What to do if you forgot the words? Five keys to getting out of an awkward situation. how to deal with stage fright what to do forgot words to a stage

Dima Bilan gave a concert at the Bryansk Circus on April 23rd. At the press conference preceding his speech, the Eurovision 2006 laureate seemed very thoughtful, sometimes indulging in philosophical discussions about life, human envy and the burden of "superpopularity". As it turned out, the singer did not feel very well.

The writing brethren gathered especially for Dima Bilan's press conference even from nearby cities: Kaluga, Orel, Voronezh, Smolensk. The arrival of the singer in these cities is not yet planned, and therefore the journalists decided to urgently go on a business trip to Bryansk in order to be able to ask at least one question to the star performer. Closer to seven, instead of the planned six hours, Dima Bilan appeared in the circus assembly hall, accompanied by several guards - very tanned, in jeans, a black jacket with a zipper and traditionally in a cap.

Are you currently involved in any TV projects, shows, films?

The fact is that all this is very difficult ... That is, there is a constant struggle of priorities, you have to choose. There is little free time, and there are a lot of offers, and therefore it is not always possible to participate where we would like ... But I recently starred in Andrey Konchalovsky's film "Gloss" (about the backstage Russian world fashion - Approx. ed.), recorded two soundtracks for it, and soon there will be two videos in support of them.

Tell us about your work with Nelly Furtado, are there any pastel scenes planned in your joint video? And, is it true that you are going to record a duet with Madonna?

Thinking, expressing a desire is one thing, but when everything comes out later, it’s completely different ... I have already recorded my vocal part with Nelly Furtado. And as for the love scenes, then, by the way, Nelly. That is, if she is a hypocrite, then maybe she will act in such scenes. The song, in general, is about feelings, and not about how cool it is to have sex .... And with Madonna, we don't record anything. But for the last two months I have been working with Timberland, just don't confuse it with Timberlake! Although he also worked with him, he is generally a very famous and very important producer in the West. I really liked working with him, his worldview is close to me ...

Suddenly, seeing a sheet of paper with a pen on the table (left by one of the journalists for a subsequent autograph), Dima mechanically pulled them towards him and began to enthusiastically draw scribbles, continuing to answer questions ...

Did the production scandal surrounding your stage name get on your nerves?

I was and remain Dima Bilan! There is no danger that my name will be taken away from me ... The scandal ruffled my nerves slightly, I'm not afraid of anything at all! It just all happens because of human envy! They envy the rather high results that my producer Yana and our team have achieved over the past 2.5 years ... You see, I have never contradicted myself in anything, this is important. But it's really hard to be super popular, even though I have a very modest opinion of myself. Superpopularity is when a person stays on a star top for a long time, so in my case, time will still judge ...

You didn't want to challenge the results of Eurovision 2006, did you come second?

And they told me that I was the first! (Smiling).

And what did they promise you for winning Eurovision?

There was talk that if I enter the top three, then I will have a yellow Hummer, and now I drive it. Who gave? Well, that's another question, it doesn't matter.

Are you involved in charity work?

You see, everything is rather complicated here….. That is, I believe that this is not just local help - to come, give and leave! Everything is much more important to do charity work, you need to hold some kind of political post, have a political status. Although I have an idea to arrange an Internet auction soon to sell my personal things there, as well as things donated to me, and then send the proceeds to charitable purposes. These will be my things involved in the shooting, in any extreme scenes.

Which of your songs do you think will go down in history?

- (Pause) Maybe my song "On the Shore of the Sky" will remain in history - this is a very romantic ballad. If you analyze the most popular songs, you will understand that love ballads always remain at the top, they are timeless.

What is good for you to live?

Do what you love, be surrounded by loved ones.

Questions would continue to pour in, but time was running out, and the artist went to get ready to enter the arena. It is worth saying that the singer was polite and friendly while talking with reporters, but he seemed to be either sad or tired ... As sources close to the organizers confirmed, Dima Bilan really did not feel very well, but did not want to advertise this .

The singer's rider turned out to be classified. In Bryansk, Bilan's team (musicians, three dancers, security service) stopped before a concert in one of the city's hotels. In the dressing rooms of the circus, the singer and his team were waiting for a “mass of food” prepared in advance (sandwiches, fruits), as well as an impressive number of bottles of mineral water and juice.

