Kanakin's printed notebook in Russian. Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in all cases

the second part of the workbook, you here>>

In the fourth grade, we will repeat the material studied in the lessons earlier, in grades one through three, and learn a lot of new things from the spelling and punctuation of the Russian language. If your program is the School of Russia, we continue to study using Russian language textbooks and workbooks, authored by Kanakina. The construction of the workbook itself has not changed, but the tasks have become somewhat more complicated, but still they correspond to the topics that are explained in the textbook. As usual, we do homework in the workbook in parallel with the textbook.

I must say that not all schools use Russian language workbooks, especially in the fourth grade. This is due to the fact that schools do not buy notebooks, the material base is only enough for textbooks. Parents are forced to either refuse notebooks with assignments, or buy them for their child with their own money. Again, no one, neither the teacher nor the headmaster, has the right to persuade them to buy notebooks, and that's why most do without them.

On the other hand, work in a workbook as homework consolidates the material learned in the lesson. Some people get enough textbook assignments, some don't.

In any case, we will help you with your homework .. Below the GDZ to the first part of the workbook, the lesson is Russian, the author of the notebook is Kanakina.

If you have already completed the first part and you need the second part of the workbook, you can go here >>

Answers to tasks of the 1st part of the workbook for grade 4 Russian Kanakina


GDZ 7 gurus to the topic Our speech and our language. With. four

Exercise 1, p. four

1. Read the statements about the Russian language.

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language: this is a treasure, this is a property handed down to us by our predecessors. (I. Turgenev)

  • How did you understand each statement about the Russian language? Write down the second sentence.

True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. (K. Paustovsky)

1) It is necessary to protect the purity of the language, not to make mistakes, not to distort words.

2) By the attitude of each person to his language, one can absolutely accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. Indifference to language is explained by complete indifference to the past, present and future of one's people.

Exercise 2, p. 4 - 5

2. Look at the pictures. What type of speech can be attributed to each picture? Sign the drawings.

Inner speech Oral speech Written speech

Exercise 3, p. 5

3. Read.

For a good word
No need to skimp,
Say this word
What to drink.

With an offensive word
You can't rush,
So that tomorrow
Don't be ashamed of yourself.

N. Rylenkov

  • Underline the important ideas of the poem.

Exercise 4, p. 5

4. Read. Write down these words.

Greeting words: hello, good morning.
Thank you words: thank you, thank you.
Words of apology: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Exercise 5, p. 5

5. Read. Fill in the missing words. Underline the spelling in the underlined words.

Thank you my friend, you cured me
I will never forget your kindness!

K. Chukovsky

Hello, my handsome prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?

A. Pushkin

And then the Monkeys called:
- Send me some books, please.

Exercise 6, p. 6

6. Write how you say hello and goodbye:

a) with his grandmother: Hello! Kiss!
b) with the teacher: Hello! Goodbye!
c) with a classmate: Hello! Bye!

Exercise 7, p. 6

7. Read the appeal of Prince Elisha to the month. Insert the missing letters.

Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness
round-faced, light-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are watching you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you a young princess?
I am her fiancé.

A. Pushkin

  • Name the story. Tell me, how does the speech characterize Tsarevich Elisha?

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs".

  • Tsarevich Elisey is polite and well-mannered.

    Write down the first sentence.

Month, month, my friend,
Gilded horn!


Answers site to the topic Text and its plan. With. 7

Exercise 8, p. 7

Know, cricket, your hearth

The boy took a scythe and decided to mow the grass. He cut off his leg and cried. Baba saw and said:
- You don't have to mow. You still only have to help your father. Know, cricket, your hearth.

L. Tolstoy

  • Find a sentence that can be used to title the text. Write down the title.

Exercise 9, p. 7

9. Read. Make text out of sentences. Indicate the sequence of sentences in the text with the number in the squares.


2 At the top of the Fomka-skua stands. 4 Near the water - penguins. 1 Sailing on the ocean ice house. 3 Below the seagulls settled down. 7 In the water, their enemy - a predatory killer whale roams. 5 Everyone stands in rows, evenly, like sentries. 6 In the water - no one.

S. Sakharnov

  • Give the text a title. Write it down.

Exercise 10, p. eight

10. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Z The gray-winged eagle is the king of all birds. He builds nests on rocks and on old oaks. Flying high, seeing far. Staring at the sun without blinking. Z The nose of an eagle is a sickle, claws are hooked. The wings are long, the chest is valiant. Z The eagle flies in the clouds, looking out for prey from above. He will fly into a pintail duck, a red-footed goose, a deceitful cuckoo, only feathers will fall.

K. Ushinsky

  • Find a sentence that can lead the text. Write down this offer.
  • Highlight three parts in the text, separate each part with a Z sign.
  • Make and write a text plan.

Title: The gray-winged eagle is the king of all birds.

1. The king of birds.
2. Description of the eagle.
3. Hunting for prey.

Exercise 11, p. eight

11. Read the plan. According to the plan, determine the topic of the essay. Write down the title.

Autumn in the forest

1. Motley clearing in the forest.
2. Festive dress of trees.
3. Red bunches of mountain ash.

GDZ site to the topic Types of texts. With. 9

Exercise 12, p. 9

12. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Title the text.

Handsome rooster

A rooster appeared at the window. The rooster was beautiful, all fiery red, with white earrings and a large black beak. Its crest was held proudly and resembled a bright flame.
The rooster walked importantly back and forth, and then stopped. He squinted at his grandmother, who was cutting bread. I beckoned to the stranger, but he didn't blink. Then I threw him a crust. The rooster did not eat, but gave the crust to the chickens.

N. Sidorov

  • Identify and write down the type of text for each part (description, narration, reasoning).

1st part: description.
Part 2: Narrative.

Exercise 13, p. 9

13. Read. Make up a text-reasoning from the sentences. Indicate the sequence of sentences in the text with the number in the squares.

3 And also for the fact that they climb and spin on the perches, also like parrots.

2 This name was given to them for their motley and bright, like a parrot, outfit.

1 Klestos are sometimes called "parrots".

V. Bianchi

  • Write down the type of the given text: description.

Exercise 14, p. ten

14. Read. Write a continuation of the narrative text. Write it down.

The ant found the grain. The grain was heavy. The ant couldn't move it. He called his comrades. Ants amicably piled on the grain. Together they stole the grain into the anthill.

Exercise 15, p. ten

15. Read. Compose by this beginning any descriptive text (3-4 sentences). Write it down.

What is the sky like today? It is light and clear. Clouds float across the sky. They look like bizarre animals made of fluff.

What a beautiful autumn birch! To the very top, she stands in gold. Leaves shimmer and glow. So I want to admire her outfit!

Exercise 16, p. ten

16. Read. Make a continuation of the reasoning text. Write down the written text.

I like the literature class. Do you want to know why? I really love to read. At each literature lesson, I get to know new characters, learn new interesting stories. Mentally, I am transported to the world of fiction and fantasy. I also get acquainted with the biographies of famous writers and authors of my favorite characters.

Exercise 17, p. ten

17. Read. Fill in the missing words, choosing them from the words for reference.

1. Suggestions for the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, incentive.

2. Proposals for intonation: exclamatory, non-exclamatory.


Answers site to the topic Types of offers. With. eleven

Exercise 18, p. eleven

18. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Hello! -
What special topics did we say to each other?
Why a drop of sun
increased in the world?
Why a drop of happiness
increased in the world?
Why a little joyful
did life become

V. Soloukhin

  • What sentences on the purpose of utterance and intonation did the author use in the text?
  • Write down any interrogative sentence.

Why did a drop of sun increase in the world?

Exercise 19, p. 12

19. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Serve your country right! ⇒ incentive

Friend is known in trouble. ⇒ narrative

Do not drive the horse with a whip ⇒ incentive

Where does the boletus grow? ⇒ interrogative.

  • Connect each sentence with a line according to the purpose of the statement.
  • Compose and write down the answer to the question contained in the interrogative sentence.

Boletus grows under aspens.

Exercise 20, p. 12

20. Read. Insert the missing letters.

What a beautiful autumn! How clear are the skies!
How the amber forests shine and burn
In shades of gold, in crimson tints!
How the sun shines in the waves, on fresh fields!

