Synopsis of the lesson in the Russian language "the role of adjectives in speech". Adjective name Adjective names make our speech beautiful and

summary other presentations

"Russian obsolete words" - They barely sound in me, old ones, forgotten words. Write out obsolete words. Goals and objectives of the lesson. The servants poured out of the people's huts. Outdated words. How do you understand the title of the topic of the lesson. Archaisms. Obsolete words are used in a feature film. Oleg chuckled, but his brow and eyes clouded with thought. AT explanatory dictionary obsolete words are given with the mark "obsolete". Missing words. Dolon - palm.

"The use of phraseological units" - Name the phraseological unit, explain its meaning. relatives abroad. Phraseologism. The difference between phraseological units and free phrases. Underline all phraseological units in this text. The origin of phraseological units. Choose antonyms for these phraseological units from another column. What is phraseology. Which of the two phrases is a phraseological unit and why. "From head to toes". Choose synonyms for these phraseological combinations.

"Declination of cardinal numbers by cases" - Dictionary distributive dictation. Spelling. Examination. Declension of cardinal numbers. Genus forms. Case. Numerals. Small task. Roots with alternation. Attention. An exercise.

"The pronoun" myself "" - Additional material. The meaning of gender and number can be expressed in agreement with the word. Phraseologisms. Which pronoun has two sounds, but one letter. Find synonyms, words or phrases for these words. Reflexive pronoun of self. Acquaintance with theoretical material. syntax function. Guess the riddles about the pronouns in question. A little physical exercise is a good discharge for you.

"Antonyms in Russian" - Problematic issues. Targets and goals. Many proverbs are built on the opposition of antonyms. Conclusions. Let's do an experiment. Research progress. The thing is nonsense. Research result. Hypothesis. Antonyms.

"Declination of numerals" - Checking the exercise. Unstressed vowels. Basic concepts. Vacation. Table. Examination. The words. Fixing the rule. theoretical material. Automobile. The ending. Numeral. We fix the rule with an exercise. Roots with alternation. Integer. Rule.

Lesson topic

The role of adjectives in speech


Create conditions for the ability to recognize names

adjectives and how to use them correctly

Lesson type

Development of knowledge and methods of action, solving a learning problem


They have initial ideas about the unity and diversity of linguistic and

cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of the national

self-awareness; exhibit a positive attitude towards proper oral and

writing as indicators of general culture and civic position



Show ethical feelings, benevolence and emotional and moral

responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people; aware of the role

language and speech in people's lives; emotionally “experience” the text, express their


Universal learning activities


general education - possess the skills of semantic reading of texts

different styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives: consciously build

speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts

in oral and writing; brain teaser - compare, find differences

and similarity of texts; carry out the analysis of objects in order to highlight the features (essential, non-essential).


are able to predict, anticipate the result and the level

assimilation, its temporal characteristics.


express their thoughts orally and in writing

(at the level of a sentence or a short text)

The main content of the topic, concepts
and terms

Adjective. The role of adjectives in the text. Text. Types of texts: scientific, artistic. Description text.Chamomile


Textbook,presentation; cards for research work; for training exercises and to test student learning.

During the classes

    Org. moment.

Everything is fine with us:

Albums, books and notebooks.

We are ready to start the lesson

Call soon for us, call!

    Knowledge update.

Read the poem.

I am an interesting part of speech

wide in known to the world,

Describe any item

There is no equal with me in this.

Speech with me is expressive,

Accurate and amazing.

To speak beautifully

I need to appreciate!

OWhat part of speech is in the poem? (About an adjective).

II I . Statement of the educational task.

Game "Know"

    Grey, predatory, greedy...

    Cunning, cunning, red-haired ...

    Oblique, weak, cowardly ...

    Big, spiky…

What do the words mean, thanks to which you guessed who they are talking about?

What part of speech are they? What do you know about adjectives?

