Fairy-tale names of characters in the fairy tale young lady peasant woman. The main characters of the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman. Successful resolution of a confusing situation

A short story by A.S. Pushkin completes the cycle. This story is somewhat vaudeville in nature, not devoid of a sense of humor, masquerade. This is a love story with a happy ending. The main characters of the story "The Young Lady Peasant Woman":

Ivan Petrovich Berestov- an economic landowner who knew how to increase his fortune. He was a hospitable and hospitable gentleman. Guests came to him from all around. Some considered him proud. Although Berestov had something to be proud of. He had his own cloth factory, which brought in a good income.

Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky- Berestov's neighbor and his complete opposite. He was a passionate Angloman, led his household in the English manner, for which Berestov constantly criticized him. Muromsky squandered his fortune from a young age, and spent the remaining funds on maintaining an external anglicized gloss. At Muromsky even the grooms were dressed like English jockeys. This landowner was in debt as if in silks.

Alexey Berestov- the son of Ivan Petrovich, a young man, a stately handsome man, graduated from the university and dreamed of joining military service. The father was against it. He did not deny himself the pleasure of flirting with the yard girls. When he fell in love with the "peasant woman" Akulina, he was determined to marry her, and even came to the Muromsky estate for an explanation with the girl and her father.

Lisa, daughter of Muromsky, a lively, energetic young lady of 17 years old. Alexei, about whom the county young ladies spoke among themselves, was extremely interested and excited by Lisa of Murom. Having once gone for a walk in the forest and then, meeting with Alexei Berestov in the forest under the guise of a peasant woman Akulina, she crossed moral and ethical standards.

Nastya- yard girl Liza. The girl is lively, smart. She was the first to suggest to Lisa how to see Berestov without losing her human dignity, that is, to dress as a peasant woman.

Miss Jackson, Liza's mentor - a stiff Englishwoman who used thick antimony and whitewash. She did not like Russia, she considered it a barbarian country.

The landowners Muromsky and Berestov, who had once been at odds, met once under curious circumstances. This meeting served as the basis for reconciliation. The landowners began to visit each other and decided to marry their children. The children were familiar. They met all summer in the forest. Lisa - under the guise of a peasant Akulina. When Berestov's father told his son that he intended to marry him to Muromsky's daughter, he decided to refuse and came to Lisa to talk to her. But in the room he saw his Akulina in the dress of a young lady. These are, in brief, the relationship of the characters that made up the plot of the story "The Young Lady Peasant Woman".

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Prose A.S. Pushkin is definitely distinguished by a certain amount of irony and humor. There must be some element in the plot that makes the reader smile. The story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is also not without such an element. In the story, such a share of humor is associated with the image of Lisa of Murom, but at the same time it has an extensive character and affects the course of events not only in Lisa's life path, but also in all the main characters of the story.

Who is Ivan Petrovich Berestov

Ivan Petrovich Berestov is one of the main characters in Pushkin's story. He is a nobleman by birth, he owns the village of Tugilovo, which is located somewhere in the outback. Ivan Petrovich was once a married man, but his wife died many years ago, leaving him a young son.

At the time of the story, Ivan Petrovich is already a man of advanced age, and his son, respectively, is a young man. Very little is known about the youth and youth of Ivan Petrovich - the main body of information in the story falls on Ivan Petrovich's old age.

Personality characteristic

Ivan Petrovich has a difficult character. On the one hand, this allowed him to achieve significant results and become one of the richest and most influential people in the district, but, on the other hand, this caused certain difficulties in his life, in particular personal.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

So, for example, a strict disposition and character do not allow him to build friendly and trusting relations with his son Alexei.

When Alexey expresses his unwillingness to marry Liza Muromskaya, the father does not try to figure out the reasons for this attitude young man- he behaves very categorically and threatens to deprive his son of his inheritance and even curse him if he does not fulfill the will of his father.

Ivan Petrovich is a very stubborn person - this quality also plays a cruel joke with Ivan Petrovich and has two expressions - positive and negative. Ivan Petrovich's stubbornness allows him to achieve the desired goal, and this is definitely good, but at the same time, ego stubbornness often causes discord in relations even with the closest people.

