Essay on the student of the 21st century. "Skills of the 21st century": a new reality in education. "A joke warms a man"

Hello, friends! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch. So, your little student has an excellent portfolio and the teacher invites him to take part in the Student of the Year competition. What to do? Agree? Of course agree! I must say that the process of preparing for the competition is quite laborious and will take a lot of time, but it's worth it!

In this article I want to talk about this interesting and difficult competition in more detail. About how it is held in our school, what tours it consists of. I will even share with you the scripts of performances. Maybe someone will come in handy.

Lesson plan:

What is student of the year?

Student of the Year is essentially a student portfolio battle.

The competition consists of three rounds:

  • 1 round. Portfolio contest.
  • Round 2 Portfolio protection.
  • 3 round. Student business card.

First tour

In the first round, the jury evaluates the portfolio directly. The assessment is made according to two criteria:

  1. Filling. The jury pays attention to academic performance, the presence of certificates, diplomas, commendable sheets. They look at what the student is doing, what he is fond of, what results he achieves, what he strives for.
  2. Decor. The portfolio should be nice and neat.

My daughter Alexandra is now finishing 4th grade. Sasha's portfolio is one of the best in school, to say the least. Already two volumes of information have been collected.

For 4 years it has accumulated more than 30 certificates and diplomas. These are diplomas for victories in various dance, school and city competitions, for participation in olympiads and quizzes, for excellent study and activity.

Those students whose portfolio has been verified are allowed to defend it. This is the second round.

Second round

What is portfolio protection? child presents short story(for 2 - 3 minutes) according to the following plan:

  1. Success in studies.
  2. Piggy bank of creative affairs.
  3. My ladder of success.
  4. Assessing your success.
  5. Future plans.

Second class

We have preserved the text of the portfolio protection for grade 2.

Hello dear teachers!

My name is Alexandra Klimkovich! I wish you good day and good mood!

With your permission, I will begin my story, I hope it will not seem boring to you!

So, the first chapter is "Success in studies."

I am in the second grade. This year, we started grading. And I finished the first half of the year with all fives.

I love to study, although I don't really like doing homework. I had the opportunity to participate in many olympiads, for example, in mathematics, the Russian language, the world around. I may not have become the best, but I tried to show everything I know. I have taken part in many competitions. By the way, I express my gratitude to my parents for their help. I especially remember the competition from Nestle on the "Rules of Nutrition". We came up with and made a great poster, for which they gave me a diploma and a plush hedgehog.

Chapter two. "Piggy Bank of Creative Works".

I started creating from childhood. I loved to draw everything and everything. For example, mom's lipstick on dad's laptop. Or felt-tip pens of the older brother on the wallpaper in the hall. As I got a little older, I didn't stop drawing. Only now I draw on boards, and then I burn my drawings and give them to my loved ones. I also know how to dance, as I go to the children's art school for the second year. Moreover, in addition to dancing, they also teach us solfeggio there.

Chapter Three "Ladder of Success".

My ladder of success - there are not many steps in it yet, but I will climb my Olympus. In less than two years at school, I was able to win the trust of classmates and class teacher and become an elder. I try to take an active part in the life of the class and gladly get my parents to help me in this.

Chapter Four. "Assessing Your Success"

I am only 8 years old, of course, I believe that no one does anything better than me. That I am the most intelligent, beautiful and kind. After all, is this true?

But seriously, I still don’t know much, I don’t know how to do something. But, I will definitely learn. At the dances, I was able to pass the exams and get into the main cast, soon we have a concert - come.

On the circle of Khokhloma painting, I helped beginners to draw and burn. In the class, even hooligan boys obey me. I try, although I still don’t sit on the splits and I don’t write very beautifully.

Chapter five - farewell "Plans for the future."

I plan to see Paris and get a dog. I will try to get into the ranks of those who are proud of the school. When I grow up I will become a teacher, like Olga Vladimirovna. And in May 2023, at graduation, holding gold medal, I will say:

"And let for someone you're just a stranger

I can proudly say to everyone

What is the best forty-eighth.

I will never forget you now."

I will definitely conquer my Olympus!

Thank you for your attention!

Always yours, Sasha Klimkovich.

To make it clear, Olga Vladimirovna is Alexandra's first teacher, whom she loves very much. And the forty-eighth is the school where Sasha studies. and 2014 academic year was held under the motto "Conquer your Olympus!".

fourth grade

In the fourth grade, everything was presented more seriously. Here is the text of this year's defense.

