The most important things are hidden from people. Hidden behind seven seals. Attack on the World Trade Center

History of the past. It happens that discovered ancient artifacts that are hidden from us pose unresolvable questions to scientists. Is humanity much older than official science believes? Have aliens visited Earth? How advanced were ancient civilizations? There are no definitive answers yet. What are these artifacts that hide from us, that baffle scientists?

fossil giants

There are famous artifacts that indicate that people of extraordinary size existed on Earth. Isn't that the origin of the story of Jack climbing the Beanstalk into the Land of the Giants?

In the state of Nevada (USA), the local Indians had legends about red-haired giants almost four meters tall (12 feet). Tales told of how brave warriors killed giants in caves. Excavations corroborate these stories. A giant jaw has been found, several times larger than a human. 1931 added two skeletons about three meters tall to the finds

In the Pacific River, located in the state of Texas, they found fossil footprint of a woman's foot 35 cm long and 18 cm wide. The height of a person was about three meters.

In England, in the town of Antrim, earthworks brought a surprise. At the end of the nineteenth century there was 12-foot giant discovered . Luckily, he has long since petrified. The giant's right hand turned out to be six-fingered.

Artifacts out of time

Another type of finds makes fans rub their hands rather more ancient than is commonly believed, the history of mankind. These are figurines, strange discs and drawings, suggesting that our ancestors had a much greater store of knowledge than their time allowed.

Ica stones - artifacts from Peru. First discovered in the 1960s by Dr. Javier Cabrera. An interested researcher has amassed a large collection of artifacts of this kind. The stones depict scenes with dinosaurs and other ancient creatures, alien saucers and strange humanoids. In general, everything that can now be found on the Internet on request "unknown". Dating is thirty thousand years.

Figurines of astronauts from Ecuador are about two thousand years old. The images are easily recognizable, although they look sketchy. Were aliens in space suits visiting Earth at that time? We can only guess where such artifacts came from, which are not even hidden from us.

Aiuda aluminum wedge found on the banks of the Maros River, in Transylvania. The remains of an ancient mastodon, which turned out to be 20 thousand years old, lay right there. It is characteristic that aluminum was discovered only in 1808. The wedge was made without impurities from pure material.

Vase with images of flowers found in an explosion in a quarry. The artifact is unremarkable, except for its age - 600 million years. This is how the rock containing the vase is dated.

Bootprint with trilobite. There could not have been modern shoes, and even more so people 600-250 million years old.

Undefined artifacts

In some cases, associations do not allow even an approximate idea of ​​the purposes for which this or that ancient object served.

Disc Sabu found by the famous Egyptologist Walter Bryan in the 1930s during the excavation of the burial place of Mastaba Sabu, who lived on earth in the third millennium BC. This is a thin stone plate with three curved edges. A cylindrical bushing is visible in the center. It is believed that the disk was part of some mysterious ancient mechanism.

On strange corrugated spheres lucky to stumble upon miners from South Africa. Some of the balls are an inch in diameter (about three centimeters) covered with parallel lines, others are filled with a white spongy substance. Artifacts have been found in rock dating back almost three billion years!

Thin disks of jade found in Chinese graves belonging to noblemen. Why they were put there more than 5 thousand years ago remains a mystery. Jade is a stone of great strength and its processing in those days would have been fraught with difficulties.

Artifacts that are hidden from us can shock and bewilder. It is worth maintaining a skeptical attitude, because sooner or later there will be a scientific answer to every riddle. Dating errors, falsification of drawings on ancient stones, bones of huge animals of the past, mistaken for human ones. This is not a complete list of explanations for the mysterious finds of archaeologists. Old times are fraught with many secrets that have yet to be discovered and understood. Ancient artifacts will pose various questions to scientists. Perhaps stories? Not a single riddle hidden in the thickness of the rocks will hide from archaeologists.

We live without understanding what scientists are hiding from us and those people who don't want us to know the truth. In fact, some things have long been known, but so far they have not yet been fully disclosed to society or disclosed, but not in an understandable form. Many people are simply too lazy to understand the secrets of life, and they prefer to be content with what they have and enjoy life.