Ivan Petrovich is not engaged in self-education and, in general, has little interest in life, except for the everyday side of its functioning.

Berestov considers himself a man of exceptional intelligence and equates himself with the smartest people in the area.

Relations between Muromsky and Berestov

Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky also belongs to the landlord family. He lives next door to the Berestovs, which greatly aggravates the already difficult relationship between neighbors. Despite the fact that the fate of the landlords has certain similarities - both of them became widowers early and raised children alone. Muromsky is a daughter, and Berestov is a son, friendly relations between them did not work out.

The enmity between the neighbors was prolonged and inconclusive in any sense. It consisted in the ability to perceive innovations in society.

Ivan Petrovich was an ardent opponent of everything new and foreign - he considered such innovations stupid and unnecessary. He vehemently defended his position and did not even try to understand the position of people with an opinion different from his own.

Grigory Ivanovich, on the contrary, adored everything foreign, in particular everything that concerned England and the culture of this country. He even built his house in the English style. English periodicals and books did not come out of Muromsky's everyday life. He also spoke English at home.

Like his neighbor, Muromsky did not take into account the opinions of others on this matter and was absolutely sure that he was right.

Naturally, in such a situation, excluding any compromise, there could not be any friendly or even neutral relations.

Reason for reconciliation

Chance helped put an end to years of enmity. Ivan Petrovich Berestov was distinguished by a special passion for hunting and, despite his age, he could often spend time doing this. Grigory Ivanovich also hunted from time to time. This love of hunting became a prerequisite for a change in relations between landowners.

Once Muromsky, while hunting, fell off his horse. Berestov, who witnessed this scene, despite the enmity, hastened to help his neighbor - this event was the beginning of friendship between old enemies. Muromsky invites Berestov and his son to his place for dinner, which strengthens the positive beginning of the relationship.

Thus, Ivan Petrovich Berestov is endowed with both positive and negative qualities. life path this character in Pushkin's story was not easy, the early loss of his wife and the need to raise his son alone was not the most in the best way influenced his character, but such difficulties did not prevent him from getting together and becoming a successful landowner. At the end of the story, we see pictures where former enemies have become friends, which means that no enmity can last forever if the warring parties are ready to help each other.

"The Young Lady Peasant Woman" a comparison of the main characters of Pushkin will help to understand their similarities and differences and prepare for the lesson.

"Young lady peasant" characterization of heroes

There are not so many main characters in Pushkin's story "The Young Lady Peasant Woman".

Main characters:

  • Ivan Petrovich Berestov, his son Alexei,
  • Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky, his daughter Liza.

The main idea of ​​the story lies in the disclosure and denial of the conventions and prejudices of that time and, of course, in attention to the life and being of a person.

Ivan Berestov and Grigory Muromsky: comparative characteristics

Ivan Petrovich Berestov

Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky

1. Keeps housekeeping in the Russian manner:

On weekdays he went to plush jacket, put on on holidays frock coat from cloth homework; he himself wrote down the expense and did not read anything, except for the Senate Gazette.

2. Of the people who condemned G.I. Muromsky, “Berestov responded most severely. Hatred for innovation distinguishing feature his character."


“... he laid out an English garden ... his grooms were dressed as English jockeys. His daughter had an English madam. He cultivated the fields according to the English method ... "( Unlike the geometrically correct French garden, the English garden is like a natural forest.)

2. Grigory Ivanovich "was considered a man not stupid, for the first of the landowners of his province guessed to mortgage the estate to the Board of Trustees: a turn that seemed at that time extremely complex and bold."

Angloman "endured criticism as impatiently as our journalists."

We note the irony of Pushkin in the description of the relationship between Berestov - the elder and Muromsky. In their depiction, Pushkin uses the technique of antithesis.

Berestov and Murom similarities:

Thanks to the common life, Berestov Sr. and Muromsky were able to find in the end mutual language and reconcile.

Alexey Berestov and Lisa comparative characteristics

Alexey Berestov

Lisa (Betsy) - Akulina ( the name of the heroine was not chosen by chance: everyone knows Karamzin's "Poor Liza", it is no coincidence that the heroine reads "Natalya, boyar daughter» Karamzin).

