Spelling of personal endings of the verbs ege. Spelling of verbs. How to determine which vowels are written in an unstressed position

1. Personal endings of verbs;
2. soft sign in verb forms;
3. Suffixes of verbs;
4. Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles;

Verbs of the first conjugation in the present tense in the first person singular have the ending -у, -ю;
In the second person singular -eat, -eti; in the third person singular

You go, eat; goes, sings.
Let's go, let's eat; go, sing go sing;

verbs of the second conjugation have the letter I in personal endings, and in the 3rd person plural AT and YAT.
I hurry, I stand; you hurry, you stand; hurry and t, one hundred and t;

If the verb has an unstressed ending, then its conjugation is determined by the infinitive. The verbs of II conjugation include verbs on IT, except for Shave, lay. all other verbs belong to 1 conjugation.

Verbs with the prefix YOU have an accent on the prefix, but belong to the same conjugation as the non-prefixed ones.
For example Pour - pour - pour (1 ref.)

Transitive verbs with the prefix OBES are conjugated according to the 2nd conjugation.
To debilitate (someone).
You will debilitate him.

In contrast, intransitive verbs have the endings of the first conjugation.
Exhaust (oneself).

It is necessary to distinguish between similar-sounding endings of the future tense - ETE and the imperative mood ITU: Exit - exit; choose - choose.

Verbs with a common stem but different types may not match in conjugation.

For example: offer.

The letter b is written in the indefinite form of the verb (bathe-bathe; take care-beware).
At the end of the second number of the singular of the present and future tenses.
Wash - wash.

In the indefinite form and in the past tense, the suffixes OVA EVA are written, If in the first person singular. the numbers of the present and future tense, the verb ends in UYu and YuYu. I preach.

If in the first person singular numbers, the verb ends in unstressed YVAYU and IVAYU, then in an indefinite form and past. times the same suffix is ​​retained.
Report - reported.

Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles - independent.

Spelling participle suffixes

1. In real participles of the present tense, suffixes are written:

a) -usch-, -yushch-, if the participle is formed from the verb I of the conjugation, for example: going (go, go), drawing (draw, draw), laughing (laugh, laugh);

b) -ash-, -yash-, if the participle is formed from the verb of the II conjugation, for example: screaming (shouting, shouting), flying (flying, flying), building (building, building).

2. In passive participles of the present tense, suffixes are written:

a) -eat-, if the participle is formed from the verb I of the conjugation, for example: performed (perform, perform), drawn (draw, draw);

b) -im-, if the participle is formed from the verb of the II conjugation, for example: stored (keep, store), audible (hear, hear).

Note. In book speech, a few passive present participles with the suffix -om- are used, formed from verbs of the first conjugation, for example: lead - lead - led.

3. In passive past participles, a or I is written before nn, if in the indefinite form of the verb before -t stands a or I, for example: detain - detained, shell - shelled. If in the indefinite form of the verb before -тъ stands and or e, in the passive past participles, e is written before nn, for example: view - viewed, shoot - shot.

Spelling endings

The ending -E is written in nouns of the 1st declension in the prepositional and in the prepositional cases and in the nouns of the 2nd declension in the prepositional case (except for nouns in -i, -i, -i and -ya).
The ending -И (-Ы) is written for nouns of the 1st declension in the generative case; for nouns of the 3rd declension, as well as for nouns with -ij, -ie, -ia and -me in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

After hissing and C in the endings of nouns and adjectives, O is written under stress, E without stress.

In the endings of nouns and adjectives, the letter Y is written after C.

In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of numerals from 11 to 19, the letter I is written in the endings.

To find out which letter is written in the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you need to determine its conjugation in an indefinite form.
The 2nd conjugation includes verbs with an unstressed personal ending in -it (except for shaving, laying);
- seven verbs in -et: offend, endure, depend, twirl, see, look, hate;
- four verbs in -at: hear, drive, breathe, hold.
All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to the 1st conjugation.
For verbs of the 1st conjugation, the letters E, U, Yu are written in personal endings; for verbs of the 2nd conjugation - I, A, Ya.
Note. Verbs with prefixes belong to the same conjugation as the non-prefixed ones from which they are derived.

DZ: use of punctuation marks.

2 responses for CT.

Photo in the phone (10 pages) - the first assessment;
4 pages photos 2 topic.


§ 80. Spelling of suffixes and endings of verbs

In the spelling of verbs, the main difficulties are associated with the correct choice of suffix and ending.

TSYA and TSYA in verbs

It is necessary to distinguish the indefinite form of verbs (infinitive) from the form of the 3rd l. units h. and future temp. In order not to make a mistake in writing these forms, you should ask a question. The infinitive answers the questions what to do? what to do? (in these forms b is spelled), forms of the 3rd l. answer the questions what does it do? what do they do? what will he do? what will they do? (in these forms b is not written). Compare: He(what is he doing?) is swimming. Necessary(what to do?) practice regularly.

