Summary of educational classes in elementary school. Educational lesson on the topic "To be strong and healthy." Organizational start of the lesson

Synopsis of an extracurricular lesson on moral education for younger students "Friendship and what prevents us from making friends?"

Target: the formation of an understanding of the value of friendship, the consolidation of children's knowledge about the positive and negative qualities of a person's character.
Tutorial: determine the essence of the concept of "friendship", the qualities of a true friend; help children realize what qualities are important in friendship.
Developing: develop communication skills necessary for the formation of friendship and collectivism in the children's environment;
Educational: to form moral qualities (the ability to be friends, to cherish friendship) and friendly relations in a team of peers, to cultivate collectivism, mutual assistance.
Equipment: power point presentation, pedagogical situations, musical accompaniment, cards with proverbs about friendship, cards with fairy-tale characters, an illustration depicting a meadow, circles, flower patterns.
Lesson Plan
1.1. Get students ready for class
2. Introductory part of the lesson
3. The main part of the lesson
3.1. Conversation about friendship
3.2. The game "Who is friends with whom?"
3.3. The game "Dark and light bags"
3.4. Game "Traffic Lights"
3.5. Game "What would I do?"
3.6. Physical education "Friendship
3.7. Quiz "Fairy-tale heroes"
3.8. Game "Collect a proverb"
3.9. Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"
4. The final part of the lesson
4.1. surprise moment
4.2. Reflection "Glade of Mood"
4.3. Parting
Lesson progress
1. Organized class start
1.1. Get students ready for class

Good afternoon dear guests! We are glad to see you. (slide 1)
Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We've got guests, let's greet them.
(Children welcome guests)
Our guests want to see what kind of guys you are. Let's say together: (slide 2)
We are friendly!
We are attentive!
We are diligent!
We are excellent students
Everything will work out for us.
Well done boys. Now you can sit quietly in your seats.
2. Introductory part of the lesson
Today we have an unusual lesson and a very interesting, serious topic, and in order to find out, you need to guess a crossword puzzle. (slide 3) I will read riddles to you, and you will answer by raising your hands, but I will ask those who raise their hand correctly.
1. Little girl
Nail growth.
Born from a grain
Her home is a flower.
Who is it? (Thumbelina)
2. He is cheerful, groovy,
And a propeller in the back
lifts the mood,
Likes sweet jam
The kid always laughs.
Who is this? Tell me!
3. She is beautiful and sweet.
And her name is from the word "ash". (Cinderella)
4. She was a dwarf's girlfriend
And, of course, you know.
(Snow White)
5. The father has a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose sticks its long ...
Who is this?..
6. With blue hair
And with big eyes.
"Brush your teeth! Wash your hands!"
Loves to lead! (Malvina)

Guys, what is the keyword? True, today our conversation is devoted to friendship and friends, but we will also discuss what prevents us from being friends. (slide 4)
3. The main part of the lesson
3.1. Conversation about friendship

What do you think friendship is?
Well done guys, and now I'll give you the definition of friendship from Ozhegov's dictionary:
Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests (slide 5)
Who do we consider friends? Children's responses are heard.
I also offer you a definition from Ozhegov's dictionary:
A friend is a person who has a friendship with someone. (slide 6)
What a beautiful word - "friendship"!
You pronounce the word "friendship" - and immediately remember the funny cartoon characters: this is the funny Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, (slide 8) this is the musical Lion cub and the wise Turtle. The world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, gives us wonderful communication - communication with a friend.
A friend is a favorite book that you read and you are interested in with it, a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times, a friend is a school teacher, an educator who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge, a friend is (slide 9) an old teddy bear with an ear torn off who will listen to you when you feel bad.
3.2. The game "Who is friends with whom?" (slide 10)
We read a lot of different fairy tales and I suggest you play the game "Who is friends with whom?" Each on the desk is a white piece of paper on which fairy-tale characters are depicted. Let's remember which of these fairy-tale heroes is friends with whom.
Winnie the Pooh Piglet,
Baby Carlson,
Cat Leopold - mice,
Baba Yaga
Lion cub - turtle
Malvina - Pinocchio,
Cinderella - mice
Cheburashka - crocodile Gena
Let's see what we got. Who is out of place here? Why is no one friends with him?
Guys, what do you think helps and what hinders friendship? Children. Kindness, mutual understanding, cooperation, politeness, sense of humor help. Rudeness, name-calling, fights, resentment, stubbornness, selfishness interfere.
3.3. The game "Dark and light bags"(slide 11)
I have two bags on the board, what color are the bags. We will fill these bags with you today. In one bag we will put the "dark" qualities of a person, and in the other - "light". But first, each of you will draw a piece of paper with a written quality out of the bag. You will name the qualities and attach signs to the bag.
"Light qualities" "Dark qualities"
Honesty Sloth
Neatness Cunning
Kindness Disobedience
caring deceitfulness
Friendliness Envy