“He was brought up at the university and intended to enter the military service, but his father did not agree to that ... They did not yield to each other, and young Alexei began to live as a gentleman for the time being, letting go of the mustache just in case (attribute of the military).

He was, “indeed, well done ... The young ladies looked at him, and others looked at him; but Alexey did little of them, and they believed that the cause of his insensitivity was a love affair.

“It is easy to imagine what impression Alexei had to make in the circle of ... young ladies. He was the first to appear before them gloomy and disappointed, the first to speak to them of lost joys and of his faded youth; moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy over him.

“She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened a swarthy and very pleasant face. She was the only one and, consequently, a spoiled child. Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson to despair ... "

“Nastya went after Lisa, she was older, but just as windy as her young lady.”

Alexei wears the mask of a suffering lover, cold towards all the young ladies, because it is fashionable in society, and with simple peasant women he is cheerful, sweet, plays with burners. You don't have to wear a mask with them, you can be yourself. So Alexey is more interesting to Lisa.

“... Alexei, despite the fatal ring, the mysterious correspondence and gloomy disappointment, was a kind and ardent fellow and had a pure heart, capable of feeling the pleasures of innocence.” He was going to marry a simple peasant woman, disobeying the will of the parent.

Lisa was too unusual for a simple peasant woman: self-esteem (even self-esteem), an outstanding mind, ease of communication and at the same time impregnability and adherence to principles.

“His relations with Akulina had the charm of novelty for him, ... although the prescriptions strange the peasant women seemed burdensome to him.

All this speaks of high spiritual qualities Alexey

The originality of Liza-Akulina caused strong feelings.

The main characters of Pushkin's Young Lady Peasant live during the time of the nobility of the 19th century and are forced to observe the foundations of society.

The main characters of the story "The Young Lady Peasant Woman"

  • Ivan Petrovich Berestov,
  • his son Alexei is the son of Ivan Berestov,
  • Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky - a neighbor landowner, an Angloman landowner, "a real Russian master"
  • Lisa- daughter of Murom.

Lisa Muromtseva- the daughter of a wealthy Angloman landowner Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky, beloved of Alexei.

“She was 17 years old. Black eyes enlivened her swarthy and very pleasant face. She was the only and consequently spoiled child.

The girl was raised by her father, he was helped by an English nanny, Miss Jackson. Lisa was a romantic nature, but she was very quick-witted. To get acquainted with the son of the landowner Ivan Petrovich Berestov, Liza introduced herself as the blacksmith's daughter, Akulina. They walked, he taught her and was delighted with her mind. Liza, who introduced herself as a peasant woman, charmed Alexei as she was a smart, resourceful, natural, kind and decent girl with a sense of dignity.

When her father invited the Berestovs to dinner, Lisa was frightened, but she came up with a way out of this situation. She dressed up and pretty much whitened her face, so Alexei did not recognize her. He learned the truth when their fathers decided to marry them. Alexei came to the Muromtsevs to explain that he loved the daughter of the blacksmith Akulin, but could not marry Lisa. When he learned that Lisa was the same Akulina, he was very surprised and delighted.

Alexey Berestov- ineducated at the university. "Well done", "handsome, slender, tall, blush all over." Plays burners with the peasants. Lisa liked him because he was sincere and not proud of his origin and wealth.

“He was brought up at ... a university and intended to enter the military service, but his father did not agree ... They did not yield to each other, and young Alexei began to live as a gentleman for the time being, letting go of his mustache just in case (attribute of the military)”

“Surprisingly good, handsome, one might say. Slender, tall, blush all over his cheek ... "

"... so kind, so cheerful"

Ivan Petrovich Berestov- a Russian nobleman, leading a household according to the Russian model. He reasonable person, good father, hospitable host. Berestov is proud of his cloth factory and rich estate, but he thinks only about profit.

« In his youth he served in the guard , retired in early 1797, went to his village and he hasn't been out since. He was married to a poor noblewoman , which died in childbirth , while he was in the outfield.

Household exercises he was soon comforted. He lined up house on own plan, brought incloth factory tripled income and began to respect himself smartest person all around…”

Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky- "He was a real Russian master," but he did everything in the English manner. Both types of landlords are characteristic of the local nobility of that time in the 19th century. He is in all the time introduced something new, but was a good father. But Muromsky lives beyond his means and does not manage his household very wisely.