The hall was full to the beginning of the concert. Dima Bilan appeared at the circus arena at half past seven: in jeans, now and then slipping off him, exposing the elastic band of his underwear, a white shirt, a black vest and a cap. True, the cap soon flew to the floor, and the shirt became wet, so I had to change clothes.

Dima Bilan began the concert with several new, yet not too well-known compositions to the general public, and, despite the name of the Time-River program, the song of the same name from his third album was not heard. In the middle, performing "Mulatto", Bilan decided to be naked at all, throwing off his shirt with a vest and demonstrating to numerous fans a tanned pumped-up torso.

The whole concert was accompanied by the roar of the girls and the flashes of their cameras, cameras and mobile phones. Bryansk young ladies gathered for Bilan's concert as if for a holiday, and therefore the neckline was deep, the skirts were short, the make-up was colorful, and the bouquets of flowers were lush. The extremely loyal security guards of the singer, who surrounded the arena, then allowed the fans to sit down with bouquets on the ring of the arena in order to directly hand them to the singer.

During the concert, Bilan managed to perform all his hits, an opera-style song in Italian, change shirts and a belt on jeans three times, climb onto the speakers, collect a lot of bouquets, allow one of the girls to kiss her cheek, dance "Kalinka" in a new way , forget the words once and say goodbye to Bryansk in two hours.

Olga KATINA, for NEWSmusic.ru.
Photo - Svetlana SHTIMENKO.

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Dima Bilan gave a concert at the Bryansk Circus on April 23rd. At the press conference preceding his speech, the Eurovision 2006 laureate seemed very thoughtful, sometimes indulging in philosophical discussions about life, human envy and the burden of "superpopularity". As it turned out, the singer did not feel very well.

The writing brethren gathered especially for Dima Bilan's press conference even from nearby cities: Kaluga, Orel, Voronezh, Smolensk. The arrival of the singer in these cities is not yet planned, and therefore the journalists decided to urgently go on a business trip to Bryansk in order to be able to ask at least one question to the star performer. Closer to seven, instead of the planned six hours, Dima Bilan appeared in the circus assembly hall, accompanied by several guards - very tanned, in jeans, a black jacket with a zipper and traditionally in a cap.

- Are you currently engaged in any TV projects, shows, films?

The fact is that all this is very difficult ... That is, there is a constant struggle of priorities, you have to choose. There is little free time, and there are a lot of offers, and therefore it is not always possible to participate where we would like ... But I recently starred in Andrey Konchalovsky's film "Gloss" (about the backstage of the Russian fashion world - Approx. Aut.), Recorded two soundtracks for it, and here are two videos coming soon to support them.

Tell us about your work with Nelly Furtado, are there any pastel scenes planned in your joint video? And, is it true that you are going to record a duet with Madonna?

Thinking, expressing a desire is one thing, but when everything comes out later, it’s completely different ... I have already recorded my vocal part with Nelly Furtado. And as for the love scenes, then, by the way, Nelly is married. That is, if she is a hypocrite, then maybe she will act in such scenes. The song, in general, is about feelings, and not about how cool it is to have sex .... And with Madonna, we don't record anything. But for the last two months I have been working with Timberland, just don't confuse it with Timberlake! Although he also worked with him, he is generally a very famous and very important producer in the West. I really liked working with him, his worldview is close to me ...

Suddenly, seeing a sheet of paper with a pen on the table (left by one of the journalists for a subsequent autograph), Dima mechanically pulled them towards him and began to enthusiastically draw scribbles, continuing to answer questions ...

- Did the production scandal around your stage name get on your nerves?

I was and remain Dima Bilan! There is no danger that my name will be taken away from me ... The scandal ruffled my nerves slightly, I'm not afraid of anything at all! It just all happens because of human envy! They envy the rather high results that my producer Yana and our team have achieved over the past 2.5 years ... You see, I have never contradicted myself in anything, this is important. But it's really hard to be super popular, even though I have a very modest opinion of myself. Superpopularity is when a person stays on a star top for a long time, so in my case, time will still judge ...

- You didn't want to challenge the results of Eurovision 2006, did you come second?

And they told me that I was the first! (Smiling).

- And what did they promise you for winning Eurovision?

