By what phonetic identification. Orthograms and their signs. The concept of "identifying signs of orthograms"

, teacher-speech therapist of BEI "Gymnasium No. 76"

Topic: Identification signs of orthograms as a means of forming spelling vigilance

Among the areas of work to prevent and eliminate dysorphography in younger children, the development of spelling vigilance occupies an important place. As he writes, “the lack of spelling vigilance or its weak formation is one of the main reasons for the mistakes made. This reason nullifies good knowledge rules and the ability to apply them: the student does not see spelling in the process of writing.

Thus, the concept spelling vigilance " implies the ability to quickly detect orthograms in the text and determine their types. Spelling vigilance is inextricably linked with the ability to evaluate each sound in a word, to distinguish in what position it stands. To have spelling vigilance means to be able to evaluate a sounding word from the point of view of the presence of "problem places" in the word - weak positions. The ability to detect and check spellings before they are written is a basic spelling skill.

It is impossible to form stable spelling skills and abilities without developing the ability to detect identifying signs of spelling. Identification signs of orthograms are a kind of signals, signs of orthograms. They make the student listen carefully to the sounding speech, activate speech-auditory attention to the search for spelling. Unfortunately, the reserves contained in the knowledge of theoretical information about the identifying features of spellings and the ability of students to recognize spellings by ear based on these features are not sufficiently used in school practice.

The concept of "identifying signs of orthograms"

The concept of "identifying sign of a spelling" was introduced into the methodology of teaching the Russian language in the mid-60s of the XX century "to indicate the conditions for choosing a particular spelling" in connection with the problem of spelling vigilance.

In 1970, he clarified the content of the concept by defining the identification feature of a spelling as a special signal of the presence of a spelling in a word or between words and - at the same time - one of the conditions for choosing a particular spelling. A general list of identifying features was proposed different types spelling.

1. Mismatch between letter and sound.

2. Sounds that give the most mismatches (dangerous sounds). It is necessary to teach children as early as possible to notice in words such “dangerous” sounds (letters), such positions in words, such pairs of sounds:

Vowels - a, o, and, e;

Pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants;

Combinations: zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu;

Combinations: stn-sn, zdn-zn, in which unpronounceable consonants may occur;

Consonants p, k, f, t, s, w at the end of a word, which may turn out to be weak positions of phonemes b, d, c, e, h, g;

Letters i, e, e, u;

Soft consonants;

The ending, the junction of the prefix and the root, and much more.

3. Morphemes: root, prefix, suffix, ending; connecting vowels in compound words Oh; return particle sya (s). The combination of morphemes - two prefixes, 2-3 suffixes.

General identifying signs of orthograms are:

1) discrepancy between sound and letter, between pronunciation and spelling;

2) "dangerous" sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations), their memorization and constant attention to them;

3) morphemes, their selection, prediction of orthograms in them and verification.

As for the discrepancy between the letter and the sound, spelling and pronunciation - the main sign of the spelling, this sign “works” only in those cases when students hear the word and at the same time see its letter image. However, in the process of writing from dictation, a younger student often cannot detect discrepancies between sound and letter.

"Dangerous" sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations) - the sounds themselves (sound combinations, the place of sounds in words, letters, letter combinations), giving the greatest number of mismatches. In the process of learning, children memorize a set of those sounds and sound combinations (letters and letter combinations) that can represent orthograms and lead to an error. Students get acquainted with most of these combinations already during the period of literacy.

In order to learn how to find the third identification feature of orthograms - morphemes in words, combinations of morphemes, the student must learn the topic "Word formation". Knowing how to determine a morpheme in a word, the student purposefully searches for a spelling, because he knows which spellings can be found in the prefix, which ones - at the root, which ones - at the end or at the junction of morphemes. The Minefield Chart provided in the Parent's Guide How to Teach Your Child to Write Without Mistakes can help with this. The diagram clearly shows which orthograms can be found in each part of the word. Armed with such a "mine detector" - an index of identifying signs of orthograms in various morphemes, a student can gradually master the skill of finding a spelling in any part of a word.

