The child studies at 2. The child does not study well at school: what are the reasons and what should parents do? Fear of going to school

/If the child does not study well

The reasons poor academic performance may be inherent in the child himself. They may be hidden in his health: poor eyesight or hearing, fatigue or a chronic illness.

The reason may be mental condition child: nervousness and anxiety for any reason, inability to find mutual language with a teacher or students. It happens that a child does not read well, because it is difficult for him to recognize written words. One child does not work because the tasks are too easy for him, the other - because it is too difficult.

The child may be upset by the illness of a family member, or the parent's threat to leave, or a misunderstood sexual relationship. In the early years of school, a child may be afraid of a bully or an angry dog ​​on the way to school, or a strict teacher, be afraid to ask permission to go to the toilet, or to answer a lesson in front of the whole class. For an adult, all this may seem like nothing, but for a shy 6-7-year-old child, such things can cause intense fear, which completely paralyzes his ability to think.

A nine-year-old child who is often scolded and punished at home may become extremely anxious and tense and lose the ability to keep his thoughts on anything. Usually a child who is considered "lazy" is actually not lazy at all. Man is born curious and energetic. If later he loses these qualities, then education is to blame. The reasons for seeming laziness are different. A child can be simply stubborn, because he is constantly urged from birth. But he is not lazy when it comes to his personal hobbies. Sometimes a child is simply hesitant to try something for fear of failing. This quality develops in a child whose parents have always been too critical of his achievements or demanded too much from him.
A child deprived of love and care in early childhood, to school age, as a rule, becomes nervous, restless, irresponsible, unable to become interested in learning, find a common language with teachers and classmates. Whatever the cause of a child's poor performance, , firstly, to find the internal cause of his poor progress; secondly, whether you can find it or not, the teacher and parents, having combined their knowledge about the child, must reveal it good qualities and interests and, using them, gradually draw the child into the team and its activities.

Poor reading due to slow development visual memory. For you and for me, the word "nose" looks completely different than the word "sleep." But for most young children who are just starting to read, these pairs of words look almost the same. They can read the word "ditch" as "thief" or the word "weight" as "sowing." In a letter, they often confuse letters that are similar in spelling. Over time, such errors become very rare. But approximately 10% of students (mostly boys) continue to suffer from this deficiency for several years. They take longer to learn to read relatively well, and they can make spelling mistakes all their lives, no matter how much they practice.
Such children quickly come to the conclusion that they are "incapable" and often begin to hate school because they cannot keep up with the class. They need to be reassured and reassured that their trouble is in a special defect in visual memory (as well as lack of an ear for music), that they are not stupid and not lazy, that sooner or later they will learn to read well and write correctly.

Help with lessons. Sometimes the teacher advises to additionally work out with the child in those subjects in which he is lagging behind. In some cases, parents themselves decide to “pull up” the child. This must be done with caution. Often parents turn out to be bad teachers, not because they lack knowledge, and not because they are unscrupulous, but because they take the success of the child too close to their hearts and get angry if he does not understand something. When a child is already confused about a subject, a nervous parent will only make matters worse. In addition, the parent may explain things differently than the teacher, which will further confuse the child who did not understand the topic in class.
I do not mean to say that parents should never help their children in their studies. Sometimes their help brings very good results. But before you engage with your child, consult with his teacher. When a child occasionally asks you to help him with his homework, it's okay if you explain to him what he does not understand (nothing gives parents more pleasure than the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge to a child). But if a child asks to do it for him homework because he does not understand it, consult the teacher. A good teacher prefers to help the child understand the topic so that he can then complete the task on his own. If the teacher is too busy for individual lessons with a child, parents will have to “help him, but even in this case, try to make the child understand the task and do it himself. Don't do lessons for him.

Fear of going to school. Sometimes a child suddenly develops an inexplicable fear of school and refuses to go there. This often happens after he has been at home for several days due to illness or an accident, especially if the onset of the illness or accident took place at school. As a rule, the child cannot explain what he is afraid of at school. The study of such cases has shown that the real cause of fear often has nothing to do with school. If the child is allowed to stay at home, his fear of school will only increase, and the fear of falling behind the school program and causing discontent of the teacher and classmates will be added to it. Therefore, parents should be firm and insist on the return of the child to school. Do not be deceived by his health complaints, do not try to persuade the doctor to allow him not to go to school for a few more days (of course, the doctor should check his health).

Teacher and parents. It is not difficult for you to stay on good terms with the teacher if your child is doing well in school. But if he studies poorly, the relationship with the teacher may be complicated. The best teachers, like the best parents, are only human. Each of them takes pride in their work. Each of them feels possessive towards the child. Everyone believes in their hearts (rightly or wrongly) that the child would do much better if the other party treated him a little differently. Parents should remember that the teacher is just as touchy as they are, that they will achieve much more from joint discussions if they are friendly and accommodating.

