The Great Conspiracy Theory: How Secret Masonic Lodges Made the History of the USSR. Hitler was a Black Freemason Was Hitler a Freemason

Kremlin five pointed star, the red color of the flag and the pioneer tie, the hammer and sickle on the state emblem, in the hands of a worker and collective farm woman, the appeal "comrades" - all these symbols of the Soviet era are taken from Masonic teachings and are interpreted as "blood", "death", "sadness", "perfection".

It turns out, the organizers and inspirers October revolution Were there Masons? Were prominent Bolsheviks in secret lodges? Freemasonry in the Land of the Soviets - is it true or fiction? Read about it in the documentary investigation of the TV channel.

Soviet lodge

1908 Paris. Lenin in exile. On the eve of the Christmas holiday, he makes a mean entry in his diary: "Accepted as a Freemason ...". Later this page will disappear from his notebook. Only the memories of associates and eyewitnesses will remain. But why did the Russian revolutionary need to join the French Masonic Lodge? And why was this fact hushed up?

Igor Khokhlov claims that cooperation with the Freemasons seemed to Lenin to be mutually beneficial. This organization has existed for more than one century and has become a force to be reckoned with. Masonic lodges are still called the shadow government. Lenin, after the failure of the revolution of 1905, is looking for support abroad.

“It is quite possible that before 1908 Lenin was also a member of some Masonic lodge, possibly a Russian Masonic lodge. And in fact, on the recommendation of the Russian Masonic lodge, he was able to join the Art and Labor Lodge. Because we know that the French lodge "Art and Labor" united the most influential politicians France of that time,” says Igor Khokhlov, researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Many researchers find a Masonic trace in the largest historical events. Officially, this movement, closed from prying eyes, is outside of politics.

"We know that the Freemasons played a huge role in the revolutionary movement during the French Revolution. And American independence, the proclamation of the United States of America is actually the action of the French Masonic lodge. That is, the French Masons have a very long experience of coup d'état, the experience of the war of independence" , - says Igor Khokhlov.

Lenin becomes a welcome adept. French Freemasons even then see him as a future prominent politician. He is allowed into the lodge.

"A freemason is a person who owns something. He can own huge capital. He can have the authority of a politician. It can be a scientist who made a discovery. It can even be an athlete, if he is the author of some achievement. That's where they accept only such people," explains historian Elena Syanova.

Freemasonry has been officially banned in Russia since 1826. More precisely, it was banned 4 years earlier, but after the uprising of the Decembrists, many of whom were members of this society, the decree was repeated. The story of the Decembrists finally convinces Emperor Alexander I that his fears were not in vain: Masons are not harmless. At the same time, Italy, Germany, Spain are suffering from the Carbonari revolutionaries, who also started as a closed interest club.

“This fear of the kings, the fear of the Carbonarism in Europe, I think, had an effect. Under Catherine, the first pamphlets against the Masons were published. Women were not allowed to attend Masonic meetings. Imagine you are a queen. , there is such a certain distrust: "How is it? They secretly gather and it is not clear what they are talking about. "And yes, there were Masons among the Decembrists. But I want to say that, first of all, there were more Freemasons in the environment of the king (who stood up for the king) than among the Decembrists," says the great master of the Great Lodge of Russia Andrey Bogdanov.

In the past, a candidate for the presidency of Russia and the leader of one of the parties, Andrei Bogdanov, has been the main freemason in the country for 7 years now. His office is lined with traditional society symbols. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia willingly gives interviews. The opportunity to talk about Freemasonry aloud appeared only in the dashing 90s.

"There is a ritual of acceptance. In principle, everyone can partially read it, and most likely saw it. I probably read War and Peace - everyone remembers Pierre Bezukhov, Pierre Bezukhov's reception. I'll tell you that the ritual has not changed since then times.To get into Freemasonry, two brothers, that is, master Masons, must act as recommenders before the lodge, that they two recommend someone to be accepted into the brotherhood.After that, a questioning is held under the agenda.The person is brought to the lodge blindfolded, and he does not see who is there.

Why is this being done? Because many Freemasons do not advertise that they are Freemasons. Accordingly, if suddenly a person is not accepted into the box, then he should not see who was in the box at the moment, "explains Andrey Bogdanov.

However, sometimes Masons let others know about their involvement in the brotherhood. There are a number of gestures and symbols of the secret society that have not changed until now. A very famous greeting of the Roman legionnaires is a Masonic gesture. Masons simply adopted them, they did not invent them.

In Freemasonry there is a lot of natural, coming from nature. They are not white and fluffy. but usually the fraternity casts out people who begin to lead an independent line and engage in dirty politics. Therefore, many politicians, already political adventurers, people with bloody hands, were in the Masonic lodge, but this is just their past.

Art and labor

So which other Bolshevik leader was a Freemason in the past? And why, as soon as Lenin and his team came to power, how the days of secret societies were numbered? Soviet Russia for Freemasons starts the countdown.

"We know that Yakov Sverdlov was a Freemason, we know that Zinoviev and Kamenev are the closest associates of Lenin, who helped him escape, avoiding arrest in the summer of 17, were also Freemasons, and they were, by the way, Freemasons of the same lodge "Art and Labor", to which Lenin belonged. Practically all the Bolshevik leadership of the early revolutionary period was part of the Masonic lodges," says Igor Khokhlov.

"At the same time, Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky, Head of the Provisional Government, who declared Russia a republic in the summer of 17, without waiting for the constituent assembly, which was supposed to decide whether Russia should remain a monarchy or become a republic, thereby it was Kerensky who carried out a coup d'état and a constitutional one. Others already further they followed in his footsteps," says publicist Wolfgang Akunov.

Publicist Wolfgang Akunov conducted his own investigation of those events. What he found shocked him. It is no secret that by the time of the revolution there were very few Bolsheviks in Petrograd. Even Lenin did not believe in their victory. According to Akunov, it was Kerensky, the general secretary of the Masonic organization "Great Orient of the Peoples of Russia", who fueled the situation. And, by the way, a childhood friend of Lenin.

“Kerensky simply handed Lenin over to Russia. And they didn’t do anything to Kerensky either, you see. months in Russia, and then through Arkhangelsk he went to his brothers in Europe. Nobody did anything to him, "says Wolfgang Akunov.

Immediately after the revolution, freemasonry flourished in Russia. However, Lenin soon personally approved the persecution of this secret society. What happened? Is he being expelled from the lodge? Or, after the seizure of power, does he no longer need the support of the Masons?

"This, too, has already been proven, because almost the entire Provisional Government consisted of these Freemasons. Moreover, in those years, during the years of our great turmoil at the beginning of the last century, this was widely known and discussed in society. And even the broad masses of the people knew that they were such bastards are Freemasons, and "French Freemasons" we now have the Russian swear word "pharmazones". It seems like Stalin banned the activities of Freemasons. But how can you ban the activities of a secret society?", - believes publicist Vladimir Zhdanov.

Stalin picks up the course to eradicate Freemasonry. He himself did not join the brotherhood - one of the few from the Bolshevik elite. Why? In the party, he is initially assigned a supporting role. He is responsible for the financial and economic support of the Bolsheviks. In addition, a former seminarian and robber is an unsuitable candidate for Masons. At least one high-profile robbery is known for sure, in which Stalin was involved.

Stalin-style robbery

1907 Tiflis, now Tbilisi. On June 13, at exactly 10 am, the cashier of the State Bank of Russia Kurdyumov and the accountant Golovnya leave the city post office and sit in the royal phaetons. Guarded by 2 guards and 5 Cossacks, they go to the bank.

Civil servants have a huge amount of money - 250 thousand rubles. At the same time, a group of young people come forward from a quiet lane towards them - an ordinary company, no one would remember them later. Only one detail stands out from the seemingly ordinary picture: they are wearing warm and long coats that are not suitable for the weather.

“The fact is that Stalin was, as it were, from a completely different category of revolutionaries than, for example, Bukharin, Rykov, Trotsky, Lenin, Zinoviev and Kamenev, or even Yakov Sverdlov. Stalin was in fact the treasurer of the Bolshevik Party and was mainly engaged in various kinds of illegal activities that ensured the comfortable life of Vladimir Ilyich and his associates in Europe. Of course, Lenin quite deliberately cut him off from any access to his Masonic connections, "says Igor Khokhlov.

When only a few meters are left to the bank building, the collection procession suddenly stops abruptly. The guards do not have time to come to their senses, as a man who has rushed across them stops and opens fire on the column. Bomb explosions follow.

