Why are our goals not being met? Intention. The magic of dreams come true. Your intention must be firm



1. Something conceived, conceived as the goal of work, activity. Grandiose plans of the converter. Dangerous intentions. Fulfill the intention.

|| Intention, enterprise, plan. “I have considered my bold plan.” Pushkin . "God knows what strange, what frenzied ideas were swarming in my head." Lermontov. Fantastic idea. My plan failed.

2. only many. Intrigues, intrigues. The hostile plans of the capitalists against the USSR.

3. only ed. The construction of a work of art or science conceived by the author (book). Intention" dead souls". Intention scientific research. The interesting idea of ​​the play deserved universal approval.

Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "INTEND" is in other dictionaries:

    See Creativity. Literary Encyclopedia. In 11 tons; M .: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939. The idea ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Intention- CONCEPT can be defined as a more or less unclear and strong poetic intuition of the future work as a whole, not yet created by the artist. The peculiarity of this intuition lies in the fact that the non-embodied is internally recognized as given, as an “idea”, ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Intention, intent. Wed intrigues ... Synonym dictionary

    DESIGN, conceive, etc., see conceive. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    design- PLAN, intention, colloquial. idea PHINK/THINK, high. conceive / conceive, obsolete. intend / intend, colloquial guess/guess... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    PLAN, sla, husband. 1. Conceived plan of action, activity, intention. Strategic h. Dangerous Carry out your 2. The meaning inherent in the work, the idea. Copyright h. Z. plays. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    design- About the breadth, scope of the idea; about his assessment. Brilliant, magnificent, comprehensive, ingenious, deep, grandiose, audacious, extensive, original, excellent, excellent, beautiful, detailed, modest, bold, creative, wide. O… … Dictionary of epithets

    design- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN design … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Exist., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? intention, what? intention, (see) what? intention of what? intention about what? about the intention; pl. what? intentions, (no) what? ideas for what? plans, (see) what? ideas, what? thoughts about what? about intentions 1.… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Intention- conceived, i.e. pre-planned action plan. This is an intention to act, an idea that has not yet been realized. An idea can have any effect, moreover, it is necessary for its preliminary design. The intention may be... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)


  • The idea, Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich. Whoever stands behind our creation, it is hard not to see that each person carries within himself a certain Idea, embedded in him and compiled in the form of a riddle. There is no key to the riddle, but there are scattered ...

Do you think I will teach you magic and sorcery? Do not even hope! I am a sensible mature woman, with great reverence for science - both ancient and modern. Therefore, we will not shaman and conjure. And in general, I can not promise any frivolity. It is easy to think - not our way! Let's think philosophically. But the result is guaranteed.

I didn’t come up with anything new about the fulfillment of dreams. Everything has long been invented. The main thing is to hook on this "Ariadne's thread" in order to reach the goal. And the thread is long, goes back centuries. The most famous piece of this magic rope is the doctrine, from which in youth many fled away, as from useless, useless rubbish in the head. It's called dialectic.

So, dialectics as the basis for making dreams come true is the doctrine of the laws of development of natural processes. The term itself was first used by Socrates to denote the comprehension of truth through a clash of opposing opinions. Later, the Stoics described dialectics as the doctrine of true, false, and neutral, and of the mutual transformation of elements. A grandiose contribution to dialectics was made by Heraclitus of Ephesus, who formulated its three laws. The theme was later developed by Hegel. I don’t know if all these wonderful people were familiar with ancient Chinese philosophy, but they all described the laws of Tao quite accurately, although in different ways. And since the Taoists themselves believe that their teaching is already more than 7,000 years old, it is easiest to turn to the "original source", which, according to the Chinese, was inherited from representatives of a more highly developed civilization. This is what the thread of Ariadne brought to!

I offer you a variant of dialectics - for catchers of luck. Simple and practical!

The first law of dialectics is the law of unity and interaction of opposites. Whoever wrote "unity and struggle" simply did not understand everything. There is no fight. Struggle is the result of resistance. If you don't resist happiness, you don't have to fight.

