What is metrology? Types, fundamentals, means and tasks of metrology. What is metrology and why does humanity need it? Metrological information

Metrology - the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy.

Theoretical (fundamental) metrology - a branch of metrology whose subject is the development of the fundamental foundations of metrology.

legal metrology - a section of metrology, the subject of which is the establishment of mandatory technical and legal requirements for the use of units of physical quantities, standards, methods and measuring instruments, aimed at ensuring the unity and the need for measurement accuracy in the interests of society.

Practical (applied) metrology - a section of metrology, the subject of which is the practical application of the developments of theoretical metrology and the provisions of legal metrology.


Physical quantity - a property that is qualitatively common for a set of objects and individual in quantitative terms for each of them.

The size of a physical quantity - quantitative content of a property (or expression of the size of a physical quantity) corresponding to the concept of "physical quantity", inherent in this object .

The value of a physical quantity - quantitative assessment of the measured value in the form of a certain number of units accepted for this value.

Unit of measurement of a physical quantity - a physical quantity of a fixed size, which is assigned a numerical value equal to one, and used to quantify physical quantities homogeneous with it.

When measuring, the concepts of the true and actual values ​​of a physical quantity are used. The true value of a physical quantity - the value of the quantity, which ideally characterizes the corresponding physical quantity in qualitative and quantitative terms. The actual value of a physical quantity is the value of a physical quantity obtained experimentally and so close to the true value that it can be used instead of it in the set measurement problem.

Measurement - finding the value of a physical quantity empirically using special technical means.

The main features of the concept of "measurement":

a) it is possible to measure the properties of really existing objects of knowledge, i.e., physical quantities;

b) measurement requires experiments, i.e. theoretical reasoning or calculations cannot replace experiment;

c) to conduct experiments, special technical means are required - measuring instruments, brought into interaction with a material object;

G) measurement result is the value of the physical quantity.

Characteristics of measurements: principle and method of measurements, result, error, accuracy, convergence, reproducibility, correctness and reliability.

Measuring principle - the physical phenomenon or effect underlying the measurements. For example:

Method of measurement - a method or a set of methods for comparing the measured physical quantity with its unit in accordance with the implemented measurement principle. For example:

Measurement result - the value of a quantity obtained by measuring it.

Measurement error - deviation of the measurement result from the true (actual) value of the measured quantity.

Accuracy of the measurement result - one of the characteristics of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of the error of the measurement result.

Convergence of measurement results - the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same means, by the same method in the same conditions and with the same care. The convergence of measurements reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result.

Reproducibility - the closeness of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and means, by different operators, at different times, but reduced to the same conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.).

Correctness - a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors in their results.

Reliability - a measurement quality characteristic that reflects confidence in their results, which is determined by the probability (confidence) that the true value of the measured quantity is within the specified limits (confidence).

A set of quantities interconnected by dependencies form a system of physical quantities. Units that form a system are called system units, and units that are not included in any of the systems are called non-system units.

In 1960 11 The General Conference on Weights and Measures approved the International System of Units - SI, which includes the ISS system of units (mechanical units) and the MKSA system (electrical units).

Systems of units are built from basic and derived units. Base units form a minimal set of independent source units, and derived units are various combinations of base units.

Types and methods of measurements

To perform measurements, it is necessary to perform the following measurement operations: reproduction, comparison, measurement conversion, scaling.

Reproducing the value of the specified size - the operation of creating an output signal with a given size of the informative parameter, i.e. the value of voltage, current, resistance, etc. This operation is implemented by a measuring instrument - a measure.

Comparison - determination of the ratio between homogeneous quantities, carried out by subtracting them. This operation is implemented by the comparison device (comparator).

Measuring conversion – the operation of converting the input signal to the output, implemented by the measuring transducer.

Scaling - creation of an output signal that is homogeneous with the input, the size of the informative parameter of which is proportional to K times the size of the informative parameter of the input signal. Scale transformation is implemented in a device called scale converter.

Measurement classification:

by the number of measurements - single, when measurements are taken once, and multiple– a series of single measurements of a physical quantity of the same size;

accuracy characteristic - equivalent- this is a series of measurements of a quantity, made by measuring instruments of the same accuracy in the same conditions with the same care, and unequal when a series of measurements of any quantity is performed by measuring instruments of different accuracy and under different conditions;

the nature of the change in time of the measured value - static, when the value of a physical quantity is considered unchanged over the time of measurement, and dynamic– measurements varying in size of a physical quantity;

way of presenting measurement results - absolute measuring a quantity in its units, and relative- measurement of changes in a quantity with respect to the same-name value, taken as the initial one.

the method of obtaining the measurement result (the method of processing experimental data) - direct and indirect, which are divided into cumulative or joint.

Direct measurement - measurement, in which the desired value of the quantity is found directly from the experimental data as a result of the measurement. An example of a direct measurement is the measurement of a source voltage with a voltmeter.

Indirect measurement - measurement in which the desired value of a quantity is found on the basis of a known relationship between this quantity and the quantities subjected to direct measurements. With indirect measurement, the value of the measured quantity is obtained by solving the equation x =F(x1, x2, x3,...., Xn), where x1, x2, x3,...., Xn- values ​​of quantities obtained by direct measurements.

An example of indirect measurement: the resistance of the resistor R is found from the equation R=U/I into which the measured values ​​of the voltage drop are substituted U across the resistor and current I through it.

Joint measurements - simultaneous measurements of several dissimilar quantities to find the relationship between them. In this case, the system of equations is solved

F(х1 , х2, х3 , ...., хn, х1́ , х2́, х3́ , ...., хḿ) = 0;

F(x1, x2, x3, ...., xn, x1΄΄, x2΄΄, x3΄΄, ...., xm΄΄) = 0;


F(x1, x2, x3, ...., xn, x1(n) , x2(n), x3(n), ...., xm(n)) = 0,

where х1 , х2 , х3 , ...., хn are the required values; x1 , x2 , x3 , ...., xḿ ; x1΄΄, x2΄΄, x3΄΄, ...., xm΄΄; x1(n) , x2(n), x3(n), ...., xm(n) - measured values.

An example of joint measurement: determine the dependence of the resistance of the resistor on temperature Rt = R0(1 + At + Bt2); measuring the resistance of the resistor at three different temperatures, they make up a system of three equations, from which the parameters R0, A and B are found.

Cumulative measurements - simultaneous measurements of several quantities of the same name, in which the desired values ​​of the quantities are found by solving a system of equations composed of the results of direct measurements of various combinations of these quantities.

An example of a cumulative measurement: measuring the resistances of triangle-connected resistors by measuring the resistances between different vertices of the triangle; according to the results of three measurements, the resistances of the resistors are determined.

The interaction of measuring instruments with an object is based on physical phenomena, the totality of which is measuring principle , and the set of methods for using the principle and measuring instruments is called measurement method .

Measurement methods classified according to the following criteria:

according to the physical principle underlying the measurement - electrical, mechanical, magnetic, optical, etc.;

the degree of interaction between the means and the object of measurement - contact and non-contact;

the mode of interaction between the means and the object of measurement - static and dynamic;

type of measuring signals - analog and digital;

organization of comparison of the measured value with the measure - methods of direct evaluation and comparison with the measure.

At direct evaluation method (counting) the value of the measured quantity is determined directly by the reading device of the direct conversion measuring instrument, the scale of which was previously calibrated using a multivalued measure that reproduces the known values ​​of the measured quantity. In direct conversion devices, during the measurement process, the operator compares the position of the pointer of the reading device and the scale on which the reading is made. Measuring current with an ammeter is an example of direct measurement.

Measure Comparison Methods - methods in which a comparison is made of the measured value and the value reproduced by the measure. Comparison can be direct or indirect through other quantities that are uniquely related to the first. A distinctive feature of comparison methods is the direct participation in the measurement process of a measure of a known quantity, homogeneous with the measured one.

The group of comparison methods with measure includes the following methods: zero, differential , substitution and coincidence.

At null method measurement, the difference between the measured value and the known value or the difference between the effects produced by the measured and known values ​​is reduced to zero during the measurement process, which is recorded by a highly sensitive device - a null indicator. With a high accuracy of measures reproducing a known value and a high sensitivity of the null indicator, high measurement accuracy can be achieved. An example of applying the null method is to measure the resistance of a resistor using a four-arm bridge, in which the voltage drop across the resistor is

with unknown resistance is balanced by the voltage drop across the resistor of known resistance.

At differential method the difference between the measured value and the known, reproducible measure is measured using a measuring instrument. The unknown value is determined from the known value and the measured difference. In this case, the balancing of the measured value with the known value is not carried out completely, and this is the difference between the differential method and the zero method. The differential method can also provide high measurement accuracy if the known value is reproduced with high accuracy and the difference between it and the unknown value is small.

An example of a measurement using this method is the measurement of the DC voltage Ux using a discrete voltage divider R U and a voltmeter V (Fig. 1). Unknown voltage Ux = U0 + ΔUx, where U0 is the known voltage, ΔUx is the measured voltage difference.

At substitution method the measured value and the known value are alternately connected to the input of the device, and the value of the unknown value is estimated from two readings of the device. The smallest measurement error is obtained when, as a result of selecting a known value, the device gives the same output signal as with an unknown value. With this method, high measurement accuracy can be obtained with a high accuracy of a measure of a known value and a high sensitivity of the instrument. An example of this method is the accurate measurement of a small voltage using a highly sensitive galvanometer, to which an unknown voltage source is first connected and the pointer deviation is determined, and then the same pointer deviation is achieved using an adjustable source of known voltage. In this case, the known voltage is equal to the unknown.

At match method measuring the difference between the measured value and the value reproduced by the measure, using the coincidence of scale marks or periodic signals. An example of this method is measuring the speed of a part using a flashing strobe lamp: observing the position of the mark on the rotating part at the moments of the flashes of the lamp, the speed of the part is determined from the frequency of flashes and the offset of the mark.


Measuring instrument (SI) - technical means intended for measurements, normalized metrological characteristics, reproducing and (or) storing a unit of physical quantity, the size of which is assumed to be unchanged (within a specified error) for a known time interval.

By purpose, SI are divided into measures, measuring transducers, measuring instruments, measuring installations and measuring systems.

Measure - a measuring instrument designed to reproduce and (or) store a physical quantity of one or more specified dimensions, the values ​​of which are expressed in established units and are known with the required accuracy. There are measures:

- unambiguous- reproducing a physical quantity of the same size;

- polysemantic - reproducing a physical quantity of different sizes;

- set of measures- a set of measures of different sizes of the same physical quantity, intended for practical use both individually and in various combinations;

- measure store – a set of measures structurally combined into a single device, in which there are devices for their connection in various combinations.

Measuring transducer - a technical tool with normative metrological characteristics, which is used to convert the measured value into another value or a measuring signal convenient for processing. This transformation must be performed with a given accuracy and provide the required functional relationship between the output and input values ​​of the converter.

Measuring transducers can be classified according to:

according to the nature of the transformation, the following types of measuring transducers are distinguished: electrical quantities to electrical, magnetic to electrical, non-electric to electrical;

place in the measuring circuit and functions distinguish between primary, intermediate, scale, and transmitting converters.

Measuring device - a measuring instrument designed to obtain the values ​​of the measured physical quantity in the specified range.

Measuring instruments are divided into:

according to the form of registration of the measured value - to analog and digital;

application - ammeters, voltmeters, frequency meters, phase meters, oscilloscopes, etc.;

purpose - instruments for measuring electrical and non-electrical physical quantities;

action - integrating and summarizing;

the method of indicating the values ​​of the measured value - showing, signaling and recording;

the method of converting the measured value - direct assessment (direct conversion) and comparison;

method of application and design - panel, portable, stationary;

protection from the effects of external conditions - ordinary, moisture-, gas-, dust-proof, sealed, explosion-proof, etc.

Measuring setups – a set of functionally combined measures, measuring instruments, measuring transducers and other devices, designed to measure one or more physical quantities and located in one place.

Measuring system - a set of functionally combined measures, measuring instruments, measuring transducers, computers and other technical means placed at different points of a controlled object in order to measure one or more physical quantities inherent in this object, and to generate measuring signals for different purposes. Depending on the purpose, measuring systems are divided into information, control, management, etc.

Measuring and computing complex - a functionally integrated set of measuring instruments, computers and auxiliary devices, designed to perform a specific measurement task as part of a measuring system.

According to metrological functions, SI are divided into standards and working measuring instruments.

Standard unit of physical quantity - a measuring instrument (or a set of measuring instruments) designed to reproduce and (or) store a unit and transfer its size to lower measuring instruments according to the verification scheme and approved as a standard in the prescribed manner.

Working measuring instrument - this is a measuring instrument used in measurement practice and not associated with the transfer of units of size of physical quantities to other measuring instruments.


