Secrets we didn't know. What the dungeons hide: secrets you didn't know about…. What's wrong with space debris

Original taken from blagin_anton The biggest secret: our whole life is a game of God and the devil!

“Everything is in the power of the gods;
wise men are friends of the gods; but with friends
everything in common; therefore, everything is
light belongs to the wise."

(Diogenes of Sinop 404-323 BC)

I hope no one will object to the assertion that there are such SECRETS that are only known units dedicated. I was also initiated into one of these secrets, and now I want to reveal it to everyone. This is important now. There is a common expression: knowledge is power! I'll say this: there are times when knowledge is life! In my opinion, this is exactly the case! We all must learn the SECRET, in which only a few are privy. This is necessary so that together we can prevent a terrible crime against humanity. And so that you understand that I'm not joking, I want to preface my story about the terrible SECRET with a little background.

Pro freemasons I guess everyone heard? If not, then perhaps you have seen somewhere their conspicuous Masonic symbols? There she is. By the way, there are a lot of such symbols in the city of St. Petersburg, in churches, on the facades of old buildings, on grave monuments, etc.!

Someone does not believe in any Masons, believes that these are stupid notions. Well, faith is a personal matter for everyone! Someone, on the contrary, is convinced that all or almost all current presidents as well as titled persons (kings, dukes, etc., who still exist somewhere) are, and they constitute union of people, storing various secrets, absolutely closed from everyone else. I am not asserting any of this. I'm just giving it as an example.

For the first time about what exists conspiracy some wise men against the profane, said in his writings the ancient Greek philosopher, biographer and moralist Plutarch. He mentioned in his writings a curious letter from one of the greatest conquerors ancient worldAlexander the Great, and it was addressed to the no less famous ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle.

Alexander the Great, wrote a letter to his teacher Aristotle with the following content: "Alexander to Arstotle wishes well! You did wrong by publishing teachings intended only for oral teaching. How will we differ from other people if the very teachings on which we were brought up become common property? I would like to SUPERIOR OTHERS not so much power, as much as KNOWLEDGE about higher subjects. Be healthy." (Plutarch. Selected Biographies, Volume 2, p. 367).

From this short note, preserved for history by Plutarch, we can understand that Alexander, being a student of Aristotle, expressed to him the words discontent for the fact that he made public some secret knowledge intended only for chosen castes(i.e. for the caste at the head of the peoples).

We have a unique opportunity to spend now historical parallel between this fact ancient history and our time, and make sure that "caste of the chosen"- really exists, and these people really have knowledge that is inaccessible to the majority. They hide them from the people, and in order not to lose their power, and thereby " different from other people" .

Today, the words of the head of Sberbank of the Russian Federation allow us to draw such a parallel German Gref which he inadvertently uttered economic forum, held in 2012 in St. Petersburg and dedicated to... "out of the managerial impasse" !

Apparently, a year ago "castes of the chosen" there was a kind of "managerial impasse" , which prompted them to get together in St. Petersburg and discuss at an international forum how to get out of the "management crisis" and what to do next.

We only know about it thanks to a video that got into the world media. That's what it sounded like.

“I want to tell you that you say terrible things, actually, G. Gref began to answer the previous speaker at the forum. What you say makes me scared. Why? You suggest transfer power actually in the hands of the population. But you know, for many thousands of years this problem has been a key one in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads thought about this topic.This is how Buddhism was born. Grand Heir one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how badly the people live, and he tried to help the people. He tried to find the answer, what is the root of happiness, how to make people happier. He did not find an answer, and as a result, Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology that he laid down is the rejection of desire, he did not see a way to realize these desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, and there is no way to realize all desires, ” G. Gref added.

“The economic mode of production dreamed of by Karl Marx has not yet been realized, and therefore it is necessary to work. And not the fact that everyone will get this job, and not the fact that everyone will receive the desired salary, and not the fact that they will be satisfied from this. And wherein if everyone human will be able to participate directly in management what do we manage?», - complained the president of Sberbank.

“The great Minister of Justice of China, Confucius, started out as a great democrat, and ended up as a man who came up with a whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers like Lao Tzu came up with their theories of the Tao, ciphering them, afraid to convey to the common people because they understood: as soon as all people understand the basis of their "I", self-identify, manage, that is manipulate them will be extremely hard», G. Gref said.

“People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life (the question is, to whom? - A.B.) - for three thousand years it has been secret doctrine because people understood what it was like to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient,” said G. Gref. "Any mass control implies manipulation element. How to live, how to manage such a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that lowered on their heads, funds mass media, which as if independent, but in fact we understand that all the media are still busy building, maintaining strata?- finished his speech German Gref, which caused considerable surprise among colleagues.

From this recognition of the head of Sberbank of Russia, several conclusions follow at once:

Conclusion one. The world community on a global scale is indeed divided into two castes: "managers" and "managed". The same applies to individual states.

