Can you make money writing? How much do modern Russian writers earn Is it possible to earn money by writing

Can you make money writing? Easily! And whole millions! This is proved by the annual ranking of the richest book authors on the planet, compiled by Forbes. How much do writers earn? And why are there no Russian names on the Forbes list? About this in the material of the studio "BOOK".

Compose and grow rich: how much book writers earn

Every year, the American Forbes magazine calculates how much book writers earn and compiles a hit parade of the richest writers in the world. In 2017, Harry Potter's mother JK Rowling turned out to be its leader. From June 2016 to June 2017, she put $95 million in her wallet.

A little behind the British novelist is the American James Patterson. The writer of adult detectives and teen stories made $87 million richer in a year. Jeff Kinney, creator of the popular children's series Diary of a Wimpy Kid, is in third place by a giant margin. His account for 12 months was replenished with "only" $ 21 million.

The remaining places in the top ten were distributed as follows (the amounts are indicated in millions of dollars):

  • Dan Brown (responsible for the Professor Langdon conspiracy novels received $20);
  • Stephen King (king of horrors made $15 rich);
  • John Grisham (author of numerous detective stories sold for $14);
  • Nora Roberts (detective novelist's profit increased by $14);
  • Paula Hawkins (creator of the bestselling The Girl on the Train earned $13);
  • E.L. James (writer of the Fifty Shades of Gray trilogy got $11.50);
  • Daniela Steel (Queen) women's prose was able to add $11 to my account).

How about us? How much do writers earn in Russia

It is easy to see that there is not a single Russian author on the Forbes list. And this trend has continued for decades. Is it really impossible for us to get rich by doing writing? According to experts, it is theoretically possible! However, the main problem lies in the circulation - too small, when compared with Western ones. Even the cost of book production plays a smaller role in how much writers earn.

Daria Dontsova, Dina Rubina, Boris Akunin - these and some other domestic writers have very good sales. Thus, the total circulation of Dontsova's heritage is approximately 200 million copies. But Rowling's novels sell 400 million copies, only the Bible has more. At the same time, the circulation with which a book is issued in the Russian Federation today is an average of 4.5 thousand copies.

Another aspect of the difference in the incomes of Russian and foreign prose writers is related to the language barrier. Many foreign authors get rich quicker in part because they write in English. After all, this language speaks much more people than in Russian. Meanwhile, not all of our novelists are being translated. Lucky in this sense, Dina Rubina, Lyudmila Ulitskaya and Dmitry Glukhovsky. However, in comparison with the international circulation of the same Rowling, this is minuscule.

Another important point is the size of the fees. If you have just come into literature, the fee is usually only 25 thousand rubles. And the creator with the name is quite ready to pay a whole million. So, how much book writers earn depends largely on the length of service in the literary field.

And finally, the price of book production. How to make a modern writer, if for recent times The cost of printed and electronic literature in Russia has hardly changed?! In Europe and the United States, books are much more expensive, which is reflected in the authors' profits, calculated from the final sales. But if now the price of literature in the Russian Federation increases, the number of readers and circulation will be significantly reduced.

How to make money as a modern writer? Do not rely only on your gift!

Given the above, how can a writer make money in Russia? Almost everyone has to look for additional income. Even established novelists are forced to write scripts for serials and television films, engage in journalistic or entrepreneurial activities, and teach. Well, if you can sell the rights to the book abroad. But still, how much writers in Russia earn is very small compared to Western countries.

Most domestic prose writers, including nominees and winners of prestigious awards, earn about 80,000–100,000 rubles as a writer. in year. Only commercial authors specializing in science fiction, detective stories and romance novels. For example, Daria Dontsova's fee for one work often reaches $140,000. Alexandra Marinina receives an average of $100–150,000, Boris Akunin $25–30,000, and Tatiana Ustinova $25,000.

However, in the West, not every writer, even the most famous and beloved, is a millionaire. Write good work- That's not all. For example, "Harry Potter" is not just a great story about growing up, magic and the struggle between Good and Evil, but also a successful marketing project that brings huge profits. Considerable funds have been invested in its promotion, and Russian publishing houses simply do not have money for such PR campaigns.

