Scheme of the technological map of speech therapy classes. Technological map of an individual (paired) speech therapy lesson. Department of Education of the Administration of Bratsk

Skryagina Alina Igorevna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 407
Locality: Samara city
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Routing subgroup speech therapy session
Publication date: 16.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Technological map of a subgroup speech therapy session with children with general underdevelopment of speech

Prepared by: speech therapist Skryagina Alina Igorevna

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 407" Samara
FULL NAME. speech therapist Alina Igorevna Skryagina Age of the child, speech therapy report) 5 years Speech therapy report: General underdevelopment speech of the third level, erased dysarthria 5 years Speech therapy conclusion: General underdevelopment of speech of the third level, erased dysarthria Topic of the lesson “Swallow on a visit. L sound. Type of lesson "Consolidation of knowledge" Technologies used Technology based on the activity approach. Health saving technologies. Technology of phased formation of mental actions The purpose of the lesson is to automate correct pronunciation sound [L] in words, sentences within the topic migratory birds Tasks Clarify and consolidate the articulation of sound [l] Automate the pronunciation of sound [l] in words, phrases Consolidate the idea of ​​migratory birds Planned results Subject Metasubject
 Development of mobility of organs of articulation in the process of performing articulation gymnastics;  Consolidation of the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound [L];  Automate the pronunciation of the sound [l] in words,  Develop phonemic perception by highlighting the sound [l] against the background of the word  Systematize the child's ideas about migratory birds  Activate the use of new words in various syntactic constructions.  Strengthen the ability to use simple common sentences.  To consolidate the ability to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes –chk-, -shk-  To consolidate the ability to build proposed case constructions with prepositions for, on, under.  To consolidate the ability to form the dative case for them. Nouns Regulatory UUD: to teach to accept and save the learning task. Develop cognitive research activities (observe, analyze, nutrition). Communicative UUD: develop the ability to listen to the teacher to the end develop the ability to express one’s assumption develop the ability to build and maintain a dialogue Personal UUD: form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity. To cultivate a positive attitude towards birds, to prevent aggression towards birds. To cultivate interest in the natural world and to form a sense of responsibility for migratory ones; to carry out cognitive reflection; spring park image, ball.

Organization and structure of speech therapy classes
Stage Duration of the stage Methods and techniques of work Forms of organization of students' activities Activities of a speech therapist Activities of students Planned results UUD I Stage Motivation - to create conditions for the pupil to have an internal need to be included in the educational process 3 minutes oral Subgroup So that the tongue would obey us and help beautifully say you need to do gymnastics Our lips are smiling. Keep a smile counting up to 10 Pancake-needle Swing Brush your teeth Painter Cup Sail A bird flew to our lesson today, solve the riddle and find out what kind of bird it is. She lives under the roofs, She builds her nest of clay, She fusses all day She doesn’t sit on the ground, She flies high in the clouds, Eating midges on the fly, A sweetheart in a black tailcoat, What’s her name? ....
Children perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror Guess the riddle Swallow Regulatory UUD: learn to accept and save the learning task. Communicative UUD: develop the ability to listen to the teacher to the end; develop the ability to express your opinion
II. Stage of actualization of knowledge
to update the studied methods of actions sufficient to build new knowledge and their generalization (reproduce and fix the ZUN necessary to build new knowledge); Duration of the stage Methods and techniques of work Forms of organization of students' activities Activities of a speech therapist Teacher activities of students Planned results UUD 8 min Oral, analytical-synthetic Subgroup 1 Swallow brought her favorite sound with her. Guess what that sound is. What is the first sound you hear: Swallow. Sound [L] How to pronounce it correctly? What are lips doing? Where should the tongue be?
2 Swallow asks us to help her friends

other birds will return home.

But the birds

want to play with you. Child

closes his eyes. they hid

Need to find.