Ex. 110. Make up phrases with verbs.

Meet - meet, free - free, reflect - reflect, return - return, have fun - have fun, sit down - sit down, clean - clean, worry - worry, quarrel - quarrel, wake up - wake up, meet - meet.

Ex. 111. Write down, fill in the missing letters.

I had to hurry ... Xia. Kilometers after two lengths ... the length suddenly became narrower ... sya. Clay shales began to hit. The width of the length ... of the line either narrows ... up to a hundred meters, then expands ... by more than a kilometer. Branches of the river form such a labyrinth in which it is very easy to get lost if you don't hold on to the main channel. Along the ridge, overgrown with forest, one must go carefully, one must often stop ... to look around ... otherwise it is easy to go astray. (V. Arseniev)

Verb suffixes

In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes:
-a- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark);
-e- (see, offend); -and- (baby, drink).
Remember: 1) after the vowels of the root in the infinitive, a suffix is ​​never written -e-. In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -and- (to stand, to drink, to milk). Unstressed suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, sow, sow, melt, cherish, smell, and the suffix -and-- in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;
2) after soft consonants (except h) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e-- in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, frost;
3) in the suffixes of verbal forms of the past tense, the same vowel is preserved as in the infinitive. Wed: recoverede t - recovere l, laI t - laI l, glueand t - glueand l.

Ex. 112. Fill in the missing letters in the infinitive forms.

Clean ... be, say ... be, port ... be, wash ... be, disgusted ... be, mean ... be, argue ... be, depopulate ... be, crazy. ..t, ta...t, right...t, believe...t, cough...t, cry...t, ride...t, ka...tsk, notice... th, hope ... tsya, depend ... th, offend ... th.

Ex. 113. Rewrite with missing letters. Indicate the test words (verb in infinitive form).

Lele ... l, hoped ... was, heard ..., looked ... looked at, saw ... was offended ... l, meant ... l, ta ... l, ended. ..l, hang...l, cured...l, hated...l, argument...l, glue...l, stro...l, se...l.

Spelling of verb suffixes-yva- (-iva-) and-ova- (-eva-)

Suffix -yva- (-iva-)
is written if the verb in the present tense ends in -I'm (I'm):
lateywa t (lateI am ), nastawillow th (nastaivayu )

Suffix -ova- (-eva-) is written if the verb in the present tense ends in -th (-th):
conversationsova th (impI'm going ),
plantova t (headI'm going )

Note. Verbs ending in stressed -vat (-vayu), have before the suffix -va- the same vowel as in the indefinite without this suffix: overpowerede t - overlorde wat, overlorde vayu; zaband t - zaband wat, forgetand vayu.

Ex. 114. Insert the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes and explain their spelling.

Authorize... a rally, participate... in a picket, discover... a secret, exert... influence, order... a subordinate, spin... a rope, explore... a coal deposit , report ... report on the results, profess ... profess Islam, preach ... good, treat ... dumplings, command ... the army, test ... new weapons, use ... advances in technology.
Remember: transitive verbs with prefixes obes- (obes-) have a suffix in the infinitive and past tense -and-(to debilitate someone), and intransitive - suffix -e- (exhaust yourself).

Ex. 115. Make up phrases with the verbs below. Explain the reason for the difference in their spelling.

To weaken - to weaken, to freeze - to freeze, to weaken - to weaken, to lose money - to lose money, to bleed - to bleed, to become barren - to barren, to deplete - to deplete.

Personal verb endings

Stressed personal endings for verbs I and II of conjugation are written as they are heard. Wed: ideat , idno , ideat , idee , idut - I conjugation; silentlyish , silentit , silentthem , silentite , silentat - II conjugation.
Particular difficulties arise when writing unstressed personal endings of verbs of I or II conjugation. The endings of the present and future forms of verbs depend on the conjugation.

I conjugation

II conjugation

-UT (-UT)
(you) you read(you) you read(he) is reading,(they) read

-AT (-YAT)
(you) do you believe(you) believe(he) believes(they) believe

If the verb has an unstressed personal ending, the conjugation is determined by the indefinite form.

II conjugation

I conjugation

1. All verbs in -it, Besides shave, lay.
2. Exception verbs:
a) on -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear);
b) on -et (see, depend, hate, offend, endure, watch, twirl)

All other verbs in -at, -ot, -et, -ut, -ut etc. (sun, weed, fly, yawn), as well as exception verbs shave, shave

Ex. 116. Rewrite. Highlight the endings and determine the conjugation of the verbs.

Lyka doesn’t knit, you won’t go far, you won’t lure with a roll, as soon as the earth endures, your hands don’t reach, you won’t accelerate, your ear cuts, all the bumps fall on poor Makar, your burden doesn’t pull, though it hurts your eyes, your soul doesn’t care, it spins on your tongue , it spreads like a carpet, it won’t offend a mosquito, you’ll lick your fingers, a mosquito won’t undermine your nose, you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ex. 117. Determine the conjugation of verbs, form the form of the 2nd l. units hours and 3rd l. pl. h.