Metrological characteristic of the measuring instrument - a characteristic of one of the properties of a measuring instrument that affects the result and the error of its measurements. Metrological characteristics established by normative and technical documents are called standardized metrological characteristics, and those determined experimentally actual metrological characteristics.

Conversion function (static conversion characteristic) – functional dependence between the informative parameters of the output and input signals of the measuring instrument.

SI error - the most important metrological characteristic, defined as the difference between the indication of a measuring instrument and the true (actual) value of the measured quantity.

SI sensitivity - property of a measuring instrument, determined by the ratio of the change in the output signal of this instrument to the change in the measured value that causes it. Distinguish between absolute and relative sensitivity. Absolute sensitivity is determined by the formula

Relative sensitivity - according to the formula


where ΔY is the change in the output signal; ΔX is the change in the measured value, X is the measured value.

Scale division value ( instrument constant ) – the difference in the value of a quantity corresponding to two adjacent marks on the SI scale.

Sensitivity threshold - the smallest value of the change in a physical quantity, starting from which it can be measured by this means. Sensitivity threshold in units of the input value.

Measuring range - the range of values ​​within which the permissible error limits of the SI are normalized. The values ​​of the quantity that limit the measurement range from below and above (left and right) are called respectively bottom and top measurement limit. The range of the instrument scale, limited by the initial and final values ​​of the scale, is called indication range.

Variation of indications - the greatest variation in the output signal of the device under constant external conditions. It is a consequence of friction and backlash in the nodes of devices, mechanical and magnetic hysteresis of elements, etc.

Output Variation - it is the difference between the output signal values ​​corresponding to the same actual value of the input variable when slowly approaching from the left and right to the selected value of the input variable.

dynamic characteristics, i.e., the characteristics of the inertial properties (elements) of the measuring device, which determine the dependence of the MI output signal on time-varying values: input signal parameters, external influencing quantities, load.


The measurement procedure consists of the following stages: acceptance of the measurement object model, selection of the measurement method, selection of SI, and conducting an experiment to obtain the result. As a result, the measurement result differs from the true value of the measured quantity by a certain amount, called error measurements. The measurement can be considered complete if the measured value is determined and the possible degree of its deviation from the true value is indicated.

According to the method of expression, the errors of measuring instruments are divided into absolute, relative and reduced.

Absolute error - SI error, expressed in units of the measured physical quantity:

Relative error – SI error expressed as the ratio of the absolute error of the measuring instrument to the measurement result or to the actual value of the measured physical quantity:

For a measuring device, γrel characterizes the error at a given point on the scale, depends on the value of the measured quantity, and has the smallest value at the end of the scale of the device.

Reduced error - relative error, expressed as the ratio of the absolute error of the measuring instrument to the conditionally accepted value of the quantity, which is constant over the entire measurement range or in part of the range:

where Хnorm is a normalizing value, i.e., some set value, in relation to which the error is calculated. The normalizing value can be the upper limit of SI measurements, measurement range, scale length, etc.

Due to the reason and conditions for the occurrence of errors of measuring instruments, they are divided into main and additional.

The main error this is the error of SI under normal operating conditions.

Additional error - component of the MI error that occurs in addition to the main error due to the deviation of any of the influencing quantities from its normal value or due to its going beyond the normal range of values.

Limit of permissible basic error - the largest basic error at which the measuring instrument can be recognized as fit and approved for use according to specifications.

Limit of permissible additional error - this is the largest additional error at which the measuring instrument can be allowed to be used.

A generalized characteristic of this type of measuring instruments, as a rule, reflecting the level of their accuracy, determined by the limits of permissible basic and additional errors, as well as other characteristics that affect accuracy, is called accuracy class SI.

Systematic error - component of the error of a measuring instrument, taken as a constant or regularly changing.

Random error - component of the SI error that varies randomly.

Misses – gross errors associated with operator errors or unaccounted for external influences.

Depending on the value of the measured value, the MI errors are divided into additive, independent of the value of the input value X, and multiplicative - proportional to X.

Additive error Δadd does not depend on the sensitivity of the device and is constant in value for all values ​​of the input quantity X within the measurement range. Example: zero error, discreteness (quantization) error in digital instruments. If the device has only an additive error or it significantly exceeds other components, then the limit of the permissible basic error is normalized in the form of a reduced error.

Multiplicative error depends on the sensitivity of the device and varies in proportion to the current value of the input variable. If the device has only a multiplicative error or it is significant, then the limit of the permissible relative error is expressed as a relative error. The accuracy class of such SI is designated by a single number placed in a circle and equal to the limit of permissible relative error.

Depending on the influence of the nature of the change in the measured value, the MI errors are divided into static and dynamic.

Static errors - the error of the SI used in the measurement of a physical quantity, taken as a constant.

Dynamic error - MI error that occurs when measuring a changing (in the process of measurement) physical quantity, which is a consequence of the inertial properties of SI.


According to the nature of the change, systematic errors are divided into constants (retaining magnitude and sign) and variables (changing according to a certain law).

According to the causes of occurrence, systematic errors are divided into methodological, instrumental and subjective.

Methodological errors arise due to imperfection, incompleteness of the theoretical justifications of the adopted measurement method, the use of simplifying assumptions and assumptions in the derivation of the applied formulas, due to the wrong choice of measured quantities.

In most cases, methodological errors are systematic, and sometimes random (for example, when the coefficients of the working equations of the measurement method depend on measurement conditions that change randomly).

Instrumental errors are determined by the properties of the SI used, their influence on the object of measurement, technology and manufacturing quality.

Subjective errors are caused by the state of the operator conducting the measurements, his position during work, the imperfection of the sense organs, the ergonomic properties of the measuring instruments - all this affects the accuracy of sighting.

Detection of the causes and type of functional dependence makes it possible to compensate for the systematic error by introducing appropriate corrections (correction factors) into the measurement result.


A complete description of a random variable, and hence the error, is its distribution law, which determines the nature of the appearance of various results of individual measurements.

In the practice of electrical measurements, there are various distribution laws, some of which are discussed below.

Normal distribution law (Gauss law). This law is one of the most common distribution laws for errors. This is explained by the fact that in many cases the measurement error is formed under the action of a large set of different, independent of each other causes. Based on the central limit theorem of probability theory, the result of these causes will be an error distributed according to the normal law, provided that none of these causes is significantly predominant.

The normal distribution of errors is described by the formula

where ω(Δx) - error probability density Δx; σ[Δx] - standard deviation of the error; Δxc - systematic component of the error.

The form of the normal law is shown in fig. 1a for two values ​​of σ[Δx]. Because

Then the law of distribution of the random component of the error

has the same form (Fig. 1b) and is described by the expression

where is the standard deviation of the random component of the error; = σ [∆x]

Rice. Fig. 1. Normal distribution of the measurement error (a) and the random component of the measurement error (b)

Thus, the distribution law of the error Δx differs from the distribution law of the random component of the error only by a shift along the abscissa axis by the value of the systematic component of the error Δхс.

It is known from probability theory that the area under the probability density curve characterizes the probability of an error. From Fig. 1, b it can be seen that the probability R the appearance of an error in the range ± at greater than at (the areas characterizing these probabilities are shaded). The total area under the distribution curve is always 1, that is, the total probability.

Taking this into account, it can be argued that errors whose absolute values ​​exceed appear with a probability equal to 1 - R, which for is less than for . Therefore, the smaller , the less often large errors occur, the more accurately the measurements are made. Thus, the standard deviation can be used to characterize the accuracy of measurements:

Uniform distribution law. If the measurement error with the same probability can take any values ​​that do not go beyond some boundaries, then such an error is described by a uniform distribution law. In this case, the error probability density ω(Δx) is constant inside these boundaries and equals zero outside these boundaries. The uniform distribution law is shown in fig. 2. Analytically, it can be written as follows:

For –Δx1 ≤ Δx ≤ + Δx1;

Fig 2. Uniform distribution law

With such a distribution law, the error from friction in the supports of electromechanical devices, the non-excluded residuals of systematic errors, and the discretization error in digital devices are in good agreement.

Trapezoidal distribution law. This distribution is graphically depicted in Fig. 3, a. An error has such a distribution law if it is formed from two independent components, each of which has a uniform distribution law, but the width of the interval of uniform laws is different. For example, when two measuring transducers are connected in series, one of which has an error uniformly distributed in the interval ±Δx1, and the other uniformly distributed in the interval ± Δx2, the total conversion error will be described by a trapezoidal distribution law.

Triangular distribution law (Simpson's law). This distribution (see Fig. 3, b) is a special case of trapezoidal, when the components have the same uniform distribution laws.

Bimodal distribution laws. In the practice of measurements, there are two-modal distribution laws, i.e., distribution laws that have two maxima of the probability density. In the bimodal distribution law, which can be in devices that have an error from the backlash of kinematic mechanisms or from hysteresis when the parts of the device are reversing magnetization.

Fig.3. Trapezoidal (a) and triangular (b) distribution laws

Probabilistic approach to the description of errors. Point estimates of distribution laws.

When, when repeated observations of the same constant value are carried out with the same care and under the same conditions, we obtain results. different from each other, this indicates the presence of random errors in them. Each such error arises as a result of the simultaneous influence of many random perturbations on the observation result and is itself a random variable. In this case, it is impossible to predict the result of an individual observation and correct it by introducing a correction. It can only be asserted with a certain degree of certainty that the true value of the quantity being measured is within the scatter of observational results from n>.m to Xn. ah where xtt. At<а - соответственно, нижняя и верхняя границы разброса. Однако остается неясным, какова вероятность появления того или ^иного значения погрешности, какое из множества лежащих в этой области значений величины принять за результат измерения и какими показателями охарактеризовать случайную погрешность результата. Для ответа на эти вопросы требуется принципиально иной, чем при анализе систематических погрешностей, подход. Подход этот основывается на рассмотрении результатов наблюдений, результатов измерений и случайных погрешностей как случайных величин. Методы теории вероятностен и математической статистики позволяют установить вероятностные (статистические) закономерности появления случайных погрешностей и на основании этих закономерностей дать количественные оценки результата измерения и его случайной погрешности

In practice, all measurement results and random errors are discrete quantities, i.e., quantities xi, the possible values ​​of which are separable from each other and can be counted. When using discrete random variables, the problem arises of finding point estimates for the parameters of their distribution functions based on samples - a series of values ​​xi taken by a random variable x in n independent experiments. The sample used must be representative(representative), that is, it should represent the proportions of the general population quite well.

The parameter estimate is called point, if it is expressed as a single number. The problem of finding point estimates is a special case of the statistical problem of finding estimates for the parameters of the distribution function of a random variable based on a sample. Unlike the parameters themselves, their point estimates are random variables, and their values ​​depend on the amount of experimental data, and the law

distribution - from the laws of distribution of the random variables themselves.

Point estimates can be consistent, unbiased, and efficient. Wealthy called an estimate, which, with an increase in the sample size, tends in probability to the true value of a numerical characteristic. unbiased is called an estimate, the mathematical expectation of which is equal to the estimated numerical characteristic. Most effective consider that of "several possible unbiased estimates, which has the smallest variance. The requirement of unbiasedness is not always reasonable in practice, since an estimate with a small bias and a small variance may be preferable to an unbiased estimate with a large variance. In practice, it is not always possible to satisfy all three of these requirements simultaneously, but the choice of an assessment should be preceded by its critical analysis from all the listed points of view.

The most common method for obtaining estimators is the maximum likelihood method, which leads to asymptotically unbiased and efficient estimators with an approximately normal distribution. Other methods include the methods of moments and least squares.

The point estimate of the MO of the measurement result is arithmetic mean measured quantity

For any distribution law, it is a consistent and unbiased estimator, as well as the most efficient one in terms of the least squares criterion.

Point estimate of variance, determined by the formula

is unbiased and consistent.

RMS of a random variable x is defined as the square root of the variance. Accordingly, its estimate can be found by taking the root of the variance estimate. However, this operation is a non-linear procedure, leading to a bias in the estimate thus obtained. To correct the RMS estimate, a correction factor k(n) is introduced, which depends on the number of observations n. It changes from

k(3) = 1.13 to k(∞) 1.03. Standard Deviation Estimation

The obtained estimates of MO and SD are random variables. This is manifested in the fact that when repeating a series of n observations, different estimates and will be obtained each time. It is expedient to estimate the dispersion of these estimates using the RMS Sx Sσ.

RMS estimate of the arithmetic mean

RMS estimate of the standard deviation

It follows that the relative error in determining the standard deviation can be

rated as


It depends only on the kurtosis and the number of observations in the sample and does not depend on the standard deviation, i.e., the accuracy with which the measurements are made. Due to the fact that a large number of measurements are carried out relatively rarely, the error in determining σ can be quite significant. In any case, it is larger than the error due to the bias of the estimate due to the extraction of the square root and eliminated by the correction factor k(n). In this regard, in practice, the bias in the estimation of the RMS of individual observations is neglected and it is determined by the formula

i.e. consider k(n)=1.