Nightingale, oriole,

Optional: swift, rook
What are these birds called? Why? 3 Let's remember what parts the bird consists of? You need to assemble the bird and name its body parts. Here's a hint. 4 Optional: The swallow wants to ask you for help. It is necessary to determine where the other bird will carry the sound [l]. At the beginning (in the beak), in the middle (in the paws) or at the end (in the tail) oil, mule, spoon, stick, beam, goat, shelf, skis, floor, paw, jackdaw, chalk. They remember that at the sound L they smile, and bite their tongue with their teeth. They look for birds in the office, then they call the birds: nightingale, oriole, rook, swift. They indicate the common naming of birds: Migratory. Determine why such a name. They add up a diagram of a bird from parts and name the parts of the body: Head, beak, torso, wings, tail, paws. Determine the place of sound [l] in words. Regulatory UUD: to teach to accept and save the learning task; To develop cognitive and research activities
Stage III physical minute - to form installations on healthy lifestyle life and implementation in real life Duration of the stage Methods and techniques of work Forms of organizing students' activities Activity of a speech therapist Activity of students Planned results UUD 2 min Showing a sample of performing exercises oral, analytical-synthetic Subgroup Performs a physical minute together with a student raising their legs, (walking, raising their knees high) Walks along the thawed patches, (and waving his arms (wings). He finds worms in the ground. Perform movements according to the model Personal UUD: form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity. IV consolidation and assimilation knowledge - Assimilation of knowledge and the ability to apply it in different educational tasks Duration of the stage Methods and techniques of work Forms of organization of students' activities Activities of a speech therapist Teacher activities of a student Planned results UUD Oral, analytical-synthetic Subgroup
The game "Gathering grain"
The journey home is a very long journey, it takes a lot of strength. Birds are hard. How do you think you can help them? Where do they get the strength to travel? Need a good meal! Need to collect grain Determine the need for food for birds before flying. Name the pictures in the name of which the sound l
for the birds. But not just like that, a picture is drawn under the grain, you need to name it and pronounce the sound L beautifully in it. Then we can take this grain with us and feed it to the birds. bell, cloud, fork, dress, table, flag, chocolate, spoon, bow, puddle, lacquer, lamp, acorn. If the child correctly names the sound in the word, then this grain is sent to the feeder. And if not, then the grain remains, the pronunciation is corrected, the child tries again Now the birds are returning from warm countries. They have to find their own food, but this is very difficult in early spring. How can you help them?
Game "Feed the birds"
Here we have harvested the grain. And where can we put grain, bird feed now? What is the name of? feeder! Who will be fed now? Who is visiting us? (swallow, oriole, nightingale). Who will you give this grain to? Etc
Game "Say kindly"
You fed the birds, now they want to play. I will tell you a word and a bell, a cloud, a fork, a dress, a table, a flag, chocolate, a spoon, a bow, a puddle, varnish, a lamp, an acorn. They determine the need to feed the birds in the spring. They take grain in turn and call to whom he will give it. To whom? Swallow, Oriole, Nightingale. They catch the ball in turn and form a noun, with the help of diminutive suffixes, bird, nest, wing, head, paw, paw, paw. nightingale boat apple Regulatory UUD: to learn to accept and save the learning task. Develop cognitive and research activities Communicative UUD:
throw the ball. And you must say this word of affection. And throw it back to me. bird - nest - wing head - paw - Nightingale - Boat - Apple - Shelf - Fist -
Game "Say the other way around"
The child is invited to listen to the sentence and finish the word opposite to the one named in meaning, the word is the other way around. It is dark outside at night, and during the day ... (light). Pepper is bitter, and sugar ... (sweet). The fairy in fairy tales is kind, and the witch ... (evil) The candle is hot, and the ice cream ... (cold). It is warm in summer, and in winter ... (cold). The cobweb is thin, but the rope can be ... (thick) The butterfly is light, and the crow ... (heavy) Pierrot is sad in the fairy tale, and Pinocchio ... (cheerful) Additionally: the cam shelf Catch the ball in turn and ends the sentence with the antonym Light, sweet, evil , cold, cold, fat, heavy, cheerful Children take the bird in turn and plant it according to the instructions, and then independently voice where the bird is planted, navigate in space on a horizontal surface, determine the location, indicate the location using prepositions, choose the correct prepositional cases - constructions, controls the correct pronunciation of the sound L in a constructed sentence to develop the ability to listen to the teacher to the end; develop the ability to express your opinion

Game "Plant the bird"

What kind of bird? Where did she fly into? What

do you see in the park?
Place the nightingale on the bench, under the Christmas tree, place it to the right of the flower bed, place it behind the flower bed, etc. Where does the nightingale sit? Child's answer: The nightingale is sitting on a flower bed. V. Stage Reflection to form an adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure learning activities; Duration of the stage Methods and techniques of work Forms of organization of students' activities Activities of a speech therapist Teacher activities of students Planned results of UUD
2 min Oral, analytical-synthetic Subgroup
So we helped the birds! fed

chicks, escorted them to their nests! Martin

thank you very much.