Sow, get acquainted, winnow, drive, lay, hate, hear, prick, melt, depend, hope.

Ex. 118. Write out the verbs and fill in the missing letters.

(He) find ... a job, (he) add ... an answer, breathe ... easy, sow ... a field, paste ... wallpaper, wipe ... dry, kolysh. ..there are banners, the people are fighting ... they are, the snow is there ... t, everything depends ... t on the circumstances, ford ... you walk along the alleys, he hates ... t lie, what was said is not the gate ... shh, you can do everything ... shh, the sun is warm ... t, the window is frosty ... t, hear ... all the rustles, you want to win.

Ex. 119. Write down proverbs. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.

1) Chasing two hares ... chasing - you won’t catch a single one ... chasing. 2) You will know a lot - you will soon grow old ... you will. 3) True eyes kol...t. 4) The horse breaks out ... tsya - catch up ... shh, the words of what was said are not the gate ... shh. 5) You don’t stretch out your hands ... sh, you won’t get it from the shelf ... sh. 6) The rain is soaked ... t, and the sun is dry ... t. 7) Softly lay ... t, but hard to sleep. 8) Man, he knows everything ... t: he and pash ... t, he and se ... t.

Ex. 120. Insert the missing letters. Explain the spelling of personal verb endings.

1) At the edge of the horizon, a silver chain of snow peaks stretches. (M. Lermontov) 2) A mournful wind drives ... a flock of clouds to the edge of heaven, a broken spruce groan ... t, muffled whisper ... t dark forest. (N. Nekrasov) 3) The watchman slowly beat the clock: a blow ... t times and waits until the sound melts ... t in the blue air. 4) The gloomy mountains look menacingly from under the clouds. (A. Maykov) 5) In a dark gray sky, in some places, a blink ... a star; damp breeze occasionally foray...t in a light wave; a restrained, indistinct whisper of the night is heard. (I. Turgenev)

§ 81. Test tasks

1. In what variant is written b?
a) does ... sya
b) I don't like ... Xia
c) will be built ...
d) nettle stings ...

2. In which variant is b not written?
a) I can’t take ...
b) will try ...
c) I don’t want to be angry ...
d) the rod bends ...

3. In what variant is written b?
a) the bolt will be fixed ...
b) the patient is being treated ...
c) the question will be clarified ...
d) it is necessary to dispose ... sya

4. In which variant is b not written?
a) A dream can come true.
b) The rain must stop.
c) He will not turn to anyone ....
d) The student cannot concentrate.

5. In what word is the letter I written?
a) you fight ... you fight
b) we split ... m firewood
c) face lush ... t with health
d) we sleep ...

6. In what word is the letter E written?
a) laundry is rinsed ...
b) endure ... pain
c) no offense ... t
d) you all foresee ... those

7. In what word is the letter I written?
a) bush vyan ... t
b) everything will be forgotten ...
c) saw ... a friend
d) don’t lure with a roll ... sh

8. In what word is the letter I written?
a) hard to breathe ... t
b) goodbye ... silently
c) make a bed
d) did not see anything ... whether

9. In what word is the letter Yu written?
a) they grind coffee
b) cereals are ported ...
c) they can do it
d) classes are over ...

10. In which word is the letter I written?
a) they rasp ... t seams
b) cotton parents ... t
c) they mess around
d) children build ... a house of sand

11. In what variant is written And?
a) you will recover soon ... sh
b) dog la...t
c) night breathe ... t cool
d) wind ve ... t

12. In what variant is written A?
a) they do not hope for anything ...
b) they will hear your voice
c) don’t tell you the whole truth ... t
d) swaying ... grasses

13. In what variant is E written in the verb?
a) the war of many orphans ... la
b) the air is intoxicated with us ... l
c) have fun ... l guys
d) the edge of depopulated ... l

14. In what variant is AND written in the verb?
a) the manor is poor ... lo
b) I am exhausted ... l from hard work
c) a soldier bled ... l from a wound
d) hunger weakened ... l body

15. In which variant does the verb have the suffix -YVA-?
a) head ... department
b) justify ... a friend
c) profess ... christianity
d) envy ... to consent

16. In which variant does the verb have the suffix -OVA-?
a) experience ... sadness
b) call ... to reconciliation
c) think ... over your fate
d) try ... to look into the future