Second conclusion. Caste "managers" is divided into at least "top managers" and on "lower managers". "Higher" is a certain ancient race of people who self-proclaimed themselves "first after God", they play the role of "first violin" for the world community, in their hands is the so-called "conceptual management of mankind." "Inferior Managers" are those gentlemen who, among other things, govern global financial system. And they are now, most likely, and there was a kind of "administrative crisis."

If we try to sketch power structure, then we get some pyramid, the top of which will symbolize supreme power over society. A good example is the symbolism on the dollar bill, which is understandable only to the initiated. This pyramid with an eye instead of a top is a symbol world power.

If you try power structure depict in more detail, indicating a number of positions and the degree of dedication to secret knowledge, you get something similar to this drawing more than a century ago. I reproduce it by the book contemporary writer V.F. Ivanova "Secrets of Freemasonry".

And finally, the third conclusion. "Caste of the Managed" are all the other people living on the planet. Their destiny is to live in information space , which is completely artificially essentially and to a large extent deceitfully. It is false already for the reason that all the world media information, - as G. Gref admitted, - dissected special specialists - trained by governments different countries analysts, political scientists and others "agents" who serve faithfully "caste of managers". The task of all these "agents" is to form a distorted outlook and such performance about the surrounding reality so that millions of people in the world couldn't understand, for example, who controls the global financial system, why evil is multiplying day by day, and morality, called morality, is declining on a global scale, disappears like fog, and why are different religions: Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, if it is stated that God is one...

It is not difficult to understand that the most important thing to worry about "top managers", so only that the bulk of the people do not understand and do not even guess that they manipulated some evil-smart sages. Mind manipulation have long been occurring in absolutely all spheres of life, from natural science before religions. This and Theory big bang", as a result of which, allegedly, the Universe was formed, and A. Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and the introduction of the concept of "physical vacuum" , and much more. Both that, and another, and the third ..., and the tenth were required solely in order to call millions of people "mind twist" to deprive them of the ability to understand reality.

As for the scale deception of the Russian people in the field of religion, then it was well described and explained back in 1928 by Mark Eli Ravage, personal biographer of the wealthiest Rothschild banking family. I want you to get to know revelation Mark Ravage, before I tell you the SECRET in which I found myself dedicated by chance. Without it, I'm afraid you won't believe in what I will tell you at the very end.

Before quoting historical recognition of Ravage, I consider it my duty to explain under what circumstances it was made.

In 1914 broke out World War I(July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918), which claimed the lives of more than 10 million soldiers and about 12 million civilians. In October 1917, in the midst of this war in Russia, overthrow of the autocracy. In 1918 revolutionary forces abdicated Tsar Nicholas II and his family were killed, at the same time in the open spaces Russian Empire played out Civil War (1918-1922), which claimed the lives of about 10.000.000 people. And even earlier, first in 1903 , and then in 1905 in Russia was printed book by an unknown author, containing detailed plan enslavement of the whole world.

Presented in this book facts, ideas as well as logics the stories were so detailed, powerful and convincing that this small book is simply amazed imagination of any person who began to read it. By the way, this book today available online and anyone can read it. "This manuscript is too terrible reality to befiction , too much justified to bea mere product of fantasy , and detects too deep knowledge of the secret springs of life to besimple deceit ", - said about this book in 1920, the famous American automaker Henry Ford.

History reference:"In 1932, a lawsuit was filed against the Swiss National Party. Its activists sold this "indecent" publication on the steps of the casino in the city of Bern. The process lasted 5 years and hundreds of witnesses were involved in it from many countries. The task was: to present the "Protocols "as a dirty fake, compiled either by the gendarmerie general Rachkovsky, or by the writer Sergei Aleksandrovich Nilus. On May 14, 1936, the Bern court recognized the forgery of the Protocols, but already on November 1, 1937, the Court of Appeal in Zurich overturned this decision". .

Meanwhile, recently I did not have much difficulty prove, and within the same publication, authenticity"Protocols of the Elders of Zion", published in Russia in 1903-1905. I did this with F.M.'s Diary of a Writer. Dostoevsky, published in Russia in 1876-1878.

So, even the most enlightened thinkers that time, living in different parts of the world, gave the impression that this book, which went down in history under the title "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", wrote some inhuman mind .

What if not human mind , then what? is a reasonable question to ask.

to the human mind traditionally opposed devilish mind . And it just so happened in the world that, as soon as it comes to about the devil and his intrigues, then everyone starts looking towards one unique societyJews .

And in this historical case all enlightened people planets immediately. tied up tragic events taking place at that moment in Russia, with the contents of the book "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". And by linking one to the other, they became blame in all terrible crimes ubiquitous Jews living since ancient timesreligious law under the direction of some"wise men of Zion" who call themselvesservants of Jehovah God.