- What do you guys think, what is the role of adjectives in speech? (Adjectives make our speech more precise, vivid and expressive.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson. (The role of adjectives.)

What will we study? (Determine the role of adjectives.)

IV . "Discovery" of new knowledge by children. Group work.

- In order to better understand (clarify) this I suggest you read a short text.

In the zoo, the guys saw an animal from afar. He has ears and a nose. It lives in countries.

- Do you know what kind of animal you are talking about? Is it interesting to read such a text?

-Words, what part of speech do we need to insert in order to guess who we are talking about? (Names are adjectives).

- Try to fill in the missing words that would give us more information about the animal and help us guess much earlier who the text is talking about?

In the zoo, the guys saw a huge animal from a distance. He has wide ears and a long nose. It lives in hot countries.

How has the text changed?

- Title and write the text.

( Examination. Students in a chain read words with spelling and explain their spelling. (The work is carried out on an interactive whiteboard.)

- What part of speech helped identify the animal?(Adjective). - Do we need adjectives in speech?
Conclusion: adjectives make our speech more precise, vivid and expressive.
What signs of objects are called adjectives in this text?

V . Primary fastening.

Group work.

- Try to fill in the missing words that would give us more information about the animal.

Card 1.

Pick up and insert adjectives into the text to make a story about bears.

The Bears.

____________ bears live in the forest. They are _______ predators. Although _______ bears have a ___ species, they are herbivorous animals, because they eat berries, mushrooms, nuts in _______ quantities. ________ bears - _____ anglers .

Words for reference: large, brown, herbivores, dangerous, beautiful, big, scary.

Card 2.

Insert appropriate adjectives to make a story about a wolf.


The wolf is a _________ animal. He lives in the woods. The wolf has __________, ___________ teeth, _______, _______ hair. The tail of a wolf is _________. Legs _________ , __________. We saw a wolf. U-U-U -______________ what!

Words for reference: predatory, cowardly, gray, sharp, fast, big, strong, long, thick, cowardly, scary.

Card execution algorithm

    Fit missing words.

    Emphasize main members.

2. Working with a word from a dictionary

a). Solve the riddle.

Who doesn't know you

Wild flower:

white eyelashes,

Golden eye.(Chamomile.)

- Find the wordchamomile in the spelling dictionary.Write it down in your notebook. Define the spelling.Make a sentence with the wordchamomile, write it down.

3. Work according to the textbook

Ex. 119 (p. 68).

- Read the texts.

- Find a description of the flower in each text. Read.

- Compare the adjectives given in the texts. What did you notice?

- Which text provides a more accurate description? Justify your answer.

- Which part of speech gives more Full description plants?

- What is description text?

VI . Inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition. Independent work.

- Read the text.

On hot summer days it is good to wander in a birch grove. A warm wind rustles green leaves overhead. It smells of mushrooms, ripe fragrant strawberries. The sun's rays break through the dense foliage. It’s good to lie in the clean grass, throwing your hands under your head, looking up, where over the tops of the birches in the blue summer sky float and float, like white swans, high clouds.


Write off. Find adjectives in the sentences, underline them with a wavy line. Mutual verification.

VII . Reflection learning activities on the lesson.

The analysis and creative processing of the acquired knowledge is carried out.

(work in pairs)

- Let's try to systematize all our knowledge about the adjective and fill in the table






Role in speech

VIII . Summary of the lesson.

Generalization: The adjective is the most descriptive part of speech. Adjectives can describe the color, smell, shape of any object, tell about our feelings, character, appearance, feelings, mood ...

Complete the sentences:

Today I found out….

Now I can…

I managed…

Lesson taught me for life...

I wanted…

Homework: ex. No. 120

in speech,

formation of the ability to use names in speech

nyh; increase in cognitive and creative activity,


2) development of communication skills, activation

vocabulary, development of oral and written speech.

3) cultivate love, interest in learning the language.

