Essay student of the 21st century what he is. "Skills of the 21st century": a new reality in education. List of used literature

Each stage of the development of mankind was marked by some turning points in its history, in socio-political and cultural development. Therefore, traditionally the 19th century is considered the century of the development of science, the 20th century - technical progress. Our age, despite the fact that it has barely passed the first decade, due to the rapid development of information technology, is already called the age of the information society.

The call of the times dictates the requirements for modern education. Therefore, being a student of the 21st century means, first of all, the ability to master

The opportunities that open up thanks to the development of information technology. We are talking about the use of modern computer and network tools, primarily the Internet, mobile phones with application support, and electronic gadgets.

Of course, no one talks about banal copying or printing finished tasks, abstracts and checklists from the Internet. In fact, this global network is a real Klondike for those who want and can find the information they need and use it.

A separate topic is electronic textbooks. It makes no sense to drag heavy briefcases to school

Or buy expensive study guides - they can be downloaded electronically and then used using e-books or print the pages you need.

Another possibility is training programs that will help you gain new knowledge and consolidate old ones. At the same time, everything happens in an easy, understandable, unconstrained form, most often in the form test items, and even gaming, such as web quests.

A very convenient option for organizing and monitoring studies is electronic journal. For the student, it is convenient in that you can completely abandon the usual, paper diary, and see all homework in electronic version. But, on the other hand, an electronic journal is an opportunity for control by parents who can see all the grades, teachers' comments and monitoring class attendance.

The Internet also opens up the possibility distance learning: if schools, for example, are closed for quarantine, and the educational process cannot be interrupted due to its richness and intensity, then studies can be completely transferred to “modern tracks”. Thanks to e-mail, students receive assignments, and completed ones are returned to the teacher. In addition, it is possible to communicate with the teacher via Skype.

In a word, in our time the computer and Information Technology is a means of obtaining information and communication, including in education. And being a student of the 21st century and using these achievements of mankind is easy, convenient, interesting and exciting.

Teacher and student of the 21st century: relationships and a look into the future

The 21st century has become an important milestone in the history of development educational system Russian Federation. accepted the federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" sets a new goal for teachers - to create conditions for the development of a modern, creative, versatile and harmoniously developed student's personality.

A student of the 21st century should have not only knowledge, skills and abilities in different subject areas. A young person of the “new generation” is a holistic personality with a bright personality, capable of reflection, addicted, challenging himself and society. This is especially true for students of the music school, who are creative, ambitious and bright.

Under the new conditions, the organizational side of the learning process is also undergoing changes. In the first place in the methodology of teaching disciplines, including music, there is a phenomenon called "educational partnership between student and teacher." "Educational partnership" is interpreted as the involvement of equal participants - a student and a teacher - in a joint pedagogical process to achieve common goals.

The goal of the activity of a teacher of a children's music school can be formulated as follows:

enrichment of the spiritual world of the younger generation;

development and formation of moral and aesthetic views and feelings in it;

the formation of a need, interest in the knowledge of the achievements of national and world culture and art.

Peculiarities pedagogical activity in children's music educational institution consist in the fact that the means of musical art are designed to solve the pedagogical goals we have identified earlier. A modern music teacher should be a well-educated specialist who knows:

special and general scientific knowledge;

actual methods of teaching the discipline;

skills and abilities of pedagogical activity.

Personal self-improvement is key point in the activities of the teacher. A teacher in a music school is certainly a creative person, capable of captivating students with his love for music, constant monitoring of musical innovations, regardless of their musical preferences. teacher school music lesson

Of course, the transfer of knowledge begins with the mastery of the classical canons of music by students. This is a complex process, requiring patience, diligence, and sometimes even meticulousness both from the teacher and from the young talent. A young person, often carried away, driven by his own impatience, emotional impulses, can show incontinence, start coming to class unprepared. Modern teacher own example, virtuoso skill, tact and attention should literally "infect" the student with a craving for knowledge, instill the ability to work. And this opportunity to see the future result of their musical activity will allow the student to start practicing the skill of playing a musical instrument.

Modern educational process sets a goal for the music school to prepare a person adapted to adult life. The organization of creative evenings, concerts, competitions by the teacher will form the student's psychological readiness for public speaking, an adequate attitude to criticism and competition.