There was talk that if I enter the top three, then I will have a yellow Hummer, and now I drive it. Who gave? Well, that's another question, it doesn't matter.

- Do you do charity work?

You see, everything is rather complicated here….. That is, I believe that this is not just local help - to come, give and leave! Everything is much more important to do charity work, you need to hold some kind of political post, have a political status. Although I have an idea to arrange an Internet auction soon to sell my personal things there, as well as things donated to me, and then send the proceeds to charitable purposes. These will be my things involved in the shooting, in any extreme scenes.

- What do you think, which of your songs will remain in history?

- (Pause) Maybe my song "On the Shore of the Sky" will remain in history - this is a very romantic ballad. If you analyze the most popular songs, you will understand that love ballads always remain at the top, they are timeless.

- And what is good for you to live?

Do what you love, be surrounded by loved ones.

Questions would continue to pour in, but time was running out, and the artist went to get ready to enter the arena. It is worth saying that the singer was polite and friendly while talking with reporters, but he seemed to be either sad or tired ... As sources close to the organizers confirmed, Dima Bilan really did not feel very well, but did not want to advertise this .

The singer's rider turned out to be classified. In Bryansk, Bilan's team (musicians, three dancers, security service) stopped before a concert in one of the city's hotels. In the dressing rooms of the circus, the singer and his team were waiting for a “mass of food” prepared in advance (sandwiches, fruits), as well as an impressive number of bottles of mineral water and juice.

The hall was full to the beginning of the concert. Dima Bilan appeared at the circus arena at half past seven: in jeans, now and then slipping off him, exposing the elastic band of his underwear, a white shirt, a black vest and a cap. True, the cap soon flew to the floor, and the shirt became wet, so I had to change clothes.

Dima Bilan began the concert with several new, yet not too well-known compositions to the general public, and, despite the name of the Time-River program, the song of the same name from his third album was not heard. In the middle, performing "Mulatto", Bilan decided to be naked at all, throwing off his shirt with a vest and demonstrating to numerous fans a tanned pumped-up torso.

The whole concert was accompanied by the roar of the girls and the flashes of their cameras, cameras and mobile phones. Bryansk young ladies gathered for Bilan's concert as if for a holiday, and therefore the neckline was deep, the skirts were short, the make-up was colorful, and the bouquets of flowers were lush. The extremely loyal security guards of the singer, who surrounded the arena, then allowed the fans to sit down with bouquets on the ring of the arena in order to directly hand them to the singer.

During the concert, Bilan managed to perform all his hits, an opera-style song in Italian, change shirts and a belt on jeans three times, climb onto the speakers, collect a lot of bouquets, allow one of the girls to kiss her cheek, dance "Kalinka" in a new way , forget the words once and say goodbye to Bryansk in two hours.

Olga KATINA, for NEWSmusic.ru .
Photo by Svetlana SHTIMENKO.

Even those who are not at all afraid to perform can feel a little insecure on stage. Stage fright is a completely ordinary thing, familiar to both actors and conference speakers. People who are afraid of performing in public become nervous, fearful, tremble for no reason at the mere thought that they need to perform on stage. But do not despair, because stage fright can be overcome by teaching the body and mind to relax with a few simple tricks. And in this article, we will explain to you exactly what needs to be done.


How to deal with stage fright on performance day

    Relax. To cope with stage fright, you need to do a couple of things that will help you relax, and this is important, because the less tension in the voice, the calmer the mind, the easier it is to perform. And here's how you can achieve this:

    • Buzz softly to calm your voice.
    • Eat a banana before a performance. This will relieve the unpleasant feeling of nausea in the stomach.
    • Chew gum to relax tense jaws. Just don't chew it too long, otherwise you'll get a slight stomach upset.
    • Stretch. Stretching with everything you can - arms, legs, back and shoulders - is a great way to reduce tension in the body.
    • Imagine that you are playing the role of a certain character. This will help to calm the excitement in front of the audience.
  1. Worry about the schedule. On the day of your talk, make a promise to yourself that you won't worry from o'clock to o'clock. Let's say don't worry after three days. Believe me, if you just set such a goal for yourself and promise yourself not to worry, then there is every chance that the excitement will disappear ... from hour x to hour y.

