Countries of Southeast Asia: a list and features of economic development. Foreign Asian countries

All Asian countries are located mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. Let us consider in more detail which countries are included in Asia as part of the world. All Asia is divided into West, Middle, East, Southeast and South.

West Asian countries

Western Asia includes: Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Kuwait, Cyprus, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Georgia, Bahrain, Armenia, Azerbaijan. In fact, if we do not take into account the African part, then the countries of Western Asia make up the Near, Middle East and Transcaucasia.

Central Asian countries

The countries of Central Asia include Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. All these countries are located in the west of Central Asia.

South Asia

South Asia includes Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Most of these countries are located within the Indian subcontinent. The allocation of these countries to a separate region of Asia is due to the common culture, history and religion of these countries.

East Asia: countries

To East Asia traditionally include the following states: Japan, Russia (mainly the territory Far East), Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, China.

Southeast Asia: countries

The Southeast Asia region includes the Philippines, East Timor, Thailand, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Brunei. All these countries are located on the territory between China, Australia and India.

Many do not know which countries in Asia are self-proclaimed. These include unrecognized states: Waziristan, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the State of Shan. Six countries are part of the partially recognized states: South Ossetia, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Palestine, the Republic of China, Azad Kashmir and Abkhazia. Also in Asia there are a number of dependent territories: Macao, Hong Kong, Cocos Islands, Christmas Island.

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Foreign Asia: countries and capitals. list

There are dozens of countries in Asia with different political structures and living standards, with incredible and diverse cultures.

Russia is also partly owned by Asian countries. What countries does the rest of the world include? The countries and capitals of this part of the world will be listed in the article.

What is the name of overseas Asia?

Foreigners are called that the territory is part of the world that does not belong to Russia, that is, all Asian countries except Russia. In the geographical literature, overseas Asia is divided into four main regions.

Thus, they distinguish the central, eastern, southern and western (western). Northern Asia is the territory of Russia and, of course, does not include foreign Asia. The countries and capitals of this part of the world are completely different, unique and unique.

Foreign Asia: countries and capitals

The table below shows an alphabetical list of countries abroad with capital city names.

country Asia region equity Official language
Abkhazia west Sukhumi Abkhaz, Russian
Azerbaijan west Baku Azerbaijani
Armenia west Yerevan Armenian
Afghanistan west Kabul Dari, Pashto
Bangladesh south Dhaka Bengal
Bahrain front Manama Arab
Brunei south Bandar Seri Begawan Malay
Butane south Thimphu dzongkhe
Vietnam south Hanoi Vietnamese
Georgia front Tbilisi Georgian
Israel front Tel Aviv Hebrew, Arabic
India south Delhi Hindi, English
Indonesia south Jakarta Indonesian
Jordan front Amman Arab
Iraq front Baghdad Arabic, Kurdish
Iran front Tehran Farsi
Yemen front Sana'a Arab
Kazakhstan central Astana Kazakh, Russian
Cambodia south Phnom Penh Khmer
Qatar front Doha Arab
Cyprus front Nicosia Greek, Turkish
Kyrgyzstan central Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, Russian
China East Beijing Chinese
Kuwait front Al Kuwait Arab
Laos south Vientiane Laotian
Lebanon front Beirut Arab
Malaysia south Kuala Lumpur Malaysian
Maldives south people Maldivian
Mongolia East Ulaanbaatar Mongolian
Myanmar south Yangon Burmese
Nepal south Kathmandu Nepali
United Arab Emirates front Abu Dhabi Arab
Oman front nutmeg Arab
Pakistan south Islamabad urdu
Saudi Arabia front Riyadh Arab
North Korea East Pyongyang Korean
Singapore South Asia Singapore Malay, Tamil, Chinese, English
Syria front Damascus Arab
Tajikistan central Dushanbe Tajikistan
Thailand South Asia Bangkok Thai
Turkmenistan central Ashgabat Turkmenistan
turkey front Ankara Turkish
uzbekistan central Tashkent Uzbekscina
Philippines South Asia Manila Tagalog
Sri Lanka South Asia Colombo Sinhalese, Tamil
South Korea East seoul Korean
South Ossetia front Tskhinvali Ossetian, Russian
Japan East Tokyo Japanese

Developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals

Among the most developed countries in the world is Singapore (capital Singapore).