It takes place in the very center of the city - on Revan Square. There is a terrible panic. By the time the police arrive at the crime scene, the money has been stolen, 2 people have been killed, over 20 injured. Three of them are fatal.

The bandits manage to escape. According to the memoirs of the members of that fighting group, Stalin was the main instigator of this robbery. The money is sent directly abroad to the Bolshevik center where Lenin is located.

"And Stalin in this regard was a completely out of the way person, as, in fact, Molotov. These are people who were engaged in completely practical revolutionary activities in Russia. First of all, they did not need Masonic connections. They were engaged in completely different things. And, of course, they were very suspicious of people who were in Europe, had some kind of connection with abroad.In this regard, Stalin could not fall under the influence of the Masons.His initial senior party comrades did not allow this, and this is quite obvious , because it is clear that membership in the Masonic lodge and access to this kind of information of a revolutionary is a unique resource. Nobody wanted to let Stalin into their competitors, "explains Igor Khokhlov.

Illegal Freemasons

Why did Lenin need to become a Freemason abroad if presumably he was already initiated in Russia? This is one brotherhood. It turns out that the anti-Masonic decree of Alexander I eventually leads to a split within the secret society. Illegal Freemasonry is emerging in Russia.

Russians entered Freemasonry abroad - in France, England and some other countries. Then in 1906, after the revolution had begun and political freedoms were relaxed, the first lodges were formed. But then they almost completely disconnected from world Freemasonry and turned into a kind of club that cannot be called Freemasonry.

“There were several people who decided to revive Freemasonry again, forgetting that it is an initiatory order, that is, they must initiate you into Masons, so that later you could initiate it too. But they gathered in a small group and said: “Let's we will consider each other Masons." They tried to create a kind of lodge in Petrograd in the early 1920s. But it did not exist even for several years, when it was defeated. And, in fact, its venerable master became the main not just a figurant, but the main informer , who spoke in great detail about what happened in his box, "says historian Viktor Belyaevsky.

This informer and the main person involved in the Leningrad case is called Boris Astromov. It is he who will provoke the persecution of Masons in the Soviet Union and kill their reputation. Perhaps no one would have known how it was, but the best journalists of that time, Leonid Tubelsky and Peter Ryzhey, better known under the pseudonym Brothers Tur, are instructed to cover the history of pseudo-society.

They will become famous all over the country later, in 1949, after the release of the film "Meeting on the Elbe", filmed according to their script. And then, in 1928, all of Leningrad would be agitated by their articles about Astromov. What made him stand out? Why was it ordered to journalists?

"Boris Astromov, who really had the idea that it is necessary to use the tradition of Freemasonry, to put this proximity of ideology in fact at the service of the new Soviet state, that is, to create the elite of the Soviet Union on the basis of just such a Masonic order ... And now, since Boris Astromov himself was very bad at organizing people under a certain hierarchy, he joined the Mebes society and, accordingly, actually took advantage of its resources.Until Boris Astromov saw that in fact all his attempts to somehow expand the influence of this society on a city or even a country actually fail one after another,” explains journalist Anton Pervushin.

At first, the attempts of the Tur brothers to write an article about the freemason Astromov fail. They even try to refuse the assignment - too few facts. But the Leningrad case is under Stalin's personal control. What made him so interested?

“Stalin was highly suspicious of the Bolshevik Masons, and as soon as he had sufficiently consolidated power in his hands in the late 1920s, it was precisely those Bolsheviks who had Masonic roots that he began to exterminate in the first place. In fact, one can say that by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Freemasonry in the Soviet Union was completely exterminated," says Igor Khokhlov.

As an exception, the OGPU gives the Tur brothers a secret folder with the Astromov case for one night. Replacing each other at a typewriter, journalists begin this story like this: “We have a photographic card in front of us - something like a winged griffin, illuminated by a flash of magnesium.

Ascetic and villain

Shako, panther skin, leather leggings. A face burned by the secret passions of an ascetic and a scoundrel. This is Astromov. He is Watson. He is Kirichenko. Even his own mother cannot explain the origin of his three surnames. His whole past and present life is shrouded in a veil of mystery."

“Naturally, the OGPU officers became extremely interested in what kind of secret organization it was that was working here in Leningrad, and agreed with Astromov that he would conduct surveillance as their agent, that is, in fact, he was recruited,” explains Pervushin.

In fact, Astromov himself goes to them. Just one day he comes to the OGPU and offers his services. Your man inside a secret society - an unheard of luck. Inexperienced Soviet operatives have no idea how they were tricked.

“Those Freemasons who appeared in Russia, as it were, called themselves Masons. As a matter of fact, formally no one knew the names of these people. That is, even the management structure of the Grand Lodge was radically different from what exists in ordinary regular lodges. management, and the attitude to religion, and the attitude to power is completely different," says Viktor Belyavsky.

In the young Soviet country there are at least 8 secret Masonic organizations. Some of them settled in Leningrad. The largest is the Martinist Order, a branch of the French society of the same name. It is headed by Baron Grigory Mebes. He lectures adepts on the basics of the occult sciences, and his wife lectures on the history of religion. They also develop the ability to telepathy. Among the students is Boris Astromov.

“The most interesting thing is that Astromov himself suffered the most from this story. Apparently, after all, the Chekists realized that he was not the right figure, that he was rather such a swindler, and not the one he pretended to be. Therefore, if other participants - those under investigation who were involved in the Leningrad case, that is, members of the Martinist club, were punished with exile, then Astromov really went to prison, ”says Anton Pervushin.

Before the Chekists collect a dossier on Astromov, he will live at their expense for six months. This game with the secret services will also contribute to his arrest. It will take a long time for the OGPU to recover from such insolence. So, it turns out that Astromov was expelled from the Mebes Masonic Lodge long ago.

He, however, did not survive long and organized his own. But there were no prominent Bolsheviks in it. Moreover, the former Martinist brothers completely cease to communicate with him. But the investigation is interested in the secrets of the Mebes order: the political views of prominent Martinists, their foreign connections, about which Astromov has no idea. From prison he would write letters to Stalin every day.

“I wrote various tearful letters to Stalin that it was not his fault, that he really wanted good things. And, again, he proved in these letters that there is a certain ideological connection between Freemasonry and communism, that it would be nice to use tradition” , - says Pervushin.

Stalin does not honor these letters with attention, but uses the Astromov case as a pretext for persecution.

"The connection with foreign Masonic lodges, the support of influential political circles, for example from France, has already turned from support into a burden for Stalin. Such an organization that does not recognize state borders, which teaches people to think of themselves as people of the world, of course, was completely contrary to the Stalinist policy of the late 20s. I think that, to a large extent, those repressions against the old Bolsheviks that began back in the late 1920s were to a large extent repressions not so much against party comrades, many of whom did not pose any threat to Stalin, but the cleansing of the field from people associated with Freemasons, because in this situation they were seen as foreign agents of influence,” says Igor Khokhlov.

Repression of freemasons

Freemason arrests begin. Only the old Bolshevik Petrovsky will remain alive, but he will be removed from all posts. Even Anastasia Tsvetaeva, the sister of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, is involved in this case. Anastasia will receive 10 years in the camps. Maxim Gorky, who lives at that time in Italy and whose connections with the Masons were also talked about, is not touched.

But will Freemasonry disappear in the USSR forever? It's 1930. Stalin feels more and more confident in power. There are fewer and fewer competitors. But the fight against the Masons will turn against the leader of the peoples. In what way? It is the persecution of Freemasons that will provoke Germany to attack Soviet Union- so consider some modern researchers.

The Masonic League of Nations did everything to push Hitler to go against Stalin. In particular, Western powers are lifting economic and financial sanctions against Nazi Germany. Thus, conditions are created for the Fuhrer to prepare for war with the Soviet Union.

And in December 1936, US President Roosevelt, a famous Freemason, proclaims a policy of collective defense of the Western Hemisphere. In fact, the Freemasons isolate the USSR from the rest of the world and leave alone with Hitler. In fact, this is an outright conspiracy. Stalin will not take him seriously, for which he will pay. Igor Khokhlov goes even further in his conclusions: the struggle Soviet power with secret societies was beneficial to the Masons.

“As a matter of fact, both the First and Second World Wars aimed at destroying the colonial system that existed. As a result of the First World War, this was not fully achieved. But as a result of the Second World War, the colonial system was destroyed,” Khokhlov believes.