    Go in for sports. Sport, physical exercises- this is a great way to relieve stress, not to mention the accompanying production of endorphins. On the day before the performance, set aside 30 minutes for exercise or at least half an hour for a walk in the fresh air. This will give you the strength to perform at 5 plus!

    Laugh as much as possible. Watch a comedy, watch your favorite Youtube video, or just hang out with your funniest friend. Laughter will also help you relax and forget about the excitement.

    Arrive early. The sooner you arrive at the venue, the better. It's better to arrive early and see an empty auditorium fill up than to arrive when it's crowded. This way you will be less nervous, not in such a hurry and just feel calmer.

    Talk to other people in the audience. Some do just that - sit and chat to feel calmer. So, by the way, it will be easier for you to realize that the audience in the hall are people just like you. In addition, you can sit in the hall and not tell anyone who you are and what you are - however, this will not work if you are in a suit.

    Imagine that you are performing in front of your loved one. Instead of imagining your listeners sitting in their underwear (which can be... strange), imagine performing in front of a full audience of clones of your loved one who loves you back and listens and approves of everything you say, laughs then, when necessary, will inspire you and clap loudly at the end of your performance!

    Drink a glass of citrus juice. If you drink this juice half an hour before the performance, then the blood pressure will drop and the excitement will not be so strong.

    Read your favorite poem aloud. The sounds of your favorite rhyme are soothing - a fact, and even more than that - after that it is easier to perform in public.

    Record your speech. More precisely - the rehearsals of his speech. Keep rehearsing in front of the camera until you say, “Oh, I did a great job this time.” Think for yourself, because if you don't like what you see on the recording, then the performance itself will not be particularly enchanting. So rehearse until you're happy. And when you get up on stage, just remember the most successful record and say to yourself: “Now I will make everything even better.”

    Move, but don't move. Just walking around the stage back and forth, you can throw out tension and excitement. Move, gesticulate - and you will cope with stage fright! But remember, the movements must be orderly. No need to twitch, grimace, play with hair or mess with the microphone or the text of your speech.

    • Fussy movements will only worsen the situation, escalate the tension and make it clear to the listeners that you feel out of your element.
  2. Do not hurry. Very often people show their stage fright without realizing it - when they start talking quickly. And indeed, if you are worried and want to finish your speech as soon as possible, then speaking quickly is your choice. The only problem is that it is more difficult to express your thoughts and more difficult to reach your listeners. In other words, take your time, pause, and give the listeners time to think about what you're saying.

    • In addition, if you speak slowly, it is more difficult to confuse words or stray from speech.
    • Schedule your presentation ahead of time. You should get used to this or that pace of speech in order to finish the speech on time. Wristwatches and occasional glances at them will help you in this endeavor.
  3. Ask about the audience's impressions. If you really want to deal with stage fright, then getting feedback from the audience after the performance is a must! Polls or even questions to colleagues will do. If you know that someone liked your performance, your self-confidence will increase, and the next time on stage you will already feel much more confident.

Common ways to deal with stage fright

    Pretend to be confident. Even if your hands are shaking, and your heart is beating so that it is about to jump out of your chest - pretend that you are no less than the calmest person on the planet. Keep your nose up, a wide smile on your face and don’t tell anyone, not a single living soul, how you are really experiencing right now. Fake it until you step off the stage.

    • Look not at the floor, but in front of you.
    • Don't slouch.
  1. Get yourself a ritual. You need a ritual that guarantees good luck! And here already - anything, from jogging to singing in the shower or a “happy” sock on the right foot. Do whatever it takes to set you up for success.

    • An amulet would work too. Here, too, by analogy - at least a ring on your finger, at least a plush toy in the room.
  2. Think positive. Focus on what amazing results you can achieve, not how badly you can mess things up. Did a bad thought come to mind? Run her down with five good ones! Keep motivational word cards handy and just do whatever will help you focus on the good instead of the bad.

    Get advice from a professional. If there is a person among your acquaintances who is not afraid of the stage and performs well, turn to him for advice. There is a chance that you will learn something new or find out that scenes are, in fact, everyone is afraid of to some extent, no matter how confident they look.