"This one was real Russian master . squandered in Moscow part of the estate his own and at that time widowed , he left at the last your village , where continued p play tricks , but in a new way.

He divorced english garden , on which spend almost all other income.

At his daughter was Madame English . He cultivated his fields English method and despite significant cost reductions, Grigory Ivanovich's income did not increase ; he is in the villagefound a way to get into new debts ; with all that revered as a man not stupid …»

The story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is included in the cycle of famous Pushkin's "Tales of Belkin", created by the writer in the Boldin period. Conceived by Pushkin in 1829, they came out as a separate collection. Boldin autumn (1830) became one of the most fruitful periods in the writer's work. "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is a book that completes a cycle of five short stories.

Many researchers believe that the plot of the story largely repeats another famous work, written by Pushkin's contemporary - N. M. Karamzin. "Poor Liza" is one of the first works of sentimentalism in Russian literature. Written in 1792, the story caused controversy in literary and public circles. The tragic love story of a peasant woman Liza for a young nobleman Erast was enthusiastically received by readers and later repeatedly interpreted by other authors.

However, many plots of the Pushkin cycle migrated to the pages of the book from life. Memories and everyday stories heard and noticed by the writer formed the basis of "Shot", "Snowstorm" and other stories. But "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is more connected with the refraction in Pushkin's mind of the existing literary traditions, which the writer modified, according to his author's intention.

Genre, direction

Belkin's Tales is Pushkin's first prose work, which was published during the author's lifetime. Five short stories from the lips of the fictional narrator Ivan Petrovich Belkin, who wrote down the stories he heard from different people, formally represent separate plots, but are internally connected, forming a single whole. Each story ideologically complements the other, strengthening the influence of each subsequent one.

Belkin's Tales is a vivid example of realistic prose. On behalf of a conditional narrator, Pushkin shares with the reader a series of non-fictional stories, the characters of which are devoid of static, they are vital and believable. It is no coincidence that the preface notes the fact of Belkin's lack of education, his non-participation in literary creativity. This approach convinces the reader of the authenticity of the events depicted. Outdated romantic situations and characters, deeply rooted in literature, lose out to the obvious simplicity and unpretentiousness of Pushkin's plots, the characters of which are placed in unusual, but quite probable life circumstances that truly reflect life.

The Young Lady Peasant Woman is a story somewhat different from the others, since it has more mischievous and comical in it. Rejecting the romantic template with its tragic ending, Pushkin happily resolves the conflict of love, as if offering his own version of the story of unequal love, traditional in literature. Unlike history poor Lisa, social barriers between the loving hearts of Lisa and Alexei are destroyed, which creates scope for a happy, albeit obviously philistine, life of the heroes.

The meaning of the name

The title of the story is closely related to its plot. The Young Lady-Peasant Woman refers to the main character of the story - Lizaveta Grigorievna, the daughter of the district landowner Muromsky.

Disguised as a peasant woman, Lisa pretends to be the daughter of a local blacksmith. Thus, the village girl Akulina, met by Alexei Berestov in the forest, and the young lady Liza are one and the same character.


The main events of the story unfold around two noble families - the Berestovs and the Muroms, who live in the neighborhood. The fathers of the families do not get along as the conservative Berestov denounces his neighbor's Anglomania. Daughter of Murom, Liza wants to meet Alexei Berestov, but the quarrel of the fathers creates an obstacle to the meeting.

Disguised as a peasant woman, Liza meets Alexei in the forest and introduces herself as Akulina, the daughter of a village blacksmith. Inspired by the acquaintance, Alexei teaches an uneducated girl to read and write, marveling at the speed with which she learns. Meanwhile, Berestov, the father, cannot cope with the horse during the hunt and accidentally ends up in the house of the Muromskys. As a result, the fathers get to know each other in detail and reconcile.

