Dot after brackets with ellipsis. Research of the market and the internal environment of the organization. About combinations of punctuation marks

Section 64.1

When “meeting” inside a sentence, a comma and a dash are first placed comma, and then dash: The history of discoveries, inventions, the history of technology that makes life and work easier for people - this, in fact, is the history of culture.(M.G.); It's not water splashing, you can't fool me, it's his long oars(L.).

In most cases, each of these two punctuation marks is placed on its own basis: Alas! My casket, a silver-rimmed saber, a Dagestan dagger, a gift from a friend - everything has disappeared.(L.) - a comma closes a separate application, a dash is placed before the generalizing word after listing the homogeneous members of the sentence; His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms, the first sign of a certain secretiveness of character.(L.) - a comma closes the subordinate part of a complex sentence, a dash is placed in front of a kind of attachment to the previous words, has an attaching connotation; I replied that the flies bothered me - and we both fell silent(L.) - a comma closes the subordinate part, a dash is placed before the part of the sentence expressing the consequence.

staging dash as an additional character may depend on the context. Wed: All sorts of objects were laid out on the table: books, writing materials, geographic Maps, a box whose purpose no one knew - the subordinate clause of a complex sentence refers to the last homogeneous member and is thus included in the enumeration, no additional sign is required; All sorts of items were laid out on the table: books, writing materials, geographical maps - which the owner, apparently, had not used for a long time - a dash is needed to show that the subordinate clause applies to all homogeneous members, more precisely, to a generalizing word.

Section 64.2

About the production comma and dash as a single sign in a complex sentence, see § 40, in the non-union complex sentence- § 46, in the period - section 13. See also: § 25, paragraph 10; § 26; § 32, approx. one; § 43 para. 3; § 45 para. 9; § 48 - 50.

§ 65. Question and exclamation marks

When "meeting" question and exclamation marks, first put question mark, as the main characterizing the sentence for the purpose of the statement, and then - in exclamatory, as an intonation mark: Is it possible to talk about close person?!

§ 66. Quotation marks and other signs

Section 66.1

A period, comma, semicolon, colon, and dash are not placed before closing quotes (all of these characters can only appear after quotes): Some voted "for", others "against", but the former were in the majority; I've had enough of your "buts", I'm fed up with them; To erase all the "white spots" on the map - that's what geographers have always dreamed of.(See also § 47, 48 and 54.)

Section 66.2

Section 66.3

If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotes, then a comma after the quotes is placed only as required by the context: He often set himself such a familiar question "who to be?", But he never found an answer for himself; Calling slogans appeared on the sides of combat vehicles: "For the Motherland"(gas.).

Section 66.4

If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotes, then it is not repeated after the quotes: Have you read the novel "What to do?".

Different characters, if they are required by the context, are placed before and after the closing quotes:

I am reading the novel by A. I. Herzen “Who is to blame?”.

Which poem by M. Yu. Lermontov contains the words: “I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love!”?

A dot is placed after closing quotation marks if it is used before them as a sign denoting an abbreviation of a word: The ad said:

“Country furniture appeared on sale: tables, chairs, sofas, etc.”

Section 66.5

If at the beginning or at the end of the text (direct speech, quotes) there are internal and external quotes, then they should differ in pattern (“Christmas trees” and “paws”): The author of the article points out that “the golden fund of world literature includes such works of Russian classics as War and Peace.”

If there is a question mark or an exclamation mark between the inner and outer quotes, quotes of the same pattern can be used: The outstanding publicistic work of A. M. Gorky is the article “Who are you with,“ masters of culture ”?”.

Section 66.6

If a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks should have ended with a comma, but the continuation of the text follows, then the comma is not placed either before or after the closing quotation marks: The verses “You know the land where everything breathes in abundance” are familiar to us from childhood; But now the time has come when the “old man obsessed with drawing” could no longer hold a brush in his hand.

However, the comma is not omitted before the opening quotes: Remember, "how good, how fresh the roses were."

