Complete procurement training. Training in public procurement: available types and forms of training. Types and forms of public procurement training

According to the law on the contract system, the specialists of the state customer are obliged to improve the level of professional education. Unlike customers, suppliers have no such obligation. But neither customers nor suppliers can do without knowledge of 44-FZ. Moreover, customers need to confirm knowledge with a document. Let's analyze in detail.

Public procurement legislation continues to develop and improve. Amendments to the law 44-FZ itself are adopted, resolutions and orders are issued clarifying the enforcement of the norms of the law, arbitration experience is being accumulated. Yesterday you were right, and today, having done the same thing, you have already violated the law...

It is quite difficult to understand the legal intricacies on your own. So you have to go study. Of course, all participants in public procurement should be trained under the contract system, but there are citizens whom the law does not ask, but directly obliges to improve their skills.

  • It is recommended to set the minimum period for mastering the Programs, regardless of the learning technologies used, at least 108 hours (clause 2.3 methodological recommendations).
  • According to paragraph 2.4 of the Methodological Recommendations, in the case of the implementation of Programs for the purpose of training the heads of customer organizations, the minimum training period for such Programs can be reduced to 40 hours.

Remote online course "Management of state and municipal procurement:, or. Professional retraining of customers according to 44-FZ with the issuance of a certificate.

Procurement standards

The professional standard "Specialist in the field of procurement" was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n. And by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n, the professional standard “Expert in the field of procurement” was approved.

In accordance with specialist in the field of procurement must have:

BUT expert should have:

  • Higher education - specialty, magistracy;
  • Additional professional education - advanced training programs / or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement.

For the second group of positions (i.e. "Expert in the field of procurement"), it is mandatory not only to have the appropriate education, but also work experience - at least 5 years in the field of procurement, including in senior positions at least 3 years.

Question: Is the customer obliged by law No. 44-FZ to apply professional standards for a specialist and expert in the field of procurement?

The obligation to apply professional standards is provided for in two cases:

  • Firstly, it arises if, in connection with the performance of work in a certain position, profession or specialty (hereinafter referred to as the profession), federal laws establish compensation, benefits or restrictions. In this case, the name of the profession and qualification requirements in the employment contract must comply with professional standards (paragraph 3, part 2, article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Since there are no such compensations (benefits, restrictions) for the professions named in the standards for a specialist and expert in the field of procurement, the customer may not apply them.
  • Secondly, from July 1, 2016, professional standards are mandatory in terms of the requirements for the qualification of an employee, which are provided for by federal laws or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The application of other provisions of professional standards in relation to qualifications is voluntary. Therefore, it is enough for customers to comply with the requirements for the education of employees contract service and contract managers established by Law No. 44-FZ.

Similar conclusions can be drawn from the explanations given in paragraphs 6, 8 of the Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04.04.2016 No. 14-0 / 10 / V-2253. That is, the customer is not obliged to apply professional standards. They can be used, for example, to develop job descriptions employees of the contract service (contract manager).

Training on 44-FZ for suppliers. What is it for?

Unlike customers, suppliers are not required by law to receive training. But life imposes no less stringent requirements on them than on customers.

The supplier risks both money and reputation. The money will have to be spent on securing the application, on obtaining a bank guarantee, and then on fines and penalties in case of violations in the performance of the contract. And the reputation can be seriously damaged if the supplier falls into . This means that you need to seriously prepare for participation in public procurement, know all the deadlines and regulations, and understand what you should pay attention to when reading procurement documentation.

And if the supplier participates in, to all other concerns, accreditation obligations on the electronic site, rules and regulations, which 44-FZ is silent about, but violation of which threatens to reject the application in 2 parts, are added.

The scope for mistakes by novice bidders is practically unlimited. Your choice is your responsibility.

You can not waste time and effort on monitoring legislation, use the text of Law No. 44-FZ, make your own mistakes or repeat others. And just be guided by the principles “maybe it will blow over”, “what if they don’t notice” and “well, of course, they all agreed”. But then get ready to adequately lose tenders that simply floated into your hands. Do not be upset by paying fines and penalties. And finally, to mark the “entry” into the register of unscrupulous suppliers with a grand banquet.