To understand the meaning of this law, in relation to the implementation of intentions, consider three conclusions. The first conclusion: any realized intention, which we see as a source of joy, is fraught with its opposite - a source of sadness. Joy is what is on the surface for us, the visible part. Sadness is the other side of the coin. The ancient Chinese called this the law of the interaction of yin and yang, where yin is everything calm, unmanifested, hidden and dark, and yang is everything active, manifest and light.

Second conclusion. In the process of dreams coming true, the unity and interaction of opposites is expressed in the opposition of desire and unwillingness. A willing person can declare his readiness and ability to get what he has planned, but this very thought, for some incomprehensible reason, can endlessly elude him. Why? Because on the other side of the scale of the realization of dreams lies an equilibrium unwillingness. And since, according to the yin-yang law, it is not manifested, for example, it peacefully resides in the subconscious area, it can be difficult to identify it. In order for there to be a preponderance from “unmanifested unwillingness” towards “manifested desire”, it is important to understand what is opposed to what. For example, you can try to figure out why the absence of a result in the fulfillment of dreams is more comfortable for you than the “terrible” fulfillment of dreams, from what adversity the state of unattainable desire protects you. According to some psychologists, if you don't have, then you don't want to have. As soon as you bring to clean water their "horror stories", as soon as they move into the realm of the manifest, the scales will swing, and the irreversible process of realizing intentions will begin.

The third conclusion is contained in the book of the great Chinese sage Lao Tzu, which is called "Tao Te Ching". “If you want to be whole, let yourself be broken. If you want to be straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to be full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be new, let yourself be old. Who wants little - gets what he wants. Who wants much - loses the way. In other words, as long as there is an acute desire to receive a gift of fate, there will be no gift. To accept what you want, you must first achieve an even emotional state without having this value. The simplest example of such a phenomenon is that potential husbands are actively attracted to women who live quietly in an unmarried state, not being puzzled by the speedy acquisition of a spouse. Real income is attracted to those who are able to experience the joy of being with any amount in their wallet.

The second law of dialectics is the mutual transition of quantitative and qualitative changes. In Chinese philosophy, this is another property of the interaction of yin and yang, which is symbolized by contrasting circles on the white and black half of the circle. Uninformed observers may conclude that this form of the yin-yang sign illustrates the given "there is something masculine in every woman, there is something feminine in every man." However, this is a very straightforward, primitive and incorrect interpretation. In fact, if you pay attention, the circle is located at the widest part of the half. Followers of Taoist philosophy explain this law in this way: in the largest yang, a small but strong yin is born, and in the largest yin, a small but strong yang is born. The strongest active energy is felt, paradoxically, at midnight. Therefore, creative people at this time are filled with inspiration and experience an upsurge in spirit. But at noon, you often want to take a nap, because in the middle of an active day, strong peace is born. Sometimes the circle inside the half is called the "transition". At the maximum of one state, you can go to its opposite. For example, at the peak of an illness, it is easiest to move on to recovery. Therefore, physicians pay special attention to crises in the course of the disease. And the concept of "crisis" in Chinese denoted by two hieroglyphs: "dead end" and "chance", in another reading - "danger" and "opportunity".

With regard to the philosophy of dreams come true, the transition to the desired state can run through the state of its opposite.

Such is the natural dialectic: by reaching the limit, that is, by increasing quantitatively some feature, one can approximate its qualitative opposite. Returning to women's matrimonial issues, we can assume that marriage can happen at the peak of loneliness, and big money can unexpectedly come through a quality life of poverty. The state of joy is born when sadness seems boundless, and where death reigns, there is already a small place, but strong life. However, this law does not guarantee marriage to a woman who has gone into isolation. "Transition" is the key concept. It is important to find the zone through which the change is made. The maximum of one state only provides an opportunity for its own replacement by its opposite. Although in nature at noon the approach of night becomes inevitable.

When I return to Hegel's dialectic, every time the assumption is born that the great German philosopher was well versed in the doctrine Ancient China: too close to the Taoist worldview, he describes the philosophical categories of his teaching! For example, according to Hegel, the certainty of being is an internal quality, while quantity is an external category of the processes we are aware of. And this understanding absolutely coincides with the Chinese theory of yin-yang, in which yin is the inner principle of the universe, and yang is the outer one. It turns out that quality is the Yin component of our dream come true, and quantity is its Yang component.