What's her favorite sound you learned

is it correct to pronounce today? At your place

What are the benefits of birds? Birds pollinate plants, destroy caterpillars and other harmful insects. That's why you can say: "birds are our helpers." In addition, birds decorate forests, parks and gardens. Songbirds delight us with their singing. What would the world be like without birds? What can we do to make the birds living on earth feel good? Answer questions, evaluate their efforts Communicative UUD: develop the ability to listen to the teacher to the end; develop the ability to express one's assumption; develop the ability to build and maintain a dialogue Personal UUD:. Cultivate a positive attitude towards birds, prevent aggression towards birds; Cultivate interest in the natural world and form a sense of responsibility for migratory ones; carry out cognitive reflection

Ludmila Abramova
Technological map of an individual speech therapy lesson "Automation of sound [Ш]"


individual speech therapy session

on the topic:

« Sound Automation"SH" in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, poems and tongue twisters.


teacher- speech therapist

MKDOU "Kindergarten

"Smile" Zhizdra

Abramova L.V.

Zhizdra - 2015

Technological map of an individual speech therapy lesson

teachers- speech therapist Abramova Ludmila Valentinovna

group (number,

speech therapy conclusion) Group #2 ( "Gnomes")

Logopedic conclusion: ONR (level 3).

Topic audio automation classes"SH"

Type of lessons"New knowledge"

Used technologies 1. Technology based on the activity approach.

2. Health-saving technology.

3. Information and communication technology.

4. Technology gradual formation of mental actions.

Target automate sound"SH" in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, poems and tongue twisters.

Tasks Correctional-educational Correctional-developing Correctional-educational

Fixing the correct articulation pattern during pronunciation sound [W];

Ability to speak clearly sound [Ш] in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, poems and tongue twisters;

Development of phonemic perception and hearing;

Ability to compose sentences from words;

Ability to coordinate nouns with numerals;

Expansion and activation of vocabulary;

Improving the skills of analysis and synthesis of words.

Develop articulation and fine motor skills;

Develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention, memory, thinking;

Education of self-control skills;

Encourage activity and mindfulness lesson;

Raising the need for verbal communication;

Raising interest in classes;

Raising a sense of pride in the beauty and sound of the native language.

Preconditions for universal

learning activities Personal UUD: Regulatory UUD: Communicative UUD: Cognitive UUD:

To form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity;

To carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

To develop the ability to express one's assumption based on work with speech material;

Fulfill learning activities in verbal and mental form.

Develop the ability to listen and understand others;

Ability to work in pairs;

Negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interest.

Develop the ability to find and structure information;

Develop the ability to present information and extract it from diagrams;

Based on the analysis of objects to draw conclusions,

generalize, classify by signs;

Find answers to questions.

ICT tools,

hardware security: notebook.

Presentation " Sound Automation"SH".

Organizational structure speech therapy session

Stage Stage duration Methods

and methods of work Forms of organizing the activities of pupils Activities

teachers- speech therapist Activity


Motivation - to create conditions for the emergence of the pupil's internal need for inclusion in the educational process;

To form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and implementation in real behavior.

2 minutes Show a sample of the exercise, symbol pictures-symbol articulation exercise with the pronunciation of a poem Performs articulatory gymnastics.

II. Stage of Knowledge Actualization - to update the studied methods of actions sufficient to build the consolidation of knowledge and their generalization (reproduces and fixes the ZUN necessary to build new knowledge).

Stage duration Methods

teachers- speech therapist Activity


2 min Practical: analytic-synthetic. Individual - Let's remember how the curtain rustles on wind: sh-sh-sh-sh.

