The strongest warrior in Westeros. The best warriors in the world

There are no Kurds or Persians.
Sarmatians, a handful of whom the Roman Empire entrusted to guard the Andrian Wall, leaving them to their fate - watch the film with the favorite of the Queen of Great Britain Clive Owen "King Arthur".
Sarmatians, if anything, my direct ancestors.
And in the UK, the fact that one of the direct related languages ​​​​is modern Ossetian, as a descendant of Sarmatian, is still established.
There are too many coincidences of ancient languages ​​- Old English and Old Ossetian, more precisely Old Digorian.
Too much.

Original taken from nannik_dr in

In this article, we will look at the top 10 warriors in the history of mankind. This is very interesting topic, since you can find out what type of weapon they owned at that time and what skills the warriors of that era possessed. In addition, a warrior is not only a man with weapons who protects his state or land, but he also has moral values, and some of them are an example to follow.

The Aztecs are considered excellent warriors and we all know that they were ruthless in battle. As a rule, they wore clothes decorated with eagle feathers or jaguar skins. They masterfully wielded weapons: clubs and bows. Kuachiki - the rearguard (forces guarding the rear) of the Aztec army. Only those Aztecs who managed to capture 7 enemies became Kuachiks. Ultimately, the Aztecs were defeated by the Spanish, who had more modern weapons of the time. But the Aztecs were a great empire and excellent warriors.

9. Mongols

The Mongols were considered barbarians and savages. They dominated Europe and Asia, and were skilled warriors and horsemen. The greatest commander in the history of the Mongols is Genghis Khan. They were well disciplined and excellent at archery, even when riding a horse. They used a composite bow that allowed them to penetrate enemy armor. They were also masters of intimidation and were excellent at psychological pressure on the enemy during the fighting. The Mongols built one of the largest empires.

8. Mamluks

In the Middle Ages, the Mamluks were the slaves of soldiers who converted to Islam and served the Muslim caliphs and sultans of the Ayyubid dynasty. Over time, they became a powerful military caste that defeated the Crusaders. When the Mamluks converted to Islam, many of them underwent military training in the cavalry. The Mamluks had a complex of military and physical training, which was called furusiya. This complex contained such values ​​as courage and generosity, as well as military skills: cavalry tactics, horseback riding, archery, wound healing, etc.

7. Romans

The Roman army was the largest and most powerful army that ever existed. As a rule, heavy infantry was dressed in armor and equipped with a shield. They were masters of the sword and spear, and skillfully used their shield in battle. Roman soldiers were the richest warriors who could afford to create the best weapons and armor. They were well trained, armed, and their military tactics helped for many years to conquer new lands and defend their republic.

6. Apaches

Apaches were a kind of "American ninja". They could sneak up behind and slit the enemy's throat without him even noticing. They used primitive weapons made of wood and bones. They were also skilled with daggers and tomahawks. Apaches terrorized the southwestern part of the United States, and even the military could not cope with them. They usually scalped their victims.

5. Samurai

Samurai were the knights of Japan, and also wielded the katana very well. They were heavily armed soldiers, dressed in armor, who were ready to give their lives for their master. They wielded the sharpest sword in the world, which could cut a man in half. They had another weapon - yumi (bow). Samurai were one of the best shooters of the time. They looked like professional soldiers. Trained under harsh conditions, they fought with the knowledge that their honor was at stake. But soon, due to their violent habits, the peasants rose up against them, and as a result, the ninja appeared.

4. Ninja

The ninja were masters of disguise and sabotage. Initially, they were peasants who tried to suppress the looting by the samurai, but eventually they became the legendary killers, as many people believe. They wielded a katana, blowpipe, shuriken, and kushirigama. They are known for their ability to sneak up on their prey like a shadow. They were very much feared because of their ability to silently kill and disappear. Ninja are great martial artists who have undergone rigorous training.

3. Vikings

The Vikings were a threat to all of Europe. The most terrible warriors of that time. They terrorized Europe: raided various territories, engaged in robbery. The Vikings were fierce in combat and used whatever weapons they liked. They used axes, swords, spears. The Vikings were excellent shipbuilders and created the most advanced ships of their era. The Viking fleet consisted of warships called drakkars. But on the other hand, they were excellent traders, so they brought a lot of benefits to Europe.

2. Spartans

The mother, who accompanied the Spartan to the war, told him: “With a shield or on a shield!” This makes you think about the combat training and fortitude of the Spartan warrior. People know that the Spartans were the best warriors of the ancient world, but how was their life and training? From birth, the child was carefully examined. If he was weak or had any defect, then he was thrown into the abyss. If the child was healthy, then from childhood he was subjected to severe trials. The boy was taught by his father until the age of seven. Then he was taken away from his parents and sent to a military camp. There he was trained in the Agoge system. The boy was taught to kill, to wield various weapons. In order for the future warrior to learn to hide his pain, he was beaten with sticks and whips. Their life was an art - the art of combat, the art of war!

1. Knight

Here are his words:
« So. Russians are not in the top 10 warriors. Because they never tried to conquer other peoples?»

