisher of the newspaper "Risk". In past years, he was active in politics, but now he is better known for scandalous antics and sharp articles. Conviz is not afraid to express his position on the pages of the newspaper.

In addition to the newspaper, Konviz owns a gas station, has a car dealership and a small but successful cafe. Entrepreneurial activity allows Sergey Semenovich to successfully stay afloat.

Deputy and Chairman of the Legislative Chamber of the Supreme Khural, before that he was the Chairman of the Lower Chamber of the Great Khural of the Republic of Tuva. Until 1993, Oyun Vasily was a livestock specialist, but then he decided to actively build a political career.

The list of the richest people in Tuva includes not so much Oyun Vasily Mailovich himself, but his wife Chechen. At the moment, she is the head of a peasant farm, where there are at least 3,000 head of cattle.

Robert Dorzhu, from Kyzyl, became a “star of small business” a few years ago. And in fact, this person today has a chain of grocery stores, several department stores and cafes. Dorju also owns a gas station and has its own furniture production. Today, he can hardly be called a small entrepreneur, but a successful businessman is easily called.

Today, Robert Dermeevich is a deputy, and also holds the post of President of the Judo Federation and Head of the Chamber of Craftsmen of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Viktor Nikolaevich - famous in the Republic of Tuva political figure and successful business. Before being included in the list of wealthy people in Tuva, he went from an ordinary foreman to the chief engineer of a construction company. At the moment, he has his own business and is a deputy of the Kyzyl city Khural. Previously, he served as the Head of Kyzyl.

Tunev receives his main income from commercial real estate, which is his property, from the work of the television company " New Age"and a shop.

Deputy of the Supreme Khural of the Republic of Tatarstan Yury Afanasyevich Tykheev is a co-owner of TYVAAGROSNAB OJSC, thanks to which he receives the main income.

Viktor Vasilyevich Uyusov has a prominent place in the list of the richest people in Tuva. He is the CEO of a large company "Vostok". The construction company includes three asphalt concrete plants, a huge fleet of vehicles and mechanisms, and therefore pleases with excellent production capacities and, accordingly, high incomes.

Vladimir Alexandrovich Falaleev holds the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Tyva. She got into the rating due to the fact that she is a co-owner of Vodokanal LLC.

Eres Kyrgysovich Chuldum is currently the Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan. He received his first substantial income from the activities of his own stores, which offered household appliances, food, building materials and carried out the supply of goods within the Republic. At the moment, Chuldum owns a whole chain of stores.

Margarita Mikhailovna, a beloved and loving wife, who is the founder of shops, has always been an excellent assistant to Eres Kyrgysovich. At the moment, he also successfully conducts his political activities, being a deputy of the Supreme Khural of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Ivan Ivanovich Shirokikh lived and worked in Verkhoturye at the Theological Plants. Married to Vera Nikolaevna Naumova, daughter of the populist writer Nikolai Ivanovich Naumov. Father I.I. Shirokikh, also Ivan Ivanovich Shirokikh, was also an engineer. Mother Lydia Kapitonovna Shadrina.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov was born on March 4, 1859 (March 16, 1859) in the Urals in the village of Turinskiye Rudniki, Verkhotursky district, Perm province. In the family of his father, a local priest, besides Alexander, there were 6 more children. They lived more than modestly. At the age of 10, Alexander Popov was sent to the Dalmatov Theological School, where he studied from 1869 to 1871. In 1871, Alexander Popov transferred to the Yekaterinburg Theological School. At that time, his elder sister Maria Stepanovna, by her husband Levitskaya, lived with her family in Yekaterinburg.
In 1873 he transferred to the Perm Theological Seminary. After graduating from general education classes at the Perm Theological Seminary (1877), Alexander successfully passed entry exams at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University. The years of study at the university were not easy for Popov. There were not enough funds, and he was forced to earn extra money as an electrician in the Electrician office. During these years, Popov's scientific views were finally formed: he was especially attracted to the problems latest physics and electrical engineering.
Having successfully graduated from the university in 1882, A. S. Popov received an invitation to stay there to prepare for a professorship in the department of physics. In 1882 he defended his dissertation on the topic "On the principles of magneto- and dynamoelectric DC machines." But the young scientist was more attracted to experimental research in the field of electricity, and he became a teacher of physics, mathematics and electrical engineering at the Mine Officer Class in Kronstadt, where there was a well-equipped physics room. In 1890 he received an invitation to teach physics at the Technical School of the Naval Department in Kronstadt. At the same time in 1889-1898. in the summer, he was in charge of the main power plant of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. During this period, everything free time Popov devotes to physical experiments, mainly to the study of electromagnetic oscillations.
Since 1901, Popov was a professor of physics at the Emperor's Electrotechnical Institute. Alexander III. Popov was an Honorary Electrical Engineer (1899) and an honorary member of the Russian Technical Society (1901).
In 1905, the academic council of the institute elected A. S. Popov as rector.
He died suddenly on December 31, 1905 (January 13, 1906). He was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Born in the Turin mines in the family of a mining engineer. After the death of his father in 1857-1866, he studied in St. Petersburg in Gorny cadet corps(by the end of his studies at the Mining Institute), later he was a professor of geology there.