There is evidence that Hitler at one time was also a member of the Masonic lodge. However, an expert on the Third Reich, Elena Syanova, refutes this. In his youth, the future Fuhrer was for some time a member of the mystical Thule Society, but this organization is completely far from Freemasonry and was more engaged in studying the question of the origin of the Aryan race. Hitler, like Stalin, having come to power, will destroy the Masons.

“But this society was not repressed, it simply ceased to exist on its own. But none of its members was offended by anyone. For a very simple reason: because in the depths of this society, in fact, that party was born, which we later began to call the NSDAP. It was there that the backbone of this party was formed. It was there, at the meetings of the Thule Society, that Hitler was inspired that he could, "explains Elena Syanova.

Despite the fact that Freemasonry is prohibited in Germany, as in the Soviet Union, the scientific institutes of the Nazi organization Ahnenerbe study Masonic rituals. Some even copy.

"The SS even called himself a new German order. Himmler really liked it when he was called the Grand Master. When his Wewelsburg castle is called the headquarters of the new German order, and there, in this castle (by the way, there are still guided tours and all this can be see), rituals were indeed practiced that were very close to Masonic,” says Syanova.

Journalist Anton Pervushin became aware of a curious story: one of the Soviet professors in the 1950s began to study the topic of Freemasonry. Through acquaintances, he asks emigrants from Russia for lists of Freemasons. However, he is unexpectedly rejected. He is told that there are still members of this society in the Soviet Union. Even in the highest party circles.

"Masons as a political organization was created precisely with revolutionary goals, that is, it set itself the task of creating a single world, cosmopolitan - without borders, without estates, without nationalities and under its own leadership. And, thus, in principle, in this sense, the ideas of Freemasonry and communist ideology coincided. In general, they had common goals and common interests," says Anton Pervushin.

"Let's say that even the post-war KGB was not oriented towards Freemasonry, that is, the KGB officers - they did not even know the word" Freemason ". Yes, they were oriented towards anti-Sovietism, they were oriented towards nationalism and chauvinism within the country, anti-Semitism and Zionism - that's them they knew what Freemasonry was - they were not even oriented to this topic, and they were also really amazed when such anti-Masonic materials were seized, they read them with their eyes open and said that they themselves heard about it for the first time, " - says Vladimir Zhdanov.

To be continued

Freemasonry in the Land of the Soviets has not disappeared. In the past, a researcher at one of the Siberian research institutes, Vladimir Zhdanov, still remembers the scandal that broke out at their institute. It was 1983.

"The director of the institute, academician Nisterikhin, began to equip the new cottage, which he received. And in order to equip it, he brought two logs of mahogany from somewhere in the west and instructed the workers in the workshops of the institute to do the processing according to his scheme, according to his drawings and so on.

Photo: Moskalev

And the workers ruined something, did something wrong. When he saw this, he ran, he became furious. He yelled, shouted that he would rot everyone, that he would disperse everyone, and so on. Mother cursed. The workers were amazed. The workers were indignant: how, wow, firstly, for free, in the institute, and besides, he swears at them. And they complained to the regional party committee," says Zhdanov.

As soon as a commission arrived from the regional party committee, it was as if the academician had been replaced. It turned out that two mahogany columns are a mandatory attribute of the Masonic lodge. For many in the campus then it became clear that Freemasonry is not the last century. It just went underground.

Russian Freemasons declare themselves immediately after perestroika. Some historians suggest that it was not without the help of this secret society that the Soviet Union collapsed. Be that as it may, now the Masons are not hiding. They have an official website, they give interviews, do charity work and declare that they are not interested in the topic of rebuilding the world.

“Freemasonry is not directly involved in economics and politics. Nevertheless, it happens that, as a rule, more worthy, more active people in society find themselves, including in Freemasonry. further formation personality.

When he finds himself in a profane world, he voluntarily or involuntarily implements those ideas. He is not told, "Go and do this." But due to the fact that he has already, as you say, roughed up in this environment, he, of course, begins to act precisely in this regard, "says Vladimir Belyavsky.

Freemasons, or, as they are also called, freemasons, have kept their secret since the late Middle Ages. In tsarist Russia, they appeared only under Peter I. However, the peak of their popularity came at the time of Pushkin. Freemasonry preached the rejection of property, moral perfection and the achievement of inner composure and harmony.

"These people - in many ways, they probably educated themselves. Well, firstly, they owned the secrets of the craft, of course. Of course. And they, due to their enormous self-esteem, due to the awareness of their exclusivity, they wanted to keep their secrets of the trade. But then, by the 17th century, this construction of Gothic temples ceased.

The church, in general, fell into some decline. But these brigades, as we are now saying, these workshops, these teams of bricklayers, they remained with their own structure. They have become less in demand, but they have become more closed, more ambitious. And they began to attract into their ranks strangers. But people who somehow took place in life," Elena Syeyanova believes.

big bankers, prominent politicians, Nobel laureates- This is the circle of Masons. And although they are not officially forbidden to openly declare their involvement in a particular lodge, no one is in a hurry to do so. What are Masons afraid of?

Photo: Moskalev

"They always had one thing in common - this is faith in a certain supreme being that stands above religions. And the protection of their secrets, which was supported by oaths, and rituals, and many gestures, many signs. A whole, I will say this, subculture has already gone "Well, the culture, let's say, the whole culture of Freemasonry, which has changed over the millennia. Of course, it has come down to our time, and it continues to develop. You can be sure of that," says Elena Syanova.

It turns out that the shadow government is no more and world conspiracies are a thing of the past?

"There is such a person. He was a colonel in British intelligence. And he wrote the book" The Committee of Three Hundred. "He served in British intelligence for 30 years. From the inside, he studied the secret mechanisms of managing global political processes. And so, having compared everything that he knew (and British intelligence is one of the best intelligence in the world), he just concluded that 300 of the richest family clans in the world run the world politics. They determine the entire world politics, but these seven presidents are small mongrels and pawns, in fact, in order to provide this elite with a completely comfortable, painless and magnificent existence," says Vladimir Zhdanov.

Vladimir Zhdanov claims that this mysterious committee of the 300 richest family clans in the world was created on the basis of the Masonic lodge. But the tests that the members of the committee go through are more serious.

“One of the rites, let’s say, is to put a person in a grave, in a coffin, etc. They tie a person to some kind of crime so that he does not come out of there. They tie a rope around his neck, a noose, so that he, so to speak, knows that at any moment this noose will be tightened. high levels dedication is simply not possible. Therefore, this is a very serious organization, and I would not treat it lightly," says Zhdanov.

Well, what about the Masons? Thrive. Whether this force is constructive or destructive is still an open question.

“If they tell you that Freemasonry has degenerated, that there are no Masons, that it no longer has a present or a future, don’t believe it. Because as long as there are people who consider themselves entitled to know more than others and hide their knowledge, Freemasonry will live "Note, I'm not talking about spiritual quests. Because spiritual quests don't need a secret. So, initially Freemasonry and its origins just come from this desire to know more than others and protect one's secret," says Elena Syanova.

Today, the adherents of this secret society number in the millions. But it did not become less mysterious. Masonic signs are everywhere. In Moscow, for example, this is a characteristic symbolism on the building of the Sklifosovsky Institute, two columns of the famous Menshikov Tower and, of course, the Kremlin stars.

In early March, representatives of Masonic lodges from 12 countries of the world gathered in Riga. Coincidentally, in the same month and in the same the city will pass another parade of Latvian Waffen SS veterans. Of course, it is impossible to connect these organizations with each other in any way, especially since the Nazis strictly declared their anti-Masonry. However, modern historians admit that the creators of the Third Reich learned a lot from the "freemasons".

Society "with secrets"

Sixty years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, practically no one disputes the fact that the foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state. It is also known that fascism and Hitler were hostile to freemasonry. Among them, the accusation of a "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy of Western plutocracies" was especially popular. However, in 1935 in Nazi Germany serious state research was carried out in the field of parapsychology, occultism and astrology. For these purposes, the Anenerbe Research Institute (Heritage of the Ancestors) was established under the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda. Plunging into the history of this "heritage", you can suddenly come across a skeleton, which is stored in a historical "family" closet. The “skeleton” that the Nazis “dug up” turned out to be terrible. The legacy of the Ahnenerbe, which is now occupied by individuals interested in the occult mysteries, and Masonic societies close to the symbolism and ideology of the Nazis, can have a catastrophic impact on our future.