Describe what lips do? Teeth? Where is the tongue located? What position is he in? Let's say this exhalation sound. Let's see what kind of wind comes out.

Does air come out freely from your mouth? There is a barrier to the air stream - this is the tongue. So this sound, which? (Consonant.) How do we pronounce it, angry or affectionate? (Angrily.) Sound"SH"- hard consonant. Put your hand on your throat repeat: sh-sh-sh-sh. Does our neck tremble or is it sleeping? Correctly, sound"SH"- deaf.

An exercise "Knock like me".

pronunciation syllables with sound"SH".

Characteristic sound"SH".

Sha - shu - shi, Ashka - ear - ishka, Shi - sha - shu, Ishka - ashka - ear, Shu - shi - sha, Ear - ishka - ashka.

Discovery of new knowledge. - awareness of what exactly is the lack of their knowledge, skills or abilities.

Fixing the place where the difficulty arose, the correlation of their actions in this place with the studied methods and determining what knowledge or skill they lack to solve the difficulty

Stage duration Methods

and methods of work Forms of organizing the activities of the pupil Activities

teachers- speech therapist



5 min Practical:

analytical-synthetic Individual Automation sound [w] in words.

Here we come to our friends. And Masha and Mishka put things in order in the house. Let's help them put things in the cabinets - one cabinet for Mishka, the other for Masha. Think about what things Masha can have in her closet, and what things Mishka can have?

An exercise "Combine the syllables into a word, find picture» .

The bear has several favorite items, you can guess which ones if you connect the syllables correctly.





Masha's closet... (hat, fur coat, shawl).

Mishka in the closet ... (stick, cannon, checkers).

Pronunciation of words.

Application of new knowledge in practice.

Stage duration Methods

and methods of work Forms of organizing activities of students Activities

teachers- speech therapist Activity


11 min Practical Individual Exercise"Divide the word into parts by clapping your hands".

Now let's clap our hands for each resulting word, dividing it into parts.

The game "Call it sweetly" (PC).

An exercise "Count".

Target: the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns.

Masha collected bumps for Mishka. How many cones did Masha collect?

Masha has 6 cones. Listen and repeat.

Automation [w] in sentences.

Our friends have prepared another game for you. We need to come up with a proposal for each of the proposed schemes.

What is shown in the first diagram? (Bag, arrow, cherry)

What do you think is in the bag? Answer with a complete sentence.

Think of sentences for the second and third schemes.

Sound Automation[w] in poems.

Let's tell a poem for Mishka. Listen and repeat for me:

Hat and coat -

Here is our Mishutka.

Exercise "Pick the items to the signs".

Sweet, big, hot (Sun)

Small, spruce, brown (cone)

Green, transparent, quiet (frog)

Beautiful, white, marsh (water lily)

Exercise: "Memorize and repeat tongue twisters after the announcer". (PC operation).

Divides the word into parts with claps.





Bread is bread.

Hare is a bunny.

The sun is the sun.

The hut is a hut.

A rooster is a rooster.

Starling - starling.

The nightingale is a nightingale.

The cherry is in the bag.

The kid is playing with balls. Masha collects lilies of the valley.

Repetition of a poem.

Working with subject pictures.

The repetition of words.

Fizminutka - to form attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and implementation in real behavior.

Stage duration Methods

and working methods

Forms of organizing students' activities Activities

teachers- speech therapist



Showing a sample of the exercise by a child Group

Performs a physical minute together with a pupil "Our Masha cooked porridge" Our Masha cooked porridge.

Cooked porridge, kids fed:

I gave this

I gave this

I gave this

I gave this

And she didn't give it.

He played a lot.

He broke his plate.


Stage duration Methods

and methods of work Forms of organizing the activities of the pupil Activities

teachers- speech therapist Activity


4 min Practical: choosing the right wording, oral, grammatical

According to the level of independence: after explaining the task Individual

Reads a poem.

Performs actions on what is heard


To form an adequate understanding of the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities;

Form an adequate self-assessment based on criteria "good student".

Stage duration Methods

and methods of work Forms of organizing the activities of the pupil Activities

teachers- speech therapist Activity


3 min Practical, comparison. Individual Game"Labyrinth".

Run your finger along the path, pronouncing clearly sound"Shhh" (Picture on PC) .

