Complex sentences. Compound sentences In which sentence the grammatical foundations are correctly identified

Elena Vladimirovna Ovchinnikova MOU secondary school No. 2, Bronnitsy

teacher of Russian language and literature

Compound sentences

Option 1

1. In which row are connecting unions listed?

    either, or, on the other hand;

    and, yes, too;

    yes, not that ... not that;

    however, or, but.

2. Indicate which conjunction is used in the compound sentence?

The weather is great, yes unfortunately no rain(Arseniev).




3. Find an offer with homogeneous members associated with the union and:

    I gave him your order, and he fulfilled it with great pleasure (Simonov).

    The sun had set, and dim clouds hung over the dark steppe (Chekhov).

    The conversation seemed interesting to him, and he stopped, waiting for an opportunity to express his thoughts (Gorky).

    Half an hour later we were sitting at home, drinking tea and telling our adventures to our comrades (Kaverin).

4. Indicate a compound sentence:

    He chuckled, but thought clouded his brow and eyes.

    The snow is such that you will not find each other (Kataev).

    I woke up because I was thirsty (Platonov).

    When we got free, I didn’t feel anything in the heat of the moment.

    Water oozed through the gray stone and it was stuffy in the dark gorge.

    The water began to seethe under the stern and the sailor deftly caught the rope thrown to him from the side (Kataev).

    Again, the grain was not harvested and the mowing was not mowed (Grigoriev).

    And she does not find relief from suppressed tears and her heart breaks in half (Akhmatova).

She was young (1) and smart (2) and considered it necessary to takefrom life all the best (3) that she will present to her(Turgenev).

1)1,2,3 2) 2,3; 3)1,3; 4) 3.

7. Specify how many commas to put in this sentence:

Grandfather got angry and hit the countertop with his fist and from the impact both the cups and the bread and the salt shaker jumped up and fell on the floor with a roar. (Gladkov).

1)1 2) 2; 3) 3; 4) 4.

8. Indicate in which sentence the punctuation marks are correctly placed:

    The storm subsided completely, and only distant rumbles of thunder rushed from afar, and an endless black cloud crawled across the sky.

    Sparrows chirp joyfully in spring and titmouse sing (Kaverin).

9. Indicate a compound sentence with a connecting union:

    My father wished me a good journey, and my daughter accompanied me to the cart (Pushkin).

    Either I will arrange everything as before, or I will challenge him to a duel (Chekhov).

    The daughter studied at home and grew up well, the boy also studied well.

10. How many simple sentences are in a complex one?

His soul got used to storms and anxieties, and thrown ashore, he misses and languishes. (Lermontov).

1) 2; 2) 3.

At dawn, the shepherd does not drive the cows from barn, and at midday hour his horn does not call them into a circle(Pushkin).

    does not call them;

    does not call him;

    the horn does not call.

1) Still the same foggy haze now even thicker wrapped around la, and everything is just as strange and incomprehensible looked at nature(Veresaev).

2) Bright the rainbow spread through the sky and fragments of clouds hastily sail away into this luxurious arch (Soloukhin).

3) Night passed under big net moon, and by morning lay lane frost(Prishvin).

13. Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentence:

So the church has remained forever (I ) with monsters stuck in the doors and windows (2) overgrown with forest (3) roots (4) weeds (5)wild thorns (6) and no one will now find a way to her(Goel).

1) 1,2,3,4,5,6;



    And she does not find relief from suppressed tears and her heart breaks in half (Pushkin).

    Unless sometimes an owl hoots deafly and a blind-sighted owl flies inaudibly (Abramov).

    Soon after sunrise, a cloud came up and a short rain splashed (Prishvin).

    We drove seven versts and a low house and a yard appeared in the distance (Chekhov).

Compound sentences

Option 2

1. In which row are divisive unions listed?

    then ... then, but;

    or, either;

    yes, also;

    however, but.

2. Indicate which union is used in the compound sentence:

Either weave, or spin, or sing songs.



3) separating.

3. Indicate a compound sentence:

1) So I sat down at the fence and began to listen (Arsenyev).

2) Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna (Sergeev-Tsensky) did not like this.

3) She was young and smart and considered it necessary to take the best from life (Turgenev).

4) Andrey pulled out and with difficulty lifted up with both hands a large fish (Krutilin).

4. Specify a complex sentence:

    Only the orioles scream, and the cuckoos vied with each other to count off unlived years for someone (Paustovsky).

    There the coachman is waiting with the horse, but the sleigh cannot pass.

    The storm has passed, and a branch of white roses through the window breathes aroma to me.

    In autumn, it is so warm on the seashore during the day that you can safely walk in just shirts (Krutilin).

5. Indicate a compound sentence in which there is a common minor member:

    Age-old dark trees closed over the heads of the fighters and the sun could not break through the foliage (Simonov).

    Chelkash's mustache trembled and a light flared up in his eyes.

    We drove seven versts and a low house and a yard appeared in the distance.

    The door slammed shut and the sound of receding footsteps was heard.

6. Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentence:

It was dawning (1) and the light (2) of the not yet extinguished (3) lanterns was not needed(Kaverin).

1)1,2,3; 2)1; 3)1,3; 4) 2, 3.

7. Indicate in which sentence the punctuation marks are correctly placed:

    From somewhere comes the abrupt, alarming cry of an unsleeping bird, or an indefinite sound is heard, similar to someone's voice (Sergeev-Tsensky).

    The sunrise turned white, and illuminated the tops of the mountains, and the silent forest began to turn blue (Grigoriev).

8. Indicate a compound sentence with an adversative conjunction:

    She grabbed my hand and we drove to the other side of the rink, to the playground (Kaverin).

    Butter is either pickled or dried (Soloukhin).

    The thought of inseparable bonds quite often flashed through their minds, but they never talked about it with each other (Pushkin).

The next morning he had a headache, a buzzing in his ears and in his whole body.felt unwell(Chekhov).

1) 2; 2) 3.

10. What combination of words is one of the grammatical bases in the sentence?

After resting and drinking tea, we are exactly at noonwe got into the boat again, and it carried us along a long, straight stretch(Korolenko).

    rested and drunk, we;

    carried us;

    she suffered.

11. Which sentence correctly highlights grammar basics?

    Every day a terrible wind blew and overnight in the snow imagewas called hard, icy layer Nasta (Prishvin).

    Far away still flapping its wings mill, and still
    she is similar on a small man, waving his arms (Chekhov).

    Luckily, Pechorin was loaded into thoughtfulness, looking at the blue teeth of the Caucasus, and, it seems, not in a hurry on the road (Lermontov).

12. Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentence:

I had to travel on ice for the first time (1) and (2) I confess (3) I did not easily overcome the obstacles I encountered (4) promising an ice bath at every step (Sokolov-Mikitov).

1)1,2,3,4; 2)1,4; 3)4.

13. Which sentence does not need punctuation marks?

    It was already ten o'clock in the evening and the full moon shone over the garden (Chekhov).

    The cloudy sun rushed over the tops of the white trees and did not lag behind the car a single step (Paustovsky).

    In the living room, furniture stood symmetrically, portraits hung, and home carpets were spread on the floor (L, Tolstoy).

    Cast-iron grating on a stone bridge and its shadow so clearly pierced in the light (Ozerov).

14. Which sentence has a punctuation error?

    The sun had already set, and a pleasant freshness was spreading in the air (Stanyukovich).

    There were stars in the sky, and the moon shone occasionally covered with smoke (L. Tolstoy).

Compound sentences

Option 3

1. In which row are opposing unions listed?

    yes, also, and;

    but, however, but;

    either, but, and;

    too, or yes.

2. Indicate which union connects the parts of a compound sentence:

The strange old man spoke very slowly, and the sound of his voice also amazed me.(Sergeev-Tsensky).




3. Specify the syntactic characteristics of the sentence:

Tops of pines methodically rang and barely audible whispers of aspenski(Sergeev-Tsensky).

    compound sentence with conjunction and;

    a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

4. Indicate a compound sentence in which there is no common secondary member:

    During the whole winter it never got warmer and no fussy melt water dripped from the boarded roofs.