§ 67. Parentheses and other signs

Section 67.1

There is no comma, semicolon, colon, or dash before the opening or closing parenthesis; all these characters are placed only after the closing bracket (except in the case specified in § 26): Ovsyanikov adhered to ancient customs not out of superstition (the soul in him was quite free), but out of habit(T.); Rudin ... so determined that he himself tells Natalya about his love (even though he does not speak out of good will, but because he is forced to this conversation); he asks her for a date(Black); He had three daughters (he even called them that on purpose): Faith Hope Love; This whole area (this was recently established by scientists) - the bottom of the sea in the past.

Section 67.2

A period, question and exclamation marks are placed before the closing bracket if they refer to words enclosed in brackets (see author's remarks in plays, plug-in constructions): Farewell, sister! (He kisses Varvara.) Farewell, Glasha! (He kisses Glasha.) Farewell, mother! (Bows.)(Sharp); And how cozy and unique I recalled quiet evenings in our winter quarters, when we used to be six men, smoking pipes, sitting in a warm wardroom (and it's cold outside, blizzard, brr!) and we scratch our tongues and laugh(Hump.).

Section 67.3

The closing bracket is followed by a punctuation mark required by the context, regardless of which character comes before the closing bracket: Not only there are no songs, where did the dream go (he also recognized insomnia!); everything is suspicious, and everything worries him(Cr.).

(For putting a full stop after the closing parenthesis, if the parenthesis refers to the author and the source of the quotation, see § 56, paragraph 1.)

Section 67.4

When “meeting” at the end of a sentence, internal and external brackets are allowed to use brackets of different patterns - round and square (cf. the use of quotation marks of different patterns, § 66, paragraph 5).

Section 67.5

Remarks in transcripts of speeches and reports are enclosed in brackets; a dot is placed before the closing bracket at the end of the remark (cf. p. 2); the dot, question mark, and exclamation mark before the opening parenthesis are preserved: This concludes my post. (Applause.); Can't we overcome these difficulties? (Unrest in the hall.); I believe in the future of Russia! (Everyone gets up. Applause.).

Editorial notes are also included: Published in order of discussion. (Edition.)

§ 68. Ellipsis and other signs

Section 68.1

After a question or exclamation mark, not three dots are put (the usual type of ellipsis), but two (the third dot is under one of the named signs): How much more to live in the world? ..(TV); How did you play yesterday?(Sharp)

Section 68.2

When an ellipsis meets a comma, the latter is absorbed by an ellipsis, which indicates not only the omission of words, but also the omission of a punctuation mark: His wife ... however, they were completely pleased with each other(G.).

§ 69. Location of punctuation marks in a footnote

Section 69.1

Comma, semicolon, colon and dot are placed after the footnote sign to show that the footnote refers to a word or group of words:

…cm. below1,":

Section 69.2

Question and exclamation marks, ellipsis and quotation marks are placed before the footnote sign to show that the footnote refers to the entire sentence:

…isn't it?1to eternity…*

it will be so!"Taman".

Reference book on the Russian language. Punctuation Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 66. Quotation marks and other signs

§ 66. Quotation marks and other signs

1. A period, comma, semicolon, colon, and dash are not placed before closing quotes (all of these characters can only appear after quotes): Some voted "for", others "against", but the former were in the majority; I've had enough of your "buts", I'm fed up with them; To erase all the "white spots" on the map - that's what geographers have always dreamed of.(See also § 47, 48 and 54.)

3. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotes, then a comma after the quotes is placed only as required by the context: He often set himself such a familiar question "who to be?", But he never found an answer for himself; Calling slogans appeared on the sides of combat vehicles: "For the Motherland"(gas.).

4. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotes, then it is not repeated after the quotes: Have you read the novel "What to do?".

Different characters, if they are required by the context, are placed before and after the closing quotes:

I am reading the novel by A. I. Herzen “Who is to blame?”.

Which poem by M. Yu. Lermontov contains the words: “I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love!”?

A dot is placed after closing quotation marks if it is used before them as a sign denoting an abbreviation of a word: The ad said:

“Country furniture appeared on sale: tables, chairs, sofas, etc.”

5. If at the beginning or at the end of the text (direct speech, quotes) there are internal and external quotes, then they should differ in pattern (“Christmas trees” and “paws”): The author of the article points out that “the golden fund of world literature includes such works of Russian classics as War and Peace.”

If there is a question mark or an exclamation mark between the inner and outer quotes, quotes of the same pattern can be used: The outstanding publicistic work of A. M. Gorky is the article “Who are you with,“ masters of culture ”?”.

