What do you need to open a language center. How to open a foreign language school from scratch - step by step instructions. Total amount, rub

Knowing a foreign language is the key to getting a prestigious job abroad, so an English language school is a fairly promising business idea. This idea can be safely implemented, since such services are in great demand, even during the economic period. Accordingly, the English language school will bring you a stable high monthly income.

Business registration

Before you open an English language school, you need to choose a legal form. Beginning businessmen usually register individual entrepreneur. They can hire staff and train students, but they are not authorized to issue IP certificates. The work book will not record a teacher, but a specialist in foreign languages.
If you have a small start-up capital on hand and are confident in your abilities, you can register a company. There are many more nuances in this case, but in this case your school will have a certain status and will be able to issue full-fledged certificates. After that, you should register with the tax office. This process takes 5-20 days.

To practice educational activities, it is necessary to obtain a license from the territorial bodies of education. To do this, you need to provide information about the premises and the level of qualifications of teachers.

Choose a room

Study Center foreign languages it is better to open near educational institutions or near a shopping center.

You should not place the school in a residential area, because in such a place you will not be able to find a sufficient number of clients. Also pay attention to the fact that there are no similar educational institutions nearby that can take students away from you.

Equipment and furniture

Making a business plan for opening English school, do not forget to include the cost of purchasing furniture and equipment.

There are no special requirements for equipping the premises, since you can learn languages ​​anywhere. But in order to create an image, you need to purchase stylish furniture, as well as teaching aids which you will need first.

For each audience, you need to buy media materials - video and audio recordings, as well as various interactive programs. Because the technical progress does not stand still, the school needs to purchase several laptops in order to offer students new teaching methods.

When the business begins to expand and make a profit, you can purchase projectors and interactive screens.


Now you know how to open a private language school. It's time to talk about how to find good teachers for her. The success of your business is 95% dependent on the work of teachers. But in order to find highly qualified teachers, you will have to spend a lot of time, because good specialists are always in demand and they are in no hurry to leave their homes.

If you want to open an English language school for children, invite teachers who have worked with schoolchildren. They must be able to interest children and attract their attention. For students and adults, it is better to invite teachers who are native English speakers.


Like any other business, a language school needs advertising. It is best to conduct marketing activities in the global network. Order specialists to develop your own website. On it you can post information about teachers, teaching methods, as well as the advantages of your school. Advertisements can be placed on forums in social networks or on other thematic sites.

Standard advertising tools are:

  • Radio;
  • TV;
  • Flyers;
  • Advertising banners and posters.

Come up with all sorts of promotions. For example, if a student brings a friend, he can get a 30% discount on tuition. In this type of business, the flow of customers must be constantly stimulated by advertising, so it is advisable to hire an experienced specialist for this purpose.

The choice of teaching methods

Aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in what it takes to open private school is sometimes overlooked by the choice of tutorial.

This issue can be resolved in three ways:

  1. Standard programs;
  2. Programs created by teachers;
  3. Cooperation with large companies (buying a franchise).

Each of the proposed options has its own advantages:

  • Standard programs please with the efficiency of organization and simplicity.
  • Training programs developed by employees can be quite effective. In addition, no school of foreign languages ​​can offer such a system of education.
  • The third option provides you with the patronage of an experienced giant who will provide the necessary assistance and give useful advice. But you will be doing business on its terms, so this option is not suitable for everyone.

Children's programs

Special attention should be paid to the development of educational programs for children. Many parents strive to ensure that their child receives quality knowledge at an early age, so children's educational programs are always in great demand. Teachers should use game elements in the lessons, such as modeling or drawing. In addition, you can connect outdoor games or soft toys to the educational process.

Kids love to learn different songs and rhymes. They sing them and tell their friends and parents. On holidays, you can put on theatrical performances in a foreign language.


To open a foreign language school, you will have to allocate money for:

  • Room rental;
  • staff salaries;
  • Equipment;
  • cleaning;
  • Stationery;
  • payment of utility services;
  • Other minor expenses.

All this will have to pay about 600 thousand rubles.

Profit and profitability

On average, the income from a school for the study of foreign languages ​​is 30-60 thousand rubles per month. Large companies get more decent profits. The profitability of such a business is quite low. It is only 8%.