Some parents admit that they are afraid to appear before the teacher, but even the teacher is often afraid to appear before the parents. The task of parents in a conversation with a teacher is to give him information about the interests of the child, his reaction to various phenomena. And the teacher will decide how to use this information. Do not forget to thank the teacher for teaching topics that are especially liked and given to the child.

Greetings to all parents of students! Today I want to talk about the performance of our children at school, about how to arouse interest in classes so that grades get better and better. Unfortunately, many parents complain that the child does not study well, what to do in this situation, how to improve grades?

Now my daughter has already entered the seventh grade, and for the entire time she has been at school, we have already established certain rules with her that relate to school, and in particular, homework. But of course in primary school I had to work a lot for this, both for me and for her.

But now it has borne fruit: she studies very well and we have practically no problems with studies. Of course, a lot depends on the teacher, especially in primary school. To be honest, we were very lucky with the teacher, she was kind and at the same time very strict. But it's not about that...

Now it’s already November outside and the second quarter will fly by as always very quickly, and there, you see, it’s already the end of the school year, and then you understand that your student will again bring not the best grades in the report card ...

Of course, there are children who study with pleasure and do not need to be forced. They do all their homework after school on their own in order to get a good grade the next day. This is the dream of all parents. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, there will be no more than three or four such students for the entire parallel.

But our scientists say that excessive diligence is also not very good, since such children always get used to doing everything only perfectly and to be the best. And this can greatly hinder them in adulthood, where everything can be completely different from what they are used to. Therefore, if your baby does not love learning too much, there is nothing wrong with that either, you do not need to blame him for this.

In most cases, how a child learns depends on the parents, and not on teachers and friends, because it is the parents who can interest the child and find certain incentives to improve his performance. How to do it?

If "on the nose" the end of the school year

Of course, constant monitoring of progress is desirable, and not only at the end of the quarter, when it is already difficult to correct something. But, of course, that this does not always work out, then at work there are problems, then health is junk, then with her husband there are problems, in general, the usual everyday life ... And, now you understand that May is already on the nose, and there is no time to correct grades.

But in this situation, you can try to do something. Of course, if there are problems with only one or a couple of items, then, as they say, there is something to fight for, you can “push” more specifically on these items. And here the active participation of parents in the process is necessary.

But if all items are launched, then here, at the end of the year, it is unlikely that something will be fixed. And in such a situation, it is already worth preparing the ground for future classes, in a new educational one. In particular, you just need to talk to the child in an adult way, without swearing, and try to set him up for more serious work in the next classes. You need to find out his opinion, as he thinks, why he began to study worse. Ask how you personally can help him.

But it is necessary to end such a conversation only with a positive attitude, so that the child understands that you fully believe in his strengths and abilities. After such a conversation, it is advisable to start doing additional classes and think about a plan for additional classes for summer holidays for example, with the help of a tutor.

Why is the child learning poorly? Looking for reasons

Before you arrange a “showdown” with your child, you need to try to find the reason for his poor grades. And you know, sometimes it may turn out that these reasons are not at all related to study.

Health problems

How long has the baby been at the optometrist? Observe how close the child leans to notebooks and books, maybe it is the visual impairment that prevents him from studying well? If, after visiting the optometrist, this is confirmed, then you need to inform the teacher about this in order for the baby to be transplanted to a comfortable distance from the board.
If the baby does not eat well, is pale, it is clear that he is very tired from exertion, it does not hurt to show him to the attending physician. You may need to do some basic testing. The fact is that our children can very often have those who take useful substances from the child's body for their life. And simply getting rid of worms can have a positive impact on academic performance.

Family problems

As you know, children are very sensitive to conflicts that occur in the family. He will obviously not be up to school if his thoughts are constantly clogged with the fact that mom and dad are constantly swearing. Remember yourself in childhood? For example, I remember very well how once my parents quarreled a lot. It was already very late in the evening and my brother and I went to bed. I woke up from this scream, and then I could not sleep all night, listening and worrying about my mother, because my father was very angry and screamed very much. Not only did I not get enough sleep, but all day at school all my thoughts were very far from the lessons ... How many years have passed, but I remember everything in detail. That's how childish it is...

So try to solve all your problems and conflict situations so that the child does not know about it, and even more so does not participate in it.

Child's relationship with classmates

You need to try more often to just talk with the kid about what is happening at school, whether he has friends, whether there are any “bullies” who pester him at school and do not allow him to concentrate on the lessons.