What are we today sound learned to pronounce?

Our lesson has come to an end. And if you were wondering, take it with you funny bear, well, if not, then sad.

Working with a track on a PC, answering a question, choosing a Bear.


1. Andreeva G. N. speech therapy classes on the development of coherent speech of younger students. At 3 o'clock: a guide for speech therapist / ed.. R. I. Lalayeva. – M.: VLADOS, 2012.

2. Arushanova A. G. Speech and verbal communication children. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech 3-7 years. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

3. Miklyaeva N. V., Miklyaeva Yu. V., Slobodnyak N. P. Correction-developing classes in kindergarten . Guidelines for professionals and preschool educators. M.: Sfera, 2008.

4. Levchuk E. A. Grammar in fairy tales and stories. SPb. ,2003.

5. Mironova S. A. Development of speech of preschoolers on speech therapy classes. ,M. ,2007.

Department of Education of the Administration of Bratsk

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school№39 named after P.N. Samusenko»

Outline of a speech therapy lesson

"The sound [I] and the letter I"

Developed by Lebedeva Yu.V.

teacher speech therapist

Bratsk -2015

Topic. The sound [I] and the letter "I".

Purpose: To introduce the vowel sound [I] and the letter I.


Introduce articulation and sound characteristics [I],

Learn to distinguish the vowel sound [I] from syllables, words,

Introduce the correct spelling of the letter I,

Develop the skills of indicating the softness of consonants in the scheme.


To form the functions of phonemic perception and phonemic and syllabic analysis and synthesis,

To develop attention, the ability to analyze, the skills of working on an algorithm,

Expand vocabulary,

Develop information reproduction skills.


form learning motivation,

Learn to ask practice questions.

Type of lesson: a lesson in the assimilation of new knowledge.

Forms of work of students: frontal, individual.

Necessary technical equipment: a computer, individual mirrors, cards with syllables, cards with word schemes, cards with green and red colors, the Delfa speech therapy simulator, massage balls, a labyrinth, a backlit sandbox.

Used technologies: sand therapy, ICT technologies, health-saving, gaming, technology for assessing educational achievements.

The main stages of the organization of educational activities

Formed ways of activity

Used didactic and visual material

Teacher activity

Student activities




Stage 1.

Statement of the educational task, motivation of educational activity. Knowledge update

Sandbox. Puzzles.

Shines in the clean river

The back is silver. (Fish)

There are no legs, but I walk, there is no mouth, but I will say:

When to sleep, when to wake up. (Watch)

The hut is new - there is no tenant.

The tenant will appear, the hut will fall apart. (Egg)

White cotton wool floats somewhere

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (Cloud)

In winter, a star

In the spring - water.


On the alphabet page

Thirty-three heroes.

Wise men-bogatyrs

Every literate knows. (Letters)

Video fragment of the poem "A and B sat on the pipe"

Challenge of already existing knowledge.

Organization of individual-collective work.

far away space galaxy there was a sandstorm. Everything is mixed up in space: food, animals, natural phenomena. Let's help local residents find all items.

Guess the riddle and name the last sound in the riddle.

Draw the answer in the sand.

The storm was so strong that the inhabitants forgot their names. Need help.

Watch the cartoon, listen to the poem.

What will be the main sound in the lesson today?

What are the names of the inhabitants of the planet? (aliens)

Definition of the topic of the lesson.

Guess riddles, highlight the last sound in the answer, draw a guess in the sand.

Highlight the sound [and] in the poem.

Determine the topic of the lesson.

The ability to navigate in their system of knowledge and realize the need for new knowledge.

Ability to identify and formulate cognitive goals

The ability to organize your thoughts oral,

the ability to use speech to regulate one's behavior

The ability to determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of a teacher,

accept and maintain the learning goal and task.

Stage 2. Articulation gymnastics

Listen to the message. Tell me what is it about?

Unclear? Of course, because the aliens do not know our rule. And we know.

Let's stretch our tongue.

A) Compress lips tightly, stretch into a smile at the expense of 1-2-3-4-5

B) Clean the inner surface of the lower teeth with the tip of the tongue.

