What is it like to be needed. What does it mean to be human, important thoughts. How to be needed by a man

Kind and sympathetic people are loved by the whole world. To become such, it is not at all necessary to be an angel in the flesh, it is enough just not to commit bad deeds and try to work on your character. Many people think about what it means to be, and everyone is looking for the answer on their own. Everyone can have their own truth. This article is designed to consider the situation of the internal search for personality and answer the existing burning questions.

spiritual needs

Each of us needs to feel important and significant. It’s not enough for us just to have a good job or a lot of money, but we want recognition from others, especially our talents and abilities. What does spiritual mean? In many ways, this means being able to forgive, to develop externally and internally.

Of course, this also includes the need to do good, to help those in need. Spiritual needs include the desire to study the arts and practice meditation. Of course, prayer is a powerful spiritual component. Being in a state of deep peace, a person experiences happiness. Meditation helps to restore mental strength, to find integrity within oneself.

What do we value in others?

It's no secret that friendly and benevolent people are more attractive than gloomy and angry people. What does it mean to be First of all, to be able to rejoice. AT broad sense this word. To their own and other people's successes, victories, accomplishments, fulfillment of dreams. Each of us always subconsciously chooses a suitable company for communication, but few people think about how to improve themselves: get rid of bad habits, change their character, work with existing problems.

If you are annoyed by something, try to calm down first, and only then start communicating with people. Otherwise, you risk ruining relationships with loved ones and someday completely losing friends. Some really do not understand what it means to be a friendly and smiling person, which means that this needs to be learned.

Committed to helping those in need

Kindness, openness, sincerity have always been appreciated. It happened that loving person shared the last piece of bread with the poor or destitute. Notice when we do a good deed, our soul rejoices. You can feel for yourself how warm and pleasant it becomes on the heart at the moment. Of course, most often we do not attach importance to what happens to us. And a miracle: I want to be even kinder, to please loved ones with pleasant surprises. It is in such high moments of self-knowledge that we understand what it means to be the right person. After all, if you have helped at least someone in this life, it means that you have already lived it not in vain.

The ability to forgive

You should never take on the role of the Lord God and decide who is worthy of being called your closest friend, and who should be immediately driven away in three necks. Time will put everything in its place. Life is wiser than us, no matter how smart we are. It quietly removes unreliable people from us and replaces them with new ones, those on whom we can rely. Of course, in the case when we do not interfere with its movement. You must always be able to rejoice at what you have at this point in time and be able to forgive those who did not repay their debts on time. The last phrase should be understood not only as a monetary equivalent, but also as any manifestation of kindness, love and tenderness.

No one else will answer you what it means to be human in the full sense of the word. You need to understand this yourself, having gone through some difficulties, trials.

Team Respect

Recognition in one's field is an integral step in the formation of a harmoniously developing personality. Everyone, in order to be happy, needs to successfully fulfill themselves in some area. Therefore the choice professional path- not an easy task. You need to be very clear about your goals and strive to achieve them.

People want to feel that what they are doing is needed by others. In fact, we are here to serve society through the fulfillment of our professional task. We give to people what we can give, and we are rewarded for this in the form of money, respect and gratitude. Moreover, to receive recognition from the team is no less valuable than the banknotes themselves. This is what it means to be human.

Awareness of one's individuality

The position "I am a value" is chosen by a minority of people, because they do not know about its amazing properties. What does it mean to be a good man? You need to know what your purpose is, and honestly fulfill it. Individuality begins with the courage to ask yourself the question: “Why did I come into this life?” When the answer becomes more or less clear, it is necessary to make every effort to achieve meaningful results. What it means to be is explained by the desire to organize life in such a way that everything has a clear structure, order, leading to new achievements and victories.

So the question is what does it mean to be well-mannered person, is solved only through a conscious understanding of what we want to be and what we strive for. All the rest is unimportant. Remember that everywhere is valuable, the road is open to him everywhere. He will pass through all obstacles and win, win the love of the public and the people around him. Openness breeds reciprocal trust.

On the lesson literary reading after studying the story of Sukhomlinsky V.A. "Ordinary Man" in the 4th grade, children are invited to write an essay - reasoning "What does it mean to be a man?"