This small island nation high level life of the population, which is mainly engaged in the production of electronics for export.
Japan (the capital of Tokyo), which is also engaged in the creation of electronic equipment, is one of the ten most successful countries in the world. Almost all countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are developing rapidly. For example, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan are among the five fastest growing (in terms of GDP growth) world economies.

Not everything is ahead of us...

The least developed countries of foreign Asia and their capitals are Bangladesh (the capital is Dhaka), Bhutan (the capital is Thimphu), Nepal (the capital is Kathmandu).

These and some other countries cannot boast of a high standard of living or special industrial achievements. But foreign Asia (countries and capitals listed in the table above) plays an important role in the global economy.

The largest financial centers are located on the very big planet in the world: Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore.



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Peninsula Asia Minor

Rumelihisari fortress on the European shore of the Bosphorus (Turkey)

The action of the famous ancient Greek poem "Iliad" takes place in Asia Minor.

And, so, it means that the Trojans who fought with the Greeks were Turks, you say! And you will be mistaken, then the Greeks also lived here. The Turks appeared on this territory 2 thousand years after the events described by Homer.

Most of the peninsula of Asia Minor is occupied by the semi-desert Asia Minor and Armenian highlands, bordered by the outlying mountains: Pontus (in the north) and Taurus (in the south).

Narrow lowlands with sparse forests stretch along the coast.

Turkey- one of the few countries located in two parts of the world at once.

A small part of its territory is located in Europe (3%), and a large part (97%) - in Asia. Turkey lies at the crossroads of important trade routes that have connected Europe with Asia since ancient times.

The European and Asian parts of Turkey are separated from each other by the Sea of ​​Marmara, as well as the Bosporus and Dardanelles. In the southern part of the Bosphorus is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the most Big city Turkey - Istanbul (former Constantinople).

Countries of the world

In ancient times, Asia Minor was called Anatolia. Its territory was part of various ancient and medieval states (the Hittite and Lydian kingdoms, Media, the power of Alexander the Great, the Pontic kingdom, Pergamum, Ancient Rome, Byzantium, etc.). In the XI century. most of Byzantium was captured by the Turks, who created their own state in the west of Asia Minor, and in the XIV-XV centuries. The Turks finally destroyed Byzantium, creating the Ottoman Empire on its ruins.

During its heyday, mid-seventeenth century, it extended over a vast territory and included, in addition to Asia Minor, all of North Africa, a significant part of Persia and Arabia, Transcaucasia, Crimea and southern Ukraine, the Balkan Peninsula and Hungary.

The Turks reached Austria and almost captured Vienna.

The country of Turkey appeared on the world map only after the First World War. In 1923, the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed, and Mustafa Kemal, who later took the name Atatürk (father of the Turks), became its first president.

The name of Anatolia, which in Greek means " eastern country”, remained behind the Asian part of Turkey.

And the city of Antalya, where people from different countries come to rest, it used to be called Attalia, in honor of its founder, King Pergamum Attalus II.

Countries of the world

Asian countries

List of Asian countries:

АбхазияАзербайджанАрменияАфганистанБангладешБахрейнБрунейБутанВосточный ТиморВьетнамГосударство ПалестинаГрузияИзраильИндияИндонезияИорданияИракИранЙеменКазахстанКамбоджаКатарКипрКиргизияКитайКНДРКувейтЛаосЛиванМалайзияМальдивские ОстроваМонголияМьянмаНепалОАЭОманПакистанРеспублика КореяСаудовская АравияСингапурСирияТаджикистанТаиландТуркменияТурцияУзбекистанФилиппиныШри-ЛанкаЮжная ОсетияЯпония

States of Asia, total items: 50.

more about Asian countries

Asian states

Above is a list of Asian countries, in which there are almost fifty names.

Asian countries, alphabetical list

In recent decades, there have been almost no changes, but, of course, they were not without them. For example, North and South Yemen, located on Arabian Peninsula, united within united state Yemen. Perhaps someday the Northern and South Korea, but so far there is no talk of that at a serious level. The Israeli state is quite young, and it is in every possible way preventing the creation of a Palestinian state nearby. Abkhazia and South Ossetia separated from Georgia.