From the "legacy of the ancestors" the Nazis brought to light the theory of racial superiority, on the basis of which they sought to raise a superman, the successor to the wisdom of the "ancient Aryans", for whom entire nations and civilizations would mean nothing more than fertilizer for the subsequent cultivation of the flower of Nazism. Western historians believe that, despite significant differences (the totalitarianism of Nazism and the radicalism of "free masons" with their slogans "freedom-equality-brotherhood"), many doctrines of Freemasons and Nazis have common ground, and the principle of "freemasonry chosen", the strict hierarchy of Masonic lodges and their symbols were directly reflected in the ideology of Nazism. In the German lands, especially in Prussia, Freemasonry from the very beginning was very closed and distinguished by a special stiffness. German Freemasons considered themselves spiritual heirs Teutonic Order, and they combined their theories with the ideas of returning to the lands of ancient Ariana, from which they once left.

Many Masonic leaders warned of the possibility of rotten branches on the "tree of the international Masonic movement, capable of bearing dangerous, poisoned fruits." In particular, the English masonologist and novelist John Buchan (aka Lord Tweedsmuir), even before Hitler came to power, warned “about the danger of the accession of a satanic religion on the Rhine, acting in fusion with modern technology and Eastern mysticism. There is a version that at one time Hitler passed " training courses» in the field of esotericism and the occult in the Masonic lodge of Guido von List in Austria.

Followers of Blavatsky as educators of the Fuhrer

Many historians agree that the core of Hitler's Nazi party was a Masonic-type organization, the Thule Society. The founder of the society, who called himself Count Heinrich von Sebottendorf, was in fact the son of a machinist from Dresden. His name was Rudolf Glauer. From the "Secret Doctrine" of Helena Blavatsky, he took the idea of ​​Thule-Atlantis and became a passionate supporter of the "creation of a super-race." Thule society activist Dietrich Eckart was Hitler's ideological mentor, in addition, the same organization included such leaders of Nazism as Alfred Rosenberg and Rudolf Hess. It was Eckart and Rosenberg who, starting in 1920, raised Corporal Schicklgruber in the spirit they needed, shaped him, and guided his thoughts. It was they who taught the future Fuhrer the techniques of propaganda and oratory.

Hitler's chief mentor, Dietrich Eckart, in 1923, a few days before his death, addressing fellow members of the Thule Society, wrote: “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it was me who found the music for him. We provided him with means of communication with Them. Do not mourn for me: I have influenced history more than any other German." A group of activists from the 40 earliest members of the Thule Society became the foundation of the Nazi Party. The ideas of the Thule theorists were soon reflected in Hitler's book Mein Kampf. The symbol of this Masonic-type organization was a swastika with a sword and a wreath.

Shortly after Hitler came to power, Freemasonry was denounced and banned. Even Sebottendorff, the founder of the Thule, discovered to his profound surprise that he was persona non grata. Since 1937, all sorts of occult associations have been banned, and the leaders of the Masonic lodges were often sent to jail as a waste breed. According to the German historian H. Neuberger, “Hitler's anti-Masonic position was never as fundamental as his anti-Semitism. In Masons, he saw simply competitors. The Nazis justified their repression against the Freemasons by claiming that control over their lodges was allegedly carried out by secret Jewish financial circles. At the same time, it was silent that Hitler's entry into power was supported by real, earthly forces in the person of the largest financiers and monopolists in Germany, headed by Hjalmar Schacht. Hitler was greatly assisted by the American automobile tycoon Henry Ford.

research institute of racology

Among the Nazis, mysticism coexisted perfectly with reality. Hitler's ideal, and perhaps his main deity, was Frederick II. This Prussian king from the Hohenzollern dynasty was the grand master of Prussian Freemasonry, and his portrait hung in the Fuhrer's office to the very end. At some especially important speeches, Hitler made a characteristic gesture - his arms were crossed at right angles on his chest. That's how it is in various literature describes the ritual gesture of the Grand Master of the Masons. It corresponds to the runic sign "lak", which means "double ax" - a symbol of power. The main theorist of racism, Nazi Alfred Rosenberg, while condemning Freemasonry, nevertheless, according to the historian Neuberger, saw it as a “product of a noble movement” and sought to “pick up the values ​​of Freemasonry and put them at the service of his own ideology.”

Neither nature, nor society, nor history tolerates a vacuum, and in place of the banned Masonic and pro-Masonic organizations, the Ahnenerbe Institute arose - in fact, a pseudo scientific institute Third Reich, which became the ideological center of Nazism. "Ahnenerbe" was founded on July 10, 1935 on the initiative of the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, "racologist" Richard Walter Dare, SS Gruppenfuehrer and researcher of ancient German history Hermann Wirth. Initially, "Ahnenerbe" was recommended as "an educational and research society for the study of German spiritual prehistory." The headquarters was located in Weischenfeld, in Bavaria. Since 1939, Ahnenerbe has become the main research structure within the SS. He was entrusted with the task of substantiating the world domination of the "Aryan race", developing criteria according to which other peoples were divided into "inferior" and "inferior", from which the rationale for their enslavement or destruction followed. Himmler and Rosenberg demanded that the scientists gathered in the society thoroughly study the methodology of instilling the ideas and ideas necessary for Nazism, tie fascism to ancient, time-honored teachings, depict National Socialism as a kind of higher phase in the development of the revelations of ancient mystics.

The study of the heritage of ancestors was put on a grand scale: from research work in the truest sense of the word to mysticism. In Ahnenerbe, to test the correctness of various occult theories, vivisection of prisoners was practiced, testing the survival of the human body at extremely low temperatures, the use of hallucinogenic drugs and psychotropic drugs. The history of the Brotherhood of the Rose and the Cross (Rosicrucians), the occult meaning of the Gothic towers, the location of the Holy Grail, the symbolic meaning of the rejection of the harp in Ulster music, fell into the sphere of interest of "Ahnenerbe", expeditions were carried out to Tibet, the Middle East, and Antarctica. The Nazi gurus invoked spirits and explored the theory and practice of contacting the "Higher Unknowns" on a mystical level. Russian researcher L. Zamoisky believes that it was in the Ahnenerbe that they worked on the mystical tools of the Third Reich - its myths, symbols, ways of mastering the subconscious of the population, formed the theoretical views of the elite of the future conquerors of the world.

During the war, the general secretary of the Ahnenerbe, historian Wolfram Sievers, organized experiments on living people in concentration camps as part of the department for " scientific research in the defense area. Professor Geert, who headed this department, created a collection of "typical Jewish skeletons". In Russia, on his instructions, they collected a collection of skulls of "Jewish commissars". The entire heritage of the ancestors was sublimated in the twisted brains of the Nazis in concentration camps, gas chambers, brainwashing and stamping of the “knights” of the black order of the SS, whose hallmark was the “dead head”. Those initiated into this order took an oath according to a special ceremony and embarked on the path of a "superhuman" fate. It was impossible to return to the old life. The sacrifices of the SS were concentration camps and crematoria, which represented a model of the future structure of the world, where all peoples would be turned into raw material, into manure, into fertilizer for cultivation " higher man”, communicating on an equal footing with the “Minds of the Higher”. According to some reports, Germany spent more money on research conducted as part of the Ahnenerbe than the United States spent on creating the first atomic bomb.

New red flag

The swastika is inextricably linked with the ideology of Nazism, but, as you know, the same swastika is one of the basic Masonic symbols. In fact, this sign has been known since 2000 BC. In ancient times, it symbolized the Sun, success, prosperity. In addition, among the Hindus, the swastika is considered a symbol of the element of fire. Like the cross, the swastika is not only 4-, but also 3-, 5-, 6- and 8-pointed. Another meaning of the swastika is a symbol of the passage of time, which is consistent with the movement of the sun across the sky. At the same time, the swastika, the ends of which are twisted clockwise, means development, progress, and counterclockwise - regression, a return to the past. For example, in India, the shape of the cross with this turn of the crucifix, sometimes called "sauvastika", can mean night and black magic, as well as the god Kali, the "black god" who brings death and destruction.

According to Konrad Heiden, the biographer of Adolf Hitler, the swastika symbol appeared next to the future Fuhrer on his first public speaking in 1921: “The new red banner ... with a black swastika in a white disc was unfurled for the first time. The effect was so overwhelming that even Hitler himself was pleasantly surprised. The swastika became one of Hitler's most powerful mystical weapons. An unknown force emanated from mysterious sign". Historians pay attention to the fact that on the Ahnenerbe documents the swastika is twisted precisely counterclockwise. Most of the swastikas of Guido von List and the Thule Society had the same shape.