What qualities do you think prevent us from living together? And which ones help us?
3.4. Exercise "Traffic Lights"
Guys, you have green-red “traffic lights” on your desk - green and red circles, “Yes” - green, “no” - red. I will show you the qualities placed in bags. You need to think about whether you have this quality, and answer with the help of a "traffic light". Guys, and someone had qualities from this bag, in every person, as a rule, there are both “dark” and “light” qualities.
3.5. Game "What would I do?"(slide 12)
We will play the game "What would I do?" You have yellow cards on your desk on which situations are written, you must read the situation and discuss in pairs what you would do in this situation.
1. Your friend did not do his homework and asks for your notebook to write it off. (slide 13)
2. Your friend uses bad words and expressions. (slide 14)
3. Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are not allowed to be friends with him. (slide 15)
4. Your friend does a bad deed, and everyone will know about it, including you. (slide 16)
5. Your friend suggests that you do something bad. (slide 17)
3.6. Physical education "Friendship"(slide 18)
And now it's time for us to relax a little, a cheerful mouse invites us to dance. Everyone stood up straight and repeat after our mouse.
Well done, we rested, and now we quietly sit down in our seats.
And now let's see how full the baggage of your knowledge on the topic "About friendship and friends."
3.7. Quiz "Fairy-tale heroes"(slide 19)
1. Once four musicians got together and became friends. They gave concerts together, chased out robbers together, lived together - they didn’t grieve ... Name these musician friends. (Bremen Town Musicians: Rooster, Cat, Dog, Donkey.) (slide 20)
2. Which girl rescued her friend from ice captivity? Do you respect her actions and why? (Gerda rescued her friend Kai.) (slide 21)
3. This hero fell on the bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world!” He demanded medicine. They gave him, and he answered: “A friend saved the life of a friend!” Who are we talking about? And what medicine was given to the patient? (Carlson. The medicine is raspberry jam.) (slide 22)
4. Which two friends were lying on the sand and singing a song about the sun? Name them? (Lion cub and turtle.) (slide 23)
5. The girl with blue hair had many friends, but one was always there. Who is he? (Poodle Artemon.) (slide 24)
Well done boys! There are a lot of books about friendship and friends. By reading them, you make friends in the person of literary heroes.
3.8. Game "Collect a proverb"(slide 25)
There are many proverbs about friendship. Game "Collect proverbs". You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was compiling them, I accidentally dropped and mixed up all the words in the proverbs ...
Can you help me collect them?
You have pink cards on your desks, move them closer to you. I suggest you work in pairs.
There is no friend - look for, …………… (but found - take care)
Don't have a hundred rubles, ……….. (but have a hundred friends)
One for all and all for one)
An old friend is better than two new ones)
Friend is known in trouble)
Friendship is like glass:………… (you break it - you can’t put it together)
3.9. Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"(slide 26)
Let's play the game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." I will ask you, and you will answer in unison: "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!" Be careful, there may be a trap.
To which of you can I boldly entrust any task?
How many of you come to class an hour late?
- Who knows, in order to be happy, you must always be truthful.?
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me aloud, catches flies in class?
-Who knows how not to get angry, to immediately make peace with a friend?
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
- Who, playing volleyball, scores a goal through the windows?
-Which of you knows how to make friends, and does not spare toys?
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
-Who always goes forward, gives a hand of friendship?
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.
Well done guys, I see you know how to be friends.
4. The final part of the lesson
Our lesson is coming to an end. And in conclusion, I want to offer you the laws of friendship, which you promise to fulfill and observe.
Laws of Friendship: (slide 27)
Help a friend in need.
Be able to share the joy with a friend.
Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.
Stop a friend if he does something bad.
Know how to accept help, advice, do not be offended by criticism.
Don't fool your friend.
Know how to admit your mistakes, make peace with a friend.
Don't betray your friend.
Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