Which countries are considered Asian

By the way, there is still a big question, which country should be attributed to which continent.

Formally, everything is clear: if a country is geographically located in Asia, then it is Asian. But there are cultural ties, historical influences and other aspects that make it possible to perceive this or that country as belonging to a group of other countries. For example, Armenia and Georgia are Christian countries, more often they are positioned as European, since they are located near the border of the continents. Or Cyprus, inhabited mainly by immigrants from Greece, for a long time belonged to the British.

And what can be said about Turkey, which is actually located in both Europe and Asia at the same time? For directories, the issue was resolved in favor of Asia. But Russia, also located in Europe and Asia, is firmly assigned to the European continent due to all the same historical parallels, cultural ties, development dynamics and other attributes.

National symbols

You can look at the flags of Asian countries and the coats of arms of Asian countries, presented all at once as images on separate pages.

Home / Regions / Asia / Asian countries

Asian countries. Asian states

Asia is the world's largest continent, comprising several dozen countries and dependent territories, and occupying the eastern part of the single Eurasian continent.

Which countries are in Asia?

Surrounded by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the south, Asia is separated from Africa by the Suez Canal. In addition to the land border on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey, passing along Caucasus mountains, the Caspian Sea, and Ural mountains, Asia is also separated from Europe by the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Some countries are geographically located in both Asia and Europe (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey).

All Asian countries and dependent territories are listed below, with the exception of those located in the geopolitical region of the Middle East, which is also part of Asia.

The largest country in Asia in terms of area is Russia, which occupies approximately 30% of the entire territory of the continent.

The smallest independent country in Asia by area is the Maldives, which is a group of islands famous for their beach resorts.

The most visited countries in Asia are China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Turkey.

Asian countries

Asian population


(thousand people)

1 China 1 355 692,6
2 India 1 236 344,6
3 Indonesia 253 609,6
4 Pakistan 196 174,4
5 Bangladesh 166 280,7
6 Japan 127 103,4
7 Philippines 107 668,2
8 Vietnam 93 421,8
9 Turkey 81 619,4
10 Iran 80 840,7
11 Thailand 67 741,4
12 Myanmar 55 746,3
13 Korea South 49 040,0
14 Iraq 32 585,7
15 Afghanistan 31 822,8
16 Nepal 30 987,0
17 Malaysia 30 073,4
18 Uzbekistan 28 929,7
19 Saudi Arabia 27 346,0
20 Yemen 26 053,0
21 Korea North 24 851,6
22 Taiwan 23 359,9
23 Sri Lanka 21 866,4
24 Syria 17 951,6
25 Kazakhstan 17 948,8

South Asia is a region located on the southern peninsula of Hindustan, with several small coral and volcanic islands in the Indian Ocean, the Indo-Gangetic Valley, the Himalayas. This is a remarkable part of the planet that attracts tourists and exists according to its own customs and rules.

South Asia includes seven countries:

  1. Bangladesh;
  2. Nepal;
  3. Butane;
  4. India;
  5. Sri Lanka;
  6. Pakistan;
  7. Maldives.

The area of ​​the southern region is 4% of the entire earth, but the density is quite high and is determined by about 20% of the total population of the planet.

In the southern part, the region is surrounded by seas and bays. indian ocean. Of all the states, only two countries, Bhutan and Nepal, are not provided with access to the sea.
The population fluctuates around 1.2 billion people.


A relatively poor state with a rapidly increasing population. Located on an area of ​​about 144,000 km2, the number is 142 million.
Most of the country is flat lowland. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers form one channel a little west of the capital Dhaka and flow into the Bay of Bengal. The state is almost regularly exposed to floods, which cause the loss of many lives.
About 20% of the total population of the country lives in the cities of Bangladesh. Since it is problematic to find work here, people live by farming (tea, sugar cane, jute) and fishing.

State of Bangladesh

Capital of Bangladesh– Dhaka with a population of 6.97 million. It is located on the Buriganga (Ganges) river. Seems major port and concentration of aquatourism.

Capital Dhaka

The main share of industrial enterprises is located in the capital and suburbs:

  • production of jute fiber,
  • lightweight and cotton.

Almost 90% of the population are Muslims.


