The city of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region - the main attractions. City of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region () City less often where located

Savva Yakovlev built an iron-smelting and iron-working plant. The metal of the Rezhevsky plant was considered excellent. In 1878, at the world industrial exhibition in Paris, a sheet of Rezhev iron received a gold medal.

GPS coordinates

57.375170045363326, 61.39326293165192

Rezh city on the map

The plant worked until 1911, when it closed due to an industrial crisis. Already in Soviet time near Rezh found large reserves of nickel ores. The nickel plant that emerged here became the second in the USSR after Verkhneufaleisky. The Rezhnickel plant still operates in the city. Main character the city that became calling card- Church of John the Baptist, towering on Orlovaya Gora. The temple has a rather unusual architecture.

The stone single-altar church was founded in 1897, and consecrated at the very beginning of the 20th century - in 1902. There is a city cemetery near the temple. On the hill near the temple is good viewpoint. From here you can see the city, the factory, the pond perfectly. Directly under the mountain flows the river Rezh. Behind the mountain rise absolutely black, completely devoid of vegetation and any life, the dumps of the Rezhnickel plant. The apocalyptic landscape of the dumps also attracts some tourists. One of the decorations of the city is the monument of Labor and Military Glory. The monument stands on the right bank of the pond.

Closer to the city center, you can see another interesting monument - a monument to the first builders of the Rezhevsky plant. A rich semi-precious strip of the Urals, widely known for its precious stones, passes through the Rezhevsky district. There are many mines and pits in the local forests. The natural and mineralogical reserve "Rezhevskoy" was formed here, the administration of which is located in Rezh. There is also a small but curious mineralogical museum "Gemstone strip of the Urals". Visitors will see stones in it, which are found on the territory of the Rezhevsky reserve, including precious ones.

The city of Rezh is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Rezh belong to?

Rezh is included in the federal district: Ural.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory, consisting of several subjects of the Russian Federation.

What region is Rezh located in?

The city of Rezh is part of the Sverdlovsk region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that make up the region.

The Sverdlovsk region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city Dir.

The population of the city of Rezh is 37,420 people.

Year of foundation of the city of Rezh.

Year of foundation of the city Dir: 1773.

What is the time zone of Rezh?

The city of Rezh is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+6. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Rezh, relative to the time zone in your city.

Phone code of the city

Telephone code of the city of Rezh: +7 34364. In order to call the city of Rezh from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 34364 and then directly the subscriber's number.

located in the Sverdlovsk region. the city of Rezh is known for its historical past. Hundreds of years ago, cast iron and metal products were produced here, famous for their quality not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Now the settlement is the center of the urban district of the same name. Tourists are attracted here by the local nature, views of the picturesque river and sights that tell about the history of the metallurgical industry.

General Facts

The city of Rezh was originally conceived as a settlement with an iron-smelting and iron-working plant, but then grew into a full-fledged city. General information and Interesting Facts about him:

  • The area of ​​the city is small - 33 km².
  • The population of Rezh is 37 thousand people. The number of inhabitants per km² is 1125.82, which is more than 10 times higher than the national average.
  • The village at the Rezhsky plant was founded in 1773, but the status of the city was given to it more than 150 years later - in 1943. The anniversary is celebrated on the first Saturday of July. In 2019, Rezh turned 246 years old.
  • Initially, the city was a metallurgical center. It is known that in the 19th century, locally produced products were recognized as products of reference quality. They were admired not only by the Russian Emperor Alexander I, but also by many specialists from the USA and Europe.
  • Now the city's economy is based on the production of reinforced concrete, crushed stone, cable products, engineering products, mechanical parts, transformers, PVC pipes, various (including non-standard) equipment. From light industry enterprises, a garment factory, a children's clothing factory and a bakery, which produces some of the best bakery and confectionery products in the country, have been opened here.
  • The city lives according to Yekaterinburg time (UTC+5). The difference with Moscow is 2 hours more.
  • Rezh is named after the river of the same name, which is part of the Tura basin. According to some sources, in the Finno-Ugric language, this word means "cliff", "channel" or "rocky shores". The name is true - more than 60 stone ridges run along the shore of the reservoir, thanks to which it is considered one of the most beautiful in Russia.
  • A lynx is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of the city. The animal symbolizes attentiveness and visual acuity.

