How to complete vocabulary. Improve your vocabulary. Is it possible to increase the used set of words

Interesting and competent - it is not necessary to be a philologist or linguist. Sometimes it's enough to read a good book from time to time. fiction, which in itself instills the skills of a beautiful and rich speech. However, this process is slow and should be regular, and reading a large number of books is not always possible. So if you want to arrange for yourself an “intensive course” on pumping speech skills and not get bored at the same time, then you can turn to specialized books. I wish school textbooks were as informative and varied.

1. "The word is alive and dead" - Nora Gal

The book by translator Nora Gal was written more than 40 years ago, but over the past ten years it has been reprinted just a dozen times. It has not become outdated at all and even gained a new breath with the advent of the Internet, because all the principles of the “living word” have become relevant again.

To become a good translator, it is not enough to know a foreign language well, you also need to feel all the subtleties of your native language brilliantly. Nora Gal is an excellent translator, so all her advice on enriching our own speech is invaluable 40 years ago, and now, and 40 years later, will also come in handy (if we don’t all start speaking Chinese).

2. "From Adam's apple to the apple of discord" - Vadim Khrappa

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and expressions, and reading the usual etymological dictionary is rather boring. Vadim Khrappa kindly studied it for us and wrote a lot of interesting notes about how the most incomprehensible and intricate set expressions and phraseological units. In addition, he devotes a lot of time to telling how to use them correctly and what mistakes can be made. If you accidentally change the preposition or ending, you blurt out something completely different.

3. "The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown" - Maxim Krongauz

Maxim Krongauz, being a linguist, closely follows the changes in the Russian language and tries to reconcile the Internet language and competent speech by all rules. Unfortunately, his book Albany's Tutorial is a bit late. It was published when Albany slang was already in history. But “The Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown” will remain relevant for a long time, as it talks about fundamental changes in modern language, about the most common mistakes that already appear even in the media, as well as how to prevent the depletion of vocabulary in an era of simplification and speed of information delivery.

4. “Alive like life” - Korney Chukovsky

The Soviet writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote not only famous poetic tales for children, but also "popular non fiction”, although he himself would have condemned this term. “Live like life” appeared at a time when office work (the language of bureaucratic conversations and papers) began to dominate in the Russian language, and foreign words began to actively replace Russian counterparts. Now the situation with foreign words exactly the same, but clerical work and memorized phrases are still taught at school. So Chukovsky's book, even at an age, will help get rid of bad habits in the language.

5. "Russian with a dictionary" - Irina Levontina

Irina Levontina wrote her observations on changes in the Russian language for several years in the form of separate articles, and then published them as a separate collection. The book immediately became a bibliographic rarity and only a reissue can be purchased at an affordable price. This alone can speak of the quality and necessity of such notes. Irina, with humor and even some joy, welcomes the fact that the language does not stand still, but lives and changes. Unlike linguists of the old school, who are sad and every year claim that the language is getting poorer, Irina Levontina is convinced of the opposite. The main thing is to understand how to use all these new words and phrases, she argues, then speech will remain lively and rich.

6. How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere - Larry King

This book is not about the Russian language and not about speech as a linguistic phenomenon. And not even about the technique of speech or oratory. This is a unique experience of a person who wants to teach us to speak, and not to be silent, not to be shy and not to be hushed - while speaking beautifully, intelligently and well. For the Russian reader, the examples from the book are somewhat Americanized, but much can be adopted and used in everyday communication.

7. "Do we know Russian?" — Maria Aksenova

In fact, Maria Aksenova has a whole series of three books entitled “Do we know the Russian language?”, But if you like the first one, then you yourself will pay attention to the other two. The author takes a thread from the world and writes about all the interesting things from linguistics, philology, orthoepy and even journalism that are related to the correct or misuse language norms. As you can understand from the name, the main focus is on mistakes, and mistakes are most often funny or unexpected. The only negative that is often attributed to the author is the abundance of exclamation marks. What to do, for mistakes in a loved one mother tongue she reacts very emotionally.

8. "The Strangeness of Our Language" - Nigel Brown

The book is called "The Strangeness of Our Language" and was written by an English-speaking author, but it's not about English at all. However, not about Russian either. Nigel Brown explores the appearance of borrowed words in other languages, and they almost always coincide in both Russian and English. So in "The Strangeness of Our Language" we act as citizens of the world, and at the same time find out where a huge number of words came from and whether they have changed their meaning over time.