The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is located between two neighbors: from the north it borders Tibet, from the south, west and east - India.

The highest mountain state is located on an area of ​​140,800 km2. The population of Nepal is almost 30.4 million people, they profess Hinduism.

Countryside Nepal

In Nepal, three high-altitude zones can be noted: the flat territory - 17% of the total area, the mountainous part - 64% of the area and the high mountain Himalayan ranges.

A large number of rivers: Karnali, Arun through the slopes of the Himalayas flow south and fall into the Ganges.

The capital of the country is Kathmandu.. It is home to about 1 million people.

In the city there are various craft workshops and small enterprises: textile, leather, pottery.


The Kingdom of Bhutan is located on the slopes of the Eastern Himalayas. On the one hand, it borders on China, on the other, its neighbor is India. Its territory is 47,000 km2. The population practicing Buddhism is 770 thousand people.

Cities of Bhutan

The capital is Thimphu is the largest city in the state. It is home to 40 thousand people.
For the rest of the world, Bhutan remained a closed state for a long time, and only in 1974 the veil was slightly opened. For 80% of the inhabitants, the rural and forest industries are the main source of livelihood. The industry is undeveloped, there are a number of woodworking enterprises and the food industry.

Bhutan surprises with its contrasts. On the plain, near India, bananas grow, and on a hill, in the central part of the state, oaks grow. From the north, Bhutan is surrounded by the Himalayan mountains.


Republic of India It is the seventh largest state in the world and the second largest in terms of population. The country is located on the Hindustan Peninsula, the Himalayan mountains and the Indo-Gangetic plain. The most significant height is Kanchenjunga (5898 meters). The number is 1.3 billion. India borders Pakistan in the west, Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east, and China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the northeast. Almost 80% of the inhabitants practice Hinduism.

Holy city of India

major rivers, flowing from the Himalayan mountains and flowing into the Bay of Bengal are the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. Several rivers: Krishna, Mahanadi, Godavari serve as the main source of irrigation. India has no large lakes.

Capital of India - New Delhi. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the seismic zone and occupies almost the entire area of ​​the Indo-Gangetic plain.

City in India New Delhi

New Delhi is the official capital of the state and one of the districts of the city of Delhi. The buildings of the government of India and various historical sights are located here.
Since 1997, Delhi has been territorially divided into 9 districts, and each of them is divided into 3 districts.

New Delhi has a population of around 295,000 while the city of Delhi is home to over 13 million people. This is one of the most economically developed regions.

The economy of the capital consists of industries: tourism, telecommunications, information technologies. Industry includes the manufacture of products for mass consumption. In Delhi, in comparison with other cities in India, transport and infrastructure are best developed. In this regard, international corporations and automobile production are developing in the suburbs of the capital.
Energy, healthcare and various services for the population make up a significant share in the economy.

Sri Lanka

Democratic socialist republic. It is located on the island of the same name off the coast of Hindustan. The area of ​​the country is small - approximately 65,000 km2. Along and across the island, small rivers cross: Nai-Aru, Kalu.

The majority of the population professes Buddhism - 69%, while adherents of Hinduism make up 15%. The total population is 21.7 million people.

Tea plantations in rural Sri Lanka

The country got its name from the Sanskrit "Shri" - glorious and "Lanka" - land. Familiar to the whole world under another one - Ceylon. The state is proud of its huge tea plantations and rice fields.

The capital of Sri Lanka in 1982 was transferred from Colombo to the nearby suburb of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte. It houses the State Parliament and the Supreme Court. The process of transferring the capital to the end is not yet completed. The population of Kotte is 150,000 inhabitants. In fact, the capital continues to be Colombo - the largest city in the country (there are almost 600 thousand people). Colombo has a deep-water harbor, and the city center is located near the port. The port of Colombo is the largest in South Asia. Several industries are developed here: chemical, glass, woodworking, textile and oil refining.


The country arose as a result of the division of British India in 1947 and is officially called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It borders with countries: Iran, India, China, Afghanistan.

City and slums of Pakistan

In the south is the outlet to the Arabian Sea. There is a relatively high population density. In terms of the number of residents, it ranks sixth in the world - almost 194 million people with an available territory of 803,940 km2. The majority of the population professes Islam - more than 97%. Most of the region is the Indus Plain and the mountains located from the north and west, belonging to the Iranian plateau.