Sometimes it turns out to be more convenient to use the following formulas to calculate the RMS estimates of individual observations and the measurement result:

Point estimates of other distribution parameters are used much less frequently. Estimates of the coefficient of asymmetry and kurtosis are found by the formulas

The definition of the dispersion of estimates of the asymmetry coefficient and kurtosis is described by various formulas depending on the type of distribution. A brief review of these formulas is given in the literature.

Probabilistic approach to the description of random errors.

Center and moments of distribution.

As a result of the measurement, the value of the measured quantity is obtained in the form of a number in the accepted units of magnitude. The measurement error is also conveniently expressed as a number. However, the measurement error is a random variable, an exhaustive description of which can only be the distribution law. It is known from probability theory that the distribution law can be characterized by numerical characteristics (non-random numbers), which are used to quantify the error.

The main numerical characteristics of distribution laws are the mathematical expectation and dispersion, which are determined by the expressions:

where M- mathematical expectation symbol; D- variance symbol.

Mathematical expectation of error measurements is a non-random value, relative to which other values ​​of errors in repeated measurements scatter. Mathematical expectation characterizes the systematic component of the measurement error, i.e. M [Δх]=ΔxC. As a numerical characteristic of the error

M [Δx] indicates the bias of the measurement results relative to the true value of the measured value.

Error dispersion D [Δх] characterizes the degree of dispersion (scatter) of individual error values ​​relative to the mathematical expectation. Since scattering occurs due to the random component of the error, then .

The smaller the dispersion, the smaller the spread, the more accurate the measurements. Therefore, the dispersion can serve as a characteristic of the accuracy of measurements. However, the variance is expressed in units of error squared. Therefore, as a numerical characteristic of the measurement accuracy, we use standard deviation with a positive sign and expressed in units of error.

Usually, when carrying out measurements, they strive to obtain a measurement result with an error that does not exceed the permissible value. Knowing only the standard deviation does not allow finding the maximum error that can occur during measurements, which indicates the limited possibilities of such a numerical error characteristic as σ[Δx] . Moreover, under different measurement conditions, when the distribution laws of errors may differ from each other, the error With smaller variance can take on larger values.

The maximum error values ​​depend not only on σ[Δx] , but also on the form of the distribution law. When the distribution of the error is theoretically unlimited, for example, with a normal distribution law, the error can be of any value. In this case, one can only speak of an interval beyond which the error will not go beyond with some probability. This interval is called confidence interval, characterizing its probability - confidence probability, and the boundaries of this interval are the confidence values ​​of the error.

In the practice of measurements, various values ​​of confidence probability are used, for example: 0.90; 0.95; 0.98; 0.99; 0.9973 and 0.999. The confidence interval and the confidence level are chosen depending on the specific measurement conditions. So, for example, with a normal distribution of random errors with a standard deviation, a confidence interval from to is often used, for which the confidence probability is equal to

0.9973. Such a confidence probability means that, on average, out of 370 random errors, only one error in absolute value will be

more. Since in practice the number of individual measurements rarely exceeds several tens, the appearance of even one random error greater than

An unlikely event, the presence of two such errors is almost impossible. This allows us to assert with sufficient reason that all possible random measurement errors distributed according to the normal law practically do not exceed the absolute value (the "three sigma" rule).

In accordance with GOST, the confidence interval is one of the main characteristics of measurement accuracy. This standard establishes one of the forms of presentation of the measurement result in the following form: x; Δx from Δxn to Δxin1; R , where x - measurement result in units of the measured value; Δx, Δxн, Δxв - respectively, the measurement error with its lower and upper limits in the same units; R - the probability with which the measurement error is within these limits.

GOST also allows other forms of presentation of the measurement result, which differ from the above form in that they indicate separately the characteristics of the systematic and random components of the measurement error. At the same time, for the systematic error, its probabilistic characteristics are indicated. It has already been noted earlier that sometimes the systematic error has to be estimated from a probabilistic standpoint. In this case, the main characteristics of the systematic error are М [Δхс], σ [Δхс] and its confidence interval. Separation of the systematic and random components of the error is advisable if the measurement result is used in further data processing, for example, when determining the result of indirect measurements and assessing its accuracy, when summing errors, etc.

Any of the forms of presentation of the measurement result provided by GOST must contain the necessary data, on the basis of which the confidence interval for the error of the measurement result can be determined. In the general case, a confidence interval can be established if the form of the error distribution law and the main numerical characteristics of this law are known.


1 Δxн and Δxв must be indicated with their signs. In the general case |Δxн| may not be equal to |Δxв|. If the margins of error are symmetrical, i.e. |Δxн| = |Δxv| = Δx, then the measurement result can be written as follows: x ±Δx; P.


An electromechanical device includes a measuring circuit, a measuring mechanism and a reading device.

Magnetoelectric devices.

Magnetoelectric devices consist of a magnetoelectric measuring mechanism with a reading device and a measuring circuit. These devices are used to measure direct currents and voltages, resistances, the amount of electricity (ballistic galvanometers and coulombmeters), as well as to measure or indicate small currents and voltages (galvanometers). In addition, magnetoelectric devices are used to record electrical quantities (self-recording devices and oscilloscope galvanometers).

The torque in the measuring mechanism of a magnetoelectric device arises as a result of the interaction of the magnetic field of a permanent magnet and the magnetic field of a coil with current. Magnetoelectric mechanisms with a moving coil and a moving magnet are used. (Most common with moving coil).

Advantages: high sensitivity, low self-consumption of energy, linear and stable nominal static conversion characteristic α=f(I), no influence of electric fields and little influence of magnetic fields (due to a rather strong field in the air gap (0.2 - 1.2T)) .

Disadvantages: low current overload capacity, relative complexity and high cost, respond only to direct current.

Electrodynamic (ferrodynamic) devices.

Electrodynamic (ferrodynamic) devices consist of an electrodynamic (ferrodynamic) measuring mechanism with a reading device and a measuring circuit. These devices are used to measure direct and alternating currents and voltages, power in direct and alternating current circuits, the phase angle between alternating currents and voltages. Electrodynamic instruments are the most accurate electromechanical instruments for AC circuits.

Torque in electrodynamic and ferrodynamic measuring mechanisms arises as a result of the interaction of magnetic fields of fixed and moving coils with currents.

Advantages: they operate both on direct and alternating current (up to 10 kHz) with high accuracy and high stability of their properties.

Disadvantages: electrodynamic measuring mechanisms have low sensitivity compared to magnetoelectric mechanisms. Therefore, they have a large own power consumption. Electrodynamic measuring mechanisms have a low current overload capacity, are relatively complex and expensive.

The ferrodynamic measuring mechanism differs from the electrodynamic mechanism in that its fixed coils have a magnetic circuit made of magnetically soft sheet material, which makes it possible to significantly increase the magnetic flux and, consequently, the torque. However, the use of a ferromagnetic core leads to errors caused by its influence. At the same time, ferrodynamic measuring mechanisms are little affected by external magnetic fields.

Electromagnetic devices

Electromagnetic devices consist of an electromagnetic measuring mechanism with a reading device and a measuring circuit. They are used to measure alternating and direct currents and voltages, to measure frequency and phase shift between alternating current and voltage. Due to the relatively low cost and satisfactory performance, electromagnetic devices make up the majority of the entire panel instrument fleet.

The torque in these mechanisms arises as a result of the interaction of one or more ferromagnetic cores of the moving part and the magnetic field of the coil, through the winding of which current flows.

Advantages: simplicity of design and low cost, high reliability in operation, ability to withstand large overloads, ability to work in both direct and alternating current circuits (up to about 10 kHz).

Disadvantages: low accuracy and low sensitivity, strong influence on the operation of external magnetic fields.

electrostatic devices.

The basis of electrostatic devices is an electrostatic measuring mechanism with a reading device. They are mainly used to measure AC and DC voltages.

The torque in electrostatic mechanisms arises as a result of the interaction of two systems of charged conductors, one of which is movable.

Induction devices.

Induction devices consist of an inductive measuring mechanism with a reading device and a measuring circuit.

The principle of operation of induction measuring mechanisms is based on the interaction of magnetic fluxes of electromagnets and eddy currents induced by magnetic fluxes in a moving part made in the form of an aluminum disk. Currently, from induction devices, meters of electric energy in alternating current circuits are used.

The deviation of the measurement result from the true value of the measured quantity is called measurement error. Measurement error Δx = x - xi, where x is the measured value; xi is the true value.

Since the true value is unknown, in practice the measurement error is estimated based on the properties of the measuring instrument, the conditions of the experiment and the analysis of the results. The result obtained differs from the true value, therefore, the measurement result is valuable only if an estimate of the error in the obtained value of the measured quantity is given. Moreover, most often they determine not a specific error of the result, but degree of unreliability- the boundaries of the zone in which the error is located.

The concept is often used "measurement accuracy", - a concept reflecting the proximity of the measurement result to the true value of the measured quantity. High measurement accuracy corresponds to low measurement error.

AT any of the given number of values ​​can be chosen as the main ones, but in practice the values ​​that can be reproduced and measured with the highest accuracy are chosen. In the field of electrical engineering, the main quantities are the length, mass, time and strength of the electric current.

The dependence of each derived quantity on the main ones is displayed by its dimension. Dimension of quantity is a product of the designations of the basic quantities raised to the appropriate powers, and is its qualitative characteristic. The dimensions of the quantities are determined on the basis of the corresponding equations of physics.

The physical quantity is dimensional, if its dimension includes at least one of the basic quantities raised to a power not equal to zero. Most physical quantities are dimensional. However, there are dimensionless(relative) quantities, which are the ratio of a given physical quantities to the one of the same name, used as the initial (reference). Dimensionless quantities are, for example, the transformation ratio, attenuation, etc.

Physical quantities, depending on the set of sizes that they can have when changing in a limited range, are divided into continuous (analog) and quantized (discrete) in size (level).

Analog value can have an infinite number of sizes within a given range. This is the overwhelming number of physical quantities (voltage, current strength, temperature, length, etc.). Quantized magnitude has only a countable set of sizes in the given range. An example of such a quantity can be a small electric charge, the size of which is determined by the number of electron charges included in it. The dimensions of a quantized quantity can only correspond to certain levels - quantization levels. The difference between two adjacent quantization levels is called quantization stage (quantum).

The value of an analog quantity is determined by measurement with an inevitable error. A quantized quantity can be determined by counting its quanta if they are constant.

Physical quantities can be constant or variable in time. When measuring a time-constant quantity, it is sufficient to determine one of its instantaneous values. Variables in time may have a quasi-deterministic or random nature of change.

Quasi-deterministic physical quantity - quantity for which the type of dependence on time is known, but the measured parameter of this dependence is unknown. Random physical quantity - a quantity whose size changes randomly over time. As a special case of time-variable quantities, one can single out time-discrete quantities, i.e., quantities whose dimensions are nonzero only at certain points in time.

Physical quantities are divided into active and passive. Active values(for example, mechanical force, EMF of an electric current source) are capable of creating measurement information signals without auxiliary energy sources (see below). Passive quantities(e.g. mass, electrical resistance, inductance) cannot themselves generate measurement information signals. To do this, they must be activated using auxiliary energy sources, for example, when measuring the resistance of a resistor, a current must flow through it. Depending on the objects of study, one speaks of electrical, magnetic or non-electrical quantities.

A physical quantity, which, by definition, is assigned a numerical value equal to one, is called unit of physical quantity. The size of a unit of a physical quantity can be any. However, measurements must be made in generally accepted units. The community of units on an international scale is established by international agreements. Units of physical quantities, according to which the international system of units (SI) was introduced for mandatory use in our country.

When studying the object of study, it is necessary to allocate physical quantities for measurements, taking into account the purpose of the measurement, which is reduced to the study or assessment of any properties of the object. Since real objects have an infinite set of properties, in order to obtain measurement results that are adequate to the purpose of measurements, certain properties of objects that are significant for the chosen purpose are singled out as measured quantities, i.e., they choose object model.


The State Standardization System (DSS) in Ukraine is regulated in the main standards for it:

DSTU 1.0 - 93 DSS. Basic provisions.

DSTU 1.2 - 93 DSS. The procedure for the development of state (national) standards.

DSTU 1.3 - 93 DSS. The procedure for developing the construction, presentation, design, approval, approval, designation and registration of specifications.

DSTU 1.4 - 93 DSS. Enterprise standards. Basic provisions.

DSTU 1.5 - 93 DSS. Basic provisions for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards;

DSTU 1.6 - 93 DSS. The procedure for state registration of industry standards, standards of scientific, technical and engineering partnerships and communities (unions).

