Suffix chk examples. Word with the suffix "chik": spelling rules and examples. Letter combinations ch and chk are written without a soft sign

What words with the suffix -chik-, -schik- do you know? Almost everyone can answer this question. Although there are people who get confused in the formulation of these morphemes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

With the suffix -chik- are often used in writing with such a morpheme as -schik-. It should be noted that this is a gross mistake. After all, there is a strict rule in the Russian language, which directly indicates in which case the letter "h" should be written, and in which - "u".

Suffix Features

How should you write and say: "scribe" or "copist"? Not everyone knows the correct answer to this question. However, experts say that such a lexical unit has the suffix -chik-. Therefore, it is required to write "scriber" correctly. Although during pronunciation it is necessary to use only the first option.

Basic rule

As you can see, the suffix -chik-, as well as the suffix -schik- can quite easily cause a lot of doubt about their spelling in the text. That is why experts recommend remembering the rule of the Russian language that explains the choice of a particular morpheme. For those who don't know him, let's introduce him right now.

If the stem ends in such consonants as “t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “z”, then only the suffix -chik- is required after them. To make this rule more clear, here are some illustrative examples:

As you can see, most of the presented words denote certain professions. With the suffix -chik-, such lexical units are also used that form the names of persons according to their belonging to a certain place of residence and nationality.

Important to remember

Now you know what words in Russian with the suffix -chik- were presented above). However, for the correct spelling of the mentioned lexical units, one should know not only the rule described above. After all, a fairly large number of people make mistakes such as:

  • distribution + suffix -chik- will be "distributor";
  • tavern + suffix -chik- will be "tavern";
  • prey + suffix -chik- will be “getter”, and so on.

It should be emphasized that this is an incorrect word formation. However, in this regard, the Russian language has a separate rule, which sounds as follows: before the suffix -chik, such letters as “ts”, “k” and “h” are replaced by the letter “t”. Let's take an illustrative example:

In what cases is the suffix -schik- put?

Now you know about the cases in which you should write a word with the suffix -chik-. However, in the Russian language there are often such lexical units in which the morpheme -shchik- is used. As in the previous case, such a suffix can be placed in nouns that form the names of males who have a particular profession, are engaged in a certain occupation, and also belong to a particular nationality or place of residence.

Also, the morpheme -shchik- is written if the stem of the noun ends with other consonants other than those presented above (“t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “h”). Let's take an illustrative example:

foreign words

As mentioned above, a word with the suffix -chik- is written if the stem of the noun ends in the following letters: “t”, “g”, “d”, “s” and “z”. Then the question arises as to why the morpheme -shchik- is used in some lexical units, even if its stem has the letter “t” at the end. It should be especially noted that these are not exception words, but only foreign language forms.

Thus, some lexical units that have passed into Russian from a foreign language can be formed using the suffix -shchik-, even if the letter “t” is at the end of the noun. But this is only if foreign word ends in 2 consonants. Let's take an illustrative example:

  • percentage - percent;

Should I put a "soft sign"?

About when a word is written with the suffix -chik-, and when with the suffix -schik-, we found out. However, when writing such nouns, the following question often arises: is it required to put -shchik- before the morpheme? Indeed, a fairly large number of people often write the presented words as follows:

  • instigator;
  • concrete worker;
  • herder;
  • lamplighter, etc.

What is it connected with? The fact is that the consonant "u" is a soft letter, and it often softens the sound so much that some people write "u" in front of it. However, this is wrong. After all, the Russian language has its own rule on this matter. It says that the soft sign should be written in nouns only after "l". Let's take an illustrative example:

  • roofer;
  • glazier;
  • payer;
  • spinner;
  • sawyer;
  • driller;
  • porter;
  • collier;
  • roofer;
  • planer, etc.

Distinguish suffixes

A word with the suffix -chik- should be written only if the stem of the noun ends with letters such as "t", "g", "d", "s" and "z". But how then to explain the spelling of such lexical units as a ball, a sofa, a brick, a key, a boy, a finger, a cucumber, a chair, a ball, etc.? The fact is that in all the presented words, the suffix is ​​not -chik-, but -ik-. As for the letter "h", it is either a separate suffix or is included in the root. That is why such lexical units do not fall under the rules described above. Moreover, this morpheme is alternating (-ik-/-ek-). And to check its spelling, you should decline the main word. Thus, the suffix -ek- is placed in those lexical units, in the declension of which the vowel "e" drops out. Here's an example:

As for the suffix -ik-, it is written in those words in the declension of which the letter “and” is preserved. Here's an example:

  • sofa - sofa;
  • boy - boy;
  • kalachik - kalachik;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • brick - brick;
  • key - key;
  • high chair - high chair;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - face;
  • ball - ball and so on.

When difficulties arise when writing suffixes -to- and -sk- in adjectives, it is necessary to refer to the rules.