Lisa's father invites Berestov and his son to his place. Lisa manages to avoid exposure. She goes out for dinner, dressed in ridiculous clothes, made up and whitewashed. Alexei does not recognize her. The fathers, who managed to become close friends in a short time, decide to marry the children. Alexei is determined to go against the will of his father and secretly marry Akulina. He goes to the Muromskys' house and recognizes his Akulina in the young lady Liza. Such is the plot of the story.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Liza Muromskaya- the main character of the story, the daughter of the landowner Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky, a beautiful and cheerful girl. Joking and frivolous, she, on the one hand, is capable of a prank, on the other, of a bold and decisive act. "She was the only and consequently spoiled child." Having received a good education, the girl is well versed in music and the arts, studying languages, but deep down, Lisa is a romantically tailored nature. She believes in love, therefore she has a genuine interest in Alexei Berestov, who, according to rumors, has concentrated a whole set of truly romantic qualities in himself. Disguised as a peasant woman, Liza shows miracles of fantasy, and for a long time pretends to be the uneducated daughter of a blacksmith. A funny and easy character is combined in her with an amazing ability to love. She is devoid of stiffness and arrogance, therefore, in the image of a peasant girl, Lisa is so organic that Alexei does not catch her in a lie. The naturalness of her behavior, sharp mind and striking beauty - everything as a whole attracts the hero.
  2. Alexey Berestov- the son of Berestov, who after university came to the village to his father. He dreams of becoming a military man, which is quite consistent with his appearance: a tall, stately, attractive young man becomes the main reason for gossip among county girls. "The young ladies looked at him, and others looked at him." Aleksey himself assumes an even greater halo of mystery, appearing gloomy and disappointed in front of the girls, tells them "about the lost joys and about his faded youth" and generally manifests himself as an experienced ladies' man. But, in general, Alexey is simple and good man, honest and kind. Having fallen in love with a peasant woman Akulina, the hero is so sincere in his feelings that he is ready to marry her against the will of his father.
  3. Topics and issues

  • The main theme of the story, of course, love. Love becomes mainstream driving force action development. Before the mutual inclination of the heroes, all external circumstances fade.
  • Humor. In addition, in The Young Lady-Peasant Woman, the reader will also find the obvious comedy of the situation. But the humor of the story is kind and bright, making you smile at the happy absurdity of the events taking place, in the center of which are the heroes. For example, Pushkin very ironically draws the image of Muromsky in his desire to build life in English manners. Anglomania is also a peculiar manifestation of the stereotype of noble life.
  • Issues“Lady-Peasant Women” is also closely connected with the denial of the prejudices of society, in this case, the county one. The stereotypes and conventions of the environment are also manifested in the lives of the heroes: the noble status obliges them to lead a life that they do not like, to marry against their own will.
  • Conflict. In order to be truly sincere, the characters are forced to constantly fight against the way of life that prevails around them. The heroes themselves, Liza and Alexei, are very trivial characters, they have not escaped the imprint of the vulgarity of county life, but they are both capable of bold and decisive actions in the name of love, which undoubtedly deserves respect.
  • the main idea

    The main idea of ​​the story is in the desire of a person to be above prejudice, defending his right to happiness. It is enough to step over the conventions to become happy. The fate of the heroes, by a lucky chance, turned out well, and the end was marked by the triumph of eternal values: love, family and friendship.

    The story makes the reader believe in the sincerity of a real feeling that overcomes all obstacles. All external circumstances fade before love. The meaning laid down by A. S. Pushkin lies in the affirmation of eternal values ​​and in the criticism of class prejudices. It is social barriers that hinder happiness.

    What does it teach?

    A. S. Pushkin laid down a certain morality in the story. A person needs to remain himself, and not reconcile himself with the masks that society imposes. Only then will people begin to appreciate not the social position, not the level of prosperity, but the personality itself. And so it happened with the main characters, who chose each other, and not the labels hung on them.

    The author's conclusion is simple: people need equality in order to get to know each other better. Obviously, all conflicts come from ignorance, because even neighbors can not communicate with each other for years, and therefore not know the true state of things. Only after a normal human conversation did the fathers reconcile, realizing how stupid it was to condemn someone you don’t even know. And their children proved that peasants and nobles also lacked equal communication. Only a conversation can unite them, destroy all omissions and mutual insults. But people lack the courage to reject social labels that prevent unity. Thus, the author condemns the social inequality in Russia, which divides a single people into an elite and serfs. In his reasoning one can hear a protest against serfdom.

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