Repeat the rule:

Who wants to talk

He must speak

Everything is correct and clear

To be clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will speak

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

Ability to clearly pronounce words. Control articulation movements with a mirror

Stage 3. Preparation for active and conscious assimilation of the material

Practicing proper breathing and a strong air jet

Speech therapy simulator "Delpha"

Organization of joint activities.

Generalization of articulation and characteristics of sound [and].

Let's look in the mirror

articulation of the vowel "I". Lips stretched into a smile.

The teeth are visible. Tip of the tongue

pressed against the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is strongly arched.

Say the sound "I".

Is there a barrier when we pronounce the sound "I"?

So, which sound "I" - a vowel or a consonant?

Remember: the sound "I" is a vowel.

Our aliens are very dark. Let's make a fire in the field.

Show the articulation of the sound [and]. Describe the sound.

Associate sounds with letters.

Approach the simulator "Delpha". Blow out a strong air stream. Control the exhalation on the screen.

The ability to listen, hear, analyze, compare, differentiate, draw conclusions.

Ability to organize and carry out joint activities.

The ability to evaluate the correctness of one's actions


ball maze

Let's help our alien get home.

When the alien reaches the target, everyone together must utter the sound [I]

They hold the labyrinth in their hands and direct the ball to the target.

Collaborate with comrades to achieve the assigned goal

Coordinate movements

Stage 4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge

long balloons

Coloring for interactive whiteboard

The sound [I] is denoted by such a letter "I".

What elements do we need to write the letter and?

Two straight sticks

There is a strap between them.

It's from bottom to top to the right

It goes upside down.

What does the letter I look like?

Let's color our letter on the board.

Let's lay out the letter I with the help of balls.

Coloring the letter Y on the interactive whiteboard

Spread printed letter And from the balls

The ability to highlight the main idea of ​​the task and build a sequence of their actions.

The ability to be critical of one's own opinion and accept the point of view of another person.

The ability to independently analyze the conditions of the assignment based on the selected guidelines.

Syllables for a magnetic board

Bi, gi, vi, di, pi, mi, li. Squares of green, blue, red colors.

The letter I softens the consonant that comes before it. Read the syllables. What are the aliens' names? (bi, gi, vi, di, pi, mi, li)

Lay out the syllable diagram.

Reading syllables. Lay out the scheme of syllables.

Ability to act according to a given algorithm.

Compare the correct answer with yours

Exercise with massage balls

Massage ball for each child

Once upon a time there were Bi, Gi, Vi, Di, Pi

And they all worked together, together, look.

Bi - cooked, Gi-water wore,

Vi - cooked porridge, Dee - salted soup.

Pi - sang songs to everyone, danced, kneaded our fingers

Massage the ball with each finger of both hands. Removal of muscle tone, development of reaction speed, attention


Writing a written letter Both capital and lowercase.

Consider the letter AND written. What are the elements of a letter?

Capital (loop, 2 straight inclined, 2 hooks).

We put the handle 1/3 from the bottom in the upper additional line, in the middle third part we write out a loop, go down in a straight inclined line, turn in place, go up the hook 1-2 mm above the top line of the working line, write out the “secret”, according to “ secret "down, turn in place, hook to the middle.

Lowercase (2 straight oblique, 2 hooks).

We put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down in a straight inclined line, turn in place, climb the hook to the middle, write “secret”, according to the “secret” straight inclined line down, turn in place, hook to the middle

Prescribe the written letter I in workbooks

Correlate the correct spelling of the letter with the completed task

F a minute

Gymnastics for the eyes

Help aliens clean up the galaxy. We follow our friends.

Children follow a moving object with their eyes, which contributes to the prevention of eye diseases and the removal of eye strain.

5 stage. Primary consolidation and systematization of knowledge

Pictures with diagrams: elephant, rose, sleigh, forest, fox, bow, whale, leaf, stork on the desk

Demonstration material with the same pictures.

Organization of educational interaction and discussion of emerging issues.

Development of appropriate skills and abilities.

Individual assistance in case of difficulty.

Organization of a frontal check

Select only those pictures in the names of which have the sound [I]

Determine the place of the sound [AND] in the word, mark this place on the diagram with a red square.