After graduation, he worked in the Urals for two years.

In 1886 he was elected a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

From 1899 to 1936 - President of the Mineralogical Society of Russia. Published works on paleontology, stratigraphy and tectonics, petrography, geology and minerals of the Urals. Helicoprion was first described in 1899.

The urn with the ashes of A.P. Karpinsky rests in the Kremlin wall. Academician Karpinsky is the oldest (by date of birth) of those buried in this necropolis.

Evgraf Stepanovich Fedorov (December 10 (22), 1853, Orenburg - May 21, 1919, Petrograd) - Russian crystallographer, mineralogist and mathematician. Brother of the engineer and inventor Yevgeny Stepanovich Fedorov.

The greatest achievement of E. S. Fedorov is the rigorous derivation of all possible space groups (1891). In this way, Fedorov described the symmetries of the entire variety of crystal structures. At the same time, he actually solved the problem of possible symmetrical figures known since antiquity. In a sense, Fedorov completed the construction of the edifice of classical crystallography. The significance of Fedorov's discovery can be illustrated by the fact that all the crystal structures studied before the 1980s fit into the 230 space groups discovered by him, and only in 1982 were new types of structures discovered that did not fit into classical crystallography.

In addition, Evgraf Stepanovich created a universal device for crystal-optical measurements - the Fedorov table.

Among the students of Fedorov, it should be noted: D.N. Artemyeva, A.K. Boldyrev

The February and October revolutions of 1917 made a deep impression on Fedorov. He believed in a bright future for Russia and Russian science and associated the brightest hopes and dreams with the changes that had taken place in society. In 1919 he was elected a full member of the renewed Russian Academy Sciences... But life in revolutionary Petrograd was hard, there was not enough food and warmth. In February 1919, Fedorov fell ill with pneumonia, and on May 21 he died.

Since 1920, meetings of the Fedorov Institute, organized at the Leningrad State Institute on the initiative of prof. A. K. Boldyreva. Since 1944, the conferences have been called "Fedorov's sessions" and are held annually. In 1953, 1969, 1991, 1999 and 2003 The Fedorov sessions were of an international character. The history of the Fedorov sessions is described in detail in the article by I. I. Shafranovsky "The Fedorov Department of Crystallography, the Fedorov Institute and the Fedorov Sessions" (in the book "E. S. Fedorov. Essays, memoirs of contemporaries, materials. Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists, ser. 1, vol. 93., St. Petersburg, 1999, pp. 125-132).

Born (March 20, 1910 - May 11, 1939) in the village of Vorontsovka in the Urals (later Krasnoturinsky City Council Sverdlovsk region) in the family of Serov Konstantin Terentyevich and Serova Lyubov Frolovna. In June 1930 he graduated from the Volsk military-theoretical school of pilots and was transferred to the 2nd school of military pilots and pilots in the city of Orenburg. On December 17, 1931 he graduated from the 2nd school of military pilots and pilots in the 1st category. In August 1935 he entered the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky.

The first husband of the famous Soviet film actress Valentina Serova (Polovikova).

Participated since 1937 (senior lieutenant) in civil war in Spain under the pseudonym "Rodrigo Mateo". March 2, 1938 Colonel Serov was awarded the title Hero Soviet Union.

In May 1938 he was appointed head of the Main Flight Inspectorate of the Air Force. On May 11, 1939, the brigade commander died in a plane crash during refresher courses. commanding staff- mastering "blind" flights together with Polina Osipenko.

The ashes of Serov and Osipenko are placed in urns in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.

In honor of Anatoly Serov, the city of Serov (Nadezhdinsk) in the Urals is named, where in his youth he lived and studied at the FZU school at the metallurgical plant. In Omsk, in the Leninsky District, a square is named after Serov.