You can talk with the class teacher, and in addition to grades, find out from him how the child behaves in class and breaks, how good his relationship with other children is.

Baby has a very busy schedule

Of course, we all want our children to grow up diversified. Therefore, we often overload them with various additional activities, which eventually turn into a heavy burden for them. Children are overwhelmed, and more often psychologically than physically.

The baby must have time to play with his favorite toys, with friends, pass the next level in his favorite computer game (not too long) or just relax without doing anything.

Banal laziness

As practice shows, this is the most common cause poor performance. It seems that there is time to do homework, but you really don’t want to do it! It is much more pleasant to sit at a computer, watch TV or just sit back in an armchair.

In such a situation, first of all, look at yourself from the outside. Perhaps it is you, excuse me for being direct, who sets a bad example for your child? If mom and dad are always all their own free time spend watching the same TV, then the child will copy your behavior.

In this case, you need to adjust your habits a little, and when everyone in the family has free time, spend it to good use. For example, go for a walk with the whole family, to the theater, to a picnic, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to spend time pointlessly.

As for the child, more decisive measures are needed here. For example, you can ban watching TV and playing games on the computer until the lessons are done or move all these entertainments to the weekend. If this does not help much, then such a ban can be introduced on weekends. This works especially well in the education of younger students.

Of course, at the first stage, you may encounter tantrums, but, over time, the child will get used to the new rules. This is where determination on your part is very important. If it says NO, it means NO.

How to make you want to study better

Of course, you can talk a lot with the child that if he studies well now, it will help him in the future. But as practice shows, this will give little, since this is still a distant and incomprehensible prospect for him.

But this does not mean that such conversations are not needed. You just need to speak not in the abstract, but with the help of concrete examples. For example, like this: if you have good knowledge and grades, then you can go to college and get a good specialty, thanks to which you will have money and you will be able to buy a car, an apartment, or whatever else he dreams of.

Let the child still not be able to give of great importance such words, but in his head there will be a certain sequence of actions related to learning now and a prosperous life in the future.

Well, so that he can now feel at least some benefit from a good study, come up with some kind of incentive for him. You can promise to give him, for example, some thing that he has long wanted to receive.

For example, it can be a mobile phone, some kind of game, perhaps an increase in pocket money or a trip somewhere. Or you can allow him to show independence and plan the day off himself.

Ask the student what he wants. This approach will be a great motivation and the child will most likely try very hard to get the promised reward. Only at the same time it is very important to fulfill this promise, otherwise you will simply lose the trust of the child.

As for parents, I can give advice to go to school and talk with the teacher to find out his opinion on why the kid has poor academic performance. At the same time, the teacher will see what you, as parents, are going through and you are not indifferent school life son go daughter.

Sometimes, to correct the assessment, you can prepare some Additional materials e.g. abstract. And at home, especially before control work just spend more time on subjects and work with your child on solving additional homework.

To a greater extent, control over homework is needed for children who are not very organized and are constantly distracted by something else.

Another good advice will draw up a daily routine with the baby so that he knows exactly when and what he should do in order to be in time. It is very organizing, I can say from personal experience. Now this is no longer very common in modern families, but I remember when I was a schoolgirl, I always had a daily routine on the wall. It is especially nice when it is colorful and beautiful. My mother and I filled it with multi-colored felt-tip pens and hung it in a conspicuous place. As a result, I had a clear plan of action, and I managed to do my homework and go to training and just relax.

And for younger students, you can do something else. On a large sheet of paper, write down all the subjects that he is studying. Then, when he gets a good grade in the subject at school, we draw a smiling sun or a cheerful emoticon in front of this subject. And if the score is bad, then the emoticon will be very sad.

For older children, you can simply draw a graph, depending on the points received. Children in this case will try and be very happy when the schedule goes up)

And, of course, there are three main ways to improve your grades:

  • lessons with a tutor
  • extra classes with school teacher for additional payment
  • classes in specialized circles

What Not to Do for Parents

There are several points that are important not to forget for the parents themselves. First of all, an excellent mark in a subject should not be achieved at any cost. The child must understand that it is not so much the assessment that is important as the knowledge itself.

Also, you do not need to do his tasks instead of the child. Firstly, it will have a bad effect on the upbringing of independence and responsibility in him, and secondly, he may develop a complex that he himself is not able to cope with anything, which will greatly hinder him in the future.

And of course, in no case should a child be called names because something does not work out for him, as he may lose faith that he will succeed, or vice versa, he will study poorly out of harm.

Only patience, various stimuli and friendly conversations can help in a situation where a child does not study well.