And here is my answer:
« Russians are the best by default, period, because they default and fail epic suit everyone in the world, there is always no point in talking about it!
Better than their warriors was not, is not and never will be.
The record contains a list of second-rate warriors, including those listed by me.

There is no one better than a Russian warrior, there is not and never will be!

It never even occurred to me that someone could challenge the courage and valor of the Russian soldiers.
I do not remind my friend.
Everyone else.
There is no stronger Russian warrior, 80% consisting of Russians and 20% of nationalities bonded by the Russian people.
These are the spiritual bonds - when the Russian people, as an elder brother, secured under its protection all the other small peoples, as their younger brothers.

Try to answer me!
Who dares?

When even the Jews who pour mud on the Russians know for sure that the Russians will come to protect them.
Who saved the Chechens from drunken Yeltsin and his associates?
Are there any more questions?

In world history, many civilizations were born and died, but this article discusses the most dangerous and prosperous and their ancient warriors. Not the best side of humanity and history in particular is collected here. In those days, this may have been the norm, but today it seems simply monstrous and unimaginable. You know many civilizations from this rating, some films have been made in which everything is shown with better side but now you will know how it really was. So, from bad to worst in the history of mankind, the most cruel ancient warriors and civilizations of the world.

10. Sparta

Sparta was very different from other ancient Greek city-states. The word "Spartan" has come down to us to describe self-denial and simplicity. Spartan life was war. The children were more children of the state than their parents. They were born soldiers, statesmen, strong and disciplined.

Despite the noble portrayal of them in the movie "300" Spartans, they were a very cruel people. To represent: every Spartan male was a soldier. The rest of the work was done by slaves; the Spartans were warriors, that's all. All their lives they fought to the point of physical exhaustion and finally retired at 60. Death betrayed the Spartan into oblivion. The only Spartans who have been commemorated with tombstones are those who died in battle while winning. They and only they had to have graves in order to amaze future generations with heroism. The one who lost the shield was executed. By Spartan logic, the warrior must retrieve it or die trying.

9. Maori


The Maori were the original inhabitants of New Zealand. They built up a reputation for being "for themselves" by actually eating all the intruders up until the 18th century. Maori believed that by devouring the flesh of their enemies, they become stronger, absorbing their best qualities.

They practiced cannibalism during the war. In October 1809, a European ship with convicts was attacked by a large group of cannibal warriors - in retaliation for the cruel treatment of the leader's son. The Māori killed most of the 66 people on board. Victims - both dead and alive - they sent back to the shore in boats to be eaten. The few "lucky" survivors who were able to take cover were horrified to see their comrades being devoured by the Maori all night long.

8. Vikings


The Vikings were North Germanic people of the sea who raided, traded and settled, exploring, in vast areas of Europe and Asia, as well as the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the middle of the 11th centuries. Notorious for terror and looting throughout Europe.

They were fierce ancient warriors who never shied away from a fight. Their physical strength was reinforced by their military skills, as well as the use of various types of weapons such as axes, swords and spears. Perhaps their religion can be called military. The Vikings firmly believed that all people have a purpose in this life, and they fought to the death. This was their goal. Each of them was a soldier and fully proved it on the battlefield, sweeping away everything in its path.

7 Apache Tribe


Known for their fearlessness in combat, the Apaches were like America's ninjas. They were not like the Native Americans themselves. With amazingly cunning skills, they were quite adept at using primitive weapons made of bone and stone. Apaches could sneak up behind you, and you would not even have time to realize that your throat was cut. These were the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen; they were pretty good with the tomahawk, great at throwing axes. They terrorized the southwestern United States, and even the military had problems with them, scalping their victims. As fighters the Apaches had great success. Today, their descendants train special forces in hand-to-hand combat.

6. Roman Empire


The Roman Empire included almost everything that can now be considered Western Europe. The empire dictated the way of life in the conquered countries. The main countries were conquered England/Wales (then known as Britain), Spain (Hispania), France (Gaul), Greece (Achaia), in the Middle East - Judea and the coastal region of North Africa. Yes, Rome was greatest empire but it is impossible to deny the horrors of this empire. Criminals, slaves, ancient warriors and others were forced to fight each other to the death in gladiator games. Everyone knows the greatest villains of Rome - Nero and Caligula. In AD 64, the first Christians were the object of terrible persecution. Some were torn apart by dogs, others burned alive like human torches. Before becoming an empire, Rome was a republic. The emergence of Rome is allegedly legendary and is associated with a she-wolf who nursed Roma and Remulus. Combined with an excellent military and administrative system, the Roman Empire is one of the longest. Ancient Rome lasted a whopping 2214 years!