    Soon after sunrise, a cloud came up and a short rain splashed.

    Above me is a wide blue sky and large white birds are flying.

    My friend thought for a while and we drove in silence.

5. Indicate a sentence in which there is only one comma:

    He slept with the windows uncurtained and the garden and the moon looked through them all night.

    We chose a place to spend the night under large shaggy fir trees and began to pitch a tent.

3) The nightingale, scattering with a jubilant trill, sang his spring song.

4) One after another, horses approached the fire slowly fading in the night and looked at us with intelligent eyes.

6. Specify a sentence with a punctuation error:

    The ice quickly thickened, and the ship had to go quietly.

    Everything was quiet, only the leaves rustled far from the road, and the crackling of branches was heard.

    For a while, everything faded and darkened again.

4) The owner was distinguished by cordiality and hospitality, and his home hotel was always full during the hunting season.

7. Indicate the correct explanation of punctuation in the sentence:

The fog cleared and the outlines of objects became clearer.

    and no comma needed;

    compound sentence before conjunction and a comma is needed;

    a complex sentence, before the union and a comma is not needed;

    a simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union and a comma is needed.

8. Indicate a compound sentence with a dividing union:

    It slammed somewhere, then suddenly there was a howl, then it was as if someone walked along the corridor (S. Shchedrin).

    Then everything calmed down, and only the sea distance was still monotonously, quietly noisy (Paustovsky).

    The moon shines under the scythe, and the star burns in the forehead (Pushkin).

9. How many simple sentences are in a complex one?

These were the people art and talent and I had no talent and I of course, I was completely upset in vain and thought in vain about this(Kaverin).

1) 2; 2) 3.

10. How many grammatical bases are in the sentence?

The flame is glowing the flame blazes, sparks splatter and fly, and coolness breathes on them dark garden from behind the river (Tyutchev).

1) 2; 2)3; 3) 4.

11. What combination of words is one of the grammatical bases in the sentence?

The gypsy stopped for a minute and, jumping up,squatted around my grandmother, and she floated on the floor noiselessly, likethrough the air, spreading his arms, raising his eyebrows, looking somewhere into the distance darkeyes(Bitter).

    The gypsy stopped and jumped up;

    She swam, spreading, lifting, looking;

    The gypsy stopped and walked away.

12. In which sentence are the grammatical foundations correctly identified?

1) It was dark but I after all saw and trees, and water, and people.

    around everything gets darker and darker and already at night we are moving in in
    familiar village (Bunin).

    That fell like a mist then suddenly allowed oblique, large rain.

13. Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentence:

For a change, a white cobblestone will flash in the weeds (1) or a gray stone woman will grow for a moment (2) or a gopher will run across the road (3) and again the weeds will run past the eyes (4) hills (5) rooks(Chekhov).

1) 1,2,3,4,5;

2) 2,3,4,5;

3) 1,2,4,5.

14. Which sentence does not need punctuation marks?

    My friend thought for a while and we drove in silence (Korolenko).

    Occasionally, a branch crunches under the foot or a motley woodpecker (Mamin-Sibiryak) will fly over.




Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Chachkova Anna Valentinovna
teacher of Russian language and literature
MOU Budinskaya OOSh
Tver region

I propose a summary of the lesson in the Russian language in the 6th grade, which was developed for the textbook by M.T. Baranov. The lesson introduces neologisms.
Students perform various tasks under the guidance of a teacher, thereby strengthening the topic of vocabulary.

Goals:to acquaint students with the reasons for the appearance of new words in the Russian language;
- develop the ability to use explanatory dictionary to determine the meaning of new words;
- to develop spelling vigilance

Demo material: explanatory dictionary, cards for checking homework

Methodical methods: pair work, conversation

During the classes

1. Org. the beginning of the lesson.
2. Checking homework:

Terminological dictation
1) The words that are used by the inhabitants of a particular area are called ...
2) All words in the language are called ...
3) Words that are used by all residents, regardless of where they live, are called ... ..
4) Words associated with the peculiarities of the work of people of a particular profession, specialty, are called ... ..
5) vocabulary person is…
6) what the word means is called ....
7) words that are opposite in meaning to the same part of speech are called ... ..
8) words of the same part of speech, identical in spelling, but different in meaning, are called ...
9) words of the same part of speech, different in spelling, but similar in meaning, are called ..