Theoretical information and language analysis

§ 82. Participle and its grammatical features

Participle * - special shape verb, which denotes a sign of an object by action and combines the signs of a verb and signs of an adjective. The sacrament answers the questions what? which? which? and etc.
The participle is formed from the verb and has the following properties:
1) imperfect and perfect view: burning(inconsist. from burn); burnt(sov. from burn down);
2) time - present and past: burning(present), burnt, burnt(past);
3) can be returnable: rising, rising smoke.
The participle, like the adjective, answers the question what?, naming the sign of the object associated with the action, and has the following properties of the adjective: it changes in numbers, cases (and gender - in the singular) to connect (consent) with the noun on which it depends : burning forest, burning forest etc.; burning pines, bushes; burning pine, burning pine etc.
In terms of meaning and form, participles are divided into real and passive.
Valid participles denote a sign of an object that itself does or did something. For example: 1) battalion attacking the enemy(attacking - real participle of the present tense; the one who attacks himself); 2) battalion attacking the enemy(attacked - actual past participle; the one who attacked).
Real participles are formed both from transitive and from not transitive verbs with suffixes -usch- (-yushch-), -ashch- (-yashch-) (in present time); -vsh- (-sh-) (in the past time).
Passive participles denote a sign of the object on which someone's action is directed. For example: 1) enemy attacked by battalion(attacked - passive present participle; the one being attacked) 2) enemy attacked by battalion(attacked - passive past participle; the one being attacked).
Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs with the help of suffixes -em- (-om-), -im- (in present time); -ni-, -enn-, -t- (in the past time).
Passive participles have complete and brief form. For example: mowed grass - mowed grass.

§ 83. Morphological analysis of the sacrament

Parsing Order
I. Part of speech (special form of the verb). General value. What verb is it derived from? The initial form is the nominative singular masculine.
II. Morphological features.
Permanent signs: a) real or passive, b) time, c) appearance, d) recurrence.
Non-permanent signs: a) full or short form (for passive), b) case (for participles in full form), c) number, d) gender.
III. syntactic role.
Sample parsing
In an empty 3 the walls of the room were covered 3 old wallpaper.
I. Pasted over - participle (denotes a sign of an object by action, answers the question what are they?). N. f. - pasted over. Image. from verb. paste over.
II. Constant signs - suffer., prosh. vr., owl. c., unreturned; non-permanent signs - fold. f., pl. h.
III. The walls (were they?) were pasted over(the participle is part of the predicate).
I. empty - participle (denotes a sign of an object by action, answers the question which one?). N. f. - empty, image. from verb. be empty.
II. Permanent signs - really., present. vr., nesov. c., unreturned; non-permanent signs - full. f., suggestion p., units h., w. R.
III. In the room (what?) (definition).

Ex. 121.

Of all the words of the mighty and original Russian language, full-voiced, meek and formidable, throwing 3 sounds with an explosive waterfall, murmuring in an elusive stream, full of dialects of a dense forest, rustling with steppe feather grass, singing in the wind, which rushes and rushes about and lures the heart far beyond the steppe, shining brightly silver overflows of full-flowing rivers flowing into the blue sea - of all the uncounted gems of this inexhaustible 3 treasury of the living language, created 3 and, however, tirelessly creating 3, I love the word - will most of all. So it was in childhood, so it is now. This word is the most precious and comprehensive. (K. Balmont)

1. Find participles in the text.
2. Determine their rank (real and passive) and time.
3. Name the verbs from which they are formed. Determine which suffixes are used to form participles.
4. Determine the syntactic function of participles in the text. Think of sentences in which participles act as predicates.

Ex. 122. Form all possible forms of participles from these verbs. Highlight the participle suffixes.

Write, build, approach, discard, offend, meet, settle, sow.

§ 84. Test tasks

1. In which row are all the words participles?
a) turning over, sitting, out of place, sprawling
b) jumped over, solved, taken out, unfortunate
c) persecuted, darkened, heated, appointed
d) divided, holding, parting, captivating

2. How many participles are in the two sentences given?
They were people scorched by the summer sun, exhausted by hard work. Their hands were scratched, their feet were soiled with earth.
a) 2
b) 3
at 4
d) 5

3. In which variant is the participle form formed from the verb incorrectly?
a) twist - twisted
b) decide - decided
c) return - returning
d) study - studied

4. In which variant are the grammatical signs of the participle defined incorrectly?
a) removed - passive participle of the perfect form, past tense
b) running - real participle imperfective, present tense
c) accepted - passive participle of the perfect form, present tense
d) heard - a real participle of an imperfect form, past tense.