But if you want to uncover all the secrets and mysteries of life, this article is for you. Psychologists and scientists have sorted out and learned what they are actually hiding from us and how to deal with the form of information that is presented to us today in an incomprehensible form. You can believe or not everything that is written in this article, but in order to protect your health, be free and happy, it is advisable for you to carefully read the studies of psychologists in this article.

Where did we come from and who created us

What scientists are hiding from us in a given question or even a problem. Indeed, today practically no one knows where we came from, who created the world and us in this world. There are many erroneous theories about the creation of the world and man. You yourself can find out about this if you think logically about what we are told about the creation of the world and people. Many will say that we are descended from animals, but if so, then where did the animals themselves, water, earth, air and the world as a whole come from. This theory is not true, because, thinking logically, every sane person would not believe in it. But those people who want us not to know the truth give us such information.

Also today, the popular answer to the question of the creation of the world is that God created us, in some countries, our own God, and he is called differently. In fact, people believe that God created us, similar to the image of a person, but no one has yet seen him and has not proven that this is so. In fact, this is not a completely correct theory of the creation of man and the world, since the Bible was written by wise people, and not by God, respectively, we read a smart book, but not everything is written in it truthfully. It is rather a fictional story, a fantasy that people came up with and decided to write the whole story in the Bible. The most correct theory that has been proven by scientists is energy.

Energy created the world, the universe and man

People who do not understand this call the energy God or the creator, in other countries this name changes, but the very essence remains. If you do not believe that we are created by energy, then go to any doctor and do a research on whether you have energy or not. Surprisingly, you will see for yourself that every person consists of energy, every animal, plant, water and earth is energy, the planet Earth on which we live is also energy. This theory was hidden from us for many years, but there were scientists who revealed the main secret to us and proved it. There are bad people who do not want us to know the truth and therefore, today there are many stories of the creation of the world. People are intimidated, and they become slaves of their own thoughts and believe in nonsense that comes from the wrong sources.

Our fears, insecurities and indecisions

There's something else from us hide some scientists people, this is the cause of our fears, insecurities and indecisions. We are born happy children, but over time, we have new fears, insecurities and worries. This is connected not only with the upbringing of parents, but also with society. Society, thanks to bad information, began to be afraid of everything, create stereotypes, lose faith in itself and in the meaning of life.

Bad people want society to always be in fear and not want to change anything and interfere in the lives of rulers and businessmen. It is up to you whether you want to take the outgoing bad information seriously and live in fear, or whether you want to build happiness by ignoring rumors and information. If you decide to become happy, protect yourself from such information, set a big goal and achieve it no matter what. Remember that we were not born to live in fear and be afraid of everything, we were born to live a happy life, to rejoice and have fun in every minute of our lives. Do not listen to anyone, think logically, independently, and soon you yourself will reveal some of the secrets of our world.

“Exposure of false scientists and academicians!”, “Forbidden knowledge about the world around us!”, “Science guards the interests of the authorities!”, “Scientific conspiracy scheme”, “Sinister methods of the scientific community”, “Secret knowledge cannot be hidden!”

I'm sure everyone has already come across such flashy headlines and readers of what is written under them. If you try to visualize the ideas of a certain part of citizens about scientists and their activities, they will look something like this:

The time has come for me to do my part, and I also decided to tear a little of the covers from the shining body of truth.

A certain part of the citizens have a strong belief in the existence of a gloomy conspiracy of silence, concealment and falsification of true knowledge. Adherents of the version of the "conspiracy of scientists" believe that instead of true knowledge, scientific knowledge is brazenly concocted, which are actually just scientific and splurge, and they are created for convenient cheating of the redneck masses. I will list the most basic and frequent accusations against science, which, as it were, confirm the existence of a conspiracy:

No. 1. There is an agreement between scientists to hide some knowledge that is extremely inconvenient for official science. Scientists are taking such steps, because science is extremely conservative, inert, businessmen from science earn money on this topic, and too much will have to be revised and canceled, which is uncomfortable and unpleasant.

No. 2. Somewhere in deeply classified storerooms, special stores, secret libraries and gloomy basements, manuscripts, tablets or objects that overturn the entire edifice of modern science are sadly languishing, but they are not shown for reason #1

Number 3. Science is highly inaccurate, often wrong, and largely untrustworthy for reasons #1 and #2. Therefore, it can be trusted only in individual cases, or it is better not to trust it at all. It automatically follows from this that any craziest hypothesis or version has equal rights with scientific theories. Moreover, the fact that people do not have education in the field in which they develop their ideas does not matter.