- A friend is easy to lose, much harder to find. If you have a friend, take care of your friendship with him, appreciate it.
4.1. surprise moment(slide 28)
I suggest you watch a video about our class "We are friendly guys"
4.2. Reflection "Glade of Mood"
Guys, look, this is my glade of mood. You have pink and red flowers on your desks, whoever was interested, stick pink flowers cheerfully, who has a bad mood and was not at all interested, stick red flowers.
(children come to the painted clearing and stick flowers according to their mood).
4.3. Parting
On this our lesson came to an end and finally I want to quote you a poem.
“Who believes in friendship fervently, who feels a shoulder next to him,
He will never fall, in any trouble he will not be lost,
And if he suddenly stumbles, then a friend will help him get up,
Always in trouble, a reliable friend will lend a hand to him.
Guys, let's thank our guests for attending our lesson.

1. Everything is in your hands (oriental story)

Long ago, in an ancient city, there lived a Master surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?" He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?

He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student's hands, the Master replied:

All in your hands.
2. Choice

There is very little time left, and you will finish school.
Ahead is life with all its joys and problems. A difficult question now arises before you: “How to build your life further?”
You need to decide on the choice of profession, learn how to build
relationships with people, understand what you want to achieve in life
-You know that every person has freedom of choice.
And this choice should be reasonable.

The choice exists daily, every minute. Equal in its severity, unequal in its consequences. To step or not to step? Shut up or answer? To endure or not to endure? Overcome or retreat? Yes or no?
Every day and every minute we make a choice what to be: honest or deceitful, brave or cowardly, lazy or hardworking? And what we choose is what we reap.

Parable "What is life"(student says)
-An old grandfather explains to his little grandson what life is.
OLD MAN: “You see, life is a constant struggle between two wolves inside you. One wolf personifies fear, hatred, evil, hostility. And the second wolf personifies love, respect, kindness, joy.
GRANDSON: “And which wolf wins in the end?”
OLD MAN: "The one you feed..."

Strange things happen in this world: on the one hand, we boast of the achievements of science and technology, and on the other, we are forced to talk about immoral and shameful acts that should not take place in life.
-It's good when a person hears the voice of his heart, the most accurate and impartial witness of our actions.

Quiz: Are you kind?

So, are you a kind person? The test will help you understand yourself, these qualities of your personality will help the test.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends?

2. A friend talks about his hardships and troubles. Will you let him know that you are not interested in his problems, even if you are?

3. Do you often say nice things to people around you just to cheer them up?

4. If your partner is bad at chess or another game, will you sometimes give in to him to please him?

5. Do you like bad jokes and practical jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you patiently listen even to things that don't interest you at all?

8. Do you know how to apply your abilities in practice?

9. Do you quit the game when you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent's arguments?

11. Are you willing to comply with requests?

12. Would you tease someone to make others laugh?

I hope you were frank and sincere in your answers. Then start counting your points. You can give yourself one point for answering "yes" to questions: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and for answering "no" to questions: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12.

4. Poem Martynov L. "Next":

And you?
Entering any house
And in gray
And in blue
Entering steep stairs
The apartments are flooded with light,
Listening to the sound of the keys
And giving an answer to a question,
What trace will you leave?
To wipe the parquet
And looked askance in the trail,
Invisible lasting trace
In someone else's soul for many years?

Hello guys! My name is Karina Valerievna. Today we will talk with you about how people's lives change at different times of the year. And first, guess the riddle, what time of the year are we talking about. In the morning we go to the yard - Leaves fall like rain, They rustle under our feet. And fly, fly, fly...

Do you know what autumn is?

And what changes in nature occur in autumn?

And now I will call you a phenomenon in nature, and you listen carefully and think at what time of the year it happens:

Birds fly south

Green and buds on the trees

Leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground


The children are making snowmen

People harvest in their gardens and orchards

Well done, you guessed right. Calendar autumn begins - September 1. This is the date that is on the calendar. September is the first autumn month. And who knows the second autumn month?

Correctly! The second autumn month is October, the third is November.

In autumn, the sun in the sky drops lower and warms not so much. And how do you think it affects the length of the day and night?

Of course it does, the day gets shorter and the night longer.

