Instructions on how to prepare for admission to US colleges. English language courses in the usa What are the best english courses in america

Learning English in the US is as popular as in England, because in the states this language is also the state language. English in the USA is the language of youth, modern advanced computer technology, the language of the Internet. Therefore, a large number of young people are looking for ways to go to college in the United States in order to gain quality knowledge, broaden their horizons and make new acquaintances with young people from America and other countries of the world.

Applicants entering the United States for higher education should understand that there are over 3,500 universities and colleges in this country. In the American education system, there is no particular difference between the concepts of “university” and “college”, since these words mean the same thing - a higher educational institution. And there, and there you can get higher education: bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees.

These concepts differ only in that the university consists of several colleges, it is larger in size and with a large number of students. So, for example, engineering, business, medical colleges, etc. are part of Harvard University. Therefore, before entering any university in the USA, ask which colleges are included in it.

There are two types of colleges in America:

  • with training for two years (junior or community college);
  • with four years of study.

The two-year college is mostly home-based students with some of the expenses covered by the local government, so junior college is relatively cheap for local students. For visitors from other cities or countries, studying is a little more expensive, but also acceptable. To enter such a university, you only need to pass the TOEFL.

After graduating from such an educational institution, the graduate becomes the owner of a diploma of secondary specialized education (associate degree), and gets the opportunity to work, for example, as a secretary, mechanic, kindergarten teacher, orderly or nurse.

As a rule, after graduating from community college, students immediately enter the third year of a four-year college, after which they receive a bachelor's degree. At the same time, all his grades and credits earned during his studies at a two-year college also count. It turns out that junior college is a preparatory stage for more serious training.

The American education system also distinguishes between "small" and "medium" colleges. If the university has no more than 1,500 students, then it is classified as a small college, and if the university has from 1,500 to 5,000 students, then it is classified as a medium university. For example, there are only 880 students in private Pitzer College, approximately 1,300 people study at Reed College - these are small colleges. About 2,200 students study at Wittenberg University, and more than 4,000 at Shepherd College, so these universities are classified as medium.

It is in small and medium-sized universities that, most often, there are funding programs for foreign applicants!!!

It is interesting that in the most tolerant country in the world there are specialized educational institutions organized according to religious and gender principles. For example, the University of Dallas and the University of Notre Dame are Catholic-only universities, while Wabash College and Deep Springs College are male-only.

The learning process at every US university is based on a credit system, that is, each subject from the study program "costs" a certain number of credits. Having mastered this subject and having successfully passed the test or exam, the student receives these credits. The student's task is to earn approximately sixty credits in two years of study in order to transfer to the third year of university.

At the same time, all subjects are divided into profile and general education, the latter, in turn, can be both compulsory and free for visiting and passing. The assessment of study results is built in such a way that it reflects the activity of the student throughout the semester, that is, you won’t be able to idle the whole semester, but start studying urgently for the exam.

The final grade consists of several indicators: 10% is homework, 40% is the final exam, and 50% is the sum of the results of intermediate tests and control works.

Evaluation takes place on a four-point scale:

  • A (4 points, 90-100%, excellent)
  • B (3 points, 80-90%, good)
  • C (2 points, 70-80%, satisfactory)
  • D (1 point, 60-70%, unsatisfactory).

On the same scale, the average score of the diploma is calculated.

In an educational institution there can be both daytime and evening forms of education. The full-time department is taught in semesters: the 1st semester begins at the end of August and lasts until the end of December, and the 2nd semester lasts from January to May. In the evening department, the academic year is divided into trimesters, and without a break. For example, having finished the autumn term on November 19, on November 20, students immediately switch to the winter term.

How much does it cost to study at an American college?

The cost of acquiring higher education in US colleges is quite high. It is difficult to name a specific amount, since the price largely depends on the type of university, its prestige, location, chosen specialty, etc. The most expensive areas are medical and technical specialties.

Here is the approximate cost of studying in American educational institutions:

  1. The cheapest universities are two-year colleges, where you will have to pay from $ 7,000 / year for your studies.
  2. Public four-year colleges have a minimum tuition fee of $10,000/year.
  3. Studying at private US universities will cost even more - $ 15,000 / year (University of Berkeley) or $ 30,000 / year (Stanford or Harvard).

At the same time, the indicated amount does not include expenses for accommodation, meals, payment for educational materials, visiting the gym, etc.

  • accommodation (in a hostel) and meals - about $ 11,000;
  • textbooks — $1,300;
  • insurance — $1,500;
  • other expenses — $2,500.

Together with all other expenses, the minimum fee for a year of US college education will be from $22,000.

For example, Ukrainian student Georgy Solodko was able to enter 10 American universities for free education at once and is now studying in the same course with Obama's daughter at Harvard.

So, an applicant from Russia who wants to become a student of an American university can count on grants provided by the US or Russian government, receive a scholarship for study, etc. However, keep in mind that serious requirements are put forward for foreigners entering American educational institutions .

First of all, to study at American colleges and universities, you need to speak English at a good level. Required:

  • fluent communication skills on a variety of topics;
  • ability to read and write in English;
  • ability to perceive fluent English speech by ear.

Therefore, if at least one of these requirements is lame for you, we advise you to take vacation courses, during which you will have the opportunity to raise your knowledge to the desired level. And you can confirm your knowledge by successfully passing the entrance exams.