9. "A word about words" - Lev Uspensky

Lev Uspensky wrote popular linguistic books for children and teenagers, but adults can also read him without feeling awkward or age-appropriate. “A Word about Words” is not his only informative book, so if it interests you, you can also pay attention to his works, in which he studies the appearance of street names, cities and nationalities, where he talks about names and surnames - that is, about unusual words. The same work can be taken as universal, since it takes a little from different areas and gives the broadest picture.

Learning is a continuous process. You can become an erudite person as in adolescence, and in retirement age, when you are already over eighty, simply by expanding your vocabulary. Develop habits that will help you remember and use the most accurate words in your language. And it will become easier for you to communicate, write and think. After you read more specific tips for expanding your vocabulary, read this article to the end.


Part 1

Learn new words

    Read avidly. When you leave school, you will no longer be given word exercises, and in general there will be no homework which at one time forced you to learn new words. You can just stop reading. But if you want to expand your vocabulary, make yourself a reading plan and stick to it.

    • You can try reading one book a week, or just read the newspaper every morning. Choose a reading pace that suits you, and design a reading program that fits into your schedule.
    • Try to read at least one book and a couple of magazines every week. Be consistent. You will not only increase your vocabulary, but you will also be in the know, you will know what happened. You will expand your stock of general knowledge and be educated, comprehensive developed person.
  1. Read serious literature. Set yourself the task of reading as many books as you have the time and desire to. Read the classics. Read old and new works of art. Read poetry. Read Herman Melville, William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf.

    Read also Internet sources and "low-brow tabloid" literature. Read online magazines, essays and blogs on various topics. Read music reviews and fashion blogs. True, this vocabulary does not apply to high style. But to have an extensive vocabulary, you need to know both the meaning of the word "inner monologue" and the meaning of the word "twerking." Being well-read means being familiar with both the work of Geoffrey Chaucer and the work of Lee Child.

    Look in the dictionary for every word you don't know. When you see an unfamiliar word, don't skip it with annoyance. Try to understand its meaning from the context of the sentence, and then look it up in a dictionary to clarify its meaning.

    • Get yourself a small notebook and immediately write down all the unfamiliar words that you will meet in it, so that later you can check their meaning. If you hear or see a word you don't know, be sure to look it up in a dictionary.
  2. Read a dictionary. Dive headfirst into it. Read dictionary entries about those words that you are still unfamiliar with. In order to make this process more fun, it is necessary to good dictionary. Therefore, look for a dictionary that gives detailed explanations of the origin and use of words, as this will help you not only remember the word, but also enjoy working with the dictionary.

    Read the dictionary of synonyms. Look for synonyms for words you use frequently and try to use them.

    Part 2

    Use new words
    1. Set yourself a goal. If you have firm intention expand your vocabulary, set a goal. Try to learn three new words a week and use them verbally and writing. Through conscious effort, you will be able to learn several thousand new words that you will remember and use. If you can't use a particular word correctly in a sentence, then it's not part of your vocabulary.

      • If you can easily memorize three words a week, then raise the bar. Try to learn 10 words next week.
      • If you look up 20 new words a day in the dictionary, it will be difficult for you to use them correctly. Be realistic and develop a practical vocabulary that you can actually use.
    2. Use flashcards or sticky notes throughout your home. If you're going to make it a habit to learn new words, try some simple memory tricks as if you were studying for a test. Hang a sticker above the coffee maker with the definition of the word you hope to remember, so you can learn it while you make yourself a cup of coffee in the morning. Attach a new word to each houseplant so you'll learn as you water them.

      • Even when you're watching TV or doing other things, keep a few flashcards handy and learn new words. Expand your vocabulary under any circumstances.
    3. Write more. Start journaling if you haven't already, or start a virtual diary. Intense flexion of the muscles when writing will help you remember words better.