It is amazing that all these accusations, sounded from a variety of eminent thinkers to Jews decided to answer Mark Eli Ravage, personal biographer of the richest Jewish family Rothschild .

History reference: Mark Eli Ravage (Max Ravich), an immigrant from Romania of "Jewish" origin, who became the personal biographer of the Rothschild family, decidedin 1928engage in special propaganda and burst into an article "Real accusations against the Jews, one of which points to the full depth of their guilt". Its original purpose was to defame Christianity. For this, the classic technique of "information stuffing" was applied - to recognize most of the truth and add piece of misinformation , designed to "suppress the will to resist the enemy." So Ravage honestly acknowledged the historical guilt of the "Jews" in a variety of atrocities - from usury and inciting wars and revolutions to penetrating legislation and substituting values. At the same time, he tried to put in the “main” propaganda idea: “It was we who invented Christ for you and thereby enslaved the goyim.” .

it shocking all revelation Ravage was published in the magazine The Century Magazine(January 1928, Volume 115, Number 3, Pages 346-350”), and then only once, in 1965, was republished by a small pro-Nazi publishing house Viking age, which was closed shortly thereafter. I want to bring here only some of the most impressive fragments Russian translation this old but very interesting journal publication. As you know, any special propaganda contains up to 90% true but only 10% lie Therefore, the recognition of Mark Ravage to know today, in my opinion, is extremely important for us.

"A clumsy Russian prints a book and calls it "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", which shows that we made the first world war. Do you believe this book? Good. If it comes to that, we will sign under each of her protocols, so you can calm down - she is real, authentic. But what follows from the fact that we are the cause of all the conspiracies in history of which you accuse us? You do not even have the courage to bring us to justice, much less to punish us, although you have full list our crimes.

If you are serious enough to talk about Jewish conspiracies , may I draw your attention to one of them worth talking about. What's the use of wasting words to control public opinion Jewish bankers, newspaper and film oligarchs when you might as well accuse us of we control all your civilization through Jewish Gospel..."

"You make a lot of noise about the overwhelming Jewish dominance in your theaters and cinemas. Very good if so. But what about what's under our control are and your churches, and your schools, and your laws, and your governments, and your very thoughts and concepts in which you think. Do you even exist in Jewish conceptual space ! How can you get rid of from your own shadow?"

"It seems incredible, but you Christians, and you have no idea, where came your religion where did it come from and how? Your historians don't tell you. Books on the subject that are part of your bible, you repeat like parrots but don't delve into them. We have done our job carefully , a do you believe our propaganda literally. The coming of Christianity for you is not historical event, logically following from other events of that time, and the fulfillment of the Jewish divine prophecy - with your slight modifications. Where can you see that it destroyed the Great Non-Jewish civilization and the Great Non-Jewish Empire, with which Jewish Judea waged constant wars. Where can you see what Christianity threw Europe into barbarism and darkness for a thousand years. How - it brought "Salvation" to the non-Jewish world!

Meanwhile, at that time, in the Roman Empire, there was a huge underground movement that emanated from the center in Palestine, and spread Jewish agitators , financed Jewish money , and transferred to Jewish notes and conversations . Rome destroyed Jerusalem with brute force, but after a while she herself fell without a single shot being fired. - You don't even see it! Although even a developed child, not fooled by the church, will tell you the same thing just by reading chronology of events of that time. And after all this you keep mumbling about Jewish conspiracies poking us in the first world war and revolution in Russia?"

Even 200 years ago, an English historian tried to enlighten you Edward Gibbon(1737-1794), who wrote the greatest historical work "History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". Let's face it, Gibbon, being no stranger to history, is by no means DID NOT TRY introduce destruction Non-Jewish Empire nonsense, like SPONTANEOUS economic stagnation, the decline of morals, the growth of promiscuity , while in fact The empire was then at the zenith of his fame and creative upsurge... Gibbon had no difficulty pointing out for illness, which eroded and destroyed majestic building of ancient civilization. He pointed to Christianity- that law, which the came from Zion , on the "word of God" that came from Jerusalem, as on root cause decline and death The Roman Empire and all that came from it.

But Gibbon didn't go any further... He didn't consider alternative options. He saw like a wave coming down from the Mediterranean foreign mass (referred to as Jews- A.B.) and fill Europe. He never understood that all this Christian legend with "Salvation" was conceived for this. But facts are stubborn things.

Let me briefly, and without mysticism and embellishments, retell this legend...
Leaving aside the personal qualities of Jesus of Nazareth, he was, like his predecessors, a political agitator against a foreign occupier. There are even hints that he wanted to become king of Judah. He claimed, or his later biographers claimed for him, that he was descended from the royal family of David. However, his paternal line was rather messed up. The same writers who traced his mother's husband's lineage to the psalmist king (David) also portrayed Jesus as the son of Jehovah and admitted that Joseph was not his father.