To open a small school, you will need about 100 thousand rubles. Some businessmen invest millions in such educational institutions. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the owner.


You can make a good profit from an English language school. Despite the fact that there is a lot of competition in this area, this business remains profitable, as the demand for language services is constantly growing.

Most profitable investment- in knowledge. Why not open a business related to the provision of foreign language teaching services? Is this area in demand? For the phrase “school of the English language”, the Yandex search engine records more than 100 thousand user requests every month, and for the phrase “English language”, more than 13 million requests per month.

If the question arises about the relevance of learning foreign languages, then just go to any job search site and evaluate the available vacancies with more or less worthy positions and salaries. What unites them? Knowledge of English and, in some cases, other foreign languages ​​is required.

And if the knowledge gained at school and institute is not enough, people are looking for an opportunity to get additional linguistic education. Many parents "prepare sleds in the summer" - hire tutors, take their children to language classes. And, since there is a demand, entrepreneurs looking for their niche, a logical question arises: how to open a school of foreign languages? A business plan, where to start, what format to choose, how to legalize, and other important nuances are discussed in the article.

Relevance and target audience

The relevance of learning foreign languages ​​is growing not only due to the requirements of employer companies keeping pace with the times, but also due to such factors as:

  • active interest of citizens in tourist trips abroad;
  • migration to foreign countries;
  • admission to foreign educational institutions;
  • foreign business trips;
  • early development of children, including the study of the language already from kindergarten age;
  • filling in the gaps school education when preparing for exams;
  • a wish modern people intellectually develop and develop their children.

From here, depending on the chosen format, a portrait of the target consumer is formed. There will be parents of children of preschool and school age, students, graduates, businessmen, tourists, etc.

Format selection

Open a language school with a franchise

Reduce complexity with organizational issues franchising will help in business. Using the example of a review of the franchises of two schools, we will analyze the main articles of the business plan, the amount of investments and the requirements for premises.

The network of schools of foreign languages ​​ALIBRA SCHOOL

The network is represented by 17 branches in 4 regions of Russia, on the market for more than 15 years. To open a business under this brand, the following steps are required: apply for a franchise, conclude a license agreement, equip the premises and train staff, and obtain a license. The company provides comprehensive support at every stage.

The financial terms of partnership with ALIBRA SCHOOL are shown in the table.

Premises requirements:

  • Area - at least 100 sq. meters, the room should be located near residential buildings, large shopping and office centers.
  • The presence of a bathroom, ceilings with a height of 2.6 m.
  • Parking available next to the premises.
  • Internet, the possibility of zoning on the audience.
  • The lease agreement must be concluded for at least 3 years, the premises must have the status of non-residential.

In addition to the lump-sum contribution, the initial investment item includes: repair and decoration of the premises, equipment, furniture, office equipment, educational materials, staff training, marketing activities. The payback period of investments when working with the ALIBRA SCHOOL franchise is 14-22 months, the current profitability of existing branches is 30%.

Franchise of the language center "Lingvitania"

The Lingvitania Center offers partners two business formats: English for children from 3 to 12 years old, broken down by age categories, and English for teenagers and adults. The main feature of Lingvitania is an authorized center for preparing for exams at the University of Cambridge.

Franchisees receive a ready-made business model and a CRM system for working with clients. The founders of the brand participate in the opening of the centers. Teachers working in partner centers are trained and tested at the central office. Uniform teaching materials, full-featured page on the site, advertising layouts.

Conditions for partners:

  • Until May 31, 2017, the lump-sum contribution is 399,000 rubles.
  • Royalties are paid quarterly - 18,000 rubles.
  • Initial investment - from 850,000 rubles.
  • Not a basement or a semi-basement with a good repair with an area of ​​50 sq. m, which should have at least two rooms of 15-23 sq. m.

More details about the requirements and conditions of franchises can be found on the websites of companies. The success of a business in this area is guaranteed with a careful approach to hiring teachers, drawing up a business plan, choosing a format, premises, studying current offers and demand in your region, organizing a high-quality advertising campaign and first-class service.

An English language school business plan is a great idea to get started in the language school business. It is difficult to organize the teaching of foreign languages ​​and get ahead of competitors, but in the long term it is very profitable and profitable. What steps need to be taken to create successful English courses - read our article.