These groups of identification features can be attributed to common for most orthograms. In addition to common identification features, each type of spelling also has private signs, inherent in only one type, sometimes - a group of similar orthograms.

Classificationandidentifying signs of orthograms.

There are several classifications of identifying signs of orthograms, which not only do not contradict, but also complement each other.

Classification of identification signs of alphabetic type spellings according to weak and strong positions;

Classification of identification features of orthograms according to their general and particular features;

Classification of identification signs of orthograms (taking into account the principles of spelling);

1. Classification of identification features of alphabetic spellings according to weak and strong positions.

Letter type


Identification signs of spelling

Weak positions

Strong positions

Vowel unstressed

The presence of hissing and c

before vowels


End of the word

consonant cluster

N before suffix

H before the end

b indivisible

Soft consonants

-[ca] at the end of verbs,

Hissing at the end of a word

b and b separating

Sound [th] after consonants

and before vowels.

2. Classification of identification features of orthograms according to their general and particular features

Spelling name

Identification signs (general and particular)

Unstressed vowels in the root (checked and unchecked)

a) lack of stress; b) vowels a, o, i, e; c) place in a word

Voiced and voiceless consonants

a) couples consonants b-p, g-k, v-f, d-t, s-s, w-w; b) place in a word (at the root, at the absolute end of a word or before a consonant)

Silent consonants

a) "dangerous" combinations of sounds or letters stn, zdn, sn, zn, etc.; b) place in a word

Dividing b

the presence of sound [j] after a soft consonant, the presence of vowels i, e, u, ё

Dividing b

a) the presence of a sound after a consonant, the presence of vowels e, i, u, ё (vowels [e], [a], [y], [o] after [j]; b) the place of the spelling: at the junction of the prefix ending into a consonant, and a root

Separate spelling of prepositions, continuous spelling of prefixes

a) the presence of a sound combination, which may turn out to be a preposition or prefix; b) part of speech: the verb cannot have a preposition, the preposition refers to a noun or a pronoun

Capital letter in proper nouns

a) place in the word: the first letter; b) the meaning of the word: name or name

Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

a) place in the word: the first letter; b) place in the sentence: first word

Combinations Zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu

the presence of word combinations

ь at the end of nouns after hissing

a) the presence at the end of the word is always soft hissing h and u or always hard sh and zh; b) part of speech: noun; c) gender: male or female

Unstressed noun endings

a) the place of the spelling: in the ending; b) presence at the end unstressed e-and; c) part of speech: noun

Spelling of the endings of adjectives - oh, - his

a) the presence of such a combination; b) their place: at the end of the word; c) part of speech: adjective

Spelling of unstressed personal verb endings

a) part of speech: verb; b) place: at the end of a word; c) the presence of familiar endings ut - yut, at-yat, lack of stress; d) verb tense: present or future

3. Classification of identification signs of orthograms

A feature of the classification of identifying signs of spelling, presented in the educational and methodological manual "Speech therapy work on the correction of dysorphography in younger students with general underdevelopment speech ", is that in addition to the general and particular identification features of spellings, the principles of spelling are indicated, which correspond to these spellings. So, for example, the spelling "Unstressed vowels (checked) at the root of the word" corresponds to the morphological principle of writing. Among the general and particular identification features of orthograms (what children recognize), the author includes such as

A. Unstressed (lack of stress on the root vowel).

B. Vowels [a], [o], [e], [and] as the most "dangerous". B. The unstressed vowel is in the root. Vowels [a], [o], [e], [and] are called the most "dangerous".

However, in reality in unstressed position sounds [o], [e] in the roots of words are not pronounced. Instead of them, either [a] or [and] are heard and that is why there is a “danger” wrong choice letters. The very presence of these sounds at the root of a word in an unstressed position indicates the need for verification. Children should pay attention to this fact.

It is very effective for learning to recognize signs of spelling. simulation technique . When modeling a spelling, its general and particular identification features are taken into account. The symbols generally accepted in school practice are used: the root of the word is an arc, strong position vowel or consonant - plus sign, weak position- minus sign". The use of models is based on theory formation of mental actionsand goes through the following steps:

Finding identifying features of orthograms in terms of external speech using material supports ( symbols, schemes)

Finding identifying signs of orthograms only in speech terms;

Finding identifying signs of orthograms in terms of inner speech (in mental terms).