Complete the task as directed by the teacher. Find cards, lay out a red square in place of the sound [AND]

Ability to conduct sound analysis and synthesis.

Reflection of the methods and conditions of actions, control and evaluation of the process and result of the action.

Ability to analyze according to specified criteria.

Ability to participate in discussion; listen and understand others, express their point of view.

Be critical of your opinion.

Ability to organize and carry out joint activities, take into account the position of students. To ask questions.

Ability to deal with the complexity of a task

the ability to control one's actions during work,

The ability to make changes in the result of their activities, based on the assessment of this result by the student himself, the teacher.

Stage 6



What sounds did you hear in class? ([AND])

Sound [I] vowel or consonant?

What letter represents the sound [I]?

Conducting reflection:

Which tasks did you like?

Answer the teacher's questions.

Evaluate their work.

Ability to generalize knowledge, analyze, control and evaluate the result.

Ability to answer questions, listen and understand

Ability to follow through step by step

Technological map of the lesson

Information about the speech therapist (name, place of work, current category, requested category) ____________________________________________


Subject: frontal speech therapy session Class 2 Program, allowance:

Lesson topic: Differentiation Y - E. Lesson type: consolidation of the material covered


Characteristics of the learning opportunities and previous achievements of students in the class for whom the lesson is being designed: students are proficient

regulatory UUD: 1) determine the topic and purpose of educational activities with the help of a speech therapist and independently; 2) compare their actions with the standard (sample).

cognitive UUD:1) differentiate Y - E in syllables and words; 2) own sound analysis and synthesis; 3) distinguish vowels from consonants and consonants by hardness and softness.

communicative UUD:1) they can formulate their thoughts orally only according to the algorithm; 2) defend their point of view only at the initiative of a speech therapist; 3) do not always know how to listen to the answers of others.

personal UUD: rejoice at your own success and the success of your classmates; 2) respectful attitude towards each other in the course of the lesson

Goal and objectives as planned learning outcomes, planned level of achievement:

Type of planned learning activities

Learning activities

Planned level of achievement of learning outcomes

Subject UUD (know, be able)

To fix the ways of differentiating Y - E in words and phrases.

Learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Match adjectives with nouns. units and pl.


Cognitive UUD

Be able to isolate essential information from a source.

Regulatory UUD

Determine the topic and purpose of educational activities with the help of a speech therapist and independently.

Plan your actions based on the algorithm.

Communicative UUD

Be able to express your assumptions, arguing the answer.

Carry out joint activities.

Personal UUD

Conduct self-assessment based on the success of educational activities.

lesson stage,

stage time

Stage tasks


learning techniques

Forms of educational interaction

Activities of a speech therapist

Student activities

Formed UUD and substantive actions

Motivation-target stage 5 min.

Psychological attitude to the lesson, activation of attention.

Ensure current knowledge is updated.

Organize an independent or with the help of a speech therapist the formulation of goal setting.

game moment



1. Offers learners to reproduce the rhythm.

2. Organizes the activities of the student, aimed at updating existing knowledge.

Clap the rhythm, write down the number in a notebook.

Identify the same sound in words.

Determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.


Ability to work positively.




Determine and understand the goals of educational activities.

indicative stage

5 minutes.

Organize an independent or with the help of a speech therapist statement according to the algorithm?




Working with mirrors

Compare the articulation of sounds, give a description of the sounds.


The ability to highlight overall sound in words


Express your thoughts

Search and research stage

1-2 min.

Organize a solution to the problem.

(How do we differentiate?)


Receiving overlay with the back of the hand under the chin



Offers students to identify ways to distinguish between sounds.

They independently name the ways of distinguishing sounds.


The ability to name ways to distinguish sounds.


Express your guesses.

Practical stage

20 minutes.

Ensure the application of knowledge in practice.

An exercise


game method.




Offers a number of tasks to practice the acquired knowledge.



Extract information. Focus on your knowledge system. Get new knowledge.


Control the process and results of activities.


Reflective-evaluative stage

8-9 min.

Evaluate the results of their activities. Plan their actions to improve the result.

Present judgments orally.


Dialogue between a speech therapist and a child, identifying difficulties that have arisen.

Leading questions of a speech therapist, allowing the child to realize the next step to achieve a result at a higher level.