Despite the small area and underdeveloped tourist infrastructure, mountains. Dir in the Sverdlovsk region. attracts travelers who want to get acquainted with its history.

Location and climate

The city of Rezh was built near the river of the same name and fenced off from its neighbors by the eastern slope of the Middle Urals. This settlement is part of the Sverdlovsk region and is located 83 km northeast of its center - Yekaterinburg. It belongs to the cities of regional subordination and is the center of the Rezhevsky urban district, which, in addition to itself, has about 30 villages, villages and towns with general population approximately 10 thousand people.

The climate of Rezha is continental and typically Uralic with cold, long winters and short, cool summers. According to Wikipedia, the average temperature in July here is 18.7 °C, and in January - 15 °C. There is relatively little precipitation on the ground - 495 mm per year.

City `s history

For the first time, people came to the site of the future city in 1773, when one of the richest entrepreneurs of that time, Savva Yakovlevich Yakovlev, received permission to build metallurgical plants at the mouth of the Rezh River.

Since then, the industry has grown rapidly, and the enterprises were inherited by the son and grandson of the founder. Under the latter, they reached their peak - it is known that in 1824 Alexander I himself admired local iron, and in 1835 they wrote about its outstanding quality in the Mining magazine. In 1878, a sheet of Rezh metal was presented at the world industrial exhibition in France, for which the craftsman who made it received a gold medal.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Rezh in the Sverdlovsk region. together with the entire Urals, it survived a metallurgical crisis, during which the factories had to be closed. This was followed by a series of unpleasant events for the local population.- First World War, civil revolution, hardships of the post-revolutionary period. All this had a negative impact on both production and the quality of life of the local people. In January 1918, the Rezhsky factories were deprivatized and transferred from the ownership of the heirs of S. Yakovlev to the state.

In 1924 on the territory locality found deposits of nickel ores. In 1930, an order was received to conduct a detailed exploration, as a result of which 2 rich deposits were found - 6 and 12 km from the city. Soon, the townspeople switched to mining - this is how the second nickel plant in the country was founded. The development of industry led to an increase in population and infrastructure, as well as the rapid assignment of Rézh with the status of a city - this happened in 1943.

In 1957, a new nickel deposit was discovered, and in 1985, residents found deposits of copper and zinc, but they began to be mined only in 1994. In addition to the mining industry, printing, engineering, and the textile industry developed. A little later, the Rezh Khleb plant was opened, whose products are known to most residents of Yekaterinburg and the Urals. Nowadays, the popularity of the city among tourists is growing - this is facilitated by the efforts of the local historian and director of the travel company Alexei Rychkov.

Attractions Rezha

For such a small town, not distinguished by developed tourism, Rezh boasts a surprisingly rich list of attractions. Here you can find cultural monuments, museums, interesting natural places. Tourism in the city is promoted by the company "Kid and Carlson", which regularly conducts excursions and various recreational activities for guests.

Museums and monuments

Historical museums and monuments of the city are devoted to its past and present as a metallurgical and mining center. Interesting places:

  • Monument to the founders. It was installed in 1973 in honor of the city's bicentennial. Located in a picturesque park, surrounded by tall trees. It represents the figures of two adult male workers - one stands and looks forward, the other sits with a thoughtful look. They personify the craftsmen of Rezh, the founders of the plant, thanks to whom the existence of the city became possible.
  • Historical Museum. It was opened in 1990. Stores a variety of exhibits that tell about the history of the city in every period of life - from the village at the factory to the present. Here you can find plant samples, stuffed animals, posters and paintings, household items, industrial tools and much more. The museum often hosts master classes and educational and entertaining events for children.
  • Mineralogical Museum. Opened in 2004, now it has more than 3,000 exhibits. Allows you to get acquainted with the minerals of the Ural strip - tourmalines, aquamarines, unique and famous throughout Russia, shaitan overflow. The museum organizes excursions-expeditions to abandoned mines, where tourists are introduced to mining technologies and even allowed to cut and collect samples for the collection on their own.
  • Monument of labor and military glory. It was built in 1973 as a tribute to the memory of the inhabitants of the city who died in World War II. In 1975, the Eternal Flame was lit here, and in 1985 a memorial plaque was added with the names of local heroes who gave their lives for the patronymic. Now the townspeople are celebrating Victory Day here, and conscripts take an oath of allegiance to their homeland.