To enter a college in the United States of America, you must pass:

  1. TOEFL/IELTS is a language proficiency test. The delivery of these tests is carried out approximately 2-3 times a year in special certified centers. To enter college, you need to pass the exam for 74+ / 5.5-6.0 or enroll in a preparatory course at an educational institution, where you need to study for one year.
  2. SAT I / GRE General (for bachelor / master) - a standard exam for general knowledge.
  3. SAT II / GRE Subject (for bachelor / master) - an exam for subject knowledge and skills, compiled for each specialty separately.
  4. ACT - testing to determine the level of preparation of applicants in the subjects included in the course of study.

If you are sure that you meet these requirements, then you can safely prepare documents for applying for study at US universities.

Algorithm for becoming an American student

Before applying to one or another American college, study several educational institutions at once. Check what are the requirements for incoming foreigners, how much does it cost to study, do they have a financial aid program for foreign students, and only then proceed to the final choice of a university.

You can apply to several selected colleges at once, but keep in mind that you also need to pay for this (about $ 25).

Having selected one or more educational institutions, you need to start preparing documents. As a rule, the academic year in America begins at the end of August, and you need to start preparing for admission a year and a half in advance.

First of all, make a request that the universities of your choice send information to your e-mail about the educational programs of their college, the conditions for admission, accommodation, its location, achievements and traditions.

As a rule, along with the presentation, the university sends an application form, which must be filled out by all applicants. The questionnaire also contains 1-3 thematic questions to which you need to give a detailed answer in the form of an essay. For example, "My biggest achievement in life" or "Why I want to go to this college." Based on personal data, the selection committee will draw conclusions about the qualities, skills and abilities of your personality.

Already at this stage, register for the TOEFL and SAT tests and start preparing for these tests.

In autumn, in October-November, make a copy of the certificate of secondary education, translate the document into English and certify it with a notary.

Ask the school principal and class teacher, as well as an English teacher or special. subject to write letters of recommendation.

List of documents for admission to a US college:

  1. Questionnaires (Application Forms). Carefully read all the points of the questionnaire and the instructions for filling it out. You also need to answer questions in printed form, including an essay. When filling in the fields of passport data, indicate the same data as in the foreign. passport. Attach all required documents.
  2. Certified copies of the certificate or diploma in Russian. Copies must be certified in the office, as well as with the leaders of your educational institution.
  3. Certified translation of the certificate or diploma into English.
  4. Certified copies of transcripts in English and Russian if you graduated from a college or university in Russia. Transcript of Academic Records is a document that includes a list of courses, indicating the number of hours for each semester and grades for exams, tests, term papers. It is better to translate "an extract from the record book."
  5. The results of the TOEFL, SAT, GRE, etc. exams. If you have not yet passed the test or passed it recently and still do not know the result, then write the date of the examination.
  6. Letters of Recommendation. Each letter must be signed. If the recommendation is written in Russian, then you need to make a translation and officially certify it with a notary.
  7. Introductory essay (Statement of Purpose). Any American university will require the applicant to write this work, which will allow the selection committee to make the final decision about enrolling you in college. Therefore, you need to be as responsible as possible when writing an introductory essay and tell how long ago you chose the specialty that interested you, what are your motives for entering, why you chose this particular program, how acquiring the knowledge gained at the university will help you implement your plans for the future, etc. e. Be sure to tell us about your academic background, interests, personal qualities and achievements.
  8. Confirmation of financial capabilities (Financial Statement). Some US colleges require applicants to provide real proof of financial ability. These can be a bank statement on the state of the account, a letter from your parents' employer with a stamp, a certificate confirming participation in a program that will cover the cost of training. Here you can ask the university for financial assistance.
  9. Fee for reviewing documents (special fee from $10 to $150).

So, all documents are collected, paid for and sent. Do it before the end of the year. Between January and April, try to find out if they reached the addressee. As a rule, in April-May, educational institutions already send their answer. If you received a positive response from several universities at once, then within a few days make your final choice in the direction of one of them, and immediately send notifications to the rest that you are rejecting their proposals.

Tell the selected college that you agree with their proposal and ask for more information. During the summer, you will need to contact the college's international advisor. The advisor will tell you what to do next.

To obtain a visa, the university will send you an I-20 form, which you will need to apply to the US Embassy and undergo a visa consultation and pre-departure briefing at the educational center. If everything goes well, then in August you will sit down at a college desk and become an American student.

Advice! When filling out documents, clearly and accurately fulfill all the requirements, adding everything you need and not adding anything superfluous, since the American admissions committee carefully monitors "discipline". If you need to answer a question within 10 lines, then write exactly that much, because if the volume exceeds the required one, then no one will read the rest.

How to choose language courses in the USA?

Until recently, US language schools were not accessible to the majority of the Russian-speaking population due to the huge prices for flights, visas and the course itself. However, today English language courses in the United States have become much cheaper and more accessible for Russian citizens due to the active development of relations between these countries and the easing of the visa regime. Now all you need is a desire and a few thousand dollars.

English courses in the USA can be taught to both children from 10 years old and adults. Learning a language involves a clear prioritization, based on what results you want to achieve as a result of learning: learn to speak, improve your pronunciation, enter an American college or institute, complete an internship and find a well-paid job in the United States, etc.