Hello dear members of the jury, my name is Alexandra Klimkovich! I am a 4th grade student.

In the next three minutes, I will tell you about my successes and failures in my studies, about my hobbies. I will rate myself and share my plans for the near future. So, let's begin.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to study, more and more interesting. Now I'm not a round A student, but rather an oval one. My English is lame. I'm trying to cure him. She even took part in the Olympiad English language"English Bulldog" to better see the gaps in your knowledge. I'm waiting for the results.

In addition, 4 more Olympiads and 5 competitions were not without my participation.

For the fourth year I have been doing choreography at the children's art school. And I am a member of the "Caramelki" team. Oh dance! How much pain you have, how many tears, how many rehearsals, how many performances, how much applause, how many awards! I brought this diploma from Belgorod, but these two were given to me by Lipetsk Dancing Autumn.

Every day I walk my ladder of success. Every lesson, every completed homework, each control, each rehearsal, olympiad, competition - these are the steps of the ladder. And I think that she will definitely lead me to my dream.

And my dream is to go to an English camp this summer to have a good rest, gain strength and better understand this difficult language.

For my turbulent activity, I give myself ... a four. Why not five? And to have something to strive for.

The plans for the future are to continue to study, continue to dance and replenish my collection of certificates and diplomas. And then I only have 35 of them.

And I assure you that the diploma of the winner of the school competition "Student of the Year" will take the most honorable place in my collection!

Thank you for your attention. Always yours, Sasha Klimkovich!

Each phrase said by the student is supported by a page from the portfolio. For example, if a student says that he took part in the Olympiad and scored so many points, then a page opens where the diploma or certificate of the participant in the Olympiad is located, etc.

All those who pass the second round go to the final of the competition.

Competition final

This is the most interesting and most creative part of it. You need to imagine yourself on stage, show your business card. Discover all your abilities, talents, hobbies. Moreover, it must be done quickly, in 5-7 minutes. In this 2016, Sasha performed at the competition for the third time. And the first attempt was made in the second grade in 2014.

Scenario of the performance at the "Student of the Year". Grade 2

In the second grade, Alexandra was awarded a diploma for winning the Discovery of the Year nomination! Oh, and there was joy!

And her classmates and fairy tale characters helped Sasha to tell about herself.

The whole performance was in verse, which we composed with the whole family. The presentation was divided into five semantic parts. Each part revealed some quality of Sasha:

  • friendliness and desire to help;
  • fun and cheerfulness;
  • desire for knowledge and mind;
  • the beauty;
  • final general part.

For each of these semantic parts, a literary fairy tale character and attributes that allowed Alexandra to transform into a character a little.

  • Aibolit. White cap with a red cross.
  • Red Riding Hood. Actually, red hat.
  • Znayka. Glasses.
  • Malvina. Headband with a blue flower.
  • Rainbow. Headband with multi-colored roses.

In addition, for each part we selected musical accompaniment and pre-recorded the voices of Sasha's classmates. That is, before each part, the audience in the hall heard something like this audio dialogue:

- Hello!

- Hello!

- What is your name?

— Do you know Sasha Klimkovich?

Yes, we are in the same class.

- Tell me, which of the fairy-tale characters does Sasha look like?

— She is very kind, always helps everyone, just like Dr. Aibolit!

While the audience listened to the dialogue, Sasha managed to transform into the right character and jump out onto the stage.

Unfortunately, no recording of this performance has been preserved. But the script survived. So, Sasha went on stage to the music from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears."

Hello. I am a student of the 2nd class Klimkovich Alexandra. Today I will tell you about myself, and help me with this. fairy-tale heroes and my classmates.

Part 1. Aibolit

Like Dr. Aibolit

I find out: "What hurts?".

I take off sadness, sadness with my hand

And I drive away sadness.

I love making friends with people

I can cheer

If my friend hung his nose,

Crying and not happy at all.

I have many friends

Among adults and children!

After all, you can't live without them.

Hello my friends!!!

Part 2. Little Red Riding Hood

At home or in a group

I am always positive!

It's impossible without him.

There is so much to do, friends.

Dances, music, choirs.

Yes ... and how without a game?

Blindfolds, jump ropes, skipping ropes,

classics, of course tags,

Rollers, skates and skis,

And a red kitten

Two wavy parrots

They are already waiting for me!