SK suffix in relative adjectives

Suffix -sk- written in, which are formed from nouns with other consonants in stems, for example: Frenchman sk ij (French), fleet sk ij (fleet), Kazakh sk ij (Kazakh), village sk iy (village).

Before suffix -sk- letter b only written after l(general b sky, sat down b sky), as well as adjectives formed from the names of months on -n and -r (june b sky, september b sky etc., except January).


You should remember the spelling den b-den b skoy- "for the whole day."

Adjectives with the suffix CK formed from proper names

Adjectives with suffix -sk- , formed from proper names, are written with lower case, for example: Gogol's satire, Turgenev's "Poems in Prose". With a capital letter, such adjectives are written only when they are part of names that have the meaning of “name, memory”, for example: Lomonosov Readings, Lenin Prize.

Suffix K in adjectives

Suffix -to- it is written:

  1. in (they have a short form), for example: narrow (narrow), daring (daring), weighty (weighty);
  2. in , formed from nouns with stem on -to , -ts , -h ; for example: Cossack to ij (Cossack), German to ij (German), weaver to ii (weaver). At the base of the noun from which the relative adjective is derived, to and h alternate with c .


In single words alternation to and h With c does not occur and adjectives are formed using the suffix -sk- , for example: Uzbek sk iy (uzbek), tajik sk iy (tajik).

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Suffixes -ek, -ik | Spelling

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Suffixes -usch (-yushch), -ashch (-yashch) | Spelling

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Suffixes -achiy (-yachiy), -echy, -ichy | Spelling

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Suffixes of nouns | Total dictation

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Letter combinations "ssh", "szh", "zsh" and "zzh" | Spelling

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Suffixes -enk, -onk | Spelling

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Suffixes -em, -im, -ability, -ability | Spelling

In the suffixes of passive present participles and adjectives correlative with them, the letter e is written - in formations from verbs of the I conjugation, the letter and - in the formations from verbs of the II conjugation, for example: oscillating, readable, organized, viewing ...

General rule for writing unstressed vowels in suffixes | Total dictation

In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the spelling of letters in the place of unstressed vowels in suffixes is established by checking words and forms with the same suffix in which the vowel under test is stressed. Examples of suffixes with checkable...

Suffixes with unchecked unstressed vowels | Spelling

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Unstressed vowels in suffixes after soft and hissing | Total dictation

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Tar. Paired voiceless consonants | Total dictation

Paired deaf consonants p, f, t, s (and the corresponding soft ones), k, sh at the end of a word and before deaf consonants can be transmitted respectively by the letters p or b, f or c, t or d, s or h, k or g , w or w. The same letters can be transmitted ...

Letter combinations "sch", "zch", "zhch" and "shch" | Spelling

Letter combinations sch, zch, zhch, shch are written at the junctions of significant parts of the word, if the previous part of the word ends in s, z or w, w, and the next one begins with h, for example: at the junction of the prefix and the root: dishonor, exhausted, uncover , comb, sch...

Letter combinations "ts", "ds", "tts" and "dts" | Spelling

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Adjectives with the suffix "-sk" | Spelling

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The use of the letter "b" | Total dictation

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The vowel at the end of the stem in nouns with "-y", "-y", "-y" | Spelling

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Unstressed endings for nouns with some suffixes | Spelling

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Double consonants at the junction of significant parts of the word | Total dictation

“Double n and double s are written at the junction of the generative stem and suffix, if the stem ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant n or s: in words with suffixes -n (th, oh), for example: long (from length) , ancient (old), stone (stone...

Double consonants in words formed from stems into two identical consonants | Spelling

In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, group, group; program - program, program, program; score - five-point, galls ...

The letter combination "tch" | Spelling

A double consonant h is not allowed at the junction of a root and a suffix, as well as two suffixes. innkeeper (from the tavern, with...

Suffixes -its, -ets | Spelling

In the suffix of diminutive neuter nouns, before c, in place of an unstressed vowel, the letter and is written, if the stress precedes the suffix, and the letter e, if the stress is after the suffix (at the end), for example: oil, dress, ras ...

Letters "h" and "sh" before "n" and "t" | Spelling

In words formed from stems on h, k, c, before suffixes starting with the consonant n (suffixes -n, -nick, -nits), the letter h is written, which in most cases corresponds to the sound h in pronunciation, for example: furnace, stove-maker (from oven), cleaning (...

Double "n" and one "n" in adjective and noun suffixes | Spelling

With a double n, suffixes -enn (th), -venn (th), -enn (th) and -onn (th) of adjectives formed from nouns are written, for example: straw (from straw), dinner (lunch), life (life), peculiar (property), cranberry (cranberry...