Therefore, when choosing a language course, pay attention to such important points:

  • if you really want to learn English, then it is better to study in those cities and language centers where there are as few compatriots as possible;
  • learning a language in the States is an expensive service, so when choosing a course, be guided by the cost of not only the flight, but also the price and duration of the program itself;
  • choose courses in those regions and cities where you will feel most comfortable. Fortunately, there are language centers in almost every state;
  • studying in the USA allows you to choose training programs of various thematic focus, so choose a specific topic so that the material is learned more effectively.

However, there are serious requirements for foreigners. First of all, you need to speak English at a good level. Therefore, it is worth tightening up your speech skills if they are not good enough.

Therefore, if at least one of these requirements is lame for you, I advise you to take vacation courses, during which you will have the opportunity to raise your knowledge to the desired level. And you can confirm your knowledge by successfully passing the entrance exams.

For example, the language schools Home Language International and Rennert offer training programs for children from 5 years old to prepare for school. The opportunity to stay in the family is provided not only for the child, but also for the accompanying person. After successfully passing the test, training certificates are issued, which are valid in all English-speaking educational institutions around the world.

And schools such as Bell Language School, Language Studies International, Education First and other educational institutions offer students and adult students to take standard, professional, business, intensive and examination English courses. Postgraduate students and specialists are trained in special programs, for example, "Language + Management". Thus, there is an opportunity to gain additional professional skills.

How is English taught in courses in the USA?

To make English learning as effective and productive as possible, before the start of the educational program, students undergo written and oral testing, which determines the initial level of language proficiency. According to the results of this testing, students are divided into appropriate groups. The number of students in the class, the duration and number of classes are provided by the characteristics of the course you choose.

For children, parents most often choose summer vacation programs, while adults themselves can be trained in any season. All language courses according to the purpose of their passage can be divided into the following areas:

  • Preparation for testing GMAT, TOEFL
  • 12 steps to improve language proficiency

Each of these programs can be taught with varying degrees of intensity - from 20 to 30 lessons per week. In the US, intensive courses are more popular - 25 lessons per week. Classes begin on Monday, every day there are 5 lectures with a lunch break. As a result, students are completely immersed in the English-speaking environment and successfully overcome the language barrier.

During the classes, students develop communication skills, constantly engaging in conversations with the teacher and other students, discussing and analyzing a variety of everyday situations. Plus, students perform many tasks and exercises, both in groups and on their own, expanding their grammatical knowledge of English, working out tolerable pronunciation and perception of someone else's speech.

As a rule, the language program includes taking notes, writing essays and essays, participating in seminars, working with scientific literature in the library and at the computer, listening to lectures. During the training, students get acquainted with samples of examination tests, performing similar tasks, passing several intermediate tests to determine progress and identify gaps in knowledge.

The cost of studying English in the USA

Most often, the cost of the program includes the course itself, and transfer, accommodation, meals, visa, insurance premiums. But if you have other options, then you can discuss the details with the host. Airfare is not included in this amount. With the help of a convenient table, you can see the prices for courses, depending on their direction and duration:

Due to the fact that the American education system provides for the adaptation of training programs to the peculiarities of the speech system of foreign students, even two-week courses in the States that cost $1,300 bring tangible results. And you choose the period that you like and according to financial capabilities, and remember that the longer the better. Read also the article

The USA is a country of unlimited opportunities for learning English. It is here, in the natural language environment, that you can most effectively master a foreign language in the shortest possible time. And the innovative Education First educational centers will help with this - we offer language courses in the USA for children and adults that meet all international standards.

Learning English in the USA with EF is not a series of boring lessons, but an exciting adventure in the world of knowledge and new useful discoveries. Want to join? English courses in America are waiting for you!

What to expect from English courses in the USA with EF?

Knowledge of English is a fundamental condition for implementation in the modern world. Without it, a whole arsenal of opportunities for development is not available: studying at a prestigious university, a career in an international company, getting to know a global culture. That is why learning a language is the most important task for anyone who aspires to achieve true success in life. And Education First is always ready to help in this difficult matter. For you - language courses in the USA, guaranteeing:

Comprehensive training

  • We offer to learn English in America according to the Efekta method, which involves academic classes in classrooms, interactive activities, group projects and foreign practice with native speakers.
  • Comfortable immersion in the linguistic and cultural environment

  • Our language courses in the USA for adults and children give you the opportunity to improve your language skills every day while immersing yourself in the American rhythm of life and traveling around the country.
  • Individual approach

  • English language courses in the USA for students are taught by experienced professional teachers who help to tailor the curriculum to the specific needs and goals of the student.
  • You can count on maximum attention from teachers, because they are interested in the progress of all students.
  • professional support

  • Studying English in the USA is accompanied by qualified coordinators who are ready to assist you at all stages of the program.
  • Choosing courses, organizing leisure and travel, flights, accommodation - a student can contact EF specialists with any question.

  • At Education First, you are guaranteed top-notch English study in the USA at affordable prices for anyone who is truly determined to succeed in all areas of life.

    Choose your age category

    Start an international career or go to university abroad with our 6-, 9- and 11-month study programs.