However, it seems that Jesus realized in advance the futility of his political mission and turned all his oratorical talent and popularity among the masses in a completely different direction. He started promoting primitive forms of populism, socialism and pacifism. The effect of this change in his propaganda was to create hostility towards him on the part of the wealthy and the Jewish priests, as well as to limit his followers only to the poor proletarian masses and slaves.

After his death, his followers formed communities communist brotherhood. The sermon that their leader delivered on top of the mountain (Sermon on the Mount. - Note. translator), summarized for them essence of his teaching and they did this teaching the rule of your life. It was a philosophy designed to obedience and obedience. She comforted those who suffer in this world and promised rewards after life. People too weak to fight learned not to resist evil. People who hunchbacked from dawn until late at night were given an installation on positivity labor that brought them nothing but poverty. Lowered, robbed, beggars, humiliated and insulted - they were given a promise be an elite in the underworld before God. Rich, ambitious, powerful, worldly people were denied heaven...

In normal times, no one would have paid attention to this shabby brethren. For the most part, they were slaves and workers, their oppression made them useless soldiers. But when the country of Judea was in a state of struggle with a foreign enemy, the philosophy of Christianity began to seem very dangerous. It was a belief of unbelief, illusions, detachment from all problems and outright defeatism. She threatened to undermine the morale of the nation fighting the aggressor. This is the notorious “blessing of those who bring peace”, “turning the other cheek”, this is “non-resistance to evil by violence”, this inexplicable love for the enemy, looked like purposeful attempt paralyze the will of the nation, cause a crisis and ensure the victory of the enemy.

Thus, it is not surprising that the Jewish authorities began to persecute the supporters of Jesus. Their rallies were hunted down and dispersed. In the end, almost all the leaders were imprisoned and their doctrine was banned. It seemed that the sect of Christians was doomed, but the curtain of the new act unexpectedly rose, and events took a new turn.

It is possible that the most cruel persecutor of the sectarians was a certain Saul, who was engaged in the production of tents and awnings. An inhabitant of Tarsus and thus a man brought up on Greek culture, he despised their teachings of renunciation of worldly fuss and their remoteness from life. As a patriotic Jew, he was frightened by the influence of this sect on the identity of the nation. An educated man who knew several languages, he was ideal for wandering around the Jewish communities scattered throughout the Mediterranean in order to counter the harmful doctrine of pacifism. The authorities of Jerusalem appointed him the chief persecutor of the sect of the followers of Jesus.

He was on his way to Damascus to arrest a group of sectarians when new idea. In one of the vague phrases of the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, the Gospel, he saw a good idea. In fact, there were two thoughts. To begin with, he realized how futile efforts little Judea against the then Roman superpower. Second, and more important, it occurred to him that she hermit sect, with which he represses, can, if you try, become in time a threatening force not only for Judea, but also for Rome. Pacifism, non-resistance, hermitism, love of enemies, were dangerous exercises at home. However, if this teaching is spread among the enemy troops, it can undermine their discipline and tip the scales in favor of Jerusalem. Paul Saul speaking modern language, first understood the meaning of propaganda behind enemy lines.

He reached Damascus, and here, to the astonishment of his friends and those whom he was about to repress, Saul announced his conversion to this faith and asked permission to the brotherhood. On his return to Jerusalem, he placed before the astonished Jewish Sanhedrin draft new strategy. After much debate and deliberation, a new strategy was adopted... Thus, Saul, the persecutor of Christians, became Paul, the Christian apostle. And thus to pagan Europe gushed completely alien to her religion ".

"To Paul's surprise new religion worked too well ... For four centuries, the huge Roman Empire, which conquered along with half the world and small Jewish Palestine, became a pile of rubble, and the law of Zion became the official religion of Rome.

"That was just the beginning OUR CONQUERING THE WORLD- only the beginning. From that moment on, all YOUR story and in all countries - this is a story of conquest YOUR HIS old pagan spirit OUR Jewish spirit ...

WE did it solely by force OUR spirit, by using OUR ideas, by using OUR propaganda .

WE made YOU voluntary and unconscious bearers of our mission in this world, messengers to the barbarian races of Earth, and to countless generations yet to be born. Without a clear understanding of how WE YOU use, YOU become agents of our racial tradition and culture, carrying OUR Gospel to all corners of the world.

OUR tribal laws became the basis YOUR HIS moral code. OUR tribal laws became the basis of all YOUR constitutions and laws.OUR legends and myths became truths that YOU sing to your babies.OUR poets have written everything YOUR prayer books and books.OUR the national history of Israel became the basis YOUR own history.OUR kings, statesmen, warriors and prophets became and YOUR heroes too.OUR tiny ancient country became YOUR Holy Land!OUR mythology has become YOUR Holy Bible! Thoughts and ideasOUR people are intertwined with YOUR traditions to the extent that YOU does not count educated person who is not familiar withOUR racial heritage.