Have you noticed how people began to dress with the advent of autumn?

- That's right, people are starting to dress warmer so as not to catch a cold. Tell us what clothes people wear in autumn.

Well done boys! Now we will play a game, I will call the action, and you think if this happens in the fall. Get up from your chairs. If what I will name happens in autumn, you clap your hands, and if it doesn’t happen, then stomp your feet.

Leaves turn yellow in autumn

In autumn, the guys sunbathe and swim

Making snowmen in autumn

Children go to school in autumn

harvest in autumn

Leaves bloom on the trees in autumn

Cows fly south in autumn

People grow candy in autumn

In autumn, there are many colorful leaves on the ground

people go skiing in autumn

Well done guys, you were very attentive. Please take your seats.

And in the fall, people harvest the crops that have grown over the summer in the fields and gardens.

Remember what vegetables grow in gardens?

What grows in the fields?

Will you solve the riddle?

Who came to the mill

And grind the grain into flour?

That's right, guys, but what do they make from flour?

Do you know any rules for handling bread?

Autumn is a very difficult and responsible time of the year, if people do not prepare the harvest for winter, then all the vegetables will freeze, and there will be nothing to eat in winter. Therefore, in the fall, people harvest in the fields, in gardens and orchards. Everything needs to be not only removed, but also take care of preserving the harvest. After all, you need to get bread, sugar, vegetable oil, you need to save potatoes, vegetables, berries, fruits. You need to collect mushrooms and wild herbs.

Raise your hand, how many of you helped your parents harvest?

Well done!

Guys, what kind of work is carried out in the fall on the streets of the city?

In autumn, everyone spends subbotniks on the streets of the city, everyone sweeps the fallen leaves. And for what, tell me?

Guys, think about why it is impossible to remove fallen leaves from under the trees and burn them?

Because it serves as a fertilizer for the soil.

What do you think, can we say that the onset of autumn is the law of nature?


Can people influence the laws of nature?

It is true that man cannot influence the laws of nature. He is a part of nature, which obeys its laws. And nature in its own way manages the work and life of people.

And now I will give you leaflets, and you take out pencils and felt-tip pens and draw me, please, autumn.

Well done guys, you all have a very beautiful autumn. Thanks for the drawings!

And now let's repeat what people do in the fall.

Municipal state educational institution

"Boarding School No. 4"

Methodical development

Educational occupation


Ryabtseva Ekaterina


Osinniki 2017

Educational occupation

"I am at school. How to live in a team?


Development of self-control in behavior and communication

Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere

Build tolerance

Course progress.

1. “So, we are back at school. Started in 5th grade. You are 1 year older and 1 grade older. It seems a little, only 1 year. But now you are a high school student. What do you feel? Do you enjoy being a high school student? Why? Explain." children try to talk about their feelings: pride, I have matured, responsibility has grown.

2."Who are we?"

“Let's try to tell about ourselves, starting with birthdays, full name, character, what we love (eat, put on ourselves, what to play), what to do in our free time, what is our favorite subject. That's how different we are"

3.How can we live together, so different? ...

Can we live alone?

The game "get up from the floor without hands ... but with a friend"

How was it easier and more fun to get up, with a friend or alone?

Conclusion: When with a friend, then a lot!

Collective.(a dictionary word, its feature is two letters L)

- What does it mean by meaning?

The team - from lat. - collective, that is, a group that brings together people engaged in solving common problems (educational - class, labor - brigade, household - family, etc.), taking into account the peculiarity and significance of each.

4.Which is more important, me or us?(children try to answer)

Remember. “I, you, he, she are together a friendly family!”

What are these lines about?

One can be a family, a class, a group?

When is a country called a great power and for what?

How strong can a country be? - army, science, art, traditions, friendship of peoples.

And who is behind this? - a citizen, a great and simple person.

So who is more important, me or us?

Conclusion: One is impossible without the other!


We lived separately

Everyone on their own.

Now we're together

To the joy of fate.

Let's put together all our "I",

This is how our FAMILY was born.


What word is encoded here? (children stand in a row with the letter I in their hands).

Answer, how to live together? – respect each I!

7. Conclusion.

Game "Explain the proverb"

There is safety in numbers.

When together, then it is not difficult.

The game. Say "I'm glad to see you" - (with different intonations: fun, with kindness, affection, evil).





"I I I I I I I"