    Cities):New York ,Los Angeles ,Miami,Hawaii,San Francisco ,San Diego,chicago,Boston,Santa Barbara ,Seattle

    EF Foreign languages ​​during holidays

    7 - 18 years

    2 to 4 weeks

    Group trips

    Studying English in the USA is the right way to success

    Do you want to learn English in a pleasant language environment surrounded by professional teachers and international classmates? Then language courses in the USA at Education First are exactly what you need. Why should you choose our educational programs in America? There are at least 7 good reasons for this.

    English courses in America: 7 components of progress

    Efekta innovative technique

    • Learning English in the USA provides for a harmonious combination of several formats of language acquisition: lectures and seminars in the classroom, interactive classes, group assignments, communicative game lessons and educational practice with native speakers.
    • All this in a complex allows to achieve the comprehensive development of students' linguistic skills.

    Adapted programs

    • We offer language courses in the USA tailored to the student's specific educational and professional goals, taking into account their initial level of English, age and interests.
    • Practice confirms: the better the program is adapted to the needs and abilities of the student, the greater the effect he can achieve in the learning process.

    Innovative technologies

    • English courses in the USA involve the productive use of multimedia resources and online applications to improve foreign language not only in schools, but also beyond. For example, the EF Immersion Challenge program is available to students, which allows them to complete assignments online, keeping in touch with teachers.

    inspirational schools

    • Spacious classrooms and computer laboratories are designed and equipped in such a way that the student always feels comfortable and can concentrate on the lessons as much as possible.

    Immersion in the language environment

    • Learning English in the USA is a daily communication with native speakers, which allows students to train their conversational skills, memorize new vocabulary and intonations of interlocutors in the background.

    Full Support

    • When studying English in the USA, students at any stage of the course can seek help from experienced coordinators.
    • Specialists are ready to help with the choice of a suitable accommodation option, the purchase of air tickets, insurance, organization of leisure activities in their free time and other important issues.

    Progress tracking and certification

    • At each stage of the program, students take tests to determine their progress in learning.
    • They give a clear indication of how the student is developing and whether changes need to be made to the learning.
    • After a student completes a language course in the USA, he is awarded an international certificate and a report with the results of all tests.

    English in the USA for children and adults

    EF offers English courses in the USA of various intensity, focus and duration of study:

    • Study English in the USA on vacation for a period of 2 to 4 weeks - for students from 7 to 18 years old.
    • Language programs lasting 2-24 weeks - from 16 years.
    • Academic courses in the USA for 6/9/11 months - from 16 years.

    EF schools are located throughout the country, so you can choose educational courses in the geographical location that is most attractive to you. Most popular cities:

    • New York;
    • Los Angeles;
    • San Francisco;
    • Chicago;
    • Washington.

    Our experts will help you choose the most suitable course format for each student, depending on his age and wishes. It can be English in the USA for kids at a summer camp, programs for teenagers, English for business, professional courses, pre-exam preparation and much more.

    Download for a complete list of English courses in the USA and detailed pricing.

    Teaching English in the USA - unlimited prospects for development

    In the 21st century, you will not surprise anyone with classical linguistic schools that offer standard lectures and practical exercises from textbooks. The rapid pace of modern life dictates new requirements for learning - courses should provide students not only with the improvement of the language, but also with comprehensive development. This is exactly what EF English courses in America guarantee for adults and children.

    What does teaching English in America give?

    English courses in the USA involve active immersion in a new language and cultural environment, as well as constant communication with students from different countries. This provides the following benefits:

    Productive development of all linguistic skills

    • Only in a language environment will you learn to speak truly naturally and without an accent. Learning English in the USA allows you to enrich your vocabulary not with formal phrases from textbooks, but with a variety of phraseological units and phrases that are actively used by native speakers in live communication. Thanks to constant practice, the student begins to speak English fluently, not only in the academic environment, but also outside the school.

    Pleasant acquaintances

    • Studying English in America is a great way to expand your circle of friends and associates. Among classmates you will definitely find people with similar interests and goals.

    Development of communication skills

    • Through active interaction with fellow students in the classroom and cultural events, you will learn how to build effective communication and find common ground with completely different people. In the future, this will help you quickly build relationships in a new team at university or at work.

    Increase self-esteem

    • Going to study English in the United States, the student finds himself in an unfamiliar environment. In order to successfully adapt to new conditions, he is forced to mobilize all his inner strength and knowledge - this makes him more confident and motivates him to new achievements in learning.

    Career prospects

    • US language courses are your chance to get an internship in a prestigious international company with the prospect of further employment. You will plunge into the working environment, master professional vocabulary, work out communicative competencies in a real company - all this will give you the opportunity to start a career abroad.

    Why are English courses in America useful for everyone?

    Language courses in America are so versatile that they can captivate any student, regardless of his age and interests. It's so great to do your favorite hobby or travel around the country in parallel with improving English!

    Our English courses in America are ready to offer exciting leisure options for everyone:

    Thematic events

    • Coordinators organize talent shows, movie and music evenings, outdoor games and discos on the territory of schools.


    • Depending on the city of study and the specialization of the language program, students can go in for surfing, water polo, cricket, swimming, football, volleyball.