P. Vyazemsky

  • What kind artistic means does the author use to express his attitude to the autumn season?
  • Underline the words that are used figuratively.
  • Fill in the missing words in the description of the sentences of the poem:

Sentences on the purpose of the statement are narrative, exclamatory on intonation.

Exercise 21, p. 13

21. Read. Make suggestions for this beginning. Write them down.

What a beautiful autumn in the forest! (narrative, exclamatory)

One day we went to the mountains. (narrative, non-exclamatory)

Why do birds fly south? (interrogative, non-exclamatory)

Don't break tree branches! (incentive, exclamatory)

  • Be prepared to describe each proposal.

Exercise 22, p. 13

22. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Between thinning tops
Blue appeared.
Noisy at the edges
Bright yellow foliage.

A. Tvardovsky

  • How many sentences are in these lines? Put a punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.

Two suggestions.

  • Make up and write down a question to the second sentence.

What foliage rustled at the edges?

Exercise 23, p. 13

23. Read. Come up with and write down a second sentence that will be a continuation of this one.

High in the sky, like huge swans, clouds float. From a bird's eye view, they look at the ground.

GDZ site to the topic Appeal. With. fourteen

Exercise 24, p. fourteen

24. Read. Insert missing punctuation marks and read poetic lines expressively.

Lush oak forests, where is your robe?
Where is your beauty, luxurious land?

N. Gnedich

  • Fill in the missing word in the sentence.

The underlined words are references.

Exercise 25, p. fourteen

25. Read. Name the story.

Gerda! My dear Gerda! Where have you been for so long? Where was I myself? How cold it is here!

G.-H. Andersen

  • Emphasize references.
  • Be prepared to explain punctuation at the end of sentences.
  • Compose and write down your proposal with an appeal.

"The Snow Queen".

Olya, do you like sweets?

Exercise 26, p. fourteen

26. Read the dialogue. Insert the missing punctuation marks in the dialogue.

Hippo, shut your mouth,
You scare the people!
I honestly confess to you:
I smile at everyone!

E. Krasnorutsky

  • Emphasize the appeal.

GDZ website to the topic Main and secondary members of the proposal

Proposal basis. With. fifteen

Exercise 27, p. fifteen

27. Read. Make riddle sentences about lightning, clouds, dragonfly from each group of words.

1. A red-hot arrow fell an oak near the village. (Lightning.)

2. A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly.)

3. White geese swim across the blue sea. (Clouds.)

  • Write the riddles, and in brackets the answers.

Exercise 28, p. fifteen

28. Read. Enter the missing subjects in the first group of sentences, the predicates in the second, and the secondary members of the sentence in the third.

I. 1. Here the rain splashed. 2. The sun disappeared behind the horizon. 3. Sleeping village.

II. 1. The puppy was given milk. 2. A green grasshopper sits on a blade of grass.

III. 1. We are painting a landscape. 2. The guys were picking berries.

Exercise 29, p. 16

29. Read. Spread every offer minor members.

  • Write down common sentences.

The forest birds fell silent. Storm clouds rolled in.

The wind picked up sharply. Bright lightning flashed.

Exercise 30, p. 16

30. Read the words from the sentences of A. Savin's poem "Miracles". Guess what those suggestions were.

The smoke is on the street
The house of pipes knocks him down.
A spoon climbed into the attic
The cat fell off the table.
Pies are baked in the river
The fishermen sit by the stove.

  • What sentences did the artist illustrate? Why did such miracles happen?
  • What suggestions did you make? Write down the first three sentences.

The house is on the street
The smoke from the chimneys knocks him down.
A cat climbed into the attic
A spoon fell off the table.
Pies are baked in the oven
The fishermen sit by the river.

Exercise 31, p. 17

31. Read. Insert the missing letters.

A flock of cranes is flying high in the sky. Cranes fly one after another. They fly and hum, as if talking.

  • Underline the sentence that does not have a subject. Why doesn't it have a subject?
  • Underline the grammatical basis in other sentences.


Exercise 32, p. 17

32. Read. Indicate the main word in each phrase with an x. Write questions from the main word to the dependent.

Snail (what?) Water.
Creeps (how?) Slowly.
Creeps (where?) along the stem.
Crawls (where?) under water.

  • Make up sentences from these phrases.

A water snail slowly crawls along a stem under water.

Exercise 33, p. 17

33. Read. Orally, make up phrases from these words, and then sentences. Write down the proposal.

The dove was cooing, the dove was sitting, sitting on the top, on the top of the pine tree.

At the top of a tall pine, a wild dove cooed.

Exercise 34, p. eighteen

34. Read.

x x
Golden moon. Above the autumn garden.
She shone over the garden. The moon was shining.

  • What pair of words make up a sentence? Underline the main terms in it.
  • What pairs of words are phrases? Indicate with an X the main word in each phrase.
  • Make sentences from phrases. Write it down.

The golden moon shone over the autumn garden.

Exercise 35, p. eighteen

35. Read. Underline the grammatical basis in each sentence, write out the phrases.

Quietly autumn leaves fall from the birches.
The rays of the sun brightly illuminated the forest clearing.

1. Leaves (what?) are autumn, fall (how?) Quietly, fall (where?) from birch trees.

2. The rays (what?) of the sun, lit up (how?) brightly, lit up (what?) a clearing, a clearing (what?) forest.

Exercise 36, p. eighteen

36. Read. Correct the sentence by changing the word order. Write down the corrected sentence.

Crossbills were merrily circling over a tall spruce.


Answers site to the topic Homogeneous members of the proposal

What are homogeneous members of a sentence? With. 19

Exercise 37, p. 19

37. Read. Underline the basis of each sentence.

1. Rain, wind, snowfall flying head over heels from the sky. (V. Stepanov). 2. Clouds are friendly, spring, pearly rush over me. (A. Fet). 3. Forest rattled, groaned, crackled. (N. Nekrasov).

  • What members of the sentence are homogeneous members in each sentence?

1. subject; 2. minor members; 3. predicates.

  • Write out homogeneous minor terms along with the word to which they refer.

1. Rain, wind, snowfall are flying.
2. The clouds are friendly, spring, pearl.
3. The forest rang, groaned, crackled.

Exercise 38, p. 19

38. Read.

1. We picked strawberries and raspberries in the forest.
2. Forests turned yellow, dropped leaves.
3. Swifts and swallows flew to warm countries.

  • Underline the main clauses in the sentences.
  • Connect the homogeneous parts of the sentence ...

Exercise 39, p. twenty

39. Read. Find deals with homogeneous members. Indicate them with a + sign in circles.

Warm, clear, quiet days of autumn have set in.

Long cobwebs fly in the calm air, silvery.

Silently shone the autumn day with a blue sky.

A great stillness stood over the deserted fields, over the ravines, over the entire great Russian steppe.

  • Write a sentence with homogeneous predicates. Underline the words in it.

In the still air flying, silver long cobwebs.

  • Find sentences with homogeneous secondary members. Circle the secondary homogeneous terms.

Exercise 40, p. twenty

40. Read the riddle.

He got on the table
from under the bench
looked at the stand.
flexible tail
folds from a tie licked.
(Electric iron).

T. Belozerov

  • Insert missing letters and commas.
  • Underline the basis of the sentence.

Exercise 41, p. 21

41. Read. Insert missing letters and commas. Underline the basis of the sentences.

The summer sun floats over the fields, over the dusty road. I lie in the green grass, inhale the damp smell of earth and plants. White, golden, blue flowers sway overhead. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Exercise 42, p. 21

42. Read. Insert the missing letters.

september harvester carnation
february calendar chamomile
october tractor driver plant

  • Underline the odd word in each group.
  • Make up and write down a sentence with homogeneous members, using some words from these groups in it.

In a vase on the table are carnations, daisies, bluebells.

Exercise 43, p. 21

43. Compose and write down sentences on the topic "Golden Autumn".

1. With homogeneous subjects: Birch, ash, poplar have already put on a golden outfit.

2. With homogeneous predicates: The leaves spun, danced, jumped.

3. With homogeneous secondary members of the sentence: The trees are red, gold, yellow, crimson.

A comma between homogeneous members, connected unions. With. 22

Exercise 44, p. 22

44. Read. Insert the missing letters.

The nightingale whistled and clicked in the bushes.
A dense and shady coniferous forest stood.

