The Russian language is not about rules. All the rules of the Russian language - elementary school Russian language 1 class rules

This manual is intended both for classes in the lessons of the Russian language, and for independent work at home. Educational material presented in tables, which contributes to its better memorization, as well as the development of visual memory.

Morphological analysis nouns.
I - part of speech; II - the initial form (i. p. 5 units); own or common noun; animate or inanimate; gender, declension; case, number; III - member of the proposal.

Was at the exhibition.
I - at the exhibition, was at (what?) Exhibition, noun;
II - (exhibition); adv.; inanimate; and. R.;
1 fold; p.p.; units hours;
III - was (where?) at the exhibition - a circumstance.

Explanation of abbreviations
Vowel sounds
Sound combinations
Paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word
Difficult words
Carry it right
Don't endure
Hyphenation of words with double consonants
Unstressed vowels at the root of the word: a, o, i, e, i
Phonetic parsing the words
Large (capital) letter in words
Word composition
Root words
Word form
The order of parsing the composition of the word
Write suggestions separately!
Members of the proposal
Separating b after the prefix before the vowels e, e, u, i
Prefixes over-, under-, pre-, ob-
Prefixes on -z, -s
Separating b is written after consonants before vowels
The difference between prefixes and prepositions
Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word
CH without T
Prefixes write together!
Parts of speech
gender of nouns
Number of nouns
Cases of nouns
Declension of nouns
Three declensions of nouns
First declension of nouns
Second declension of nouns
Third declension of nouns
Indeclinable nouns
Noun endings 2 fold. units h in the genus. case pl. h
Zero ending pair items
Case endings nouns
verb tense
Verb changes by person and number
Conjugation of verbs
Conjugation of present tense verbs
Homogeneous Members suggestions
gender of adjectives
Number of adjectives
Declension of adjectives male
Declension of adjectives female
Declension of neuter adjectives
Declension of the adjective in plural
Soft sign after h, w, w
Morphological analysis of nouns
Morphological analysis of the verb
Morphological analysis of adjectives
Spelling of adverbs
Offer types
Analysis of the proposal
Analysis of the proposal by members of the proposal
Homogeneous members of a sentence
Punctuation at the end of a sentence
Emphasis on words.

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Download the book Rules for the Russian language in tables and diagrams, grades 1-4, 2015 -, fast and free download.

  • Russian language, Spelling piggy bank, Reference notes for students in grades 1-5, Tkachenko E.V., 2000
  • Funny dictations, Poetic examples and rhymes to the basic rules, grades 1-5, Ageeva I.D., 2002
  • Rules and exercises in the Russian language, grades 1-5, Almazova O.V., Sosunova E.A., 1997
  • The program of the course, To the textbooks of L.V. Kibireva, O.A. Kleinfeld, G.I. Melikhova "Russian language", grades 1-4, Kibireva L.V., Kleinfeld O.A., Melikhova G.I., 2012

This manual is fully consistent with the federal state educational standard(second generation) for elementary school. The reference book on the Russian language is intended for elementary school teachers and parents. The manual contains information on the theory of language, accompanied by a sufficient number of examples. The structure of the reference book corresponds to the main sections of linguistics. Much attention is paid to the material that makes up the content of teaching the Russian language in elementary school. For convenience, the guide uses a variety of highlights and icons.

ACCENT - emphasis (of a syllable, word) by the strength of the voice or increase in tone, as well as the icon ("), showing such a selection.
VERBAL STRESS - this is the emphasis by the voice of one of the syllables in the word: station, street, village.

A syllable that is pronounced with more force is called a stressed syllable. The remaining syllables are unstressed: banana, tent. The stress always falls on the vowel sound.
In words containing the letter ё, the vowel that it denotes is always stressed. Words usually have one accent: forest, river, day, simple, flies.

AT compound words there is also an additional emphasis, weaker: mower, frost-resistant. Moreover, the main stress in compound words always falls on the last of the roots.
In Russian, stress often performs a semantic function: soar - soar, already - already, wonderful - wonderful.