Or you can take control of your skill level. If you correctly plan your training, select information resources that are trustworthy, form a circle of contacts in the field of public procurement, you will be able to confidently participate in tenders and conclude profitable contracts.

At the School of Electronic Trading, this is a professional retraining for suppliers and customers in accordance with 44-FZ and 223-FZ. Online, with experts.

How are training courses under Law No. 44-FZ conducted?

Organizations interested in participating in public procurement should have specialists who understand this issue “excellently”. provide training for such employees, give students the opportunity not only to update their knowledge in the field of public procurement, but also to develop additional skills, get answers to their questions. It is recommended to improve qualifications at least once every three years. Both suppliers and customers can obtain the necessary knowledge in our courses and confirm it with a training document.

Hello dear colleague! In today's article we will talk about training in public procurement. After all, you will agree that knowledge in the field of public procurement is needed by absolutely all participants in this process: customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities, authorized and specialized organizations.

If the suppliers themselves have the right to decide whether they need to undergo training for participation in public procurement and tenders, then the representatives of the Customers in without fail must have higher or additional professional education in the field of procurement.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what types of public procurement training currently exist and where it is better to take such training. So let's get started...

1. Requirements for public procurement training under 44-FZ

Let's first turn to and see what requirements for the education of officials are established in it.

So, according to part 1 of article 9 of 44-FZ, the contract system in the field of procurement provides for the implementation of the activities of the Customer, a specialized organization (SO) and a control body (CO) in the field of procurement on the professional basis involving qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of procurement.

In addition, Customers, specialized organizations must take measures to maintain and improve the level of qualification and professional education of officials involved in the field of procurement, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement in accordance with the law Russian Federation(part 2 of article 9 of 44-FZ).

Since July 1, 2016, the provisions of Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for the application of professional standards by employers have been in force. By order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n approved professional standard "Specialist in the field of procurement". And by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n, it was approved professional standard "Expert in the field of procurement" .

In line with professional standards specialist in the field of procurement must have:

  • Secondary vocational education;
  • Additional professional education - advanced training programs and professional retraining programs in the field of procurement;

BUT expert should have:

  • Higher education - specialty, magistracy;
  • Additional professional education - advanced training programs / or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement.

For the second group of positions (i.e. "Expert in the field of procurement"), it is mandatory not only to have the appropriate education, but also work experience - at least 5 years in the field of procurement, including in senior positions at least 3 years .

2. Types and forms of public procurement training

Now let's talk with you about the types and forms of training in public procurement. There are basically three types of training:

  • Higher and secondary special education in the field of procurement;
  • Additional professional education in the field of procurement;
  • Selfeducation participation in public procurement;

Below we will discuss each type of training in detail.

Higher and secondary specialized education in the field of procurement

This type of training involves several forms of training:

  • Full-time;
  • extramural.

Training can be paid (commercial basis) and free (budgetary basis). At the end of the training, a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education is issued.

A document confirming the existence higher education in the field of procurement, serves directly diploma (state and non-state standard) .

Additional professional education in the field of procurement

Additional professional education (training courses) involves the following forms of education:

  • Full-time;
  • extramural;
  • distance form (online training);
  • seminars.

Seminar- a form of training and practical classes for a group of students on a specific topic. Most often, public procurement seminars are 1-2 days long.

Currently distance learning public procurement under 44-FZ is very popular among listeners. The essence of this form of education is quite simple. The person has access to educational materials(most often this is a course of video lectures) and after studying the materials, he does his homework (is being tested). Based on the results of the test, an appropriate certificate of advanced training is issued. All you need is free time, a computer and Internet access. He chooses the time of his training independently.

Online training is convenient because the employee does not break away from his main job and is trained at a convenient time for himself. AT modern conditions this form of education is very relevant, because. almost every person has a computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) and Internet access.

In accordance with clause 1, part 10, article 60 federal law dated December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education is confirmed professional development certificate or professional retraining diploma .

At the same time, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 76 of 273-FZ, the development of additional professional programs may be allowed:

  • persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
  • persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Additional education in the field of procurement, as a rule, is paid.