Since September 1935, the swastika has become the main state emblem. Nazi Germany, included in its coat of arms and flag, as well as in the emblem of the Wehrmacht - an eagle holding and claws a wreath with a swastika. On the banners of the Third Reich, the ends of the swastika are directed clockwise. This suggests that no one was adopted in Germany general form the main state symbol. Russian researcher I. Gorshkov believes that a positively charged, right-handed swastika was intended to influence the consciousness of "friends", while the left-handed one was designed to "threaten enemies." Working in Russian and German archives with various documents, I had to see them both right- and left-handed swastikas. For example, on the "Grossdeutschland" leaflet, which was distributed in occupied Czechoslovakia in September 1939, the swastika was twirled in left side. This leaflet showed a map of Eurasia with dates of occupation different regions up to the Urals. It should be noted that only a swastika standing on an edge of 45?, with the ends pointing to the right side, can fit the definition of "Nazi" symbols. It was this sign that was on the state banner of National Socialist Germany from 1933 to 1945, as well as on the emblems of the civil and military services of this country. For some reason, the Nazis and their Fuhrer avoided calling this symbol the word swastika and used a purely German word - Hakenkreuz.


In Nazi Germany, the swastika was turned from a peaceful solar symbol into an ominous sign. This word is associated with fascism, the ideology of the Nazis, the SS, concentration camps and all the victims of the Second World War. After 60 years, some European rulers only talk about the surrender of Germany and do not want to remember the victory over fascism. Each nation has its own heritage and its ancestors. Apparently, in memory of them, the government of Riga in March of this year gave official permission to the nationalist youth organization Club 415 to hold a procession in memory of veterans of the Latvian Waffen SS divisions. On March 16, in the capital of Latvia, flags with a swastika and uniforms with the emblem of the “dead head” will be taken out of a historical chest. As the Nazis wrote on the gates of concentration camps in Europe, to each his own. The authorities of Riga have made their choice.

Coincidentally or not, it was in Riga at the beginning of March 2005 that a congress of 12 Masonic lodges from 12 countries of the world took place, and it was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Latvia Valdis Pirags who said that in order to become a modern Freemason, "first of all," to be a seeker, that is, to feel the need for self-improvement. 70 years ago, in the center of Europe, the Nazis already made attempts to create a perfect race and a superman. As you know, "chance closes the chain of patterns."

They constantly try to convince us that Hitler hated Jews and Freemasons. The facts, however, show the opposite. He himself was both a Jew and a Freemason. His entourage also consisted of Jews and Freemasons. And, finally, its true owner was the "world government" - the Zionist financial mafia ...

All Second World War, like all wars of the last millennia, was unleashed, which at the time of the outbreak of the war was already in full control of the governments of all the leading world powers. The Soviet Union turned out to be not completely controlled, due to the fact that half-Jewish Stalin (mother was a mountain Jew and had a mixture of Khazar blood with Jewish blood) ceased to unquestioningly obey his masters and did not want to carry out a world revolution at the expense of the USSR on bayonets Soviet soldiers.

He, as some might think, did not feel sorry for the Russian people, just at a certain moment Stalin realized that his half-blooded Jewry would never allow him to stand on a par with the Levite Jews, even if he brought such a desired world revolution and final victory for the latter over all the goyim. Realizing this, Dzhugashvili (meaning "son of a Jew") decided that it would be better for him to become the master himself, and ceased to obey unquestioningly. He decided that better to be a ruler than nobody in a new world state.

Such severe disobedience to the Levites among the Jews is always punishable by death. This is stated in the obligatory for all Jews rules of conduct recorded in the Torah and the Talmud. Stalin and those Jews who took his side handed down their own death sentence, disobeying the Levites, refusing to carry out a world revolution and starting actions to create their own superstate.

The execution of the sentence was only a matter of time. And in 1941, Hitler, on the orders of the same Zionist authorities, to whom Stalin did not obey,. Then the Zionists failed to punish Dzhugashvili. The world government got to him only in 1953, surrounding him with his people and, ultimately, poisoning him.

The extermination of the Jews by Hitler during the Second World War was not an act of hatred towards this nation. He only destroyed those who went against the owners, i.e. "world government".

As has already been proven, Adolf Hitler himself was an Austrian Jew and, if only for that reason, could not hate the Jews. It has already been proven that the destruction of 6 million Jews during the 2nd World War is. In the elite Nazi troops.

When they say that Hitler did not like Freemasons, this is the same situation as with the Jews. Well, the organizer of several Masonic lodges in Germany, a member of the Masonic organization, the Grand Master of one of the lodges, cannot hate Masons, who, by the way, “by chance” were almost all Jews. His speeches against the Freemasons were only political game.

In his speeches, Hitler stigmatized not only the Jews. He attacked the Masons, who, according to him, helped the Jews seize power over the world and entwined all countries with their secret lodges, trapping their political and business elite in a strong net.

"Baron von Sebottendorf. Before Hitler came

To be honest, I know the literature on history quite well, but I have never come across such a book. However, I was not surprised by this fact. Across the second page was a large ink stamp "To Destruction". Such a stamp, as far as I knew, was put on publications that should have been immediately seized and destroyed - on the writings of Marx, Lenin and others " dangerous books". But what could Sebottendorf have written so dangerous? The situation frankly intrigued me.

Reference publications could not tell me much. Only after contacting the publishing house that published the book back in 1933, I learned interesting details: it turns out that almost the entire circulation of the book was destroyed a day after it appeared on the shelves. Publishers almost ended up in a concentration camp. Why Hitler spared Sebottendorff remains a mystery.

What did the baron write in this book? In boundless naivete, he decided to describe, Who helped Hitler come to power? and thought he could get away with it. It did not work out - secret knowledge had to remain secret. But today we can lift this veil over them...

Who are you, Grand Master?

Baron von Sebottendorf

Baron Sebottendorf in his book described the activities of a certain. He deliberately did not name names. However, the members of society themselves did not name them either - in communication with each other they used digital codes. The task of the secret society was one: make the future Fuhrer Grand Master, head of the Masonic organization.

For this, Hitler had all the makings. They often talked about his ability to clairvoyance (moreover, without any sawing out of the "third eye"). Once, while at the front, he left the place in advance, where a shell fell a few seconds later. And later, already when he was a major political leader, he showed phenomenal luck. According to my information, about 40 assassination attempts were made on him, and only during one of them (July 20, 1944) did the Fuhrer receive a shell shock and several scratches. The rest did not even leave bruises.

Who was involved in the preparation of the future Grand Master?

The first group consisted of Russian emigrant Masons. Hating the power of the Reds, they sincerely believed in National Socialism and took up the "education" of Hitler. Moreover, the latter, despite all his openly proclaimed hatred of the Slavs, treated these people with respect. Obviously, he considered them to be the descendants of the Germans, who made up the noble elite. The head of these Russian Freemasons was a Baltic German Scheubner Richter, who made a huge contribution to the development of Hitler as a political leader. True, Russian Freemasons advocated a strong Russian-German alliance - a lesson that the head of the NSDAP did not want to learn under any sauce.

Russians (what kind of Russians they are, it is clear by their surnames - approx. K.G.) walked along with Hitler on the cobblestones of Odeonplatz on the day of the "beer putsch". General Biskupsky will shield the Fuhrer from a bullet with his body. Another bullet will hit Scheubner Richter. “Everyone is replaceable, but not him,” said Hitler after learning of his death.

However, the Russians quickly seized the initiative Haushofer, about which we wrote quite a lot above. His "Luminous Lodge" would work to create a more powerful Masonic organization, at the head of which Hitler could be put. It is clear that in relation to the Luminous Lodge itself, this organization will have to occupy, according to Haushofer, a subordinate position.

Indeed, such a lodge was created. True, she did not receive a serious independent role (in fact, she even received it, it was just a top-secret organization and therefore the data is classified - approx. K.G.). She could not oppose herself, since he was considered the Grand Master, while the Fuhrer himself preferred to rely on a mass party, and not on a small, albeit highly intellectual sect. In the attitude of the Fuhrer towards the Freemasons during this period, hatred and admiration begin to mix.