      • Write letters to old friends and describe everything to the smallest detail. If your letters tend to be short and simple, change that by writing longer letters or emails than you've ever written before. Spend more time writing letters as you would if you were writing a high school essay. Make thoughtful choices.
      • Do more writing assignments at work. If you usually avoid issuing orders, writing collective emails, or participating in group discussions, change your habits and write more. In addition, you may receive money for expanding your vocabulary.
    4. Use adjectives and nouns correctly and accurately. The best writers strive for brevity and precision. Purchase dictionary and use the most accurate words in your sentences. Do not use three words where you can safely get by with only one. The word that shortens total words in a sentence will be a very valuable addition to your vocabulary.

      • For example, the phrase "dolphins and whales" can be replaced with the single word "cetaceans". So "cetacean" is a useful word.
      • A word is also useful if it is more expressive than the phrase or word it replaces. For example, the voices of many people can be described as "pleasant". But if someone very a pleasant voice, then it is better to say that he has a voice that "caresses the ear."
    5. Don't show it off. Inexperienced writers think they can improve their writing by using the thesaurus function in Microsoft Word twice in every sentence. But actually it is not. The use of swear words and the correct spelling of words will make your written speech pompous. But what's even worse is that it will make your writing less accurate than more ordinary words. Proper use of words is feature a real writer and a sure sign of a large vocabulary.

      • You could say that "Iron Mike" is Mike Tyson's "nickname", but "nickname" would be more accurate and appropriate in this sentence. Therefore, the word "nickname" is less useful in your vocabulary.

    Part 3

    Improve your vocabulary
    1. Subscribe to the Word of the Day newsletter in one of the online dictionaries. You can also get yourself a Word of the Day calendar. Remember to read the words on that page every day, try to memorize the words of each day, and also use them in your speech throughout the day.

      • Check out word-building sites (like and expand your vocabulary while you satisfy your hunger or do something else useful.
      • There are so many online sites devoted to alphabetical listing of unusual, strange, obsolete, and difficult words. Use a search engine to find these sites and learn from them. This is a great way to pass the time while waiting for the bus or standing in line at the bank.
    2. Solve word puzzles and play word games. Word puzzles are a great source of new words because their creators often have to use a huge number of underused words in order for all the words to fit into their puzzles and to keep them interesting for those who solve them. There are many varieties of word puzzles, including crossword puzzles, word puzzles, and hidden word puzzles. Along with expanding your vocabulary, puzzles will also improve your critical thinking skills. As for word games, try games like Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to expand your vocabulary.

      Learn some Latin. Although it seems to be a dead language, a little knowledge of Latin is a great way to learn about the origins of many English words, and besides, it will help you understand the meaning of those words that you do not already know without looking in the dictionary. The Internet has educational resources in Latin, as well as a huge number of texts (check your favorite old bookshop).


    • Keep in mind that you may use words that other people may not know. This can create barriers to communication and understanding. So be prepared to use simpler synonyms in various contexts to mitigate this issue. In other words, don't be a bore.

The ability to speak beautifully and correctly has always been held in high esteem. After all, it's wonderful - when words flow like a river (it doesn't matter in writing or oral), attracting attention and causing genuine interest and even admiration in the reader or listener. But quite often this river rather resembles a small river or a small stream - this happens when a person’s vocabulary does not allow him to clearly and adequately express his thoughts, opinion or attitude to something, explain a point of view, convey the meaning of what what he wants to convey. But the good thing is that a person can quickly correct this state of affairs by regularly replenishing his “repository” of words. Our resource even has one dedicated to this topic.

But, as you know, topics related to self-development are always relevant, and learning in more detail about ways to expand vocabulary will certainly be of interest to every developing person, and even more so to those whose activities are closely related to writing or oratory. Below we list 10 effective methods increasing vocabulary.

Read more books

This method is perhaps the most important and most effective. Books are not only a source of new knowledge and interesting information, but also a collection of all kinds of words that were previously unfamiliar. When you read a book, you will always come across new words. This is especially true for specialized and thematic literature. But simply reading may not be enough - new words are also needed. If a new word is used several times in the text, memorization can occur automatically. But if it occurs once, however, you are interested, do not apply to write it down in a notebook or on a separate piece of paper. In general, having a notebook of new words is very useful, because it can be regularly replenished and re-read from time to time. When reading books, try to always have this notebook with you. As for the books themselves, get in the good habit of buying at least once every two weeks. new book and read at least an hour a day. Well, if you, for example, often travel or travel actively, then an electronic “reader” will be an excellent alternative for you, into which you can download an incredible amount of all kinds of literature from the Internet.