How to deal with stage fright if you're an actor

    Imagine success. Before you go on stage, imagine how everything will end well - applauding the audience, smiles, congratulations from colleagues in the shop, and so on. It is necessary to imagine the best, not the worst, development of events, and then the first is more likely to happen. Imagine yourself and your chic game - but from the point of view of the viewer.

    • Start early. Imagine success even when you are just trying out for a role. And in general, make it a habit for yourself.
    • The closer the performance, the more carefully imagine it all. Let's say, every day - before going to bed and immediately in the morning.
  1. Rehearse as much as possible. Rehearse until the words of the role start to bounce off your teeth. Remember whose remarks come before you, whose after. Rehearse in front of relatives, acquaintances, friends, and even in front of stuffed animals in a museum or in front of empty chairs - you need to get used to performing in front of people.

    • An actor's stage fright often manifests itself in the fear of forgetting the words and not knowing what to do. The best way to get rid of this fear is to learn, learn and learn the words again.
    • Performing in front of an audience is not at all like rehearsing in private. Yes, you probably know the role just brilliantly, but everything can change when you get up on stage. Get ready for it.
  2. Enter the role. If you really want to deal with stage fright, then get into the role as realistically as possible so that even Stanislavsky shouts: “I believe!” The better you get used to the role, the less you will worry about yourself. Imagine that you are your hero.

  3. Rehearse in front of a mirror. Honestly, this will add to your confidence, because this way you can see yourself from the outside. Keep rehearsing until you start to like literally everything, and this will greatly increase your chances of success on the stage itself.

    • See yourself from the side - cope with the fear of the unknown. When a person knows how he looks and how he behaves in a role, then on stage he simply has nothing to worry about.
    • Pay attention to the mannerism of your style, watch how you accompany the speech with gestures.
      • Note A: This is certainly not an option for everyone. Yes, it will help someone, but there are those who will only get more excited about it.
  4. Learn to improvise. Improvisation - that's what each of the actors must master perfectly. It is with the help of improvisation that one can prepare for any, even for a far from ideal situation that may arise on stage. Many actors and performers often worry - they say, what if I forget or mix up the words? At the same time, they forget that other actors are also people and can also make mistakes. Improvisation will turn any mistakes into a plus!

    • Improvisation is the best way to let you know that you cannot control every aspect of the performance. The question is not to perform perfectly, but to be able to respond to any development of events and to any situation that has arisen on the stage.
  • You are not alone, your stage fright is shared by many, even the best. So don't worry, and soon you'll be so engrossed in the performance that you'll forget you're on stage at all.
  • Try to imagine that the listeners look... dumber than you. Let's say imagine them in strange costumes - that might help.
  • As a rule, the stage is flooded with beams of spotlights, and this is bright and blinding. In other words, it will not be so easy to see those sitting in the hall. Look at the light (but don't blind yourself) if it gets too scary. Don't just stare at nothing or stare at people all the time. In addition, the lights above the auditorium are often dimmed, so people may simply not be seen.
  • If you find it difficult to maintain eye contact with your audience, look at a wall or a light.
  • If during the dance you lost the rhythm, then no one will notice this until you stop. So go ahead and pretend everything is going according to plan. By analogy, if you miss a line, improvise, keep going, and the audience will never guess what you missed. one line.
  • If the first performance went smoothly, then chances are that all future performances will be without stage fright... or almost without it.
  • Remember that fear and fun are one and the same. It's just that in the first case you are afraid, but in the second you are not.
  • Rehearse in small groups, gradually start rehearsing in larger groups.
  • Forgot a word? Don't stop, keep talking. Use other words, even if they are not in the script. If your stage partner made a mistake, then do not react to error. Either ignore her, or, if she's too serious, play with her improvisation. You remember that the ability to improvise is a sign of a real actor.
  • Sometimes it's okay to be a little worried. If you are afraid of making a mistake, then most likely you will be careful enough not to make a mistake. Most mistakes happen from overconfidence.
  • Remember, the public will not eat you or even bite you! So relax and enjoy. Yes, performing on stage is really serious business, but there is always a place for fun.
  • There is nothing wrong with rehearsing in front of the family first, and only then going on stage.