The capital of the country is Islamabad. It was founded in 1967. The population is 1150000 people. In the west of the capital, the Indus River flows, the Himalayas stretch east of the city.
Since Islamabad was originally built as a capital, there is practically no industry in the city.

City of Islamabad

The exception is:

  • light, food industry, handicrafts.
  • The financial sector and telecommunications industries are developing.


The state is located on several small islands in the Indian Ocean. Closest countries: India, Sri Lanka. The Republic of Maldives includes 1196 islands, the length from east to west is 130 km, from south to north - 823 km. Islands of volcanic origin, form a paired necklace of 26 large coral patches (atolls). From total Only 202 islands are inhabited. The longest island is eight kilometers long. Due to the gradual melting of glaciers, the Maldives is threatened with flooding.

City in the Maldives

The population living on the archipelago is 400,000 people. The population professes Islam.

Capital Male located on the neighboring islands of Villingili and Male. The territory is 5.8 km2, the number of inhabitants is about 105 thousand people.
The absence of industry determined the occupation of the population: fishing, resort business.

The article tells about the countries that are part of the region. Indicates the reasons that contributed to the rapid economic growth of some states. Explains the specific features of the development of the region as a whole.

Region countries

Foreign Asia is a territory that does not belong to the Russian Federation.

In scientific and political literature, the region is divided into four large sections.
Among them are:

  • central,
  • Eastern
  • South
  • Front (Western).

The countries and capitals of foreign Asia are fundamentally different from each other. States are unique and inimitable in their own way, they have their own characteristics, which were formed under the influence of many factors.

List of foreign Asian countries and their capitals:

  • Azerbaijan, Baku.
  • Armenia - Yerevan.
  • Afghanistan - Kabul.
  • Bangladesh - Dhaka.
  • Bahrain - Manama.
  • Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan.
  • Bhutan - Thimphu.
  • East Timor - Dili.
  • Vietnam - Hanoi.
  • Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
  • Georgia, Tbilisi.
  • Israel - Tel Aviv.
  • India - Delhi.
  • Indonesia - Jakarta.
  • Jordan - Amman.
  • Iraq - Baghdad.
  • Iran - Tehran.
  • Yemen - Sana'a.
  • Kazakhstan, Astana.
  • Cambodia - Phnom Penh.
  • Qatar - Doha.
  • Cyprus - Nicosia.
  • Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek.
  • China - Beijing.
  • North Korea - Pyongyang.
  • Kuwait - El Kuwait.
  • Laos - Vientiane.
  • Lebanon - Beirut.
  • Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur.
  • Maldives - Male.
  • Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar.
  • Myanmar - Yangon.
  • Nepal - Kathmandu.
  • United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi.
  • Oman - Muscat.
  • Pakistan - Islamabad.
  • Saudi Arabia - Riyadh.
  • Singapore - Singapore.
  • Syria - Damascus.
  • Tajikistan - Dushanbe.
  • Thailand - Bangkok.
  • Turkmenistan - Ashgabat.
  • Turkey - Ankara.
  • Uzbekistan - Tashkent.
  • Philippines - Manila.
  • Sri Lanka - Colombo.
  • South Korea - Seoul.
  • Japan Tokyo.

Rice. 1. Region on the map.

The bulk of the states of this region belong to the category of developing countries. The difference between foreign Asia and other regions lies in the fact that the level of socio-economic development of the states of the subregion is quite different.

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In some states, such as Japan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for example, the GDP indicator is one of the highest, while in others it is noticeably lower.

Also, countries belonging to foreign Asia have in their list such states that can be attributed to different levels of development. socio-economic groups:

  • the most economically developed countries (Japan);
  • countries of resettlement capitalism (Israel);
  • key countries in the developing world (India);
  • newly industrialized countries (Taiwan);
  • countries with economies in transition (China);
  • countries focused on the export of oil and oil products (UAE);
  • the least developed countries of the world (Afghanistan, Yemen, Nepal).

Singapore is among the highly developed countries. This is a small island state with a high standard of living of the population. The main source of his income is the production of all kinds of electronics for export.