Double consonants in word abbreviations | Spelling

When abbreviating words containing a double consonant, only one consonant is retained in complex abbreviated words, for example: gramophone record (gramophone record), correspondent office (correspondent office), terrorist attack (terrorist act), group committee, group organization, special ...

Writing unchecked consonants | Spelling

The spelling of unverifiable consonants in the roots is determined in dictionary order, for example: a b sept, a b sole, ane k dot, a n teka, a p sida, a s best, a f Ghana, v friend, to the hall, to the second , where, zigzag, cosmon in t, general, about ptom, about fset, ryu k zak, with ...

Letter combinations "zhs", "shs", "chs" and "schs" | Spelling

Letter combinations zhs, shs, chs, schs are written (in accordance with pronunciation) at the junction of the root with the suffix -sk in adjectives formed from proper names (personal and geographical), as well as from ethnic names, for example: Parisian (from Paris) , rizhs...

Suffixes -anna (-yann) and -an (-yan); -enn and -en | Spelling

It is necessary to distinguish between passive participles (as well as verbal adjectives) on −anny (−yanny), −any (−yany), on the one hand, and on −enny, −eny, on the other. The letter a (i) is written in these participles and adjectives, if the corresponding verb in ...

Suffixes -enn, -yan | Spelling

In adjectives formed from nouns, the suffixes -enn and -yan should be distinguished. The suffix -enn, always unstressed (unstressed), usually takes a position in a word after consonant combinations, for example: alphabetic, leafy, medicinal, prayer ...

Vowel "i" after "c" | Total dictation

After c, a letter is written in the following cases: a) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names, for example: circus, cycle, cylinder, tsigeika, scurvy, mat, figure, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine , revolution, tsutsik ...

Spelling "nn" in full forms of passive participles | Total dictation

“In the full forms of the passive participles of the past tense, formed from perfect look(both prefixed and non-prefixed), two n are written, for example: bought, corrected, named, paired, cut, resolved, dried, abandoned, ...

Suffixes -iv, -ev | Spelling

Vowels and or e are written in the suffixes -iv (o), -ev (o) of neuter verbal nouns denoting a product, substance, collective concept as an object or result of an action. Wed, on the one hand, a mess, fuel, and on the other, a brew, heat ...

Unstressed vowels in imperfective verb suffixes | Total dictation

“In verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) (always unstressed), meaning imperfect form(sometimes also multiple actions), are written before in the letters s or and, for example: roll up, smear, see; to fill up, talk, jump up ...

Suffix -va | Spelling

In imperfective verbs with the suffix -va, having the form of the 1st person in -vau, unstressed vowels before in are checked according to the general rule (see § 33), for example: overcome (cf. overcome), become obsolete (obsolete), drink down (drink), sing (s...

Suffixes -e(t), -i(t), -ene(t), -ene(t) | Spelling

There are verbs in -et and -it. Verbs in −et (in the 1st person −ею) – intransitive I conjugations – have the meaning 'become something, acquire a sign', for example: to weaken, to become weak 'to become powerless, to lose strength', to become soulless, to become stern 'to become severe. ..

Spelling "n" and "nn" in adverbs for "-o" and nouns | Total dictation

Adverbs in -o, nouns with suffixes -ost, -ik, -its (a), formed from adjectives and passive participles, are written with double n or single n - depending on how the corresponding adjective or participle is written. Examples: ...

Vowels after hissing | Total dictation

After w, h, w, u, the letter o or e is written to convey the stressed vowel o. The letter o is written in the suffixes of nouns: -ok, for example: circle, hook, cockerel, borscht, jump, push, and in derivatives of such words: circle, hook, jump ...

Suffixes -ochk, -echk | Spelling

In nouns with the suffix -ochk (-echk), the initial unstressed vowel of the suffix is ​​transmitted by the letters o (after paired solid consonants) and e (in other cases): light bulb (from lamp), bath, vase, blouse, mommy, Ninochka, Allochka, Vovochka ; auntie...

Suffixes -ev, -iv, -liv, -chiv | Spelling

It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives with suffixes -ev, on the one hand, and -iv, -liv, -chiv, on the other. Words starting with -ev - for example, soy, queen, flannel, match, suede - contain the suffix -ev (an orthographic variation of the suffix -ov), check ...

Double c in the borrowed suffix "-ess(a)" | Spelling

The double c is written in the borrowed suffix -ess (a), for example: poetess (from poet), patroness, baroness, viscountess, princess, stewardess, clown, criticess. The double t is written in the borrowed suffix -ett (a), -etto (in musical terms): with ...

Suffixes -ink, -enk, -ank (-yank) | Spelling

It is necessary to distinguish between nouns in -inka and in -enka (with unstressed vowels before n). Words in -inka are either formed with a diminutive suffix -k (a) from nouns in -ina, for example: dent - dent, thawed patch - thawed patch, straw - straw ...