I answer point by point

No. 1. Scientists conspiracy. And also: hushing up secrets, hiding artifacts, destroying inconvenient inventions, serving the authorities. (First, let's define. A scientist is a representative of science who carries out meaningful activities to form a scientific picture of the world, whose activities and qualifications have been recognized by the scientific community, a person who studies objective reality empirically and operates only with facts that can be reliably confirmed or refuted, a specialist in any scientific field and made a real contribution to it).

A little about my experience of communicating with scientists. My place of work is a caretaker at the largest archaeological complex, and every year I have to communicate with scientists from different fields, someone comes for work, someone just to relax. I can say that it is difficult to find people who are more dissimilar to each other. I can't resist telling you a funny story. It happened three years ago, as usual, a group of tourists arrived and began to roam the rocks, when suddenly a man separated from the group. Coming straight up to me with resolute steps, he immediately gave his name and surname and asked menacingly - what did I read from him? I, in some confusion from such pressure, answered, - nothing, and asked, - why should I suddenly read it? To which he replied - that he is a very prominent scientist and I must know him. Immediately, he literally handed me a look at a thick book, which he carried everywhere with him, on which it was indicated that he was its author and that he had a lot of all sorts of solid scientific titles. The following year, I got into a conversation with his colleague, who came to us and worked with him for a while. She said that he was really a great specialist in his field, but he had an extremely inflated sense of his own importance. She even recalled a funny episode, how he, having thrown a scandal, demanded from the board that publishes a textbook for students in his specialty that he, along with the great classical scientists, be mentioned on the first pages as the founder of this science.

There were other unusual individuals, for example, in different years I came across people with candidate and other titles several times, after talking with whom it was clear that they peacefully coexist in faith in mystical phenomena and at the same time critically rational thinking.

The vast majority among scientists, of course, are ordinary, normal personalities, and they have as many oddities and peculiarities as all other people. The only significant difference from the majority is the desire to learn, professionally realized in constant scientific activity. Based on my observations, I can say for sure that most scientists are interested in the process of cognition itself, and not in the benefits that their status provides. Every scientist, no less than an alternative person, painfully wants to know the secrets and mysteries of the universe, it is this desire that leads most of the people to science. That is, their activity is mainly in the name of an idea, and there are simply no tools and incentives to force scientists to unite in the name of serving something. To unite them all without exception with a conspiracy or any other idea (except for the idea of ​​scientific knowledge of the world) is absolutely impossible purely technically. The global conspiracy of scientists is the same absurdity as, for example, a conspiracy of nursing mothers, bald taxi drivers or residents of all houses on the 3rd floor.

No. 2. conservatism of science. (And also its inertia, obscurantism, anti-innovation, narrow-mindedness, reactionary, ignorance). Cases of allegedly ignorant conservatism, innumerable, I will briefly talk about the three most famous. Non-existent meteorites, harmful bacteria, motionless continents.

In 1768, on September 13 in the region. Luce, France, a meteorite fell, with a large number of witnesses. The Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris had already received such evidence before, and they decided to finally figure it out. A commission was created, which included well-known scientists at that time: the mineralogist Fougereau, the pharmacist Cadet and the physicist Lavoisier. The testimonies of people, as well as the stones themselves, were studied in the most detailed way. After that, a report was published in the "Physical Journal" for 1777. In a detailed report, it was said that the stone could not fall from the sky - these are the inventions of eyewitnesses, it is of an earthly nature and that it really has some properties that are not common, but most likely due to the fact that lightning hit it. In 1803, after a meteorite fall in Normandy, again on behalf of the (renamed because of the revolution) academy, the physicist Biot compiled an accurate description of its fall. After that, the reality of the existence of meteorites was recognized.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a large number of physicians believed that many human organs were not needed, and all bacteria were harmful. Here is what the biologist and Nobel laureate Ilya Mechnikov wrote in his “Etudes on Nature”: “Now there is nothing bold in asserting that not only the caecum with its appendage, but even all human large intestines are superfluous in our body and that their removal led to to very desirable results. Considered useless or even harmful: tonsils, appendix, thymus, pineal gland, etc. Views were widespread that the removal of these organs prevents poisoning of the body with the waste products of putrefactive bacteria. The practice of mass removal of some of these organs was widespread until the 1950s. After that, it gradually became clear that bacteria are necessary for the body to work and that each organ has its own useful function. All organs were rehabilitated, the last were the tonsils (tonsils). At the end of the 20th century, it was convincingly proven that they are one of the barriers for pathogenic microbes, in which protective proteins are produced. And the practice of mass removal of them from people was recognized as a mistake. For example, in the United States in the 1930s, the tonsils were removed from more than half of the children, i.e. tens of millions of people.