Let's bring sample texts of short essays which can also be used as essay on what it means to be human

What does it mean to be human? We often hear:

"Man - that sounds proud"

"A man with a capital letter".

And what does it mean? For me, the word "man" is manifested in his actions. After all, a real person should always come to the rescue, those who need it, without thinking about themselves, their lives. And there are a lot of such people in our country.

These are ordinary passers-by who did not lose their heads and saved a drowning man and Heroes who save the lives of people every day, children who carry their brothers and sisters out of the fire. I really want there to be more such people, so that each person has responsibility not only for himself, but also for other people.

Be kind to each other. And you will rightly be called "a man with a capital letter!"

A real person is a person who is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of another. This is a man who has a heart and a soul. Even if someone makes mistakes in life, a real person will definitely understand and correct them. Being human means being ready to help anyone.

To be human means to be kind, sympathetic, to help people. Be calm and not greedy, considerate and honest.

For example, a real person will never pass by a grandmother whose bag was torn and food spilled out of it. Everyone should be ready to help even to a stranger After all, each of us wants only good people to be around.

To be human means to do human things. Think not only about yourself, but also about the world that surrounds you. Even if you are in trouble, do not think that everyone should run to your aid, only egoists do this. And an egoist is not a person. People, be kind to the world around you, think not only about yourself, help others, and then they will definitely help you too!

In the concept of "being a man" everyone puts his own meaning. This is what influences actions and deeds.

In my understanding, "to be a man" is, first of all, to be a person with your own opinion, your own interests, your own meaning of life. A person becomes in the process of training, education, in the process of communicating with other people. It is not enough for a person to be smart and educated, he must be hardworking, honest, compassionate, ready to help. He should treat all living things with respect. A person should love his country and take care of it.

Only everyone can decide for himself to be a man or to be a creature similar to him.

A person is not a position or a profession. To be human is worthy to exist in this world. Do good to people and never deceive them. Be polite and kind. A real person is a friend who can come to the rescue, free from trouble and not envy. A good person will be an example for children. A person should help not only his family, but also take care of other people.

To be human means to be educated, responsible, decent. Each person has their own rules, principles and norms of behavior. But, a real person knows how to keep his promise, which means he is responsible. Being educated means knowing how to behave in society, knowing how to do it and how not to do it. That is to be decent. Many consider themselves responsible, well-mannered and decent, but in reality this is not so. A person must have knowledge of these qualities, which means that he must also be smart.

The concept of "man" has a deep meaning. To be human is not only to eat, sleep, walk, lie down. I think that a real person is a good friend who can always come to the rescue.

A real person should be good not only to himself, but also to other people. I really like the statement of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: "You were born a man, but you must become a man." Becoming a real man is not easy, because we live in a difficult world where money and concern for one's well-being make people cruel and indifferent.

I think. that to be a man is to fight evil, to be hardworking, to be responsible for everything, to be able to love and forgive.

Essay "What does it mean to be human"

A man belongs to the order of mammals, but unlike animals, he has a conscience, a man is smart, kind, sympathetic, respects his ancestors.

To be a human means to be sad, to rejoice, to study and work, to be kind, sympathetic, to get tired, and then to rest, walk and run, raise and take care of children, build houses, plant trees, so that life would be better.

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Necessity is a positive personality trait and the ability to be useful, in demand.

In considering many personality traits, good and bad, I have mentioned many times the influence of one or another personality trait on Happiness. It is an emotion and a deep satisfaction with life. Among all personality traits, Necessity is the most necessary personality trait and actually the primary source of Happiness!

Ability to be the right people is directly related to the realization of one's destiny as a person. When a person is doing what he loves, he is happy. Work for him is a natural need, a vital necessity. Through labor, he realizes his destiny and becomes the most necessary for people. Love for another person determines the whole life of a person. If people have souls, then they are woven from Love, which does not fade with time. For a more complete understanding of Necessity, it is necessary to know what is

Need for others is a useful delta of profit in the Universe from your existence. Your own Happiness directly depends on how strong feelings you have for others and are ready to show sincere Love to them. The opposite quality of personality is Futility.