Sounds and Letters 8
Vowel sounds and letters denoting them 9
Consonant sounds and letters denoting them 10
Consonant sounds, paired and unpaired in deafness/voicedness 11
Duration of sounding consonants 12
Consonants hard and soft 12
Consonants, paired and unpaired in hardness/softness 12
Consonant sibilants 14
Syllable 15
Accentology 16
Accent 16
Orthoepy 19
Pronunciation of individual words and grammatical forms 20
Some information on the culture of speech 21
Basic principles of Russian graphics 23
Alphabet 24
Russian alphabet with letter names 24
Solid consonant [ts] and ways to designate it in writing 25
Hissing consonants and ways to designate them in writing 26
Transfer Methods oral speech in letter 26
Basic principles of Russian spelling 27
Some spelling rules 28
Spelling NOT with different parts of speech 28
Word wrap 28
The use of capital (large) letters 29
Spelling of vowels after hissing 33
Spelling of unstressed vowels 34
Spelling of words with a soft sign - an indicator of softness 37
Spelling of words with hissing consonants at the end and in the middle 38
Spelling of a grammatical soft sign after hissing 39
Spelling of words with separators ъ and ь 40
Spelling of words with doubled (double) consonants 40
Spelling words with unpronounceable consonants 42
Spelling of words with doubtful consonants at the end and in the middle of words 42
Spelling of roots with alternating vowels 44
Lexical meaning of the word 45
One-valued and polysemantic words 47
direct and figurative meaning words 48
Types of value transfer 49
Synonyms 50
Antonyms 51
Homonyms 53
Ways of the appearance of homonyms 54
Paronyms 54
Words of the Russian language in terms of their scope 55
Stylistic coloring of words 55
Styles of the Russian language and the distribution of words on them 56
Etymology 56
Outdated and new words 57
Phraseology. Phraseologism 57
Lexicography. Russian language dictionaries 58
Classification of Russian dictionaries 59
Composition of the word: what parts the word consists of 60
ending 60
stem word 61
Root 62
Prefix 63
Suffix 65
Chapter 6
Ways of word formation 69
Parts of speech. The system of parts of speech in Russian 71
Independent parts of speech 72
noun 72
adjective 95
Name numeral 107
Pronoun 113
Verb 119
Communion like special form verb 132
The participle as a special form of the verb 133
Adverb 133
Status category words 135
Service parts of speech 135
Particles 136
Unions 138
Prepositions 141
Special parts of speech 143
Modal words 143
Interjection 144
Onomatopoeia 145
Phrase 147
Proposal 148
Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement 149
Sentences and their emotional coloring (intonation) 152
Offer members. Common and
uncommon offers 153
Simple and complex sentences 157
One-part and two-part sentences 158
Complete and incomplete sentences 159
Complicated and uncomplicated sentences 160
Punctuation marks 164
Text 168
Text-Narrative 169
Description text 170
Reasoning text 171

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Russian language rules for elementary school (in verse).

1. Verbs are exceptions.

Drive, breathe, hold, depend,
Hear, see and hurt
And also look, twirl,
Hate and endure.

2. Case prepositions.

I.p. -
R.p. - about, with, for, without, from, from, before, at, around, after, except.
D.p. - bye).
V.p. - through, in, on, for, about.
etc. - before, with, over, behind, under, between.
P.p. - at, in, about, about, on.

3. Gender of nouns.

By the word I will substitute "mine" -
It means masculine.
Feminine - I remember -
About what I will say "mine".
The middle gender is "mine" -
This is where I learned everything.

4. Capital letter spelling.

Rivers, mountains and plains,
Names, surnames, valleys,
Names of all animals
Patronymic people -
Everything is capitalized
You write faster.

5. Spelling of vowels after hissing.

We know for sure that zhi - shi
We write only with a vowel and,
And in words, where cha and cha
We will write only with a.
Where will we meet chu - shu,
Let's write it with the letter y.

6. Spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, checked by stress.

There are stressed vowels
But there are also unfortunate
They need to be checked
It's basically correct to write.
Choosing a word quickly
And the test is ready
Striking check -
We don't forget anything.

7. What is declination?

I quickly change the word
I write it in cases.
I call it inclination
We need to remember this.

8. Spelling is not with verbs.

Every student knows this
Avoids the verb.
Don't forget, friends
You can't write them down!

9. Spelling of paired consonants in the middle and end of a word.

Paired consonants need to be checked
To write words in a notebook correctly.
Pick up a related word quickly
Pair consonant with a vowel friend.

10. The composition of the word.

There is a prefix before the root,
She spells it well
And with the aid of
Words are formed.
a common part
related words
Root is called -
Our answer is ready.
After the root it stands,
The word is new.
I will mark the corner -
I call it a suffix.
The ending.
At the end of any word
Looking for the end again.
Variable part
Keeps in touch with another word.
Spelling of unpronounceable consonants.

11. Silent consonants

They are all so unfortunate.
We don't hear them in words.
But we write in a notebook.
So that they do not run away from words,
We checked them for a long time.
We are looking for a word
To hear it again.

12. Noun.

Part of speech is amazing
It's called a noun.
The subject means
On Who? What? Answers.
Items that answer the questions Who? What?

About people, animals and fish,
Insects and all birds
Let's ask together - who are they?
All other items
What? We will ask a question.

13. Adjective

The attribute of an object means
To the questions What? What, What? Which? answers.
Attached to the noun
It's called an adjective.
It agrees with him everywhere.
In gender, number, case.

14. Verb.

Part of speech ask
What to do?
What did you do?
What will you do?
Calls himself an important verb
The action of the subject means.

15. Three declensions of nouns.

I'm called a noun
I divide into three declensions:
1 declension - ending - A and Z
Gender feminine and masculine, friends.
2 declension - masculine gender without ending,
And the middle gender - O - E - is a smooth sound.
3rd declension - feminine gender with b at the end of all words
Remember - this is a rule for all students!