How can I do everything???

I don't even know myself!

Part 3. Knowledge

I don't wear glasses for no reason

I wanted to become smarter.

Like a Nosovsky hero

I will think with my head!

start studying

Numbers, letters and words

Think, think head!

Mountains, countries, oceans.

Why are bananas good for us?

oranges and nuts

Here, brothers, it's no laughing matter.

And where do the streams run?

I have five minutes...

As soon as I know, I'll tell

For now, I'm leaving.

Part 4. Malvina

Blue hair is a problem

But I have no problem with my eyes!

Heavenly face!

Oh! My dreams, dreams

beauty queen

Of course, I would like to become

And then I would fly away

I would go to Paris

Better yet, London!

There, on a cold autumn day

I would give everyone warmth!

There would be light around!

Flowers would bloom

From such a beauty!

Part 5. Rainbow

In general, I can be different

Like a rainbow! And beautiful

Both sad and funny

Very brave, fearful

Too noisy and not very.

And beautiful, by the way.

That's who I am! Always yours

Alexandra! Not,

Just Sasha!

Scenario of the performance at the "Student of the Year". 3rd grade

In the third grade, Alexandra and I decided to put on a real magic show.

The performance was called "School Magic". Sasha was the main sorceress. She had an assistant - a friend from the class, named Masha. And a few other people helped.

As such, there were no words. Under musical accompaniment, Alexandra showed school tricks:

"Self Assembling Briefcase".

The portfolio was empty. One wave of a magic wand and there are already textbooks, a diary and notebooks in the briefcase.

"Instant change for gym class."

It turns out that in order to quickly take off your shirt, you don’t even have to take off your jacket. I found a video with this trick, not in our performance, but the meaning is the same.

"The Taming of Malicious Hooligans".

With a wave of a magic wand, the notorious school hooligans calmed down, made peace and even combed their hair!

In principle, it was interesting and fun, but the jury considered Alexandra's performance not versatile enough. That is, we revealed only her magical gift, and all the rest remained in the shadows.

But Alexander still received the diploma of the winner of the competition.

Scenario of the performance at the "Student of the Year". 4th grade

When preparing for the competition this year, we tried to take everything into account. The main points to pay attention to when preparing a business card:

  1. Mandatory compliance with the rules of speech. If you were given only 7 minutes. So in 7 minutes you need to meet. Not everyone follows this rule. But you don't look at others. Remember: "Brevity is the sister of talent!"
  2. Representation of the child from all sides. You can present some kind of hobby brighter, and the rest, at least in passing, but be sure to mention.
  3. It is necessary to remain in the memory of the jury, for this it is necessary to evoke emotions. Either make people cry or laugh.

In general, in the fourth grade, on the third attempt, Alexandra won the title of “Student of the Year”! Took first place! I talked about this in more detail.

It is very interesting to be present at the competition as a spectator. So many kids, so many talents. Everyone is trying! Someone sings, someone dances, someone reads poetry or shows skits. Parents are sitting on chairs, worrying. And most importantly, the children are busy, they are busy with creativity, and not hanging around the streets with who knows. The following video helps to feel the atmosphere)

I wish you, dear parents, patience. And new victories for your little schoolchildren! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. Whatever I can, I'll help.

See you soon!

Evgenia Klimkovich!


All knowledge remains dead if
students do not develop initiative
and amateur performance: students need
teach not only to think, but also to
N. A. Umov

Education should not only develop
man's mind and give him a known
volume of information, but should ignite in it
thirst for serious work, without which
his life cannot be worthy,
nor happy.

K. D. Ushinsky

Every teacher, no matter what educational institution he works in, knows well that the ability to arouse interest in his subject largely determines the success of a lesson, lecture, conversation of any educational event. However, the awakening of cognitive interest is just the initial stage of a large and complex work to cultivate a deep interest in knowledge and the need for self-education. We often do not think about how the students worked in the classroom, what main directions the teacher chose to awaken and develop creative activity, independence of thought, the desire for self-education and self-education in their pupils. But this is the main thing!

Awakening and developing interest in a specific topic, a specific subject, each teacher not only carries out a simple transfer of experience, teaches his pupils something, helps them master specific skills and abilities, but at the same time strengthens faith in their own strengths and creative abilities among weak students, not allows stronger children to stop in their development, teaches everyone to cultivate willpower, strong character and determination when performing difficult tasks. All this is education. creative personality in the broadest and deepest sense of the word.