  • Underline the main parts of the sentence.
  • Rearrange each sentence so that homogeneous members are connected by enumerative intonation (without conjunctions). Write sentences, putting commas where necessary.

The nightingale whistled and clicked in the bushes.
A dense, shady coniferous forest stood.

Exercise 45, p. 22 - 23

45. Read. Name the story. Insert the missing letters and, where necessary, commas.

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel. The fox ran to the hut, sat under the window and sang a song. The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole. The cockerel cries: “The fox carries me through the dark forests, over the fast rivers, over high mountains". The cat and the thrush heard the cockerel's cry, rushed in pursuit and took the cockerel away from the fox.

Fairy tale "Cockerel - golden scallop".

  • Underline the main terms in the 2nd sentence. Write out phrases from it.

She ran to the hut, sat under the window, sang a song.

Exercise 46, p. 23

46. ​​Read. Make riddles from words so that the highlighted words are the answers. Write down the riddles.

They go, they go, but they do not leave the place. (Watch.)

Flashes and flashes, fire arrows. (Lightning.)

He shakes his beard, tugs at his bast, but does not weave bast shoes. (Goat.)

Exercise 47, p. 23

47. Read. Insert the missing conjunctions (a, and, but) and, where necessary, commas into the sentences.

1. The morning came overcast, but warm.
2. The light flashed brightly and went out.
3. Learning and labor live side by side.
4. The water lily opens its petals in the morning and closes in the evening.

  • Find sentences with homogeneous predicates. Underline the basis of the sentence.

Exercise 48, p. 24

48. Decipher. How many mysteries are there? Guess them.


  • Write the sentences correctly. Put commas where necessary.

It is silent during the day, screams at night, flies through the forest, scares passers-by. (Owl.)

He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. (Lock.)

Curls around the nose, but is not given in the hands. (Smell.)

Exercise 49, p. 24

49. Read. Make one sentence from each pair, but with homogeneous members. The highlighted words should become homogeneous members.

1. The boy writes beautifully. He writes slowly.
2. The autumn sun did not warm. It shone brighter than summer.
3. Clothes don't make a person. A person is made beautiful by work.
4. I can play the guitar. I can't play the violin.

  • Write down your suggestions.

The boy writes beautifully, but slowly.
The autumn sun did not warm, but shone brighter than summer.
Clothes don't make a person, work does.
I can play the guitar, but not the violin.

Answers website for the lesson Simple and complex sentences

How to distinguish a complex sentence from a simple sentence? With. 25

Exercise 50, p. 25

50. Read.

A cloud covers the sky, the waters rustled
The sun doesn't shine. Fast stream.
The wind howls in the field, the birds have flown away
The rain is drizzling. To warm climes.

A. Pleshcheev

  • Find complex sentences. Fill in the missing commas.
  • underline grammar basics in simple sentences and in parts of complex sentences.

Exercise 51, p. 25

51. Read. Continue each simple sentence to make a complex sentence. Write it down.

At dawn the wind picked up , but by noon the weather improved .
The fox wanted to eat a handful of grapes, but the owner appeared and frightened her away.
At the edge of the forest stood a huge oak, in its hollow lived a squirrel.
People mowed grass in the meadow, goats grazed nearby.

  • Underline the basics of complex sentences.

GDZ site to the topic How to distinguish a complex sentence from a simple sentence with homogeneous members?

Exercise 52, p. 26

52. Read. Insert missing letters and commas.

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.
The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed.

Z. Fedorovskaya

  • Which of these schemes will fit the first continuation and why? Circle the charts.

The second one will do.

This is a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates.

Exercise 53, p. 26

53. Read. Insert missing commas where necessary. Underline the stem(s) of each sentence.

1. Soon the forest thinned out, the branches were exposed, and the ground under it was covered with colorful leaves. (V. Bianchi). 2. Autumn settled in the garden, but the leaves of our birch remained green. (K. Paustovsky). 3. A lark took off from a thawed patch, sang, rang a silver bell (E. Shim). 4. In August, the sun warms up, and the water gets colder.

  • Find an extra offer. On what basis did you identify it?

The third sentence is superfluous, since it is simple, and the rest are complex.

Exercise 54, p. 27

54. Read.

Basilio the cat and Alice the fox

We don't rob, don't steal,
We do not play pranks, we do not mischief,
We teach simpletons to live,
Freaks and good people.
And for learning for this
We take a coin from them.

V. Berestov

  • Put commas where necessary. Underline the basic sentences.

Exercise 55

55. Read. Name the story. To whom is Lisa's explanation addressed?

The fox sat on its tail, licked its lips:

I'll explain to you now. In the country of Fools there is a magical field - the Field of Miracles. Dig a hole in this field, say three times: “Crex, fex, pex”, put gold in the hole, fill it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, fields well and go to sleep. In the morning, a small tree will grow out of the hole, instead of leaves, gold coins will hang on it. Clear?

A. Tolstoy

  • Put commas where necessary.
  • Find and write down a complex sentence. Highlight the grammatical elements in it.

In the morning, a small tree will grow out of the hole, instead of leaves, gold coins will hang on it.

Exercise 56, page 28

Read. Put commas where necessary.

2 It was autumn in the yard, and the wind blew damp. (S. Marshak)
1 Kashtanka ate a lot, but did not eat enough. (A. Chekhov)
2 A cloud is moving across the sky, a barrel is floating on the sea. (A. Pushkin)
1 In winter I walked along the swamp in galoshes, in a hat and glasses. (D. Harms)
1,2 The sky above was very bright, but towards the horizon it thickened, and its color resembled lead. (K. Paustovsky)

  • Divide the sentences into two groups. Before sentences with homogeneous members (in circles), put the number 1, before complex sentences- number 2.

Exercise 57

Read a folk song. Fill in the sentences with the missing verbs and the missing letters in the words.

A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank carries a head,
Waving a white wing
She shakes off water on the flowers.

Words for reference: shakes off, carries, floats.

  • Decide whether the sentence is simple or complex. Fill in the missing commas.
  • Highlight the significant parts of the word in any three nouns.

Answers by 7 gurus to the topic Word in language and speech

Lexical meaning of the word

Exercise 58, page 29

Read an excerpt from L. Medvedev's poem "On the contrary."

In the forest, where everything is the opposite,
Angry KLOV lives
And with appetite NIGITPOT
There is wild honey chewing ...
Up on the tree AKLEB,
Under the IZHE tree,
TORK earthen who is blind,
Moves are already ...

Work in pairs: Discuss whether each combination of letters underlined is a word.

  • Read the highlighted letter combinations backwards. Write down the resulting words.

Wolf, toptygin, squirrel, hedgehogs, mole.

Exercise 59


The ancient Greeks named this flower after the rainbow goddess Irida. The rainbow crumbled into small fragments - that's where the irises bloomed. The iris has leaves that are flat like swords, so the Germans call it sword lily, and the Russians gave it the tender name for its beauty, iris.

  • Underline the flower names.
  • Explain why flowers are so named: dandelion, bluebell, carnation.

Exercise No. 60, page 30

Read. Insert the missing letters.

blizzard hammer room
frost tractor flat
work ax library
dawn spade horizon

  • Compare the words in each column by lexical meaning. Underline the odd word.
  • Match the underlined words with the same-root nouns denoting the professions of people. Write down the job titles.

Exercise 61, page 30

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Harvest, harvest!
Say goodbye to our summer!
How many sweet peas!
Cucumbers as a choice,
It's good to pick on the ridge
Big red tomato!
Run through the garden
Eat a carrot in passing.

E. Trutneva

  • What does the underlined word mean?
  • Underline the names of the fruits of garden plants. Write down other words-names of garden plants and fruits of these plants.

Radish, watermelon.

Exercise 62, page 31

Read. Write in the empty cells the words corresponding to the given meanings.

1. The sixth day of the week. SATURDAY
2. Tool for labor. SHOVEL
3. Winter month. FEBRUARY
4. Pet. DOG
5. A word of gratitude. THANKS
6. Morning meal. BREAKFAST

  • Underline unchecked spellings in words.

Exercise 63

Read. How did you understand the poem?

And here comes September! Slow down your sunrise
The sun shines with a cold radiance,
And its beam in the mirror of unsteady waters
It trembles with unfaithful gold.

E. Baratynsky

Underline the words that are no longer used in modern Russian, but have been replaced by other words.