Until the 1960s, the "contract hypothesis" dominated - in it, all geological processes on the Earth were explained by processes of reducing its volume, i.e. compression. It was believed that it was compression that forms folds-mountains, cracks-faults and all other features of the landscape. In 1912, L.A. Wegener (a German meteorologist and geologist) presented his hypothesis at a meeting of the German Geological Association in Frankfurt am Main. In it, based on the data and observations he collected, he suggested that all continents slowly move in horizontal directions. This hypothesis immediately had some supporters. But the scientific community completely rejected this theory. In the 1960s, a huge mass of new data on the structure of the earth was obtained (a detailed map of the bottom of the world ocean was compiled, the speed of magma convection was measured - 1 cm per year, magnetic field reversals were discovered, the fact of the movement of continental plates was established - with the help of precise measurements, etc.) As a result, Wegener's hypothesis, with some refinements, was recognized as correct. Now it is generally recognized and is constantly supplemented with new data.

What does all this tell us? First, in recognizing incorrect (from the point of view of modern knowledge) theories, science was at that time in its own right, since then (with that level of tools, knowledge, methods and experience) these theories best explained the world around without involving unnecessary entities in the form mysticism and obscurity. Here it is necessary to explain a little: the purpose of any scientific theory is to economically explain as many facts as possible. If a theory appears that explains even more facts and even shorter and more understandable formulations, then it will inevitably replace the previous one. Such is the essence of science and such is the evolution of scientific views. Therefore, calls to recognize any (mystical, alternative, esoteric, etc.) theory without a sufficient number of facts confirming it look rather strange. It is usually argued that science will only benefit from this and become more useful. But such actions would be as absurd as trying to attach a horse and cart to the side of the spacecraft, in the hope that their joint thrust will increase the overall efficiency of the entire object.

In many respects, this is why science has made such progress over the past 200 years that it has got rid of appendages in the form of magic, mysticism, etc. and is fundamentally not engaged in research, which cannot be reliably measured and investigated.

Secondly, there is another feature of science that many do not like and is a frequent reason for its accusations. Sometimes it happens that there are a certain number of firmly established facts, but still they are not enough to create a theory on their basis. In this case, the problem is simply left for later and, as it were, moved into a distant box - until more facts accumulate and technical capabilities grow. For example, it was with the mass of the universe, it was more or less learned to calculate by the 1950s, but it turned out to be a huge discrepancy with the observed picture. In the early 2000s, large teams undertook targeted large-scale research in this direction, using all available opportunities (a network of telescopes, powerful computers, launching space probes, etc.), as a result, dark matter and dark energy were discovered, explaining gravitational anomalies (but in the end it raised even more other questions about the nature of itself) which led to a revision of the model of the universe.

Number 3. Not the precision of science. It should be noted right away that none of the adequate scientists ever claims the complete infallibility of scientific theories. Each of them has its weak points and white spots. But the fact of the matter is that in any theory of alternatives (when compared with scientific theory), there are an order of magnitude more weak points and white spots. And then, scientists always recognize the unconditional right of alternative theories to compete with scientific ones, and even more so the right to their existence. But here is an important condition - they must be soundly worked out with the involvement of scientific methods. Unfortunately, most of what alternative figures offer cannot even be called a scientific theory; rather, it is some kind of informational garbage that has grown on fried, and not on verifiable facts.