The definition of strategic directions for the development of education systems is of concern to almost the entire world community. In the book “School for the 21st century. Priorities of reforming education”, American educator Phillip S. Schlehti, referring to a survey of many businessmen, employers, school functionaries, emphasizes that to the question: “What do you want from school?” received, as a rule, the same answer: "We need people who can learn on their own." This is understandable, the author argues, if the student knows how to learn, is able to achieve goals, if he knows how to work with a book, get knowledge from a teacher, search and find the necessary information to solve certain problems, use a variety of sources of information to solve problems. these problems, it will be easier for him to improve his professional level, retrain, acquire any necessary additional knowledge - and this is exactly what is needed in life.

Modern and future employers are interested in such an employee who:

Ability to think independently and solve various problems;

Possesses critical and creative thinking;

owns a wealthy vocabulary based on a deep understanding of humanitarian knowledge;

For example. In the large-scale project "World Class Education" (World Class Education. Richmond, 1993), developed by the pedagogical community of the state of Virginia, V. Ya. Pilipovsky identifies the main "life roles", that is, who American students should become in the learning process.

1. Realized personality. A person with a well-developed awareness of his abilities and needs, who consistently uses this knowledge to select alternatives. This role encompasses the physical, mental and emotional aspects of life, providing the foundation for personal fulfillment.

2. A person with a desire to support other people. This is the vital role of a person who knows how to value relationships with other people and develops a variety of fruitful relationships with him. This role embodies the full range of family, personal, microsocial ties at the community level, business and international points of contact, without which it is difficult to imagine a person.

3. Life is like a constant learning. This is the role of a person who is constantly acquiring new knowledge along with the ability to respond to the changing conditions of the outside world. This role takes into account the fact that new models, ideas, information and opportunities appear both inside and outside the educational institution itself, sometimes many years after the completion of formal education.

4. Active participant in cultural development. In this role, a person knows how to appreciate cultural and creative activity, participates in it and understands the most important aspects and aspects of culture that shape the individual and society. This role includes this or that activity and own participation in the process of cultural enrichment of the individual and society.

5. Highly skilled worker. This is a person who takes responsibility for the consistent production of high quality products and related services. This role encompasses the range of skills, abilities, and attitudes required to manufacture, market, and deliver quality products and services.

6. Informed citizen. This is a person who is well aware of the history, political situation and real needs of his community, reacting with deep interest to local, national and international problems. This role includes a variety of political, economic and social species activities along with civic responsibility within local, national and international communities.

7. Environmentalist. Acting in this role, a person is well aware of the relationship and existing mechanisms of nature, appreciates their importance, and also knows how to effectively and responsibly use Natural resources. This role covers all aspects of understanding nature in order to protect, regulate and increase its resources.

Post-industrial society needs its own thinking people capable of self-realization based on objective self-assessment.

The main strategic direction of the system development school education in different countries of the world lies on the way to solving the problem of student-centered education - such education in which the personality of the student would be in the center of attention of the teacher, in which the activity of learning, cognitive activity, and not teaching, would be the leader in the teacher-student tandem.

In the conditions of student-centered learning, the teacher acquires a different role and function in the educational process, no less significant than in the traditional system of education, but different. If under the traditional education system the teacher, together with the textbook, were the main and most competent sources of knowledge, and the teacher was also the controlling subject of cognition, then under the new paradigm of education, the teacher acts more as an organizer of independent active learning. cognitive activity students, a competent consultant and assistant. His professional skills should be aimed not just at controlling the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren, but at diagnosing their activities in order to help in time with qualified actions to eliminate the emerging difficulties in the cognition and application of knowledge. Of course, this requires special skill from the teacher.

Speaking about the need for a consistent implementation of a personality-oriented approach in teaching and educating students, one must always keep in mind the integral personality of the child with his emotional, spiritual sphere. In the famous novel "Emile, or On Education", Jean-Jacques Rousseau writes about direct interest as the only engine that leads the student far and true. Addressing teachers with an appeal "not to quench the child's imagination", he advises to study children's interests more deeply, to be attentive to the spiritual world of children. Criticizing those teachers who, out of a false desire to play the role of wise men, belittle their students, Rousseau makes a fiery appeal: “Instead of killing In a similar way youthful courage, make every effort to uplift the youthful spirit; make them equal to yourself, so that they really become equal to you; and if they cannot yet rise to you, then descend to them - without shame, without doubt. Remember that your honor lies not in you, but in your pupil; share his mistakes - in order to correct them; take his shame upon yourself to atone for it.”

