The adjective explains the noun. Possessive adjectives and traps in determining the category of adjectives

1. Define the name of the adjective.

The adjective is independent part speech that answers the questions of what? What? Whose? and denotes an attribute of an object.
Adjectives are divided into three categories and change by gender, number and case. In a sentence, adjectives are most often attributives or predicates.

2. Give examples of qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives.

Qualitative adjectives name a sign that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent: beautiful (more beautiful), high (higher).
Relative adjectives name a sign that characterizes an object in terms of material, time, place or purpose: leather (material), morning (time), city (place), sports (destination).
Possessive adjectives characterize an object in terms of ownership: grandmother (belongs to a grandmother), mouse (belongs to a mouse).

3. What two groups are the degrees of comparison of adjectives divided into? How are degrees of comparison formed?

Qualitative adjectives can form comparative or superlative degrees of comparison; both can be either simple or compound.
A simple comparative degree is formed using the suffixes -e, -ee, -she: beautiful - more beautiful:
A compound comparative degree is formed using the word more (or less): more beautiful;
A simple superlative degree is formed using the suffixes -eysh-, -aysh-: the most beautiful;
A compound superlative degree is formed using the word most: the most beautiful.

4. What rule should be used in order not to make a mistake in writing short adjectives with a hissing at the end?

AT short participles with a hissing b at the end is not written.

5. When are one and two letters H written in adjective suffixes?

One letter n is written in adjectives with suffixes -in-, -an- (-yan-): nightingale, ice.
Exception: tin, wood, glass.
Two letters H are written in the suffixes -enn- (-enn-), -onn- and in cases where the word is formed using the suffix H from a word with a base on n: morning, old (old + n).
Exception: windy.

6. How to distinguish the suffixes -k- and -sk- of adjectives in writing?

The suffix -k- is written in adjectives that have a short form or with a stem on k or h. In other cases, it is written -sk-.
Cossack - Cossack (based on k), sharp (sharp - kr.form), January (not on k, h).

7. How to determine when to write about, and when - after adjectives hissing in endings and suffixes?

In the endings and suffixes of adjectives, it is written o under stress, without stress - e. This does not apply to verbal adjectives, in which always Ё.
Kumachovy, pear.

8. How to distinguish adjectives with a prefix not from adjectives with a negative particle not?

Adjectives with a prefix are not written together; you can pick up a synonym for them without not: gloomy (=sad).
Particle adjectives are not written separately. It is impossible to find a synonym for them without not, with them there is a contrast with the union a or the words at all, at all, not at all, not at all, etc.: not at all cheerful. Not happy, but sad. Not wooden.

9. Which complex adjectives are written together, and which are hyphenated?

Adjectives denoting shades of colors (dark red) are written through a hyphen; the hyphen is retained if the adjective was formed from a word that already has a hyphen (southwest - southwest). Adjectives formed from homogeneous members 9 you can insert and): worker-peasant - worker and peasant.
Adjectives formed from subordinating phrase(you cannot insert and): Western European - Western Europe.

Adjective- part of speech denoting a sign of an object and answering questions: which? which? which? which? Adjectives, depending on nouns, agree with them, i.e. are put in the same case, number, gender as the nouns to which they refer. The initial form of adjectives is the nominative case in the singular masculine. An adjective differs from a participle in that it does not have signs of pledge, aspect, or tense.

Distinguish in meaning and form qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives:

- Qualitative adjectives denote an irrelevant property of the object itself, capable of manifesting itself with different intensity: white, fast, old.

Designate a sign of an object in shape (straight, angular), size (narrow, low), color (red, lemon), property (strong, viscous), taste (bitter, salty), smell (odorous, fragrant), etc. Most quality adjectives It hasfull and short forms.
The full form changes according to cases, numbers and genders.

Adjectives in short form change by number and gender. Short adjectives are not declined; in a sentence are used as predicates.
Some adjectives are used only in short form:much, glad, must, need .

In a sentence, adjectives in full form, as a rule, are agreed definitions, sometimes they are a nominal part compound predicate.

Short form adjectives are used only as predicates.
Qualitative adjectives have a comparative and a superlative degree.

In form, each degree can be simple(consists of one word) and composite(consists of two words): harder, quietest.

Qualitative adjectives can be combined with an adverb very, have antonyms.