Like any mother, you are sure that your child is the smartest. However, the beloved child is in no hurry to live up to this high-profile title: recent times a young student brings only triples from school. The husband glances at the belt, cartoons are taboo in your house, but, despite these measures, the offspring has not yet pleased with a single five ...

The most common cause of triplets that appeared in a student is fatigue. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the extracurricular workload of your child. If your child prodigy goes to an art studio, plays tennis, swims in the pool, and studies with an English tutor in the evenings, you should not be surprised at his poor academic performance. Experts are sure that a child, regardless of age, can study normally only if he attends no more than two additional circles.

Ideally, if it is a sports section and intellectual activities - for example, karate and foreign language or skiing and chess. An excess of physical activity or, conversely, mental activity can overshadow the school, as it will take away all the strength and will not allow you to concentrate on the lessons. The only exceptions are music lessons, which cannot be overdone, because they help to structure the acquired knowledge and, according to psychologists, train attention. Playing from a sheet, the child solves several problems at once: he reads notes, analyzes and reproduces what he sees, which teaches concentration and develops fine motor skills which, in turn, affects the development of speech. Do not doubt that the student will unconsciously transfer all these skills to school lessons. Moreover, the music itself, no matter whether it is a waltz or a minuet, calms and has a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Buy him a computer game

Psychologists have been saying for several years that TV and computers are the main problems of today's "failed honors students". When a child is immersed in ready-made liquid crystal pictures (cartoons or games - it doesn’t matter), the part of the brain responsible for creativity turns off in him - he doesn’t fantasize, as when reading a book or listening to an audio fairy tale. Scientists note that children who do not know the limits of watching DVDs are not given subjects related to abstract thinking: physics, essays on literature and even drawing. In addition, the lack of the need to think and imagine while sitting at the screen leads to a general passivity. If you do not want your baby to suffer a similar fate, turn on the TV for no more than 1.5 hours a day. Set the same limit for computer games(moreover, the student must choose either one or the other entertainment).

Despite all the disadvantages of the TV and the computer, you should not forever anathematize them. There are also useful programs that can help in your studies. Recently, more and more high-quality films about travel, ancient wars and the animal world began to appear. However, the creators of hit computer toys noticed a gap in the theme of their "shooters" and began to release educational games. In them, your troechnik will be able to build a civilization and become a king in it. Most importantly, for the long existence of the country, he will have to learn how to make the right decisions and be responsible. Agree, these are excellent skills both for study and for life.

How to teach a child to understand everything the first time?

A mobile phone can also cause poor grades for a student if, instead of absorbing knowledge, a student writes text messages to friends or plays built-in toys in class. Psychologists insist that in the lower grades, the phone is not needed at all, and in the older grades it is better to take it along with street clothes. And do not worry that in case of special circumstances, the child will not be able to get through to you. Do not forget, the child is under the supervision of teachers who, if something happens, will give the student the opportunity to contact you.

Feed him ham

One of the most important factors in student growth is child nutrition. Therefore, your main task is to make the menu of your favorite child varied: try to cook vegetable soups, meat and fish, buy fresh vegetables and fruits. At the same time, remember that the nutrition of an excellent student should be adequate to the loads. If, running away to classes, the child is limited to a healthy leaf of lettuce and a glass of vitamin juice, do not look for fives in the diary. Breakfast must contain protein: ham, eggs or cheese. It is these foods that are rich in vitamin B12, which has a positive effect on the nervous system of the child. And if everything is in order with her, then there are no problems with attention in the lessons. In the event that your young student has no appetite, be sure to give him an extra breakfast with you. But do not think that we are talking about a chocolate bar - nutritious and high-calorie! It is known that sweets are fast carbohydrates, that is, energy. And, having accepted it, the child will have to urgently get rid of it and certainly will not be able to concentrate. Of course, this will positively affect marks in physical education, but what if Russian literature is ahead?

Recent studies have shown that most children with learning disabilities have an excess of gluten in their diets: a mixture of two plant proteins, gliadin and glutenin, found in wheat and rye.

Don't fight with your husband

Psychologists say that often a child is prevented from learning by his personality problems. They may be related to a difficult situation at home or with relationships with peers. So, for example, if a child sees busy mom and dad very rarely and communicates with them only when they are called to school because of his poor progress, he will subconsciously strive for this. After all, another failure in the diary is the only way to get parental attention. Also expect deuces if quarrels with your husband have become a frequent occurrence in your home. Believe me, the schoolboy will not leave unnoticed the fact that dad and mom unite only when it is necessary to talk about the offspring's poor studies. On a subconscious level, the child believes that a deuce is a low price for the opportunity to see parents in agreement. The recommendation is simple: never quarrel with your husband in front of a child. If you still quarreled in front of your student, ask your spouse for forgiveness from each other. The child must understand that the quarrel is forgotten and he is not required to sacrifice his good grades for the sake of peace in the house.