English is the most popular language in the world, it is a means of international communication used by people all over the world. Knowledge of English is almost always necessary for career growth. This direction is now of interest to many people of all ages.

Creating your own language school is quite difficult. The market for these services is oversaturated with offers: from large language centers to private tutors. They often have many years of experience and boast hundreds or thousands of clients. However, this does not mean that there is no point in working in this direction. Demand still exceeds supply, and moreover, the next few years will only grow. Quality services will always find a response from customers.

Who can open a language school

Usually they think about how to open English courses professional teachers with many years of experience working with children and adults. Often this idea comes to tutors who are convinced that classes with individual clients are not capable of realizing their full potential. Excellent knowledge of English is an important condition for opening your own school. In such a situation, the entrepreneur will be able to teach and lead groups himself.

On the other hand, practice shows that organizing good school it is also obtained by businessmen who do not know English and have never taught it, but who know how to select professional employees and promote their services.

An English language school is an inexpensive and fast-paying type of business

What investments are needed

The business plan of a foreign language school does not involve large costs. This is an inexpensive and fast-paying type of business to organize. The main part of the cost will be the rent of the premises. If the entrepreneur has a suitable premises in his property (audience area of ​​approximately 50-70 square meters), the cost of opening a school is completely reduced to several tens of thousands of rubles. Renting a suitable room will cost an average of 30-60 thousand rubles.

It is desirable to locate the school in a convenient area, in the central part of the city. The more convenient it is for clients to get to the place of classes, the greater the flow of students will come to the lessons. The classroom for classes should be well renovated, bright, comfortable. It is better to choose a room where the repair has already been done. Otherwise, you will need to invest about 50 thousand rubles in the design of the audience.

Tables with chairs are required for classes. Their number depends on the size of the group: usually in language schools the largest groups do not exceed 15 people, respectively, 8 tables and 16 chairs are enough. The teacher needs a separate table, chair or office chair. You can also buy furniture within 50 thousand rubles.

The audience should be equipped with a writing board(chalk or with markers). Optional equipment, such as laptops, printers, projectors, should be purchased in a few months, when the first profit appears.

As for methodological materials, it is not necessary to purchase sets of textbooks and workbooks. Modern methods of language learning focus on live communication, audiovisual perception, and not the mechanical performance of the same type of exercises. Required didactic materials, texts for reading and translation can be found on the Internet and printed by yourself. In addition, most teachers have already accumulated a solid stock of various tests and tasks.

Thus, the initial investment in the opening of the school does not exceed 200 thousand rubles. And if it is possible to rent a room with a good repair and suitable furniture, the initial costs will not exceed 100 thousand rubles.

What profit can you get in the first months of work

Most often people go to learn a foreign language twice a year: in September (beginning school year) and in January. Therefore, it is better to orient the start of the school for one of these months. On average, for classes twice a week in groups, clients are willing to pay from 2,000 to 4,000 thousand rubles. You can organize 4 or even 5 groups of 10-15 people.

The class schedule may look something like this: Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday, Wednesday-Saturday, Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday-Sunday. A classic lesson lasts 2 academic hours (90 minutes), which means that you can conduct classes in 2-3 groups on one day (more hours will overwork the teacher).

If you manage to recruit at least 4 groups of 12 people with a payment of 3000 rubles, for the first month you will receive 144 thousand rubles. To increase profits, you need to free hours accept individual practitioners with payment of 800-1200 rubles per hour (academic). 5 individuals who study twice a week for two academic hours will bring about 80 thousand rubles.

The classroom for classes should be well renovated, bright, comfortable

Features of working with different categories of students

Everyone is now learning English: three-year-old children and respectable adults over 50. Each group has its own goals that need to be taken into account when building curriculum. For example, parents bring small children, believing that it is easier to learn a language at a young age. Students and young people come to prepare for exams to count on best job in the future or just get to know each other and communicate while traveling. Mature people are more actively interested in business English. The older generation is pushed to learn a new language by a work or life necessity, for example, moving.

All these features must be taken into account when forming groups and building classes. In addition, it is obvious that preschoolers and elementary school students are not able to study for 90 minutes, their lesson lasts a maximum of 60 minutes, or twice for half an hour with a short break. Visits to these groups should be rescheduled for the afternoon and morning.