Key to answers:

- peer review of completed work by students

3. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- Today we will continue to study vocabulary with you. In past lessons, we talked with you about dialectisms, professional words, native Russian and borrowed. Today we will get to know you new group words. And what try to guess by solving the following task:
The fourth extra:
1. paper
2. bathrobe
3. horse
4. internet

What word was chosen? Why?
- That's right, this word is the Internet, because it appeared in our speech relatively recently.
- Words that have appeared in our speech relatively recently are called neologisms.
- Write the topic of the lesson in your notebooks.

4. Learning new material
1) familiarity with theoretical material.
Page 72
5. Primary consolidation of the studied material.
1) work on the textbook:
Ex. 129 - do this exercise orally
Ex. 130 - write words according to the model:
An aquanaut is ... (use an explanatory dictionary)

2) This is interesting:
From a thematic point of view, the most common words of this type can be divided into several groups:
1) words - economic terms : offshore (free), roaming - “distribution; political terms: speaker - chairman of parliament,
inauguration - "the ceremony of inauguration of the president of the country",
rating - "assessment",
2) words - terms related to computer technology
site - "location"; file - submission of smth. document"
3) the names of some household items.
mixer - "mixing apparatus or appliance"; toaster - "a device for toasting toast"
4) sports terms, as well as the names of some games or sports activities that have become fashionable and popular in recent times, for example:
bowling - “ball; bowling"; diving - "snorkeling",
5) the names of some phenomena of musical culture
hit - “popular song”, single - “song recorded separately”, remake (remake) - “remake”,
6) names of some professions, type of activity (recently popular), for example:
security - “security”, provider - “supplier”, realtor - “real estate agent
7) terms used in cosmetology:
lifting - "tightening", peeling - "face cleansing", scrub - "exfoliating cream,

3) distribution letter:
- Now I will dictate the words, and you will distribute them into the following columns:

4) dictation:
It had rained, and a thick fog had risen over the low meadows. A bright rainbow has spread across the sky, and fragments of clouds hastily float away into this magnificent arch. A strong piercing wind was blowing, and somewhere above, on a steep bank, the trees creaked. The river ran fast and murmured almost inaudibly near the piles of the bath.

5) prepare for the GIA:
1. In which row is the same unstressed vowel of the root missing in all words, which can be checked by stress?
A) selective ... efficient, look ... put, app ... tit
B) remembrance ... knowledge, holy .. schenny, t .. oretic
C) unit ..nitsa, wrap ... wat (ivy), sv..stet
D) p..lezny, v..ronka, r..stochek

2. Specify the erroneous judgment:
A) there are four sounds in the word SEMEM.
B) in the word COLD all consonants are solid
C) in the word GIVES the second consonant sound voiced
D) in the word MOVE, the letters ТС denote the sound [c]
3. Which word has an alternating vowel in the root:
A) dusk
B) offer
B) I'm moving
D) admits

6. Summing up the lesson:
- What are neologisms?
- Give examples of neologisms.
- What did you do well in the lesson?
- What difficulties did you experience?

7. Homework:
P. 26, rule, exercise 132

Option 1

The sun's heat and brilliance gave way to the coolness of the night and the dim light of the new moon.(L. Tolstoy).

1) simple; 2) complex.

If the writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he writes about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.(Paustovsky).

1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 4.

The upper tier is formed by a date palm, which is not afraid of the burning rays of the sun.(Soloukhin).

1) tier forms; 2) palm forms; 3) is not afraid of the sun.

4. What word or combination of words is the subject of the sentence?

At that time, the arrival of the minister with his son was not only known in the maid's room, but the appearance of both of them had already been described in detail.(L. Tolstoy).

1) arrival of the minister; 2) appearance; 3) a minister with his son; 4) girlish.


The rooks have been walking around the yard for a long time and began to build nests in the rook grove..