— Relative adjectives denote the property of an object through its relation to another object or action: door, iron, inflatable, measuring.

Relative adjectives denote: material (wooden, clay), quantity (five-year-old, two-story), location (river, steppe), time (last year, January), purpose (washing, passenger), etc.

Relative adjectives denote such a feature of an object that cannot be in the object to a greater or lesser extent.
Relative adjectives do not have a short form, degrees of comparison, do not combine with an adverbvery, have no antonyms.
Relative adjectives change by case, number and gender (singular).

- Possessive adjectives indicate who owns the item they define ( fathers, sisters, wolf)and answer whose questions? whose? whose? whose?. Possessive adjectives change by case, number and gender.

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You probably already remember that adjectives are divided into quality(indicate the quality of the item), relative(denoting a sign of an object in relation to another object) and possessive. We will talk about possessive adjectives in more detail.

These adjectives, unlike qualitative and relative ones, do not answer the question what?, but the question whose? They're called possessive because their main purpose is indicate belonging to a person, animal or animate being. Therefore, they are formed only from the names of animals, persons and other animated beings. For example, mutton, fox, Anin, mother's, foremen, grandfather etc. Grammatically, possessive adjectives closer to relative because they have no degrees of comparison(can't be this item is mother's, and that one is even more mother's), short forms they do not form adverbs and abstract nouns etc. However, they have their own characteristics: special suffixes and a special system of declensions.

We will not consider the declension system here, we will focus only on word formation.

Possessive adjectives are formed, as mentioned above, from the names of animals, persons and other animated beings using suffixes -ov (-ev), -in (-yn), -y.

Fathers house, elders staff, nanny's scarf, sister's mandate, fox tail.

It should also be noted here that these adjectives have null ending. Try not to confuse, for example, adjectives like blue and wolf.

Blue - a qualitative adjective, non-derivative (not formed from anything), without suffixes, the ending th.

wolf - possessive adjective, derivative (derived from the noun wolf with a suffix -th ), null ending.

Pairs of adjectives such as worker and carpenter, red and bear, distant and shark. Working, red and distant have the endingth, a carpenter, bear and shark have null ending and suffixth, because they are possessive and derivative.

Therefore, it is worth being careful when parsing adjectives by composition and taking into account the category of the adjective by meaning.

Now let's move on to traps which adjectives are preparing for us. Although there is a rather sharp boundary between the categories of ad nouns both grammatically and lexically, however, it happens that some possessive adjectives disguised under qualitative and even relative, and relative under qualitative. All in all, many adjectives want to go into the category of quality ones. How does this happen and how not to get confused when determining the discharge?

Remember that the rank of an adjective by value can only be accurately determined in context, i.e. in a phrase or in a sentence.

For example, cherry compote - cherry compote. Having made the transformation, we understand what is in front of us relative name adjectivenoe, because denotes what the compote is made of. But in the phrase cherry suit adjective cherry no longer means that the suit is made of cherries, it means the color of the suit, and color is a quality characteristic, i.e. in this context, the adjective becomes quality.

Let's take a few more examples.

Iron constructor- iron constructor relative adjective)
Iron will- strong will quality adjective)
iron health- good health ( quality adjective)

steel knife- steel knife relative adjective)
Steel color dress (quality adjective)
steel look- unfriendly, cold, hard ( quality adjective)

Bear hair- wool that belongs to a bear ( possessive adjective)
Bear coat at the hostess- fur coat from a bear ( relative adjective)
bear walk- clumsy, awkward, sprawling ( quality adjective)

Fox muzzle- a muzzle that belongs to a fox ( possessive adjective)
fox hat- fox hat relative adjective)
fox cunning- highly developed cunning ( quality adjective)

Thus, we see that the same adjective can take on different meanings. However grammatical characteristics remain unchanged.: neither possessive nor relative adjectives will acquire degrees of comparison, short forms and other distinctive features quality adjectives.

Let's summarize.

To determine the rank of an adjective, you need:

1) Look, the adjective is used in direct or figurative meaning. If the value is portable, it is quality adjective.

2) If the value is direct, ask two questions: which? whose? If a given adjective points to affiliation, in front of us possessive adjective.

3) Try to substitute adverb of measure and degree (very) or create degrees of comparison. If it worked - adjective quality.

4) try convert combination with an adjective into a prepositional case phrase. Happened - relative adjective.