(April 20 (May 3), 1917, the village of Zolotukhi, now the Orzhitsky district of the Poltava region (Ukraine) - September 14, 2001, Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) - commander of the department of the 255th separate engineer battalion (186th rifle division, 65th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), senior sergeant.

Born into a peasant family. Ukrainian. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1943. Since 1932 he lived in the Sverdlovsk region. Primary education. He worked at Uralvagonzavod and in the Sotrinsk mechanized forest center.

Member of the Great Patriotic War. He fought on the Kalinin, Bryansk, 2nd Belorussian fronts. He was a squad leader and assistant platoon commander of the 255th separate sapper battalion of the 186th Rifle Brest Red Banner Division. Was injured.

On September 5-8, 1944, the squad leader, senior sergeant Petrik, transported infantry, artillery and mortar units with weapons and ammunition on rafts across the Narew River near the village of Lachy (north of the city of Serock, Poland), which contributed to the success of the battles for the bridgehead.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Afanasy Filippovich Petrik on March 24, 1945.

After the war, he lived in the city of Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk Region. He worked as an evaporator at the Bogoslovsky aluminum plant. Died September 14, 2001.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945, the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal) - for courage and bravery shown during the crossing of the Narew River.
  • Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class (1985)
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1961)
  • 2 Orders of the Red Star (1944), (1944)
  • Order of Glory 3rd class (1943)
  • Medal of Honor"
  • Medal "In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1970)
  • Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (1945)
  • Jubilee Medal "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (1965)
  • Jubilee Medal "Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (1975)
  • Medal "For the Liberation of Warsaw" (1945)
  • Anniversary medal "50 years Armed Forces USSR" (1967)
  • Jubilee medal "60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" (1978)
  • Jubilee medal "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" (1988)
  • Zhukov Medal (1994)
  • Jubilee Medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (1995)
  • foreign medal.
  • Honorary Metallurgist (1966)
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Krasnoturinsk (1967)

Born on November 14, 1914 in the village of Istok (now Troitskoye) in the Kamensky district of the Sverdlovsk region in a peasant family. Russian. He studied at construction courses in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). After completing the course, he worked as a foreman at the construction of the Yuzhno-Zaozersky mine in the village of Turinskiye mines (now the city of Krasnoturinsk), and then in the motor transport workshop of the mine.

He served in the Red Army from 1936 to 1939 and from July 1941. Participated in battles with Japanese militarists near Lake Khasan in 1938.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since February 1943. He was the commander of the artillery crew of the anti-tank gun battalion. He fought on the North-Western, Steppe, 2nd Ukrainian fronts. Member of the CPSU since 1943.


In the battles to eliminate the Demyansk "cauldron", in the battles in the area of ​​​​the Lovat River and the city Staraya Russa, in crossing the Dnieper, in the liberation of the city of Pyatikhatka and the battles for Krivoy Rog and Kirovograd - in 1943; - in the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky and Uman-Botosha operations, including forcing the Dniester River and holding a bridgehead near the city of Orhei, in the Iasi-Chisinau operation, the liberation of Romania, including Bucharest, the region of the Southern Carpathians and the city of Timisoara, in battles on the territory Hungary and the liberation of the city of Kartsag - in 1944. At the end of January 1944, he was wounded on the Rotten Tikich River during the Korsun-Shevchenko operation.

On October 11, 1944, in the battle for the city of Kartsag (Hungary), the commander of the gun of the guard, foreman Meshcheryagin, as part of a battery, together with rifle units, went behind enemy lines and participated in the capture of the central part of the city. When repelling enemy counterattacks, he destroyed 3 tanks and an armored personnel carrier. He was wounded in battle, but, remaining one of the calculation, he continued to fire, holding the captured position. Died in this battle.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism of the guard shown at the same time, Mikhail Nikolayevich Meshcheryagin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

He was buried in a mass grave in the city of Kartsag on the central square.

August Genrikhovich Kruse

August Genrikhovich Kruse (born July 27, 1941 in the village of Straub (now Skatovka) Saratov region) - Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

A month after his birth, the family of August Kruse - mother, grandmother and older brother - was deported to the small town of Kortuz in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 1949, a decree was issued, according to which the deported Germans were allowed to move to their close relatives for family reunification. Then the family moved to their uncle in the city of Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk region. In the 1950s, his grandmother Augusta Kruse took him and his brother to meetings of the Lutheran community of Krasnoturinsk, which then took place secretly in the homes of believers. All worship services were German. It was only in 1990 that it became possible for all Lutheran communities in the city to openly celebrate Christmas.