Tasks: enrichment vocabulary students, formation

Lesson type: lesson learning a new topic

Equipment: ID, textbook, riddles, table, OK

During the classes

I. Organizational and motivational moment

1. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson

2. Interpretation of the word " ADJECTIVE"

Why do you think this part of speech is called: adjective»?

The very name of the part of speech - the adjective - already contains a hint

to the fact that this word should be “attached” to something, attached.

What words are adjectives attached to?

Why are adjectives attached to nouns? Are they

do we need?

3. Situational scene-dialogue

1) Leaving for work, mother hastily “gives orders”:

Nurai, please cook porridge, and you Bakhtiyar, go to the store for

But after she hears the question:

What kind of porridge to cook? Semolina, rice, millet or buckwheat?

And Bakhtiyar also hurries to ask:

And what kind of bread to buy, white or black?

And mom clarifies: you need to cook rice porridge, and buy bread

Conclusion: A very important part of speech is a noun that gives

names for all objects, phenomena of the surrounding reality. But how

our language would be poor if we knew nothing about the subject, except for its


Whatever we do, wherever we are, we are accompanied everywhere

questions: WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? Answering these questions, we call

various signs, which the object has: humanwhich? kind,

witty, smart... Weatherwhich? frosty, sunny, windy… All these

words that are "attached" to nouns to denote

various signs, and received the name of adjectives.

4. Acquaintance with theoretical material (p. 127)

1) Drawing up OK


self - stands for what? depend from definition

body sign which? nouns or

What is the part of speech of the subject? ( gender, number, case) predicate

adjectives make our speech more

precise, expressive

III. Fixing exercises

1. Developing the skills of combining adjectives with nouns

Choose the right word

Near the seaside oak, fluffy

chain on oak vol. snowy

And day and night the cat is green

Everything goes around in circles. white


On the ------- branches scientist

----- border

Brushes blossomed

----- fringe.

2. Write down 5 adjectives from the textbook dictionary. Pick up to

nouns feminine, masculine, neuter. With any of them, make 2 declarative sentences.

Compositions-miniatures (descriptions, narratives)

How I saw the snow Winter holidays


Trees in the snow

2. Conclusion about 2 types of texts, the concept of reasoning

Name of speech types

What question is being answered in the sentence?

What does the statement say


What object, person, nature?

O signs(object, person, nature ...)


What's happening with a person, object, nature?

O events and actions


Why object, person, nature are these?

About the reasons signs, events, actions

V. Working with text (Ex. 8)

What is art?

1. Reading text

2. Vocabulary work

3. Conversation, drawing up OK

What is art" width="693" height="528 src="> (encyclopedia, internet)

Guess the riddles

The adjective plays a big role in speech because, firstly, it denotes the signs of objects, and secondly, it decorates our speech. And finally, they can be a means artistic expressiveness- epithets.

Each object has signs in which its peculiarity is manifested. To name the features of an object in the language there are special words - adjectives.

Adjectives help us to select the desired item from many identical items. Our speech without adjectives would be like a painting painted with gray paint. Adjectives allow us to convey the beauty, brightness, variety of objects around us, make our speech more expressive and accurate. With adjectives, speech is like a bright colored picture, perhaps even richer than a picture, since adjectives not only denote the colors of objects, their sounds, smells, taste, but also express an attitude towards the objects that are spoken about (Babaitseva, 1993: 109 ).

A distinctive feature of the use of adjectives in different functional styles is the predominance of relative adjectives in scientific, official and business styles and the abundance of quality adjectives in artistic speech. This shows the influence of extralinguistic factors that determine the semantic-thematic selection of quality words in texts of different content and functional and stylistic affiliation (Golub, 1997: 337).

So, referring to relative adjective in legislative documents is due to the need for frequent expression in them of relations between persons and the state, persons and objects, etc. A lot of adjectives play the role of terms, and are also part of stable phrases-terms and proper names (about 30%): commonwealth Independent States, State Duma, federal troops. It is significant that in formal business style the most common are short adjectives with the meaning of modality. As a rule, they indicate an obligation or prescription: Every citizen is obliged; Written transactions must be signed by the persons who made them; Expert call required(Golub, 1997: 338).