DSTU 1.7 - 93 DSS. Rules and methods for the adoption and application of international and regional standards.

The standardization bodies are:

Central executive body in the field of standardization DKTRSP

Standards Council

Technical committees for standardization

Other entities that deal with standardization.

Classification of normative documents and standards operating in Ukraine.

International normative documents, standards and recommendations.

State. Ukrainian standards.

Republican standards of the former Ukrainian SSR, approved before 08/01/91.

Setting documents of Ukraine (KND and R)

State. Classifiers of Ukraine (DK)

Industry standards and specifications of the former USSR, approved before 01/01/92 with extended validity periods.

Industry standards of Ukraine registered in UkrNDISSI

Specifications registered by the territorial bodies of standardization of Ukraine.

The basic terms of metrology are established by state standards.

1. Basic concept of metrology - measurement. According to GOST 16263-70, measurement is finding the value of a physical quantity (PV) empirically using special technical means.

The measurement result is the receipt of the value of the quantity during the measurement process.

With the help of measurements, information is obtained about the state of production, economic and social processes. For example, measurements are the main source of information about the conformity of products and services to the requirements of regulatory documents during certification.

2. Measuring tool(SI) - a special technical tool that stores a unit of quantity for comparing the measured quantity with its unit.

3. Measure- this is a measuring instrument designed to reproduce a physical quantity of a given size: weights, gauge blocks.

To assess the quality of measurements, the following properties of measurements are used: correctness, convergence, reproducibility and accuracy.

- Correctness- a property of measurements when their results are not distorted by systematic errors.

- Convergence- a property of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements performed under the same conditions, by the same MI, by the same operator.

- Reproducibility- a property of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed under different conditions - at different times, in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments.

For example, the same resistance can be measured directly with an ohmmeter, or with an ammeter and a voltmeter using Ohm's law. But, of course, in both cases the results should be the same.

- Accuracy- property of measurements, reflecting the proximity of their results to the true value of the measured quantity.

This is the main property of measurements, because most widely used in the practice of intentions.

The measurement accuracy of SI is determined by their error. High measurement accuracy corresponds to small errors.

4. Error- this is the difference between the SI readings (measurement result) Xmeas and the true (actual) value of the measured physical quantity Xd.

The task of metrology is to ensure the uniformity of measurements. Therefore, to generalize all the above terms, the concept is used unity of measurements- the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legal units, and the errors are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the established limits.

Measures to actually ensure the uniformity of measurements in most countries of the world are established by laws and are included in the functions of legal metrology. In 1993, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" was adopted.

Previously, legal norms were established by government decrees.

Compared to the provisions of these ordinances, the Law established the following innovations:

In terminology - obsolete concepts and terms are replaced;

In licensing metrological activities in the country - the right to issue a license is granted exclusively to the bodies of the State Metrological Service;

A unified verification of measuring instruments has been introduced;

A clear separation of the functions of state metrological control and state metrological supervision has been established.

An innovation is also the expansion of the scope of state metrological supervision to banking, postal, tax, customs operations, as well as to mandatory certification of products and services;

Revised calibration rules;

Voluntary certification of measuring instruments has been introduced, etc.

Prerequisites for the adoption of the law:

The country's transition to a market economy;

As a result - reorganization of state metrological services;

This led to a violation of the centralized system for managing metrological activities and departmental services;

There were problems in the conduct of state metrological supervision and control in connection with the emergence of various forms of ownership;

Thus, the problem of revising the legal, organizational, economic foundations of metrology has become very relevant.

The aims of the Law are as follows:

Protection of citizens and the economy of the Russian Federation from the negative consequences of unreliable measurement results;

Promoting progress through the use of state standards of units of quantities and the use of measurement results of guaranteed accuracy;

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of international relations;

Regulation of relations between state authorities of the Russian Federation with legal entities and individuals on the manufacture, production, operation, repair, sale and import of measuring instruments.

Consequently, the main areas of application of the Law are trade, healthcare, environmental protection, and foreign economic activity.

The task of ensuring the uniformity of measurements is assigned to the State Metrological Service. The law determines the intersectoral and subordinate nature of its activities.

The intersectoral nature of the activity means the legal status of the State Metrological Service, similar to other control and supervisory bodies of state administration (Gosatomnadzor, Gosenergonadzor, etc.).

The subordinate nature of its activities means vertical subordination to one department - the State Standard of Russia, within which it exists separately and autonomously.

In pursuance of the adopted Law, the Government of the Russian Federation in 1994 approved a number of documents:

- "Regulations on State Scientific and Metrological Centers",

- "The procedure for approving regulations on metrological services of federal executive authorities and legal entities",

- "The procedure for accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to verify measuring instruments",

These documents, together with the specified Law, are the main legal acts on metrology in Russia.


Metrology(from Greek μέτρον - measure, + other Greek λόγος - thought, reason) - The subject of metrology is the extraction of quantitative information about the properties of objects with a given accuracy and reliability; the regulatory framework for this is metrological standards.

Metrology consists of three main sections:

  • theoretical or fundamental - considers general theoretical problems (development of the theory and problems of measuring physical quantities, their units, measurement methods).
  • Applied- studies the issues of practical application of theoretical metrology developments. She is in charge of all issues of metrological support.
  • Legislative- establishes mandatory technical and legal requirements for the use of units of physical quantity, methods and measuring instruments.

Goals and objectives of metrology

  • creation of a general theory of measurements;
  • formation of units of physical quantities and systems of units;
  • development and standardization of methods and measuring instruments, methods for determining the accuracy of measurements, the foundations for ensuring the uniformity of measurements and the uniformity of measuring instruments (the so-called "legal metrology");
  • creation of standards and exemplary measuring instruments, verification of measures and measuring instruments. The priority subtask of this direction is the development of a system of standards based on physical constants.

Metrology also studies the development of the system of measures, monetary units and accounts in a historical perspective.

Axioms of metrology

  1. Any measurement is a comparison.
  2. Any measurement without a priori information is impossible.
  3. The result of any measurement without rounding the value is a random value.

Terms and definitions of metrology

  • Unity of measurements- the state of measurements, characterized by the fact that their results are expressed in legal units, the dimensions of which, within the established limits, are equal to the sizes of the units reproduced by primary standards, and the errors of the measurement results are known and do not go beyond the established limits with a given probability.
  • Physical quantity- one of the properties of a physical object, which is qualitatively common for many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each of them.
  • Measurement- a set of operations for the use of a technical means that stores a unit of a physical quantity, providing a ratio of the measured quantity with its unit and obtaining the value of this quantity.
  • measuring instrument- a technical tool intended for measurements and having normalized metrological characteristics reproducing and (or) storing a unit of quantity, the size of which is assumed to be unchanged within the established error for a known time interval.
  • Verification- a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements.
  • Measurement error- deviation of the measurement result from the true value of the measured quantity.
  • Instrument error- the difference between the indication of the measuring instrument and the actual value of the measured physical quantity.
  • Instrument accuracy- quality characteristic of the measuring instrument, reflecting the proximity of its error to zero.
  • License- this is a permit issued to the bodies of the state metrological service in the territory assigned to it to an individual or legal entity to carry out activities for the production and repair of measuring instruments.
  • Standard unit of measure- a technical tool designed to transmit, store and reproduce a unit of magnitude.

History of metrology

Metrology dates back to ancient times and is even mentioned in the Bible. Early forms of metrology consisted of local authorities setting simple, arbitrary standards, often based on simple, practical measurements such as arm length. The earliest standards were introduced for quantities such as length, weight, and time to facilitate commercial transactions and to record human activity.

Metrology acquired a new meaning in the era of the industrial revolution, it became absolutely necessary for mass production.

Historically important stages in the development of metrology:

  • XVIII century - the establishment of the meter standard (the standard is stored in France, in the Museum of Weights and Measures; at present it is more of a historical exhibit than a scientific instrument);
  • 1832 - the creation of absolute systems of units by Carl Gauss;
  • 1875 - signing of the international Metric Convention;
  • 1960 - development and establishment of the International System of Units (SI);
  • XX century - metrological studies of individual countries are coordinated by International metrological organizations.

Milestones of the national history of metrology:

  • accession to the Meter Convention;
  • 1893 - the creation of the Main Chamber of Measures and Weights by D. I. Mendeleev (modern name: "Research Institute of Metrology named after Mendeleev");

World Metrology Day is celebrated annually on May 20th. The holiday was established by the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) in October 1999, at the 88th meeting of the CIPM.

Formation and differences of metrology in the USSR (Russia) and abroad

The rapid development of science, engineering and technology in the twentieth century required the development of metrology as a science. In the USSR, metrology developed as a state discipline, as the need to improve the accuracy and reproducibility of measurements grew with industrialization and the growth of the military-industrial complex. Foreign metrology also started from the requirements of practice, but these requirements came mainly from private firms. An indirect consequence of this approach was the state regulation of various concepts related to metrology, that is, the standardization of everything that needs to be standardized. Abroad, this task was undertaken by non-governmental organizations, such as ASTM.

Due to this difference in the metrology of the USSR and the post-Soviet republics, state standards (standards) are recognized as dominant, in contrast to the competitive Western environment, where a private company may not use an objectionable standard or device and agree with its partners on another option for certifying the reproducibility of measurements.

Separate areas of metrology

  • Aviation metrology
  • Chemical metrology
  • Medical metrology
  • Biometrics

The science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy.



1. Physical quantities




Influencing fv


Qualitative certainty FV.

Part length and diameter-




Unit of speed- meter/second.


    allowed equally;.

    temporarily allowed;

    taken out of use.

For example:

    - - units of time;

    in optics- diopter- - hectare- - unit of energy, etc.;

    - revolution per second; bar- pressure unit (1bar = 100 000 Pa);

    centner, etc.



For example, 1µs= 0.000 001s.

Basic terms and definitions metrology

The science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy.


Finding the value of the measured physical quantity empirically using special technical means.


Characteristic of the quality of measurements, which consists in the fact that their results are expressed in legal units, and the errors of the measurement results are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the established limits.


Characteristic of the measurement quality, reflecting the closeness to zero of the error of its result.

1. Physical quantities


A characteristic of one of the properties of a physical object (physical system, phenomenon or process), which is qualitatively common to many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each object.


The value of a physical quantity that ideally reflects the corresponding physical quantity qualitatively and quantitatively.

This concept is comparable with the concept of absolute truth in philosophy.


The PV value found experimentally and so close to the true value that it can replace it for the given measurement task.

When verifying measuring instruments, for example, the actual value is the value of an exemplary measure or the indication of an exemplary measuring instrument.


PV, considered when measuring this PV as an auxiliary characteristic.

For example, frequency when measuring AC voltage.

Influencing fv

PV, the measurement of which is not provided for by this measuring instrument, but which affects the measurement results.


Qualitative certainty FV.

Part length and diameter- homogeneous values; the length and mass of the part are non-uniform quantities.


PV of a fixed size, which is conditionally assigned a numerical value equal to one, and used to quantify homogeneous PV.

There must be as many units as there are PVs.

There are basic, derivative, multiple, submultiple, systemic and non-systemic units.


The set of basic and derived units of physical quantities.


The unit of the main PV in the given system of units.

Basic units of the International System of Units SI: meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela.


There is no strict definition. In the SI system, these are units of flat - radian - and solid - steradian - angles.


A unit of a derivative of a PV of a system of units, formed in accordance with an equation relating it to base units or to base and already defined derived units.

Unit of speed- meter/second.


The PV unit is not included in any of the accepted systems of units.

Non-systemic units in relation to the SI system are divided into four types:

    allowed equally;.

    allowed for use in special areas;

    temporarily allowed;

    taken out of use.

For example:

    ton: degree, minute, second- angle units; liter; minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century- units of time;

    in optics- diopter- unit of measurement of optical power; in agriculture- hectare- area unit; in physics electron volt- unit of energy, etc.;

    in maritime navigation, nautical mile, knot; in other areas- revolution per second; bar- pressure unit (1bar = 100 000 Pa);

    kilogram-force per square centimeter; millimeter of mercury; Horsepower;

    centner, etc.


The PV unit is an integer number of times greater than the system or non-system unit.

For example, the unit of frequency is 1 MHz = 1,000,000 Hz


The PV unit is an integer number of times smaller than the system or non-system unit.

For example, 1µs= 0.000 001s.

Basic terms and definitions for metrology

Metrology- the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy.

Direct measurement- a measurement in which the desired value of a physical quantity is obtained directly.

Indirect measurement– determination of the desired value of a physical quantity based on the results of direct measurements of other physical quantities functionally related to the sought value.

The true value of a physical quantity- the value of a physical quantity, which ideally characterizes the corresponding physical quantity qualitatively and quantitatively.

The actual value of a physical quantity is the value of a physical quantity obtained experimentally and so close to the true value that it can be used instead of it in the given measurement problem.