5. Mongols


The Mongol Empire existed in the 13th and 14th centuries AD and was the largest landowner in human history. The Mongol Empire emerged from the unification of the Mongol and Turkic tribes under the leadership of Genghis Khan. The Mongols were considered barbarians and savages. Throughout Europe and Asia, they became famous for horseback riding and archery. They were highly disciplined. They used a composite bow, wielded spears and sabers. They were masters of psychological warfare and built the second largest empire (after the British). It all started with the fact that Genghis Khan swore in his youth to take over the whole world. He almost made it. Then he set his sights on China, and the rest is history. During the invasion of India, they built a pyramid in front of the walls of Delhi from human heads. They, like the Celts, had a clause about severed heads. The Mongols loved to collect them and catapult them into the camp of the enemy. They did the same with plague corpses. When the Mongols ran into pregnant women, they did…things that we won't discuss here.

4. Soviet Union


Communism is responsible for millions of deaths. Stalin killed 10-60 million people. The Soviet Union was probably one of greatest enemies USA. The ideology of total fear.

3. Celts


The Celts lived on lands from the British Isles to Galatia. The Celts were in contact with the cultures of multiple neighbors, and there is no written mention of them. The Celts enjoyed a reputation as headhunters. Many Celts fought completely naked and were famous for their long swords. They cut off the heads of their dead enemies and fastened them to the necks of their horses. Bloody trophies the Celts gave to servants and sang hymns. The heads of the most prominent enemies they embalmed and preserved to be proud of. Like, instead of a bag of gold, we got absolute victory and the enemy's head. They are the third among the most cruel ancient warriors and civilizations of the world.

2. Aztecs


The Aztecs were an ethnic group in Mexico that spoke the Nahuatl language (14th-16th centuries). They had a complex theocracy. The Aztecs made human sacrifices. Cannibalism was also encouraged. They killed 20,000 people a year to "make the gods happy." The hearts of the victims were cut out and solemnly eaten. Someone was drowned, beheaded, burned or thrown from a height. And that's not even the worst. According to the rites of the "rain god", children were killed in different places so that their tears could cause rain. During the sacrifice to the "god of fire", a couple of newlyweds were thrown into the fire. In the rite of the "corn goddess" virgins danced for 24 hours, then they were killed and skinned. Aztec priests then carried this skin with them. And at the coronation, Ahuizotl is said to have killed 80,000 people to please his idols.

1. Nazi Germany


The most violent civilization in history. Nazi Germany (Third Reich) refers to Germany during the era when the country turned into a totalitarian state, being under the rule of Adolf Hitler as the leader of the German National Socialist Workers' Party, until the destruction by the Allied forces in May 1945. Despite its short duration, this civilization greatly influenced the world. Nazi Germany started the worst war in the history of mankind - the Second world war. At least 4 million people were killed during the Holocaust. The Nazi swastika is perhaps the most hated symbol in the world. Nazi Germany owned about 268,829 square miles of land. Hitler was one of the most powerful people in the history of the world, and his empire was by far the most terrible. Take a look at modern world, which is mired in brutal wars and conflicts. How much has changed since ancient times? Man is warlike by nature, and he is always either defending or attacking. In this article, you will learn about ten military cultures that instilled fear in the Ancient World.

1. Praetorian Guard (Ancient Rome)

Ancient Rome was famous for its warriors and innovative military strategies. The Praetorian Guard was considered the elite of the Roman army.

Praetorians served as personal bodyguards for the rulers of the Roman Empire. In addition, they were often assigned tasks characteristic of modern special forces. The Roman emperor Nero sent his Praetorians to search for the source of the Nile River, and also ordered them to collect intelligence needed to conquer ancient Egypt. The tasks of some members of the Praetorian Guard used to include such infamous things as beating civilians who did not show due respect and enthusiasm when they were introduced to the emperor. Praetorians were also able to patrol the streets of the city, keep order and suppress riots.

Members of the Praetorian Guard considered themselves real Roman soldiers. They were different from ordinary citizens and the barbarian hordes who were recruited en masse into the Roman army. Nevertheless, history does not know cases when Praetorians and barbarians fought on opposite sides; however, the former always selflessly defended Rome and its rulers, while the latter did not care whose interests to defend - they were only interested in money.

Judging by historical records and surviving tombstones, only about 40 percent of Praetorians managed to serve the entire term of service in the Roman army, which was sixteen years. For this they were later entitled to a good pension.

The members of the Praetorian Guard included foot soldiers, cavalrymen, and archers; in which case they could always replace the broken detachments of the Roman army.

The Praetorian Guard was officially disbanded around 190 AD. Praetorians have had varying reputations throughout their history; it depended for the most part on the popularity of the emperor they served. Sometimes the Praetorians had to take matters into their own hands.

When the Roman Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus ordered the Praetorian Guard to be disbanded, its members were told to give up their horses. Each soldier had several of them. There are cases in history when a praetorian was so devoted to his horse that he first killed her, not wanting her to go to someone else, but after himself.

2. Assyrians

Assyrians dominated the world ancient history. They have achieved this position in no small part thanks to an elite - and ruthless - army.

The first Assyrian city was founded around 2000 BC, and the empire itself fell in 606 BC. During this time, the Assyrians were able to achieve significant progress in the field of culture, literature and construction.