  • Be as prepared as possible. Rehearsals - that's what will make you so, long and careful rehearsals. They will not only make you more confident, but will more than positively affect all aspects of the performance.
  • Remember the sequence of replicas. Beginning actors often make this mistake: they learn their lines, but do not know when to say them. But this is fraught with awkward pauses!
  • Unless you have already been dressed up in a costume for the role, perform in what you feel most confident and calm about. You don't want to worry about your own appearance on stage, do you? Wear what suits the situation, is secure enough, and suits you. All this will make you more confident.
  • Go to the toilet before the performance, not after!
  • Don't eat a lot before a performance. Otherwise, there is every chance of facing nausea. In addition, after eating, you will feel more lethargic, so postpone this business for "after the performance."

Have you ever had a situation where you lost your train of thought during a performance? Porridge began to boil in my head, my hands were sweating, my tongue was numb! And there was only one thought: "Oh, not that!" Indeed, such a situation is a nightmare for novice speakers and a stopcock for further speeches.

Below we look at five key ways to get out of awkward situation to always be on top:

Pause. What pause are you talking about? You can often find speakers who, during an awkward situation, begin to look at the floor or ceiling, make chuckles or convulsively scratch their chin. Thus, they only worsen the situation. Maintain eye contact while paused.. If you suddenly forgot the words, then continue to stand with a confident face and slowly look around the audience. Such a pause will look "intriguing".

For example, in our trainings, participants sometimes receive a similar feedback from audience:"An amazing pause! You are a genius - it attracted so much attention! How did you understand that it had to be inserted? - Yes, I just forgot the words!" This is a powerful way to get attention and gives you a few seconds to remember what to do next.

If, after a pause, the words did not come to mind, then we use the technique - Elevator. The essence of this technique is this: you jump to the next thesis of your speech.

This method raises questions:"What if everyone notices? What if I'm caught jumping from topic to topic?"

Imagine people sitting in an audience. First, when they listen to a speech, they are in a light trance and focused on the speaker. The use of lift technology in this case will only cause additional attention, since the listener is more likely to think: "So, I missed the transition, you have to be more careful!"

Secondly, the performance is always moving forward. If the speech is interesting, then after a slight misunderstanding: "So what happened?" the audience is once again immersed in a state of active listening.

Thirdly, no one knows the plan of your speech! Only you know him. Therefore, you have every right to say what you want!

Boom or shake. What is the reason for forgotten words? In 80% of cases, this is a strong excitement and an excess of adrenaline in the blood. He no longer helps, does not give energy. The extreme is always dangerous. So, it is necessary to reduce its content in our body. Imagine a bottle of champagne. She is tightly sealed. But as soon as we tear it off, a stormy flow of sparkling drink follows the shot cork.

The same thing happens with our body. To get rid of excitement and reduce the content of adrenaline in the blood right during the performance, do the following:

  • Move to another part of the stage, thereby the adrenaline will be released through the body.
  • Say a few words much louder. In this case, you will feel more calm, confident, and therefore your head will open to new thoughts.

Empty. Example: " You always have a little time to remember the continuation of your speech. Speech should be bright, clear and memorable. In order to remember it, it is necessary to use special techniques and techniques. You can always find these tricks and techniques on my blog, where I openly share information. This information is of great value." Did you understand the hint?

Empty structure: You say the first sentence. Then take the last word and start the second sentence with it, and so on. Safety precautions: choose the words with which you want to end the sentence. They must be different. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting into a squirrel wheel. You have two minutes to use this method. If you do it longer, people will think that you are just a good politician and attention will begin to dissipate.

Training. Most The best way preventing an awkward situation during a speech is good preparation. If you devote enough time to it, then you will emerge victorious from any situation, and the question of forgotten words will fall off by itself. Preparation gives confidence and relieves unnecessary excitement. Leave the inconvenience, anxiety and fear of speaking in the past. If you forgot what to talk about, use these five methods to give you more confidence and make your speeches stand out!

W do you listen to songs at concerts? Trying to remember the lyrics? Trouble remembering songs for a performance? Need help?

R sooner or later, a person who wants to become a vocalist, has to deal with learning the words of the songs he is going to sing. Do you think it's easy? Yes, maybe, but some people do not know where (or how) to start, and some people forget the words at a crucial moment - for these and other people who need a little help and guidance, we have created this page.