And Rowling herself gets rich not only on writing. The lion's share of her income comes from selling the rights to the film adaptation of Potteriana. And in 2016, the personal funds of the writer grew in connection with the film adaptation of the book “ fantastic beasts and the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. In addition, the novelist receives a certain amount from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter amusement park.

So, in order to make money on your work and enter the Top 10 from Forbes, a creator from any state will have to try hard. Not only talent, hard work and perseverance will lead to success, but also competent marketing and a fair amount of luck.

Based on the material of "Rossiyskaya Gazeta"

P.S. In two years, we have written dozens of articles on how to take the first steps in writing. Read them on our blog. And already now you can choose a reader or announcer for the future audio version of your book.

Work examples

Prose| "Novella". Fragment

Prose| IN AND. Nemtsev "Perovsky"

business book| "Be obsessed or be like everyone else"

Story| "The Uninvited Guest" (Russian fairy tale)

Story| "Tumbling" (Scythian fairy tale)

Christian literature| "Spiritual Consolation"

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Author's survey

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How much does it cost to print and sell your book? Is it possible to make money writing at all, and if so, what is the salary of a writer in Russia?
Says the popular blogger Dmitry Chernyshev, author of the book "In the Beginning".

Only a few people can earn serious money writing in Russia. I'll try to explain why.

I'll start with a paper book. Imagine - you bring a beautiful manuscript to a publishing house. The manuscript must be excellent. Otherwise, she simply will not be hired. Every year in Russia, about 4 000 000 manuscripts. Of them going to print less than one percent.

About 100% of the cost of the book is covered by the publishing house. He has a staff that deals with finding new books, working with the author, designing, typesetting and proofreading your brilliant manuscript, liaising with printers and distributors, advertising and promoting your book, bookkeeping, and many other tasks.

About 100% more is earned by the printing house, which also employs hundreds of people. The printing house prints your ingenious book, stitches, folds, creases, binds, packs and delivers the circulation. On average, printing takes two to three weeks.

Wholesalers earn about 100% more. And about 100% more earn stores that sell your brilliant book to customers. They pay rent, salaries to salespeople, cashiers, loaders, cleaners, security guards and accountants. At the same time, only a few percent of books are profitable in the falling book market.

As a result, if your book is sold in a store for 500 rubles, then you, as an author, receive about 5% for it. That is 20-25 rubles. Minus 13% tax. I will add that a good print run of 3,000 copies is a good one today.

There is also electronic books. If your book, for example, is sold for 100 rubles at LitRes, then the site takes 50%, the publisher takes 25%, and 25% is yours. Minus 13%.

There are also audiobooks. But the volume of this market is so small that you can forget about it for now.

But your brilliant book could be a bestseller. For example, my book How People Think is being reprinted for the fifth time. It's a lot. For this every six months I receive about 70,000 rubles.

There is another way. Print the book at your own expense and deal with its implementation. This is a possible but difficult path. Be prepared for the fact that half the room will be occupied by the circulation of your book. And this number of books will decrease VERY slowly.

There is another way. The Russian book market is rather small. You can translate the book into English and sell it all over the world. But I don't know anything about this route yet.

There is another way. I was very interested in whether Boris Grebenshchikov's scheme worked. He puts out his songs for free, and then people decide how much to pay him if they like the new album. I tested this circuit for myself. I'm talking about the results.

This scheme works. I received about thirty translations. From 300 to 3000 rubles. For which I want to say a huge thank you to the sponsors. You can even predict how much money you will earn. In a couple of days, the book “In the Beginning” was downloaded from Yandex a little less than 9,000 times. On average, each new download brings two rubles.

Never hesitate to support an author you like. There are very few authors worth reading. Because otherwise, after the first good book, he, with a high degree of probability, will send everything to hell and leave to work as an oil trader. And you won't read the fine book he could have written.


There are a lot of printed and interest publications. It can be as magazines about cars, and blogs about movies or music. Find several such publications on the Internet and offer them your services. Perhaps they just need an author. As a portfolio, you can offer them something that you have ever written so that the editors can evaluate your level, or write something specifically for them.