Rice. 2. Singapore.

However, the leading position in terms of economic development among the countries of the region is fairly firmly held by Japan.

Other signs of difference between the countries of Foreign Asia

In addition to differences in the social and economic sector, the states of foreign Asia also differ in the specifics of the EGP.
This has the following expression:

  • neighboring countries;
  • coastal countries;
  • a number of countries with a deep position.

The first two specific features have a positive effect on the economic sphere. The latter feature complicates the economic interrelations of external orientation.

The formation of new industrial powers in the region is an important and extraordinary phenomenon. These states received a common name for them - "Asian tigers". Now there are countries of the first and second waves. The former include: Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, while the latter include Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.

There is also a degree of difference between the countries of the region solely by geographical location.
Here are the following features:

  • coastal states;
  • island states;
  • states of the inland type;
  • peninsular states;
  • archipelago states.

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 80.

The article contains information about the region. The material tells about the countries that are part of the region. Available short description each state.

General information about the countries of South Asia

The region consists of seven states geographically located on the mainland of Eurasia.

The area of ​​the region is equal to 4% of the entire earth, but the population density level is only 20% of the world's population. At the southern tip, the territory is surrounded by the seas and bays of the Indian Ocean. Of all the powers in the region, only two are landlocked - Bhutan and Nepal.

Rice. 1. Region on the map.

The countries are dispersed in the direction of the southern borders of the Himalayas. The population in the region exceeds the value of one billion people.

All the powers of South Asia are characterized by historical similarities on the path of development.

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The list of South Asian countries is as follows:

  • Nepal;
  • Butane;
  • India;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Pakistan;

Countries and capitals of South Asia

poor state with a growing population. The main territory of the country lies on a flat lowland. The state regularly suffers from floods. Approximately two tens of percent of the total population of the country lives in the cities of Bangladesh.

Rice. 2. Bangladesh.

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is located on the Ganges River. The city belongs to the category of ports.

Nepal - mountain power of the region. About 1 million people live in the capital of the country - Kathmandu.

Kingdom of Bhutan. The capital of the kingdom - Thimphu - the largest locality in the kingdom.

India - oldest public education peace. For almost two hundred years it was a colony of England. The capital of the state is the city of New Delhi.

India is the seventh largest state in the world. It ranks second in terms of population.

Republic of Sri Lanka located on the island of the same name. The state got its name from a combination of the words "Shri" - glorious and "Lanka" - land. The capital of the state in 1982 was moved from Colombo to the suburb of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Pakistan It was formed during the partition of British India in 1947. The capital city of the country is Islamabad. There is no industry in the city, because The city was originally built as a capital.

Rice. 3. Maldives.

An island-type state arose on islands of volcanic origin. The islands form a paired necklace of 26 atolls. The capital Male is located on the neighboring islands of Villingili and Male. Due to the regular melting of glaciers, the state is at risk, because. it is in danger of flooding.

What have we learned?

We found out where the region is territorially localized. Got brief information on the composition of the population of the states of South Asia. We learned about the dangers that threaten the Maldives.

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April 17, 2016

Asia is the most populous part of the world. On its territory there are some of the most developed cities in the world - these are, of course, the capitals of Asia. At the same time, there are extremely poor regions here. This is the side of contrasts, where luxury and poverty coexist, huge cities and small villages, ancient historical monuments and modern megacities, highest mountains and deepest depressions.

Asia is a unique part of the world

Asia is recognized as the largest part of the world. Its territory is so large that it occupies from north to south climatic zones from the Arctic to the equatorial, from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, from east to west - from Pacific Ocean to the seas of the Atlantic, that is, Asia touches all the oceans of the Earth. From the point of view of geography, Asia is also interesting in that about two-thirds of its territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus. The uniqueness of this part of the world also lies in the extraordinary diversity of its fauna: polar bears and pandas, seals and elephants, Ussuri tigers and Borneos, snow leopards and Gobi cats, loons and peacocks. The geography of Asia is unique, as are the peoples living on its territory. The countries and capitals of Asia are multinational and multicultural.