Difficulty of further planning of actions to improve the result.


The ability for self-esteem.


Ability to properly use speech means to shape your opinions. The ability to listen.


Plan further actions to improve the result.

1. Articulation gymnastics exercises “Pancake”, “Punish a naughty tongue”, “Airplane”, “Delicious jam” are performed 2. Clarification of the articulation pattern of sound

What position do the lips take when we pronounce the sound "L"?

3. Isolated pronunciation of sound.

Show me how to pronounce this sound correctly.

Horn for a long time L-L-L

Say abruptly L, L, L.

Sound automation work

L: Let's go back to our winter fairy tale.

"The old elk calls the animals

Hey, over here! Hurry, hurry!
You forgot? Because today
There will be a New Year's holiday!

L: In order for these inhabitants to find themselves in the clearing, you need to complete several tasks.

a) automation in syllables

L: For this animal to gallop, you need to repeat the syllables after me:





b) automation in words and sentences

Speech therapist demonstrates a figurine of affection

L: Do you know the name of this animal?

(A large image of a weasel appears on the screen)

weasel- a small predatory animal of white color.

L: You need to place a weasel to the left of the tree. The child takes the figurine and comments on his actions - I PLACED THE WEASEL TO THE LEFT OF THE TREE.

L: In order for these forest dwellers to appear in the clearing, you need to solve riddles:

Who is cold in winter

Wandering angry, hungry ... ( wolf)».

L: Put the wolf in front of the tree. The child comments I PUT THE WOLF IN FRONT OF THE TREE

L: And why did the wolf come?

D: skiing

"Knocks all the time

Trees are hollowed out

But they don't hurt

It only heals... (woodpecker)».

L: And how does a woodpecker heal trees?

L: Plant a woodpecker under the tree. The child comments I PLANTED A WOODPECKER UNDER A TREE.

L: And this inhabitant of the forest wants to play a finger game with you

c) Work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers

After gymnastics, the speech therapist demonstrates the figurine capercaillie

L: Who is it? (if children find it difficult to answer, the speech therapist calls himself)

This is a capercaillie. Do you know why it's called that? ! Capercaillie - from the word "deaf". He is called so because when he starts to sing his song, he becomes deaf and does not hear any sounds. When it stops, it starts to hear again. Plant a capercaillie to the right of the tree.


d) Work on the development of graph-motor skills

L: And this little animal really wants you to draw his portrait.

(children are given envelopes in which there are tasks of varying complexity.

1) for a child with mathematical preferences :

squirrel outline, made with a thin dotted line, which must be circled strictly along the line and connected by numbers (easy option)

draw a contour of a squirrel by points, following a digital cipher (difficult option)

2) for a child with artistic abilities:

the contour of a squirrel, made with a thin dotted line, which must be circled strictly along the line (easy option);

squirrel outline made with a thin dotted line with missing elements (complex option)

L: Who did you get?

D: squirrel

e) Work on the development of the grammatical structure of speech.

L: Our squirrel is very capricious. She invites you to play with her again and name all the inhabitants of the clearing as if there are many of them.

D: Moose - moose - a lot of moose
Weasel - weasel - a lot of weasel
Woodpecker - woodpeckers - many woodpeckers
Capercaillie - capercaillie - many capercaillie
Wolf - wolves - many wolves
Protein - protein - a lot of protein.
L: Put the squirrel on a stump


e) Work on the formation of the skill of sound analysis

Determine which scheme fits the name of each animal or bird:

  • The beginning of the word - weasel, elk
  • Middle of the word - wolf, squirrel, capercaillie
  • End of the word - woodpecker

f) Practicing a clear pronunciation of sound in pure speech

L: Look, the name of the New Year tree also has the sound “L”. Let's say something about her. I offer the following phrases:

Individual and choral pronunciation:

"LU-LU-LU - we are around the Christmas tree at the ball
LO-LO-LO - our Christmas tree is warm
LA-LA-LA - our Christmas tree is small
LY-LY-LY - we trampled the floors.

L: Now it remains to decorate the Christmas tree and the animals will begin a fabulous holiday.

(New Year's melody is heard)

L: Let's say goodbye to our little animals and birds and wish them a happy New Year.