5. Which variant contains an error in determining the grammatical features of the words highlighted in the sentence?
In the appearance of this street, ancient features are guessed: in some places surviving two-story and even one-story houses with mezzanines; wasteland in place demolished houses and an open yard without fences and gates, with overgrown densely poplars and maples, because of which one can see sheathed a two-story building with yellow boards, which served in the old days as a utility room, and later adapted for housing.
a) preserved - participle, real, past tense, perfect look, reflexive, full, in the form of the nominative case, plural, in the sentence is a definition
b) demolished - participle, passive, past tense, perfect form, irrevocable, full, in the form male, genitive case, singular, in a sentence is a definition
c) overgrown - participle, real, past tense, perfective, reflexive, full, in the instrumental case, plural, in the sentence is a definition
d) sheathed - participle, passive, present tense, perfect form, irrevocable, complete, in the form of the neuter gender, nominative case, singular, in the sentence is a definition

§ 85. The gerund and its grammatical features

gerund ** - a special invariable form of the verb, denoting an additional action in relation to the main one, transmitted by the verb-predicate, and combining the features of the verb and adverb. The participle answers the questions how? how? why? doing what? having done what? and etc.
Participles are:
- imperfect kind (for example, read - reading, draw - drawing, hear - hearing) and perfect kind (for example, read - reading, draw - drawing, shout - shouting);
- irrevocable(examples above) and returnable(for example, address - addressing, addressing - addressing).
Imperfect gerunds are formed from the stem of imperfective present tense verbs by adding suffixes -and I-). Perfective gerunds are formed from the base of the indefinite form of perfective verbs with the help of suffixes -in-, -lice-, -shi-.
Participles can carry the same dependent words as other forms of verbs, for example: read a newspaper - reading a newspaper, meet a friend - meeting a friend.

§ 86. Morphological analysis of the participle

Parsing Order
I. Part of speech (special form of the verb). General value. What verb is it derived from?
II. Morphological features: a) appearance, b) recurrence.
III. syntactic role.
Sample parsing
I stared into his face for several minutes, trying to 3 notice even a slight trace of repentance.(M. Lermontov)

Ex. 123. Read the text and do the tasks.

It takes a long time and carefully to learn good, calm, intelligent speech - listening 3, memorizing 3, noticing 3 and studying 3. But even though it is difficult - it is necessary, necessary. Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind. (D. Likhachev)

1. Find gerunds in the text.
2. Determine their type.
3. Name the verbs from which they are formed. Determine which suffixes are used to form participles.
4. Determine the syntactic function of gerunds in the text. Pay attention to the author's punctuation marks.
5. Make a morphological analysis of the indicated words.

Ex. 124. Form imperfect participles from verbs, mark suffixes. Make up two sentences with the participles you have formed. Name the verbs from which the imperfect participles are not formed.

Formulate, be able, worry, manage, sour, breathe, cut, destroy, twist, circle, recognize, rub, enjoy, go out, erase, protect, knock, reap, rest, plow, tremble, write, beat.

Ex. 125. Form perfect participles from verbs, mark suffixes, underline the vowel before the suffixes -lice, -in-. Make up two sentences with the participles you have formed.

Bring, get carried away, fulfill, formulate, sift, run in, place, get to know, wipe, take offense, save, get lost.

§ 87. Test tasks

1. In which row are all the words gerunds?
a) straighten, falling out, passing, talking
b) running, looking closely, forgetting, looking
c) headlong, having fulfilled, rejoicing, covering
d) back, overeating, white, moving

2. How many gerunds are in the sentence?
The captain is standing with his head in his shoulders, holding on to the railing, not moving from his place, as if dumbfounded before a thunderstorm, and as if he doesn’t care about me.
a) 2
b) 3
at 4
d) 5

3. In which variant are the grammatical signs of the participle defined incorrectly?
a) seeing - a perfect participle, irrevocable
b) stumbled - perfect gerund, reflexive
c) remembering - an imperfect participle, irrevocable
d) parting - an imperfect participle, irrevocable

4. Which variant contains an error in determining the grammatical features of the highlighted words?
Not holding on behind the wheel, leaning back and crossing on his chest, he rolled along the highway and the city and looked at the poles and wires, checking network status.
a) not holding on - an imperfect participle, reflexive, is part of a separate circumstance
b) leaning back - a perfect participle, irrevocable, is part of a separate circumstance
c) crossed - a perfect participle, irrevocable, is part of a separate circumstance
d) checking - an imperfect participle, irrevocable, is part of a separate circumstance

To successfully complete task 11 of the Unified State Examination in Russian, follow our recommendations:

1. We carefully read the task and options;

2. Determine the time of the presented words. This is important, since the choice of rule depends on time;

3. For the words of the present and future tenses, we select the infinitives from which they are formed (do not forget about the form: it should be the same for the word and the infinitive, it is better to ask a question);

4. Determine the conjugation of the infinitive. Depending on the conjugation, we put in endings and suffixes U, Yu, E or A, Z, I. For verbs of the present and future tenses and real participles of the present tense, there is a general rule - this is conjugation;

5. If the word is past tense, the letter of the infinitive is also preserved in the personal form.

In order to get around the "pitfalls", prepare for task 11 step by step. Just three steps will guarantee you from mistakes.

Step 1. Choice of vowels in unstressed verb endings.