Measured physical quantity– physical quantity to be measured in accordance with the main purpose of the measurement task.

Influencing physical quantity– a physical quantity that affects the size of the measured quantity and (or) the measurement result.

Normal range of influence quantity- the range of values ​​of the influencing quantity, within which the change in the measurement result under its influence can be neglected in accordance with the established accuracy standards.

Working range of values ​​of the influencing quantity- the range of values ​​of the influencing quantity, within which the additional error or change in the readings of the measuring instrument is normalized.

measuring signal– a signal containing quantitative information about the measured physical quantity.

Scale division value is the difference between the values ​​corresponding to two adjacent scale marks.

Measuring instrument indication range– range of values ​​of the instrument scale, limited by the initial and final values ​​of the scale.

Measuring range- the range of values ​​of the quantity, within which the permissible error limits of the measuring instrument are normalized.

Meter Variation- the difference in instrument readings at the same point of the measurement range with a smooth approach to this point from the side of smaller and larger values ​​of the measured quantity.

Transmitter conversion factor- the ratio of the signal at the output of the measuring transducer, which displays the measured value, to the signal that causes it at the input of the transducer.

Sensitivity of the measuring instrument- property of a measuring instrument, determined by the ratio of the change in the output signal of this instrument to the change in the measured value that causes it

Absolute error of the measuring instrument- the difference between the indication of the measuring instrument and the true (real) value of the measured quantity, expressed in units of the measured physical quantity.

Relative error of the measuring instrument- error of the measuring instrument, expressed as the ratio of the absolute error of the measuring instrument to the measurement result or to the actual value of the measured physical quantity.

Reduced error of the measuring instrument- relative error, expressed as the ratio of the absolute error of the measuring instrument to the conditionally accepted value of the quantity (or normalizing value), constant over the entire measurement range or in part of the range. Often, the range of indications or the upper limit of measurements is taken as a normalizing value. The given error is usually expressed as a percentage.

Systematic error of the measuring instrument- component of the error of the measuring instrument, taken as a constant or regularly changing.

Random error of the measuring instrument- component of the error of the measuring instrument, which varies randomly.

Basic error of the measuring instrument is the error of the measuring instrument used under normal conditions.

Additional error of the measuring instrument- component of the error of the measuring instrument, which occurs in addition to the main error due to the deviation of any of the influencing quantities from its normal value or due to going beyond the normal range of values.

Limit of permissible error of the measuring instrument- the largest value of the error of measuring instruments, established by the regulatory document for this type of measuring instruments, at which it is still recognized as fit for use.

Accuracy class of the measuring instrument- a generalized characteristic of this type of measuring instruments, as a rule, reflecting the level of their accuracy, expressed by the limits of permissible basic and additional errors, as well as other characteristics that affect accuracy.

Measurement error- deviation of the measurement result from the true (real) value of the measured quantity.

Miss (gross measurement error)- the error of the result of an individual measurement included in a series of measurements, which for these conditions differs sharply from the rest of the results of this series.

Measurement method error is the component of the systematic measurement error, due to the imperfection of the accepted measurement method.

Amendment is the quantity value entered into the uncorrected measurement result in order to eliminate the components of the systematic error. The sign of the correction is opposite to the sign of the error. The correction introduced into the reading of the measuring instrument is called the correction to the reading of the instrument.

Basic terms and definitions metrology

The science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy.


Finding the value of the measured physical quantity empirically using special technical means.


Characteristic of the quality of measurements, which consists in the fact that their results are expressed in legal units, and the errors of the measurement results are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the established limits.


Characteristic of the measurement quality, reflecting the closeness to zero of the error of its result.

1. Physical quantities


A characteristic of one of the properties of a physical object (physical system, phenomenon or process), which is qualitatively common to many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each object.


The value of a physical quantity that ideally reflects the corresponding physical quantity qualitatively and quantitatively.

This concept is comparable with the concept of absolute truth in philosophy.


The PV value found experimentally and so close to the true value that it can replace it for the given measurement task.

When verifying measuring instruments, for example, the actual value is the value of an exemplary measure or the indication of an exemplary measuring instrument.


PV, considered when measuring this PV as an auxiliary characteristic.

For example, frequency when measuring AC voltage.

Influencing fv

PV, the measurement of which is not provided for by this measuring instrument, but which affects the measurement results.


Qualitative certainty FV.

Part length and diameter- homogeneous values; the length and mass of the part are non-uniform quantities.


PV of a fixed size, which is conditionally assigned a numerical value equal to one, and used to quantify homogeneous PV.

There must be as many units as there are PVs.

There are basic, derivative, multiple, submultiple, systemic and non-systemic units.


The set of basic and derived units of physical quantities.


The unit of the main PV in the given system of units.

Basic units of the International System of Units SI: meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela.


There is no strict definition. In the SI system, these are units of flat - radian - and solid - steradian - angles.


A unit of a derivative of a PV of a system of units, formed in accordance with an equation relating it to base units or to base and already defined derived units.

Unit of speed- meter/second.


The PV unit is not included in any of the accepted systems of units.

Non-systemic units in relation to the SI system are divided into four types:

    allowed equally;.

    allowed for use in special areas;

    temporarily allowed;

    taken out of use.

For example:

    ton: degree, minute, second- angle units; liter; minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century- units of time;

    in optics- diopter- unit of measurement of optical power; in agriculture- hectare- area unit; in physics electron volt- unit of energy, etc.;

    in maritime navigation, nautical mile, knot; in other areas- revolution per second; bar- pressure unit (1bar = 100 000 Pa);

    kilogram-force per square centimeter; millimeter of mercury; Horsepower;

    centner, etc.


The PV unit is an integer number of times greater than the system or non-system unit.

For example, the unit of frequency is 1 MHz = 1,000,000 Hz


The PV unit is an integer number of times smaller than the system or non-system unit.

For example, 1µs= 0.000 001s.

Metrology Basic terms and definitions

UDC 389.6(038):006.354 Group Т80


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

metrology. Basic terms and definitions

ISS 01.040.17

Introduction date 2001-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology. D.I. Mendeleev State Standard of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Technical Secretariat of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 15 dated May 26-28, 1999)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Standard


Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology of May 17, 2000 No. 139-st, interstate Recommendations RMG 29-99 were put into effect directly as Recommendations for Metrology of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2001.

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 16263-70

5 REVISION. September 2003

Amendment No. 1 was introduced, adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 24 dated 05.12.2003) (IUS No. 1, 2005)


The terms established by these recommendations are arranged in a systematic order, reflecting the current system of basic concepts of metrology. Terms are given in sections 2-13. In each section, continuous numbering of terms is given.

For each concept, one term is established, which has the number of a terminological article. A significant number of terms are accompanied by their short forms and (or) abbreviations, which should be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretations.

Terms that have the number of a terminological entry are in bold type, their short forms and abbreviations are in light. Terms used in the notes are in italics.

In the alphabetical index of terms in Russian, these terms are listed in alphabetical order with the number of the terminological entry (for example, "value 3.1"). At the same time, for the terms given in the notes, the letter "p" is indicated after the article number (for example, units legalized 4.1 p).

For many established terms, foreign language equivalents in German (de), English (en) and French (fr) are given. They are also listed in the alphabetical indexes of German, English and French equivalents.

The word "applied" in the term 2.4, given in brackets, as well as the words of a number of foreign language equivalents of the terms, given in brackets, can be omitted if necessary.

For the concept of "additional unit" the definition is not given, since the term fully reveals its content.

Metrology tasks. Metrology- this is the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve a given accuracy

measurements in modern society play an important role. They serve not only basis of scientific and technical knowledge, but are of paramount importance for accounting for material resources and planning, for internal and foreign trade, for quality assurance products, interchangeability components and parts and technology improvement, for security labor and other types of human activity.

Metrology is of great importance for the progress of the natural and technical sciences, since improved measurement accuracy- one of means of improvement ways knowledge of nature man, discoveries and practical application of exact knowledge.

To ensure scientific and technological progress, metrology should be ahead of other areas of science and technology in its development, since for each of them accurate measurements are one of the main ways to improve them.

Main tasks metrology in accordance with the recommendations for international standardization (RMG 29-99) are:

- setting units physical quantities (PV), state standards and exemplary measuring instruments (SI).

- theory development, methods and means of measurement and control;

- unity measurements;

- development of evaluation methods errors, condition of measuring and control instruments;

- development of transmission methods units from standards or exemplary measuring instruments to working measuring instruments.

A Brief History of the Development of Metrology. The need for measurements arose long ago, at the dawn of civilization around 6000 BC

The first documents from Mesopotamia and Egypt indicate that the system for measuring length was based on foot, equal to 300 mm (during the construction of pyramids). In Rome, a foot was 297.1734 mm; in England - 304, 799978 mm.

The ancient Babylonians established year, month, hour. Subsequently, 1/86400 of the Earth's mean revolution around its axis ( days) was named second.

In Babylon in the II century BC. time was measured in mines. Mina was equal to a period of time (approximately equal to two astronomical hours). Then the mine shrunk and became familiar to us minute.

Many measures were of anthropometric origin. So, in Kievan Rus, it was used in everyday life vershok, elbow, fathom.

The most important metrological document in Russia is the Dvina charter of Ivan the Terrible (1550). It regulates the rules for storing and transferring the size of a new measure of bulk solids - octopuses(104.95 l).

The metrological reform of Peter I in Russia allowed English measures to be used, which were especially widespread in the navy and shipbuilding: inches(2.54 cm) and feet(12 inch).

In 1736, by decision of the Senate, the Commission of Weights and Measures was formed.

The idea of ​​building a system measurements on a decimal basis belongs to the French astronomer G. Moutonou who lived in the 17th century.

Later it was proposed to take one forty-millionth part of the earth's meridian as a unit of length. Based on a single unit - meters- the whole system was built, called metric.

In Russia in 1835, the Decree "On the system of Russian measures and weights" approved the standards of length and mass - platinum fathom and platinum pound.

In 1875, 17 states, including Russia, adopted metrological convention "to ensure the unity and improvement of the metric system" and it was decided to establish the International Bureau of Weights and Measures ( BIPM), which is located in the city of Sèvres (France).

In the same year, Russia received platinum-iridium mass standards #12 and #26 and standards of unit of length #11 and #28.

In 1892, D.I. was appointed manager of the Depot. Mendeleev, which in 1893 he transforms into the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures - one of the first in the world research institutions metrological type.

The greatness of Mendeleev as a metrologist manifested itself in the fact that he was the first to fully realize the direct relationship between the state of metrology and the level of development of science and industry. " Science Begins ... since they start measuring ... Exact science is unthinkable without measure ", - said the famous Russian scientist.

Metric system in Russia was introduced in 1918 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the introduction of the International metric system of measures and weights."

AT 1956 the intergovernmental convention establishing International Organization of Legal Metrology ( OIML), which develops general issues of legal metrology (accuracy classes, SI, legal metrology terminology, SI certification).

Created in 1954 d. Committee for Standards of Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, after the transformations, becomes Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization - Gosstandart of Russia .

In connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On technical regulation" in 2002 and reorganization of executive authorities in 2004 Gosstandart has become Federal Agency for Technical Regulationand metrology(currently abbreviated Rosstandart).

The development of the natural sciences led to the emergence of more and more new measuring instruments, and they, in turn, stimulated the development of sciences, becoming an increasingly powerful research tool.

Modern metrology - this is not only the science of measurements, but also the corresponding activity, which involves the study of physical quantities (PV), their reproduction and transmission, the use of standards, the basic principles for creating means and methods of measurement, the assessment of their errors, metrological control and supervision.

Metrology is based on two basic postulates (a and b):

a) the true value of the determined quantity exists and it is constantly ;

b) the true value of the measured quantity impossible to find .

It follows that the measurement result is related to the measured quantity mathematical dependence (probabilistic dependence).

true value FV called the value of the PV, which ideally characterizes in a qualitative and quantitative way the corresponding physical quantity (PV).

Actual PV value - PV value obtained experimentally and so close to the true value that it can be used instead of it in the given measurement task.

For the actual value of the quantity you can always specify the boundaries of a more or less narrow zone, within which the true value of the PV is located with a given probability.

Quantitative and qualitative manifestations of the material world

Any object of the world around us is characterized by its specific properties.

At its core, a property is a category quality . The same property can be found in many objects or be only for some of them . For example, all material bodies have mass, temperature or density, but only some of them have a crystal structure.

Therefore, each of the properties of physical objects, first of all, must be discovered , then described and classified, and only after that it is possible to proceed to its quantitative study.

Value- quantitative characteristics of the dimensions of phenomena, signs, indicators of their correlation, degree of change, relationship.

The value does not exist by itself, but exists only insofar as there is an object with properties expressed by this value.

Various quantities can be divided into ideal and real quantities.