History buffs will also be interested in looking at the districts of the old city. There are still preserved ancient stone and wooden houses (the age of some of them exceeds 200 years), untouched ponds and rocky shores, betraying the atmosphere of antiquity to the area.

natural monuments

Among the sights of the city of Rezh in the Sverdlovsk region, it is difficult not to mention its natural monuments. The river, on which the first settlement was built, is surrounded by picturesque cliffs, and the Ural mountains surrounding it are famous for the harsh northern nature. Abandoned and flooded quarries are also of considerable interest to tourists. List of natural attractions of the city:

  • Rocks "Five brothers". They are located on the right bank of the river Rezh in the immediate vicinity of the city. In 1983, they were awarded the title of natural monument of regional importance and made a protected area. The view of this place from afar is striking - five majestic stone walls are partially covered with earth, pines and bushes of wild lingonberries grow on them, stretching up to the coastline. Animals run among them, mostly game animals. The place is popular among anglers and just lovers of outdoor recreation.
  • Satan stone. It is located where the Adui tributary flows into the Rezh River. The majestic rock is striking in its size - the height of the sheer stone is 30-40 meters (it fluctuates in different areas), and the length along the water is almost half a kilometer. From the top there is an unforgettable view of the surroundings. The cultural significance of the mountain for ancient people is also interesting - they considered it a magical place where spirits and otherworldly forces live. Traces of ancient rites are well preserved on the stone - rock inscriptions, depressions and cracks from blows with ritual weapons.
  • Spring "Breaking Key". One of the symbols of the city, loved by tourists and locals. According to legend, it arose from a lightning strike that pierced the stone so deep that water flowed out of it (it is considered extremely pure and even attributed with healing properties). The spring itself is very picturesque - the source is lined with stone, a canopy roof is built over it, there are several benches for rest nearby. You can go down to it by a man-made stone staircase. From the source, a trickle of water runs in a thin stream through the forest, getting lost in the trees. Recently, the spring was consecrated, so pilgrims visiting the holy places of the Urals go to it.

The city of Rezh is quite popular among lovers of outdoor recreation, hiking and especially fishing - in the local river you can catch carp, pike, perch and other freshwater fish. But the northern Ural nature is harsh and inhospitable, so not everyone will like this pastime.

Among other sights of the city stands out the Church of John the Baptist. It is located on Mount Orlovaya - the highest point of the city, located on the right bank of the river. According to legend, once there lived an ataman of robbers, nicknamed Oryol - he robbed rich people and distributed booty to the poor. Once he was killed in his sleep, after which the body was buried on top of the mountain, which is why she was nicknamed Orlova. The church was built here in 1902. A beautiful white building with five blue domes has become an object cultural heritage areas.

Among the remarkable places of the city of Rezh, one can single out the creative workshop "Pinocchio". It is worth a visit for everyone who wants to acquire local designer souvenirs. Here you can buy unique handmade wooden toys or order individual work. Local craftsmen became famous for their participation in numerous folk fairs and exhibitions, therefore this place attracts tourists as one of the attractions of the city.

Local thermal springs are also of interest to tourists. On their basis, the hotel and resort "Baden-Baden Emerald Coast" was founded, offering tourists to combine the enjoyment of the primeval Ural forest with swimming in the healing hot water and rest in comfortable rooms of various categories. In addition to swimming in warm natural pools, the complex offers visitors a variety of services and entertainment - billiards, paintball, catamaran rides, relaxation in pavilions with barbecue facilities, a sauna, dinners in a restaurant, fishing equipment rental.

The city of Rezh is interesting for its historical past and unforgettable Ural nature. It cannot be called a major tourist center, lovers active rest you won't get bored here.