    • An obligatory part of each educational program is excursions and visits to the main attractions of the host country.
    • The Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Michigan Avenue, the Capitol Building, the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, the beaches of Miami - this is not the whole list of places that you can visit thanks to the language courses.

    By choosing to study English in the USA, you will not only discover a new country, but will get an unforgettable experience for a lifetime.

    There are many reasons. Here are just a few of them:

    Hospitality of the locals. Foreign students feel comfortable in America. This is largely due to the fact that the country is tolerant towards representatives of different cultures, nationalities and religions.

    Favorable prices. Due to the wide variety of programs, students have the opportunity to choose the best option, taking into account the available budget.

    Communication practice. Attending language courses in America allows you to constantly practice the skills acquired in the classroom in live conversations with others, which makes studying a foreign language many times more effective than in Russia.

    Broad perspectives. Schoolchildren significantly increase their chances of entering a university that is in the top of the best educational institutions in the world. At the same time, adults can establish business contacts that will be useful to them in their work in the future.

    Expanding horizons. In their free time, students can get acquainted with the sights of the country, including the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Niagara Falls, Times Square, the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, the Hollywood Walk of Fame and much more.

    There are two types of language schools in America:

    International. They have a developed branch network in different cities, and sometimes countries. Such linguistic centers include Kaplan and Language Studies International (LSI). Their main advantages are the high quality of educational services, compliance with the internal standards of the corporation, based on many years of experience, as well as an excellent material and technical base and experienced teachers.

    National. They work in a certain region. They are characterized by intimacy and a special atmosphere.

    English courses in America: types and their characteristics

    By intensity:

    Standard. It is an excellent solution for those who want to enjoy their vacation. Within its framework, students will learn to read, write, speak English, and most importantly, understand what a native speaker says. Since such a program includes only 15-20 lessons, the students have enough free time for recreation, excursions and sports. The standard course lasts, as a rule, 1 week.

    Intensive. It is an accelerated program that allows you to learn a foreign language as quickly as possible. The number of lessons in the intensive course can reach 35 hours per week. Improving the knowledge of a foreign language under this program is relevant for those who plan to move abroad or want to go here to study.

    By targeting:

    Business course. It provides for the study of business vocabulary from 30 hours a week. During this time, students master the skills of negotiation, presentations and correspondence with partners. At the same time, specialized language programs are one of the subspecies of business courses. They are aimed at studying highly specialized vocabulary, which is used in their professional activities by lawyers, economists, IT workers, managers, etc.

    Preparation for passing international exams. Such a course is aimed at successfully passing students such tests as TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, FCE and CAE. To do this, in the classroom, students study the structure of tasks, write test papers similar to examination ones. To pass such training, the level of knowledge of the language of the student must be at least average. Otherwise, it is better for him to pre-take a standard foreign course.

    Preparation for entering the university. This program is for a year. Within its framework, the future student will receive knowledge in the main disciplines, which he will subsequently have to study within the framework of the chosen specialty. In addition, he improves his knowledge of English, adapts to the conditions of his stay abroad.

    According to the composition of students:

    Children's. Appropriate for kids of all ages. For preschoolers, classes are held in the format of games, performances or excursions. The program for older children includes sightseeing, going to the cinema and amusement parks. The intensity of classes depends on the age of the children. Usually foreign lessons are given from 12 to 20 hours a week. Children's courses last from a couple of weeks to several months. At the same time, vacation programs are the most popular among schoolchildren, since they provide an opportunity to improve a foreign language without compromising basic education.

    Family. Such types of English language courses in the USA allow both children and adults to improve their knowledge at the same time, since studying for them is organized in parallel. In this case, students usually live together in a host family, apartments, hotel or school residence. Children and parents spend their free time and weekends together. They walk around the city, attend excursions, go to museums and cafes.

    Special attention deserves a program that provides for accommodation, meals and studying a foreign language in the teacher's house. It is universal because it is available for both adults and children. In this case, the teacher draws up an individual course for the student, taking into account the range of his interests and abilities. This approach is most effective, because in a short time it allows the student to reach a new level of knowledge of a foreign language. The duration of training and the intensity of classes are agreed with the student.

    What should you pay attention to when choosing English courses in America?

    To an educational institution. It is better for foreigners to improve English in schools with the smallest number of compatriots among the students.

    on the topic of the course. The material will be more effectively absorbed if its focus is interesting to the student.

    For financial affordability. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of language courses, but also the cost of a flight to the United States, accommodation, meals and pocket expenses.

    To the place of study. It is worth choosing a city in which the listener will be as comfortable as possible. Since there are linguistic schools and centers in almost every state, there will be no problems with this.

    Features of teaching English in the USA

    1. Improving a foreign language in the States allows you to quickly overcome the language barrier. Why? Because the American version is more flexible than the British version, it is easier to listen to. In addition, US schools offer programs that take into account the linguistic features of the students' native language. They are aimed at developing students' skills of oral and written speech, as well as reading and listening to information.
    2. English courses in the USA provide for the division of students into groups. To do this, before the start of classes, students perform a test that helps teachers understand the general level of foreign language proficiency in order to subsequently more objectively distribute them into groups.
    3. American language schools offer a wide range of programs for various categories of students. Vacation programs are considered the best option for schoolchildren. Adults can choose year-round English courses, additionally choosing classes that will match their professional interests or hobbies.
    4. During the training, students perform intermediate tests. This is necessary to determine progress and identify gaps in the knowledge of foreigners.