Ideal value - is a generalization (model) subjective specific real concepts and mainly belong to the field of mathematics. They are calculated in various ways.

Real values reflect the real quantitative properties of processes and physical bodies. They are in turn divided into physical and non-physical quantities.

Physical quantity (PV) can be defined as a value inherent in some material objects(processes, phenomena, materials) studied in the natural (physics, chemistry) and various technical sciences.

To non-physical refer values ​​inherent social sciences - philosophy, culture, economics, etc.

For non-physical unit of measure can't be introduced in principle. They can be assessed using expert assessments, a scoring system, a set of tests, etc. non-physical values, in the evaluation of which the influence of the subjective factor is inevitable, as well as ideal values, do not apply to the field of metrology.

Physical quantities

Physical quantity - one of the properties of a physical object (physical system, phenomenon or process), general in quality respect for many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each of them.

Energy (active) PV - quantities that do not require the application of energy from the outside to measure. For example, pressure, electrical voltage, force.

Real (passive) PV - quantities that require the application of energy from the outside. For example, mass, electrical resistance.

Individuality in quantitative terms understand in the sense that property can be for one object in a certain number of times more than for the other.

quality side of the concept of "physical quantity" defines « genus » quantities, for example, mass as a general property of physical bodies.

quantitative side - them " the size » (the value of the mass of a particular physical body).

Genus PV - qualitative certainty of the value. So, the constant and variable speed are homogeneous quantities, and the speed and length are non-uniform quantities.

PV size - quantitative certainty inherent in a particular material object, system, phenomenon or process.

PV value - an expression of the size of the PV in the form of a certain number of units of measurement accepted for it.

Influencing physical quantity- PV, which affects the size of the measured value and (or) the measurement result.

Dimension of PV - an expression in the form of a power monomial, composed of the products of the symbols of the main PV in various degrees and reflecting the relationship of a given value with the PV, taken in this system of quantities as the main ones with a proportionality coefficient equal to 1.

dim x = L l M m T t .

Constant physical quantity - PV, the size of which, according to the conditions of the measurement task, can be considered unchanged for a time exceeding the measurement time.

Dimensional PV - PV, in the dimension of which at least one of the main PVs is raised to a power not equal to 0. For example, the force F in the LMTIθNJ system is a dimensional value: dim F = LMT -2 .

At measurement perform comparison unknown size with a known size taken as a unit.

Relationship equation between quantities - the equation , reflecting the relationship between quantities, due to the laws of nature, in which letters are understood as PV. For example, the equation v =l / t reflects the existing dependence of the constant speed v on the path length l and time t.

The relationship equation between quantities in a particular measurement problem is called equation measurements.

Additive PV - a value whose different values ​​can be summed up, multiplied by a numerical coefficient, divided by each other.

It's believed that additive (or extensive) physical quantity measured in parts , in addition, they can be accurately reproduced using a multi-valued measure based on the summation of the sizes of individual measures. For example, additive physical quantities include length, time, current strength, etc.

At measurement various PVs that characterize the properties of substances, objects, phenomena and processes, some properties are manifested only qualitatively , others - quantitatively .

FV dimensions as measured , and evaluated using scales, i.e. quantitative or qualitative manifestations of any property are reflected in the sets that form the PV scales.

Practical implementation measurement scales is carried out by standardization units of measurement, the scales themselves and the conditions for their unambiguous application.

Units of physical quantities

PV unit - PV of a fixed size, which is conditionally assigned a numerical value equal to 1, and used to quantify homogeneous physical quantities.

Numerical value of PV q - an abstract number included in the value of a quantity or an abstract number expressing the ratio of the value of a quantity to the unit of this PV adopted for it. For example, 10 kg is the value of the mass, and the number 10 is the numerical value.

PV system - a set of PV, formed in accordance with accepted principles, when some quantities are taken as independent, and others are defined as functions of independent quantities.

PV unit system - a set of basic and derivative PV, formed in accordance with the principles for a given system of PV.

Main PV - PV included in the system of quantities and conditionally accepted as independent of other quantities of this system.

PV derivative - PV included in the system of quantities and determined through the main quantities of this system.

International System of Units (SI system) in Russia was introduced on January 1, 1982. According to GOST8. 417 - 81, GOST8 is currently in force. 417 - 2002 (tables 1-3).

Main principle system creation - principle coherence, when derived units can be obtained using constitutive equations with numerical coefficients equal to 1.

Table 1 - Basic quantities and SI units

Basic PV SI systems:

- meter is the length of the path traveled by light in vacuum in a time interval of 1/299792458 s;

- kilogram (kilogram) equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram (BIPM, Sèvres, France);

- second there is a time equal to 9192631770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom;

- ampere is the strength of an unchanging current, which, when passing through two parallel rectilinear conductors of infinite length and negligible circular cross-sectional area, located in vacuum at a distance of 1 m from one another, would cause an interaction force equal to 2 10 - 7 N (newton);

- kelvin is a unit of thermodynamic temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.

The temperature of the triple point of water is the temperature of the equilibrium point of water in the solid (ice), liquid and gaseous (steam) phases 0.01 K or 0.01 ° C above the melting point of ice;

- mole is the amount of substance of a system containing as many structural elements as there are atoms in carbon - 12 with a mass of 0.012 kg;

- candela is the luminous intensity in a given direction of a source emitting monochromatic radiation with a frequency of 540 10 12 Hz, the luminous energy intensity of which in this direction is 1/683 W/sr (sr is a steradian).

Radian - the angle between two radii of a circle, the length of the arc between which is equal to this radius.

Steradian - a solid angle with a vertex in the center of the sphere, cutting out on its surface an area equal to the area of ​​a square with a side equal to the radius of the sphere.

PV system unit - PV unit included in the accepted system of units. Basic, derived, multiple and submultiple SI units are systemic, for example, 1 m; 1 m/s; 1 km.

Off-system unit of PV - a PV unit that is not included in the accepted system of units, for example, a full angle (360 ° turn), an hour (3600 s), an inch (25.4 mm) and others.

Logarithmic PV is used to express sound pressure, amplification, attenuation, etc.

Unit of logarithmic PV- white (B):

Energy quantities 1B \u003d lg (P 2 /P 1) at P 2 \u003d 10P 1;

Force quantities 1B = 2 lg(F 2 /F 1) at F 2 = .

Longitudinal unit from white - decibel (d B): 1 d B = 0.1B.

Have been widely used relative PV - dimensionless relationship

two PVs of the same name. They are expressed in percentages and dimensionless units.

One of the most important indicators modern digital measuring technology is quantity (volume) of information bit and byte (B). 1 byte = 2 3 = 8 bits.

Table 2 - Units of quantity of information

SI prefixes are used: 1KB = 1024 bytes, 1MB = 1024KB, 1GB = 1024MB, etc. In this case, the designation of Kbytes begins with an uppercase (capital) letter, in contrast to the lowercase letter "k" to designate a factor of 10 3 .

Historically, such a situation has developed that with the name “byte” it is incorrect (instead of 1000 = 10 3 1024 = 2 10 is accepted) they use SI prefixes: 1KB = 1024 bytes, 1 MB = 1024 KB, 1 GB = 1024 MB, etc. In this case, the designation of Kbytes begins with an uppercase (capital) letter, in contrast to the lowercase letter "k" to designate a factor of 10 3 .

Some SI units in honor of scientists special names have been assigned, the designations of which are written with a capital (capital) letter, for example, ampere - A, pascal - Pa, newton - N. This spelling of the designations of these units is retained in the designation of other derived SI units.

Multiples and submultiples PV units are used with multipliers and prefixes

Multiple and submultiple SI units are not coherent.

Multiples of the FV unit - unit of PV, an integer number of times greater than the system or non-system unit. For example, the unit of power is megawatts (1 MW = 10 6 W).

Dolnaya PV unit - a unit of PV, an integer number of times less than a system or non-system unit. For example, the unit of time 1 µs = 10 -6 s is a fraction of a second.

The names and symbols of decimal multiples and submultiples of the SI system are formed using certain multipliers and prefixes (table 4).

Multiples and submultiples of system units are not included in the coherent PV units system.

Coherent derived unit of PV - a derived unit of the PV associated with other units of the system of units by an equation in which numerical coefficient taken equal 1 .

Coherent system of PV units - a system of PV units, consisting of basic units and coherent derived units.

The prefixes "gecto", "deci", "deca", "santi" should be used when the use of other prefixes is inconvenient.

Attaching two or more prefixes in a row to the name of a unit is unacceptable. For example, picofarad should be written instead of micromicrofarads.

Due to the fact that the name of the basic unit "kilogram" contains the prefix "kilo", the submultiple unit "gram" is used to form multiple and submultiple units of mass, for example, milligram (mg) instead of microkilogram (mkg).

The fractional unit of mass "gram" is used without attaching a prefix.

Multiple and submultiple units of PV are written together with the name of the SI unit, for example, kilonewton (kN), nanosecond (ns).

Some SI units are given special names in honor of scientists, the designations of which are written with a capital (capital) letter, for example, ampere - A, ohm - Ohm, newton - N.

Table 3 - SI derived units with special names and symbols

Value Unit
Name Dimension Name Designation
international Russian
flat corner Radian rad glad
Solid angle Steradian sr Wed
Frequency T -1 Hertz Hz Hz
Strength LMT-2 newton N H
Pressure L -1 MT -2 Pascal Pa Pa
Energy, work, amount of heat L2MT-2 Joule J J
Power L2MT-3 Watt W Tue
electric charge, amount of electricity TI Pendant C Cl
Electrical voltage, potential, emf L 2 MT -3 I -1 Volt V AT
Electrical capacitance L -2 M -1 T 4 I 2 Farad F F
Electrical resistance L 2 M 1 T -3 I -2 Ohm Ohm Ohm
electrical conductivity L -2 M -1 T 3 I 2 Siemens S Cm
Flux of magnetic induction, magnetic flux L 2 M 1 T -2 I -1 Weber wb wb
Magnetic flux density, magnetic induction MT -2 I -1 Tesla T Tl
Inductance, mutual induction L 2 M 1 T -2 I -2 Henry H gn
Temperature Celsius t Degree Celsius °C °C
Light flow J Lumen lm lm
illumination L-2J Suite lx OK
Radionuclide activity T-1 becquerel bq Bq
Absorbed dose of ionizing radiation, kerma L 2 T-2 Gray Gy Gr
Equivalent dose of ionizing radiation L 2 T-2 Sievert Sv Sv
Catalyst activity NT-1 cathal kat cat

This spelling of the designations of these units is retained in the designation of other derived SI units and in other cases.

Rules for writing quantities in SI units

The value of a quantity is written as the product of a number and a unit of measure, in which the number multiplied by the unit of measure is the numerical value of the value of this unit.

Table 4 - Multipliers and prefixes of decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units

Decimal multiplier Prefix name Prefix designation
international Russian
10 18 exa E E
10 15 peta R P
10 12 tera T T
10 9 giga G G
10 6 mega M M
10 3 kilo k to
10 2 hecto h G
10 1 soundboard da Yes
10 -1 deci d d
10 -2 centi c With
10 -3 Milli m m
10 -6 micro µ mk
10 -9 nano n n
10 -12 pico p P
10 -15 femto f f
10 -18 atto a a

Always between number and unit leave one gap , for example current I = 2 A.

For dimensionless quantities, in which the unit of measurement is "unit", it is customary to omit the unit of measurement.

The numerical value of the PV depends on the choice of the unit. The same PV value can have different values ​​depending on the selected units, for example, the vehicle speed v = 50 m/s = 180 km/h; the wavelength of one of the yellow sodium bands λ = 5.896 10 -7 m = 589.6 nm.

PV Mathematical Symbols Type in Italics (in italic font), usually these are separate lowercase or uppercase letters of the Latin or Greek alphabet, and with the help of a subscript, information about the value can be supplemented.

Designations of units in the text, typed in any font, should be printed direct (non-inclined) font . They are mathematical units, not an abbreviation.

They are never followed by a full stop (except when they complete a sentence), they do not have plural endings.

To separate the decimal part from the whole put point (in documents in English language - refers mainly to the US and England) or comma (in many European and other languages, incl. Russian Federation ).

For making numbers easier to read with more digits, these digits can be combined into groups of three both before and after the decimal point, such as 10,000,000.

When writing the designations of derived units, the designations of the units included in the derivatives, separated by dots on the midline , for example, N m (newton - meter), N s / m 2 (newton - second per square meter).

The most common expression is in the form of a product of unit designations raised to the appropriate power, for example, m 2 ·s -1.

When naming corresponding to the product of units with multiple or submultiple prefixes, the prefix is ​​recommended append to the name of the first unit included in the work. For example, 10 3 N·m should be referred to as kN·m, not N·km.