Necessity presupposes full Awareness and understanding of this fact. By and large, any person realizes some plan of the forces of the Universe. Since it exists, it means that someone needs it. There is nothing random in the world. If a person lives, it means that the laws of the Universe have their own plans for this person.

Remember the important thing in your life, even if you are an Evil person, you are needed too!
An evil person acts as a teacher, for someone he will be a happy teacher, teaching a lesson on how to overcome certain idealizations. He comes to someone according to fate, so that a person realizes past mistakes and indecent acts. If evil destroys, then the destroyed place gives way to Necessity. (Remember Zorg's reasoning from the movie The 5th Element)

The true need of a person is completely disinterested. This is what determines the main meaning of life.

Necessity is the highest goal of human life. Create a spiritual atmosphere around you so that everyone who is connected with you feels the aroma of their relevance and usefulness. Necessity is the meaning of human life. Necessity is the ability to realize one of the main human destiny - to be the one in whom there is a need and need.
It is natural and normal for a person to desire approval, proper response, support, gratitude, need. There is no dependency in this.

One important condition of Necessity is completely disinterested service to people. However, in practice, this ideal Necessity is only described in esoteric interpretations and the disinterested state of Goodness and Happiness is available only to deeply spiritual people with very strong character personality and inner core.

The hybrid and synthetic state of Need in modern times is called Addiction.

For most people, the second way to achieve Happiness is characteristic, through material wealth. It's good, it's okay. Here, through Necessity, there is an interchange of services, a kind of trade, merchants. The buyer and the seller need each other, because they are interdependent.
The material way to achieve the state of Happiness is a vivid manifestation of the difference between the manifestations of Dependence and Selfless Necessity. The quality of the character and state of a person is Dependence, literally saturated with the poison of Egoism and Selfishness. The dependent person has attachments and tries to be useful only for selfish purposes. However, it must be remembered that a whole person needs to satisfy not only his physiological needs, but also his emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs.

When a disinterested spiritual atmosphere of need has formed in the family, the emotional needs of the individual are satisfied, first of all.

The Important Role of Necessity in the Family

The true manifestation of Necessity can only be seen in family relationships imbued with love. Only a family can, in principle, give this one hundred percent atmosphere of need and gratitude. If the family does not have this, then the family breaks up. The atmosphere of the family is the need and gratitude of all family members to each other.

Here is a vivid example of Necessity and Dependence in family life: The wife prepared a delicious dinner, which can be made from a feeling of love and Need, or based on a Dependency relationship.

In the first case, she disinterestedly fulfills her feminine duties, and her mind is concentrated on how to cook dinner more deliciously. She doesn't really need to say thank you. She doesn't ask for gratitude. She is simply pleased with the fact that she turned out to be needed by her loved one, that he enjoyed delicious dishes. In other words, her dinner is saturated with the aroma of love, the spiritual atmosphere of Need. This is the true state of need.

In the second case, Addiction, the dinner is made without soul, and often tasteless and undersalted. The need here is false, not sincere. The motives for its preparation are selfish: I will feed you - I will ask you to buy something. He will thank me, and I will earn points in his eyes.

I'll feed him, and then I'll beg him for money for a new dress. A good mood will come and we will make love. The wife literally pulls out words of gratitude, praise and compliments from her husband with ticks. It's called Relationships.

Necessity is an indicator of the effectiveness of a person at any age

Necessity is an accurate indicator of human efficiency. With age, as you know, wisdom comes, and the need goes away. A truly necessary person, that is, a disinterested person who has found his life purpose and therefore realizes his abilities to the maximum, is extremely difficult to find, let alone replace, if at all possible.

wisdom can give good advice in this case, and this makes a person constantly in demand, even in old age. A person may not notice old age if he has a feeling that people need him until the end of his life.

When a person lives in an atmosphere of need, when he is in demand, when he is respected, and, therefore, his opinion is listened to, he will not notice the process of his aging. Need as a quality of personality saves a person from an unbearable state of hopelessness and loneliness.