Self-training to participate in public procurement

Self-paced learning is more suitable for vendors who do not need diplomas and advanced training certificates in the field of procurement. Such training also takes several forms:

  • Seminars on public procurement for suppliers;
  • Webinars;
  • Bidding trainings;
  • Coaching (individual training);
  • Skype consultations;
  • Online public procurement schools;
  • Study of federal laws, video lessons, articles, and judicial practice and FAS practices.

Webinar (online seminar, web conference) - a kind of web conference, conducting online meetings or presentations via the Internet. In fact, this is the same seminar, only through the Internet.

training— a method of active learning aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities. Those. This is a practical training.

coaching is an individual training with a trainer (specialist in the subject area). This is perhaps the most expensive and most effective form of training. Coaching can also take place via Skype consultations.

Skype consultations - these are consultations with a specialist on one or more issues online via the Internet.

Online public procurement schools - these are electronic platforms (websites) that host educational materials on the topic of public procurement. A person pays for access to the school and gets the opportunity to study the materials in it, do homework, and ask questions. The listener can acquire access both to certain material and subscribe to school materials for a certain period (month, six months, year). An example of such a school is the online school “ABC of tenders”.

Self-training in public procurement can be both paid and free. After all, you can find a lot of useful materials in the public domain, incl. and on my site, where you are now.

Recommendation: Novice suppliers should start their training in public procurement by studying. It will bring you up to date and serve as an excellent foundation for your further development in this area. You can find other educational books on public procurement.

Personally, I think that the best public procurement training for suppliers is practice. It is the practice of preparing bids and participating in tenders. However, theory is also indispensable. At one time, I also studied public procurement in Moscow. But still, I gained most of my experience by directly participating in the auction (, etc.).

3. Where can I get training in public procurement?

Currently, many educational institutions offer various public procurement training courses. There are training programs for both 44-FZ and 223-FZ. There are also programs separately for suppliers and separately for customers.

However, it should be borne in mind that 72-hour advanced training programs in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs are only suitable for training specialists from supplier companies.

For specialists of customer organizations, including specialists who are civil servants undergoing training for additional educational programs, professional development should be provided for at least 108 hours (for managers - at least 40 hours).

You can find advanced training programs on the website of the Institute of Procurement and Sales Management. A.B. Solovyov - // , as well as the program of professional retraining "Management of state, municipal and corporate purchases" - // .

Lots of interesting programs training is presented on the website of the Institute of Public and Regulated Procurement, Competition Policy and Anti-Corruption Technologies (Public Procurement Institute) — // .

You can also find good study programs on the website of the Center for the Development of Competition Policy and State Order of the Institute of the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA - // .

These are not all educational institutions that provide training in the field of procurement. You can also choose an institution for yourself and curriculum that meet your requirements.

This concludes my article. I hope that the material presented in it was useful to you. Good luck and see you in the next editions.

On the procurement specialists entrusted with the mission of working on the company's purchasing strategy.

To effectively perform their duties, a procurement specialist must have a sufficient level of qualification in the field of financial management, logistics, and accounting. It is the provision of proper education in these areas that the Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex is engaged in.

As part of his duties, the specialist responsible for procurement:

  • carries out general coordination of procurement activities, organizes and conducts tenders, selects suppliers and controls deliveries;
  • carries out procurement planning for the short and long term;
  • controls the quality of the supplied products;
  • analyzes the market and monitors price dynamics;
  • works with suppliers, is responsible for the coherence of the company's interaction with them;
  • develops and implements programs to reduce the cost of supplies;
  • maintains documentation on purchases, which is necessary for the accounting department.

Procurement training programs

In our Academy, a procurement specialist can take a remote or full-time education in the following areas:

The Academy provided the opportunity to take refresher courses in procurement both in full-time, and remotely. Anyone who wants to learn this profession from scratch or bring their knowledge in line with modern development market and its stringent requirements. A prerequisite for studying at the Academy is the presence of higher or secondary vocational education.

Learning technology

Students of the Academy choose the direction of study, listen to the full course, perform control and test tasks, participate in seminars, and at the end of the course receive a certificate of the established form.

Distance learning for procurement specialists can take place on the job, which is relevant for most existing professionals.