On the contrary, it is most often convenient for adults to practice in the evening, after 17 hours. Individuals, as a rule, themselves choose a convenient time for classes. The school must also be open on weekends in the morning. Of course, on Saturday evening there will be no flow of customers, but the morning and daytime hours many are ready to devote to learning.

The school schedule may look like this: from Monday to Friday from 11 to 21, Saturday and Sunday from 11 to 14. Try to organize the work so that the groups do not interfere with each other, and at the same time, the audience is not idle. Fill the time with individual students, small groups, and so on.

What does it take to educate children?

How to open an English language school for children has several important features. They mainly focus on the method of conducting classes. If adults come to the language school for a specific purpose, then the children are brought by their parents. The child often does not understand why he comes here. The task of the teacher is to interest even the smallest students and ensure their progress (so that parents understand what they are paying for).

It is good if the teacher has experience in organizing the education of young children. Otherwise, you need to select and study methodological materials on this topic. The main rule is that the child should not be bored in the lesson, he should not be scolded and harshly criticized. Learning should be like a game where the child learns new things and makes new friends.

Each group of students has its own goals that need to be taken into account when designing the curriculum.

How to differ from competitors

In any city there are several language schools and several dozen private tutors. It is necessary to initially identify the difference between the new school and the existing ones. This is quite difficult to put into practice, since there are already schools on the market where foreigners teach (including those who do not know Russian), offer the most innovative methods and much more.

The main mistakes due to which a language school can quickly fail in the market:

  • use of outdated teaching methods- no one will pay money for solving problems in old workbooks and pronouncing formulaic phrases;
  • time-consuming movie viewing, TV shows and cartoons (for children) - again, people rightly decide that they can do this at home and leave such an institution;
  • lack of an individual approach to clients, ignoring the personal requirements, wishes and questions of students.

Any of these mistakes can lead to customer churn. and ruin the reputation of the school forever. Therefore, make sure that teachers do not make such mistakes, do their job professionally and help clients get exactly what they came for.

Buying a Language School Franchise

There are currently several fairly well-known English language schools selling franchises on the market. This is a good option for starting a business, because for a certain fee, along with a well-known brand, an entrepreneur receives a business plan, a lot of recommendations, and often even promotion services. The famous name, the international status of the company and the wording "we teach English language” from some year (that is, for example, over several decades) will definitely attract attention and bring many students.

On the other hand, the opening costs will increase in this case. Franchisors are always very strict in the selection of teaching staff - it is quite possible that they will have to present all diplomas and certificates or even pass internal testing. Whether the costs of the expected result are worth it is up to the businessman to decide on his own.

Together with a well-known brand, an entrepreneur receives a business plan and a lot of recommendations.

Distance learning

Many who want to learn English are now interested in distance learning. This method is attractive in that it saves time on the road, allows you to study one-on-one with a teacher in comfortable conditions.

A good language school should provide such services. Teachers should master videoconferencing. For such a lesson, you need a computer or laptop, a microphone and headphones (standard and inexpensive equipment). Remote classes usually have a standard duration of 45-90 minutes. The price of the lesson is also approximately equal to the usual individual lesson, that is, about 1200 rubles.

Website and promotion on the Internet

successful language school there must be a website and groups in social networks, where information about services, teachers and student success is regularly published. it business card an institution that will show students and potential clients how modern the approach to learning is, how interested you are in what you do.

To develop the site, you need to attract a temporary specialist. Since the structure of the site will be simple, with only a few sections (“Main”, “About the school and teachers”, “How we teach”, “Types of classes and tuition fees”, “News”, “Reviews”), the development of the site will cost 8 -10 thousand rubles. After creating the site and groups, you need to constantly engage in their content.

Also it is useful to invest in contextual advertising- so information about the language school will be seen by all users from a suitable region who have recently been looking for something about teaching English.


Teaching English is the most promising language school market. The demand for it is very high and will only grow in the coming years. It is quite difficult to organize popular English courses in a highly competitive environment, but a competent approach and recommendations given above will help in achieving success.

The market for teaching foreign languages ​​in the Russian Federation is developing rapidly. In 2017, its volume was estimated at $750 million. In 2018, the increase was about 15%. The reason for the growth was globalization, which makes it necessary to know foreign languages.

Increasing demand for services allows an entrepreneur to start making a profit almost immediately when creating his own business. linguistic school from scratch.