And remember that the main thing is still lexical meaning not grammar. Grammar just helps us.

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An adjective is a significant part of speech, which, unlike, does not mean a process, does not name an object (like a noun). The adjective enters into certain syntactic and morphological relations with the noun, defining their qualitative features.

In contact with

What are adjectives for?

It is impossible to imagine speech activity, literary creativity without adjectives. Describing an object or phenomenon the adjective gives him a full description, reveals the quality, highlights the distinctive features.

It's hard to describe what a day can be without the use of adjectives.

Describing a day, adjectives give it a certain emotionally charged characteristic. The day can be warm, cold, boring, interesting, ordinary, difficult, lucky, sad, funny, special, etc.

Take the word "morning". Consider what the morning is like if you describe it with the help of adjectives. It can be gloomy, sunny, summer or winter, autumn, spring, rainy and overcast, frosty, cold or warm.

Depending on the adjective, noun-subject can be personified, look bright, alive, animated.

Attention! Translated from Latin, the term adiectivum means "adjacent", "adjacent". The value fully characterizes this.

The adjective is closely related with a pronoun or noun. Here it is appropriate to recall Mitrofanushka's explanation from Fonvizin's famous comedy. "Undergrowth" argued that the door is adjective because it is attached "to its place." Despite the grammatical nonsense regarding "adherence", there is a certain logic in Mitrofanushka's reasoning.

Ranks of adjectives

What kind of adjective is in can be determined by its lexical and grammatical features.

How to define a quality adjective?

quality designate quality, properties, signs. They answer the question what? which? which? and point to:

  • Color - blue, purple;
  • Shape - oval, square;
  • Parameters - low, wide;
  • Temperature - hot, warm;
  • Weight - heavy, light;
  • Size - tiny, huge;
  • The sound is piercing, weak;
  • Space - left, far;
  • Physical and intellectual properties - smart, healthy;
  • Character traits - arrogant, kind;
  • General characteristic - negative, reliable.

Important! Qualitative adjectives are words that characterize the objective features inherent in a particular object, living being, phenomenon.

Relative answers the same questions as quality. Denotes:

  • Material - iron, wood;
  • Purpose, properties - folding, mobile;
  • Status - military, civil;
  • Time - morning, evening;
  • Unit of measurement - one-story, two-meter;

Possessive indicate the belonging of an object to another person (animal), answer the question whose? whose? whose?:

  • Grandma's table;
  • Fathers jacket;
  • Squirrel hollow;
  • Cat bowl.

Sentences with adjectives will help to consider the role of this part of speech in the descriptive characteristic of quality. Let's study examples of combinations with the word "estate":

  • Big homestead is a qualitative adjective denoting a certain size. Answers a question which?
  • landowner homestead - a possessive adjective indicates belonging. Answers a question whose?
  • Wooden manor - this relative adjective denotes material and answers the question which?

Important! The meanings of all kinds of adjectives are expressed in morphological categories of gender (masculine/feminine/neuter), cases, and number (singular/plural)


Borrowed nouns of foreign origin, having passed into the Russian language, they agree with adjectives in case, gender, number, while not changing the form. For example: In the bedroom hung new beautiful blinds.

The concept of what happens jury, give adjectives: the jury can be city, local, school, strict, incorruptible, etc.

Attention! Sentences with adjectives combined with loanwords show change.

Foreign words remain static:

  • I ended up in clean coupe.
  • There was a cup on the table hot coffee.
  • On it were new riding breeches.

Variety of quality

Evaluative adjectives can express a real polyphony of signs.

Take the word "forest". What does it look like if adjectives are used to characterize it?

The forest can be green, deaf, young, old, mysterious, dense, dense, fabulous, mysterious, distant, etc.

Evaluative adjectives are able to interpret a sign, generalizing it. Examples of evaluation interpretations:

  • Rationality (harmful, useful);
  • Quality (good, bad);
  • Emotionality (satisfaction, pleasure);
  • Communication (agreement, disagreement, approval, etc.).

Important! Evaluative adjectives are quality adjectives that carry a special, generalized quality semantics.

  • Useful occupation, "live" food (rationality);
  • fiery speech, fabulous landscape (emotionality);
  • Filthy sidewalk, spoiled product (quality);
  • friendly meeting, closed person (communication).