After 3 years of service in the army, Kruse got a job at an aluminum plant in Krasnoturinsk, where he worked for 28 years. August Kruse got married in 1964. He has two adult children - a son and a daughter, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

August Kruse was ordained by the then Bishop Nikolaus Schneider (de:Nikolaus Schneider) with all the rights of a pastor. Already in 1993, he became a probst in the Urals and a representative of the bishop.

In 2004 he was elected to the post of episcopal visitor. Since 2007 - Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East.

On September 19, 2009, at the III General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELKRAS) in the city of St. Petersburg in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, he was elected Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Ivanchenko Alexander Lvovich (1945) - writer, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, member of the International PEN Club. Author of novels, short stories, plays, essays. English translator. Born in Krasnoturinsk

The Russian Federation is a great state that ranks first on the planet in terms of territory and national wealth. However, its main pride is made up of outstanding citizens who have left a noticeable mark on history. Our country has nurtured a huge number of famous scientists, politicians, generals, athletes and artists of world renown. Their achievements allowed Russia to take one of the leading positions in the list of superpowers of the planet.


Who are they, outstanding citizens of Russia? Their list can be continued endlessly, because every period in the history of our Fatherland has its own great people who became famous in different areas activities. Among the most prominent personalities who, to one degree or another, influenced the course of both Russian and world history, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
  2. Peter the Great.
  3. Alexander Suvorov.
  4. Mikhail Lomonosov.
  5. Dmitry Mendeleev.
  6. Yuri Gagarin.
  7. Andrei Sakharov.

Minin and Pozharsky

An outstanding Russian citizen Kuzma Minin and his no less famous contemporary Prince Dmitry Pozharsky went down in history as the liberators of Russian lands from the Polish invaders. AT early XVII century in the Russian state began Time of Troubles. The crisis, which engulfed many areas of life, was aggravated by the presence of impostors on the throne of the capital. In Moscow, Smolensk and a number of other cities, the Polish gentry was in full swing, and the western borders of the country were occupied by Swedish troops.

In order to expel foreign invaders from Russian lands and liberate the country, the clergy called on the population to create a people's militia and liberate the capital from the Poles. The call was answered by the Novgorod zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin (Sukhoruk), who, although not of noble origin, was a true patriot of his homeland. In a short time, he managed to gather an army from the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky from the Rurik family agreed to head it.

Gradually, residents of the surrounding cities, dissatisfied with the dominance of the Polish gentry in Moscow, began to join the people's militia of Nizhny Novgorod. By the autumn of 1612, the army of Minin and Pozharsky numbered about 10 thousand people. In early November 1612, the Nizhny Novgorod militia managed to expel the Poles from the capital and force them to sign an act of surrender. The success of the operation became possible thanks to the skillful actions of Minin and Pozharsky. In 1818, the memory of the heroic liberators of Moscow was immortalized by the sculptor I. Martos in a monument erected on Red Square.

Peter the Great

The significance of the reign of Peter I, nicknamed the Great for his services to the state, is difficult to overestimate. An outstanding citizen of Russia, Peter the Great, was on the throne for 43 years, coming to power at the age of 17. He turned the country into greatest empire, founded the city of Petersburg on the Neva and transferred the capital from Moscow to it, conducted a number of successful military campaigns, thanks to which he significantly expanded the borders of the state. Peter the Great began to trade with Europe, founded the Academy of Sciences, opened many educational institutions introduced compulsory study foreign languages, forced representatives of the noble classes to wear secular outfits.

Significance of the reign of Peter I for Russia

The sovereign's reforms strengthened the economy and science, contributed to the development of the army and navy. His successful domestic and foreign policy became the basis for the further growth and development of the state. Voltaire highly appreciated the internal transformations of Russia in the time of Peter the Great. He wrote that the Russian people in half a century managed to achieve what other peoples could not achieve in 500 years of their existence.

A. V. Suvorov

The most outstanding citizen of Russia second half of XVIII century - this is, of course, the great commander, generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces Alexander Suvorov. This talented commander fought over 60 major battles and was not defeated in any of them. The army under the command of Suvorov managed to win even in those cases when the enemy forces significantly outnumbered it. The commander took part in Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774 and 1787-1791, commanded brilliantly Russian troops during the storming of Prague in 1794, and in the last years of his life he led the Italian and Swiss campaigns.