He wrote: “Their hierarchical organization and initiation by symbolic rituals, which, so to speak, do not burden the brain, but force the imagination to work through the medium of magic and the symbols of the cult, are all dangerous elements, elements that I borrowed. Don't you think that our party should have the same character? The Order is what it should be. Yes, an order, a hierarchical order of the secular priesthood…”

Let's look at the footage of the German newsreels of those years. Here the Fuhrer speaks, and we see a complete set of secret Masonic gestures! Hands crossed at right angles on the chest - yes, that's what the Masonic masters did. This is an image of a runic sign "double ax", symbol of power. In books on it is interpreted as follows: “The gesture of the master is crossed arms on the chest, of course, nothing more than a symbol of death and rebirth, used in the ritual of calling the dead…”

Therefore, there could be no question of any defeat of the Masonic organizations. But putting them under state and party control is a completely different matter. Here the Nazis did their best. The Masonic lodge that did not really come into being was embodied in the institute "Ahnenerbe". A significant part of his cadre was indeed from among those whom Haushofer intended to be followers of Hitler.

Karl Haushofer

However, Haushofer's opinion was not so interesting at that time. He has already created his own, subordinate only to him Masonic lodge. It was into it that he integrated the Ancestral Heritage Institute and all other projects related to the Freemasons. Naturally, with Masons obedient to him, since Hitler did not tolerate contradictions. This lodge was supposed, in particular, to put under its control all the independent Masonic organizations of the Reich. In addition, she was to take upon herself contacts with foreign Freemasons - insofar as it would be possible, and thus promote foreign policy Third Reich. Hitler appointed one of his closest associates as the head, Grand Master of this lodge. The name of this lodge is SS.

Behind the facade of the Masonic Temple

Who raised Hitler?

Hitler was a Freemason

Kirill Gulevsky

They constantly try to convince us that Hitler hated Jews and Freemasons. The facts, however, show the opposite. He himself was both a Jew and a Freemason. His entourage also consisted of Jews and Freemasons. And finally, its true master was the "world government" - Zionist financial mafia...

The Second World War, like all wars of the last millennia, was unleashed by the Jewish financial mafia, which at the time of the outbreak of the war already completely controlled the governments of all the leading world powers.

The Soviet Union turned out to be not completely controlled, due to the fact that half-Jewish Stalin (his mother was a mountain Jew and had a mixture of Khazar blood with Jewish blood) ceased to obey his masters unquestioningly and did not want to carry out a world revolution at the expense of the USSR on the bayonets of Soviet soldiers.

He, as some might think, did not feel sorry for the Russian people, just at a certain moment Stalin realized that his half-blooded Jewry would never allow him to stand on a par with the Levite Jews, even if he brought such a desired world revolution and final victory for the latter over all the goyim.

Realizing this, Dzhugashvili (meaning "son of a Jew") decided that it would be better for him to become the master himself, and ceased to obey unquestioningly. He decided that it is better to be the ruler of the USSR than nobody in the new world state.

Such severe disobedience to the Levites among the Jews is always punishable by death. This is stated in the obligatory for all Jews rules of conduct recorded in the Torah and the Talmud. Stalin and those Jews who took his side handed down their own death sentence, disobeying the Levites, refusing to carry out a world revolution and starting actions to create their own superstate.

The execution of the sentence was only a matter of time. And in 1941, Hitler, on the orders of the same Zionist authorities, to whom Stalin did not obey, attacks the USSR. Then the Zionists failed to punish Dzhugashvili. The world government got to him only in 1953, surrounding him with his people and, ultimately, poisoning him.

The extermination of some Jews by Hitler during the Second World War was not an act of hatred towards this nation. He only destroyed those who went against the owners, i.e. "world government".

As has already been proven, Adolf Hitler himself was an Austrian Jew and, if only for that reason, could not hate the Jews. It has already been proven that the extermination of 6 million Jews during the 2nd World War is a falsification. More than 150,000 Jews served in the Nazi troops.

No one, anywhere, ever comes to power by accident or of their own free will. For hundreds of thousands of years, the best of the best, who had a sufficient level of evolutionary development, the necessary knowledge, skills and qualities, including magical abilities. In the last few thousand years, our enemies began to push puppets obedient to them into power, doing their dirty deeds with their hands.

Hitler was a Freemason

They constantly try to convince us that Hitler hated Jews and Freemasons. The facts, however, show the opposite. He was both a Jew and a Freemason. His entourage also consisted of Jews and Freemasons. And finally, its true master was the "world government" - Zionist financial mafia...

The Second World War, like all wars of the last millennia, was unleashed by the Jewish financial mafia, which at the time of the outbreak of the war already completely controlled the governments of all the leading world powers.

The Soviet Union turned out to be not completely controlled, due to the fact that half-Jewish Stalin (his mother was a mountain Jew and had a mixture of Khazar blood with Jewish blood) ceased to obey his masters unquestioningly and did not want to carry out a world revolution at the expense of the USSR on the bayonets of Soviet soldiers.

He, as some might think, did not feel sorry for the Russian people, just at a certain moment Stalin realized that his half-blooded Jewry would never allow him to stand on a par with the Levite Jews, even if he brought such a desired world revolution and final victory for the latter over all the goyim.

Realizing this, Dzhugashvili (meaning "son of a Jew") decided that it would be better for him to become the master himself, and ceased to obey unquestioningly. He decided that it was better to be the ruler of the USSR than to be nobody in the new world state.

Such severe disobedience to the Levites among the Jews is always punishable by death. This is stated in the obligatory for all Jews rules of conduct recorded in the Torah and the Talmud. Stalin and those Jews who took his side handed down their own death sentence, disobeying the Levites, refusing to carry out a world revolution and starting actions to create their own superstate.

The execution of the sentence was only a matter of time. And in 1941, Hitler, on the orders of the same Zionist authorities, to whom Stalin did not obey, attacks the USSR. Then the Zionists failed to punish Dzhugashvili. The world government got to him only in 1953, surrounding him with his people and, ultimately, poisoning him.

The extermination of some Jews by Hitler during the Second World War was not an act of hatred towards this nation. He destroyed only those who went against the owners, i.e. "world government".

As has already been proven, Adolf Hitler himself was an Austrian Jew and, if only for that reason, could not hate the Jews. It has already been proven that the destruction of 6 million Jews during the 2nd World War is a falsification. More than 150,000 Jews served in the Nazi troops.

When they say that Hitler did not like Freemasons, this is the same situation as with the Jews. Well, the organizer of several Masonic lodges in Germany, a member of the Masonic organization, the Grand Master of one of the lodges, cannot hate Masons, who, by the way, “by chance” were almost all Jews. His speeches against the Freemasons were only a political game.

Masons and Hitler

Hans Ulrich von Kranz

In his speeches, Hitler stigmatized not only the Jews. He attacked the Masons, who, according to him, helped the Jews seize power over the world and entwined all countries with their secret lodges, trapping their political and business elite in a strong net.

To be honest, I know literature on the history of the Third Reich quite well, but with such a book (“ Baron von Sebottendorf. Before Hitler came") I didn't have to deal with. However, I was not surprised by this fact. Across the second page was a large ink stamp " To destruction". Such a stamp, as far as I knew, was placed on publications that should have been immediately confiscated and destroyed - on the writings of Marx, Lenin and other "dangerous books." But what could Sebottendorf have written so dangerous? The situation frankly intrigued me.

Reference publications could not tell me much. Only after contacting the publishing house that published the book back in 1933, I learned interesting details: it turns out that almost the entire circulation of the book was destroyed a day after it appeared on the shelves. Publishers almost ended up in a concentration camp. Why Hitler spared Sebottendorff remains a mystery.

What did the baron write in this book? In boundless naivete, he decided to describe, Who helped Hitler come to power? and thought he could get away with it. It did not work out - secret knowledge had to remain secret. But today we can lift this veil over them...

Who are you, Grand Master?

Baron von Sebottendorf

Baron Sebottendorf in his book described the activities of a certain secret society. He deliberately did not name names. However, the members of society themselves did not name them either - in communication with each other they used digital codes. The task of the secret society was one: to make the future Fuhrer the Grand Master, the head of the Masonic organization.

For this, Hitler had all the makings. They often talked about his ability to clairvoyance (moreover, without any sawing out of the "third eye"). Once, while at the front, he left the place in advance, where a shell fell a few seconds later.

And even later, already when he was a major political leader, Hitler showed phenomenal luck. According to my information, about 40 assassination attempts were made on him, and only during one of them (July 20, 1944) did the Fuhrer receive a shell shock and several scratches. The rest did not even leave bruises.