Lack of contact with classmates or, conversely, dependence on them can also cause problems. If a child has complexes because of height, appearance, or the inability to dress haute couture, he will try to “hide” and become an inconspicuous threesome. Luckily, it's easy to help! Together, find an activity in which your student will excel - it could be an art studio or a sports section. Achievements in the chosen field will raise his self-esteem, and academic performance will follow it.

Pay for fives

Sometimes the reason for poor academic performance is the lack of motivation: why try if mom and dad are not happy with good grades? So always encourage your prodigy for fours and fives. A child who receives praise from parents even for an infrequent “excellent” will begin to strive for this again. Do not rule out material rewards. Especially for academic performance in subjects that are not given to your student. But do not overdo it: expensive gifts can lead to deception - the student will begin to hide problems and forge a signature class teacher. For good academic performance during the week, enough pocket money and a modest gift, and leave laptops and trips abroad as a reward for the end of the year.

Perhaps the reason for your wunderkind's poor grades is banal boredom. In this case, try to diversify the education of your child. For example, if he has lost interest in biology, take him to a zoological or paleontological museum. What could be more interesting than the opportunity to see the skeleton of a real dinosaur?! And yet, according to teachers and psychologists, it is important for a child to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. For example, if your son is fond of Formula 1, try to explain the laws of physics to him using the example of a racing car, and tell your daughter who is starting to flirt about the expansion that occurs when heated using curling irons.

Expert opinion

Natalia Mikhailova, psychologist:

Always check homework: the child must understand that he will be asked the lesson learned, if not at school, then at home. Only in this case, the young student will begin to develop responsibility. Be aware of all school events, be interested in what is happening and be sure to ask how the situation was resolved (the conflict of the boys, the upcoming trip to the museum with the whole class, etc.) that you discussed yesterday. Confidence in your sincere interest will allow the child to trust his parents and give you the opportunity to help him at the right time. Needless to say, you need to look into textbooks yourself and be able to solve equations? Otherwise, you risk losing parental authority.

Organize it

make a list. Invite your child to make a list called “To Do.” Get a special notebook for this with a bright fashionable cover so that your student will be happy to carry it with him. As he completes the tasks, he will cross them out. Looking at this list, the child will not forget about a single task and will be able to correctly allocate his time, which will certainly make him more organized.

Number the tasks. Before the child sits down for lessons, ask him to number the tasks in the order in which he will do them. Do not demand that the student solve all the problems and write all the exercises at one time: be sure to arrange breaks. A little rest will not distract, but, on the contrary, will allow new knowledge to become stronger in his head.

Turn off the TV. Find a quiet place for your child to study, where there would be the least number of distractions (TV, phone or computer). If you have a one-room apartment, you will have to postpone watching your favorite TV series until the student does his homework. It is foolish to demand fives from a child if you yourself interfere with his studies.

stick to the routine. Your treasure should have a clear daily routine: try to set and stick to the same time for eating, sleeping, doing homework.

Don't delay for tomorrow. Start a tradition: before going to bed, the baby should collect a briefcase and prepare clothes for tomorrow. This will save both him and you from the morning rush and set the child up for the next school day.

There are many reasons for lagging behind in school. Individual failures usually occur in schools that do not seek to adapt to the needs and level of each student, in which children are treated roughly, demanding from them unconditional obedience. Where class groups are too big for individual approach.

The reasons for poor academic performance may be laid in the child himself. They may be hidden in his health: poor eyesight or hearing, fatigue or a chronic illness.

The reason may be the mental state of the child: nervousness and anxiety for any reason, the inability to find a common language with the teacher or students. It happens that a child does not read well, because it is difficult for him to recognize written words. One child does not work because the tasks are too easy for him, the other - because it is too difficult.

Do not scold or punish a child who is having trouble learning. Try to find out what is the reason for his poor performance. Check with your teacher or school principal or parenting consultant if you have one. Check the child's health, including vision and hearing.

Very capable child

If in the class all students work according to the same program, then more capable children may be bored, because the tasks are too easy for them. The only way out of the situation may be to move to a higher class.

This may be a good solution if the child is both physically and spiritually more developed than his peers. Otherwise, he will be isolated and lonely among classmates, especially when they enter adolescence. He may be too puny for sports and dancing. The interests of the child, most likely, are determined by his age, which prevents him from finding a common language with new comrades. What good is it to him that he will go to college at a very young age if it will always make him lonely?