An inscription found on the wall of one of the Assyrian temples and referring to the fate of the people conquered by the Assyrians, reads: “Near the city gates, I erected a pillar, which I covered with skin torn from the bodies of defeated husbands. Some I walled up in a pillar, others I put on stakes located at its very top. Sounds sad and cruel. Such methods were used to ensure that the discontented people were humble and did not try to revolt.

Around 1115 BC, the Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III decided to create his own army. Previously, ordinary peasants took part in military battles, who were called up against their will and forced to take up arms. The army created by Tiglath-Pileser III was completely different. To train and fight is the main task that was set for volunteers and recruited soldiers. The army of Tiglath-pileser III consisted of foot soldiers, cavalrymen and archers, as well as engineers and builders specializing in military affairs. They created such siege weapons that the world had never seen before.

Assyrian craftsmen, as is known, were the first to make weapons and armor from iron, which was much better than bronze in terms of properties and quality. In addition, the Assyrian army was famous for its use of methods and techniques of psychological warfare, as well as inhumane treatment of prisoners of war. The Assyrians burned them alive, cut off their body parts, and so on.

The power and might of the kings of Assyria was based solely on fear.

3. Ten thousand mercenaries ( Ancient Greece)

We became aware of the ten thousandth army of mercenaries thanks to the works of the ancient Greek writer, historian, commander and politician Xenophon, who, by the way, was one of its hastily elected leaders.

An army of ten thousand mercenaries was created in 401 BC by Cyrus the Younger (son of the Persian king Darius II and his half-sister Parysatis), who decided to overthrow his older brother, the king of Persia. Cyrus the Younger was ultimately killed deep behind enemy lines. His army of ten thousand lost its leader and could not leave hostile lands without a new leader. The role of commander went to Xenophon. He was supposed to withdraw the army from enemy territory. On the way home, they fought Persians, Khalibs and Armenians, survived severe storms, famine and betrayal, overcame hot, barren deserts and impenetrable swamps. During this time, the number of the army of mercenaries has decreased significantly. Xenophon described in some detail all the obstacles that they had to face when returning home to Greece.

Xenophon died in 354 BC. Over the course of his life, he wrote more than forty compositions, including Anabasis, or The Retreat of Ten Thousand (the title speaks for itself).

4. Hyksos

In the 18th century BC, a group of Jewish-Asiatic nomads settled in Egypt; their modern weapons and advanced warfare have changed the face of the region for centuries.

Early historians identified the Hyksos with the Biblical Jews, although it is not known for certain where they came to Egypt from. Translated from the Egyptian language, the word "Hyksos" means "rulers of foreign lands." In general, no specifics.

When the Hyksos came to Ancient Egypt, they brought with them achievements that looked truly revolutionary. It was after the Hyksos period that the Egyptians had two-wheeled chariots, compound bows, improved bronze weapons and armor. The Hyksos also gave them advanced metalworking technology and new ideas in building fortifications and defences. Their reign can be called anything but a military conquest.

The Hyksos originally settled the Nile Delta. A few decades later, they captured Memphis and continued to spread their influence further. The Hyksos king Nehsi introduced the cult of the god Set in Egypt.

The Hyksos ruled the Egyptian lands for over a century. Around 1550 BC, they were expelled from Egypt by Pharaoh Ahmose I.

How the Hyksos managed to capture Egyptian lands is unclear to historians. However, it was thanks to them that Egypt became more powerful state with advanced culture and advanced technology.

5. Scythians

The Scythians are one of the most mysterious ancient warriors. We know the representatives of this people as the Scythians because the ancient Greeks called them that.

The Scythians are nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes that existed from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD and lived in the steppe zone of the Northern Black Sea region from the Danube to the Don. The first mention of them is contained in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. The Scythians wandered from one region to another, fought with each other and intermarried with representatives of their ethnic group. It happened that they settled in cities, and some of them even owned vast lands.

Relatively recently, in the Altai Mountains (Central Asia), archaeologists discovered two skeletons of Scythian warriors. The discovery surprised the scientists. In the skull of one of the skeletons there was a hole, presumably from an arrow. Reconstruction of damaged areas of the skull showed that someone was desperately trying, using various methods (including bone crushing), to extract an arrow from the head of a dying warrior.

Herodotus describes the Scythians as ruthless killers and barbarians. Since the Scythians did not have a written language, all the facts that we know about them are obtained from biased, one-sided and biased sources. Modern research and the finds allow us to receive more and more important and valuable information about the culture and way of life of the ancient Scythians.

When the Scythian king died, the most faithful, reliable and devoted people followed him to the other world. This is evidenced by the finds discovered by archaeologists in the royal tombs - skeletons with skulls pierced in a certain place, the remains of horses, weapons and armor that could be useful to warriors in the afterlife.

Having studied the mummified bodies, which, by the way, are well preserved due to the unique method of embalming and burial in frozen ground, scientists came to the conclusion that the Scythians spent most of their time in the saddle and fiddling with stubborn horses. They ate mostly meat, had an average height, by modern standards, a strong physique and intricate tattoos.