The Information Technology Society, or, as it is called, the post-industrial society, in contrast to industrial society, is much more interested in its citizens being able to independently, actively act, make decisions, adapt flexibly to changing living conditions.

What is needed for this, what are the conditions?

Involvement of each student in an active cognitive process, the application of acquired knowledge in practice and a clear understanding of where, how and for what purposes this knowledge can be applied;

· Working collaboratively in solving a variety of problems when appropriate communication skills are required;

· Wide communication with peers from other schools in their region, other regions of the country and even other countries of the world;

· Free access to the necessary information in the information centers not only of one's school, but also in scientific, cultural, information centers around the world in order to form one's own independent, but well-reasoned opinion on a particular problem, the possibility of its comprehensive study;

· Constant testing of one's intellectual, physical, moral strength to determine the emerging problems of reality and the ability to solve them through joint efforts, sometimes performing different social roles.

The school must create conditions for the formation of a personality with these qualities. But for this, first of all, a constant search for ways of fruitful solutions is necessary. pedagogical problems, because, according to D. I. Mendeleev: “Only that teacher will act fruitfully on the whole mass of students, who himself is strong in science, possesses it and loves it.”


1. New pedagogical and Information Technology in the education system: Proc. Allowance for students. pedagogical universities and systems for advanced training. ped.cadrov /E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseeva, A. E. Petrov; Ed. E. S. Polat. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 272 p.

2. Trush A. V. Personal model of a graduate of the second stage of education /A. V. Grinshpun // Head teacher. - No. 1. - 2005. P.51.



Yakubova Rezida Tanzilovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the municipal general educational institution"Tat. Kargaly average comprehensive school» the village of Tatarskaya Kargala, Sakmarsky district, Orenburg region

What are today's students most interested in? Who do they dream of becoming? What impact does modern society have on them? What helps to study better, to show your creative individuality? What role does the school play, and what should it be in the 21st century in order to prepare a person for a full life and work?

Education systems in any country are designed to contribute to the implementation of the main tasks of the socio-economic and cultural development of society, because it is educational establishments prepare a person for active work in different areas economic, cultural, political life society. Therefore, the role of the school as a basic link in education is extremely important. The ability of an educational institution to respond flexibly enough to the demands of society, while maintaining the accumulated positive experience, is of great importance.

So the graduate modern school who will live and work in the coming millennium must have certain personality traits:

Flexibility to adapt to changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying them in practice to solve various problems, in order to be able to find their place in it throughout life;

independently think critically, be able to see the difficulties that arise in the real world and look for ways to rationally overcome them, using modern technologies; clearly understand where and how the knowledge they acquire can be applied in the surrounding reality; be able to generate new ideas, think creatively;

competently work with information (to be able to collect the facts necessary for the study of a particular problem, analyze them, put forward hypotheses for solving problems, make the necessary generalizations, comparisons with similar or alternative options for consideration, establish statistical patterns, formulate reasoned conclusions and, based on them, identify and solve new problems );

be sociable, contact in various social groups, be able to work together in different areas, preventing conflict situations or skillfully getting out of them;

work independently on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.

A little about myself I decided to participate in the "Student of the Year" competition in the "Versatile Personality" nomination, because I consider myself a versatile person. I am engaged in various circles: horse riding, pentathlon, drawing. I like the sea, sailing ships and much, much more.

My motto. “How often they say in business: “I still have time,” but one must admit that they say this, asking not with their mind, But with their laziness. I remember these words from Krylov's fable in the 2nd grade. Therefore, the main motto of my life is: “If it’s interesting, try it, if it’s difficult, it means for me.”

Horseback riding. My favorite hobby is horse riding, I have been doing it for 3 years. For me, this is a sport, communication with nature and just an activity for my soul, which teaches me responsibility, accuracy, discipline. After all, horses do not like irresponsible people.

“Things don't go by themselves - they need to be led” The life of the school and the class is not indifferent to me. I would like everyone to feel comfortable studying within the walls of their native school, so that interesting various events are held. Since this year, I have been a member of the student self-government council. “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” these words have become key for me in my social activities.