Various video materials have a huge potential in terms of vocabulary. This includes all kinds of educational TV shows, quizzes, useful talk shows, Mind games, video seminars, training courses, documentaries and, of course, feature films, etc. In addition to the fact that while watching you will learn a lot of new words, you will also have a wonderful leisure time. And what could be better than a combination of pleasant and useful in one action? But remember that it is important to be able to distinguish between worthwhile and unworthy materials, especially on TV, because the air is full of "garbage". Those. if, for example, you see on the program that there will soon be a program “Clever and clever” or “Own game”, then you can allocate time to watch TV, but if an epic “Dom-2” or another “soap opera” with Jose is planned Ignacio in the title role, it is better to do something else. and meaningless TV shows not only does not increase vocabulary, but also pretty dulls a person. And one more thing: do not forget about the notebook that you use while reading books. Watch a TV show and hear new words - write them down.

Listen to audio

Audio materials are no less valuable than video, although they are an order of magnitude smaller. The greatest demand is for audio trainings, audio seminars, audio lessons and audio books. You just need to find what interests you and download it to your player, tablet or phone. Some electronic "readers" also support the function of playing audio files. The benefit of such a source of information is obvious: you listen to what you like, and at the same time learn new words. It is very convenient to use audiobooks or educational materials while traveling, on the way to work, etc. It turns out that any free minute is spent with benefit. Here again, your notepad will come in handy. But, of course, it is worth using it according to the situation.

Use encyclopedias and dictionaries

Encyclopedias and dictionaries are a real storehouse of new words. But studying them just like that, reading like a book, can be quite boring. So it's best to just have some of it available all the time, like on your desktop or on a bookshelf. Heard a new word but don't know what it exactly means? Open a dictionary and look up the meaning. Learned about some interesting fact or phenomenon? The encyclopedia will answer your questions. Encyclopedias, by the way, today there are a great many. There are even special series of encyclopedias, each of which is devoted to a separate topic: space, animal world, plants, people, physics, travel, etc. Excellent online encyclopedia is Wikipedia - there you can find an interpretation of almost any word, an explanation of many phenomena and phenomena, biographies of all famous people world and other interesting information.

Connect with people

An excellent source of new information is communication. Talking with different people, you can, firstly, learn what you did not know before, and secondly, hear new words and terms. In particular, this applies to communication with people-intellectuals. It has been noted more than once that a person's communication with those who are on a level higher than him in some way (financial, intellectual, spiritual) also raises the level of the person himself. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for interaction with those who are superior to you: they know more, can do what you do not know, have a more flexible mind and developed intellect. Over time, you will begin to notice that your communication and the level of your knowledge, including vocabulary, have improved markedly.

Use new words

This method is not focused on increasing vocabulary as such, but on its active use. Many words that you did not know before often fly out of your head and in order to remember them, you need to pretty much "dig" in your "warehouse" of words. The regular use of new terms (they are written in your notebook?!) contributes to the fact that they are included, so to speak, in your "" - you begin to operate with new words and terms in the same way as you operate with those that you have long been accustomed to. In daily communication, try to use less common words for you, replace them with synonyms and those words that you have recently learned. Such communication, among other things, will significantly increase the level of your communication in general, and your interlocutors will be a real pleasure: those who are one level lower than you will strive to communicate with you, and those who are higher will see you as a worthy "rival". in verbal battles.

Write more

It is to a large extent that it contributes to the competent construction of speech and the effective use of new words. Plus, you don't have to be a writer. You can just indulge yourself in a small but very interesting hobby: set aside a little time every day (at least 20-30 minutes) to write small texts. It can be just a statement of one's thoughts, an explanation of one's point of view, or a justification of one's position on a particular issue. You can write a short one or two page article on a topic that interests you. While writing any text, you will have enough time to think about your thoughts, you will learn not only to use new words, but also to correctly and concisely insert them into the text - as they say, “into the topic”. In addition, writing is a creative activity, which means that your creative potential, and mental resources are used to the maximum. And this, in turn, allows you to remember even those words that you, quite possibly, did not even know about.