In connection with this reflection, I remembered how the Taoists explain, for example, male polygamy. An energetically strong man, that is, with a lot of personal energy, cannot find an equal partner with the same amount of energy. And then he connects with several women who "in total" give him an equal opposition of energy, and the balance of yin-yang is leveled. But at the same time, each of the women qualitatively, that is, informationally, is inferior to a man who is trying to maintain a balance. Not that each of the women is better or worse, just the right qualities do not match. And any energy Strong woman with the appropriate quantity and qualities can single-handedly maintain the balance of energy-information in a pair. The problem of modern men is that they simply do not understand the natural principles of connecting men and women and, being under the pressure of stereotypes imposed by society, choose something that is not natural for them, destroying themselves and their chosen ones over time.

Finally, we come to the third law of the dialectic of dream come true, Hegel's dialectic, or the third law of Taoist philosophy. This is the law of negation of negation. From my experience of studying at the university, I know how difficult it is for students of philosophy to understand this phenomenon. But it has a fairly simple practical meaning! We face this phenomenon all our life, not realizing its essence.

This law determines the gradual development, its direction and continuity. It involves the repetition of some elements of the past - with changes corresponding to the new state of consciousness. The meaning of the negation of negation is in the progressive movement through the changing polar states. Day negates night, then night negates day, and then again day negates night, and so on ad infinitum. There are always contradictory polarities in nature. The dialectic of personality development and improvement is based on the negation of the negation of the polarities of belonging and autonomy. At first, the child "belongs" to the mother, then becomes more autonomous, independently exploring the world. Later comes a conscious belonging to the family, after which there is a need for freedom. After gaining freedom as an independent person, a person again seeks belonging and creates his own family. But each new belonging and each new autonomy is a repetition in a new quality. It turns out, figuratively speaking, upward spiral movement.

In our theory of dream come true, the law of negation of negation is the successive change of possessions and losses. If we consider the process of realization of intentions from an energetic point of view, it will be found that the achievement of the desired is based on two forms of energy: given and received. Consider the most banal household example. To get money for a car, you need to "lose" part of your physical or mental strength, that is, to make an energy waste. To buy a car, you need to "lose" money. Finding a car again pushes for regular loss of money - spending on gasoline and car maintenance. For these "losses" the owners of iron horses gain comfort and pleasure.

The alternation of losses and gains occurs in the relationship of men and women. In this situation, in order to get something, it is important to give something. And the true yin-yang of relationships as an equal exchange of energies is the basis of a successful relationship filled with true love. As a matter of fact, the long-term union of a man and a woman is based on the law of negation of negation.

It is a pity that all this was not explained to me at the university! On the other hand, everything happens exactly in this way and precisely when a person is ready to accept the prepared knowledge and experience. Probably, only now I have matured to the irrevocable fulfillment of all my hidden dreams and have come to a state of conscious happiness! Are you ready for your dream come true?

How does "dream come true technology" work? What is the scientific basis behind the system of working with intentions called spincasting? Why does this method have no competitors in the modern information market? Why is it impossible to invade the energy-informational field of married men? How do you protect yourself from being hit by your own boomerang of good intentions? How to correctly formulate desire and intention? About this and much more - in the program "Ariadne's Thread" of the First Educational Channel. The issue is dedicated to my author's method of working with intention. Happy and useful viewing! Let your dreams come true!

Lisa Peterkina

writer, philologist,

student of the Chinese master Dao Ji Xiaogang

I am very interested in the theme of the power of thoughts, intention, attention and the world as an object with which one can interact through, in fact, thoughts, intention and attention. Today I accidentally came across an article in which this topic is briefly and essentially raised.
I felt the need to translate and supplement with my own comments.
Maybe someone will find it useful too. :)

How intentions are realized

Here I will describe the order of work with the intention that I have come to at the moment.

Creating an Intent

First of all, I clearly define what I want to receive. I meditate to calm my mind and create intention by concentrating on it for at least 60 seconds. There is nothing difficult in my meditation: it usually consists of several minutes of deep breathing and progressive relaxation of the body.