In the battles, Suvorov used the tactics of warfare developed by him personally, which was significantly ahead of its time. He did not recognize military drill and instilled in the soldiers love for the Fatherland, considering it a guarantee of victory in any battle. The legendary commander made sure that during military campaigns his army was provided with everything necessary. He heroically shared all the hardships with the soldiers, thanks to which he enjoyed great authority and respect among them. For his victories, Suvorov was awarded all those existing in his time in Russian Empire high military awards. In addition, he was a holder of seven foreign orders.

M. V. Lomonosov

Outstanding citizens of Russia glorified their country not only in the art of statecraft or military tactics. Mikhail Lomonosov belongs to the cohort of the greatest domestic scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of world science. Born into a poor family and unable to get a decent education, from early childhood he had a high intellect and was drawn to knowledge. Lomonosov's desire for science was so strong that at the age of 19 he left his village, went on foot to Moscow and entered the Slavic-Greco-Roman Academy. This was followed by studies at St. Petersburg University at the Academy of Sciences. To improve knowledge in the natural sciences, Michael was sent to Europe. At the age of 34, the young scientist became an academician.

Lomonosov, without exaggeration, can be considered a universal person. He possessed brilliant knowledge of chemistry, physics, geography, astronomy, geology, metallurgy, history, and genealogy. In addition, the scientist was an excellent poet, writer and artist. Lomonosov made many discoveries in physics, chemistry and astronomy, and became the founder of the science of glass. He owns the project of creating Moscow University, which was later named after him.

D. I. Mendeleev

The world famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev is the pride of Russia. Having been born in Tobolsk in the family of the director of the gymnasium, he had no barriers to education. At the age of 21, young Mendeleev graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute with a gold medal. A few months later, he defended his dissertation for the right to lecture and began teaching practice. At 23, Mendeleev was awarded a master's degree in chemistry. From this age, he began teaching at the Imperial University of St. Petersburg. At the age of 31, he becomes a professor of chemical technology, and after 2 years - a professor of general chemistry.

World fame of the great chemist

In 1869, at the age of 35, Dmitri Mendeleev made a discovery that made him famous all over the world. This is about Periodic table chemical elements. It became the basis for all modern chemistry. Attempts to systematize the elements according to their properties and atomic weight were made even before Mendeleev, but he was the first to clearly formulate the pattern existing between them.

The periodic table is not the only achievement of the scientist. He wrote many fundamental works in chemistry and initiated the creation of the Chamber of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg. D. I. Mendeleev was a holder of eight honorary orders of the Russian Empire and foreign countries. He was awarded a doctorate degree from the Turin Academy of Sciences, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Edinburgh and Göttingen Universities. Mendeleev's scientific authority was so high that he was nominated for the Nobel Prize three times. Unfortunately, other scientists have become laureates of this prestigious international award every time. However given fact does not in the least diminish the merits of the famous chemist before the Fatherland.

Yu. A. Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin is a prominent Russian citizen of the Soviet era. April 12, 1961 on spaceship"Vostok-1" for the first time in the history of mankind made a flight into space. Having spent 108 minutes in Earth's orbit, the astronaut returned to the planet as a hero of international proportions. Gagarin's popularity could be envied even by world movie stars. With official visits, he visited more than 30 foreign countries and traveled all over the USSR.

An outstanding citizen of Russia, Yuri Gagarin, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the highest distinctions of many countries. He was preparing for a new space flight, but a plane crash that occurred in March 1968 in the Vladimir region tragically cut short his life. Having lived only 34 years, Gagarin became one of the the greatest people XX century. All streets and squares are named after him. major cities Russia and the CIS countries, monuments to him are erected in many foreign countries. In honor of Yuri Gagarin's flight, April 12 is celebrated as International Cosmonautics Day all over the world.

A. D. Sakharov

In addition to Gagarin, there were many other prominent citizens of Russia in the Soviet Union. The USSR became famous throughout the world thanks to Academician Andrei Sakharov, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of physics. In 1949, together with Yu. Khariton, he developed a project hydrogen bomb- the first Soviet thermonuclear weapon. In addition, Sakharov conducted a lot of research on magnetohydrodynamics, gravity, astrophysics, and plasma physics. In the mid-70s, he predicted the advent of the Internet. In 1975, the academician was awarded Nobel Prize peace.