This sequence of work allows you to form the skill of determining essential identifying features and the minimum spelling field of the spelling with a gradual transfer of the process of finding them into the internal plan. This is due to the fact that visual-figurative thinking is characteristic of younger students. The introduction of a schematic representation of the spelling allows you to convert the spelling into a model or diagram, which creates conditions for the development of a visual-schematic, logical thinking. The skill to recognize the distinctive features of orthograms will be stable if the students themselves took part in their "discovery".

The compiled spelling model will help to comprehend and easily reproduce the spelling rule. On the basis of the identification features of orthograms, algorithms for spelling actions are compiled.

Thus, knowledge of the identification features of orthograms and the ability to find them is an indispensable condition for the formation of spelling vigilance. Especially important is the formation of the ability to detect spelling in the system of work on the prevention and correction of dysorphography in schoolchildren.


1. Azov work on the correction of dysorphography in younger students with general underdevelopment of speech: Educational and methodological guide.- M., Russian University friendship of peoples, 2007

2. Algazina's spelling skills: A teacher's guide. - M., 1987

4. Epiphany assimilation of spelling. / - M., 1966

5. Bogoyavlensky principles of mastering spelling, teaching spelling/// Primary School. –2003 - №4-S.39

6. and others. Problems of the formation of knowledge of knowledge and skills among schoolchildren / / Questions of Psychology, - 1983 - No. 5-S.64

7. Jedek of learning spelling/ Theoretical basis teaching the Russian language in elementary grades // Ed. . -M.: Enlightenment. With.

8. and others. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school/ ,. Svetlovskaya -M.: Enlightenment, 19p.

9. Lvov spelling in elementary grades///Primary school. -1984. №12-S.67

10. Lviv in the primary grades /. –M.: Enlightenment, p.

11. Shklyarova to teach your child to write without errors. Publishing house "Gramotey", 2003, p.4

Smaller units than orthograms are the identification features of orthograms. And large spelling units are spelling rules.

A spelling is such a spelling in a word and between words that can be depicted by different graphic characters, but only one of them is accepted as correct, that is, it is a spelling that corresponds to a certain spelling rule.

In order to find spellings in a word, it is necessary to know their identification features.

Vowels: - unstressed, after hissing and C before vowels.

Consonants: - at the end of a word, groups of consonants, H before vowels at the end of a word.

Not denoting sounds (b) - soft consonants.

Inseparable b - hissing at the end of the word [ca] at the end of verbs.

b and b dividing - sound [th] after consonants and before vowels [e], [u], [i], [e], [y], [a]

Capital letters - the beginning of a sentence, text, the presence of proper names and proper names.

Hyphen - Compound words; prefixes something-, in-, in-; suffixes -something, -or, -what; particles, yes.

Dash (when wrapping) - the end of the line.

After the identification feature is determined by which the spelling can be found, it should be determined what needs to be written in a particular case.

The choice of the correct spelling of words is carried out taking into account morphological, syntactic, phonetic features, word-formation and semantic features of words. All this contributes to the correct choice of letters when writing words.

In a spelling rule, 2-3 selection conditions are usually combined. For example, in the rule on the spelling of vowels o and e in the adjective suffix -ov– (-ev-), their choice depends on the stress (phonetic condition), on the position of the vowel after the sibilant (phonetic condition), on being in the suffix (derivational condition). There are three in total. The rule is formed in such a way that in the suffixes of adjectives, after hissing under stress, the letter o is written, without the accent, the letter is e. For example, penny, hedgehog, guard, shoulder.

Phonetic features words - this is the position and nature of the phoneme (softness, stress and unstressedness, voiced sound and deaf).

Word-formation method - the dependence of the method of checking spelling on the location in the word.

Morphological conditions - indicate the part of speech and its features. For example: debt (n., 2 cl., in. p.).

Syntactic conditions indicate the connection of words, for example: high skill (skill - what? - high).

Semantic conditions - determine the meaning of a word or the meaning of a part of a word, for example: sit on a bench, turn gray early, coastal (proximity).