Purchasing management

The Academy notes that purchasing management courses are in high demand among specialists. The fact is that in today's conditions of rapid market development, it is necessary to have not only deep professional knowledge, but also analytical skills, knowledge of the economic segments of the market, the ability to predict.

The purchasing manager trained by our Academy acquires exactly this valuable set of skills upon completion of the course.

The program “Amendments to Federal Procurement Laws FZ-44 and FZ-223” is in no less demand among specialists. The fact is that training in the "FZ-44 on procurement" allows you to gain knowledge in the field of:

    legal support of contract systems;

    electronic document management and information support contract system.

Also, advanced training in procurement 44-FZ opens up the opportunity to study the features of certain types of procurement, exercise control in the field of procurement, and challenge decisions on administrative responsibility.

Procurement courses 223-FZ open up opportunities for specialists to hold auctions, tenders and competitions, analyze proposals.

By choosing MASPK, you are guaranteed to receive:

  • Huge selection of training programs;
  • Flexible and always favorable prices;
  • Opportunity to study completely remotely, without interruption from work;
  • Individual training schedule;
  • Impeccable service and personal manager;
  • Modern material and technical base;
  • Qualified teaching staff;
  • Free consultations and help.

Do you want to upgrade your qualifications under the Purchasing Specialist program? Call by phone or apply online. We are waiting for you!

Hello, dear readers of the online school “ABC of tenders”! In this article, we want to tell you about training in public procurement. This is a very important point, since there is absolutely nothing to do in public procurement without special knowledge. Such knowledge is needed both by suppliers and customers, as well as by other participants in the procurement process (control bodies, authorized and specialized organizations).

For Customers, higher or additional professional education in the field of procurement is mandatory. But procurement participants themselves have the right to choose for themselves whether they are trained to participate in public procurement and tenders or not. Although the answer to this question is already obvious, there are still participants who neglect such training. Accordingly, the chances of these participants to win the tender are almost zero.

In this article, we will talk about what types of public procurement training are available today, and where it is better to take such training.

The Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” establishes the following requirements for the education of officials:

Firstly, the contract system in the field of procurement provides for the implementation of the activities of the Customer, a specialized organization (SO) and a control body in the field of procurement on a professional basis involving qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of procurement (Part 1 of Article 9 of the 44-FZ).

Secondly, Customers, SOs must take measures to maintain and improve the level of qualifications and professional education of officials involved in the field of procurement, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (part 2 of article 9 44-FZ) .

Thirdly, the contract manager must have higher education or in the field of procurement (part 6 of article 38 of 44-FZ).

Fourth, Until January 1, 2017, a contract manager may be a person who has professional education or additional professional education in the field of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs (part 23 of article 112 44-FZ). Those. this is education received during the operation of Federal Law No. 94-FZ.

Above, we have listed the education requirements established in 44-FZ. Now let's look at the requirements established in other regulatory documents.

In addition, from July 1, 2016, the provisions of Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for applying professional standards by employers came into effect.

These standards include professional standard "Specialist in the field of procurement", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n and professional standard "Expert in the field of procurement", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n.

In accordance with approved standards specialist in the field of procurement should have:

  • Secondary vocational education;
  • Additional professional education (training programs and professional retraining programs in the field of procurement).

BUT procurement expert should have:

  • Higher education (specialist, magistracy);
  • Additional professional education (training programs / or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement).

In addition to the relevant education for an expert, work experience is also required - at least 5 years in the field of procurement, including in senior positions at least 3 years.

Available types and forms of public procurement training

There are currently three types of training available:

  • Independent training for participation in public procurement and tenders;
  • Additional professional education in the field of procurement;
  • Higher and secondary specialized education in the field of procurement.

Independent training for participation in public procurement and tenders

This type of training is more suitable for suppliers (procurement participants), for whom the possession of diplomas and certificates of advanced training in the field of procurement is not mandatory. For them, the practical skills of participation in the auction are more important than the “crust” about passing the training.