Market analysis and target audience

In 2019, there is an increase in the tourist flow, globalization and the strengthening of business relations between countries. 46% of Russians think about the need to learn foreign languages.

Potential customers are driven by different goals:

  • 13% just want to meet the requirements of the time;
  • 14% want to feel free abroad;
  • 11% want to learn languages ​​for career advancement;
  • 9% intend to learn a foreign language in order to communicate with friends;
  • 7-8% want to make purchases on foreign sites, watch movies and TV shows in the original language, understand product instructions.

At the Ministry education is active discussion of the introduction of a mandatory USE in English by 2020-2022. If the plans come to fruition, the demand for tutoring and private schools will increase.

Foreign language teaching can be targeted at any age group. The greater the coverage, the higher the profitability. The entrepreneur himself chooses with whom to work and in what direction to promote the business. It is better for a businessman to consider middle-income people as potential customers.

The industry is highly competitive. People prefer to study with teachers who have managed to build a positive reputation and collect resumes.

Description of goods and services

The school may provide teaching services in one or more languages ​​to students with different levels preparation. Having completed basic courses, students will move to a more difficult level. Classes can be held in the following forms:

  • express training of students with a basic level of training;
  • comprehensive training from scratch;
  • preparation for international exams.

The duration of one course is 4-8 months. The group accepts an even number of students. During training, dialogues, situational games and pair communication are practiced. Groups can be morning, afternoon, evening or weekend training. Business has a relative seasonality. In summer, there is a decrease in customers. By autumn, the number of students is growing.

What do you need to open a language school?

Creating a language school from scratch takes place in stages:

  1. Business formalization. The entrepreneur registers with the Federal Tax Service, prepares documentation, issues a license (if needed).
  2. Finding a room. The property can be rented or bought. The area should allow to accommodate several study rooms and a reception room.
  3. Purchase of study materials. First of all, textbooks and teaching aids will be required. Classrooms should be equipped with furniture, special equipment, TVs and electronic equipment for interactive classes.
  4. Recruitment. The success of the school of foreign languages ​​largely depends on the teachers.
  5. Advertising campaign. Without promotion, a business will not start to make a profit.


When compiling a business plan for a foreign language school, an entrepreneur must choose organizational form. If a citizen registers as an individual entrepreneur, there will be no need to obtain a license. However, the school will not be able to give clients any documents confirming the completion of the training.

If you plan to provide supporting documents, you will have to obtain a license. The document is issued by the local department of education. Graduates of the school will receive state certificates or certificates. The presence of a document will be an additional plus if a person plans to get a certain position.

Experts advise starting work in the form of a non-state educational institution(NOU).

Before opening, you need to prepare a package of documentation. To obtain a license, you will need the following documents:

  • statement;
  • documentation confirming the existence of a training program;
  • title documents for the premises or lease agreement;
  • conclusions of SES and fire inspection;
  • certificate confirming the availability of material and technical equipment.

The license does not expire.

Training program

When developing a business plan for a language school, the business owner must draw up a training program on the basis of which teachers will begin working with students. In 2019, there are several types of programs:

  1. Classic. A universal program present in most schools.
  2. Academic. Suitable for individuals planning to study abroad. Students will be able to learn the intricacies of a foreign language, get acquainted with professional terminology.
  3. Intensive. The number of lessons and the load are much higher.
  4. Sports. Allows you to combine language learning with additional classes. Suitable for children. Requires elementary language skills and physical fitness.
  5. Additional. It involves combining language learning with creativity.

Teachers and other staff

The success of a language school depends on the quality of teaching. Finding good teachers is easiest in the following languages:

  • English
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • German;
  • French.

It is important to build on the target audience. For teaching children and adolescents, it is better to invite teachers who have Teacher Education. They will be able to interest underage students, help to consolidate new knowledge.

When it comes to teaching a business foreign language, it is better to hire teachers from among people who have lived abroad for several years.

If you are going to open a small school that will specialize in one direction, you will need the following staff:

  • two teachers;
  • administrator;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning woman.

Teachers must have a higher profile education and experience in teaching lessons. The advantage is the presence of own developments. The level of language proficiency must be perfect.


It is better to place a language school in the city center or on high traffic streets. An office space is to be rented. Its area must be at least 50 square meters. m.