Exercise 64

Read the tasks from the Murzilka magazine. Learn a word by its lexical meaning or lexical meaning given word. Underline the correct answer.

1. A thin plate with a cutout for the thumb, on which paints are mixed, - (music stand, underpainting, palette). 2. Underground galleries, corridors - (caricature, puns, catacombs). 3. Kifara is (an ancient Greek musical instrument, an ancient vessel for wine, an ointment for stringed instruments).

1. Palette
2. Catacombs
3. Ancient Greek musical instrument.

Exercise 65, page 32


1. Bread is harvested with combines. 2. Autumn with leaves, like gold, covers the road. 3. Clouds of mosquitoes circled above us. 4. The clock is fast. 5. The tail of the train was visible in the distance. 6. After the performance, there was a thunder of applause in the hall.

  • Underline the ambiguous words. Which of them are used in a figurative sense?
  • Compose and write down a sentence in which a polysemantic word would be used in its direct, main meaning.

Exercise 66

Read. Draw lines to connect the synonyms and then the antonyms.

Synonyms Antonyms
sticky - sticky ascent - descent
talk - chatter courage - cowardice
driver - driver laugh - cry
lilac - lilac east - west
to guard - to guard idleness - labor
polite - courteous early - late

  • Underline the studied spellings in the highlighted words.
  • Make up and write down a sentence with each word of any pair of synonyms or antonyms.

Exercise 67, page 33

Read. Choose a synonym from the spelling dictionary for each word.

children - babies soon - quickly
alphabet - primer moon - month
pattern - drawing dad - father
warrior - soldier friend - friend
cold - frost path - road

  • Write it down.

Exercise 68

Read. Underline the words in brackets that are not synonyms for the underlined words.

Beautiful (beautiful, fabulous, handsome).
Fragrant ( odorous, fragrant, sincere).
Teaching (instruction, punishment, edification).
Think (think, explain, think).
Friend (comrade, acquaintance, friend).

  • Make up and write a sentence with any word.

A beautiful flower grew in the meadow.

Exercise 69

Read. Choose an antonym for each word from the spelling dictionary.

Goodbye - hello, south - north, bad - good, west - east, white - black, breakfast - dinner, before - after.

  • Write down antonyms. Underline the studied spellings in the words.

Exercise 70, page 34


We began to fight
Checkers were launched
Checkers are not made of steel,
We played checkers.

Ya. Kozlovsky

  • Underline the homonyms in the sentences. Explain what these words mean.
  • Write down the underlined word.
  • What is your favorite game? Get ready to tell how you play it.

Exercise number 71

Read. Fill in the sentences with suitable words.

1. Weasel is an animal. Weasel is a manifestation of tender feeling. 2. Chiffchaff is milk foam and the name of the bird. 3. A cook is a cook on a ship and a tuft on his head. 4. Boxing is a sport and the name of hair cutting. 5. The bow is a garden plant and a shooting weapon. 6. The key is a spring and a tool for unlocking the door.

Words for reference: cook, weasel, bow, warbler, key, boxing.

Exercise No. 72, page 35

Read. Fill in the sentences with the appropriate words from the reference words.

1. Tractor factory and watch factory. 2. The day is hot, but the tea is hot. 3. Autumn month and a clear month in the sky. 4. The hammer is heavy and the fluff is light. 6. The hair is chestnut and the pencil is brown. 7. There is a sharp braid in the hands, and a light brown braid on the head.

Reference words:

old hot chestnut
ancient hot brown
hard month1 factory1 braid1
easy month2 plant2 braid2

Exercise number 73


Stick your nose into other than your own business,
They peck their noses before going to bed,
But one funny nose
Papa Carlo brought us.

  • Underline the lines in which the word nose is included in a stable combination of words. Explain the meaning of these expressions (phraseological units).
  • Compose and write down a sentence using any of these stable combinations.

Exercise No. 74, page 36

Read. Connect with a line stable combinations of words and their interpretation.

chop on the nose - remember
ignore - listen
get in the way - get in the way
neither light nor dawn - very early
with a gulkin nose - very little

  • Compose and write down a sentence using one of these phraseological units in it.

Exercise number 75

Read. Fill in the missing phraseological units.

Gleb hung his nose at the board,
Reddens to the roots of the hair.
He is at this hour, as they say,
Ready to fall through the ground.
What was he thinking yesterday?
When did you beat the buckets in the morning?

A. Arsyriy

Words for reference: hung up his nose, beat his bucks, fall through the ground, to the roots of his hair.

GDZ site to the topic Composition of the word

Significant parts of the word, p. 37

Exercise number 76


At the forest hut there is a small house
I visited often last spring.
In that poor house lived a gray-haired old man.

A. Pleshcheev

  • Write out single words. Select their root. Next, write down the word from which these words were formed.

House - house, house. Select the root DOM.

Exercise number 77


Work in pairs: form single-root words from these roots.

  • Write down any group of single-root words you have formed. Select their root.

Exercise number 78

Read. Circle the odd word in each column.


some water



Highlight the root in single-root words. Orally select words with the same root to one of the extra words.

Exercise No. 79, page 38

Read. Highlight roots in compound words, underline the connecting vowels.



vegetable grower
machine gun

meat grinder
leaf fall

Exercise number 80

Read prefixes and verbs. Form single-root words from any of these verbs using prefixes.

learn to paint and play
fly look talk

Write down the verbs you have formed. Select attachments in them.

Exercise number 81

Read. What words have prefixes? Select attachments.

Collect, pine, sleepy, pine, interlocutor, falcon, salt, warm.

Exercise number 82

Read. Insert the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes you know in the words.

Lived in a lake, ducks came out on the snow,
Golden carp. On the high bank
Affectionately called Gray Ducks,
Karasika - Vasik. White breasts.

T. Belozerov Z. Alexandrova

Exercise No. 83, page 39

Read. Pick up and write down words that have any of these suffixes.

Small, spruce forest, net, flower, hedgehog, dry, Russian, foal, hare, mint, rainy, leafy, button accordion player, crown.

Exercise number 84

Consider diagrams. Read the words. Determine what parts are in each word. Write the words for each pattern.

Friendly, school, nature, mail, border guards, stripe, folk, award, headphones, cloud.

Exercise number 85

Read. Continue to outline each word in these sentences.

In the aspen forest the boletus blushes.

Bear cubs play in the oak copse.

Exercise number 86

Read. Sort the words by composition.

Predmaisky, birch, harmless, entrance.

Answers to the topic Spelling of vowels and consonants in significant parts of the word. Spelling words with letters ь and ъ

Exercise No. 87, page 40

Read the lines from A. Shibaev's poem "Sad News". Why did the poet name the poem that way?

A letter came to me
I look -
From the camp, from Mishka...

  • What rules did Misha not know?
  • Correct the errors in the letter.

Here is a wonderful meadow, and I am lying.
Here - woods, a beautiful long pond.
When the squad goes on a campaign,
I sing songs...
The other day in the forest I found a breast
And I was very happy...

Exercise number 88

Read the phrases. Insert the missing letters.

  • Write down any word with checkable spellings and write down test words for it.

Exercise No. 89, page 41

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Plant, luggage, sunday, library, horizon, room, hero, station, apartment, plant, north, holidays, man, now, monday, driver.

  • Match one of the given words with the same root words. Write them down.

Baggage, baggage, trunk.

Exercise number 90

Read the roots of words of foreign origin and their meanings.

avia (lat.) - agro bird (Greek) - field
aqua (lat.) - water biblio (greek) - book
bio (Greek) - life terra (lat.) - earth

Work in pairs: pick up words with any of these roots. Write them down.

Air travel, water aerobics, biology, agronomist, library, terrace.

Exercise number 91

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Very cute, very sad
I ate a cabbage leaf from my palm,
Loves tenderness and affection, -
And then he builds his eyes,
Like a princess to a prince in a fairy tale!

  • Write down the name of the poem (it is encrypted in capital letters of the poetic lines).

Exercise No. 92, page 42


(slide) slippery ice
(dexterous) dexterous rider
(smooth) smooth track
(charm) lovely scenery
(place) local
(joy) joyful feeling

  • Pick up test word for each adjective and write it in brackets before the word to be checked. Insert the missing letters.