Jewish artisans and fishermen - YOUR spiritual teachers and YOUR saints who YOU worship countless images YOUR icons and churches named after them. Jewish woman - this is YOUR the ideal of motherhood is the Mother of God. And the Jewish rebel is the central figure YOUR HIS religious worship. WE destroyed YOUR gods, WE aboutthrew everything away YOUR racial characteristics, and replaced them with God in accordance withOUR own traditions. Not a single conquest in history is even remotely comparable to how completelyWE YOU won.

Is it surprising that YOU hateUS ?"

" WE put the stopcock on YOUR progress. WE imposed on YOU alien TO YOU book and someone else TO YOU faith that YOU can neither swallow nor digest because it is contrary to YOUR natural spirit, which as a result is in a diseased state, and as a result YOU cannot, nor acceptOUR spirit completely, nor kill him, and are in a state of split personality - schizophrenia".

"YOU, Christians, never completely Christianized. In this respect WE dealt with YOU not to the end. But we have taken from YOU the joy and enjoyment of YOUR natural religion!

So why not TO YOU do not hate US ?

After reading these revelations in The Century Magazine in 1928 Mark Ravage, personal biographer of the Rothschild family, the sane people of the planet again faced some kind of downright inhuman logic , which they had previously encountered in "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and did not fit in their minds. Now, in line with this terrible book, there is also the confession of Mark Ravage, who volunteered to assert that some very cunning people, nicknamed "wise men of Zion", were able spiritually enslave many countries and peoples imposition to all the Bible, which was deliberately written so that deprive people of their minds, cause them to state schizophrenia! Such courage in the revelation of Mark Ravage is easily explained by his own words: " which follows from the fact thatWE are the cause of all the conspiracies in history in which YOU US accuse? YOU do not even have the courage to attract US for this, all the more PUNISH, although YOU have a complete list of our crimes.

It is on this sad note that I will end my PREFACE, and now I will tell everyone a terrible secret, which will make everyone sad, even those Jews who today boast and rejoice that THEY HAVE CONQUERED US!

Do you know what "thinks with the body"? "The brain knows what it doesn't know" and "it sleeps to forget." The scientific work of the last month is a few more steps towards answering the question: "What is consciousness and how does it work?" Published on the web portal

1. The brain thinks with the body

Attis rushed across the seas on a flying, light boat,
He hurried with a nimble run into that wilderness of the Phrygian forests,
In those jungles of dense groves, to the holy places of the goddess.
Instigated by violent passion, drunk with fury,
He castrated his young body with a sharp stone.

At this last phrase, the male reader will probably feel an unpleasant chill in the lower part of the body (“where the peppy sickle walked,” as another poet, Fyodor Tyutchev, put it on another occasion). See what this means in terms of neuroscience: while you were reading the phrase, your brain was busy recognizing the words. In it, in the brain, there are special areas that specialize in understanding the language. However, an unpleasant chill, felt almost physically at the moment of reading the cherished word, tells us that for some reason completely different areas of the brain are involved in the matter - those that are in charge of processing signals from the peripheral parts of the body. Question: it so happened by chance in the process of perception artistic text Or is there some important aspect of how the brain works here?

Even if our reader thinks this is a stupid question, neuroscientists don't think so. Moreover, they have been studying this phenomenon for quite a long time. Back in the early 2000s, it was found that when a person hears the verbs "run", "beat" and "kiss" - there is blood flow to the areas of the brain that control, respectively, the legs, arms and lips. In the light thought experiment with the text of Catullus, which we put at the beginning of this section, such results do not seem at all surprising. The main question is this: is this activity of the motor and sensory cortex really necessary to understand what the brain has just heard or read? Perhaps this is just a side effect: first the parts of the brain that specialize in language understand what is being said, and only then do other parts get a little excited, although no one asks them to?

In the first task, it was necessary to quickly determine whether the word has any meaning. For example: "draw" - press the right button, "shmakish" - press the left.

An alternative point of view is that this phenomenon is an integral part of the understanding of language. In her favor is the fact that motor areas respond to verbs that mean action very quickly, in just 80 milliseconds, obviously faster than the understanding of the word occurs. This point of view is gaining popularity, but the final verdict has not yet been issued.

It is this hypothesis that neuroscientists from high school economy in Moscow, including Yuri Shtyrov and Andrey Myachikov. This topic is the subject of their recent scientific work published in the journal Neuropsychologia.

To choose one of the two explanations, you need to do this: somehow prevent the motor cortex from participating in the work on understanding the text. If understanding deteriorates or slows down, then the brain really needs to use a variety of areas for this, and not just the notorious language centers in the left hemisphere. And if not, then no.