6. What is the characteristic of this proposal?

It was decided to go tomorrow if the rain stops(Arseniev).

1) complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) compound; 4) complex subordinate.

7.What is the characteristic of this proposal?

The hatches were tightly closed, and fresh air did not penetrate(Stankovich).

1) complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) compound; 4) complex subordinate.


Things were stacked and there was nothing to do(Aksakov).



9. Indicate a sentence that corresponds to the following characteristic: a complex sentence, with two simple sentences.

1) He woke up when the sunny square of the window crept up to his eyes.(Arseniev).

2) He stood with eyes closed as if collecting thoughts(Maltsev).

Simple and complex sentence Option 2

1. Define the type of offer:

Spring shone in the sky, but the forest was still covered with snow in winter.

1) simple; 2) complex.

2. How many simple sentences are there complex sentence?

The light of the moon turned out to be quite enough for the units to go where they were directed, and then do what the cruel law of bayonet attacks dictated.(Sergeev-Tsensky).

1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 4.

3.What combination of words is one of the grammatical bases in the structure of a complex sentence? He went out into the street, and a soft female voice called out to him at the outer door.

4. What word or combination of words is the predicate in the sentence?

This silence lasted a long time, and I wanted to remind my traveler about the continuation of the story.

1) wanted; 2) remind; 3) wanted to remind; 4) lasted a long time.

5. What is the characteristic of this proposal?

The sun reigns in the shining sky, and the wind walks on the earth(Ovechkin).

1) simple; 2) compound; 3) complex; 4) complex non-union.

What is the characteristic of this proposal?

The day was fading, the forest began to get dark quickly(Linkov).

1) complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) compound; 4) complex subordinate.

What is the characteristic of this proposal?

Everyone was waiting for something, sitting in a cloudy dining room(Kataev).

1. complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) compound; 4) complex subordinate.

8. Specify the way of linking simple sentences inside a complex one:

At times only, when she did not notice it, the boyar forgot himself, knitted his eyebrows and looked menacingly at Elena(A. Tolstoy).

1) with the help of intonation, without unions;

2) with the help of intonation and subordinating union when;

3) with the help of intonation and coordinating union when.

9. Indicate a sentence that corresponds to the following characteristic: a complex sentence consisting of three simple sentences.

1) Ovsyannikov looked around, moved closer to me and continued to speak.(Turgenev).

2)Already in the morning I felt unwell, although I still could not clearly determine what my illness consisted of.

Simple and compound sentence

Option 3

1. Choose among the indicated sentences a complex one:

1) A fresh stream of night air poured in through the window and carried with it the resinous aroma of a spruce forest and fragrant forest herbs (Mamin-Sibiryak).

2) There was silence in the room, broken only by the rustling of the notebook sheets being turned over.

3) It rained like a bucket, and everything disappeared (Prishvin).

2. Choose from the given sentences simple:

1) Already in the morning I felt unwell, although I still could not clearly determine what my illness consisted of (Kaverin).

2) The snow on the collar melted very noticeably, despite the fact that it was cold (L. Tolstoy).

3) A soft bluish glow illuminates a figure motionlessly crouching on a lonely ice floe, covered with white hoarfrost (Serafimovich).

3. Which sentence has all the grammatical bases correctly identified?

1) Train was already away, where the rails are narrowing(Arseniev).

2) Melted snow nested in the pits, treacherously closing puddles and potholes, cold water which unexpectedly advancing chilled legs(Greene).

3) At eight o'clock in the evening Rain stopped, although the sky was still gloomy (Kaverin).

4)I have long my edge left, where meadows bloom and thickets (Yesenin).

Which sentence is grammatically incorrect?

1) Majestic the mountains, already green in spring, all pulled on their peaks winter hats

2) As soon as the sun starts warm in summer many go on a romantic trip

3) flew from the bay gray low clouds, on beach a wave was rising her whistling grassroots wind(Paustovsky).

4) Everyone was watching with surprise at the hero and saw what he's smarter, prettier their soul and face

5. Indicate the correct syntactic characteristics of the sentence:

The old man was about eighty, and his gray beard had long turned yellow, but he held on tight and was not inferior to young peasants.(Kaverin).