It is better for such a bright child to stay in his class where his peers study, provided that the curriculum is too flexible, that is, it can be made more difficult for bright children. He can be instructed to work out a more difficult book in the library and make a report on it.

If a capable student works for the sake of grades or to please the teacher, the guys give him the nicknames "Clever", "Favorite". But if he works on a common theme, together with the whole team, the respect of the guys for him grows, because his mind and abilities are especially useful in a common cause.

Even if you consider your child to be very talented, don't try to move him to an older class that doesn't match his abilities. As a result, the child will study worse than he could, or even simply stay in the second year, returning to his class.

There is also the question of whether smart children should be taught to read and count before school. Parents say that often the children themselves ask to show them letters and numbers and just ask for training. This is partly true, and there is no harm in satisfying a child's curiosity.

But in many of these cases, there is another side. Often parents place too high expectations on their child and want him to excel other children. When he plays his childish games, they take it easy. But as soon as he shows interest in reading, they light up and enthusiastically help the child learn to read. The child, seeing the enthusiasm of the parents, responds to it with even greater interest. This can completely distract him from the natural pursuits of his age and turn him into a "literate" sooner than necessary.

It is natural for good parents to rejoice in the fine qualities of their children. But it is necessary to distinguish where the interests of the child end and the great hopes of the parents begin. If parents are ambitious by nature, they should honestly admit this to themselves and be on the lookout not to let their ambition rule the child's life.

For a child to grow up to be a happy person and become the pride of his parents, they should not put pressure on him at any age, whether it be about school, music or dance lessons, sports or choosing friends.

Poor academic performance due to nervousness. A child's education can be hindered by various worries, troubles and family troubles. Here are a few examples, although they do not exhaust all the possibilities.

A six-year-old girl is tormented by a feeling of jealousy for her younger brother. It irritates her, distracts her from her studies. Sometimes she suddenly attacks other children for no apparent reason.

The child may be upset by the illness of a family member, or the parent's threat to leave, or a misunderstood sexual relationship. In the early years of school, a child may be afraid of a bully or an angry dog ​​on the way to school, or a strict teacher, be afraid to ask permission to go to the toilet, or to answer a lesson in front of the whole class. For an adult, all this may seem like nothing, but for a shy 6-7-year-old child, such things can cause intense fear, which completely paralyzes his ability to think.

A nine-year-old child who is severely scolded and punished at home may reach a state of extreme anxiety and tension and lose the ability to keep his thoughts on anything.

Usually a child who is considered "lazy" is actually not lazy at all. Man is born curious and energetic. If later he loses these qualities, then education is to blame. The reasons for seeming laziness are different. A child can be simply stubborn, because he is constantly urged from birth. But he is not lazy when it comes to his personal hobbies. Sometimes a child is simply hesitant to try something out of fear of failing. This quality develops in a child whose parents have always been too critical of his achievements or demanded too much from him.

Sometimes a very conscientious child does not study well, however strange it may sound. He repeats a lesson already learned or an exercise done many times in fear that he missed something or did something wrong. Such a child always lags behind his comrades because of his excessive fussiness.

A child deprived of love and care in early childhood, by school age, as a rule, becomes nervous, restless, irresponsible, unable to become interested in learning, find a common language with teachers and classmates.

Whatever the reason for the poor performance of the child, it is necessary,

firstly, to find the internal reason for his poor progress;

secondly, regardless of whether you can find it or not, the teacher and parents, having combined their knowledge about the child, must reveal his good qualities and interests and, using them, gradually draw the child into the team and his activities.

Poor reading due to slow development of visual memory. For both you and me, the word "nose" looks completely different than the word "sleep." But for most young children who are just starting to read, these pairs of words look almost the same.

They can read the word "ditch" as "thief" or the word "weight" as "sowing." In a letter, they often confuse letters that are similar in spelling. Over time, such errors become very rare. But approximately 10% of students (mostly boys) continue to suffer from this deficiency for several years. They take longer to learn to read relatively well, and they can make spelling mistakes all their lives, no matter how much they practice. Such children quickly come to the conclusion that they are "incapable" and often begin to hate school because they cannot keep up with the class. They need to be reassured and reassured that their trouble is in a special defect in visual memory (as well as lack of an ear for music), that they are not stupid and not lazy, that sooner or later they will learn to read well and write correctly.

Help with lessons

Sometimes the teacher advises to additionally work out with the child in those subjects in which he is lagging behind. In some cases, parents themselves decide to "pull up" the child. This must be done with caution. Often parents turn out to be bad teachers, not because they lack knowledge, and not because they are unscrupulous, but because they take the child's progress too close to their hearts and get angry if he does not understand something. When a child is already confused about a subject, a nervous parent will only make matters worse. In addition, the parent may explain things differently than the teacher, which will further confuse the child who did not understand the topic in class.