In business documents, adjectives of this group make up 75% of all short forms, while in scientific texts their use is noted extremely rarely, and in artistic speech they practically do not occur.

In the journalistic style, there is also a specialization of some semantic groups of adjectives, which are given a special place in the evaluative vocabulary carrying a large expressive load. These are adjectives like dense, unbridled, terry, rabid, landslide etc. In publicistic speech they act as pointers the highest degree the quality conveyed by the nouns to which they refer.

However, it would be wrong to exclude from the composition of adjectives used in book styles, commonly used lexemes, which, as a rule, are presented in any text; For example, in a scientific monograph:

The application of mathematical methods in psychology ... is associated with enormous difficulties, and above all because the construction of a probabilistic model of the phenomenon-a fairly subtle task, sometimes requiring even more effort than the subsequent work of a mathematician with such a model(Golub, 1997: 343).

In book styles, adjectives that serve a purely informative function are not used in figurative meaning and do not allow synonymous substitutions in the case of terminology, for example:

The book, ready for release, includes, in addition to the author's text, a number of additional texts... Therefore, it became necessary to distinguish between the volume literary work, paid to the author, from the full volume of the book. For this purpose, a unit of measure has been introduced-publishing sheet. To measure the amount of paper used to make a book, a printed sheet is used.

This use of adjectives, which excludes the orientation towards the aesthetics of speech and pursues only a practical goal, corresponds to the functional and stylistic specificity of the use of the morphological resources of the language.

The potential figurative and expressive possibilities of the adjective are realized in artistic and journalistic speech, which provides stylistics with extensive material for observation. The stylistic significance of adjectives as a source of speech expression in these styles of speech can hardly be overestimated. " quality words”, as adjectives are sometimes called, is the most picturesque part of speech. It is no coincidence that writers attach great importance to the precise use of adjectives-definitions, seeing in this a manifestation of professionalism and skill (Golub, 1997: 350).

The appeal to adjectives is dictated by the need to describe in detail the appearance of the hero: I see, as now, the owner himself, a man of about fifty, fresh and vigorous, and his long green frock coat with three medals on faded ribbons ...(Pushkin). Adjectives are also involved in the creation psychological portrait character, description of his habits, way of life, etc.: These so-slandered overseers are generally peaceful people, naturally obliging, prone to cohabitation, modest in their claims to honors and not too greedy.(Pushkin).

A rich tradition of stylistic assimilation of adjectives-epithets in various descriptions, and above all in landscape sketches, has developed in Russian fiction. Let's illustrate this with an example of a description of a moonlit night: ... The moon appeared, dousing the sea with a silver sheen. Big, meek, she slowly floated up the blue vault of the sky, the bright brilliance of the stars paled and melted in her even, dreamy light.(M. Gorky). The dominance of adjectives in the system of expressive and visual means is also manifested in the fact that the nouns, verbs, adverbs involved in the context are also often associated with their meanings with the concept of quality; compare: shine, light, turned pale, slowly.

In the Russian language, peculiar semantic rows of adjectives have been defined, which form a rich palette of colors when recreating pictures of nature. For example, the light of the moon in a romantic context is often drawn using adjectives: pale, blue, silver, silver, mirror, lemon, yellow, languid, mysterious, ghostly, enigmatic. To describe a realistic (often reduced) picture of a moonlit night, other adjectives are used: [moon] big, huge, round, red, red, blood-red; cf .: The disk of the moon, huge, blood-red, rose behind the trees of the park(Kuprin). The frequency of using such epithets can lead to the birth of literary clichés that receive a negative assessment in style. However, true masters of artistic speech show great ingenuity in combining words (as A.S. Pushkin puts it). The richness of the semantic groups of adjectives in the Russian language creates ample opportunities for their creative application. So, A.S. Pushkin could pick up to fifty adjectival definitions for one word in different contexts (Golub, 1997: 351).