Personal verb endings

In the personal endings of present and future tense verbs

  • in the endings of the verbs of the 1st conjugation write vowels e, y (u): you have, It has, we have, you have, have
  • in the endings of verbs of the 2nd conjugation - and, a (i): look,looks,we looklook,watching

So, for the correct spelling of vowels in unstressed endings, you need to be able to accurately determine the conjugation of the verb:

  1. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs:
  • with suffix -and based on indefinite form: be in love
    Shave, lay - verbs of the 1st conjugation: shaves,shavelays,lay and their derivatives: lay down, cover, re-lay and others.
  • 7 exception verbs with suffix -e based on an indefinite form.
    Remember them: tolerate,twirl,offenddepend,hate, and see, and watch and their derivatives
    for example: look, inspect, look out, see through, see enough, stare and others.
  • 4 verbs with suffix - a.

Remember them: drive,Keep,hear,breathe and their derivatives: drive away, catch up, expel, drive out and others.

  1. The 1st conjugation includesother verbs c unstressed endings : play,paint,to pull,throw and others.

Pay attention:

- Verbs want to run and honor special. Them and all derivatives of them, for example: run, run, run, run, run etc., refer to dissonant verbs. The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have endings of the 1st conjugation, and in others - of the 2nd. Let's conjugate these verbs:

- Want - I want, you want, you want, you want, you want, you want (in the singular of the end of the 1st question, in the plural - the 2nd).

- Run - run, run, run, run, run, run (in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st question, in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref.)

- Honor - honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor (in all forms, except for 3 l. pl., the end of the 1st question, in the 3rd l. pl. - the end of the 2nd ref.)

- Only the verb to want in the form of a unit endings in an unstressed position.

- Verbs there is and to give and derivatives from them do not belong to any conjugation. They have special sets of endings. Problems for USE assignments they do not represent, because their endings are under stress.

Step 2. Choice of vowels in present participle suffixes.

Present participle suffixes

Participles can be different: active and passive, present and past tense.

The realization that the present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb, and the past participles from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb, will help to avoid mistakes in their spelling.

Therefore, when choosing suffixes for present participles, determine the conjugation of the verb. This will help you choose the right suffix. And for the unmistakable writing of past participles, it is important to know the suffix at the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

1. Suffixes-yushch (-yushch), - ashch (-yashch) in the real participles of the present tense:knowing, loving

In participles formed

  • from verbs of the 1st conjugation, write the suffix -usch (-yusch): knowing, reading.
  • from verbs of the 2nd conjugation - -ash(-box): loving,seeing

The real participles of the present tense are formed from the stems of the present tense verbs:

zna no,zna ut- 1st conjugation, base zna + suffix -yush →knowing,

love it,love yat - 2nd conjugation, base love + suffix -yashch →loving.

2. Suffixes - eat (-om), -im in the present passive participles:lifting eat oh, view them th

In participles formed from verbs

  • 1st conjugation, write the suffix -em -om: lifted,slave,
  • 2nd conjugation - -im: favorite, visible

Pay attention:

Passive present participles are formed from the stems of present transitive verbs:

lifting no,lifting ut- 1st conjugation, base lifting+ suffix -em lifted,

love it,love yat - 2nd conjugation, base love + suffix -im → Darling.

Step 3. Choice of vowels in past participle suffixes.

Past participle suffixes

1. Vowels before suffixeswsh, -sh in the real participles of the past tense:seen, heard, walked

In the real past participles, before the suffixes -vsh, -sh, write the same vowel that is written at the base of the indefinite form of the verb: view e former ← view e th,hear a former ←hear a th.

2. Distinguishing vowels of the suffix of the verb stem-and I) before the suffix nn and suffixenn in the passive past participles:lost, seen

If passive participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of verbs

  • with the suffix -а- -я-, before the participle suffix -nn- write letters and I): Lostlose,
  • with suffixes -i- or -e- , in the suffix -enn- write the letter e: filled ← fill.

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Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles

option 1

1. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) men kos..t, la..dogs

2) riding .. riding, guys half ..t weeds

3) twirling a rope, shepherds chasing ..t cows

4) fighting .. for the truth, girls nose ..t braids

2. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) treating .. doctor, depending .. on luck

2) painters kras..t, kol..schey object

3) they are raska..tsya, breaking..shchy bristles

4) tolerating adversity, easy to breathe ..t

3. . In which row, in both cases, the same letter is written at the place of the gap?

1) hold on tight, crying baby

2) chirping .. birds, chirping bugs .. t

3) children whispering..t, creeping smoke

4) rumbles rumble ..t, good treatment ..

4. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) laughing .. children, not noticeable .. t obstacle

2) hating .. enemies, not lured .. into a trap

3) ready .. game, hairdresser bre ..t

4) decorating with garlands, sticking to the wall

5. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) gathering .. harvest, drawing .. baby

2) gluing envelopes, sorting out stamps

3) flags swaying .. tsya, keeping a distance ..

4) students transfer ..t, athletes rely .. on themselves

6. . In which row, in both cases, the same letter is written at the place of the gap?