Exercise number 93

Read. Underline the spelling in the words. Next to each word, write down three more words with the same spelling.

Evening, help, green, ink.
Blouse, berries, sweet cue, dexterous cue.
Heart, hello, sun, holiday.
Cash register, passenger, profession, class.

  • Be prepared to explain what you need to know to spell each group's words correctly.

Exercise number 94

Read. Insert missing letters and commas. Underline the main clauses in the sentences.

Spring will come. The spring sun will melt the snow. Funny streams will run, birds will sing, frogs will wake up from their winter sleep and sing their loud songs.

Exercise #95, page 43

Read. Form single-root verbs from these words using prefixes. Write down the words and highlight the prefixes in them.

Don't take, take, take, take.
Write, sign, rewrite, write.
Carry, transport, bring, bring.

  • Underline the spelling in the words.

Exercise number 96

Read an excerpt from S. Kozlov's poem “What is my name? Tell!".

The rabbit is small / young \ cue - rabbit / onok \
Crocodile - crocodile / yonok \,
Son (horse) ki - foal / yonok \,
And who is the zebra? Tell!
At (elephant) their son is an elephant) / yonok \,
A camel has a camel / onok \,
And hedgehog/ik\a with hedgehog/onk\om
Mom and dad - hedgehog[s]!

  • Highlight those meaningful parts of words where letters are missing. Insert the missing letters.

Exercise number 97

Read. Form single-root words from each word using the suffix -ek or -ik. Write down the words, highlight the suffixes in them.

Nut, raincoat, peas, hut, bag, ruff.

Ek: nut, pea, bag.
-ik: raincoat, hut, brush.

Exercise No. 98, page 44


The dew is trembling at the end of thin grass, like a tear on long, long eyelashes. It sparkles. And joy shines.)

The last few small daisies and on the side of the road) and everyone lowered their white skirts of petals - they are waiting for the sun to warm them).

V. Bianchi

  • In what significant parts of the word are missing spellings? Insert the missing letters.
  • Say what you liked about this descriptive text.
  • Write an answer to the question "Who is the zebra?" Foal

Exercise number 99

Read. Insert the missing letters. Underline the odd word in each group.

bindweed ad shooting
departure jam days
dress pulled up lobule

Exercise number 100


Here are the wings of fishing for the people of her "god to her"
The cows lay down. Korokovoy considers:
She sat down in a flower and - She is from pests
Only dots and are noticeable! The garden is protected.

L. Gerasimova

  • Underline the studied spellings in the words.
  • Find words with the following composition: ...
  • Highlight the significant parts in any of them.

Wings) / yshk \ [and], cow, flowers, dots, cow, counts.

Exercise No. 101, page 45

Read. What fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin is this passage from?

The son rose to his feet,
He rested his head on the bottom -
Struggled a little:
“As if here in the yard about a cat
Should we do it?" he said
Kick the bottom out and get out.

  • Underline the studied spellings in the words.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Exercise number 102

Read. Restore the text and write it down in compliance with the rules of the Russian language.

hideout Alyosha saw the bed the boy took the hedgehog and stroked his hands

At the porch Alyosha saw a hedgehog. The boy took the hedgehog in his hands, stroked the soft needles. The prickly animal was not afraid, did not curl up into a ball. Grandmother Masha treated the hedgehog with milk.

Exercise number 103

Read. Continue sound-letter parsing words key.

Parts of speech

GDZ site to the topic What are parts of speech?

Exercise No. 104, page 46

Read. Connect the names of the parts of speech and their definitions with a line.

  • Choose the words for these parts of speech. Write them down. Above each word, indicate what part of speech it is.

Exercise No. 105, page 47

Read. Select and write down nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs that answer these questions. Write down the pronouns and prepositions you know.

noun: who? dog
what? house
Adjective: what? beautiful
which? green
which? big
Verb: what does it do? flies
what do they do? draw
what have you been doing? studied
What did you do? ate
what will he do? will go
what will do? will play
noun: how many? two
Pronoun: I, you, we, he, she, they, it
Preposition: in, on, behind, under, before, by.

Exercise number 106

Read. Insert the missing letters.

What do we (loc.) Motherland (n.) call (v.)?
Sun (n.) in (ex.) sky (n.) blue (adj.)
And (union) fragrant (adj.), golden (adj.)
Bread (n.) at (ex.) festive (adj.) table (n.).

V. Stepanov

  • Write the studied parts of speech above the words.

Exercise No. 107, page 48

Read. Choose and write down a proper noun for each word.

Moscow city, Moscow region, Valuyki village, Central street, Medvezhye lake, Oka river, Vaska the cat, Bulka the dog, name Vasily, patronymic Aleksandrovich, surname Petrov.

Exercise number 108

Read. Match the given nouns with appropriate adjectives.

Men's suit (m.r.), women's coat (m.r.), long road (m.r.), freeway (m.r.), fragrant lilac (m.r.), sour sorrel (m. R.), brave soldier (M.R.), sweet berry (F.R.), cabinet furniture (F.R.), hearty dinner (M.R.).

  • Write down the word combinations by inserting the missing letters.
  • Specify the gender of nouns and adjectives.

Exercise number 109

Say the words. Replace the sound designations of words with alphabetic ones. Specify the gender of nouns.

[mouse] [night]

[doctor‘] [cloak‘]

[y‘ot] [v‘esch’]

Mouse (female), doctor (m.), iodine (m.), night (female), raincoat (m.), thing (female)

Exercise No. 110, page 49

Read. Mark the accent. Underline the parts of speech above the underlined words.

Snow said:
- When I flock (verb)
There will be a river of pigeons (adj.),
It will flow, shaking the flock (n.)
Reflected pigeons (n.).

Ya. Kozlovsky

  • Underline the verbs of the future tense.

Exercise number 111

Read. Make a tongue twister out of words. Write it down.

Walked, yard, Yegor, carried, repair, an ax, through, a fence.

  • Underline the verb in the indefinite form.

Yegor was walking through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.

Exercise number 112

Read the questions and their answers.

What time is it now? It is now 11:20 am.
What time is it now? 4 hours 16 minutes.

  • Make up and write down dialogues (question and answer). Write the numbers in words.

What time is it now? It is now eleven o'clock and twenty minutes.

What time is it now? Four hours sixteen minutes.


Exercise No. 113, page 50

Read the riddle. Explain the answer to the riddle.

Front - awl,
Behind - fork,
Above - blue cloth,
Below is a white towel.


  • Underline the adverbs. Orally ask a question for each adverb.

Exercise number 114

Read. Write the part of speech above each word.

Today (adv.) suddenly (adv.) disappeared (vb.) summer (n.). (A. Fet)

  • Underline the basis of the sentence. Write out the phrases, putting the question from the main word to the dependent.

Disappeared how? suddenly. Disappeared when? today.

Exercise number 115

Read the phrases. What parts of speech formed each phrase? Fill in the missing questions how? when? where? where? where?

Sing (how?) fun, go (when?) tomorrow, turn (where?) to the right, be (where?) here, swim (how?) slowly, come (where?) from afar, look (where ?) up, return (when?) night yu.

  • Underline the spellings in the adverbs.

Exercise No. 116, page 51

Read. Insert the missing suffix -a, -o or -e into the adverb words. Mark the stress on the words.

Yesterday, to the right, together, from afar, to the left, later, tomorrow, to the right, to the left, soon, occasionally, before dark, better, satiety, soon, before, to the left.

  • Make up sentences orally with any word.

Exercise number 117

Read. Insert the missing letters.

The desert is yellow and blue. Blue above is the sky. Yellow below: in front, behind, right - around. How much the eye sees and even further - beyond the horizon.

N. Sladkov

  • Underline the adverbs that indicate the place of action.

Exercise number 118


In (pr.) heaven (n.) solemnly (adv.) and (union) wonderful (adv.)!
Sleeps (v.) earth (n.) in (pr.) radiance (n.) blue (adj.).

M. Lermontov

  • Write poetry lines.
  • List the studied parts of speech above the words.


GDZ site for the lesson Change in cases of nouns

Exercise No. 119, page 52

Read. Write down the names of the cases and questions to them in order.

R. p. V. p. T. p. D. p. I. p. P. p.

whom? what? who? what? to whom? what?
by whom? How? about whom? about what? whom? what?