At the same time, the refusal of writers to use adjectives when depicting nature in artistic text can become unique stylistic device, demonstrating the author's ironic attitude to the metaphorical syllable, the desire to "de-romanticize" the landscape. This technique is implemented, for example, in M. Gorky's story "Revenge": Nightingales and the moon, shadows, the smell of flowers-all this was available and in quantity much larger than was necessary in the course of affairs. The reader involuntarily compares this phrase with the landscape sketch at the beginning of the story ( This river and reeds along its banks, and behind it dark, lush trees are so beautiful, bathed in the wonderful, friendly light of the moon ...): the author's refusal to use adjectives-epithets is regarded as an expression of protest against the falsity of "beautiful words".

The stylistic meaning of the adjective in the system of expressive resources of morphology puts it in special position compared to other parts of speech. The author's ability to find artistic definition often serves as a criterion for a good style. Therefore, the comments of experienced writers about the style of young authors are especially often related to the use of adjectives.

When using adjectives, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion, not abusing epithets that generate verbosity. A.P. Chekhov advised the young Gorky: “When reading proofs, cross out definitions where possible ... It’s clear when I write:“ man sat on the grass"... On the contrary, it is incomprehensible and hard for the brains if I write:" a tall, narrow-chested, medium-sized man with a red beard sat down on the green grass, already trampled by pedestrians, sat silently, looking around timidly and timidly.". This does not immediately fit in the brain, and fiction should fit right away, in a second ”(Golub, 1997: 352).

The material we studied about the features of the functioning of adjectives in different styles of speech became a linguistic justification for the problem we are developing of developing the speech of younger students.

As a result of the analysis of linguistic literature, the following was established:

1. The name adjective as a significant part of speech does not have an unambiguous solution in terms of considering its volume and content. In a broad sense, the adjective includes ordinal numbers, separate pronominal words, which also denote signs of objects or point to them. Our work presents the traditional understanding of the adjective as a part of speech denoting a feature of objects and expressing it in the inflectional categories of gender, number and case, usually acting in a sentence as a definition and nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

2. By meaning and grammatical characteristics, adjectives are divided into 3 categories: qualitative, relative and possessive. This classification is used in school practice and adopted in our work. We also considered other classifications of adjectives, in particular, the one proposed in the Russian Grammar, which involves the division of adjectives into two lexical and grammatical categories: qualitative and relative, relative, in turn, into proper-relative, ordinal and pronominal, proper relative - into non-possessive and possessive. Another variant of the classification of adjectives involves dividing them into significant and pronominal; significant adjectives - into qualitative and relative; relative - into proper-relative and ordinal, proper-relative - into non-possessive and possessive.

3. The adjective, like the noun, has grammatical categories of gender, number and case. The paper describes the difference between these grammatical categories for the named parts of speech: for nouns they are semantically significant, for adjectives they depend on nouns, are not connected with the facts of reality, as a result of which they are inflectional.

4. In speech, adjectives play an important role. They designate a sign of an object, decorate our speech, and can act as means of artistic expression - epithets. A rich and flexible system of adjectives contains versatile figurative and expressive possibilities that are realized by the aesthetic function of this part of speech. The adjective also performs an informative function and is used to narrow the scope of the concept expressed by nouns, which makes the adjective indispensable in all styles, but especially when it becomes necessary to specify the meaning expressed by the subject word.

The thesis examines the role of adjectives in various styles of speech. Adjectives make speech more precise, represent in detail the object, the appearance of a person, his character, actions, etc. This function of adjectives is especially important for the development of speech of younger students. The formation of the ability to use adjectives in oral and written speech, in addition to expanding and enriching the vocabulary of younger students, contributes to the development of their ability to observe, notice various signs of objects of the surrounding reality. The next chapter is devoted to solving the problems of developing the speech of younger students in the process of using adjectives.