If you speak foreign languages, you will be able to make money on translations. It is very important for a translator to have a good command not only foreign language but also Russian. You can find such work both in the office and at home. Send your resume to translation agencies. If you have a diploma in translation, you will get a job without any problems. if not, you will have to first gain experience on one-time projects, which can be found on job exchanges for freelancers and thematic sites for translators.

Many writers complain that it is difficult for them to sell their books. If you are one of them, consider: maybe you just didn't do it actively enough? Send your books to all famous publishers and literary magazines. It is quite possible that you will be noticed, especially if you write books in hot topics or those genres that sell well.

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Trade almost always brought a good income. In order to make good money on trading, it is not necessary to sell something expensive. Earning on small things can be even more significant if you know what to sell, where and to whom.


It should be said right away that one must have a vocation. If you hate the very idea that you will have to sell some junk goods from morning to evening, in heat and cold, trying to interest indifferent buyers, it is better to immediately abandon this venture and look for some other occupation. If you feel that this is within your power, then you can move on to the stage of planning your future business.

So, what and how to sell? There are two main options: to sell only one product, but where there is a demand for it, or to choose a fairly wide range of inexpensive piece goods that are in constant demand. Before you start trading, be sure to settle all legal formalities with the local administration.

A good trading option is the sale of seasonal products, in particular vegetables and fruits. The principle is simple: buy goods in bulk, sell at. On such trading, you can have up to one hundred percent profit. Some products can be processed and, for example, raw, boiled and sold several times more expensive in places where there are a lot of people.

Try to trade in what is in constant demand. It could be toothpaste, toilet paper, socks and underwear, light bulbs, inexpensive kitchen utensils, etc. etc. - everything that people use every day. Due to the large turnover, even a small trade margin will allow you to receive a good income.

A very good option is outbound trade in villages. In many villages there are special market days, they happen a couple of times a week. This means that you can choose two or three villages with non-coinciding days, while getting employment four or six days a week. Trade in villages is convenient due to the lack of great competition. The only drawback is the need to have your own transport.

A fairly common method of trading by institutions. By choosing a certain group of goods in the price category from 500 to several thousand rubles - for example, inexpensive electrical equipment, devices for the treatment and prevention of diseases, etc. etc., visit schools, institutes and other institutions and offer your goods to their employees. The secret of success here is traditional - to buy goods in bulk at a very low price and sell them several times more expensive.

There can be many options for earning money on small things, but all of them are relevant if you do not expect to engage in such trading for a long time and it is only the first stage of capital accumulation for you for the subsequent transition to a new, higher level of doing business. For example, it may be the organization of a stationary outlet, then several. The very idea that you have the potential to develop will give you strength and help you cope with all the difficulties that come your way.

Not so long ago, social networks entered the life of Internet users. Some of them have become extremely popular, many have remained unknown. Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Habrahabr - all of them have become very famous and bring multimillion-dollar profits to their creators.


The idea of ​​social networks is simple - to give people the opportunity to communicate with each other, find former friends and generally have a good time. Therefore, creating your own social network is a promising business idea that can bring considerable income, provided it is properly implemented. If you are on fire with the idea of ​​​​starting a similar type of business, soberly evaluate own forces. Even if you have good experience as a webmaster, don't set yourself the goal of competing with popular projects. If you are going to use third-party specialists, calculate your investment. It is not easy to succeed, but it is possible to fail very easily, as it happened to many.

So, in order to create a well-known, popular and highly profitable social network, you need powerful investments, professional marketing, promotion, business connections. Therefore, beginners need to bet on highly specialized networks designed to unite users according to their interests. It is in narrow market niches that competition is minimal. For example, a project for dog breeders, for cat lovers, for checkers or checkers players, for residents of a small town, and even for lovers of delicious food. There are many options, the main thing is to guess which of them may be of interest to potential users, and determine the level of competition in order to correctly calculate your strength in the struggle for a client. The ideal option is that there are no competitors, then your social network will not require much effort and money for development.