Orthograms in a word can be found by identification signs (signs) ...

Spelling type Identification features
Vowels unstressed sibilant and c before vowels
Consonants end of word consonants n before vowels at the end of a word
Large the beginning of the sentence and the text the presence of proper names and appellations
not denoting sounds
b non-separating soft consonants hissing at the end of the word [tsa] at the end of verbs
b and b separating sound [th] after consonants and before vowels e, yo, yu, i, and
hyphen prefix compound words something, in-, in- suffixes something, something, something particles something, something
merged and separate spellings (space) no, no, no, no; prepositions; Difficult words
dash (when transferring) end of line

writings not by pronunciation called orthograms, i.e. correct spellings (in words tr a wah, but and the highlighted letters are orthograms). Instead of a spelling, another letter can be written in a word - incorrect spelling, i.e. an error: lo and ka - highlighted letter - spelling (correct spelling); "lo sh ka ”- the highlighted letter is a spelling mistake (i.e., incorrect spelling). A writing student constantly has a competition in his mind, a choice between a spelling and a mistake. There are many reasons for the appearance of errors (instead of spellings) (see about them below).

Each type of spelling has its own easy-to-remember signs, or identifying signs:

For orthograms - vowels: unstressed vowels ( to a current,st e on the, position of vowels after hissing and c (and yo Lud,c and rk);

For orthograms - consonants: a confluence of consonants ( I sn th,boom lcd a), end of word ( holo d ,but and );

Spelling - letters b and b : a) at separators b and b the presence of the sound [th '] after the consonant ( With[y'e] m, sem[y'a]); b) in non-separating b the presence of soft consonants in consonants (but ch oh, se[l'] dh, ko[n'] ki, ba[n'] teak), the presence of hissing at the end of the word ( ro and b,grief h ,hide h b,e sh b,splo sh b,whether sh b), the presence in the pronunciation of the verbs [ca] ( kupa tc I,bathe ts I);

Orthograms have capital letters: the beginning of a sentence, the presence of proper names ( B aikal) and own names ( AT elikaya O civil war);

For non-alphabetic spellings: the presence not and neither , prepositions and conjunctions, prefixes in- , something , on- , suffixes -or , someday , still , -s (-s) , th , -to him , compound words, end of line.

Identification signs are acquired gradually, as you become familiar with new types of orthograms. They play a huge educational role if the teacher does the right job.

45. Methods of working on the spelling rule.

Psychological science has put forward the extremely important question of the need to teach schoolchildren the methods of mental work. This is stated in the article by D.N. Bogoyavlensky: “... methods of mental work on the application of theoretical knowledge in practice should be given no less attention in teaching than mastering the content scientific concepts or rules." Algazina N.N. Formation of spelling skills. - M. "Enlightenment". 1987

That is why it is important to find such ways of learning spelling that would contribute to the formation of thinking skills in students. To do this, it is necessary to explain not only the essence of spelling rules, but also how to use them in practice, i.e. determine when to apply the rule; determine which rule to apply; in what sequence the word must be parsed in order to apply the corresponding rule to this particular case.

To this end, when studying each spelling rule, the teacher introduces students to the schemes of written and oral spelling analysis and its sample, and also uses an explanatory letter.

The spelling parsing scheme is determined by:


It is important to note that sometimes separate points of analysis, indicating what operation, what action the student should perform, provide for a far from elementary step. This operation itself may consist of a number of steps.

Let's say the parsing schema says: "Determine the declension of a noun." Can this operation be considered elementary? Obviously not.

The student must:

Put the noun of interest to him in the nominative case of the singular;

Pay attention to the ending;

Determine the gender of the noun.

The complex operation of determining the declension of a noun is worked out before it is included in the spelling analysis scheme (when studying grammatical material).

So, the parsing scheme is a prescription that determines what essential features of the spelling and in what sequence the writer needs to identify in order to correctly apply the corresponding spelling rule, in other words, the spelling parsing scheme is a prescription that determines the content and sequence of mental actions for the application of spelling rules in writing practice.