6. Amazons

Ancient Greek writers claimed that the Amazons were just as ferocious and merciless as the male warriors. For a long time, historians did not know what to do with the stories about these warlike women, but excavations and finds related to the ancient Scythians put everything in its place. They proved that the Amazons really existed.

The first mention of female warriors is found in Homer's epic poem The Iliad. It was only in the 5th century BC that the Amazons began to be considered real historical characters, and not fictional literary heroines. It was mainly for this reason that modern historians were not sure that the Amazons actually existed, but archaeologists were able to dispel their doubts. When they discovered the burial places of a group of representatives of the nomadic tribe of the Savromats, who were close to the Scythians of the Northern Black Sea region or Central Asia (the opinions of scientists on this issue differ), they were very surprised, since some of the found tombs contained the remains of female warriors. They, as expected, were buried along with their weapons and various valuable items. This was one of the first convincing proofs of the existence of the Amazons, which Homer mentioned in the Iliad.

Since the number of nomadic tribes was relatively small, women had to take up arms in order to fight and hunt on an equal basis with men. Their lives depended on it, and in the end, each carried no more than his own weight, regardless of gender.

Now scientists are arguing about what language the word "Amazon" came from and what it means. They put forward the following versions:

1) "Amazon" is Greek word with the meaning "with one breast";
2) the name "Amazons" comes from the Iranian word "ha-mazan" - female warriors;
3) the word "Amazons" means "inviolable" (for men).

7. Spartans

The Spartans are probably one of the most famous warriors ancient world However, their reign lasted only a few decades. In 404 BC, they won a triumphant victory over the city-state of Athens and reached the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. In 374 BC, they were completely defeated and destroyed by the Thebans. As to what happened during the decisive battle between them, the controversy has not subsided so far, since several primary sources have been found that have survived. For sure, we only know that Sparta could not recover from such a blow.

After the victory over the Athenians, the inhabitants of Sparta were so confident in their warriors that they decided not to enclose the city in which they lived with protective stone walls. We know very little about the way of life and military training of the Spartans - mainly because many historians considered them representatives of other civilizations.

The Spartans did not waste time and energy on activities such as agriculture; the necessary foodstuffs for their city-state were supplied from the conquered lands. The citizens of Sparta were more focused on the war. Long before it began to compete with Athens and Thebes, Sparta faced one problem - the constant uprisings of discontented and conquered people.

Boys began to be taught military skills from the age of seven. Upon reaching the age of twenty, they were divided into groups, in each of which they honed a specific combat skill.

The Spartans were incredibly devoted to the gods - they held religious holidays, performed sacrificial rites, and so on. In Sparta, women had equal rights with men; if the father of the family died in battle, all his duties subsequently fell on the shoulders of the widow.

Perhaps the only thing that distinguishes the Spartans from other warriors of the ancient world is that they were not composed of poetic works. Spartan poets preferred not to glorify people, but war, horses and gods.

But if you are more interested in cinematic Spartans, then go here and find out who played them.

8. Immortals

The "Immortals" are a group of ten thousand soldiers who were considered the elite of the Persian army. All written information about them was found in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. More about the "Immortals" nowhere, unfortunately, is not mentioned. Therefore, we cannot be one hundred percent sure that Herodotus wrote the truth, but it is also not realistic to refute his words now.

Why the elite detachment of the Persian army was called the "Immortals" is not known for certain. It is possible that the name came from mistranslation. According to some scholars, the 10,000-strong military elite was actually called, more intricately, but less intimidatingly, "Apple Bearers" (eng. Apple Bearers; "apple" is a counterweight on the shaft of a spear).

According to Herodotus, the elite legion, which numbered exactly ten thousand people, had the task of replacing, if necessary, the soldiers of the Persian army who fell in battle. One of the most famous battles in which the "Immortals" participated is the Battle of Thermopylae (approximately 480 BC). They fought against the Spartans side by side with the legendary army of Xerxes I. Perhaps they were not "Immortals". The writings of Herodotus say that the armies of Xerxes I were assisted in battle by ten thousand Persian soldiers armed with spears.

Be that as it may, the status, position and role of the "Immortals" in the war is the subject of heated debate, again, due to the lack of any evidence other than the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. And even the stone reliefs found in Persepolis did not help to advance in solving the mystery associated with the Immortals.

9. Warriors Terracotta Army

In 1974, archaeologists unearthed what would become the largest protected historic site in China, the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, which contained row upon row of at least eight thousand full-sized terracotta statues of Chinese warriors armed with real weapons, horses and chariots. This is perhaps one of the most surreal archaeological sites ever found by archaeologists.

At the moment, about two thousand terracotta statues have been recovered from the imperial tomb. Archaeologists carefully studied each of them and came to the conclusion that they are all different. This suggests that the terracotta statues were sculpted with real people, namely the soldier of the imperial army. The presented stone warriors differ in rank (officers and ordinary soldiers), as well as in the type of weapon (spear, crossbow or sword).

The history of the real army, which became the prototype for the terracotta soldiers, is quite amazing. In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang (real name Ying Zheng) declared himself emperor, ruler of the Qin kingdom, ending the centuries-old era of the Warring States. He managed to do this in part by adopting a total war mentality.