Double "n" and one "n" in suffixes of full forms of passive past participles | Spelling

The suffixes of the full forms of the passive participles of the past tense are written with nn: -nn and -yonn (-enn). Adjectives correlative with them in form are written in some cases also with nn in the suffix, in others - with one n. 1. Spelled with nn participles and adjectives ...

Suffixes -yshk, -yshek, -eshek and -ushk (-yushk), -ushek | Spelling

In the suffixes of diminutive nouns -yshk (in words of the middle gender) and -yshek (in words of the masculine gender), the letter s is written without stress after solid consonants, for example: speck, wing, glass, nest, feather, peg, wedge, sparrows. ...

Features of writing individual suffixes | Total dictation

In the bases of indirect cases and plural forms. h. of nouns in -ya, the suffix -en- is written with the letter e in place of an unstressed vowel, for example: time - time and times, name - names and names, seed - seeds and seeds. The letter e is also written in adjectives with the suffix ...

Features of writing suffixes "-yva", "-iva", "-ova", "-eva" | Spelling

In verbs with the suffix -yva (-iva) (always unstressed), which have the meaning of an imperfect form (sometimes also the repetition of an action), they are written before in the letters s or and, for example: roll up, smear, see; to fill up, to talk, to jump, to...

Double "n" and one "n" in suffixes of short forms of passive past participles | Spelling

Short forms Passive past participles are written with one n, for example: chitan, chitana, chitano, chitany; read, read, read, read; labeled, labeled, labeled, labeled; marked, marked, marked, marked. The forms of middle...

Double "n" and double "s" at the junction of the generating stem and suffix | Spelling

Double n and double s are written at the junction of the generating stem and the suffix, if the stem ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant n or s: in words with suffixes -n (th, oh), for example: long (from length), ancient (old), stone (stone...

Separate spelling of the particle "not" with adverbs | Total dictation

NOT with adverbs (except for those formed from adjectives with the suffix -о) is written separately [PAS 2011: 135]. References Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: A complete academic reference book / Ed. V.V. Lopatin. - M., 2011, § 146, p. ...

Groups of consonants at the junction of significant parts of the word | Total dictation

Letter combinations sch, zch, zhch, shch are written at the junctions of significant parts of the word, if the previous part of the word ends with s, z or w, w, and the next one begins with h, for example: at the junction of the prefix and the root: dishonor, exhausted, uncover , ra...

Spelling of dictionary words | Total dictation

Valley with gentle slopes. [ Dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000]. The original suffixal derivative of gloss ‘log, hollow, beam’, still known in dialects. See gloss. [N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova. School Etymological Dictionary of Russian...

Double "n" and one "n" in adjective and noun suffixes | Total dictation

“With double n, suffixes -enn (th), -stvenn (th), -enn (th) and -onn (th) of adjectives formed from nouns are written, for example: straw (from straw), dinner (lunch), vital (life), peculiar (property), cranberry (cranberry), smallpox (smallpox ...

Issue 57

The leader Vasilisa brought a large box to the Russian language lesson at Shishkin school. The students thought that there were gifts or goodies. But it turned out that there ... a pen, a fishing rod, glasses, seeds. And now the question is: what do these words have in common? Koksik was not taken aback and immediately came up with: fishing. A fisherman with glasses and a fishing rod sits on the shore, spitting seeds. Hmm, but why does he need a pen ...
“I know,” the attentive Shunya guessed. These are words from the Cheka. Each word has a combination of letters CHK.
“I don’t think it’s spelled correctly,” Zubok remarked. Writing CHK should be with a soft sign in the middle. He even hears.
“No, no,” Vasilisa disagreed with the proposal. The words are spelled correctly. The sound "Ch" in itself is soft, it does not have a hard pair. Therefore, words with CHK are written without a soft sign in this combination of letters. And there is another combination in Russian that is written without a soft sign. These are CH words. So, all words with CHK and CHN are written without a soft sign. Now give examples of words with CHK and CHN:

candle night light
nochka stove-maker
tussock sunny
apple river

And now the beginning of one Russian will sound folk tale. Find in it words with CHK and CHN.
Walked Chanterelle - little sister along the forest path. Found Chanterelle rolling pin. I knocked on the door. They let her in. lay down Chanterelle - little sister on the shop, a rolling pin put under stove.
— I know such a story. It's called "Chanterelle with a rolling pin," Shunya rejoiced.
And here is a riddle with examples of CHN:
Over the thicket of the forest, over the surface river
Hanging and shining flashlight night.

“I see that you memorized the rules for writing Cheka and ChN well and you won’t be mistaken when you come across words with Cheka and ChN,” Vasilisa rejoiced.

"Ch" and "en", "Ch" and "Ka"
They won't part at all.
And do not hesitate between them
You put a soft sign.

Stove, candle and night
River, sunny, river.
We know for sure
Where is the CHN and where is the Cheka.