Who was involved in the preparation of the future Grand Master?

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The first group consisted of: Russian emigrant Masons. Hating the power of the Reds, they sincerely believed in National Socialism and took up the "education" of Hitler. Moreover, the latter, despite all his openly proclaimed hatred of the Slavs, treated these people with respect.

Obviously, he considered them the descendants of the Germans, who made up the noble elite Russian Empire. The head of these Russian Freemasons was a Baltic German Scheubner Richter, who made a huge contribution to the development of Hitler as a political leader. True, Russian Freemasons advocated a strong Russian-German alliance - a lesson that the head of the NSDAP did not want to learn under any sauce.

Russians (what kind of Russians they are, it’s clear by their surnames - approx.) Walked along with Hitler on the cobblestones of Odeonplatz in Munich on the day of the “beer putsch”. General Biskupsky will shield the Fuhrer from a bullet with his body. Another bullet will hit Scheubner Richter. " Everyone is replaceable, but not him”, - so said Hitler, having learned about his death.

However, the Russians quickly seized the initiative Haushofer. His " Luminous bed"will work to create a more powerful Masonic organization, at the head of which it will be possible to put Hitler. It is clear that in relation to the Luminous Lodge itself, this organization will have to occupy, according to Haushofer, a subordinate position.

Indeed, such a lodge was created. True, she did not receive a serious independent role (in fact, she even received it, it was just a top-secret organization and therefore the data is classified - approx.). She could not oppose herself to Hitler, since he was considered the Grand Master, while the Fuhrer himself preferred to rely on a mass party, and not on a small, albeit highly intellectual sect. In the attitude of the Fuhrer towards the Freemasons during this period, hatred and admiration begin to mix.

He wrote: " Their hierarchical organization and initiation through symbolic rituals, which, so to speak, do not burden the brain, but force the imagination to work through the mediation of magic and the symbols of the cult, are all dangerous elements, elements that I have borrowed. Don't you think that our party should have the same character? The Order is what it should be. Yes, an order, a hierarchical order of the secular priesthood...».

Let's look at the footage of the German newsreels of those years. Here the Fuhrer speaks, and we see a complete set of secret Masonic gestures! Hands crossed at right angles on the chest - yes, that's what the Masonic masters did.

This is an image of the runic sign "double axe", a symbol of power. In books on black magic, it is interpreted as follows: The master's gesture - crossed arms on the chest, of course, is nothing more than a symbol of death and rebirth, used in the ritual of calling the dead ... ».

Therefore, there could be no question of any defeat of the Masonic organizations. But putting them under state and party control is a completely different matter. Here the Nazis did their best.

The Masonic lodge, which did not really come into being, was embodied in the institute " Ahnenerbe". A significant part of his cadre was indeed from among those whom Haushofer intended to be followers of Hitler.

Karl Haushofer

However, Haushofer's opinion was not so interesting at that time. He has already created his own, subordinate only to him Masonic lodge. It was into it that he integrated the institute " The legacy of ancestors”and all other projects related to the Freemasons of the Third Reich. Naturally, with Masons obedient to him, since Hitler did not tolerate contradictions.

This lodge was supposed, in particular, to put under its control all the independent Masonic organizations of the Reich. In addition, she was to take upon herself contacts with foreign Freemasons - insofar as it would be possible, and thus contribute to the foreign policy of the Third Reich. Hitler appointed one of his closest associates as the head, Grand Master of this lodge. The name of this lodge is SS.

Behind the facade of the Masonic Temple

Yes Yes exactly. Hitler considered the SS to be a certain analogue of the Masonic lodges and more than once called Heinrich Himmler their personal mason. Indeed, Freemasonry in many ways served as a prototype of the SS formations. Masonic practices were actively introduced in such areas as psychological processing, hierarchical structure, and education. At the same time, making such borrowings was by no means considered shameful. In the end, the Freemasons themselves once borrowed all this from the Teutonic Order - this color of German chivalry.

Before World War II, the SS was an elite organization. Admission to their ranks of new members was accompanied by complex ceremonies, the selection was carried out very carefully, as if in the acquisition of Masonic lodges. Even the SS initiation ceremony was, in fact, borrowed from the Freemasons.

A candidate member of the SS had to first of all present his pedigree, which would clearly and clearly prove his Aryan origin. Experience: "pure blood" should have been exceptionally great - two and a half centuries, with late XVII centuries. After that, he had to undergo a certain internship, which strongly resembled a monastic obedience. And only after this "trial period" did the young man become a full-fledged SS man. He was given a dagger and a ring (by the way, these regalia were also borrowed from the Masons).

The highest hierarchs of the Order of the SS - twelve Obergruppenführers, with whom Himmler constantly consulted - sat at a special oak table. All this was supposed to reproduce the atmosphere of the meetings of the knights round table.

Each of these initiates had his own oak chair, on which a silver tablet with his name flaunted. In addition, he wore a specially shaped dagger and a massive silver ring.

Meetings of the elected were usually held in the castle Wewelsburg- the "capital" of the SS empire, Himmler's favorite residence. It was erected in the shortest possible time on the site of an ancient medieval castle that belonged to a robber baron. Until the 20th century, only picturesque ruins survived from the historical building.

The location of the castle is not accidental: it is the center of a kind of mystical triangle, which is formed by three sacred places.

The first one is Teutoburg Forest, where at the beginning of a new era, the leader of the Germans Arminius defeated the Roman legions of Varus. This victory is sacred to all Germans, as it stopped the Roman invasion of Germany and ensured the independence of the Germanic tribes.

The second vertex of the triangle Externstein rocks, a place where the ancient German fire cult was maintained in antiquity. On these rocks, hanging over the Rhine (a sacred river for all Germans, which they call only the Father Rhine), the priests set up an observatory, from where they watched the movement of the stars and predicted the future. A runic zodiac circle was created here.

The third summit ancient city Armabeg from which only ruins remain. Archaeologists from the "Heritage of the Ancestors" assumed that Armabeg is at least 10 thousand years old and, therefore, it is older than all known cities in the world.

The castle itself, which was built by a famous architect Herman Bartels, was also triangular in plan. The number "three", as well as "twelve", was generally sacred in the rituals of the SS. The north tower of the castle was intended for meetings of the Reichsführer SS and his twelve initiates - antipodes of the Christian apostles (well, where without it!approx. Impcommiss).

The frequency of meetings also had a certain ritual meaning. Under the tower there was an underground room - a crypt - where the sacred eternal flame was lit. Three steps led to it, and around the fire there were twelve elevations for solemn ceremonies. It was supposed to conduct rituals of mystical burials and solemn burning of coats of arms here. However, according to some data, it was also supposed to bring human sacrifices here.

There were also research laboratories in the castle, though not many. Scientists who created psychotronic weapons and studied the mechanism of human control worked here. After the war, all the results of these studies disappeared somewhere. However, this does not surprise me.

However, Himmler's plans for the future regarding Wewelsburg were truly grandiose. If Hitler's megalomania still kept within certain reasonable limits - at least there were no strong breaks with reality - then Himmler in his mystical plans surpassed all reasonable limits. He was going to erect a whole city around the castle, the quarters of which would form concentric circles. In accordance with geomancy - the doctrine of the "magic of the Earth" - Himmler considered Wewelsburg the energy center of the world.

Specialists from Ahnenerbe, especially from departments related to occult sciences, knew perfectly well what sensitive strings should be pressed in the soul of their boss. Funding for the relevant areas was constantly growing, and scientists presented the Reichsführer SS with more and more evidence of the action of occult forces. In 1942, they issued a statement that their opponents - primarily Russians - are resorting to the services of some otherworldly entities that allow them to win!

Great Britain and the United States, they said, are entangled in Masonic lodges, which, with the help of mystical tricks, are trying to break the German nation. Consequently, the experts of the Heritage of Ancestors summed up the logical conclusion, it is necessary to counter the enemy efforts with the same methods. For example, to use the ancient ritual of “pendulum location” for military purposes, adapting it to modern conditions.

However, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

Pendulum, but not Foucault

How many people do you think can be engaged in the resurrection of the old tradition of dowsing, used by treasure hunters in the Middle Ages. Laboratory? Department? No, my friends! An entire scientific institute, who worked within the framework of the Anenerbe system. The institute was called simply and without frills - pendulum institute, welfare was renamed into a more modern and pleasing to the scientist's ear "pendulum location". The case of this institution is very revealing.