I imagine my intention visually, I imagine what my life will be like after its implementation. It is very important to add positive emotions to this visual image. If the latter fails, then there is no real desire ( I would say hunting). In such cases, I either abandon the goal or rethink it. Intent without strong desire does not have sufficient power to implement. And if I do not have a real great desire, then there is no point in setting such a goal. For example, the intention to get a huge TV will not work for me, since I simply do not care about such things.

Alpha incarnation

Usually within 24-72 hours of creating an intention, what I have called an alpha incarnation happens in my life. This is how I get confirmation that the intention has stuck. Usually this happens in the form of one or another manifestation of the corresponding theme in life. Sometimes this manifestation is the first step towards the desired, sometimes they are just synchronous events that act as confirmation that the intention was heard by the Universe.

Synchronous events are a phenomenon where at least two similar events occur inexplicably within a short period of time in your life. I immediately remember how it used to be that I learned something new one day and heard about this new one several more times during the day from completely unrelated sources.

For example, a week ago I created an intention to double my monthly income. A couple of days later, my article from last year was linked to by a major site, which brought me a huge number of new visitors. In one day, I received almost $300 in donations, not counting the increase in ad traffic. This is a good example of alpha manifestation as a response to my intent. No, the intention has not yet materialized, but in this way the Universe told me: "I hear you, the work has begun!"

The interesting thing is that the more I trust the Universe, the weaker the alpha manifestations in my life. Just because I no longer need confirmation. But at the same time I don't remember Last year such that the created intention does not have the first wave. So I think alpha manifestations are always present when the intent is created correctly.

Calm before the storm

The alpha manifestation subsides quite quickly, and after it there is silence in the air, which can last from several days to several weeks. This time used to be frustrating for me because I thought my intentions were blown away. And, I know, a lot of people give up at this stage. Big mistake! It's just calm, that's all.
The most important thing during this period is to continue to hold your intention, avoiding any new intentions or thoughts that may conflict with the original goal. If I start thinking "Why doesn't this work?" or "I wonder if this will work at all?", then in this way I will destroy my intention. I need to know that it will materialize.

In my opinion, the recipe is this: pay exactly the same attention to your intention as when creating it, that is, positive. Still imagine how life will change after his incarnation, how much joy it will bring. Key: when I imagine, time is missing, I already have it. And thus let go - satisfy - the desire to receive here and now, because imagining what I want, putting strength into it, I already have it.

beta manifestation

So, as long as I keep my attention on the intention and wait with faith for it to manifest, what I have called beta manifestation comes into my life. Usually it comes no earlier than a week after the creation of the intention. And if the alpha manifestation is a confirmation that work has begun on the incarnation, then the beta manifestation is the solid beginning of the real implementation.

I really like the explanation of these terms in Transurfing.
Dreams, according to Transurfing, are a free journey through a certain space (options), which contains absolutely all possible events, or scenarios in certain scenery (why do we sometimes see completely ordinary dreams, sometimes completely unrealistic, and sometimes a mixture of them; what was, was not, will be and could be). In a dream, the mind (logic, rationality) does not work, therefore a dream is perceived as it is, and often it is very malleable, i.e. instantly changes at the slightest whim. According to Transurfing, this change is a journey through space. While awake, we travel through the same space of options, every change in life is a scenario in the scenery or a change in the scenery itself. Only changes here occur much more slowly: the mind, knowledge, etc. interfere.

To me, the process of transition, the embodiment of intention, reminds me of one photography technique, when shooting takes place in a completely dark room, the camera is at a slow shutter speed, and the photographer illuminates the object being shot for a certain time from different sides with a flashlight. The object is the intention, the light of the flashlight is the attention, the final photo is the result of the embodiment, the desired.

The beta manifestation is much longer, stronger and slower than the alpha manifestation. Imagine a thunderstorm. If alpha p. is a flash of lightning, then beta p. is a long rolling thunder, which is heard much later. But both are part of the same phenomenon.

Beta manifestation usually comes in the form three forms: ideas, opportunities and resources.