At east slope Ural mountains, in their middle part, the picturesque river Rezh flows. On it stands interesting city with the same name - the city of Dir. Belongs to the Sverdlovsk region and is the administrative center of the Rezhevsky urban district. Nearest Big City Yekaterinburg is 83 km away.

According to one version, the name means "rocky shores". And you can easily be convinced of this by going to this city and examining the beautiful river Rezh with its large rocks.

The Ural city began its history in 1773, when it was founded as a settlement. Russian businessman Yakovlev Savva Yakovlevich decided to build two plants there, one for iron-making, the other for iron-smelting. Then, with rapid development, the village acquired the status of a city, the celebration of the City Day falls on the first Saturday of July. In the 20th century, exploration work began in these places to search for nickel ores and iron. The "gem-colored strip of the Urals" passes through the territory of the city and its environs, famous for its minerals - topazes, emeralds, tourmalines, amethysts, opal and others.

The history of the city is directly connected with the appearance of the first factory. The Rezhevsky plant was considered the best iron processing enterprise throughout Russia. The products were known even in Europe and in the USA. And the main difference was the longer service life of iron due to its excellent properties - it did not rust, had good malleability, a shiny surface, and did not require painting.

The monument to the founding craftsmen was erected in 1973 on the 200th anniversary of the city. The monument was erected in honor of those people who founded the plant, and also achieved best quality its products. It is located in the square, around the monument trees rush up.

The figures of two men, one of them is sitting, with a pensive look, the second is standing, both fixed their eyes forward, on the memorial plaque there is an inscription: "To the Rezhev craftsmen-founders of the plant 1773 - 1993."

Location: Pushkin street - 2a.

The house of the factory manager and the building of the old factory management

The Rezhevsky plant, famous throughout the country, was built on the right bank of the Rezh River. At the very beginning, the plant had two workshops, the first for the production of cast iron, the second for the conversion of cast iron to iron. Later, new workshops were created on the left bank. There, on the left bank, there is a building that was intended for the residence of employees of the administration of the Rezhevsky plant.

A distinctive feature of the building is the presence of a rotunda and a dome, although the building belongs to civil buildings. Many architectural elements of the building have not survived to this day, but even now it looks great. Before civil revolution the building was called as the Lord's house or the factory manager's house (pictured above), since the factory managers lived there. The house keeps many legends, this is the presence of treasures, and the presence of a ghost. The most interesting are the underground passages that connect many buildings of the city.

On the same Sovetskaya Street, on the opposite side of the Lord's House, there is a factory management building (pictured above). It was built in the 19th century and rebuilt in the 20th century. In the middle of the 20th century, a prison was located in the basement. Above the central part was a fire tower, where firefighters monitored the state of safety in the area and at the plant. Now the building has been rebuilt and has a slightly different appearance.

Location: Plant manager's house - Sovetskaya street 3, building of the old plant management - Sovetskaya street 2.

The main objectives of the museum are to preserve and pass on to the descendants of its history. Since 1990, the year of its foundation, the Rezhevsky Historical Museum has been coping with these tasks perfectly. Among the permanent exhibitions and expositions of the museum are the Old Rezhevsky Plant; Life and crafts of the inhabitants of the Rezhevsky district; Nature of the Rezhevsky district; Rezhevlians during the Great Patriotic War.

Workshops on making folk dolls are held. It will be very interesting for children to take part in the interactive program "Russian Hospitality", where they will learn about the traditions of Russian hospitality in the past in a playful way. And for very young children, pupils of kindergartens, the museum offers an educational program "Journey to the Museum". Such activities from an early age instill in children a love for their homeland, traditions and history of their region.

Location: Krasnoarmeyskaya street - 3.

In the semi-precious strip of the Urals there are unique deposits of gems. Among them are tourmalines, aquamarines, shaitan overflow and many others. In 2002-2004, the mineralogical museum "Gemstone strip of the Urals" was created.

In May 2004, it opened its first permanent exhibition dedicated to minerals. Now the museum has more than 3,000 items. Two exhibition halls are open. In addition, the museum organizes excursions to the ancient semi-precious mines, introducing tourists to the technology of stone mining.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 4.