Nominative case: who? what?
Genitive case: whom? what?
Dative case: to whom? what?
Accusative case: whom? what?
Instrumental case: by whom? how?
Prepositional: about whom? about what?

Exercise number 120

Read. Decline the nouns swift and dawn.

I. p. who? haircut what? dawn

Swift, swift, swift, swift, swift, oh swift.
Dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, dawn, oh dawn.

Exercise No. 121, page 53


1. An ant (I.p.) drags needles (V.p.). 2. Bumblebees (I.p.) flew from flower (R.p.) to flower (V.p.). 3. Huge hawks (I.p.) hovered in the height (P.p.). 4. White gulls circled over the water (T.p.) (I.p.). 5. The ship (I.p.) sailed to the shore (D.p.).

  • Underline the grammar in each sentence.
  • Write out from each sentence the phrases of the underlined nouns with the words with which they are connected in meaning.

It drags (what?) a needle, flew (from what?) From a flower, soared (in what?) in the sky, circled (above what?) Above the water, swam (to what?) to the shore.

Exercise number 122

Read. Insert the missing letters in the words and appropriate prepositions to connect the words in phrases.

Ask the teacher (R.p.), drove up to the village (D.p.), rode a tractor (P.p.), flew over the capital (T.p.), brought from the store (R.p.), went for luggage (T.p.), read in the newspaper (P.p.), looked at the picture (V.p.), talked on the phone (D.p.), walked on the street (P.p.).

  • Specify the case of nouns.
  • Make up and write down a sentence with any phrase.

Dad read the latest news in the newspaper.

Exercise No. 123, page 54

Read the short story.

Vobla in the Volga (VP) hit,
Vobla voble (D.p.) washed the salt (V.p.).
Vobla in the Volga (P.p.) came to life,
Vobla Volga (T.p.) swam.

T. Belozerov

  • Indicate the case of nouns used in indirect cases.

Exercise number 124

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Library, radio, driver, highway, ticket, coffee, passenger, station, telephone, collection, popsicle, sun, subway, taxi.

  • Underline the nouns that have the same form in all cases.

Exercise number 125


It's good for a cat to walk -
No need to wear a coat.
And so no one
Didn't see a cat in a coat.
Though I'm faithful to the dream -
Meet a cat in a coat
Dream does not come true
All cats without a coat ...

O. Zakharov

  • Why did you smile? What is interesting and unusual in this poem?
  • Underline the sentence where the noun coat is used in the correct form.

Answers site to the topic Three declensions of nouns

Exercise No. 126, page 55

Read the poem by V. Orlov.

winter fringe

On a pine and on a birch and left
Fringe: Unravel Spring (D.p.)
With white yarn (T.p.) This yarn (V.p.) on a birch (P.p.)
They were confused by winter (I.p.). And pine.

  • Prepare to prove that all nouns in the poem are in the 1st declension.

Exercise number 127

Read. Form from each word a single-root noun of the 1st declension.

good) th - good) ota find) it - find) ka
quiet) y - hush) ina dream) at - dream) a
white) th - white) wear of work) at - work) a

  • Write down the nouns. Highlight the root in single-root words.

Exercise number 128

Read the countdown. Find the nouns of the 1st and 2nd declension. Indicate the declination above them.

The sun2 and the moon1, He will touch the castle2,
Wind2 and wave1, Lock2 will open,
Water 1 and fire 2. Ringing 2 will sound.
Warm hand You get out!

I. Tokmakova

Exercise No. 129, page 56

Grandfather, uncle, uncle, son, son, grandfather, Kolya, Nikolai, Misha, Mikhail.

1st fold: uncle, uncle, son, grandfather, Kolya, Misha.
2nd fold: Grandfather, son, Nikolai, Mikhail.

Exercise number 130

Read. Explain how you understand the title of the poem.

July in nouns

Heat. Wheat. Dust . Wormwood.
Dragonflies. Sky. Bird. Xin .
Road. Sun. Wind. Dal.
Moment. Trembling. Cloud. Sadness.

A. Abalikhin

  • Find and underline the 3rd declension nouns. Indicate the declension of other nouns.

Exercise number 131

Read. Sort the words into groups according to declension. Write down the words. Indicate the declination in the circles.

stove oven palm
tree spruce bed
silence silence bed
palm night night

1: tree, palm, stove, silence, night, bed.
2: oven, silence, spruce, palm, bed, night.

Exercise No. 132, page 57

Read. Write the nouns in the singular form. Specify declination. Underline the studied spellings.

Mouse, doctor, rook, oven, pencil, night, thing, cloak, swift, brooch.

Exercise number 133

Read. Sort the nouns into three groups according to their declensions. Write the words in groups.

Tablecloth, poplar, conversation, uncle, ship, furniture, young man, milk, car, lilac, carrot, collection, rye, calendar, plant, shoes, piano, village, conscience, friendship.

1st fold: conversation, uncle, young man, collection, village, friendship, braid, raspberry, Christmas tree.
2nd fold: poplar, ship, milk, car, calendar, plant, piano, pie, reed, day.
3rd folder: tablecloth, furniture, lilac, carrot, rye, shoes, conscience, brooch, mouse, daughter.

  • Add three more nouns of this declension to each group.
  • Underline the studied spellings in the words.
  • Make up and write down a sentence with any noun.

Spelling of unstressed case endings

Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular

Exercise No. 134, page 58

Read the saying from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". Insert the missing letters.

In some kingdom [e] (P.p.), in some state[e] (P.p.) there lived a king) with a queen [her] (T.p.). He had three sons [a] (R.p.) - all young, single, daring such that neither in a fairy tale (P.p.) can be said, nor described with a pen. The younger son [a] (R.p.) was called Ivan Tsar)evich.

  • Find nouns in the text with unstressed endings. Indicate their case, highlight the endings.
  • Highlight the root in single-root words.

Exercise number 135

Read. Choose the correct answer from the brackets and write the missing words.

1. The highway is highway with hard surface (square, highway, street).
2. The Nile is the deepest river in Africa (Nile, Congo, Limpopo).
3. Hummingbird - a small long-winged bird with colorful feathers, living in Central and South America(cockatoo, hummingbird).

  • Underline the invariable nouns.
  • Highlight the endings in other nouns whose spelling needs to be checked.

Exercise No. 136, page 59

Read. Make two sentences from these words: in the first, use the highlighted noun in the nominative case, and in the second, in the accusative case. Write down suggestions.

Huge, on, poplar, poplar, sank, shore, sparrows, stood, lakes, a flock.

There was a huge poplar (I.p.) on the shore of the lake.
A flock of sparrows landed on a poplar.

Exercise number 137

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Ticket, shop, suit, ship, horizon, bed, strawberry, tomato, carrot, clothes, wheat, phone.

  • Make two sentences: in the first sentence, use any noun in the accusative case, and in the second - in the nominative. Write down suggestions.

The ship sailed over the horizon (Vp).
The suit (I.p.) hung on a coat hanger in the store.

Answers site to the topic Genitive case

Exercise No. 138, page 60

Before the holiday (T.p.) winter (I.p.) for a green Christmas tree (R.p.)
She sewed a white dress (V.p.) without a needle (R.p.).

S. Marshak

  • Indicate the case above the nouns. Write out phrases with nouns in genitive case.

For a green Christmas tree, I sewed it without a needle.

Exercise number 139

Read the riddles. Find drawings - clues to riddles.

1. Near the stove1 it is heated,
Washable without water.

2. Thinner than his yarn1
You won't find it for sale.

3. They have teeth, but they don't know about toothache.

  • Indicate the declension of nouns with missing endings. Insert missing endings.

Exercise number 140

Read. Compose and write down phrases, choosing nouns in the singular, genitive case with unstressed endings for these words.

birch branch psyllium seeds
pine needles calendula flowers
raspberries a drop of compote

Exercise No. 141, page 61

Read the proverbs. Insert the missing letters.

1. He fled from the wolf (R.p.), but attacked the bear.
2. Without an owner (R.p.) an orphan's house.
3. The fisherman sees the fisherman (R.p.) from afar.

  • Indicate the case of the underlined nouns.

Exercise number 142

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Engineer, agronomist, hero, soldier, driver, teacher, boy, hare, bear, rooster.

  • Make up a sentence using any of the given nouns in the genitive case. Write down the proposal.

In a fairy tale, the fox outwitted the bear.