At first, I experience a flood of new ideas about my intention. They can come both in the form of spontaneous insights and in the form of information from other people. For example, I can think of a quick way to optimize something that will give immediate financial returns. Sometimes a good idea is all it takes to get what you want, so I can bring it to fruition on my own. But if the intention is big enough, then ideas and direct action may not be enough.

The beta manifestation also brings new features. Sometimes they appear out of nowhere. For example, someone I don't even know can give it to me even though I haven't told anyone about it yet.

Finally, beta manifestation provides resources such as information, people, money, and so on. In other words, everything that may be necessary to fulfill the intention. Sometimes it happens that three are perfect different person recommend the same book, which will contain exactly the information that is needed to implement the desired.

During beta manifestation it is still important to hold the intention, but it is not as difficult as during alpha manifestation, because you are already in the place you wanted to go, the desired is already happening. Therefore, on this stage it doesn't take much faith anymore - even the logical mind can see what's happening, and more importantly, accept it. However, the mind can still mess things up by trying to control what is happening, so it is important not to allow this to happen.

And why the mind spoils - because it is responsible for security, survival, stability, it digests the experience and hangs tags on it. Water is wet, fire is hot, work is boring. The reaction to the “tagging” phenomenon is automatic, since it is very convenient for survival: the mental resource can be spent on something else. But the nonsense is that most of the tags were hung unconsciously. And the reactions are unconscious. And quite often - curves. At the same time, the soul longs for the living, the real, and the mind upsets: it doesn’t happen, it’s impossible, don’t rock the boat, it won’t work. And now, having wanted something grandiose, the soul pushes to step into the unknown, and for the mind, the unknown is tantamount to danger (this, however, is also a tag). You can only control what you know how it works, what you have already experienced once, so the mind either rests or adjusts the unknown to the existing concepts, tags. And, proceeding from this knowledge that does not correspond to what is happening, he tries to manage. And the plane is different from the car, although both have an engine and wheels.


With the development of beta manifestation, the intention is fully realized. Usually, this requires certain actions, but these actions are carried out effortlessly, easily, in a flow. No struggle or routine. 80-90 percent of the work is done by the Universe. The ideas, opportunities and resources that have come together are a powerful lever to achieve amazing results with minimal time and effort.

About five years ago, working with intentions was just a curious practice for me, nothing more. I remember the first time I noticed that I could create synchronous events in my life. I got pretty good at making alphas back then, but no betas. At first, frustration came because I couldn't keep my attention on what I wanted long enough. I returned to habitual thoughts, unconsciously destroying my intentions in a few days or hours. I thought about starting my own business, but later I started to worry about how I was going to manage it. He wanted to improve relations with his wife and at the same time gave himself up to thoughts of divorce. I thought about moving to a new, better house, and then imagined repairs in the current one. In the end, nothing changed. It was terrible to be betrayed by your own thoughts.

As I continued to work with intentions, I respected the power hidden in them more and more. I was getting evidence that something inexplicable and very powerful was going on behind the scenes of the mind. As a result, I began to achieve the goal much easier and faster than before. Now I meditate and think more and do much less directly. I do what I feel is the most natural for me and it works for me. I'm just letting the universe sort out most of the details while I work on bigger goals.

And the goal, the task must be set for yourself as large as possible. The task, of course, is one that resonates in the soul. So, solving it, achieving the goal, most of the less important things will be resolved in passing.
Actually, the largest task that resonates in the soul can be defined as a destination. Sincerely investing strength, following it, you will practically not have to take care of food, a roof over your head, prosperity: this will be decided automatically.

Of course, I will continue to experiment with intentions and the power hidden in them. Today, I spend about 30 minutes a day focusing on intentions and bringing them to life in my imagination. And then I relax and watch how the outside world begins to change a little bit in the direction of what I want. The overall effect still takes my breath away.

The Vedas (and not only them) say that what we have now - situations, circumstances, conditions - is 90% the result of our past desires / actions and only 10% - current ones. Accordingly, changes take time to occur and become noticeable.
And in order for the mind to admit some new pattern (say, a habit, but this is not yet cultivating it), 20-40 days of daily careful practice of the corresponding action are needed.