Note that users won't show up by themselves. To attract them, fill the network with high-quality and interesting content - articles, images, audio and video materials. Create several accounts on your behalf, create blogs and posts of your fictitious visitors, among which there must be handsome and charismatic men. Display their profiles with photos and articles on the main page of your network. They will become the face of your project, create the impression of its popularity and attractiveness, and will make you want to register and communicate. Develop various bonuses and benefits for newly registered people.

To practice marketing and promotion in advance, try running your thematic page in some already existing and well-known social network. This will not only give you invaluable experience in attracting visitors. If you manage to get a large number of subscribers or group members, this will work out. Thanks to the experience gained and the funds earned in this way, you will seriously increase your chances of creating your own network, promoting it with the help of professionals.

Do not forget that for any social network, an important condition is its functionality. The visitor in his account should be able to create a virtual office for himself, post photos, music and videos in it, keep his blog or diary. Also, you should not save on the design and layout of the main page. Be sure to display the most interesting and popular posts, images, videos and articles on the subject of the project on it.

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A writer is a person who creates unique literary works for public use. If you feel like you can speak with inspiration about some life events, try writing a book. Trying your hand at prose or poetry, you need to decide on goals and follow some rules.

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There are many ways to make money online. Not everyone knows about them, of course. Recently, the number of people who want to earn money online has increased. Consider possible options and prospects for this work.

For beginners Internet businessmen the most simple ways making money online are the following ways for which no cash is used.

  1. Write reviews about products you have used. Everything is elementary here. What could be easier than writing a review about a book you read, a product you viewed or bought? Tell where you bought it, what you bought it for, and how much you bought it for. Would you recommend this product to other users? You can add a backstory about what prompted you to buy, also Interesting Facts about the product, pros and . Earnings will depend on the number of views of your reviews, so they need to be made in such a way that it is interesting to read. No dry material. Your work will be paid for on all kinds of review sites. You can, of course, share your experience in personal in social networks, but this is already out of the kindness of the soul without monetary payment.

  2. There are sites that require such operations as joining a community, reposting, likes, and so on. For each action, real money is credited, which in the future, having accumulated a certain amount, can be transferred either to a mobile phone, or to an electronic wallet, or directly to a plastic card number. But, as a rule, no more than 1.5 rubles are charged for such simple actions. When searching for such Internet part-time jobs, drive the specific name of the job you need into the search engine. For example, "join the community for money." And you will be given what you were looking for.

  3. Writing articles. It can be an article of 1500 or more words, it must be original (as a rule, at least 75% uniqueness), in addition, it must correspond to a given topic. Earnings vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the given volume. As a rule, you can earn from 30 to 75 rubles per article (approximate data). When searching, there is also an important specific wording, namely "writing articles for money." this work relevant for many sites and online stores. After successful writing and approved verification, the text is published in the form of a review, article, news, product description or review.

  4. Typing. Can you type fast? You will enjoy this activity. But be careful and careful! If you need to conclude a contract, be sure to read all of its clauses (do not forget about small font). If some kind of down payment is required, look for another site or type of income, because then they may tell you that they don’t know who you are at all and what you require from them. As a rule, you need to type the text of abstracts, term papers and other documents.

  5. Maintaining your own blog or channel. The main thing is to be able to interest the user, since there are millions of people like you who are trying to make money on this. You must put your soul into your creation, this applies to any work. Earnings again depend on the number of views. Many people shoot educational videos, interesting cooking recipes, or just something interesting and funny on social networks such as Instagram, Youtube.

  6. Creation of new sites. Computer skills should be sufficient high level. The pay here is prestigious, but orders are hard to find, but worth looking for. Internet stores that have just opened need this service. Perhaps, in the future, with your consent, you will be required to adjust and supply the site with new materials.

  7. Participation in surveys . Nothing complicated, just answering a lot of questions. For them, you can get up to 5 rubles.

These were just some of the ways to make money online. There are a whole bunch more of them. The main thing is to find what you like. This work is in demand among /students (since it is not possible to devote oneself completely to work due to study or age), among pregnant women or those on maternity leave (additional income, since the family is waiting for replenishment, money will not be superfluous), and also, who tend to get bored with housework and want to do something new.

Basically, these forms of activity are used as additional income, since constant routine work quickly gets boring.