Exercise number 143

Read the short story.

Kota (V.p.) Potap (I.p.) on the paw (D.p.) clapped,
And from Potap (R.p.) the cat (I.p.) drowned.

V. Danko

  • How to distinguish the case of underlined nouns?
  • Indicate the case above each noun.


Exercise No. 144, page 62

Read an excerpt from V. Orlov's poem "The Living ABC".

Wise nature teaches us at any time of the year.

Birds teach singing (2nd class). Spider of patience (2nd fold).
The bees in the field and in the garden teach us to work (2nd fold).
And besides, in their work everything is just (3rd sk.).
The reflection in the water teaches us truthfulness (3rd fold).
Snow teaches us purity (1st class). The sun teaches kindness (1st fold) ...

  • Explain how you understood the poem.
  • Find nouns in the dative case. Indicate the declination above them and highlight the endings.

Exercise number 145

Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. ABC - a step to wisdom. 2. Courtesy opens all doors. 3. By work and the master to know. 4. Wings are given to birds, and minds to man.

  • Underline the nouns of the 3rd declension in the dative case.

Exercise number 146

Read. Add noun endings.

A trip through Siberia, along the Volga, along Baikal; sent a letter to grandfather Mikhail; sent a letter to aunt Anna Ivanovna; act according to conscience and justice.

Exercise No. 147, page 63

Read. Write the endings of the nouns in the given forms.

1st fold. 2nd fold. 3rd fold.

R. p. -s, -i -a, -i -i
D. p. -e -y, -yu -i

Exercise number 148


Parsley (I.p.) girlfriends (D.p.)
Parsley [and] (R.p.) brought.
Girlfriend (I.p.) Parsley (R.p.)
Wrinkled her nose (V.p.):
Didn't expect anything from Petrushka[i] (R.p.)
Girlfriend (I.p.) of similar parsley [and] (R.p.).

  • How do you understand the meaning of the underlined words?
  • Specify the case of nouns. Add case endings.

Exercise number 149

Read. Write these nouns first in the genitive and then in the dative case. Use nouns with prepositions.

Playground, square, horse, horse, carrot, carrot.

R. p. at the site, at the square, at the horse, at the carrot, at the carrot.

D. p. on the site, on the area, on the horse, on the carrot, on the carrot.

Instrumental case

Exercise No. 150, page 64

Read an excerpt from J. Rodari's poem "What do crafts smell like?" Fill in the sentences with the missing nouns in the instrumental form.

Each case has a special smell:
The bakery smells of dough and buns.
The painter smells of turpentine and paint.
The glazier smells of window putty.
Loose earth [ey], field [eat] and meadow [om]
It smells like a peasant following a plow[om]
The fisherman smells of sea and fish.
Only idleness does not smell in any way.

Words for reference: fish, dough, pastry, paint, field, plow, sea, putty, land, meadow.

  • Highlight the endings of nouns in the instrumental case.

Exercise number 151

Read. Make up proverbs from the parts, using the nouns from brackets in the right case.

Don't rush (tongue) don't (shovel) dig.
(Tractor) to plow - but (business) do not be lazy.

  • Write down the proverbs. Specify the case of nouns.

Do not rush with your tongue (T.p.), but do not be lazy in business (T.p.).
To plow with a tractor (T.p.) - not to dig with a shovel (T.p.).

Exercise No. 152, page 65

Read. Indicate the declension of nouns in the instrumental case.

I make dumplings, I love dumplings,
I love with cottage cheese2, with strawberries1,
With meat2, with cherries1, with blueberries1,
With blackberries1 and cloudberries1,
But most of all - with potatoes!

  • Add noun endings.
  • Underline the words you don't know.

Exercise number 153

Read. Fill in the missing noun endings in the instrumental case.

under the raspberry over the apple tree
in front of the palace with luggage
under the cloak over the reeds
in bed with a friend
at dinner at the stove

  • Pick up other nouns of the same declension and write them in the same case.
  • Highlight the endings of nouns.


Exercise No. 154, page 66


Stripes of light on the river lie,
The clouds behind the forest burn in gold.

I. Nikitin

  • Underline the basics of the sentence. Write out from the sentence phrases with nouns in the prepositional case.

They lie on the river. They burn in gold.

Exercise number 155

Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. Lived in the city, went to the village, worked in the library.
2. Played the flute, saw on a birch, looked at the sun, drawing on the tablecloth.

  • Find and underline the odd word combination in each group. Specify the case of nouns.

Exercise number 156


Full of autumn sadness (R.p.)
Green wave.
Shaking every bush
On the shallows (P.p.) she is.

T. Belozerov

  • Indicate the case of nouns of the 3rd declension. Fill in the missing endings.

Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in all cases

Exercise No. 157, page 67


Something our grandmother (D.p.) can not sleep -
Confusion (I.p.) with yarn (D.p.) is happening!
It's good that the thread (I.p.) of the equator (R.p.)
Hidden from our kitten (R.p.)!

  • Specify the case of nouns.

Exercise number 158

Remember: nouns of what declension and in what cases have the endings -e and -i? Write in the table the names of these cases, questions to them and the endings -e and -i.

Exercise number 159

Read. Add the endings of nouns in these cases (you can use prepositions).

R. p. cymbals 1, vocabulary 2, tricks 3
Fortress D.P. 2, Light Bulb 1, Valley 1
P. p. newspaper 1, plane 2, blizzard 3

  • Specify the declension of nouns.

Exercise No. 160, page 68

Read. After each noun with a missing ending, put the declension and case in brackets. Fill in the missing endings.

1. A crow sits in the morning on the top (1st fold, P. p.) of a tree and croaks - to a blizzard (1st fold, D. p.).
2. Large flakes of snow - wait for the thaw (3rd fold, R. p.).
3. The snow is cold, but it covers from the cold (1st fold, R. p.).
4. What you learn in your youth (3rd fold, P. p.), will come in handy in old age (3rd fold, P. p.).
5. In July (2nd fold., P. p.) oats in a caftan (2nd fold., P. p.), And for buckwheat (1st fold., V. p.) And shirts ( 1st fold., R. p.) no.

Exercise number 161

Read. Insert missing endings.

Mice walked on foot
On a narrow path (D.p.)
From the village (R.p.) Pawns
To the village (R.p.) Spoons.
And in the village (P.p.) Spoons
Their legs are tired.
Back to Mouse pawns
We went on a cat (P.p.).

V. Prikhodko

  • Indicate the case of nouns with missing endings.

Exercise No. 162, page 69

Read the sentences from S. Kozlov's poem "Who sleeps like that", inserting into desired form missing nouns (use words for reference).

Sperm whale, like on a sofa [e],
Resting in the ocean[e].
Our cat Kuzya sleeps on the stove,
And in the spring [oh] on the porch [e].
By the green river Nile
Sleeping green crocodile.
A gray-haired lion with a grumbler [her] lioness [her]
Fell asleep under the big moon.

Reference words: lioness, moon, stove, ocean, sofa, river, porch.

  • Highlight the endings of nouns in oblique cases.

Exercise number 163

Read. Spread each sentence with homogeneous minor members. Add suggestions.

1. Epics tell us about the courage of Russian heroes Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets.
2. Tales tell us about the nobility of Ivan Tsarevich, the wisdom of Vasilisa the Beautiful, about the mind and ingenuity of Ivan the Fool, about the deceit of Baba Yaga.

Exercise No. 164, page 70

Read. Make up and write down phrases using the necessary prepositions.

1. Draw in the album [e] (P.p.). 2. A sheet from a notebook [and] (R.p.). 3. Ride a horse[s] (P.p.). 4. Visit Astrakhan[i] (P.p.). 5. Letter to grandfather[e] (D.p.). 6. A branch from the siren [and] (R.p.). 7. Walk along the path [e] (D.p.). 8. Left the village [and] (R.p.).

  • Indicate the case of nouns and highlight their endings.

Exercise number 165

Read. Choose an antonym for each noun from the words for reference.

From dampness [and] 3 (from dryness [and] 3), without joy [and] 3 (without sadness [and] 3), after meeting [and] 1 (after parting [and] 1), to spring [e] 1 (to autumn [and] 3), about generosity [and] 3 (about stinginess [and] 3), about heroism [e] 2 (about cowardice [and] 3), about truth [e] 1 (about lies 3 ), at dawn[e] 2 (at sunset[e] 2).