6. If a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks should have ended with a comma, but the continuation of the text follows, then the comma is not placed either before or after the closing quotation marks: The verses “You know the land where everything breathes in abundance” are familiar to us from childhood; But now the time has come when the “old man obsessed with drawing” could no longer hold a brush in his hand.

However, the comma is not omitted before the opening quotes: Remember, "how good, how fresh the roses were."

From the book Handbook of the Russian language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 54. Quotation marks for quotations 1. Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formalized as direct speech, i.e., accompanied by the words of the author who cites it, then the appropriate punctuation rules are applied (see § 47 - 50): Belinsky wrote: “Nature creates a person, but develops

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) of the author TSB

§ 66. Quotation marks and other signs 1. Period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before closing quote marks (all these signs can only appear after quote marks): Some voted “for”, others “against”, but the first made up majority; I've had enough of your "buts", I

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 67. Parentheses and other signs 1. A comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before the opening or closing bracket; all these signs are placed only after the closing bracket (with the exception of the case specified in § 26): Ovsyanikov adhered to ancient customs not from

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 68. Dots and other signs 1. After a question or exclamation mark, not three dots are put (the usual type of ellipsis), but two (the third dot stands under one of the above signs): How long to live in the world? .. (Tv.); And how did you play yesterday! .. (Ostr.) 2. At the meeting"

From the book A New Approach to Reading the Palm author Webster Richard

From the book Linux and UNIX: shell programming. Developer Guide. author Tainsley David

§ 124. Quotation marks for quotations 1. Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formalized as direct speech, i.e., accompanied by the words of the author who cites it, then the appropriate punctuation rules are applied (see § 119 - 122): Belinsky wrote: “Nature creates a person, but develops

From the author's book

§ 136. Brackets and other signs 1. A comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before the opening or closing bracket; all these signs are placed only after the closing bracket, for example: It was Pyotr Gerasimovich (Nekhlyudov never knew, and even boasted a little that

From the author's book

§ 137. Dots and other signs 1. Two dots are put after a question or exclamation mark (the third dot is under one of the above signs), for example: How long to live in the world? .. (Tvardovsky); And how did you play yesterday! .. (A. N. Ostrovsky).2. When meeting dots with

From the author's book

§ 124. Quotation marks for quotations 1. Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formalized as direct speech, that is, accompanied by the words of the author who cites it, then the appropriate punctuation rules are applied (see § 119-122). Belinsky wrote: “Nature creates a person, but develops

From the author's book

§ 135. Quotation marks and other signs 1. Period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before closing quotation marks; all of these characters can only appear after quotes. For example: Some voted "for", others - "against", but the first was an obvious

From the author's book

§ 136. Brackets and other signs 1. A comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before the opening or closing bracket; all these signs are placed only after the closing bracket, for example: It was Pyotr Gerasimovich (Nekhlyudov never knew and even boasted a little that

From the author's book

§ 137. Dots and other signs 1. Two dots are put after a question or exclamation mark (the third dot is under one of the above signs), for example: How long to live in the world? .. (Tvardovsky); And how did you play yesterday! .. (A. N. Ostrovsky).2. When meeting dots with

In the section on the question How is a period put at the end of a sentence if there is an abbreviation in brackets? given by the author Olesya Aksenova the best answer is PUNCIATION COMBINATIONS
§136. Parentheses and other signs
The closing bracket is followed by the punctuation mark required by the context, regardless of which character comes before the closing bracket, for example:
Not only are there no songs,
where did sleep go (he also recognized insomnia!);
everything is suspicious
and everything worries him... (Krylov).
Perhaps (flattering hope!),
The future ignorant will indicate
To my illustrious portrait
And he says: “That was the Poet! "(Pushkin).
But from current rules:
§ 203. After the closing bracket, which ends the sentence, the punctuation mark required by the sentence as a whole is placed, regardless of which character may appear before the closing bracket, for example:
His only son, my grandfather Lev Aleksandrovich, during the mutiny of 1762 remained faithful to Peter III, did not want to swear allegiance to Catherine - and was planted in a fortress along with Izmailov (strange is the fate and union of these names!).
Note. When meeting at the end of a sentence with internal and external brackets, it is allowed, if necessary, to use brackets of various patterns (round and square).