Evaluative adjectives play a big role in the language. Depending on the meanings, they are used in colloquial and everyday speech, business, literary, media.

Qualitative or relative?

Having found out what adjectives are, you can consider their differences.

How to determine which adjective is qualitative and which is relative or possessive? What is the adjective, will help determine the meaning of the word and its grammatical properties.

Consider what the morning is like, describing it with the help of adjectives.

  1. Morning seemed cold.(qualitative)
  2. Morning autumn brought coolness. (rel.)
  3. Petino the morning started badly. (possessive)

In the first example, it is a sign of quality (temperature). Quality adjectives able to give comparative characteristic: yesterday morning colder; With the coldest morning this week. They give shades of quality: they reduce properties or enhance them. For example: the water seemed chilly. In addition, adverbs are formed from them: cold, Beautiful etc.

In the second case - relative adjective. It carries constant sign. It differs from quality in that it does not give comparison. It cannot be said that tomorrow morning will be more autumnal. In addition, these adjectives can be replaced by phrases: autumn leaves- autumn leaves, autumn signs - signs of autumn.

In the third example possessive adjective Petino means belonging. Answers the question whose?

Qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives

Russian 6 Places of adjectives Qualitative adjectives


The specificity of the nature of adjectives is especially pronounced in the Russian language, revealing the richest variety of their semantic properties.


The most common role of an adjective in a sentence is . The adjective itself performs a defining function in relation to the noun, describing:
- shape and position: triangular;
- size: large;
- physical properties: gaseous;
- human properties: resourceful;
- space: Ural;
- time: ;
- material: knitted;
- : weaving;
- affiliation: wolf;
- quantity: triple.
It can also serve as a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate. An adjective is rare, but may be subject.

The main role of the adjective as a member of the sentence is the role of the agreed. As a definition, relative and possessive adjectives and qualitative adjectives in full are used. If the sentence contains an adjective in a complex comparative degree, then no doubt the adjective is an agreed definition. For example, in the sentence "I've never met a smarter one," the compound comparative adjective "more reasonable" is the agreed definition. The same role is played by the adjective "highest" in the sentence "At the crossroads of Vernadsky and Zhdanov, the tallest building in the city."

The nominal part of the compound predicate is formed by adjectives in the nominative case (“The water near the shore is clean”) and the instrumental case, if the verb “to be” is present (“The morning was sunny”). This role is also played by possessive adjectives ("This mother's"), as well as short qualitative adjectives ("He was joyless"). As an auxiliary part of a compound verb or nominal predicate, short predicative adjectives can act, for example: "I must open myself to you."

An adjective can act as a subject when it replaces a noun in meaning. This, however, is quite rare. For example, in the sentence "During the children's matinee, they stood at the door," the adjective "adults" performs the function of the subject.

Useful advice

If at parsing If a sentence encounters a phraseological phrase or a syntactically related phrase, then it can not be disassembled into separate members of the sentence, for example: “In his class, he was always a black sheep.”


  • What is an adjective?

Qualitative adjectives call such properties of objects that can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent. These are physical and chemical signs or character traits, as well as mental and intellectual characteristics. These meanings of qualitative adjectives are expressed using such grammatical categories as gender, number and case.


Qualitative adjectives are characterized by a number of grammatical features. They, as a rule, have a full and short form, and also form a degree of comparison.

Qualitative adjectives change by number, and in the singular by gender. But it should be noted that all these grammatical categories(gender, case and number) adjectives have syntactic categories: they directly depend on the gender, number and case of nouns that qualitative adjectives define. For example: “new house” is masculine, “new dacha” is feminine, singular, “new building” is neuter, singular, and “new buildings” is .

Qualitative adjectives with inflections on "-iy, -oi, -oi, -oi" (in the singular) and "-i" (in the plural), standing in the full form, change or decline. The initial form is the nominative case, singular, masculine.

For example:

Nominative case - “day (what?)";
- - "day (what?) Merry";
- - “day (what?) fun”;
- case - “day (what?) Cheerful”;
- instrumental case - "day (what?) Cheerful";
- case - "about the day (what?) Cheerful."

Short forms of qualitative adjectives do not change by case and in the sentence, as a rule, they are the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate. For example: "The meaning of this word was elusive" - ​​in this sentence, the word "meaning" is the subject, and "it was elusive" is a compound nominal predicate.