    Teaching English in America with STAR Academy

    American English can without a shadow of a doubt be called one of the most popular in the modern world, so having mastered the language, you can easily find a place for yourself in any English-speaking country.

    English courses in the USA can also be an excellent preparation for entering an American university, especially for this we offer Pathway programs.
    There are a lot of language schools in the USA. You can find a suitable one in almost any state. Therefore, you can choose where you will study English: in crowded New York, windy Chicago, on the sun-drenched shores of Miami, or, for example, in calm and balanced Washington. Most language schools operating in the US are networked institutions. That is, they work according to the same standards and maintain the same good level of training, regardless of where they are located.

    All language courses in the USA can be divided into three groups:

    1. Main course - General English (of varying degrees of intensity). These are classes aimed at learning the English language in general. Such training is suitable for those who plan to live, study and / or work in an English-speaking country in the future. The course can be conducted in a standard mode or intensive - for those who want to have time to learn more in a relatively short time.

    2. Preparation for IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge exams. The main goal of training is to “train” you to pass exams. The program is always optimized for the format of the exam; in the classroom, students solve typical tests that are encountered in these exams. For the convenience of students, most schools also offer to take the exam itself at the end of the preparatory course.

    3. Specialized courses. it can be business English, or, for example, specific vocabulary related to some subject area (chemistry, biology, IT industry, and so on). Such programs will be useful for those who want to run their own business or easily get a job in their specialty in an English-speaking country.

    Accommodation options offered to students can also be different: living in an American family, in a studio, residence, apartment or hotel room. Naturally, if you want to immerse yourself in the language environment as much as possible, it is advisable to find a school that offers accommodation in American families. Communication in English not only during classes or walks around the city, but also at home allows you to achieve even greater success in mastering it.

    Usually, students are offered partial board meals (breakfast and lunch or breakfast only), as well as all modern amenities: Wi-Fi Internet access, kitchen area, household appliances, laundry, computer access, and the like.

    The duration of the program can be from one to several weeks. The standard intensity course involves 20-30 lessons lasting 40-50 minutes. Depending on the language school, these parameters may vary.

    Can I work while studying on an F1 visa?

    Students in the US on an F-1 visa must first attend a course of study and may only work on campus for a maximum of 20 hours per week. There are usually very few such vacancies. In rare cases, after nine months of study, you may be allowed to work off campus if you justify sudden financial difficulties.

    How to go to English courses in the USA

    Step 1. Course selection

    In order to select courses - decide on the expected dates of the trip and the timing of the courses, send us an application, and we will contact you! We will help you choose the right course of study and accommodation option. It is advisable to submit an application 1.5-2 months before the desired start date of training.

    Step 2. Payment

    You pay the tuition fees for English courses. The school then sends us the I-20 form required for the F1 student visa.

    Step 3. Applying for a US visa

    After receiving the I-20 form, you pay the SEVIS fee, we help you fill out the US visa application form and prepare the necessary package of documents, pay the $160 consular fee and have an interview at the US consulate.

    Step 4. Departure to the USA

    Having successfully obtained an F1 visa, we help you with booking tickets and departure.

    What is the price

    The cost of English courses in the USA is from $90 to $500 per week. This variation in prices is due to the fact that the price of education depends on the type and intensity of the course, its duration, as well as the city and the school itself.



    Types of Courses

    Cost of 1 week


    New York, Miami, Elizabeth and

    Passaic (New Jersey).

    General English and intensive (15, 20, 30 hours per week), preparation for IELTS exams. Cambridge Exams (FCE / CAE etc.), TOEFL, academic semester, special courses: business English, medical, legal, oil and gas.

    From $160 per week short term courses (6 weeks) and from $90 per week long term courses (6 months or more).

    Optimal price/quality ratio. It is the largest English language school in the New York metropolitan area; More than 2,500 students from over a hundred countries around the world attend classes on the Zoni campuses every day.

    Boston, New York, San Diego, San Francisco

    General English and Intensive (20, 24 and 28 hours per week), preparation for TOEFL, FCE, CAE and Business English exams.

    $270-$505 per week depending on the duration and type of courses.

    Embassy English School is the only English language school that offers a money back guarantee if you are unhappy with the result! Embassy English has won the annual Best Online School award five times.

    New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Miami, Chicago, San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Seattle,

    General and Intensive English, Business English and Exam Preparation including GRE and GMAT, academic semester and year.

    $405-$535 per week depending on the duration and type of courses.

    Kaplan is a well-established company that has been teaching English abroad for 75 years. Now students come to study at more than 50 Kaplan International English schools located in 7 English-speaking countries.

    In addition to the cost of training, there are additional payments:

    • school fee for course and accommodation bookings;
    • meeting at the airport;
    • training materials visa and medical insurance;

    You can choose one of the most suitable accommodation options that the school offers - or choose it yourself. You should expect a minimum of $250 per week, the upper limit depends on your requests. An air ticket to New York costs from $450 (a flight to the west coast will cost more). Also from the costs you have to pay the SEVIS fee of $200 and the consular fee for a US visa of $160.