1) hedgehogs kol..tsya, flags re..t

2) they often see .. they don’t understand .. the other

3) a roaring waterfall serving in a regiment

4) countries bordering ..t, looking for .. treasure

7. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) trembling .. with delight, treating .. children

2) peals of rock..t, waves of splashing..t

3) suspecting .. my of a crime, driven by .. my desire

4) sow .. you seeds, act .. you carefully

8. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) put .. you plate, spread .. you rug

2) highlight .. you’re the main thing, cry .. you’re with delight

3) criminals repent .. tsya, hope .. tsya for luck

4) unthinkable .. my option, assuming .. my result

9. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) went out ..m lights, read ..m a book

2) the fog creeps .. the reeds oscillate ..

3) mice ro .. t, everyone does .. tsya

4) not wet .. my shoes, look bad .. my

10) In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) workers are beautiful..t, parents are lele..t of the baby

2) glue .. pencil, building .. t house

3) daddy kos..t, collecting..shchy grass

4) struggling with malaise, mom is dozing

option 2

1. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) put out .. you put out a fire, soothing .. talking

2) breathe heavily .. shh, driven .. my feelings

3) cuddling .. in bed, studying .. the plan plan

4) chickens cackle ..t, inevitably .. my conversation

2. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) I envy .. you the winner, driven by .. my delight

2) skillfully breeze .. you, depend .. my from parents

3) very indignant .. sh, sticking out .. my show

4) carefully look .. you, inherit .. my capital

3. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) they endured ..t, kol..shaya pain

2) creeping roses, wasps stinging ..t

3) a dormant cat, the grains have shifted..

3) collective farmers half .. t, depending .. on the weather

4. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) cherishing a dream, gymnasts vert ..t ball

2) rider.. riding, wrinkles old..t

3) half..shchy strawberries, they wear..t glasses

4) re..schey banner, baptismal braid..t

5. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) mark .. your main thing, meaning .. my for people

2) a goat nibbles ..t grass, driven ..my current

3) went out ..m the fire, inevitably ..may retribution

4) see .. you exhibits, waterproof .. May cape

6. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) heal for a long time .. you are driving .. my from the ground

2) steam .. you are in the bath, studying .. my subject

3) hiding .. hiding in the bushes, reading .. washing loudly

4) carefully write .. sew, see .. my eye

7. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) babbling .. baby, they hear .. rumble

2) a jumping .. cowboy, he holds ..t by force

3) waterfalls bubbling ..t, disturbing .. news

4) chirping .. birds, border guards looking .. t

8. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1)customs officers check..t, dye..

2) winds gon ..t, understanding .. everything

3) loving .. father, sinners ka .. tsya

4) brothers do .. to everyone, make a .. bed

9. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) learn .. your knowledge, independent .. my from others

2) quit .. you work, suspecting .. my of a crime

3) meet .. send a friend, spend .. my money

4) put .. you cook, warm up .. my sun

10. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the place of the pass?

1) check .. you dictations, inevitably .. may retribution

2) loving .. talking, hating .. untruth

3) stay .. at school, filling .. my water

4) grass creeping .. tickling .. face wind


1 option 2 option

1 – 3 1 – 2

2 – 3 2 - 3

3 – 2 3 - 3

4 – 3 4 - 2

5 – 1 5 - 1

6 – 1 6 - 3

7 – 2 7 - 4

8 – 3 8 - 1

9 – 2 9 - 1

10 – 2 10 – 2

Unstressed personal endings of verbs.

conjugations Verbs Personal endings
differently conjugated a) everything is on -it, except for: shaving, laying. b) 4 on -at: drive, hold, breathe, hear. c) 7 on -et: look, see, hate, offend, endure, twirl, depend All the rest except for those with different conjugations (on -ot, -yt, -at, -yat, -et, -ut. -u(-u), -ish, -im, -it, -ite, -at, -yat. Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive. Look, look, look, look, look. -y, you - eat, -em, -et, -et, -ut, Stelesh, stele, stele, stele, steer. Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want


Participle suffixes

1. In real participles of the present tense formed from verbs 1 conjugations, suffixes are written - yush-yush

2. In real participles of the present tense formed from verbs 2 conjugations, suffixes are written - ash-box (but squeamish)

3. In passive participles of the present tense, the suffix is ​​\u200b\u200bwritten eat (from verbs 1 conjugations and them

(from verbs 2 conjugations)

Task A-16

Spelling of suffixes

Spelling of noun suffixes.

If in nouns the root ends in d, t, s, h, f, - then it is written - chik

d-t-chik - sensor, defector, copyist, sampler, traveler,

but: shchik - roofer, lamplighter, drummer, brillantshchik.

-ek-, if, when added, e drops out: peas - peas

-ik- if the vowel does not fall out: table, table, table

-ec-, in the words of m.r .: breadwinner, handsome

-itz-, in the words of a woman: a nurse, a beauty.