I do not mean to say that parents should never help their children in their studies. Sometimes their help brings very good results. But before you engage with your child, consult with his teacher. Immediately stop your individual studies if they do not bring success.

When a child occasionally asks you to help him with his homework, it's okay if you explain to him what he does not understand (there is nothing that gives parents more pleasure than the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge to a child). But if the child asks to do his homework for him because he does not understand it, consult with the teacher.

A good teacher prefers to help the child understand the topic so that he can then complete the task on his own. If the teacher is too busy for individual lessons with the child, the parents will have to help him, but even in this case, try to make the child understand the task and do it himself. Don't take lessons for him.

Fear of going to school

Sometimes a child suddenly has an inexplicable fear of school and refuses to go there. This often happens after he has been at home for several days due to illness or an accident, especially if the onset of the illness or accident took place at school. As a rule, the child cannot explain what he is afraid of at school. The study of such cases has shown that the real cause of fear often has nothing to do with school.

If the child is allowed to stay at home, his fear of school will only increase, and the fear of falling behind the school program and causing discontent of the teacher and classmates will be added to it. Therefore, parents should be firm and insist on the return of the child to school. Do not be deceived by his health complaints, do not try to persuade the doctor to allow him not to go to school for a few more days (of course, the doctor should check his health).

If the child cannot eat before going to school

Occasionally such a problem arises, especially with students in grades 1 and 2 at the beginning of the school year. A conscientious child may be so in awe of the class and of the teacher that it completely deprives him of his appetite before going to school. If his mother forces him to eat, he may vomit on the way to school or in class, adding to his other troubles a sense of shame.

Don't force your child to eat in the morning. Have him drink juice or milk if that is all his stomach can take. If the child cannot even drink, let him go to school with an empty stomach. Of course, this is not good, but he will soon get rid of his nervous tension and will be able to have breakfast before classes if you leave him alone. Usually such a child eats very well at lunch and even better at dinner, compensating for the missed breakfast. As he gets used to school, his stomach will demand more and more food in the morning, provided that he does not have to fight with his mother.

For a shy child, the sensitivity of the teacher is especially important. The mother can talk to the teacher, explain the situation to him. The teacher will try to be especially affectionate with the child and help him get used to the team.

Teacher and parents

It is not difficult for you to stay on good terms with the teacher if your child is doing well in school. But if he studies poorly, relations with teachers can be complicated. The best teachers, like the best parents, are only human. Each of them takes pride in their work. Each of them feels possessive towards the child. Everyone believes in their hearts (rightly or wrongly) that the child would do much better if the other party treated him a little differently.

Parents should remember that the teacher is just as touchy as they are, that they will achieve much more from joint discussions if they are friendly and accommodating. Some parents admit that they are afraid to appear before the teacher, but even the teacher is often afraid to appear before the parents. The task of parents in a conversation with a teacher is to give him information about the interests of the child, his reaction to various phenomena. And the teacher will decide how to use this information. Do not forget to thank the teacher for teaching topics that are especially liked and given to the child.


Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I propose to speak on school theme. Academic year has just begun, so based on my experience in school, I want to anticipate questions about school performance. In this article I will answer the most popular question from parents: “The child does not study well at school. What to do?"

Certainly not to shout and not to prepare the belt. Believe me, this case will not help. But what then? Before answering the question “What to do?”, First you need to understand the reasons for what is happening. Why does the child study poorly?

The main reasons I would divide into three main types:

  • The state of health of the child;
  • Personal qualities;
  • social factors;

Child health

In the first grade, parents usually do not have questions about school failure, because. Grades are not given in first grade. Very rarely, a teacher can say that a child is lagging behind in the program, although this sometimes happens. In most cases, the child begins to study poorly in the 2nd grade and later. With what it can be connected?

With a weakened state of health or the presence of any features in development. Children who are forced to miss classes at school, and begin to slowly fall behind the program. Here, of course, one cannot do without consulting a pediatrician and hardening procedures.

For children with special needs (delayed mental development, children with visual or hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, etc.), even if they were admitted to general education school and the usual mass class (inclusive), a special training program should be selected and built.

Fatigue and asthenic symptoms in a child are also a contributing factor to a child's poor learning at school. Pay attention to the load of the child. Isn't she too big? There are so many opportunities around right now. additional education and development of the child that few parents do not try to take advantage of this opportunity.

True, it's great when, in addition to the main program in a kindergarten or school, you can allow a child to gain new knowledge, skills and abilities in different circles, sections and additional classes. (You can read more about choosing a section and circles for a child in the article.) But sometimes such a load on a child can cause him fatigue and exhaustion.