    Almost all schools periodically offer promotional prices for their services (for certain courses of a certain duration, involving training on specific dates). If it doesn’t matter to you exactly when you will go to the USA, you can take your time with applying for the program and wait until one of the schools decides to make a discount on education.

    Going to language courses in the USA is not only an opportunity to thoroughly master the English language and culture, but also a chance to stay in this huge and developed country for a long time or forever. At the choice of the future student, the course program can be more or less intensive, have a different duration and focus. Intensive or summer courses are more aimed at improving the level of English proficiency, annual courses will help you to learn the language perfectly in order to subsequently get a decent education and find a job in any country in the world.

    Language courses in America - great opportunities

    Attending language courses in America is a unique chance to broaden your horizons, gain new knowledge and reach a different level of life. It's nice that the country has separate English courses for adults, and programs for children or students.

    The importance of passing the American language program cannot be overestimated:

    • courses provide complete immersion in the language environment and excellent language practice;
    • the student perfectly masters English, which opens up new horizons for study and work;
    • you can enter the selected American university or college based on the results of passing the language exam.

    The US educational system allows you to simultaneously study the language and earn extra money to cover the cost of living and food. You can live in a family, hostel or rent an apartment.

    Types of language courses

    In the USA, you can choose an English course to your taste. Various organizations offer a wide range of educational programs designed for all ages. At the end of the course, the student is awarded a diploma or certificate.

    The programs are designed in such a way that learning English in America is possible for students of all categories:

    1. General English course.
    2. Intensive course - includes about 28 lessons per week for rapid language acquisition.
    3. A specialized program for narrowly focused specialists.
    4. Preparation for the international exams IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, FCE.
    5. Business English for business in the USA.

    Language courses for graduates of schools aimed at further education in the States are often conducted by American universities.

    Studying a language program at a US university is a great opportunity to get high-quality knowledge, practice speaking, make friends, learn the principles of learning in the country.

    University teachers adaptively present the material, which helps Russians to absorb knowledge faster.

    Admission and learning features

    To enroll in a US language school, an applicant will need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

    • application form;
    • a copy of the completed pages of the passport;
    • receipts for payment of tuition and school registration fee.

    At the very beginning, students take a special test (written and oral), which helps the teacher determine the level of English knowledge. As a result of the work, the flow is divided into groups.

    There are online tests that can be taken before the trip. The language school that offers these tests administers them several times and monitors the progress of each student.

    During the classes, the students of the school are constantly in contact with the teacher and with each other, developing spoken English. In addition, training includes:

    • constant performance of tasks and exercises,
    • grammar study,
    • taking notes,
    • writing essays and essays
    • listening to lectures
    • work in the library.

    Preparing travel documents

    International students can apply for an F1, J1 or M1 visa. The first two give the right to work while studying, the latter does not provide for such an opportunity.

    In most cases, foreign citizens are issued a special student visa to the United States for language courses - F1. It is issued specifically for those who want to get an education in America: children can get it after enrolling in high school (14-15 years old), adults - up to the age of 40.

    To obtain an F1 visa, a student must have an academic load of 20 hours per week. One of the advantages of this type is the permission to work on campus 20 hours a week during the semester and full-time during the holidays (for students in programs lasting 6 months or more)

    Reasons for obtaining - passing academic training:

    • English courses;
    • preparation for admission to a higher educational institution;
    • admission to a college, bachelor's or master's degree;
    • short-term vocational training;
    • summer language programs for schoolchildren.

    To apply for an exit permit, you will need:

    • receipt of payment for courses;
    • an invitation from a language school - form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility);
    • a receipt for payment of SEVIS I-901 Fee - in the online system of mandatory registration of all non-residents of America during their stay in the United States: the cost is $ 200, and you can register on the Student and Exchange Visitor Program website;
    • nonimmigrant visa application (DS-160);
    • confirmation of payment of the consular fee, which is 160 US dollars;
    • evidence of financial security;
    • international passport;
    • color photograph 5x5 cm (more detailed requirements can be found on the web resource of the US visa information service for Russians).

    You should think in advance how to document such points as:

    • duration of stay in the USA;
    • place of residence;
    • payment for the trip - independently or with the support of a sponsor.

    Of the additional documents, photocopies of papers confirming the connection with the homeland (the presence of property, a marriage certificate, the birth of a child), medical certificates, and extracts from the place of study or work are often required.

    For programs lasting up to 12 weeks, it is enough to apply for a tourist visa B2 (Visitor Visa), provided that the student will study less than 18 hours a week. In addition, it should be remembered that work on this type of visa is prohibited.

    When applying for a tourist visa for the purpose of attending language courses, it is better to take care of confirming the number of hours from the selected school in advance.

    Choosing a city to study a language in the USA

    Deciding on the city where it is better to enroll in courses is quite difficult. If the purpose of enrolling in language courses in the United States is to further study at a university in the country and / or internships in local companies, then three cities are ideal:

    • Boston,
    • San Francisco,
    • New York.

    It is in these cities that the best universities in America are located, where you can enroll in language courses. In addition, in megacities you can always find a part-time job, and subsequently a good permanent job, which will serve as a reason to move to the country.

    According to reviews, the most inexpensive options in New York are schools:

    • Bell Language School (Brooklyn),
    • Spanish American Institute (Manhattan),
    • Kingsborough Community College, and others.