The concept of control and testing

Some concepts related to the definition of "measurement"

Measuring principle - physical phenomenon or effect underlying the measurement (mechanical, optical-mechanical, Doppler effect for measuring the speed of an object).

Measurement technique (MP) - an established set of operations and rules in the measurement, the implementation of which ensures that results are obtained with guaranteed accuracy in accordance with the accepted method.

Usually MVI is regulated by NTD, for example, certification of MVI. In essence, MVI is a measurement algorithm.

Measurement Observations - an operation carried out during the measurement and aimed at timely and correctly counting the result of the observation - the result is always random and is one of the values ​​of the measured quantity to be processed together to obtain the measurement result.

Countdown - fixing the value of a quantity or number by the SI indicating device at a given point in time.

For example, a value of 4.52 mm fixed at some point in time on the scale of the measuring indicator head is the reading of its reading at that moment.

Informative parameter of the input signal SI - parameter of the input signal, functionally associated with the measured PV and used to transmit its value or being the measured value itself.

Measurement Information - information about PV values. Often, information about the object of measurement is known before the measurement, which is the most important factor in determining the effectiveness of the measurement. This information about the measurement object is called a priori information .

measuring task - a task consisting in determining the value of the PV by measuring it with the required accuracy under the given measurement conditions.

Measurement object - body (physical system, process, phenomenon), which are characterized by one or more PV.

For example, a part whose length and diameter are being measured; technological process during which the temperature is measured.

Mathematical model of the object - a set of mathematical symbols and relations between them, which adequately describes the properties of the measurement object.

When constructing theoretical models, the introduction of any restrictions, assumptions and hypotheses is inevitable.

Therefore, the problem arises of assessing the reliability (adequacy) of the obtained model to a real process or object. To do this, when necessary, experimental verification of the developed theoretical models is carried out.

Measurement algorithm - an exact prescription for the order of operations that ensure the measurement of PV.

Measurement area- a set of PV measurements inherent in any field of science or technology and distinguished by their specifics (mechanical, electrical, acoustic, etc.).

Uncorrected measurement result - the value of the quantity obtained during the measurement before the introduction of amendments into it, taking into account systematic errors.

Corrected measurement result - the value of the quantity obtained during the measurement and refined by introducing into it the necessary corrections for the effect of systematic errors.

Convergence of measurement results - the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same measuring instruments, by the same method under the same conditions and with the same care.

Along with the term "convergence" in domestic documents, the term "repeatability" is used. The convergence of measurement results can be expressed quantitatively in terms of their scattering characteristics.

Reproducibility of measurement results - proximity of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods, by different means, by different operators, at different times, but carried out under the same measurement conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.).

The reproducibility of measurement results can be quantified in terms of their scattering characteristics.

Measurement quality - a set of properties that determine the receipt of measurement results with the required accuracy characteristics, in the required form and on time.

Measurement reliability is determined by the degree of confidence in the measurement result and is characterized by the probability that the true value of the measured quantity is within the specified limits, or in the specified range of values ​​of the quantity.

A range of measurement results - values ​​of the same quantity, successively obtained from successive measurements.

Weighted average value - the average value of a quantity from a series of unequal measurements, determined taking into account the weight of each single measurement.

The weighted average is also called the weighted average.

Measurement result weight (measurement weight) - a positive number (p), which serves as an assessment of confidence in one or another individual measurement result, which is included in a series of unequal measurements.

For ease of calculation, a weight (p = 1) is usually assigned to the result with a larger error, and the remaining weights are found in relation to this “unit” weight.

Measurement - finding the value of PV empirically using special technical means.

Measurement includes a set of operations on the use of technical means that store the unit of PV, providing the ratio of the measured value with its unit and obtaining the value of this value.

Examples: in the simplest case, applying a ruler to any part, in fact, we compare its size with the unit stored by the ruler, and, having counted, we get the value of the value (length, height); using a digital device, compare the sizes

PV, converted into a digital value, with the unit stored by the device, and counting is carried out on the digital display of the device.

The concept of "measurement" reflects the following features (a- d):

a) the above definition of the concept of "measurement" satisfies the general equation measurements, i.e. it takes into account the technical side(set of operations), revealed metrological essence(comparison of the measured value and its unit) and shows the result of operations(getting the value of a quantity);

b) it is possible to measure the characteristics of properties real objects the material world;

in) measurement process - experimental process (impossible to measure theoretically or by calculation);

G) for measurement it is mandatory to use technical SI that stores the unit of measurement;

d) as measurement result PV value is accepted (expression of PV in the form of a certain number of units accepted for it).

From the term "measurement" comes the term "measure" which is widely used in practice.

Expression should not be used“measurement of value”, since the value of a quantity is already the result of measurements.

Metrological essence of measurement is reduced to the basic measurement equation (basic equation of metrology):

where A is the value of the measured PV;

A about - the value of the value taken for the sample;

k is the ratio of the measured value to the sample.

So, any measurement consists in comparing, through a physical experiment, the measured PV with some of its value, taken as a unit of comparison, i.e. measure .

The form of the basic equation of metrology is most convenient if the value chosen for the sample is equal to one. In this case, the parameter k is the numerical value of the measured quantity, depending on the accepted method of measurement and the unit of measurement.

Measurements include observations.

Observation while observing - an experimental operation performed during the measurement process, as a result of which one value is obtained from a set of values ​​of a quantity that are subject to joint processing to obtain a measurement result.

A distinction must be made between the terms dimension», « control», « trial" and " diagnosing»

Measurement - finding the value of a physical quantity empirically using special technical means.

Measurement can be both part of an intermediate transformation in the control process, and the final stage of obtaining information during testing.

Technical control- is the process of determining the conformity with established norms or requirements of the value of the parameters of a product or process.

During control, the compliance or non-compliance of the actual data with the required ones is revealed and an appropriate logical decision is made regarding the object of control - “ go-den " or " unfit ».

Control consists of a number of elementary actions:

Measuring conversion of controlled value;

Control settings playback operations;

Comparison operations;

Determination of the result of control.

The listed operations are in many respects similar to the measurement operations, however, the measurement and control procedures are largely differ:

- result control is quality characteristic, and measurements - quantitative;

- control carried out, as a rule, within the relatively small the number of possible states, and the measurement - in a wide range of values ​​of the measured quantity;

The main characteristic of the quality of the procedure control is authenticity , and measurement procedures - accuracy.

test called the experimental determination of the quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of the properties of the test object as a result of influences on it during its operation, as well as during the modeling of the object and (and) the impact.

Experimental determination during testing of the indicated characteristics is carried out with the help of measurements, control, evaluation and formation of the corresponding effects.

Main Features tests are:

- exercise required (real or simulated) test conditions (modes of operation of the test object and (or) a combination of influencing factors);

- Adoption on the basis of the test results of decisions on the suitability or unsuitability of it, presentation for other tests, etc.

Test quality indicators are uncertainty(accuracy), repeatability and reproducibility results.

Diagnosis - the process of recognizing the state of the elements of a technical object at a given time. Based on the results of diagnostics, it is possible to predict the state of the elements of a technical object to continue its operation.

To carry out measurements for the purpose of control, diagnosis or testing, it is necessary measurement design, during which the following work is performed:

- measurement task analysis with clarification of possible sources of errors;

- choice of accuracy indicators measurements;

- selection of the number of measurements, method and measuring instruments (SI);

- formulation of initial data to calculate errors;

- calculation individual components and overall errors;

- calculation of accuracy indicators and comparing them with selected indicators.

All these questions reflect in the measurement procedure ( MVI ).

Measurement classification

Type of measurements - a part of the measurement area, which has its own characteristics and is characterized by the uniformity of the measured values.

Measurements are very diverse, which is explained by the multitude of measured quantities, the different nature of their change over time, different requirements for measurement accuracy, etc.

In this regard, measurements are classified according to various criteria (Figure 1).

Equivalent measurements - a series of measurements of any value, performed by several measuring instruments of the same accuracy in the same conditions with the same care.

Unequal measurements - a series of measurements of some quantity, performed by measuring instruments that differ in accuracy and (or) under different conditions.

Single measurement - measurement taken once. In practice, in many cases, one-time measurements are performed, for example, clock time, for production processes.

Multiple measurements - measurement of the same FI size, the result of which is obtained from several consecutive measurements, i.e., consisting of a number of single measurements.

Static measurements - measurement of the PV, taken in accordance with a specific measurement task for a constant during the measurement time.

Figure 1 - Classification of types of measurement

Dynamic measurement - measurement of the size-changing PV. The result of dynamic measurement is the functional dependence of the measured value on time, i.e. when the output signal changes in time in accordance with the change in the measured value.

Absolute measurements- measurements based on direct measurements of one or more basic quantities and (or) the use of values ​​of physical constants.

For example, measuring the length of a path in uniform rectilinear uniform motion L = vt, based on the measurement of the main quantity - time T and the use of the physical constant v.

The concept of absolute measurement is used as opposed to the concept of relative measurement and is considered as a measurement of a quantity in its units. In this interpretation, this concept is increasingly used.

Relative measurement- measurement of the ratio of a quantity to a quantity of the same name, which plays the role of a unit, or measurement of a change in a quantity with respect to a quantity of the same name, taken as the initial one.

Relative measurements, other things being equal, can be performed more accurately, since the total error of the measurement result does not include the error of the PV measure.

Examples of relative measurements: measurement of power ratios, pressures, etc.

Metrological measurements - measurements made using standards.

Technical measurements - measurements made by technical SI.

Direct measurement - measurement of the PV, carried out by a direct method, in which the desired value of the PV is obtained directly from the experimental data.

Direct measurement is made by comparing the PV with a measure of this value directly or by reading the SI readings on a scale or digital device, graduated in the required units.

Often, direct measurements are understood as measurements in which no intermediate transformations are performed.

Examples of direct measurements: measuring length, height with a ruler, voltage with a voltmeter, mass with a spring balance.

The equation direct measurement has the following form:

Indirect measurement - a measurement obtained on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other PV, functionally related to the desired value by a known dependence.

The indirect measurement equation has the following form:

Y \u003d F (x 1, x 2 ..., x i, ... x n),

where F is a known function;

n is the number of direct measurement of PV;

x 1 , x, x i , x n - values ​​of direct measurement of PV.

For example, determining the area, volume by measuring the length, width, height; electrical power by measuring current and voltage, etc.

Cumulative measurements - simultaneous measurements of several similar quantities, in which the desired value of the quantity is determined by solving a system of equations obtained by measuring various combinations of these quantities.

It is clear that in order to determine the values ​​of the required quantities, the number of equations must be no less than the number of quantities.

Example: the value of the mass of individual weights of a set is determined by the known value of the mass of one of the weights and by the results of measurements (comparisons) of the masses of various combinations of weights.

There are weights with masses m 1 , m 2 , m 3 .

The mass of the first weight is determined as follows:

The mass of the second weight is determined as the difference between the masses of the first and second weights M 1.2 and the measured mass of the first weight m 1:

The mass of the third weight is determined as the difference between the masses of the first, second and third weights M 1,2,3 and the measured masses of the first and second weights

This is often the way to improve the accuracy of measurement results.

Joint measurements - simultaneous measurements of several heterogeneous PVs to determine the relationship between them.

Example 1. Construction of the calibration characteristic Y = f(x) of the measuring transducer, when sets of values ​​are measured simultaneously:

The value of the PV is determined using the SI by a specific method.

Measurement methods

Measurement method - reception or a set of methods for comparing the measured PV with its unit in accordance with the realized principle of measurement and use of SI.

Specific measurement methods are determined by the type of measured quantities, their dimensions, the required accuracy of the result, the speed of the measurement process, the conditions under which measurements are carried out, and a number of other features.

In principle, each PV can be measured by several methods, which may differ from each other in features of both a technical and methodological nature.

Direct evaluation method - a measurement method in which the value of a quantity is determined directly by the SI reading device.

The speed of the measurement process makes it often indispensable for practical

use, although measurement accuracy is usually limited. Examples: measurement of length with a ruler, mass - with spring scales, pressure - with a pressure gauge.

Measure comparison method - a measurement method in which the measured value is compared with the value reproduced by the measure (clearance measurement with a feeler gauge, mass measurement on a balance scale with weights, length measurement with end blocks, etc.).

In contrast to the MI of direct assessment, which is more convenient for obtaining operational information, the SI of comparison provides greater measurement accuracy.

Zero measurement method - method of comparison with a measure, in which the net effect of the action of the measurand and the measure on the comparator is brought to zero.

For example, the measurement of electrical resistance by a bridge with its full balancing.

Differential method - a method of measurement in which the measurand is compared with a homogeneous quantity having a known value that differs slightly from the value of the measurand, and in which the difference between these quantities is measured.

For example, measuring length by comparison with an exemplary measure on a comparator - a comparison tool designed to compare measures of homogeneous quantities.