Qin Shi Huang's army by default had one indisputable advantage: due to its inland location (in a territory remote from the sea or border), it began to expand its own lands to the east, while gaining an excellent and much-needed opportunity to practice military affairs, as well as access to resources that other states did not have. In addition, the warriors of Qin Shi Huang improved the chariots. When Qin Shi Huang took the throne, his thirteen-year-old heir, the future ruler, plunged into the study of the methods and techniques of warfare.

Oddly enough, but in history almost nothing is said about the real warriors who helped Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the unification of China. He died in 210 BC; with his death the dynasty fell.

10. The army of ancient Macedonia

Everyone knows who Alexander the Great was (better known as Alexander the Great in Western historiography), even those who have a vague idea about the history of the Ancient World. He is one of the greatest conquerors of all times and peoples; naturally, to become such without a strong and powerful army he would hardly have succeeded. Also, Alexander the Great had to partly thank his father, Philip II, for this, who created a great military culture.

When Philip II took the throne of Macedon, the bulk of the Greek army was still largely a volunteer force. After spending several years in Thebes, Philip II decided to create an army of mercenaries. He established the cavalry, which previously did not exist in principle, and the detachments of hypastists. Among them were simple shield-bearers, "silver shields" (argiraspids) and the royal guard (from the ancient or Scandinavian word "warda" or "garda" - "guard, protect"). They acted in conjunction with the most notorious ancient Greek military units, the phalangites, but historians have no idea what kind of weapons and armor they had, what they looked like and what role they performed. It is only known for certain that they were considered invincible in battle.

Philip II also decided to upgrade the weapons of the Falangists. He took away their heavy, bulky shields, replacing them with smaller ones, and provided them with longer spears, as well as improved siege weapons (ladders, towers, and battering rams) and artillery. Alexander the Great will be the first commander to use them on the battlefield. At the other end of the spectrum were skirmishers and highly mobile partisan detachments, which easily navigated even the most difficult and impassable terrain, moved at incredible speed, attacked the enemy with lightning speed, received the necessary information and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Philip II and Alexander the Great also created heavy cavalry units, the total number of which was two thousand people. On the battlefield, they were covered by light cavalry armed with spears.

Philip II created great army, which has become a homogeneous, unified fighting force, faithful to the oath given to its king.

Material prepared by Rosemarina

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In an anarchic system like international relations, military power remains the best currency. A state may have great culture, art, philosophy, brilliance and glory, but all this is worthless if the country does not have sufficient military strength to defend itself. As Mao Zedong put it bluntly, "political power comes from the barrel of a gun."

Of all types of armed forces, undoubtedly, the main ones remain ground troops- for the simple reason that people live on earth, and will continue to live like this in the foreseeable future. As noted political scientist John J. Mearsheimer noted: “Land forces, supported by air and navy, are main view armed forces in the modern world.

In fact, according to Mearsheimer, the war against Japan on pacific ocean was "the only example of a superpower war in modern history when the ground forces themselves were not the main factor influencing the outcome of the war, and other power tools, that is, aviation and navy, played a greater role than just an auxiliary one. Despite this, Mearsheimer argues that in this war too, "the ground forces played a very important role in the defeat of Japan."

Thus, it is the ground forces that serve as an indicator that determines military force countries. But how can we determine which troops were the strongest in their time? Based on their ability to win decisive victories time after time and their ability to allow their country to dominate other countries, this is the function of the ground forces, since only the army can ensure such conquest and control. Here are some of the most strong armies in history.

Roman army

The Roman army conquered the Western world for several centuries. The advantage of the Roman army was its tenacity, the Romans returned and fought again and again even after the worst defeats. The Romans demonstrated this during the Punic Wars when, despite their lack of knowledge and resources, they were able to defeat the Carthaginians by first showing more patience and then taking them by surprise by landing troops near Carthage.

© HBO, 2005 Frame from Rome

The Roman army gave the soldiers enough incentive to fight vigorously and stubbornly. For poor soldiers, winning the war meant getting land. For landowners, the protection of property and the acquisition of additional wealth. For the Roman state as a whole, victory meant security.

All these incentives encouraged the Roman soldiers to fight harder, and morale is an important factor in determining the combat effectiveness of an army. Equally important was the use of a battle formation of several lines, which, among other advantages, allowed the Romans to replace the soldiers of the first line with fresh warriors who fought already tired enemies. The Roman army, often led by brilliant generals, used its mobility to gain an advantage on the offensive, especially against adversaries who thought primarily of defense.

As a result, over the course of three hundred years, Rome turned from a regional Italian power into the master of the Mediterranean Sea and the countries surrounding it. The Roman legions, army units made up of professional soldiers who had served for 25 years, were well trained and well equipped with iron weapons. The legions were located in strategically important areas, while maintaining the integrity of the empire and keeping enemies at the borders. The Roman army, despite some setbacks, was in fact unrivaled in strength by rivals in its region.