Asia: countries

The list of Asian countries varies depending on the criteria by which the classification is carried out. Thus, Georgia and Azerbaijan belong either to Europe or to Asia, which is connected with different options borders between two parts of Eurasia. Russia is and European country, and Asian, since the bulk of the population lives in the European part, and most of the territory is located in the Asian part. The debatable countries of Asia and their capitals, the list of which is given in the table, are located on the border of the two cardinal points.

In Asia, there are countries that are partially recognized ( North Ossetia, the Republic of China, Palestine, Abkhazia and others) or unrecognized (the State of Shan, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Waziristan), there are territories dependent on other states (Cocos Islands, Christmas Island, Hong Kong, Macau and others).

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Asian countries and their capitals: list

There are 57 states on the territory of Asia, of which 3 are not recognized, 6 are partially recognized. A generalized list of countries with different status is given in the table below, where the capitals are listed in alphabetical order.

Capitals and countries of Asia
Foundation dateAsian countries
Abu Dhabi18th century ADUnited Arab Emirates
Amman13th c. BC.Jordan
Ankara5th c. BC.Turkey
Astana19th century ADKazakhstan
Ashgabat19th century ADTurkmenistan
Baghdad8th c. ADIraq
Baku5th-6th century ADAzerbaijan
Bangkok14th c. ADThailand
Bandar Seri Begawan7th c. ADBrunei
Beirut15th c. BC.Lebanon
Bishkek18th century ADKyrgyzstan
Van19th century ADWaziristan (unrecognized)
Vientiane9th c. ADLaos
Dhaka7th c. ADBangladesh
Damascus15th c. BC.Syria
Jakarta4th c. ADIndonesia
Dili18th century ADEast Timor
Doha19th century ADQatar
Dushanbe17th century ADTajikistan
Yerevan7th c. BC.Armenia
Jerusalem4 thousand BCIsrael
Islamabad20th century ADPakistan
Kabul1 in. BC.Afghanistan
Kathmandu1 in. ADNepal
Kuala Lumpur18th century ADMalaysia
Lefkosha11th c. BC.Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (partially recognized)
Male12th century ADMaldives
Manama14th c. ADBahrain
Manila14th c. ADPhilippines
Muscat1 in. ADOman
Moscow12th c. ADRussian Federation
Muzaffarabad17th century ADAzad Kashmir (partially recognized)
Naypyidaw21st century ADMyanmar
Nicosia4 thousand BCCyprus
New Delhi3 in. BC.India
Beijing4th c. BC.People's Republic of China
Phnom Penh14th c. ADCambodia
Pyongyang1 in. ADDemocratic People's Republic of Korea
Ramallah16th century ADPalestine (partially recognized)
Sana'a2 in. ADYemen
seoul1 in. BC.Korea
Singapore19th century ADSingapore
Stepanakert5th c. ADNagorno-Karabakh Republic (unrecognized)
Sukhum7th c. BC.Abkhazia (partially recognized)
Taipei18th century ADRepublic of China (partially recognized)
Taunjdi18th century ADShang (unrecognized)
Tashkent2 in. BC.Uzbekistan
Tbilisi5th c. ADGeorgia
Tehran12th c. ADIran
Tokyo12th century ADJapan
Thimphu13th c. ADButane
Ulaanbaatar17th century ADMongolia
Hanoi10th c. ADVietnam
Tskhinvali14th century ADSouth Ossetia (partially recognized)
Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte13th c. ADSri Lanka
El Kuwait18th century ADKuwait
Riyadh4th-5th century ADSaudi Arabia

Ancient cities of Asia

Asia is the side of the world where ancient civilizations actively developed. And the territory of Southeast Asia, presumably, is the ancestral home ancient man. Ancient documents testify to the prosperity of some cities as early as several millennia BC. So, the city on the Jordan River was founded approximately in the 8th millennium BC, and it was never empty.
The city of Byblos on the Lebanese coast of the Mediterranean Sea dates back to the 4th millennium BC. Asia is not called mysterious for nothing: many Asian capitals keep ancient history and exclusive culture.

Major cities and capitals

Asia is not only exceptional ancient civilizations. These are the leading modern industrial centers.
The most developed and largest cities and capitals of Asia, the list of which is given below, are important points in the global financial industry. These are Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Moscow, Tokyo, Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangkok, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul, Riyadh and some others. All these Largest cities Asia are cities with a population of many millions.