For residents of the city of Rezh, the spring "Breaking Key" is one of the most famous symbols of the city. According to an old legend, on the left bank of the Rezh River, a lightning strike struck the ground, due to which spring water began to flow from it. Many people come to the spring for clean water with healing properties. This is a very picturesque place, a spring flowing from the ground runs like a stream through the forest.

Admirers of the spring built a small house near the spring, the very bed of the spring is lined with stone, there are benches and a convenient descent to the source. 12 years ago, the spring was consecrated in honor of St. Panteleimon, known for his good deeds and the miracle of healing suffering and sick people. Tourists traveling to the holy places of the Urals are often brought to the spring. Residents and guests of the city also come here.

The city of Rezh impresses with its natural beauty, and its surroundings are no exception. On the right bank of the Rezh River there are beautiful rocks called "Five Brothers". This area in 1983 was made a natural monument of regional significance. After all, such beauty must be preserved and increased.

The site consists of rocks built in the form of several walls, and coastal outcrops are covered with pines and lingonberry clearings. Also here you can meet some species of animals, mainly commercial. The place should definitely be visited by fishermen, lovers of nature, outdoor activities.

most high point The city is Orlova Gora, which is a heap of rocks. And it is located on the right bank of the river Rezh. With Orlovaya Gora, local residents have one very interesting legend. Old people said that once upon a time robbers lived here, led by an ataman, who was called Orel. And he, like the well-known Robin Hood, robbed rich people, and then gave it to the needy.

There was a betrayal, and the soundly sleeping Eagle was killed. The comrades buried the body of the ataman on the high mountain, after which everyone nicknamed her Orlova. Opens from the mountain good view to the city and the nickel plant.

In 1902, the Church of John the Baptist was built. It is made in the Russian-Byzantine style. During the Soviet years, divine services were not held. It was returned to parishioners in 1990. It is an object of cultural heritage of the Sverdlovsk region. It is located on the picturesque Orlovaya Gora, only 380 meters from the center of Rezh.

Location: Krasnoarmeyskaya street - 14.

On Victory Square, on the right bank of the pond, there is a monument to Labor and Battle Glory. The authors are sculptor Ya. P. Zaitsev and architect A. V. Astashkin. It was opened in 1973 as a token of gratitude local residents, participants of the Great Patriotic War.

In 1975, the Eternal Flame was lit near the monument. And ten years later, on the marble slabs, the names of the Rezhevyans, the dead participants in the war, were placed. Flowers are laid here on Victory Day, and here conscripts, future defenders of the Motherland take an oath of allegiance, swearing an oath to the Fatherland.

Location: Sovetskaya street - 12.

Where the right tributary of the Adui flows into the Rezh River, there is a stone that attracts crowds of tourists. Pine and aspen grow here. Birches. Once this Shaitan-stone served as a cult place among the indigenous population.

According to one of the legends, the Shaitan stone is the Master of the Ural Mountains, the petrified Master. Rocks of irresistible beauty are located on the right bank of the Rezh River. And in 1976, archaeologists discovered interesting rock carvings. From the high rocky peaks, a bewitching spectacle opens up, a good place for relax.

A resort for connoisseurs of excellent rest, lovers of forest nature. Recovery is created with the help of a complex of thermal pools, which give a feeling of harmony with nature. And the primeval Ural forest cleanses the body and strengthens the spirit.

Rooms of various price categories and comfort classes are offered. From entertainment - billiards, paintball, a playground for children, gazebos with barbecue facilities, excursions, as well as excellent conditions for fishing. On fishing you can catch large carp, pike, perch and other types of freshwater fish. Fishing tackle and a catamaran are available for rent. The restaurant offers delicious food and a pleasant interior. The thermal complex gives an unforgettable experience to every visitor.

Location: Lenin street - 118.

Creative workshop "Pinocchio" produces handmade toys. The name is not accidental, because all the toys are made of wood, like the hero of the fairy tale "Pinocchio".

The Levin family, led by Evgeny Levin and his assistant wife Victoria, have been creating these wonderful works of art for a long time. They take part in various fairs of masters. They give memories of childhood in the form of wonderful toys. Here you can buy memorable souvenirs, as well as leave an application for the implementation of individual work.