For those who do not know, I will try to briefly describe the principle of dowsing. In the old days, it was believed that underground rivers and wells, as well as treasures, could be found using a hazel twig. The branch should be in the form of a fork - a person takes in each hand a branch of this "fork" and slowly moves forward. As soon as he is above the underground object, the branch in his hands will deviate.

It was this phenomenon that the representatives of "Ahnenerbe" were going to use for military purposes. How, you ask? Yes, very easy! To search for British submarines. Do not think that modern dowsers flew over the sea in airplanes. They had enough nautical charts over which they sat for days on end in comfortable offices. And then at the end of the day they issued reports about the “discovery” of enemy submarines. I think it is not necessary to specify that the data differed from reality absolutely, if we exclude single random coincidences.

True, there were exceptions. For example, someone Straniak, an architect by profession. He really demonstrated extraordinary abilities that could not be rationally explained. He didn't need a walnut twig to locate the ship - as soon as he looked at the photo of the ship, he immediately gave the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bits location. Straniak was tested for some time on German ships, and the errors turned out to be surprisingly minor. Most often, the architect correctly indicated the location of the ships.

Straniak's talent came in handy in 1943, when a coup d'etat took place in Italy, as a result of which Hitler's friend and ally, Benito Mussolini, was overthrown and imprisoned. Naturally, the Fuhrer's first desire was to save his friend. But bad luck - the place where the deposed Italian leader was kept was unknown.

Military intelligence failed to cope with the task - Mussolini was constantly transported from one place of detention to another, and the information received through the Abwehr was constantly out of date. The specialists of the Pendulum Institute came to the rescue, who attracted Duce Straniak to the search.

However, in this case, a talented architect made a mistake. He said that the Duce is on the island of Maddalena in the Mediterranean. In fact, Mussolini was kept in a mountain hotel, about which military intelligence was finally able to get reliable information a couple of days later. After this incident, the credibility of the Pendulum Institute fell and no one took its recommendations seriously. In 1944, the institute was quietly liquidated.

However, in addition to such semi-comic institutions, within the framework of the Ahnenerbe there were many scientific groups that were engaged in serious work. However, we still cannot cover all their projects with our attention. Therefore, let us finally turn to the holy of holies of the “Heritage of the Ancestors” - its rituals and plans for the future.

Rites of the "Ahnenerbe"

In addition to Wevelburg, the Masons from the SS had another center of power. We are talking, as you understand, about another medieval castle. He was not in the south, but in the east of Germany. It was a building of the XI century - the legendary Wartburg castle in which Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. The place, in general, is sacred to all Germans, especially Protestants. It was in this castle that the leadership of the Anenerbe was located. It was here that projects for the creation of a military-spiritual state were drawn up.
It was here that the ideology of the future state was formed. Renowned racialist and psychologist Erich Ensch claimed: " Race and blood, blood and race - this is the basis of everything. A single straight line stretches from the structure of the capillary network to the worldview. The world of human ideas depends not only on spiritual factors, but also on the general being ...».

In order to form a single caste of SS knights, it was planned to create four special “ordersburgs” - “order castles”, closed boarding schools, where the elite was to be brought up tomorrow. Each castle was designed for five hundred people.

The first of the "ordersburgs" - Vogelsang castle- opened in 1935. On its gates (as well as on the gates: concentration camps), the creators found it necessary to write a short and capacious expression. The phrase was chosen Blind obedience"- the first and main law that future knights had to learn. One should not ponder and discuss the orders of the elders, they must be carried out unquestioningly and fanatically.

The influx of those wishing to get into the order castle, despite the strict selection and hardships of military education, was huge. The craving for uniforms, on the one hand, and the longing for medieval romance, on the other, had an effect. After all, everything here was painted in the mysterious colors of the past, mystical and mysterious. Even the initiation ritual itself - the "bloody baptism" - inspired awe and fear. This ritual was developed taking into account the latest achievements in psychology and made it possible to achieve a complete zombification of young people.

The pupils were kept on a special diet, which Himmler personally developed for them. For example, they did not drink coffee at all, but they consumed mineral water in huge quantities. It was believed that this cleanses the body of toxins, healing it. For the same purpose, "magnetic sessions" were carried out.

Physical activity was very serious, training took the lion's share of the time of the pupils. However, the matter was not limited to this: candidates for the Order of the SS were required to study runes, ancient German traditions, and racial theory.

The marriage of a young SS man could only take place with the personal permission of the Reichsfuhrer, after a thorough check of the Aryan origin of the bride. At the same time, the life of a young family was strictly controlled. In the bowels of the Anenerbe, instructions were created on this subject, which can only be called crazy.

For example, newlyweds were recommended to conceive children not just anywhere, but in cemeteries. As a result of research, it was allegedly found that those conceived in such conditions children inherit the spirit of the dead lying in the grave. Archaeologists from the Heritage of Ancestors conducted test excavations of cemeteries to determine what kind of dead lay there. If the remains belonged to people nordic type, then the cemetery fell into a special list recommended for the conception procedure.

A little later than the order castles were established preparatory schools, so called " Napola". The motto of these schools was: Believe, obey, fight!».

The selection criteria were much less stringent. After graduating from such schools, the best went to castles, where the elite was formed, all the rest fell into the front-line units and camp guard units, which became more and more every year. Accordingly, the number of "Napol" also grew.

Everyone leaving the gates of the "order castle" was obliged to take a vow of fidelity and obedience. Those who broke the vow were dealt with in the cruelest way. The SS man no longer had the opportunity to return to normal life, he did not belong to himself. Head of the German Labor Front Dr. Lei spoke about this:

“Each of you should remember that whoever is deprived of the right to a brown shirt by the Party will not only lose his job. He will be destroyed along with his family, wife, children. Such are the cruel, inexorable laws of our order…”.

The initiation ceremony was distinguished by a special, gloomy solemnity. It was almost completely copied from the ceremony of initiation into the knights of the Teutonic Order. After her, a recruit who received two lightning-like "zig" runes could consider himself part of a special, superhuman race. Himmler sought to do everything in order to distance this race as far as possible from ordinary people. He dreamed of his superhumanity. And the Ahnenerbe experts willingly supported their Reichsfuehrer.

The Order of the SS was to become a closed corporation, a state within a state. Members of the order were to be subject only to the jurisdiction of the order, to obey only the laws of the order. It was planned to create cities and villages of SS veterans around the world, like colonies in the human world. In the end, it was even planned to create a special SS state on the territory of ancient Burgundy. In his speech in the spring of 1943, Himmler spoke on this subject as follows.

“At the peace conference, the world will learn about the resurrection of ancient Burgundy. This country, which was once the land of sciences and arts, was reduced by France to the level of an appendage in alcohol. The sovereign state of Burgundy, with its army, laws, coins, mail, will become a model state of the SS. It will include Romanesque Switzerland, Champagne, Franche Comté, Hainaut and Luxembourg. official language will, of course, be German. Only the SS will rule, the National Socialist Party will have no power in Burgundy. The world will be shocked and delighted with the state where our concepts will be applied…”.

From among the SS, the leaders of the order selected initiates, who, as a rule, joined the ranks of the Anenerbe. It was not at all necessary for them to become scientists, it was simply that in this way they were raised above the mass of stupid, thoughtless performers. As Hitler said:
“We are not talking about the elimination of inequality between people, on the contrary, it must be strengthened by putting up insurmountable barriers. What will the future social order look like? My friends, I will tell you this: there will be a class of masters and a crowd of various members of the party separated strictly hierarchically. Under them - a huge faceless mass, a collective of servants, inferior forever. Lower - defeated foreign class, modern slaves. And all this will rise new aristocracy, which I cannot yet speak about ... But these plans should not be known to ordinary members of the party ... ".

Concentration camps occupied a special place in the system of SS institutions. They were not only a reservoir of cheap labor, not only an instrument of punishment for dissidents.

They were gigantic altars, on which thousands and millions of people were sacrificed to the ancient gods. Auschwitz stoves are a ritual. Nothing more and nothing less.

The SS also had their own powerful intelligence institutions. This is foreign intelligence Walter Schellenberg, and the famous Gestapo Heinrich Müller. The best, most capable young people from the order's castles were selected here. The old cadres gradually left, making room for new, fanatical, young generations.

It is difficult to say what the world would look like if all these plans were realized. But, unfortunately for all the Freemasons, magicians and superhumans from the Ahnenerbe, the Third Reich suffered a crushing defeat in 1945.

However, was the Heritage of Ancestors institute destroyed?..