Look at your child's schedule. Is your baby busy? Or maybe you think that it does not exhaust him much? Perhaps you should exclude English 3 times a week or leave dancing 2 times a week, but cancel figure skating?

But before canceling all classes altogether, look at how he does them? Do they bring him the pleasure that he does not get from school? Is he successful in his circle? If yes, then you should not cancel them.

Then his motivation for further studies and his self-esteem can suffer greatly. And if you decide that music lessons, for example, bring him pleasure, but they are too frequent (5 times a week), you can simply reduce them to 3 times, for example.

Fatigue, drowsiness, colds It's no secret to anyone that all this affects the performance of the baby. No matter how trite it sounds, but “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”. A healthy child can cope with the tasks that are set before him. And healthy not only physically, but also mentally.

Personal qualities of the child

There can be several reasons that lead to learning problems:

The child was not ready to go to school

And here I would also highlight 2 points:

Here are two examples:

  • Farmer family. The child is 8 years old. He knows how to dig, drive a tractor, knows the basics of crafts, but cannot read. From birth, his father instills in him the skills that will be useful to him in the future life of a farmer, putting this in the first place. And there is simply not enough time to get acquainted with the alphabet.
  • City family. Dad works as a director of a company, mom is a housewife, it is possible to hire a nanny and tutors. But the parents don't want to. Schools should teach, they say. Let him rest at least before school and do whatever he wants, then life will teach him anyway. And we give our child a happy and carefree childhood.

It sounds really nice, don't you agree? True, these are all illusions. First, not only teachers, but also parents are responsible for schooling. Secondly, in real life The school takes already prepared children.

The emotional state of the child. Child is anxious or agitated

This is a very broad reason. The child may be frightened by changes in the family (divorce, the birth of a brother / sister, moving, death of a loved one, etc.). Something happened in his life that scared him a lot. Or he is acutely experiencing adolescence (unrequited love, relationships with peers, conflicts with parents), etc.

Of course, as you yourself understand, during this period the child does not want to study at all. For him, other tasks are more important now. Here, an adult can help solve the problems that have arisen in front of the child and only then improve their studies.

Unfortunately, I often hear from parents and teachers that all this unrequited love or moving is “All this is nonsense!”, “Get involved in your studies faster!”. See, he can't do it. Put yourself in his place. And help to cope with the flurry of feelings that boil in it.

Sometimes a child begins to study poorly in order to attract the attention of his parents. Perhaps he lacks your support right now? Or does he protest against too many prohibitions in his life and does everything in defiance? Or does he understand that “becoming an excellent student” is an unfulfilled dream of his mother, which he must now bring to life?

Social causes

Conflicts at school

Didn't get along with the class . For example, they call them names and consider them a black sheep. When the whole class teases you, then the lesson does not think about examples at all. Most likely, such thoughts are sitting in my head: “how to go home as soon as possible?”, “why did they get on me?”, “how to take revenge on them?”.

Or conflict with teacher . The teacher simply disliked the child. He finds fault and instead of helping to understand the subject, he pokes and, on the contrary, fills up with difficult tasks. There are teachers from God. And there are ordinary people who can sometimes break down too. And in this version it is reflected in our children.

Not suitable program

It can be either too simple or too complex. The child is bored. This can happen for several reasons.

  • The kid started to train / develop too early. He taught letters at the age of three. And now he is not interested in this activity, the learning process is unpleasant, he wants to play.

In this case, the child should be given the opportunity to "play enough" enough. Not to ban games, but to encourage and develop them, gradually, very gradually transferring them to educational activities.

  • The child quickly grasps and easily masters school curriculum. Then in the lessons, if there is no individual approach, he gradually begins to count the crows. After all, the tasks already seem to him too simple and uninteresting. And then, when the program becomes more complicated, he does not have time to connect and gradually slips into twos and threes.

So, to the question “Why does the child study poorly?” we have tried to answer you. There may be one reason, or there may be several. For example, a child has entered adolescence, is tense, and then new teacher in mathematics, which changed the program and the grading system.

The child does not study well at school: what to do?

Now the next logical question arises: “What to do with it?”

And if he lacks your attention? Think about it, what's the benefit to him? He does not study well, you abandon personal matters, and spend all your time with him, trying to figure out the lessons. Isn't that the reason? Help, but don't do everything for him.

The short summary: if your child began to study poorly, do not rush to scold him. Try to understand why this is happening? What distracts and worries him? Remember, by joining forces, and not by conflict, you can quickly find a solution in any situation.
Watch the video "5 Losers who have achieved success":

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