The teacher's own behavior at these events, his impartiality, decency and professionalism will lay the foundation for a culture of human relationships in the student, not only in a creative environment. So, in the course of our reflections, we come to an important conclusion - the teacher of the 21st century should become a standard for the student in the profession, life and communication.

In my opinion, the teacher in his work demonstrates:

Love for work;

Permanent practice;

Striving for self-improvement;

Ability to argue one's position;

Ability to work in a team;

Honesty, openness, decency, upbringing;

Loyalty to someone else's point of view.

These and many other characteristics will become for the representative of the “new generation” the standard that he will adhere to throughout his life.

Education in a musical educational institution forms in young man the ability to see the beautiful, to respond to the emotional message of the work, to interpret the author's intention. The ability to think, analyze, interpret, not be afraid of a non-standard position is character traits in demand in the new millennium. At the same time, do not forget about the past. In the course of the learning process, the student's horizons expand, his own taste is determined, knowledge of classical art is laid. Thus, a serious responsibility is assigned to the music teacher, namely the formation of the cultural foundations of the student's personality.

But the generation of the 21st century strives to produce its own musical trends. Therefore, the specifics of the activity of a music teacher largely consists in the disclosure creativity the rising generation. An alternative culture that contrasts sharply with the classical legacy of the past is not always taken seriously by adults. However, it should be remembered that the inclusion educational program acquaintance with modern musical trends, the teacher's sincere interest in learning new directions is the practical embodiment of the "educational partnership between student and teacher" within the walls of the children's music school.

Non-standard forms of lessons, composition musical compositions, comparison of classical and modern styles will make the learning process multi-level, containing unusual forms of acquaintance with new material, which could embody the activity of students, the activity of the nature of thinking, the craving for independence.

Contemporary music is a reflection of our life, its values, problems and aspirations. The student's musical creativity in one of the alternative styles is an attempt to find himself in the present tense, to reveal his own talents. The support of the teacher, his criticism and praise, joint creativity will make the learning process in a children's musical educational institution filled with bright, unforgettable moments of creation.

I suppose that in the future the nature of the joint activity of the "student and teacher" in the children's music school will become even more informal and lively. Classical canons of music education will be shaded by alternative phenomena contemporary art. The generation of the 21st century is active, free-thinking, creatively developed, not afraid to express themselves differently in musical creativity. For them, a music teacher should become an equal partner, able to understand the aspirations of the younger generation and accept the subjective products of creativity.

The creative individuality of the music teacher of the children's music school, the readiness to implement the artistic and pedagogical process as creativity, the desire to create a creative laboratory in the classroom is an urgent task set by modern times for pedagogical teams.

List of used literature

Bezborodova L.A., Aliev Yu.B. Methods of teaching music in educational institutions: Tutorial for students of musical faculties of pedagogical universities. - M., 2002.

Lobova A.F. Theory and methodology of musical education in primary school: Tutorial. - Yekaterinburg, 2002.

Osenneva M.S., Bezborodova L.A. Methods of musical education of junior schoolchildren. - M., 2001.

4. Chudinova V.P., Socialization of the personality of the child and the media: acute problems. 2004.№4


Student XXI century

Our whole life depends on

what nursery we came from.

(Yu.V. Katin-Yartsev)

Teachers gathered to scold student Petya, and they called it " pedagogical council”, as if Petya is very sick. And he is actually very healthy and even loved by his classmates and, of course, by his parents. And no matter how much they (teachers) cursed, spat, or threw epithets, metaphors and hyperbole, it did not lead to anything good. Petya continued to meet with the most beautiful girl in the class, write poems at night, beat those whom, as he believed, it was supposed to be beaten, disrupt the lessons, whose lessons God himself ordered to disrupt. And once Petya came to the dining room, ate breakfasts intended for the whole class, washed it down with half a bucket of compote, grunted and ran to skip classes, stare at the city and hooligan, bullying other passers-by with his jokes. It all ended with an illiterate threatening letter addressed to the school from those who are called upon to actually catch oligarchs, bandits, political scoundrels, and not Petya. This terribly excited the most untalented teachers of the school and overflowed the cup of their psycho-neurological patience. And it started!