In the middle gender - if the stress falls on the ending - EC: letter, rifle; if it falls on the base, then IC: armchair, oil.

Enk-. (en / k-) - in words formed from noun. on - on, -nya, which in r.p. plural end in -en: cherry-cherries, pine - pines.

In / k - in words formed from nouns on - in-a: crack, pea.

Spelling of adverb suffixes.

Oh, if prefixes are in, -on, behind-: left, right, dark

And, if prefixes from, to, s, is: long time ago, satiety, left, sideways.

Remember: from a young age, small, drunk, drunk, blind, blind.

U, if adverbs have prefixes in-: for a long time, in vain, simply, slowly.

Remember: ahead of schedule, exclusively, jointly from. Adj.: early, exceptional, joint.

Spelling of verb suffixes.

1) For verbs, gerunds, before -l, -v, -vsh, the same vowel is written that shove - t: saw - sawed, sawed, sawed.

2) In an indefinite form and in the past tense, suffixes are written - ova, - eva, if in the 1st person, singular. present and future simple tense, the verb ends in - uy, - yuu:

Malyuyu (present time) - painted (past time).

If in the specified form of the verb ends in -Ivayu, -Ivayu, then in n.f. and in the past temp. I write -yva - iva-: I close - close, closed.

Remember: verbs with stressed -vat, -vayu, va- have the same vowel before the suffix, which in the indefinite form without this suffix: fill - fill, fill.

About other suffixes.

1 .When parsing a word by composition, you should determine the part of speech to which the word belongs.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the alternations in//vl, b//bl, p//pl, f//fl: love-love, catch-catch, endure-endure, graph-graph.

Formative suffixes serve to form the grammatical forms of a given word.

Formative suffixes include:

Suffixes of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in -o, -e: -ee, -ee, -e, -she, -zhe, -eysh, -aysh: strong - strong - strong-her; expensive - expensive - expensive; thin - thin - thinner; deep - deep - deep; submissive - submissive-eysh-y - submissive-eysh-e; high - you-so-aysh-y - high-aysh-e.

Past tense suffixes of indicative and subjunctive verbs -l- and zero: deeds-l - deeds-l would; carried0 - -carried0 would.

Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb -t, -ti (-sti, -st, -ch): lying-l-a - lying-be; pass-l-a - pass-tee.

Suffixes of real participles of the present and past tenses -usch-, -yushch, -ash-, -yashch-, -vsh-, -sh-: carrying-yush-th, playing-yush-th, screaming-ash-th, whistle-box-th, reading, growing.

Suffixes passive participles present and past tense -em-, -im-, -om-, -nn-, -enn-, -t-: organize-em-th, love-im-th, led-th-th, see-nn-th, cut-enn-th, erased-t-th.

Imperfect and perfect participle suffixes -a-, -ya-, -uchi-, -yuchi-, -v-, -lice-, -shi-: hear-a, let-ya, bud-learn, game-yuchi, lose-in, inflate-lice-st, lock-shi-s.

Imperative suffixes of the verb: –i- and zero.

Suffixes of the perfect / imperfect form of the verb: -yva-, -iva-, -eva-, -va-, -a-.

Postfix -sya in a passive meaning: problem is solved by the student.

Plural suffix of nouns –j-: friends.

Suffixes can be null.

Zero is a suffix that is not expressed by sounds and letters (in writing), but conveys a certain grammatical meaning. Zero suffixes include:

Zero suffix of the past tense of the verb in the indicative mood, masculine singular; drove-l-a - drove, withered-l-a - dried up.

Zero suffix of masculine singular conditional verbs: wet-l-a would - would be wet; rubbed-l-a would - rubbed would.

Zero suffix of the imperative mood of the verb: take it out, sit down.

Nouns, short adjectives and participles can have a zero ending, as well as past tense verbs of the conditional mood: upset, would have written, and for singular imperative verbs: learn, look, write(some linguists refer to suffixes).

Invariable words do not and cannot have endings: adverbs, service parts of speech, n.f. verbs, gerunds, simple forms comparative degree(stronger, higher), interjections, indeclinable nouns, pronouns and adjectives ( khaki, burgundy).


Adjectives (basic) Communions Participles
-in - duck -an - sandy -yan - crimson -onn - traditional -enn - natural -n - lemon -enk - blue -onk - tiddly -ist - hazy -ov - fathers -ev - mantle -k - German -sk – urban -eysh – brightest -aysh – deepest Which one? Whose? -usch - running -yush - singing -ash - screaming -box - invigorating -om - led -em - solved - by him - visible -t - split -nn - heard -enn - cooked -vsh - fled -sh - carrying -en - decided -s - striving -I - looking -a - breathing -in - seeing -lice - seeing -ish - bringing -uch - being -yuchi - effortlessly
Forms of the verb Which? What do you do? Run - fled, what did you do? run - running up;