Do not forget that when looking for a part-time job, you need to enter the exact wording of this job into the search engine.

Tip 8: How to learn how to make money doing what you love

When you master several skills, try yourself in several ways to earn money, then determine for yourself what you do better than you are not at all interested in doing and what type of activity does not bring you income or is too small and insignificant compared to others. Immediately discard unprofitable options and stop doing them. It is better to devote more time to the development of a useful business.

Many beginners, and just people who are passionate about their work, often devote too much time to work. Sometimes they are ready to work almost 24 hours a day. Only such zeal passes very quickly and disgust appears even for the most beloved thing. Why? Yes, because a person is tired, he needs rest and a break. Don't let that happen. For example, if you're writing articles, it's best to do 3 or 5 each day and then rest. Yes, it doesn’t seem productive to you, but you must admit, it’s better to write a little, but regularly, than to create 20 rewrites and hate making money on the Internet for a month.

Set your daily norm and consistently follow it. Do not do more, even if you feel the strength in yourself. If you feel that you can’t do something (because of poor health), leave the activity, continue the work later or reschedule the next day. However, don't let yourself be lazy.

Don't stop there. Yes, you have already found your favorite activities, removed unprofitable ones, but this does not mean that you need to stop there. Look for new types of earnings, try yourself, develop. May you have several interesting and profitable sources of income.

Writing is fun, but not easy. You need to have an iron will to write regularly, to be able to "negotiate" with the Muse, a capricious girl who appears when she pleases. In addition, it is important to find those who will read your works and those who will pay for them. Therefore, before you plunge into writing with your head, it is worth trying to write one to two hours a day. So you will understand whether you are ready to devote yourself to this craft, and whether you can exist on writing income.

If you were a top manager in a bank, your writing earnings, especially at first, will be many times less. And if you worked as a junior educator in kindergarten, you have every chance to increase your income.

Ready to join the writing society? 😉

If you have previously worked literary activity: translated, wrote a dissertation or scientific articles, you will quickly join the writing community, and if you have never worked with texts, it will take more time. But if you dream of becoming a writer, you will become one. Perseverance and hard work work wonders.

Let's see what a beginner writer needs:

1. Certain personal qualities:

communication skills- you will have to communicate with editors, customers, experts;

inquisitive mind to be interested in what is happening in the world, to generate interesting topics, ask tricky questions;

flexibility- today the customer wants such a text, and tomorrow - a completely different one, and on Wednesday the editor gave the task to interview the famous actor, and on Friday - to write a longread about the prospects of space tourism;

Ability to work hard and with concentration Writers often hear the word "deadline".

2. Computer with MS Word or its analogues. Don't want to buy an office suite? You can get by with the free online text editor Google docs. This service is useful for collaborating with an editor or a client.

Google Docs text editor

3. Internet - for preparing articles and using the Google docs mentioned above. Today, few people can afford to search long and hard for information in multi-volume encyclopedias in the reading room. In addition, the data of printed publications quickly become outdated.

4. Desire write. What can you say? There is no desire, it is not worth starting.

Writing earning options

In this section, we will answer the question:how to make money writing?

Who needs lyrics?

Today for everyone:

entrepreneursto sell goods and services;

state and public organizations, politicians and parties.

various media, which are now much more than 20 or even 5 years ago, because many of them "live" on the vast expanses of the Internet;

publishing houses, who do business in book publishing.

What are texts for?

To talk about yourself: websites, brochures.

to sell:landings, promotional materials (electronic and paper).

to entertain:articles, interviews, reviews in the media; posts on pages in social networks, fiction and non-fiction books.

To educate and enlighten:textbooks, professional articles and books.

This division is conditional. Good writing often performs several tasks.

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There is one very serious misconception about what a writer should work as "in the world." By the way, the fact that a writer has to work somewhere, go to work is not discussed at all. This is understandable a priori. So: what should a writer work for?

Only in any case not a translator, not a journalist and not a literary editor in a magazine. The point is that in his free time from writing, the writer DOES NOT WRITE. Otherwise he will go crazy. And if he doesn’t go crazy, then he definitely won’t be a writer. Maybe that's better?