11 simple rules, which will help you learn how to create correct and readable lists anywhere: in presentations, reports, documents or websites.

When compiling documents, we often come across all sorts of lists. There are simple and multi-level lists. How to arrange them? When to use numbering, letters and dashes? When would a period be appropriate at the end of each list item, and when would a comma or semicolon be needed?

When compiling documents, we often come across all sorts of lists. At the same time, there are a great many rules for their design. Let's try to understand them.

Designation of list elements

The pre-list clause and the elements of the subsequent list (listed after the colon) can be written on a single line. But in long and complex lists, it is much more convenient to place each element on a new line. And here you have a choice: you can limit yourself to using a paragraph indent (Example 1) or replace it with a number, letter or dash (Example 2).

Example 1

Example 2

Lists are:

    simple, those. consisting of one level of text division (see Examples 1 and 2) and

    composite, including 2 or more levels (see Example 3).

The choice of characters that will precede each element of the list depends on the depth of division. In the design of simple lists, you can use lowercase ("small") letters, Arabic numerals or dashes.

The situation is much more complicated with composite lists. For more visibility combinations of different symbols in the lists, we give an example of the design of a 4-level list:

Example 3

From this example, it can be seen that the rubric numbering system is as follows: the first-level heading is formatted using Roman numerals, the second-level headings - using Arabic numerals without brackets, the third-level headings - using Arabic numerals with brackets, and finally the fourth-level headings formatted using lowercase letters with brackets. If this list suggested another, fifth level, then we would draw it up with a dash.

Numbering system for parts of a composite list can only consist of Arabic numerals with dots. Then the structure of constructing the number of each element of the list reflects its subordination in relation to the elements located above (there is an increase in digital indicators):

Example 4

If at the end of the list is "and others", "etc." or "etc.", then such text is not placed on a separate line, but left at the end of the previous list element (see Examples 3 and 4).

Punctuation for lists

Example 3 clearly shows that the headings of the first and second levels begin capital letters, and the headings of subsequent levels are from lowercase. This is because after the Roman and Arabic (without brackets) digits, according to the rules of the Russian language, a dot is placed, and after the dot, as we all remember from elementary school, begins a new sentence, which is written with a capital letter. Arabic numerals with brackets and lower case letters with brackets are not followed by a period, so the following text begins with a small letter. The last provision, by the way, also applies to a dash, since it is difficult to imagine a combination of a dash with a dot after it.

pay attention to punctuation at the end headings of the list, as well as at the end of words and phrases in its composition.
If the heading assumes the subsequent division of the text, then a colon is placed at the end of it, if there is no subsequent division, a period is put.

Example 5

If parts of the list consist of simple phrases or one word, they are separated from each other by commas (see Example 5). If the parts of the list are complicated (there are commas inside them), it is better to separate them with a semicolon (see Example 6).

Example 6

Finally, if the parts of the list are separate sentences, they are separated from each other by a dot:

Example 7

Sometimes the list is designed in such a way that it is preceded by a whole sentence (or several sentences). In this case, the list uses only the so-called "lower" levels of division ( lower case with brackets or dashes), and dots are not put at the end of each part of the list, because in this case the list is a single sentence:

Example 8

It happens that in any parts of the list, which are phrases, an independent sentence is included, starting with a capital letter. Regardless of the fact that, according to the rules of the Russian language, a period should be placed at the end of the sentence, each element of the list will be separated from the next by a semicolon:

Example 9

List Item Consistency

When compiling lists, care should be taken to ensure that initial words of each element of the list were coordinated among themselves in gender, number and case. In Example 10, we have shown a variant of incorrect formatting: the last element of the list is used in a different case compared to the rest. Such errors usually occur in long lists with a large number of elements.

Example 10

Also, all elements of the list must necessarily agree in gender, number and case with the words (or word) in the sentence preceding the list, followed by a colon. Let's revisit the example of incorrect listing to analyze the errors.

Example 11

This list may seem irreproachable, if not for one "but". The word "compliance" requires after itself the words in genitive case that would answer the questions “who? what?". Therefore, each section should begin like this:

So, we have given the basic rules for building and designing lists that will help make your documents even more literate.