"Interfering with the brain" in our time is accepted with the help of transcranial magnetic stimulation: impulse magnetic field temporarily disables certain areas of the cortex. This is no more harmful than an MRI, and therefore it was not difficult to find 28 volunteers for experiments. They were given two tasks. In the first, it was necessary to quickly (by pressing a button) determine whether the word that appeared on the screen had any meaning. For example: "draw" - press the right button, "shmakish" - press the left. The second task is a little more difficult, since it required not only to understand that the word is meaningful, but also to figure out what it means. The subjects had to distinguish concrete actions from abstract ones, for example: “write” - a specific action, “believe” or “forgive” - abstract.

In the meantime, the subjects were solving problems (or rather, within 200 milliseconds after the appearance of the word in front of their eyes) - a magnetic impulse rushed through their skulls to the motor cortex, to that part of it that controls movements right hand. You probably noticed that you “draw” and “write” - actions performed by the hand?

“I know that I don’t know anything” is some kind of idle talk, but Socrates was still a sage

If the reader is interested in experimental subtleties, reservations and corrections, we send him to the article by the link, it is not so complicated, especially if you are a neuroscientist by diploma. For the rest, we report the result: yes, the effect was indeed observed. That is, the ability to distinguish meaningful words from meaningless ones was not affected by a magnetic impact on the motor cortex. But in the choice between abstract and concrete action (when it was necessary to understand the meaning of the word), the difference was obvious: when the motor cortex was depressed, specific verbs “draw” and “write” were recognized more slowly, and abstract “believe” and “forgive” - on the contrary, faster . So, we need the motor cortex not only to uselessly wave our arms or draw scribbles, but also to understand the language.

The attentive reader cannot but have a question. Well, “draw” is a simple, understandable verb, take a pencil in your hand and draw. But after all, it can also be used in a different meaning, for example: “In your speech you draw bright prospects” - no hand is clearly involved here. Or, for example: “You got so drunk yesterday - neither sing nor draw.” Do you need a motor cortex to understand these figurative turns of speech?

Not all at once, hurried reader. Scientists from the Higher School of Economics are working on this right now, and the results are going to be reported at a conference in San Francisco at the end of March. If you believe the published abstracts of their message (and the abstracts are half a page of text without any details), in "figurative expressions" one should distinguish between metaphor and idiom. For example, "throw a stone" is a literal meaning. "Quit smoking" is a metaphorical usage, where instead of "quit" you can use the verb "stop" or "quit". "Throw a shadow" is an idiom: it cannot be decomposed into separate words and understood in isolation from each other. It seems to be that the motor cortex is not needed to understand the metaphor. But idioms in this sense behave exactly like the literal meanings of verbs...

But shh. The authors of the study urged us not to go into the details of this work. We were motivated to mention it only by the fact that not too often a high-quality scientific result is published by scientists from their native country. Shtyrov, Myachikov and their colleagues (although they work not only in Moscow, but also in Danish Aarhus and English Newcastle) are exactly the same people to whom the expression “Russian science” can literally be attributed. And since we are celebrating the Day of this same Russian science on February 8, this is an excellent occasion to congratulate our compatriots and talk about their achievements - I hope, without distorting or confusing anything.

And since the next two sections to Russian science are no longer relevant, we will present them much shorter and more concisely.

2. The brain knows what it doesn't know

“En eda oti uden eda,” Socrates supposedly said (that is, it is possible that Plato came up with this at all, and the one who translated it back from Latin into Greek certainly distorted the phrase). It seems to me that Socrates did not say this, because “I know that I know nothing” is some kind of empty talk, but he was still a wise man. It's another matter to know exactly what you know and what you don't know: this inspires respect. And for this it would be nice to have some kind of register of your own knowledge in your head, keeping it separate from knowledge as such.

In our heads, such a register definitely exists. Proving this is as easy as shelling pears: otherwise there would be no such torment at the sight of the familiar face of an actor whom you know for sure, but for the life of you don’t remember his name and where he starred. The brain is sure that this actor is in memory. However, for some reason, it is not immediately possible to find the corresponding record. There is also the opposite effect, “déjà vu”: this is when for some reason it seems to the brain that the situation is familiar, but in fact there was nothing like this with it before, but it just seemed.

Neuroscientists talk about it like this: in addition to memory itself, the brain also has “meta-memory” - this is exactly the memory of what we remember (or should remember) and what we don’t. But what neuroscientists didn’t know until recently was where exactly this priceless filing cabinet is stored in the brain. Japanese researchers have found this out just now.

There were only two questions for the monkeys: “Have you seen this picture before, O monkey? How sure are you that you didn’t see (or saw) her?