16. Cases.

There are six case brothers
There are no friends in the world.
live in harmony
And they keep order.
Nominative case
He is the most important of all.
For questions who? what? answers
The subject in a sentence happens.
And now genitive case,
It is no less significant.
No one? what? - worries
And it agrees with the preposition in rhyme.
(About, with, for, without, from, from, before, at, around, except for, after.)
Dative - good man,
Everything tends to do this:
Give to whom? what? Faster -
According to (a) - there are no more friendly prepositions!
Accusative always admires
See what? whom? worries
Through, in and on, for, about -
Easily agrees with the proposal.
Instrumental case broadcasts,
Proud of who? And what? decides.
Prepositions: between, with and over, behind, under
Saves friendship with words.
Prepositional promises you success
About whom? About what? He thinks about everyone.
He does not forget his prepositions,
With, in, about, about, on - he exclaims loudly.

1. The words in the sentence are related in meaning. To make a sentence out of words, words need to be changed.

2. The first word in a sentence is written with capital letter. Put a question mark, period, or exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.

4. Pronunciation is how we speak, pronounce the word. Writing is how we should write the word.

5. Sounds, during the pronunciation of which only a voice is heard (without noise), and the air passes freely in the mouth, are called vowels. A vowel makes a syllable. There are six vowels: [a], [o], [y], [s], [i], [e]. There are 10 letters denoting vowel sounds: a, o, y, s, i, e, e, e, u, i.

6. There is only one vowel in a syllable. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it: o-sy - [o-sy].

7. Sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air meets an obstacle in the mouth (lips, teeth, tongue) and only noise is heard - [s] or voice and noise - [h], are called consonants. Consonant sounds are denoted by letters: b, c, g, e, g, z, d, k, l, m, n, p, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u.

8. Word wrap. You can transfer words from one line to another only by syllables: morning-ro, kas-sa, magazine. One letter cannot be left on a line or transferred to a new line. Transfer like this: radio, wow. The letters -Y- and -b- during transfer cannot be separated from the letters in front of them. Transfer like this: tea-nick, construction, boy, porch.

9. One syllable in a word is pronounced more strongly than others. Such a syllable is called stressed. the remaining syllables are called unstressed. The stress mark is placed above the letter that denotes the stressed vowel sound. The accent mark is not put if the word has one syllable or there is a letter -ё-.

10. Spelling is the spelling of words according to certain rules.

11. Names, patronymics and surnames of people, nicknames of animals are written with a capital letter. These are all proper names. The names of streets, villages, villages, cities and rivers are proper names. They are capitalized.

12. There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. Each has its own place and name. What is the correct name for them:

Aa (a), Bb (be), Vv (ve), Gg (ge), Dd (de), Her (e), Yoyo (yo), Zhzh (zhe), Zz (ze), II (and), Yy (and short), Kk (ka), Ll (el), Mm (em), Nn (en), Oo (o), Pp (pe), Rr (er), Ss (es), Tt (te) , Uy (y), Ff (ef), Xx (ha), Tsz (ce), Hh (che), Shsh (sha), Schshch (scha), b (solid sign), Yy (s), b ( soft sign), Uh (e), Yuyu (yu), Yaya (me). MEMORIZE!

13. The letter -ь- (soft sign) does not indicate a sound. the soft sign indicates that the consonant before it is pronounced softly: coal - corner']. The softness of consonants is also indicated in writing by letters e, e, i, u, i, b ( soft sign ), but only if they stand after them: [l′]ev.

14. Letters e, yo, yu, i at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, two sounds are indicated: e - [y'e], yo - [y'o], yu - [y'y], i - [y'a].

15. We write letter combinations zhi and shea with a letter - and. This must be remembered.

16. We write letter combinations cha and shcha with letter - a, chu and shu with letter - at. This also needs to be remembered.

17. In the letter combinations CHK, CHN, SCHN, the soft sign is not written.

18. Consonants are voiced and deaf. voiced are pronounced with voice and noise, deaf - with noise. Voiced and voiceless consonants form pairs:

(voiced) [b], [c], [g], [d], [g], [h]

(deaf) [n], [f], [k], [t], [w], [s].

There are unpaired voiced [p], [l], [m], [n].

Unpaired deaf: [c], [h], [u], [x].

19. At the end of words, paired consonants are pronounced muffled. To correctly designate paired consonant sounds at the end of a word, they need to be checked. To do this, you need to change the word so that after the consonant there is a vowel: slolB - table [WOULD].

20. Our speech consists of sentences. Sentences are made up of words. Words in our language are divided into groups, or parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions and other parts of speech.

21. Words can name people and animals, things, natural phenomena, actions and qualities. To them, you can ask the question WHO? or WHAT? In grammar, such words are called nouns. The noun is a part of speech.

22. Words that denote signs of objects are adjectives. The adjective is a part of speech.

23. Words that denote the actions of objects are verbs. A verb is a part of speech.

24. Words ON, IN, FROM, ABOUT, ON, FROM, K, U, FOR, O, UNDER, OVER, WITH - prepositions. Prepositions serve to connect words in a sentence. Prepositions are written SEPARATELY from other words. A preposition is a part of speech.