Repair is usually not required, but it is important to finish the premises as a school. A board, a world map in a foreign language, frames with certificates and licenses, as well as educational posters are to be placed.

It is better to rent a room with a separate entrance. This will allow classes to be held even at late hours when regular office buildings are closed. The room must comply with fire and sanitary standards - in particular, there must be a restroom.

Equipment and inventory

The entrepreneur must purchase training aids and visual materials. For each class you will need to purchase:

  • tables and chairs;
  • board;
  • computer and projector;
  • methodological materials.

One of the rooms needs to be equipped with a cooler, a kettle, a thermopot and a small sofa. Here the students will wait for classes. If you plan to open a large language school where different classes are taught in parallel, you will need a separate room for teachers, where they can prepare for the next group and have a snack. In smaller schools, teachers will be able to use a shared lounge.

You can save money by renting a room where trainings or training sessions were previously held. These rooms already have the necessary equipment. However, the rental of such studios is hourly, so the teachers, alas, will not be able to work comfortably.

marketing plan

  • personal site;
  • interaction with universities, schools and colleges for a percentage;
  • purchase of contextual advertising and promotion in search results;
  • maintaining groups in social networks;
  • exchanging business cards and handing out flyers.

Financial plan: profitability and payback

Most of the money will have to be spent on:

  • registration of a license;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • teachers' salaries;
  • advertising campaign.
On average, it takes 600,000 rubles to launch a small language school.

The price of 1 lesson is 500 - 1500 rubles. If we are talking about individual lessons, the cost increases to 1000 - 2000 rubles. If there are three teachers, you can earn about 15,000 rubles per day. In order for the training to be effective, you need to conduct 3-4 lessons per week.

This means that the amount of monthly profit will be about 300,000 rubles.

Later, you can start providing additional services - for example, translating and writing reports on order, start preparing students for international exams (if there is a license for this). If marketing is successful, in 3-6 months you can reach a profit of 500,000 rubles.

Business outlook and risk factors

Now there is an increase in the share of online education. Russia ranks fifth in the world in terms of growth in this area - and the figure will grow. Experts predict that the growth will be 5-10% per year. The profit will be brought by the development of a platform that allows you to work remotely. You can combine online learning with a classical school or conduct it separately.

When opening a language school from scratch, an entrepreneur faces the following risks:

  1. Seasonality. In summer - a decline in demand for educational services. It will be possible to level the risk by developing a competent marketing strategy, an effective advertising policy.
  2. Increasing the cost of rent. It is better for an entrepreneur to conclude long-term contracts.
  3. Low sales. This, as a rule, is a consequence of passivity in advertising.
  4. Lack of specialists. You can reduce the risk by attracting employees from other schools and making proposals for combining work, interacting with universities that train translators and teachers of a foreign language.
  5. Reputational losses due to complaints about the quality of education. It is important to monitor the work of teachers, to receive feedback from customers and take corrective action.

The success of a language school consists of 2 components: the teaching staff and the curriculum. The advertising campaign is also important. You will have to allocate 50,000-100,000 rubles a month. for business promotion. Teachers also should not stand still. It is necessary to periodically send them to refresher courses, organize trips for them to other countries, where teachers can gain new experience when communicating with native speakers.

  • Where to begin
  • Registration of a foreign language school
  • Language school license
  • Premises and equipment
  • Language school staff
  • Advertising school of foreign languages
  • Costs and profits
  • Business Development Paths

The ability to speak a foreign language is useful for traveling and is considered an asset for getting a good job. That is why people who want to succeed in life and career try to learn foreign languages. And in 2020, a mandatory USE in English is being introduced, which will lead to an increase in demand for tutors. Let's figure out how to make money on it.

Where to begin

Foreign languages ​​are a very competitive niche. Already at the stage of launching a language school, it is important to develop your own USP - a unique selling proposition in order to stand out from competitors. You can focus on:

  • the experience of your teachers (especially if there are native speakers or people with cool certificates among them),
  • a variety of languages ​​(besides "standard" English),
  • work with clients of different ages - from preschoolers to pensioners,
  • pricing policy (for example, you can immediately offer an annual subscription with a free trial period),
  • a variety of tasks that you can solve - in addition to passing the exam, this may be preparation for an interview in English, passing certain tests for emigration, preparation for emigration itself with an emphasis on colloquial, study of phonetics or grammar.