Life is interesting thing... I'm a student of the 21st century. I have many hobbies in my life. It seems to me that they will all be useful to me, since it is interesting to communicate only with a versatile person. The ability to allocate your time, to be in time everywhere, to be a good specialist - these are important qualities modern man. This should be learned from childhood. Therefore, I now live by the principle: "If it's interesting, try it, If it's difficult, for me!"

Each stage of the development of mankind was marked by some turning points in its history, in socio-political and cultural development. Therefore, traditionally the 19th century is considered the century of the development of science, the 20th century - technical progress. Our age, despite the fact that it has barely passed the first decade, due to the rapid development of information technology, is already called the age of the information society.

The call of the times dictates the requirements for modern education. Therefore, being a student of the 21st century means, first of all, the ability to master

The opportunities that open up thanks to the development of information technology. We are talking about the use of modern computer and network tools, primarily the Internet, mobile phones with application support, and electronic gadgets.

Of course, no one talks about banal copying or printing finished tasks, abstracts and checklists from the Internet. In fact, this global network is a real Klondike for those who want and can find the information they need and use it.

A separate topic is electronic textbooks. It makes no sense to drag heavy briefcases to school

Or buy expensive study guides– they can be downloaded electronically and then used with e-books or print the pages you need.

Another possibility is training programs that will help you gain new knowledge and consolidate old ones. At the same time, everything happens in an easy, understandable, unconstrained form, most often in the form test tasks, and even gaming, such as web quests.

A very convenient option for organizing and monitoring studies is electronic journal. For the student, it is convenient in that you can completely abandon the usual, paper diary, and see all homework in electronic version. But, on the other hand, an electronic journal is an opportunity for control by parents who can see all the grades, teachers' comments and monitoring class attendance.

The Internet also opens up the possibility distance learning: if schools, for example, are closed for quarantine, and the educational process cannot be interrupted due to its richness and intensity, then studies can be completely transferred to “modern tracks”. Thanks to e-mail, students receive assignments, and completed ones are returned to the teacher. In addition, it is possible to communicate with the teacher via Skype.

In a word, in our time, a computer and information technology is a means of obtaining information and communication, including in education. And being a student of the 21st century and using these achievements of mankind is easy, convenient, interesting and exciting.

For the second year on the basis of Karasuk College of Education passes the regional stage VIII All-Russian Olympiad junior schoolchildren, in which the best of the best, the smartest of the smartest schoolchildren from five districts of the Novosibirsk region take part: Karasuksky, Kochkovsky, Bagansky, Krasnozersky, Kupinsky.

On February 21, 2018, students of group 301 conducted the registration of schoolchildren and were greeted in the assembly hall by the deputy director of the college, Krivusheva O.M. Students of the 201st group held the grand opening of the Olympiad, they prepared a program with the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons: the Queen of Knowledge, Kashchei, Fixiki, Rooster and Dog.

The guys took part in three Olympic Games ( literary reading, mathematics, Russian), each of which lasted 45 minutes. During the breaks, interesting master classes were waiting for them: modeling from balloons, a creative workshop. The participants solved the tasks under the guidance of Gutova N.V., the students of the 301st group conducted the briefing for schoolchildren and members of the jury.

While the jury was summing up the results of the Olympiad, students of groups 201 and 301 organized a flash mob, interesting games and interviews for participants, teachers and parents. After all the works were checked, Lobanova L.A., Mysyakina O.I., Radushkina V.M., Gutova N.V. awarded the winners and all participants of the Olympiad with prizes made by college students. By total amount points 1st place was taken by Anna Makaleva (MKOU "Kochkovskaya secondary school") and Matskevich Evita (MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after V.N. Timonov, Karasuk district). 2nd place was shared by Balakina Elizaveta (MKOU "Kochkovskaya secondary school"), Skalota Egor (MBOU Technical Lyceum No. 176 of the Karasuk region) and Bridger Varvara (MKOU Krasnozerskaya secondary school No. 2 named after F.I. Anasichkin). 3rd place was taken by Vanchugova Victoria (MBOU Technical Lyceum No. 176 of the Karasuk region), Zhogin Nikita (MBOU Baganskaya secondary school No. 1) and Duplishchev Eduard (MBOU Technical Lyceum No. 176 of the Karasuk region).

The event ended with a general performance of the song “By the Way of Kindness” and a fun photo session.