Use notes

The presented method is more like entertainment than work on self-development. Take a pack of stickers and write on each one from 1 to 3 words that you like, but that you are not yet “used to” and that you often have to. Paste these stickers around your apartment - stick them on mirrors, household appliances, computer desks, walls, windows. There can be as many stickers as you like - everything depends on your needs and imagination. In addition to words, you can also write down their meaning or some interesting data about something in a short form. For example, you know about Mount Everest and that it has other names, but don't remember them. Write on the sticker "Everest - Chomolungma (Tibet.) - Sagarmatha (Nepal.) - 8848 m" and paste the note on the computer monitor. At any time, you can refresh in memory what you forgot. And regular glancing at the leaf for a long time will fix in your memory what you want to know and remember.

Solve crosswords, scanwords, etc.

Another way to have fun for the benefit of the mind is to solve crosswords, crossword puzzles and similar puzzles. Newsstands sell entire collections of similar problems. Try to solve one, for example, a crossword puzzle a day. It will take you no more than 30-40 minutes. But you are unlikely to be able to guess all the words, because. it's impossible to know everything. But what you didn’t know can reveal itself (such is the specificity of scanwords), and it can also be found on the Internet by typing the appropriate query in a search engine. In addition, such a pastime will allow you to pass your leisure time or a long journey on the train, even if it is a “classic of the genre”.

Get interested!

And the last advice - be interested in everything always and everywhere. Strive to acquire new knowledge new information about everything you can. Interesting Facts, phenomena and phenomena, historical events and personalities, incredible discoveries and achievements of science - all this should certainly arouse your interest. The more you are interested, the more you will know. And in direct proportion to the increase in the volume of your knowledge, your vocabulary will also increase, and you will also be a versatile developed person and will be able to support any conversation. Remember that you can be a specialist and a professional in any field, but it is always useful to know a little about everything.

Start applying the tips above right now and your vocabulary will start growing today! Good luck and good luck to you! Develop and know a lot, a lot of things!

You will surely be interested in testing your vocabulary - read the few words below and vote for one of the options below.

The question is often asked how to increase vocabulary? How to increase vocabulary? What's the matter? Why do words end?

Below, the text will detail what needs to be done in order to increase vocabulary words.

First a background, and then - how to increase the vocabulary of colloquial words

How to increase vocabulary?

A high school girl was brought to me so that I could teach her how to perform well. My parents insisted that I teach her individually, and not in a group, paying the cost of expensive education.

The girl's vocabulary (colloquial) was almost zero.

But there were “Eh…” “Like…”, “In general…”, “You understand…”, “In short…”. With these words, she operated easily and naturally: "Listen to the joke ...", "I'll tell you right now ...".

I take out a collection of parables. I choose the shortest one. Please retell in your own words.

And here I had a culture shock.

The girl remembered all the words until the middle of the parable. And fired them with a machine gun. One to one to the text. Then she stumbled, forgot a word. And she reached out to look at the leaf.

I take the leaf: "Now - in my own words."

She was never able to fully tell the simplest parable from the collection. Was there no vocabulary? (There was a vocabulary, because she had just read these words.)

What book to read to increase vocabulary?

I give the following parable. The task is the same: to retell in your own words. But there was more to the story. The girl's "RAM" was overloaded. She couldn't tell halfway through. She fell silent. So I was able to find the right words to finish my story.

And it became clear what to work with first. Not with gestures and not with pauses. And teach a high school student to speak in your own words, but not memorize words from text.


Enrich not so much vocabulary as “colloquial vocabulary”.

By the way, it should be noted that the girl is not stupid, she studied well at school.

For the experiment, he gave the task to write a parable, which she read, but could not tell. The student coped with the task quickly, in a few minutes. And she wrote almost verbatim. Means - problem with speaking.(The problem is not with speech, and not with vocabulary, the problem is with CONVERSATION)

We started to work. After hundreds of parables… my student easily began to retell any parables. And other, even complex, texts. She began to philosophize easily on "free topics". The words "Eh ...", "Like ..." were no longer needed to express themselves. They disappeared.

Time has passed. The girl entered the institute and sent me a letter of thanks that here she is the best speaker at seminars.

Now let's move on to our topic:

How to increase vocabulary?

They even ask me what books to read to increase vocabulary?

First. Please note that we ourselves use small set of words. To convey and explain information in everyday life to us many words are not needed. And so we ourselves We don't speak all the words.