The differential measurement method is most effective when the deviation of the measured value from some nominal value is of practical importance (deviation of the actual linear size from the nominal, frequency drift, etc.).

Displacement measurement method - a method of comparison with a measure in which the measured quantity is replaced by a measure with a known value of the quantity, for example, weighing with the measured mass and weights alternately placed on the same scale pan).

Addition measurement method - a method of comparison with a measure, in which the value of the measured quantity is supplemented by a measure of the same quantity in such a way that the comparator is affected by their sum equal to a predetermined value.

Contrasting method - method of comparison with a measure, in which the measured value, reproduced by the measure, simultaneously acts on the comparison device, with the help of which the ratio between these quantities is established.

For example, the measurement of mass on equal-arm scales with the placement of the measured mass and weights balancing it on two scales, the comparison of measures using a comparator, where the basis of the method is to generate a signal about the presence of a difference in the sizes of the compared values.

Match method - a method of comparison with a measure, in which the difference between the measured value and the value reproduced by the measure is measured using the coincidence of scale marks or periodic signals.

For example, measuring length with a vernier caliper with a vernier, when the coincidence of marks on the scales of the caliper and vernier is observed, measuring the speed with a stroboscope, when the position of a mark on a rotating object is aligned with a mark on the non-rotating part of this object at a certain frequency of strobe flashes.

Contact measurement method - a measurement method in which the sensitive element of the device (measuring surfaces of the device or instrument) is brought into contact with the object of measurement.

For example, measuring the temperature of the working fluid with a thermocouple, measuring the diameter of a part with a caliper.

Non-contact measuring method - a measurement method based on the fact that the sensitive element of the SI is not brought into contact with the object of measurement.

For example, measuring the distance to an object using a radar, measuring the linear dimensions of parts with a photoelectric measuring device.

Measuring instruments

Measuring instrument (SI) - a technical tool intended for measurements, having normalized metrological characteristics, reproducing and (or) storing a unit of PV, the size of which is assumed to be unchanged (within a specified error) for a known time interval.

Means of measurement are diverse. However, for this set can be identified some common features , inherent in all measuring instruments, regardless of the field of application.

According to the role performed in the system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements, measuring instruments are divided into metrological and workers .

Metrological SI are intended for metrological purposes - reproduction of the unit and (or) its storage or transfer of the size of the unit to the working SI.

Working SI - SI intended for measurements not related to the transfer of the size of the unit to other SI.

In relation to the measured FI SI are subdivided into main and auxiliary .

Basic SI - MI of the PV, the value of which must be obtained in accordance with the measurement task.

Auxiliary SI - MI of the PV, the influence of which on the main MI or the measurement object must be taken into account in order to obtain measurement results of the required accuracy.

These SI are used to control the maintenance of values influencing values ​​within the specified limits.

By level of automation all SI are divided by non-automatic(meaning a conventional instrument, for example, a lever micrometer), automatic and automated.

Automatic SI - Measuring instruments that perform measurements without human participation and all operations related to the processing of measurement results, their registration, data transmission or generation of control signals.

Examples: measuring or control machines built into an automatic production line (process equipment, machine tool, etc.), measuring robots with good handling properties.

Automated SI - MI that automatically performs one or part of the measurement operations. For example, a gas meter (measurement and data logging with a running total).

EF measure - SI intended for reproduction and (or) storage and transmission of PV of one or several given sizes, the values ​​of which are expressed in established units and are known with a given accuracy.

Measuring device - MI, designed to obtain the values ​​of the measured quantity in the established range and generating a signal of measuring information in a form accessible to the observer for direct perception (the latter refers to indicating instruments).

Analog meter - SI, the readings of which are a continuous function of the change in the measured value. For example, scales, manometer, ammeter, measuring head with scale reading devices.

Digital Measuring Instrument (DIP) is called SI, which automatically generates discrete signals of measuring information, the readings of which are presented in digital form. When measuring with the help of the DMC, subjective errors of the operator are excluded.

Measuring setup - a set of functionally combined measures, measuring instruments, measuring transducers and other devices, designed to measure one or more PV and located in one place.

For example, a calibration plant, a test bench, a measuring machine for measuring the resistivity of materials.

Measuring system (IS) - a set of functionally combined measures, measuring instruments, measuring transducers, computers and other technical means placed at different points of a controlled object in order to measure one or more PVs inherent in this object, and to generate measuring signals for different purposes. The measuring system can contain dozens of measuring channels.

Depending on the purpose, IP is divided into measuring information, measuring controlling, measuring controllers etc.

There is also a fairly arbitrary distinction information-measuring systems(IIS) and computer - measuring systems(KIS).

A measuring system that is reconfigured depending on a change in the measuring task is called flexible measuring system(GIS).

Measuring - computer complex (CPC) - a functionally integrated set of MI, computers and auxiliary devices designed to perform a specific measuring function as part of the IS.

Computer - measuring system (KIS), otherwise, a virtual instrument consists of a standard or specialized computer with a built-in data acquisition board (module).

Measuring transducer (MT) - technical means with regulatory

metrological characteristics, which serves to convert the measured value into another value or measuring signal, convenient for processing, storage, further transformations, indication and transmission. IP is part of any measuring device (measuring setup, IS, etc.), or is used together with any SI.

IP examples. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) or analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

Transmitting Converter - a measuring transducer used for

remote transmission of measurement information signal to other devices or

systems (thermocouple in a thermoelectric thermometer).

Primary measuring converter or simply primary converter (PP)- a measuring transducer, which is directly affected by the measured PV;

Without measuring instruments and methods of their application, scientific and technological progress would be impossible. In the modern world, people cannot do without them even in everyday life. Therefore, such a vast layer of knowledge could not be systematized and formed as a full-fledged one. The concept of “metrology” is used to define this direction. What are measuring instruments from the point of view of scientific knowledge? It can be said that this is the subject of research, but the activities of specialists in this field necessarily have a practical nature.

The concept of metrology

In the general view, metrology is often considered as a set of scientific knowledge about the means, methods and methods of measurement, which also includes the concept of their unity. To regulate the practical application of this knowledge, there is a federal agency for metrology, which technically manages property in the field of metrology.

As you can see, measurement is central to the concept of metrology. In this context, measurement means obtaining information about the subject of research - in particular, information about properties and characteristics. An obligatory condition is precisely the experimental way of obtaining this knowledge using metrological tools. It should also be taken into account that metrology, standardization and certification are closely interrelated and only in combination can provide practically valuable information. So, if metrology deals with development issues, then standardization establishes uniform forms and rules for applying the same methods, as well as for registering the characteristics of objects in accordance with specified standards. As for certification, it aims to determine the compliance of the object under study with certain parameters laid down by the standards.

Goals and objectives of metrology

Metrology faces several important tasks that are in three areas - theoretical, legislative and practical. As scientific knowledge develops, goals from different directions are mutually complemented and adjusted, but in general, the tasks of metrology can be represented as follows:

  • Formation of systems of units and measurement characteristics.
  • Development of general theoretical knowledge about measurements.
  • Standardization of measurement methods.
  • Approval of standards of measurement methods, verification measures and technical means.
  • The study of the system of measures in the context of a historical perspective.

Unity of measurements

The basic level of standardization means that the results of the measurements taken are reflected in the approved format. That is, the measurement characteristic is expressed in the accepted form. Moreover, this applies not only to certain measurement values, but also to errors that can be expressed taking into account probabilities. Metrological unity exists to be able to compare results that were carried out under different conditions. Moreover, in each case, the methods and means must remain the same.

If we consider the basic concepts of metrology in terms of the quality of obtaining results, then the main one will be accuracy. In a sense, it is interconnected with the error, which distorts the readings. It is precisely in order to increase accuracy that serial measurements are used in various conditions, thanks to which one can get a more complete picture of the subject of study. A significant role in improving the quality of measurements is also played by preventive measures aimed at checking technical means, testing new methods, analyzing standards, etc.

Principles and methods of metrology

To achieve high quality measurements, metrology relies on several basic principles, including the following:

  • The Peltier principle, focused on determining the absorbed energy during the flow of ionizing radiation.
  • The Josephson principle, on the basis of which voltage measurements are made in an electrical circuit.
  • Doppler principle, which provides a measurement of speed.
  • The principle of gravity.

For these and other principles, a broad base of methods has been developed by which practical research is carried out. It is important to consider that metrology is the science of measurements, which are supported by applied tools. But technical means, on the other hand, are based on specific theoretical principles and methods. Among the most common methods, one can single out the method of direct assessment, measurement of mass on a scale, substitution, comparison, etc.

Measuring instruments

One of the most important concepts of metrology is a means of measurement. As a rule, which reproduces or stores a certain physical quantity. In the process of application, it examines the object, comparing the identified parameter with the reference one. Measuring instruments are an extensive group of instruments with many classifications. According to the design and principle of operation, for example, converters, devices, sensors, devices and mechanisms are distinguished.

The measuring setup is a relatively modern type of device used by metrology. What is this setting in practice of use? Unlike the simplest tools, the installation is a machine in which a whole range of functional components is provided. Each of them can be responsible for one or more measures. An example is laser goniometers. They are used by builders to determine a wide range of geometric parameters, as well as for calculation by formulas.

What is an error?

The error also occupies a considerable place in the measurement process. In theory, it is considered as one of the basic concepts of metrology, in this case reflecting the deviation of the obtained value from the true one. This deviation may be random or systematic. In the development of measuring instruments, manufacturers usually include a certain amount of uncertainty in the list of characteristics. It is thanks to fixing the possible limits of deviations in the results that we can talk about the reliability of measurements.

But not only the error determines possible deviations. Uncertainty is another characteristic that metrology guides in this regard. What is measurement uncertainty? Unlike error, it practically does not operate with exact or relatively accurate values. It only indicates a doubt in one or another result, but, again, does not determine the deviation intervals that could cause such an attitude to the obtained value.

Varieties of metrology by application

Metrology in one form or another is involved in almost all spheres of human activity. In construction, the same measuring instruments are used to fix deviations of structures along planes, in medicine they are used on the basis of the most accurate equipment, in mechanical engineering specialists also use devices that allow determining characteristics with the smallest details. Larger specialized projects are carried out by the Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, which at the same time maintains a bank of standards, establishes regulations, carries out cataloging, etc. This body to varying degrees covers all areas of metrological research, extending approved standards to them.


In metrology, there are previously established and unchanging standards, principles and methods of measurement. But there are also a number of its areas that cannot remain unchanged. Accuracy is one of the key characteristics that metrology provides. What is accuracy in the context of a measurement procedure? This is a value that largely depends on the technical means of measurement. And just in this area, metrology is developing dynamically, leaving behind obsolete, inefficient tools. But this is just one of the most striking examples in which this area is regularly updated.

- (Greek, from metron measure, and logos word). Description of weights and measures. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. METROLOGY Greek, from metron, measure, and logos, treatise. Description of weights and measures. Explanation of 25,000 foreign ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Metrology- The science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy. Legal metrology A branch of metrology that includes interrelated legislative and scientific and technical issues that need to be ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

- (from the Greek metron measure and ... logic) the science of measurements, methods for achieving their unity and the required accuracy. The main problems of metrology include: creation of a general theory of measurements; the formation of units of physical quantities and systems of units; ... ...

- (from the Greek metron measure and logos word, teaching), the science of measurements and methods for achieving their universal unity and the required accuracy. To the main problems of M. include: the general theory of measurements, the formation of physical units. quantities and their systems, methods and ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

Metrology- the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy ... Source: RECOMMENDATIONS ON INTERSTATE STANDARDIZATION. STATE SYSTEM OF ENSURING THE UNITY OF MEASUREMENT. METROLOGY. BASIC … Official terminology

metrology- and, well. metrology f. metron measure + logos concept, doctrine. The doctrine of measures; description of various measures and weights and methods for determining their samples. SIS 1954. Some Pauker was awarded the full award for a manuscript in German on metrology, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

metrology- The science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy [RMG 29 99] [MI 2365 96] Topics metrology, basic concepts EN metrology DE MesswesenMetrologie FR métrologie ... Technical Translator's Handbook

METROLOGY, the science of measurements, methods for achieving their unity and the required accuracy. The birth of metrology can be considered the establishment at the end of the 18th century. standard length of the meter and the adoption of the metric system of measures. In 1875, the international Metric Treaty was signed ... Modern Encyclopedia

Historical auxiliary historical discipline that studies the development of systems of measures, money account and units of taxation among various peoples ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

METROLOGY, metrology, pl. no, female (from Greek metron measure and logos teaching). The science of measures and weights of different times and peoples. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


  • Metrology
  • Metrology, Bavykin Oleg Borisovich, Vyacheslavova Olga Fedorovna, Gribanov Dmitry Dmitrievich. The main provisions of theoretical, applied and legal metrology are stated. Theoretical foundations and applied issues of metrology at the present stage, historical aspects…