Words for reference: stinginess, sunset, cowardice, separation, lies, sadness, autumn.

  • Write the noun - antonym in brackets in the same case form as the given noun.
  • Indicate the declension of nouns and highlight their endings.

Exercise No. 166, page 71

Read. Find the spelling mistake. Fix it!

A small king bird lives on top of a spruce. She built a nest on the tips of a spruce branch. Summer and early autumn are spent in coniferous forests.

  • Write down correctly the sentence in which you found the mistake.

She built her nest on the tip of a spruce branch.

Exercise number 167

Read. Fill in the missing endings. Think of a title for the text and write it down.

First powder

Powder fell out! Footprints are visible on the snow tablecloth. Hunters are looking at the area. Here at the aspen in the clearing there are traces of a hare. Here he listened to the stillness of the night. At the edge of the forest, the footprint of a fox. There are traces of a squirrel from the birch. She hid in the top of a tall spruce. The hunter returned without prey, but the day of the first powder remained joyful and bright.

I. Sokolov-Mikitov

  • Perform a written analysis as a part of speech of any of the highlighted nouns.

Spelling of unstressed case endings of plural nouns

Exercise No. 168, page 72

Read. Underline the nouns that are not used in the form plural.

Berry, Volga, sugar, honey, brave man, daredevil, valley, sour cream, vermicelli, seaweed, Mars.

Exercise number 169

Write down the nouns that do not have a singular form.

Sledges, skis, skates, rollers, tights, pliers.

Exercise number 170

Write down invariable nouns that have only one number form.

Cafe, cocoa, highway, piano, coffee.

Exercise number 171

Orally decline the noun bullfinch. Write down the endings of this noun in each of the cases.

I. p. -i D. p. -yam T. p. -yami

R. p. -ey V. p. -ey P. p. -yah

Exercise number 172

Read. Underline the basis of the sentence.

And now the frosts are already cracking (pl., I.p.)
And they are silvering among the fields (plural, R.p.).

A. Pushkin

  • Specify the number and case of nouns.

Nominative case

Exercise No. 173, page 73

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Why with the advent of cold
Are the tracks brittle?
Because puddles at night
Glass was inserted into the windows.

S. Ostrovsky

  • Find plural nouns and indicate the case above them.
  • Underline the subject of each sentence.

Exercise number 174

Read. Insert the missing letters. Add the plural endings of the nouns in the nominative case.

Machinists, astronauts, engineers, drivers, agronomists, cooks, teachers, combine operators, tractor drivers, directors, librarians, travelers, doctors, passengers.

  • Make up and write down sentences with any noun, using it first in the nominative case, and then in the accusative case.

The cooks are preparing dinner.
I saw the cooks in the kitchen.

Answers site to assignments on the topic Genitive case

Exercise No. 175, page 74

Read. Mark the stress on the words.

Icicles, like the noses of herons (R.p.),
And they melt like caramel.
I hear the sound of April drops (R.p.),
The spring drop sings.

Ya. Kozlovsky

  • Find nouns in the plural in the genitive case, indicate the case above them. (in herons, drops)
  • Underline the grammar in the second sentence.

Exercise number 176

Read. Write the nouns in the genitive case, plural, along with one of the underlined words.

Tree, village, boots, socks, glasses, thicket, cloud, city, business, boots, mittens, geese, gosling, towel, mouse, cloud, brother, sister, tool, shovel, newspaper, comrade.

Many villages, trees, clouds, cities, cases, geese, mice, comrades.
There are no tools, thickets, clouds, brothers, sisters, shovels, newspapers.
A pair of towels, boots, socks, glasses, boots, goslings.

Exercise No. 177, page 75


What can be heard in the Meshchersky region, except for the hum of pine forests? The cries of quail[s] and haw[s], the whistling of the oriole, the fussy clatter of woodpecker[s], the howl of wolves[s], the rustle of rain[s] in the red needles, the evening weeping of the accordion[s] in the village, and at night the discord[s] of the shepherd[s] ] and the beater of the village watchman.

K. Paustovsky

  • Find in the text nouns in the genitive plural form. Highlight their case endings.

Exercise number 178

Read. Make phrases from the numeral and nouns in the genitive plural.

16 (kg, apples and peaches).

11 (names, professions).

8 (m, ribbons), 8 (pair, stockings).

12 (parrots and canaries).

20 (pair, sneakers and shoes).

12 (km, railway lines).

  • Write down the word combinations. numbers, conventions units of weight, measures of length, write down the full word.

Sixteen kilos of apples and peaches.

Eleven job titles.
Eight meters of tape, eight pairs of stockings.
Twelve parrots and canaries.
Twenty pairs of sneakers and shoes.
Twelve kilometers of railway tracks.

Exercise No. 179, page 76

Read. Explain the meaning of one of these proverbs.

Do not judge people (VP), but notice yourself.
Meet people (VP) not with flattery, but with honor.
Live for people (R.p.), people will also live (I.p.) for you.

  • Indicate the case above the noun in the plural form.

Exercise number 180

Read an excerpt from K. Ldov's poem "Mr. Teacher Beetle." Insert missing commas.

Here are dragonflies, flies, midges,
Bees, wasps and bumblebees,
Ants, crickets, boogers
They came to the lesson to Zhuk.

  • Compose and write down the answer to the question.

Who does the Beetle teach the alphabet?

The beetle teaches the alphabet to dragonflies, flies, midges, bees, wasps, bumblebees, ants, crickets, boogers.

Exercise number 181

Remember the fairy tale of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit". Make up and write down a sentence for this beginning.

Aibolit treated a bunny, a moth, hippos, ostriches.

Dative, instrumental, prepositional cases

Exercise No. 182, page 77

Read an excerpt from M. Pozharova's poem "Winter Spell". Insert the missing letters.

Decorated Winter:
Fringe on the dress
From transparent ice floes (R.p.),
Snowflake stars (R.p.).
All in diamonds (P.p.), pearls (P.p.),
In colorful lights (P.p.) ...

Exercise number 183

Read. Add the names of the cases. Connect the names of the cases and the endings of the nouns in these cases with lines.

Dative -ah, -ah
Instrumental case -am, -yam
Prepositional case -ami, -ami

Exercise number 184

Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. Fish (D.p.) - water, birds (D.p.) - air, and man (D.p.) - the whole earth. 2. Lunch is red with pies (T.p.), and the river - with banks (T.p.). 3. Live in neighbors (P.p.) - be in conversations (P.p.).

  • Indicate the case of nouns in the plural form.

Exercise No. 185, page 78


There on unknown roads to [ah] (P.p.)
Traces of [s] (I.p.) unseen animals [s] (R.p.).
The hut is there to smoke their knife k[ah] (P.p.)
It stands without a window (R.p.), without two r[s] (R.p.) ...

A. Pushkin

  • Indicate the case of nouns in the plural form, highlight their endings.
  • Underline the studied spellings.

Exercise number 186

Read. Insert the missing letters.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov painted a wonderful painting "The Snow Maiden".
Winter. Night. Dark forest. The moon illuminates the snowdrifts. Sharp diamond stars shine in the twilight of the sky.
A girl in a beautiful dress ran out into a silvery clearing. The girl is wearing a fluffy brocade fur coat, a hat with a fly edging, and warm mittens. The brocade on the fur coat is embroidered with an amazing pattern: not with snowflakes, but with strawberries.
AT radiant light, as if alive, small firs tremble, a thin birch trembles. Flickering in the depths of the forest, like fireflies, the lights of village huts.
The spell of the Russian fairy tale warmed the soul of the artist. In this picture, he embodied the poetry and charm of his native nature.

According to I. Dolgopolov

Exercise No. 187, page 79

Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

Hello winter guest!
Please have mercy on us
Sing the songs of the north
Through forests and fields.

I. Nikitin

Choose any noun and get ready to talk about its grammatical features.

Exercise 188

Consider the drawing.

Make up a story based on the picture. Write it down.

Frosty winter day the guys decided to spend in the air. Vasya and Petya went skiing. Kolya and Anya merrily circled the ice on skates. Vanya rolled down the hill on a sled. Only Bobik ran around the guys and barked. He also wanted to ride.

GDZ Russian language Grade 4 Workbook School of Russia

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