Mongolian army

The Mongols, numbering roughly one million when they began their conquest in 1206, were able to take over most of Eurasia within a hundred years. They defeated armies and countries that often possessed human resources that exceeded the Mongolian ones by tens and hundreds of times. The Mongols were an unstoppable force that appeared out of nowhere and conquered the Middle East, Russia and China.

©, Marco Fieber

The success of the Mongols is associated with many strategic and tactical techniques introduced by Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire. The most important factor was the mobility and endurance of the Mongols. For starters, the nomadic lifestyle allowed the Mongols to move huge armies over gigantic distances in remarkably short periods of time, as the Mongols could live off their herds and the blood of their horses.

The mobility of the Mongols, indeed, was associated with their reliance, mainly on the cavalry. Each Mongol mounted warrior had three or four horses to keep them fresh. The cavalry, armed with bows and shooting at a gallop, gave the Mongols a great advantage over the infantry armies. The mobility provided by the horses, along with strict discipline, provided the Mongols with the opportunity to use new tactics, in particular, a strike and a quick retreat, as well as a primitive form of blitzkrieg.

The Mongols also gave great importance terror. They deliberately ravaged cities and slaughtered defeated enemies in order to instill fear in future enemies.

Ottoman army

The Ottoman army at the peak of its power conquered the Middle East, the Balkans and North Africa. It almost always far outnumbered its Christian and Muslim neighbors. In 1453, she conquered one of the most impregnable cities in the world - Constantinople. For five hundred years, it remained the only player in a region that previously consisted of dozens of states, and until the 19th century held out against its neighbors. How did the Ottoman army succeed?

© public domain, Turkish infantry in the war of 1897

The Ottoman army began to actively use cannons and muskets before its opponents did, who continued to fight with medieval weapons. On the rise of the empire, this gave a great advantage. The cannons took Constantinople and defeated the Persians and the Egyptian Mamelukes. One of the main advantages of the Ottoman army was the use of elite infantry units, the Janissaries. Janissaries were trained for military service from childhood, and they were very loyal and combat-ready.

Army of Nazi Germany

The Wehrmacht, the army of Nazi Germany, shocked Europe and the whole world, accustomed to the protracted battles of the First World War, by conquering most of Central and Western Europe for several months. At some point, it seemed that the troops of Nazi Germany were about to conquer the gigantic Soviet Union.

The German army achieved these successes using new blitzkrieg tactics that combined the use of new weapons and communications, combined speed, element of surprise and concentration of forces with awesome effectiveness. In particular, armored troops and motorized infantry, supported by short-range aviation, were able to break through enemy lines and encircle the opposing forces. On the early stages war, these opposing forces were often so overwhelmed and overwhelmed that they put up minimal resistance.

© AP Photo, Adolf Hitler receives a military parade in Berlin, 1934

The blitzkrieg required well-trained, combat-ready troops, and Berlin had them in abundance. As historian Andrew Roberts noted, "One on one, German soldiers and their generals largely outnumbered the British, Americans, and Russians both offensively and defensively throughout World War II."

Although Nazi ideology and the crazy leader undermined the Wehrmacht war effort, Nazi Germany fell due to lack of resources and soldiers.

Soviet army

The Soviet Army (until 1946 - the Red Army) contributed more than any other army to the victory in World War II. Really, Battle of Stalingrad, at the end of which the entire German Sixth Army surrendered, is almost universally considered a major turning point in the European theater of operations.

© RIA Novosti, Vladimir Akimov

The victory of the USSR in the war and its ability to threaten the rest of Europe for four decades after the end of the war is not due to superior technology (with the exception of nuclear weapons), nor with military genius. Stalin's military leadership proved disastrous, especially early in the war, and in previous years he purged many capable commanders from the army.

The Red Army was a military monster rather due to its gigantic size, defined by territory, population and industrial resources. As the famous historian of Nazi Germany, Richard Evans, explained: “According to the USSR’s own data, the Red Army lost in the war more than 11 million soldiers, 100,000 aircraft, more than 300,000 artillery pieces, more than 100,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery mounts. Other sources estimate losses personnel even higher, up to 26 million people.


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It must be admitted that during the war there were manifestations of military genius, especially when Stalin supported a few capable commanders, as well as promising weapons from a technical point of view, for example, the T-34 tank. But they did not play a decisive role in the success of the USSR, since the army continued to make huge sacrifices during the battle for Berlin.

With the exception of nuclear weapons, Soviet army era cold war not too different from this in comparison with their opponents. Although the NATO bloc had technical superiority during the forty years of struggle, the USSR had a numerical superiority in many categories, especially in terms of the number of soldiers. For this reason, in the event of a conflict in Europe, the US and NATO planned to early stage use nuclear weapons.

US Army

For most of its history, the US has refrained from maintaining a large army. This was by design: the American Constitution gives Congress the power to provide and maintain a navy, but with regard to the army, it says that Congress can raise and maintain an army as needed.