First of all, let us dwell on the content of the analysis, i.e. on what essential signs the student must establish in order to correctly apply the rules. These essential features are indicated in the wording of spelling rules. For example:

After hissing and C in adjective suffixes, it is written O under stress, without stress -E: penny, hedgehog, but: plush, calico.

According to the wording of this rule, the student must determine:

a) in what morpheme is the vowel that follows the hissing;

b) part of speech;

c) place of stress.

As for the sequence of parsing, it is advisable to take into account the following: firstly, an identification feature is called; secondly, such an essential feature or such essential features, with the help of which the student must bring the spelling under the rule; thirdly, such an essential feature or such essential features, the definition of which will allow us to resolve the issue of writing this orthogram.

The question arises in what sequence these essential features should be considered. When solving it, it is necessary to be guided by the following: first, those essential features of the spelling are considered, the clarification of which, under certain circumstances, can eliminate the need to determine other essential features.

So, when determining the sequence of spelling analysis, the following should be taken into account: first, the identification sign of the spelling is indicated, then the “selective” sign (or “selective” signs), then the “final” sign (or “final” signs).

There can be only one identifying sign of the spelling, for example, an unstressed vowel, sound [n] in the suffix. Therefore, at the identification stage, the sequence of spelling analysis does not need to be established. As for the "selective" and "final" signs of the spelling, there may be two or more of them. In this case, at the "selective" and "final" stages, it is necessary to find out the sequence of spelling analysis. In this case, one must be guided by the following: first, such a sign is determined, the establishment of which can eliminate the need to clarify another sign or other signs.

Explanatory letter.

An explanatory letter helps to teach students to apply spelling rules.

An explanatory letter is understood as a letter of students with an oral or written explanation of spelling (V.A. Dobromyslov). Oral explanation of orthograms immediately before writing a word and in the course of writing it received the name of commented writing in the experience of Lipetsk teachers. More acceptable, from our point of view, is the term "explanatory letter".

When performing exercises such as cheating and writing dictations, students explain spelling orally or in writing, i.e. indicate in a certain sequence all the essential features, the totality of which determines the correct spelling (perform spelling analysis).

In a written explanation, conditional abbreviations and underlining are used, which is reported to students when a sample of written analysis is given.

Conditional abbreviations and graphic symbols allow students to explain in writing all the spellings considered at school, i.e. fix mental actions in the process of applying the rules according to the schemes proposed by the teacher.

As for the oral explanation of the spelling, it usually represents a coherent statement of the type of reasoning. In this case, the thinking and speech of students develop and spelling rules are deeply comprehended.

Oral explanation of the spelling, which is a detailed reasoning in accordance with the spelling analysis scheme, is especially appropriate to carry out immediately after explaining the corresponding spelling rule (when students master the detailed reasoning leading to the definition of the desired spelling), when repeating and in the course of working on mistakes.

The same must be said for the written explanation of spelling. However, a written explanation also takes place when the need for detailed reasoning disappears. Students, determining the spelling, only establish essential phonetic and grammatical features, using conditional abbreviations (see Appendix No.) and underscores. At the same time, a written explanation obliges all students to analyze spellings, i.e. learn to apply the rules, and helps the teacher to identify errors in analysis that have given rise to incorrect spelling. In the latter case, it is possible, when working on mistakes and with further fixing of spelling rules, to pay attention to what students have not yet mastered and what is the cause of errors.

It is important to emphasize the following: in order for students to learn to apply spelling rules, they must, during the exercises, explain spellings before writing words that contain the corresponding spellings.

And one more circumstance should be paid attention to. It is necessary to train students in explaining spellings with auditory perception of the text.

“For spelling purposes,” writes D.N. Bogoyavlensky, - it is absolutely necessary to develop the ability to quickly, in the course of work (for example, when dictating), recognize morphemes and grammatical categories. At the same time, it should be noted that both with dictations and with all kinds of creative written works the student has to determine all this either during the auditory perception of the text, or during its internal pronunciation. Therefore, it seems natural in grammar classes to teach students to perform grammatical analysis by ear. Algazina N.N. Formation of spelling skills. - M. "Enlightenment". 1987.