1) Compound, consists of three simple ones.

2) Complicated, consists of two simple ones.

3) Simple, with homogeneous members of the sentence.

4) Compound non-union, consists of three simple ones.

Any sentence, including a complex one, is characterized by the intonation of the end of the sentence. It is expressed by lowering the voice towards the end of the sentence.

Compare by intonation simple sentences and complex.

Read expressively an excerpt from N. Rubtsov's poem.

Watch how the complex sentence is pronounced according to the signs showing pause, rise and fall in tone.

Answer the questions and draw a conclusion about the features of the intonation of a complex sentence.

With what intonation is each part of a complex sentence pronounced?

Does each of these parts have the intonation of the end of the sentence, or is this intonation inherent only in the end of the entire complex sentence?

In what cases does intonation act as a grammatical means of connecting simple sentences in a complex one on its own, and in which - simultaneously with the union?

Each simple sentence is characterized by a lowering of the voice towards the end.

Being part of a complex sentence, any simple one loses the intonation of completeness, as it becomes part of a complex one. In a complex sentence, the intonation of completeness, characteristic of the end of a sentence, is realized once. This helps to know when a complex sentence ends.

Usually a pause between parts of a complex sentence is fixed. It is preceded by a raised voice.

Thus, the intonation of a complex sentence has three main elements: first, a rise in voice, then a pause, and a gradual decrease in voice towards the end of the sentence.

Intonation, with or without unions, connects separate simple sentences into a single whole, which is why it is a means of communication in a complex sentence.

56. Watch your voice rise and fall as you build complex sentences from these simple ones. Write down complex sentences, forming them: a) with the help of the union that is necessary in meaning, b) without the help of the union.

1. The train arrived on time. Passengers hurried to the exit.

2. It was getting dark quickly. The flames of the fire flared up brighter and brighter and illuminated the lawn.

3. The sun is setting. Evening dew appeared on the grass.

4. Dense fog spread over the entire area. The big oak at the edge of the village was still visible.

5. For some reason there was no ferry. People on the pier languished in anticipation.

57. Read with the intonation of a complex sentence. Write down the sentences, charting each one and showing the features of intonation graphically.

1. A stamping sound was still heard somewhere, something like the roar of a distant sea, and soon everything became empty and deaf. (N. Gogol.)

2. And his horse was famous in the whole Kabarda, and, for sure, it is impossible to invent anything better than this horse. (M. Lermontov.)

3. Lanterns were lit on both sides of the street, and lights appeared in the windows. (A. Chekhov.)

4. Millions of leaves, stems, branches and corollas blocked the road at every step, and we were lost in front of this onslaught of vegetation, stopped and breathed painfully in the lungs with the tart air of a hundred-year-old pine. (K. Paustovsky.)

5. A bright rainbow has spread across the sky, and fragments of clouds hastily float away into this luxurious arch. (V. Soloukhin.)

58. Read the passage. What impressed the hero in the picture of the winter forest? What is the main idea of ​​the text? Write down complex sentences, underline the grammatical foundations in them, determine the type of complex sentence. Describe graphically the intonation of complex sentences.

Babanov looked around and gasped, as if for the first time he saw how beautiful a forest can be ... To the left of the path stood young aspens with a greenish bark and gnarled oaks that did not shed their dry orange, now covered with snow leaves. To the right are tall, massive, snow-capped pines. From them on the path transparent blue shadows. Under the weight of the snow, the branches sank down, and no, no, it would fall down there, then in another place, a large snow canopy would run down and crumble with dust. The branches will sway, rise higher, be exposed, green needles will become visible, and below, at the foot, the untouched crust will ripple. In silence, a woodpecker knocks; here he rustled his wings, flying to another tree. An airplane draws a white line in the sky. These sounds do not interfere, it seems even quieter in the forest.

(P. Fedorenko.)

59. The writing. Any corner of nature can be beautiful at any time of the year in any area. Do you agree? Write about it. that you suddenly or for the first time discovered beauty in that area.