    The choice of a city for those who are going to study in America further depends to a greater extent on the university planned for admission. It would be logical to take language courses at this university or at least in the same city.

    Those whose goal is to combine business with pleasure, that is, improve their language and relax, or engage in a hobby plus English, should pay attention to the programs provided by summer schools in the United States in resort cities: San Diego, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hawaii.

    Other cities include: Chicago, Washington, Atlanta, Portland, Houston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles. The strongest language schools in America are open here.

    The most popular language schools in the USA for admission

    CitySchool nameAverage tuition per week (more specifically determined by the chosen course of study), $
    New York, Boston, Los AngelesSprachcaffe180
    MiamiOpen Heart Language Academy220
    MiamiEC Miami School220
    San Francisco, New YorkSt. Giles406–421
    Miami, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Portland, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia,Kaplan International English420–450
    New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, BostonEuropean Center of English Language Studies (EC)370– 415
    Boston (school from the Kaplan network)Kaplan Boston Harvard Square450
    Chicago, Boston, San FranciscoStafford House International370
    San Diego, New York, San FranciscoEmbassy English325–355

    As you can see, the cost of English courses in the USA varies depending on the location and school.

    This is not the whole list of the best language schools in the USA. Large developed cities, modern high-rise buildings, excellent equipped classrooms, experienced teachers - all this is offered by America's leading language schools.

    The language school Kaplan New York SoHo stands out in particular (the official website of the school). The training center is located near world-famous attractions - Washington Square, Downtown, Midtown. You can come here to study the language at any time of the year, the school has all types of programs, including annual language courses.

    A visitor to the United States has enough opportunities to learn English without any payment. Language courses for learners of English as a second language are called ESL - short for English as a Second Language.

    You can find completely free English courses in the USA, for example, in:

    • libraries;
    • special centers or schools, such as the Riverside Language Program in New York or the Cope ESL school with branches in Brooklyn and Manhattan;
    • groups that come together to improve speaking skills.

    A great option for the summer is children's camps in the States, where you can relax and learn the language. The age groups are very different. For example, Julian Krinsky Haverford in Philadelphia offers programs for children from 4 to 13 years old. Most language courses are designed for teenagers from about 15 years old.

    Employment while attending language courses

    Many are concerned about the possibility of earning money while studying at language courses in the United States. In most cases, the workload at school is such that there is practically no time and energy left for work.

    Students who attend language courses in the United States may work on their school premises for a maximum of 20 hours per week.

    In order to officially find a job while studying a language, you need to contact the Designated School Official (DSO) department, which is easy to find in any major university or educational institution.

    Without the permission of the DSO, it is forbidden to work during the period of study at the language courses. If the student is found to be working illegally, the I-20 issued by the school will be canceled and the violator will be asked to leave the United States as soon as possible.

    Is it expensive to live in the United States

    Approximately compare prices in different cities of America will help the table:

    New YorkLos AngelesBostonSan DiegoSan Francisco
    Entry to a mid-range restaurant, for 2 people, 3 courses85 70 64 50 80
    Transport fare, 1 ticket2.75 1.75 2.45 2.5 2.75
    Gasoline cost0.8 0.97 0.75 0.95 1.01
    Monthly utility costs148.81 146.52 156.22 133.38 118.23
    Payment for kindergarten, per month2328.32 1116.92 1739.83 1034.9 2117.54
    The cost of a pair of jeans54.68 50.02 48.57 46.43 62.24
    The cost of renting a 1-room apartment, per month3 135,7 / 2 153,7 / 2 380,3 / 1 965,5 / 3 390/
    (in the center / on the outskirts)2031.5 1644.7 1742.4 1550 2775.8
    Price 1 sq.m. housing in the center / on the outskirts4 117 / 6 252,3 7 386/ 4 830 9 324/ 4 269,5 5 850 / 4081,3 12 492,8 / 9 829
    Salary (average, after taxes)4768 4189 4288 4229.8 6558.7
    The cost of some products on the market
    Milk, 1 l1.18 1.02 0.84 0.92 1.13
    Bread, 500 g3.82 3.05 2.75 3.23 3.74
    Eggs, 12 pcs.3.55 3.27 2.81 3.08 3.32
    Veal, 1 kg14.74 12.97 14.8 12.03 17.85
    Potatoes, 1 kg3.54 2.83 3.91 2.21 3.51

    If you are planning a trip to a San Diego school, you should expect $900 a month without rent. Taking into account the cost of a rented apartment, the amount can increase to $ 3,500. However, in comparison, for example, with San Francisco, where about $ 5,500 will be spent on the same purposes, this is still inexpensive.

    Language courses in the USA: good or bad?

    The price of language courses for Russians, Kazakhs and other citizens of the post-Soviet space is quite high. This is one of the main disadvantages of studying in America.

    Also, our compatriots note the difficulties in obtaining and renewing a visa, differences in mentalities and the education system in general. However, the level of knowledge taught and the possibility of immigration with subsequent employment in the country more than cover these shortcomings.

    Language programs have no age restrictions, are diverse in directions and prices, up to free ones. Russian-speaking visitors are treated very friendly here, which is also a big plus.

    Language courses in the USA: Video