Registration of a foreign language school

The easiest way to register an IP. This will allow you to train and hire teachers, but the company will not have the right to issue special certificates for the completion of courses in English or other languages. Therefore, experts advise to open a NOU (Non-State Educational Institution).

This is a rather laborious process, but it will be easier to “promote” your institution and make money. Pupils will go to study in a specialized institution with great pleasure than to a private businessman. The same applies to teachers. The process of registration with the tax authorities can take up to 1 month. It is most advantageous to choose a simplified taxation system (patent). The main OKVED code is 85.41 Additional education for children and adults

Language school license

A license does not need to be issued only for private tutoring - that is, you can do without it if you teach yourself with the appropriate education. When hiring other teachers, a license is required. You can get the paper you need from the Department of Education of the city. The package of documents includes:

  • an application for a license;
  • notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • notarized copies of permits for the premises from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Authority;
  • a curriculum and a certificate confirming the availability of the necessary methodological and special literature;
  • personnel information;
  • certificate of payment of state duty;
  • description of all attached documents.

Check with the local authority for the exact list of documents. Please note that it may change.

One of the popular money making ideas for girls online at home is considered teaching English or another foreign language online, via Skype. This option is suitable if you do not have the opportunity or desire to open your own school, but there is a desire to earn money, education and at least some experience.

Premises and equipment

Experts recommend renting or buying premises near educational institutions, shopping centers and other high traffic areas. It does not have to be a whole building - a few offices will be enough for you. An interesting and at the same time budget option is to negotiate a sublease with an existing educational institution - a school, a lyceum, a technical school, an institute.

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It is much more profitable to do this in the central areas of the city, since it is unlikely that you will be able to attract many customers in residential areas. Analyze competitors. If a similar establishment is already open nearby, find another place to set up your business.

The next step to open the school will be renovation, purchase of equipment and furniture. These are the biggest expenses. The educational institution should be modern, with new furniture and equipment. First of all, take care to buy good tables, chairs, cabinets and boards.

At school, one cannot do without educational and methodological literature in accordance with the chosen training programs. You will also need several computers and the Internet. As for design, it all depends on your taste and financial capabilities.

Hang themed paintings and posters on the walls, put funny figurines-symbols with eiffel tower or Big Ben. People need to feel comfortable so that they want to come again and again.

Language school staff

To open a successful foreign language school from scratch, you need to find highly qualified teachers. You need to be prepared for the fact that experienced employees can only be lured to a new job by a high salary.

If you want to teach Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Italian or German in addition to English, you will have to spend even more time looking for teachers. The age of your students also plays a big role. For adult clients, it is best to find a foreign teacher who can teach the nuances business speech. teachers ordinary schools may well teach children, including preschoolers.

Your educational institution should have only experienced, competent and qualified teachers with an impeccable reputation, as the success of the school depends on this. Of the staff, you will also need a cleaning lady and a visiting accountant.

Advertising school of foreign languages

Use all known methods for promotion, for which there are enough financial resources:

  • go to schools, institutes and other educational institutions, offer your services. Try to negotiate with the directors so that you are allowed to attend parent-teacher meetings;
  • let's go on the Internet, on radio and television;
  • create your website on the Internet and groups in social networks, launch contextual and targeted advertising;
  • hand out leaflets on city streets and in educational institutions, put them in boxes in the porches;
  • order advertising on transport, stops, in the subway, in elevators and on billboards;
  • tell your friends and acquaintances about your business;
  • ask all students to leave feedback.
The start-up capital will be used for registration, obtaining a license, renting and repairing premises, purchasing furniture, literature, equipment and advertising.

One-time expenses will be about 200,000 - 700,000 rubles. Every month it is necessary to allocate money for employee salaries, rent, taxes, advertising, consumables, etc. Depending on the number of employees, monthly expenses will amount to 150,000 rubles and more.

The cost of one lesson is from 500 rubles to several thousand. It all depends on whether it is a group lesson or private, what is the level of the teacher, what language he teaches.

Your profit is directly proportional to the number of students. The owners of successful foreign language schools with a full workload and three teachers can earn up to 300,000 rubles per month.

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