© AP Photo, Oksana Dzadan US Army captain near a Stryker armored fighting vehicle

Until the end of World War II, the US followed this model, raising large armies for the duration of the war, but quickly disbanding them after hostilities ended. At the same time, since the beginning of the 20th century, the American army has been very effective, especially in wars against states. It was America's entry into World War I and World War II that helped tip the balance in favor of the Allies. The US also destroyed Saddam Hussein's army in Kuwait in 1991 and in Iraq in 2003.

More tellingly, the United States was the only power in history capable of quickly and effectively deploying numerous ground forces. This is one of the main factors in the success of the American army. Lacking as many soldiers as the USSR, the US Army is made up of highly trained military personnel using the latest weapons. The army is supported by the most powerful navy and air force the world has ever seen.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

Wars - this is what has always been, how many people live on the planet. Military uniform in different times and in different countries not like one another. It is interesting to know which warrior is the most handsome.

The most famous scout

After the film "Lawrence of Arabia" was released, the most famous intelligence officer was a man named Thomas Edward Lawrence. His role in the First World War is enormous.

While studying at the University, Thomas traveled a lot. Basically, these were trips to Syria, where he managed to thoroughly study the way of life of this eastern country. Being very hospitable, the Arabs always greeted Lawrence warmly. He ate simple food with them, learned to ride a camel, learned their dialects, and even wore Arabic clothes.

Soon British intelligence drew attention to young man and invited him to specialize in Arab affairs. Thanks to his activities, sabotage detachments were organized from among the Bedouins, which then operated in Arabia and Palestine. Not without the influence and help of a scout, one of the Turkish ports was taken by the Arabs during the war for independence from Turkey.

The same intelligence officer contributed to the change of padishah in the twenties. As a result, the one that was more convenient for England came to power. As a result, relations with the USSR heated up, there was a question about sending troops to Afghanistan.

The oldest paratrooper in Russia

Respectable warriors are paratroopers. In Russia, the most famous and oldest paratrooper was Alexei Sokolov. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2013, when he was one hundred and two years old, he passed away.

This man has lived interesting life. He participated in the Finnish company, heading the headquarters of a tank brigade battalion in those years, then in the Second World War, he defended Leningrad, after that in the war with Japan. In 1948, with the rank of captain, he became deputy for the technical part of one of the parachute regiments.

Sokolov gave more than seventy years of service. Last years he was engaged in the military-patriotic education of youth, he was an honorary chairman in the Council of Veterans.

The most beautiful warrior in the world

The beauty of a warrior largely depends on the military uniform he wears. Many years have passed since the end of World War II, but the form of the Third Reich still remains the most beautiful among all known forms.

The designers of the black SS uniform were Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck. Hugo Boss founded a company in 1924, which was engaged in sewing uniforms for the Hitler Youth, the SS and the Wehrmacht. The factory was located in Metzingen, where convicts and French prisoners worked.

The form of the Third Reich is beautiful, diverse and interesting in terms of the reasons that led to specific design decisions.

It should be noted that in those years, Hugo Boss, as a trademark, no one knew. The company was originally engaged in sewing raincoats and overalls for workers. Receiving a defense order made it possible to save the precarious situation. Seventy-five thousand private German tailors were engaged in sewing uniforms, one of them was Hugo Boss.

Interestingly, there is also a very funny form. Most often, soldiers of the guard of honor stand in such an absurd form. Ridiculous are the robes in which the Greek Evzones march in Athens at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, because of this, rare tourists can refrain from laughing. They are wearing heavy woolen uniforms, double woolen stockings.

The Corps of the Swiss Guard is hired to guard the Pope. The uniform they wear was developed by Michelangelo and has not changed for four hundred years. Today, this uniform resembles a clown outfit.

The Fiji guard of honor are strong guys wearing tattered skirts. On their feet are slippers.

The strongest and greatest warrior of all time

They talked about great warriors, they talk and will always talk about them. These are called Spartacus, Napoleon and Cortes. Atilla is considered a great and mysterious warrior. Can't say Richard Lion Heart, who, being the king of England, became the head crusade to Jerusalem. Tokugawa Ieyasu is considered the great Japanese samurai commander.

The greatest military leader of all time is Alexander the Great. Conquering the world has been his dream since childhood. Thanks to military victories, the borders of the empire stretched from India to Greece.

The Mongol Khan Genghis Khan is recognized as a great warrior and brilliant commander. The great Tamerlane managed to conquer the territory from the Volga to Samarkand.

A skillful strategist of the Ancient world is Hannibal. Being an enemy of the Roman Republic, he led the Punic Wars. He stood at the head of a huge army and was able to cross with him the Alps and the Pyrenees.

great warrior and national hero Russia deservedly named Alexander Suvorov. In his military career there was not a single defeat. This commander had no equal in the art of war.

The famous commander who devoted his life to defending his homeland was Alexander Nevsky. Next to him you can put the name of another Russian commander - Dmitry Donskoy, who managed to defeat the Mongol horde with his army.

The strongest warriors were not only strong people. Real strongmen - for example, athletes. According to the site, the strongest people in the world are athletes and can even move ships.
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