Often one can also hear the accusation that science does not evaluate, study, consider, or at least expose many alternative theories that continuously generate many figures and which then find a lively response from some part of the citizens. But this is also easily explained. One of the generally accepted rules for conducting a dialogue looks like this: “the burden of evidence should always lie with the approving side.” Imagine the following situation: a group of people was seated opposite you, giving them the task of a couple of hours to tell you all their theories. And you were given the task to refute them or confirm them. And here you are sitting, and all these two hours every ten seconds they are shouting out a new ridiculous idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe universe. Will you manage to sort them all out and adequately answer? Science is in the same position, the number and variety of non-scientific hypotheses is such that even 100 times more scientists will not be enough to expose all this. And it is not part of the function of science to directly fight illiterate theories.

What was hidden from us... (part 3)

See details at in the "Photos" section.

Amazing new Mayan artifacts prove an extraterrestrial connection between the Maya and their space visitors.

Many people have speculated that the Maya were being visited by aliens and that at least one of their deities, Kukulcan (also known as Quetzalcoatl), may have been a galactic alien who taught Maya knowledge about agriculture, mathematics, medicine and astronomy and so on.

How else could one explain the Mayan calendar, a calendar that up to now can accurately predict every lunar eclipse within 30 seconds? Maya knew about planets that were not "discovered" many centuries later...

What was hidden from us... (part 4)

From childhood we were taught that in ancient times people were savages, using primitive stone or bronze tools. And now we live in the space age and have high technology. In fact, stone tools were used by those who survived the death of a previous civilization. And many of our technical achievements are inferior to those forgotten. Now we are just beginning to understand and master some of the technologies of hoary antiquity ...

What was hidden from us... (part 5)

As you know, under water, the weight of any bodies is many times less, and you can swim under water (translated into the concept of land - fly). Those. construction is greatly simplified. When the Earth turned, the pyramids ended up on land. Until now, the Egyptian pyramids are a huge mystery for scientists. But if they consider the pyramids - the buildings of an underwater civilization - then everything will become more understandable. The main thing that confirms this is the absence of steps in the pyramids. Indeed, why steps, those who


What was hidden from us... (part 6)

The scientist, inventor Yuri Stepanovich Rybnikov, the author of the theory of the "Unified Electric Field", claims that at school we memorized (crammed) the multiplication table without checking its correctness, we were taught to live on "faith" from the "diaper" and this is what it led to. As we are taught to multiply 2×3=6, or 2×3=2+2+2=6, although logically and according to the rules of mathematics, we should have written 2×3=2×2×2=8. If we assume that the action "division" is the opposite of the action of multiplication, then the ends do not meet, for example 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 is beyond doubt, then how, when dividing the number 8 by 3, we get 2.6 ..., m .e. we have “division” with a remainder, and therefore either the action is not “division”, or we divide incorrectly, or the statement that “division” is the opposite of multiplication does not correspond to reality .... Using examples from physics, chemistry, mathematics, Yu.S. Rybnikov shows and explains why modern science does not see such obvious errors ...

Stone of Atlantes: What are the recorded secrets of the universe hiding from people. Part one

The Egyptian plateau of Giza, guarded by the Sphinx, has since ancient times been considered a place that keeps the secrets of the gods, and in 1996, archaeologists discovered a tunnel under it, protected by a light field. With the help of instruments, it was possible to fix the source of powerful radiation, and then the Atlantean stone with the recorded secrets of the universe shed light on the appearance of mysterious artifacts.

When the gods command a man to speak.

In the 1930s, clairvoyant Edgar Cayce receives a revelation during a seance and hears a voice talking about a cache of ancient treasures under this historical monument. There were collected books along with artifacts left by the civilization of the Atlanteans. The records carved into stones dealt with topics that needed to be passed on to future generations. Then he called this place the Hall of Chronicles and offered to start excavations, but his words were not taken seriously. The prince of the king of the country in 1945 visited the plateau and sat down on a stone at the foot of the giant, but suddenly the earth trembled, and before the eyes of the man appeared strings of hieroglyphs along with ancient objects personifying the gods.