They did experiments not on people, but on monkeys. The monkeys were offered a series of pictures, and then after a while they presented the picture for identification. There were only two questions for them: “Have you seen this picture before, O monkey? How sure are you that you didn’t see (or saw) her? Of course, the monkeys were not asked in words, but in the way they usually communicate with monkeys: with the right reactions, they received a reward, and they had to pay for mistakes. In the meantime, the monkey brain was being examined with an MRI.

And here it is, metamemory: two bright foci in the prefrontal cortex. One seems to be responsible for the memory of recent events, the other for distant ones. And then (how lucky that the experiment was set on animals, and not on people!) The monkeys were turned off the corresponding centers of the brain and were again forced to bet on whether they had already seen the picture shown, or it seemed to them. The results have deteriorated significantly. At the same time, as the researchers were convinced in a separate experiment, the very memory of the viewed pictures did not disappear. It was just much more difficult for the monkey to confidently say about an unfamiliar picture that he had never really seen it.

This work is a small step towards understanding the mechanisms of memory. When these mechanisms are unraveled, our descendants will never find themselves in a terrible situation, when a familiar man seems to be coming towards them, but maybe he is not familiar, but just imagined. Then people will become happier and more harmonious.

3. The brain sleeps to forget

For some, especially young people, it often seems that sleeping is just a waste of time. While we are awake, we learn a lot of new things, accumulate impressions, sometimes even learn something. And then again! - and eight hours of blackness torn from life. And it happens that you wake up, but you don’t remember something from yesterday, for the life of you. Recent articles by researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the US show that this is actually what we sleep for.

During the day, when the main action takes place, the brain processes the impressions, remembers them and draws conclusions. About how this happens, Eric Kandel guessed, who received for this in 2000 Nobel Prize. He studied the neurons of the Aplysia mollusk, teaching it simple mollusk lessons (for example, "if you stroke the siphon, then they will start hitting it"). It turned out that this particular lesson corresponds to the growth of one particular synapse, that is, the connection between neurons. So, while we are awake, the brain remembers something, and synapses between neurons grow and strengthen in it.

Well, say American neuroscientists: and when the brain sleeps, synapses decrease! That is, not all: the most important and powerful synapses are only getting angrier, but the secondary nonsense, which has swollen excessively during waking hours, on the contrary, is losing strength. As a result, mice (it was their brains and neurons that were used in the experiments) “consolidate” memories: they retain important things in memory and forget unnecessary nonsense. However, the total mass and power of synapses practically does not increase. Thus, the process can be repeated many, many times: learn new things, then sleep, and study again with a fresh mind. If it were not for this stage of sleep, the synapses in the mouse brain would have grown to an extreme, long before the poor mouse had had time to noticeably wiser.

Every day we see thousands of signs and symbols. And we even use some of them to express the strongest feelings when we can’t find words. But have you ever wondered where they came from? And are we using them correctly?

We decided to understand this in detail and collected for you the 7 most famous symbols, the meaning and origin of which is not known to everyone.

Ampersand (sign &)

The ampersand sign (&) denotes the Latin conjunction et (or English and), that is, "and". This ligature was invented in Ancient Rome. Tyro, who was Cicero's private secretary, invented his own system of abbreviations to speed up writing, called "Tyronian signs."

Subsequently, this sign took root in Europe and America so much that for a long time it was in last place in the English alphabet, and began to disappear only by the beginning of the 20th century. The word "ampersand" itself is an abbreviation of the phrase And per se and. When the letters of the alphabet were pronounced to the children, after z the teacher said: And per se and - “And in itself“ and ”. Before the letter, coinciding in pronunciation with the word, they said per se (“by itself”, “as such”).

Over time, from the letters et, the shape of the symbol changed to such an extent that such a sign arose.


But here everything is more complicated. Despite the fact that “love lives in the heart,” everyone knows that the heart symbol does not have much in common with a real heart. But there are several hypotheses about its origin.

  • A pair of swans swimming towards each other forms the shape of a heart at the moment of contact. In the cultures of many peoples, these birds are a symbol of love, fidelity and devotion, as the formed couple remains together for life.
  • Another hypothesis says that the sign was originally a symbol of the feminine. He himself depicts the shape of the female pelvis. The ancient Greeks even built a special temple to Aphrodite. It is unique because it was the only temple in the whole world that worshiped the buttocks. No, yes, that's it.
  • There is also a version that this sign is the shape of an ivy leaf. On a vase among the Greeks, he was usually depicted together with Dionysus, the god of winemaking, the patron of passion.


In the 10th century, King Harald Blatand ruled in Denmark, who united the Danish tribes into a single kingdom. Harald was also nicknamed Bluetooth, as he was a famous blueberry lover and at least one of his teeth was permanently dyed blue.