Question: Do I need to learn words?
Answer: If you sing for your own pleasure then it is not necessary, but if you want to become a vocalist and perform on stage or succeed in a musical career, record your vocals - then learning the lyrics that make up the plot of the song is very important. Think about it... How would you feel if your favorite singer read the lyrics of his very famous and popular song? Yes, not very professional.

Question: What are the benefits of learning words?
Answer: For starters, a well-rehearsed lyric allows you to focus on the singing instead of trying to remember her words. Using a songbook or lyric sheet makes it difficult to move around, suppresses emotionality and causes some excitement, even if there is none!

Question: I've seen vocalists perform with a book stand - why can't I do that?
Answer: Of course you can. Although what you might see might be a list of songs or a music stand for the musicians and the songs are listed in the order in which they were played. If you find it difficult to learn words and need something to refer to stage we have prepared some tips for you.

How vocalists learn words

AT It is important to understand that everyone has their own individual approach learning - what may work for one may not work for another. There are several techniques that you can use to learn the words to a song. Try each one and combine in one or more ways until you find the one that works for you. If you're better at absorbing information visually, make yourself a hard copy and study the text from it. Writing or typing the lyrics a few times is also a good way to remember the lyrics.

If you are better at listening to information, then it is better to learn a song from a recording or study with an accompanist. Listen to the song being played and sing along with the performer, memorizing the song's music to help you remember the lyrics as well.

If you are a kinesthetic (a person who perceives the world through sensations), find something to imitate, practice! Touch and movement is the best way to learn words. Associate the movements with the song, this can help visualize the imagery. More repetitions may be needed here, as people who use this method usually have great difficulty remembering the music.

The best ways to learn the lyrics of a song are through rehearsal and "Mnemonics", another name for a memory instrument. A mnemonic is a way of remembering difficult-to-digest information. The principle of mnemonics is to use the best functions of your brain to better store information.

Learn songs written in foreign languages, you can also use this method. In case you are listening to a song performed by an artist in your native dialect, the mnemonic method will also help you. This is a significant help if you want to pronounce words and sentences correctly and have beautiful clear diction. Knowing the lyrics will help the vocalist remember them faster and perform more sensually.

Do not learn the text at the last moment! During a speech, there are many things that can distract you. For example, if you are dancing or moving, it is very easy to forget the words to the song you are performing! First, you must concentrate on repeating the text. The more you repeat, the better it gets. Repeat until you bring the knowledge of the text to automatism. This way you will insure yourself against a sudden hitch if you forget the text. Even if you are nervous or something distracts you during the performance, you will remember the song!

Text memorization exercises

AT Choose a short phrase and say and sing it until you sing it, without paying attention to the music. Repeat what you learned with the second phrase, then combine them together and do the above steps with a new piece. Keep adding phrases and repeating everything together until you can repeat the entire song. When you need to learn a lot of songs, start with the ones you like best!

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Read and repeat words in short sentences- less and more often is much more effective than trying to learn everything and spending a lot of time on it.

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Make notes on the theme of the song and images.

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Record your speech and your singing as you study the text.

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Speak and sing to the rhythm of the song.

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Write down the text on paper and make an audio recording of it while you repeat the words.

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bind foreign words with the ones you already know.

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Learn words while playing a practice audio track in the car or doing extra work.

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Learn the words in reverse order (last verse first) and repeat them like this in different time during the day.

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Repeat the song every day, sing or say the words out loud.

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Use bright, fun, and exaggerated images or symbols to help connect the words.

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Associate each word with an image, combining them to create your own journey through the song.

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Memorize words without music, and only then combine them with music.

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Try to hear the song and lyrics while watching or listening to another song.

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Your brain continues to work at night, so skim through the text before you go to bed.

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If you have a practice tape, play it softly as you fall asleep.

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When learning harmony or backing vocals, record your part separately and record your part with other vocal parts. Then rehearse your part along with other vocal parts.

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Rehearse verses when doing some repetitive work (like erasing).

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Post copies of the song everywhere! In the car, in the bathroom, by the phone, and rehearse the words wherever possible.

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Make sure that you always have a player and headphones with you, and wherever you go - listen to it on the bus, subway, during tea breaks and during lunch.

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When you have successfully memorized the words and can sing them with your friends without looking, praise yourself for doing such a job.

If you have already learned a song well, repeat it periodically so as not to forget and strengthen your memory.