Painfully familiar picture? Did you recognize your student? “... it always reacts unpredictably - sometimes it slumbers for some unknown reason, then, on the contrary, it boils, flares up, explodes.” (Frene Celestin).

What are today's students most interested in? Who do they dream of becoming? What impact does modern society have on them?

From my own observations, I can note that quite prosperous, at first glance, modern children are afraid of their future, are afraid of becoming adults, painfully endure deceit, betrayal, loneliness, mostly rely only on themselves and partially on their parents; do not trust political leaders; have their own opinion on the reorganization of society, want to earn money in order to have a “secured” rear when they enter adulthood, defend the right to early economic independence, express a desire to engage in art, business, do not consider it necessary for themselves to serve in the army, are aware of their powerless position in society, recognize the fight as a completely civilized way of fighting for their rights.

I will take literary liberties and put myself in the place of a student of the 21st century. What would he tell us about his generation?

Of course, if a young guy watches action films on TV, where the concept of honor, fortitude is very blurred, if television corrupts him, putting pleasure and easy money at the head of everything, then the result is the same - try to be the same. It is not surprising that then he can become a murderer, rapist or robber. That he will not want to work and live honestly.

It seems to me that our generation got a lot. Our childhood, our youth had a hard time, Time of Troubles in which adults themselves do not know what they want.

We are often scolded for not being like our parents. And indeed it is. But we are not just a new generation. We are the people of the future, the people of the 21st century. We have to build our lives. We have to raise our Motherland from its knees.

We do not stand looking up at adults, but together with adults we are looking for an answer to the common question: “For what reason did we come into this world?”

Sometimes you feel like a dry leaf driven by the wind along a dusty street, a speck of dust on the ocean. Peace and order do not always reign in life. But it is important to remember in time that a person is not a dry leaf or a grain of sand, he himself draws a map of his path and follows it.

Student XXI century is me...

Only half a century later.

Brave in reasoning

Very hungry for knowledge.

Your computer is for you

The standard of the universe.

My continuation...

You are a sage and a thinker.

Student XXI century -

You are my main teacher.

For the second year on the basis of Karasuk College of Education passes the regional stage VIII All-Russian Olympiad junior schoolchildren, in which the best of the best, the smartest of the smartest schoolchildren from five districts of the Novosibirsk region take part: Karasuksky, Kochkovsky, Bagansky, Krasnozersky, Kupinsky.

On February 21, 2018, students of group 301 conducted the registration of schoolchildren and were greeted in the assembly hall by the deputy director of the college, Krivusheva O.M. Students of the 201st group held the grand opening of the Olympiad, they prepared a program with the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons: the Queen of Knowledge, Kashchei, Fixiki, Rooster and Dog.

The guys took part in three Olympic Games ( literary reading, mathematics, Russian), each of which lasted 45 minutes. During the breaks, interesting master classes were waiting for them: modeling from balloons, a creative workshop. The participants solved the tasks under the guidance of Gutova N.V., the students of the 301st group conducted the briefing for schoolchildren and members of the jury.

While the jury was summing up the results of the Olympiad, students of groups 201 and 301 organized a flash mob, interesting games and interviews for participants, teachers and parents. After all the works were checked, Lobanova L.A., Mysyakina O.I., Radushkina V.M., Gutova N.V. awarded the winners and all participants of the Olympiad with prizes made by college students. By total amount points 1st place was taken by Anna Makaleva (MKOU "Kochkovskaya secondary school") and Matskevich Evita (MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after V.N. Timonov, Karasuk district). 2nd place was shared by Balakina Elizaveta (MKOU "Kochkovskaya secondary school"), Skalota Egor (MBOU Technical Lyceum No. 176 of the Karasuk region) and Bridger Varvara (MKOU Krasnozerskaya secondary school No. 2 named after F.I. Anasichkin). 3rd place was taken by Vanchugova Victoria (MBOU Technical Lyceum No. 176 of the Karasuk region), Zhogin Nikita (MBOU Baganskaya secondary school No. 1) and Duplishchev Eduard (MBOU Technical Lyceum No. 176 of the Karasuk region).

The event ended with a general performance of the song “By the Way of Kindness” and a fun photo session.