Case forms, as traces of the old grammar, were preserved only in folklore and in stable combinations: “across the white field”, “on the horse’s good”, “beautiful girl”, “on bare feet”.

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When declining, the endings of full qualitative adjectives in the masculine and neuter gender coincide in all cases except for the nominative and accusative.

Useful advice

Possessive adjectives with zero inflection belong to the second type of declension.


  • how adjectives change in the singular

Declension of adjectives is carried out according to cases, gender and numbers. There are also indeclinable adjectives in Russian, but they are in the minority.


There are two types of declension: adjective and mixed. According to the first type, most adjectives are inclined. The adjective declension is subdivided into the declension of adjectives with the ending -oy adjectives with the endings -й and -й.

The declension of adjectives ending in -oi is also divided into subtypes according to the final sound of the stem. This sound can be posterior, hard hissing or steamy.

The declension of adjectives with the endings -y and -y has more varieties according to the final sound of the stem. The ending can be after iota, after q, after hard sibilants, after posterior palatine, after soft paired consonants, after hard paired consonants.

mixed type declension is subdivided into first pronominal, second pronominal and possessive. According to the first pronominal, possessive adjectives with stems on -y and on -in are declined, as well as the countable adjective third. All other possessive adjectives are declined according to the possessive subtype.

The declension of adjectives with a stem into a pair-solid consonant occurs as follows. In the masculine and singular, the case endings are as follows: -ы/-ой in the nominative and accusative, -ою in the genitive, -оmu in the dative, -ы in the instrumental, -ой in the prepositional. In the neuter gender and singular, the endings are similar, except for the ending -oe in the nominative and accusative cases.

In the feminine and singular, the endings are as follows: -oy in the nominative, -oy in the genitive and dative, -oy in the accusative, -oy/-oy in the instrumental, -oy in the prepositional. Plural adjectives with a stem to a pair-hard consonant are inclined as follows: -s in the nominative and accusative, -s in the genitive and prepositional, -s in the dative, -s in the instrumental.

When based on a soft-paired consonant, the masculine singular has the following endings: -i in the nominative and accusative, -iu in the genitive, -iu in the dative and accusative, -ii in the instrumental, -iu in the prepositional. Singular neuter: -ee in the nominative and accusative, -his in the genitive, -him in the dative, -im in the instrumental, -em in the prepositional. Singular feminine: -ya in the nominative, -ey in the genitive and dative, -yu in the accusative, -ey/-ey in the instrumental, -ey in the prepositional.

The plural of this variety of adjectives declines as follows: -i in the nominative and accusative, -ii in the genitive and prepositional, -im in the dative and instrumental.

Adjectives with a masculine and singular sibilant stem change by case as follows: -i/-oi in the nominative, -iu in the genitive, -iu in the dative, -i/-oi and –i/-oi in the accusative, - im in the instrumental, -em in the prepositional. In the neuter singular: -ee/-th in the nominative and accusative, -th in the genitive, -om in the dative, -im in the instrumental, -th in the accusative. Feminine singular: -oy in the nominative, -ey/-oy in the genitive and dative, -oy in the accusative, -ey/-ey and -oy/-oy in the instrumental, -ey/-oy in the prepositional.

Adjectives with a sibilant stem in the plural are declined according to the scheme: -i in the nominative, -ii in the genitive and prepositional, -im in the dative, -i/-ii in the accusative, -ii in the instrumental.

If the adjective has a basis in the sound g / k / x, in the masculine and singular it has the following endings. In the nominative case -y/-oy, in the genitive -oy, in the dative -oy, in the accusative -y/-oy/-oy, in the instrumental -im, in the prepositional -oy. In the neuter gender singular: -oe in the nominative and accusative, the rest as in the masculine gender.

Feminine singular: -oy in the nominative, -oy in the genitive and dative, -oy in the accusative, -oy/-oy in the instrumental, -oy in the prepositional. Plural: -i in the nominative, -ii in the genitive and instrumental, -ii in the dative, -i/-ii in the accusative, -ii in the instrumental.

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  • Declension of adjectives

The subject, as the main member of the sentence, denotes an object, person, phenomenon or event, and with the predicate is grammatical basis suggestions. "Who?" and what?" - questions asked to this member of the proposal. The ways of expressing the subject can be very different.


The most common and easiest way to express the subject in a sentence is to use the nominative case of the common noun and proper