And besides, we don't say all combinations of words.

We manage with a small set of phrases, necessary for everyday communication.

Of which most falls into non-verbal speech (gestures, facial expressions, intonations).

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How to improve vocabulary. Second.

To enrich the set of phrases, it is necessary to speak them (but here it is not necessary out loud, it is possible in written speech, it is possible in thoughts, internal dialogue).


That is to say often. Remember often. enjoy.

One of the ways to improve the quality of speech is - written speech ( it's not the only way)

That is: write letters, chat, answer questions, explain something, prove something. And so on. This way you can improve your vocabulary.

It is useful to develop written language. But do not retell, but come up with your own thoughts. It checks and develops vocabulary well.

And the more new, unfamiliar topics (and words) for written communication, the better!

At the same time, it is useful to write beautifully and, most importantly, write colloquially .

Exactly as you say.

Think and write immediately. Right along the line of thought.

Here's how I do it now.

And this is not only my opinion, this is the opinion of many experts.

Everything that you come up with and write down in this way is your ready-made thoughts, ready-made phrases.

This expands our ability to look for the right words. This skill will be transferred to ordinary speech, because the process is the same.

But when you write - no one drives you in the neck, you can really look for right word for a while without worrying. And in written speech, well, no way, you can’t replace a word with a gesture or facial expressions.

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Written language does not replace oral speech!

One more time to remember forever:


Our vocabulary small and needs to be increased talking!

Even if you are not a speaker. And you are not going to become a speaker. Necessary develop conversation!

It is useful to retell interesting stories found on the Internet. And there are plenty of them out there. And it is not necessary to look for super-unusual news. For learning, a variety of stories that caught your eye, and from which your mood improved, are suitable.

Here is a video, a good example:

Yes. Good to read books!

Why? In addition to reading books, in fact, not than replenish vocabulary. The speech of the people who surround us is very, very poor in new words. Much poorer than a well-written text in a book.

Movies don't have either. great variety words, especially Hollywood ones, are only passive when translated into Russian.

To use new words - their useful first read from book. But this is not enough. They must be used in colloquial speech. Use! To make the words read colloquial words. Rich speech is diversity words used.

It is important to translate words from passive to active stock!

The words you read are just passive stock words.

All this applies to both adults and children. Here is the performance of the girl with the parable.

A good effective practical exercise on how to increase vocabulary.

Tell your friends about the movie you watched (or the book you read). In detail, with emotions.

If you did it easily, and you talked about the film for more than 20 minutes, then you have a vocabulary. If you could only speak in general terms, using the words from the commercial, then you need to learn to speak aloud. You don't have to be a speaker to do this.

Best of all, start by describing movies or books you've read.

Set yourself a task - to retell each movie you watch aloud to your friends, in detail, with emotions ... To make it wonderful story, and not a statement of facts and a listing of scenes from the film. it The best way create, replenish, and develop vocabulary.

Retell books, and not only impressions, but the whole plot.

Video example of book retelling

What else is useful?

No matter how much you want to quickly start telling everything in a row, it is useful to learn how to speak without junk words.
It's better to watch it right away than to relearn later.

The habit of using junk words instead of useful words can turn into a problem.


Gestures are also speech. non-verbal speech. Gestures need to be learned as well as the ability to speak.

And it is useful to watch the video:

So what book should you read to increase your vocabulary?

Every person who has completed high school already read all possible words in textbooks. Several times. And do you think these students use all the words they read? No. They use only those words that they began to use in their speech. So retell books more often than you read them. And you can take almost any book. Every good book uses over 3,000 unique words. Is this not enough?

I made several good collections for retelling, there you will find both good stories and wonderful parables:

And in order to perform well, read these books:


To have a rich vocabulary of words.

1. It is not enough to read the words - they must be used. translate "read words" in “words used in speech”. Use these words in your speech and in your internal dialogue.

2. Write letters, articles using new words. Build passive vocabulary by reading books.

3. Do your homework. Speak their speeches aloud before performances. before important conversations.

4. Tell, retell parables, stories, news, books to your friends. Tell about the book you read or watched movie. This will increase your active vocabulary.

5. And, of course, it is necessary to master the techniques of speaking with a prepared speech, and techniques impromptu performances(not just read about it, but also master it)


I wish you success!

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