More precisely, here's how. In his service, the writer should be engaged in such work, in which one does not need to think a lot and hard, otherwise, God forbid, even deduce letters. Anything - work as a loader in the port, work at a construction site, crowd unicorns, catch butterflies - just do not engage in intellectual work associated with sedentary work and mental stress.

Then the writer has a hunger, a real hunger for the culture and creation of the Word. And then, coming home from work, he rushes to write. A lot of people, even those who are not related to creativity, live like this: they work for half a year, and for the next six months, eating the money they earn, they do what their soul asks for. So worked, for example, a novice poet - Joseph Brodsky. For the whole summer, starting from May, he left for the geological party, and then all winter he was engaged in self-education and creativity.

Another thing is the established poets and writers. They can teach (a little), write columns for a newspaper, broadcast on TV. All, mind you, in the singular. But to start even with this young talent is contraindicated.

Literary Institute, awards and parties

May I have a short answer? Don't act, don't strive, don't walk. It's unfashionable. It doesn't do any good. It doesn't bring in any money.

What is a "selfish"?

Gravity - this is the name of the flow of author's manuscripts coming to publishing houses. As a rule, the fate of such manuscripts is sad - they are not printed, they are not reviewed and they are not returned. It makes sense to contact the publishing house only when the director of the publishing house is your friend. And that, it does not guarantee you the income from circulation and solid fees.

Writers on the Internet

Everyone is now talking about how the Internet has saved aspiring writers. And indeed it is. Blogging and LiveJournal is a way to express yourself not only for fools, but also for those who really have something to say to the world in good Russian. Especially if you know how to work in a small genre - an essay, a short story, a short story. And also if you write poetry. In the ocean of graphomania, your talented voice will definitely be heard. And the fashion for bloggers, who are perceived today as the most relevant newsmakers, will force journalists to pay attention to you and invite you for an interview. And there the publishers will conclude a contract with you.

The Chukchi is not a reader - the Chukchi is a writer.

If you don't read anything, then you have nothing to do in the craft of writing. I’ll make a reservation right away, this is not about reading your contemporaries. They just might as well not be read. With regard to contemporaries, the above proverb is true. You need to read the classics. Firstly, because it contains strategic reserves of literate and rich Russian speech. Secondly, because the writer must be able to distance himself from his time, otherwise he will turn into a journalist of the district small circulation. Well, in general, writing is a craft, and here, as in any other craft, the guild apprentice must be trained by the Master - whether he likes it or not.

When Vanka Zhukov was sent from the village to the city to study with a shoemaker, he also did not like to rock the mistress's baby and get herring in the face. On the other hand, who would trust a village savage with an undeveloped fine motor skills hands cut pieces of expensive leather? Discipleship must be taken with humility - so read the classics, even if it's hard for you. And start with Bunin - Bunin is a mathematical analysis for those who want to write in Russian: difficult and unbearable, but necessary.

If you have already signed a contract with a publisher.

I am contributing to the optimism. Publishers know one tricky rule: it is impossible to feed the reader with the same surnames. Therefore, publishers are always on the lookout. In addition, if you are not a graphomaniac, and the editor who reads it will like your text, then you will definitely be invited to a conversation. And here is the print run. Immediately upset - you will be thrown. The circulation will be larger than indicated on the cover of the book. You won't see the difference. And this is only one way not to pay extra to the author. But you still get paid to pay. How?

The author receives 10% of the total profit from the sale of the circulation. In real money, this is five rubles from the sold copy of the book - this is the average temperature in the hospital. Moreover, the calculations are based on the selling price of the publisher - and not on the price at which the book is sold in the store. And the selling price of the publisher, of course, is lower.
As a result, for a written book as a novice author, you will receive from 500 to 600 dollars maximum. And that's it.

In addition, the publisher will ask you to write a sequel to make a brand out of your name, to accustom the reader to it. That's why if you are a typical author of one book, then they won't even want to talk to you. Write two or even three parts at once. Write a book in three parts. And feed the tiger bit by bit.

There are very few well-written and even simply literate people. And every year it gets smaller. Therefore, you have a chance.