Researchers of the lost civilizations consider the buildings to be the work of extraterrestrial masters, the technologies of which cannot be repeated by modern people. The three famous pyramids have clear edges oriented to the cardinal points, and the blocks are processed in an ideal way. It is clear that no one could drag huge stones here by hand, so there were other ways to build such masterpieces. Before the Flood, representatives of an extinct race lived on earth, and in the 80s, scientists discovered traces of rain erosion on the surface of the Sphinx. So, it was built before the rise of Egypt, but who did people then consider gods?

One of the hypotheses speaks of space aliens who can move in space and oversee the entire development of mankind. Astronomers made a map of the galaxy with zones of life and saw that only in the Milky Way there are 1000 exoplanets where the development of life forms is possible, and they are much older than the earthly counterpart. The chronicles of China mention the sons of heaven, who brought culture to our planet. New Zealand legends speak of white gods who came here from heaven. What role did aliens play for humanity? One version suggests that they managed to transfer their knowledge to earthlings, after which they left them forever. The sons of the gods arrived here from Sirius and Orion, which gave impetus to the development of Atlantis.

Atlantean heritage.

It was first mentioned by Plato, who wrote that the mainland went under water in 9600 BC, when the pole shift began, which led to the flood. In the 80s, a Russian expedition, together with Alexander Gorodnitsky, discovered the sunken cities of an ancient civilization at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. This became a sensation, since the research took place in the place of a giant fault connecting the Eurasian and African plates. Basalt samples taken from here showed that they solidified on land, since Atlantis really existed.

Casey in his notes described in detail this country, which discovered the law of the action of universal forces, after which they could send a message through space to anywhere in the world. Also, the inhabitants traveled across the sky in airships, but they could still move in a different environment. After the catastrophe, they did not die, but began to live in different parts of the planet, which is eloquently evidenced by the legends of the Egyptians, who describe strange people, along with the god Thoth, who came from the sea. They were the keepers of extraterrestrial knowledge, and in the new country a secret order of the priests of Osiris was created.

This included only the initiated Atlanteans, led by Hermes Trismegistus. The most mysterious figure of antiquity still amazes scientists, as this man did things that went beyond the limits of people's capabilities. He became the builder of the first pyramid, where there were halls with columns, and also wrote a book that helps doctors diagnose and treat ailments. For thousands of years, Thoth was the chief Egyptian priest, along with members of the school who possessed secret knowledge. Beginners were subjected to an initiation ritual when they were covered in a sarcophagus with a lid weighing several hundred kilograms. They waited for a day for the decision of the council and did not know if they would come out of here.

Often a dangerous ritual led people to death, as they fell into a four-dimensional space that materialized their thoughts. Not everyone could endure such a test, because they had to control their emotions and terrible fears. The paranormal abilities of the Atlanteans gave them the opportunity to control this world and understand their essence - as part of the whole, expressing themselves in any form. In 1924, scientist John Kinneman found a mysterious chamber under the pyramid of Cheops, where time stopped and instruments failed. Here was an unknown mechanism called the anti-gravity machine. Recently, Russian researchers have recorded fields inside such structures that create special anomalies, and they are also powerful generators.

Pyramids are able to capture the seismic energy of the Earth and transform it several hundred times. The tops of ancient buildings were made of an alloy of tin along with copper and gold, and then a magic crystal was placed here - Merkaba, which fell from the sky. Initiates gathered around objects and created a sound that became a signal that went to other worlds, and the blow of the wand completed such actions. The stone had light energy that could control gravity and create vortexes that opened up parallel worlds. On Egyptian bas-reliefs, you can see images of a UFO hanging over the pyramids, so Giza was used by ancient people as a spaceport, but then the crystal disappeared from the top to be safely hidden by the priests, and the Sphinx points the way to it.

Fast forward to 1450 BC and look into the Karnak Temple, where the ancient shrine of the Atlanteans is kept. It is securely hidden from view, and even the pharaoh does not have access to the Merkaba. But once a year, a secret ceremony of Osiris is held here, when newcomers are initiated by adepts. Akhenaten became the first hunter of the sacred stone, and his actions were aimed at obtaining an artifact and gaining unlimited power. The reform of religion became the reason for the transfer of shrines to the new capital, where he intends to store this relic. Suddenly, the priests of the temple became outlaws and then the members of the order secretly took the Atlantean crystal out of the country to Tibet, where amazing events began to occur. But you will already learn about this from the continuation of the article ...

To be continued...