Bluetooth technology (from the English "blue tooth") is designed to combine several devices into one network. And the sign of technology is a combination of two Scandinavian runes: "hagal" or "hagalaz" (Hagall) - an analogue of the Latin H, and "berkana" (Berkana) - the Latin B, which corresponds to the first letters of the name Harald Blatand. By the way, the first devices, as you might guess, were of blue color and similar to a tooth.

Medicine symbol

Few people know, but the symbol of medicine, depicting a cane with wings and two snakes, is actually a mistake.

According to legend, Hermes (the Romans - Mercury) had a magic wand caduceus, which looked exactly like this. Caduceus had the ability to stop any disputes and reconcile enemies, but had nothing to do with medicine.

The fact is that more than 100 years ago, US military doctors confused it with the staff of Asclepius, which had no wings and only one snake. Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of healing and medicine, so the mistake is understandable. Subsequently, this sign took root and is now used as a symbol of medical secrecy.

Sign "Power" (Power)

The “Power” or Power sign can be found on almost any device, but few people know where it came from.

Back in the 40s, engineers used the binary system to refer to individual switches, 1 meaning "on" and 0 meaning "off". Subsequently, this was transformed into a sign in the form of a circle, that is, zero and sticks - units.

A symbol of peace

The Pacific, or, as it is also called, the sign of peace, was invented in 1958 for a protest demonstration against the use of nuclear weapons. The peace sign is a combination of semaphore signals N and D, which means "nuclear disarmament" (English nuclear disarmament).

Mysticism, if you like: all this is of great interest to everyone. Sometimes the solution to a century-old legend lies on the surface, but most often in search of answers you have to dig deeper, right into the very bowels of the earth. With the secrets that dungeons hide, this phrase takes on a direct meaning. and the tireless search for adventures of diggers, we can find out how the dungeons lived and how they live now.

Secrets around us

Even if we forget the stories about one and a half meter rats and huge crocodiles that live in the Moscow subway, the capital's catacombs definitely deserve attention. Take at least the underground passages of the house on Solyanka. In the 16th century, it was a huge marketplace where merchants mainly sold salt. After 4 centuries, in 1912, the dilapidated barns of the former Salt Yard began to be dismantled for the construction of an apartment building. Suddenly, the workers managed to find as many as 200 kg of coins from the reigns of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov.

Some scholars suggest that this building has not revealed all the secrets: it may contain the library of Ivan the Terrible, which suffered from a medieval flood, depicted in the drawings of archaeologist Giovanni Battista Piranesi.

The dungeons of Kaliningrad are shrouded in great secrets. Until now, no one can answer the question of who built such an extensive system of underground passages: Warband, Prussian fortifiers or secret Nazi organizations?

Someone puts forward the version that the dungeons of Koenigsberg (this was the name of Kaliningrad until 1946) were intended for storing supplies and building factories, others say that they wanted to build an underground railway to Berlin, others talk about bomb shelters and bunkers. It is said that there is a whole underground city, and archaeologists managed to find only part of the building. In this unexplored part, there should be the legendary Amber Room.

In neighboring Belarus, dungeon lovers are primarily interested in the Nesvizh Castle. Archaeologists managed to discover a system of underground passages, which, most likely, were an underground "route" between the Mir and Nesvizh castles. There is also a hypothesis that the tunnels led straight to the church of St. Michal. The biggest mystery associated with this place concerns the golden statues of the 12 apostles. The pedestals disappeared in the 19th century, and perhaps it is the system of underground passages of the Nesvizh Castle that will lead scientists to find them.

Underground Europe

Large European cities also hide "underground" secrets. Take London, for example. The capital of Great Britain is simply riddled with dungeons. Basically, these are abandoned tube stations - such as Down Street, which in 1939 was transformed into Winston Churchill's secret bunker during the Second World War.

But if you look a little further into history, then the London catacombs were just the theater of medieval torture. Now in their place is the London Dungeon Museum, where actors recreate bloody historical stories. And 5 centuries ago, the heartbreaking cries of the victims were heard here.

The stronghold of the underground medieval life of Europe is Paris. This is the capital of France from the outside - a city with eiffel tower, delicious pastries and the smell of love. The bones of 6 million people lie underground, which is almost 3 times the population of present-day Paris!

AT late XVIII century, the capital of France was faced with the problem of "overpopulation" of urban cemeteries, and a hundred years before that, the quarries actually became part of the city. Due to the fall of the wall that separated the cemetery of the Innocents from neighboring houses, the basements of the houses were filled with the remains of burials.

Dungeons are perhaps one of the most mysterious places. There are a huge number of catacombs in the world that hide many secrets so far unknown to mankind.

Who knows, perhaps in time, the curtain will open slightly, and we will learn something that we did not know before...

What the dungeons hide: secrets you didn't know about... updated: April 20, 2019 by: mila ognevich

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