Self-study comes in several forms:

  • Seminars on public procurement and tenders for suppliers;
  • Webinars (online seminars);
  • Bidding trainings;
  • Coaching (individual training with a trainer (specialist in the subject area) until the result);
  • Skype consultations (individual and group);
  • Online schools for public procurement (for example, the online school “ABC of tenders”, on the pages of which you are now);
  • Study of laws (44-FZ, 223-FZ, 135-FZ, etc.), orders, letters and other legal acts, video tutorials on public procurement, books, articles, courses, forums, as well as judicial practice and FAS practice .

Self-training in public procurement can be both paid and free. After all, now in the free access you can find a large number of different training materials.

We believe that the best public procurement training for suppliers is the practice of bidding. However, theory is indispensable. In his online school we focus on practice, so if you want to learn how to participate in public procurement, then our doors are always open for you. You can buy access to the school.

Additional professional education in the field of procurement

Additional professional education involves the following forms of education:

  • Full-time;
  • extramural;
  • distance form (online training);
  • seminars.

Distance learning in public procurement is now actively gaining momentum and is very popular. This form of training is available to almost anyone, as training can be done at any time convenient for you. All you need is a computer and internet access.

The essence of such training is extremely simple. You get access to learning materials and do your homework (tests). And at the end of the test, you will receive a certificate of professional development.

Improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education is confirmed professional development certificate or professional retraining diploma(Clause 1 of Part 10 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”)

The following can be admitted to the development of additional professional programs:

  • persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
  • persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education (part 2 of article 76 273-FZ).

Additional professional education in the field of procurement is most often paid.

Higher and secondary specialized education in the field of procurement

This type of training involves several forms of training:

  • Full-time;
  • extramural.

Training can take place on a commercial basis (paid) and on budgetary basis(free). At the end of the training, a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education is issued.

The document confirming the presence of higher education in the field of procurement is diploma (state and non-state standard).

Where can I get training in public procurement?

Today, there are quite a number educational institutions, offering training programs and courses on 44-FZ and 223-FZ, both for suppliers and customers.

However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that the 72-hour procurement training programs are only suitable for training procurement managers of supplier companies.

For specialists of the Customers, as well as specialists who are civil servants, advanced training of at least 108 hours (for managers - at least 40 hours) should be provided.

Good continuing education programs you can find:

  • on the website of the Institute of Procurement and Sales Management. A.B. Solovyov —;
  • on the website of the Institute of Public Procurement -;
  • on the website of the Center for the Development of Competition Policy and the State Order of the Institute of the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA -

Here we have listed only a small part of the educational institutions that provide training in the field of procurement. If you wish, you can find any other institution and study program according to your needs.

That's all for today. If you have any questions, you can ask them below in the comments to this article.

Distance learning 44-FZ is designed for regional participants who are unable to send their representative to Moscow.

  1. Teaching 44 Federal Laws remotely with the issuance of a certificate lasting from 40 to 144 hours.
  2. Distance learning 44 FZ with the issuance of a state diploma 256 hours.
  3. Training 44 FZ and 223 FZ remotely with the issuance of a certificate price from 8900 rubles.

Training 44 FZ in Moscow with the issuance of a state-issued certificate

Name of the type of professional activity—activities for the implementation, control and management of procurement to meet state, municipal and corporate needs.

The main purpose of the type of professional activity— control and management of procurement for the effective and efficient use of funds allocated to meet state, municipal and corporate needs

Training 44 FZ Moscow with the issuance of a state-issued certificate lasting 72 hours, 144 hours.

Class groups 44-FZ:

  • Buyers
  • Economists
  • Lawyers, paralegals
  • Accountants, assistant accountants
  • Accounting and accounting clerks
  • Appraisers and experts
  • Analysts of management systems and organizations
  • Public authorities specialists
  • System administrators
  • Database and Network Specialists
  • Commercial sales agents
  • Secondary technical staff in the public service
  • Data entry clerks
  • Employees for the processing of statistical, financial and insurance information and settlements
  • Active duty officers


  • Heads of sales, marketing departments
  • Managers of financial, economic and administrative activities
  • Leaders in policy setting and activity planning
  • Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises
  • Heads of local governments
  • Heads (representatives) of federal and regional executive and judiciary and their devices
  • Heads of federal and regional legislative bodies and their apparatuses, deputies of legislative assemblies