Necessity maintains a high self-esteem of a person and gives the meaning of his existence. Realizing his need for people, a person is in good vitality, he is energetic, active, initiative and able to work. Need is a determining factor in life expectancy. Enthusiasm and inspiration are his constant companions in life. We All want to be Needed. We all want to be remembered, we were expected. To be loved.

Each of us wants to be needed by someone. It is so nice to realize that you live not only for yourself, but also for the sake of those who need your presence nearby, your participation. But what if you feel that no one needs and is not interested, perhaps even consider yourself completely worthless? It's time to fight negative thoughts and learn about how to become the right person and start working towards it.

Basically, people want to be needed by those around them and whom they would like to see next to them. These are relatives and relatives, husbands and wives, work colleagues. Let's talk about how a woman can become necessary for others.

How to be needed by a man

To become the right man, you need to learn to be for him not just a lover and housewife, but also a friend, a wise adviser, a close person who you can rely on. Try to support your man, share his interests and views, advise if necessary. After all, you can change your mistress, after all, a man can manage the house on his own, but a real friend cannot be excluded from his life, so it is so important for a woman to master this role.

To always be needed by a man, so that he does not lose his interest in you and wants to be around, learn to be different. Men run away from monotony and boredom, and this happens in a relationship when a woman becomes predictable, and therefore uninteresting. Experiment with appearance, show different facets of character, add unpredictability to behavior, and then the man will not lose his interest in you.

Give a man in a relationship what he expects from his woman. Stay-at-homes appreciate comfort and delicious food, inquisitive people do not mind learning and learning something new with their beloved all the time, an athlete will call his girlfriend with him to training. Think about what your man is interested in and lives, and keep him company.

How to be needed for loved ones

Our friends and relatives are people who occupy an important place in our lives, and any problems and quarrels with them make us feel unhappy. For example, it begins to seem that your loved ones do not need you. How to fix it?

Show concern for your loved ones. Friends are known in trouble, so do not turn away from your friends in difficult moments, help in word and deed and be sure to become necessary for them. The same goes for relatives.

Strive to communicate with loved ones, say nice things to them, smile at your relatives, call more often, or better yet, come to your parents.

Do nice things to loved ones, and just like that, for no reason. It can be unexpected gifts, small everyday surprises, organization of holidays for relatives and friends (mom's anniversary, friend's birthday, family New Year etc.). Show kindness and participation in relation to loved ones, this will not go unnoticed.

How to be needed at work

A separate question in this conversation is how to become necessary for your colleagues, how to achieve recognition and respect at work. Often, many good specialists go unnoticed, their opinion is not listened to, they are not asked for advice. As a result, a person feels unnecessary, comes to work in a dull mood and slowly thinks about changing jobs. But the problem here is in the person himself, and the new place will not solve it if the person himself does not try to change. So, what should be done in order to become needed at work, to achieve recognition and respect from a professional point of view?

  1. The most important thing is to conscientiously, diligently and work hard. Attentive attitude to work, responsibility, diligence will inevitably make you a professional in your field. Fall in love with your work, be inspired by the desire to become a highly qualified specialist and start working.
  2. It is also important not to go where they are not asked. If you are given a clear task to do the job in a certain way, then the most important thing here is to do your job efficiently and on time. No one will be interested in your ideas and amendments, the authorities just need you to work as they say.
  3. On the contrary, in difficult and discussed cases at work, you can put forward your ideas and suggestions for improving work, if they can really be useful. Do not be afraid to state them, express your thoughts clearly and concisely, it will count.
  4. Improve your professional quality and skills, using educational literature, mastering new knowledge in their specialization, and so on.
  5. Observe etiquette and discipline at work - this way you will create an impression of yourself as a business person. Don't be late for work, don't complain about your salary and bosses, don't gossip about colleagues, be welcoming and friendly but restrained in communication, help your work colleagues when they need your help.

Universal advice for all cases - to be needed by someone, you need to know what a particular person wants to receive from you, and become just that. But it is also important in your desire to become necessary not to turn into an "errand girl", because others will begin to use your kindness and reliability. You will become needed, but not in the way you want. Remember: you need to know the measure in everything, do not overdo it in your desire to become necessary!