In addition to science, Sakharov was active in human rights activities, for which he fell out of favor with the Soviet leadership. In 1980, he was stripped of all titles and top awards, after which he was deported from Moscow to Gorky. After the start of Perestroika, Sakharov was allowed to return to the capital. Last years his life he continued to work scientific activity and was also elected to the Supreme Council. In 1989, the scientist worked on a draft of a new Soviet constitution that proclaimed the right of peoples to statehood, but a sudden death did not allow him to complete the work he had begun.

Prominent citizens of Russia in the 21st century

Today, a huge number of people live in our country, glorifying it in politics, science, art and other fields of activity. The most famous scientists of our time are physicists Mikhail Allenov and Valery Rachkov, urbanist Denis Vizgalov, historian Vyacheslav Vorobyov, economist Nadezhda Kosareva, etc. The outstanding artists of the 21st century include artists Ilya Glazunov and Alyona Azernaya, conductors Valery Gergiev and Yuri Bashmet, opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko, actors Sergei Bezrukov and Konstantin Khabensky, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Timur Bekmambetov and others. Well, the most prominent politician Russia today is considered its President - Vladimir Putin.

X omushku Churguy-ool Namgaevich - driver of the T-34 tank of the 25th separate tank regiment of the 52nd army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, junior lieutenant.

He was born on May 18, 1918 in the village of Khondelen, now the Barun-Khemchik kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva, in a peasant family. Tuvan. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1944. He graduated from the 6th grade, worked as a cattle breeder on a collective farm. In 1936-1938 he served in the Tuvan People's Revolutionary Army.

In June 1941, the Tuva People's Republic entered the war on the side of the USSR. In May 1943, the first group of volunteers, citizens of the republic, went to the front. Among the 11 Tuvan tank volunteers was junior lieutenant Khomushku Churguy-ool. In the training regiment in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), Tuvan tankers were trained and in early February 1944 were enrolled in the 25th separate tank regiment.

In March 1944, the regiment took part in the Bug-Dniester offensive operation. In these battles, junior lieutenant Khomushku especially distinguished himself.

On March 5, 1944, when breaking through the enemy defenses near the villages of Ryzhanovka, Kobylyaki (Kyiv region), a tank, in the crew of which Khomushku Churguy-ool was a driver, broke into the enemy’s location at top speed. With fire and caterpillars, tankers destroyed firing points and manpower. Within two hours, together with his crew, Khomushku destroyed 35 Nazis, three anti-tank guns, seven machine guns, two mortars. When the tank commander was wounded, the driver took command of the combat vehicle.

A few days later, near Uman, three tanks, among which was the Khomushka Churguy-ool car, captured 24 aircraft, 80 vehicles, captured up to a hundred Nazis and opened the way for a further offensive.

On March 13, while crossing the Southern Bug River, the brave tankman again distinguished himself. The award list noted: "... On March 13, 1944, when crossing the Southern Bug River, Junior Lieutenant Khomushku Churguy-ool quickly drove his car under water to the western bank of the river and immediately led the tank into battle to repel the enemy counterattack, pursued infantry for 6 km enemy, destroying 25 enemy soldiers, 2 light machine guns, 1 mortar with tank tracks. The tank of junior lieutenant Khomushka Churguy-ool from March 5 to March 18, 1944 was continuously in battle, without having a single case of forced stops ... ". On March 25, 1944, the tanker was presented to the heroic rank.

At By order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of command assignments and the courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, the junior lieutenant was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (N 7008).

Khomushku Churgui-ool became the first Tuvan - Hero of the Soviet Union and the only one awarded this title during the Great Patriotic War.

As part of the 25th Tank Regiment, the brave tanker liberated Moldova, fought in Romania and Hungary, met Victory Day in Czechoslovakia.

Since 1948, Lieutenant Khomushka has been in reserve. He returned to his native Tuva. Lived and worked in the village of Bert-Dag, Tes-Khem district. Died July 10, 1978.

Awarded with orders Lenin, Patriotic War 2nd degree, medals.

One of the streets of the Tuvan capital, the city of Kyzyl, is named after the Hero. A bust is erected at the entrance to the National Park on the Alley of Heroes.

By decision of the Government of the Republic of Tyva, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the aircraft Yak-42D with tail number RA 42429 of the Inter-Avia airline was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, Tuvan volunteer soldier Khomushka Churgui-ool Namgaevich.