Use SMOG, not MOSG

When I was learning to drive, I learned from my instructor about the SMOG principle (Signal, Mirror, Over the shoulder, Go - Signal, Look in the mirror, Look over your shoulder, Act), which determines the procedure for changing lanes on the highway. Note that the first action is to signal the intention to change lanes. What do most people do? They follow the MOSG (Look in the Mirror, Look Over Your Shoulder, Signal, Go) principle. That is, they first determine whether they can change lanes or not. If not, they wait. They begin to look for an opportunity, to fuss. They are afraid that by turning on the signal first, they will look like fools, since no one will miss them. But in fact, even if at first glance there is no possibility, many drivers will let you pass if you signal. If you do not signal, then they can only guess about your intention to rebuild with the help of telepathy. The longer you signal, the sooner you will be given the opportunity to change lanes.

This is a good analogy to show how intent implementation works. First you need to give a signal - create an intention. Very often, if you first begin to evaluate the possibility of incarnation, you simply will not see it. But give the world a signal - and you will create it.

For example, if you want to start a new relationship, let the Universe know about it. Signal! Don't check your rearview mirror to see if anyone is looming in the next lane; you'll miss out on too many great opportunities.

Another important point is the expectation of change.
For example, a person who wants to recover must first believe in recovery, allow it to reach him, become grateful for it, i.e. he is already healthy in his imagination, because there is no time there! But if such a person thinks, they say, give me a change, even a little bit, then I will believe and be grateful - nothing will come of it.
The world adjusts to us. What we think, he embodies. Only the manifestation of will (will as a force, as freedom of choice, and not perseverance), only creative directed attention begins to change us from the inside, and the world is already responding to this.

Do not be sad!

It takes a certain discipline for both alpha and beta manifestations to come into life.
your intention. Without the ability to keep positive attention on what you want, the chaotic mental stream will simply not allow your intentions to germinate. Yes, it can take years to develop this skill. But these years will go away anyway, maybe it's worth spending them on something useful? It helped me a lot just to create the intention to learn how to work with it better and, accordingly, to embody it. Do not be sad!

Here he wrote "sprout your intentions" - a good metaphor can be developed!

Fulfilling wishes is easy! Any desire should be turned into an intention. How? Read carefully!

What is intention?

Intention or intention¹ is our desire plus real, confident action. For example: you are sitting on a chair and decide to stand up. Your intention is to get up. You just got up and that's it, without any thoughts and reasoning about it. The same is true with desires. You need to be 100% sure that it will come true.

Not our desires are fulfilled, but intentions. It's like going and taking what's yours. If a person is convinced that his desire is real, then it will come true. This is the power of thought.

If there is even a fraction of a doubt: “How, when, where will the resources come from ...”, then dreams will remain dreams².

How to turn desire into intention?

So intention is right desire. To fulfill a wish, you need to turn that wish into an intention. How to do it in practice?

To do this, remember how you feel from your most common actions. The way you reach out to turn on the light, the way you pick up the TV remote to press the button, the way you pour water into a glass and drink. All these sensations are not noticeable to you, you make them “automatically”, without reasoning.

To translate desire into the right desire, you need to adhere to the same scheme - you should not talk about it, you just need to be sure that you need it, which means it will come into your life. In this practice, you need to monitor your thoughts and emotions.

Meditation classes² and will also help well in this.

If you feel your desire as an intention, then it will launch a mechanism in your subconscious for execution.

How do your thoughts influence your intentions?

All your thoughts, actions and words define your outer world. If you are afraid of something³, think negative, read and watch about accidents and horrors, gossip and lie, cause trouble to those around you, then you get the same in return.

With your thoughts and actions, you attract exactly what your head is busy with. And, on the contrary, if you see only the beauty around you, believe in the miracle and magic of the world, bring happiness to your loved ones, then the world will treat you the same way.

Intention is the first step towards the goal

Choose your most cherished desire, turn it into the right desire, that is, an intention, and realize it. Your goal must be very clear. Imagine that the goal is achieved, the desire is fulfilled, and you feel joy, delight and happiness.

Now feel these emotions more often when you think about desire. These sensations quickly help your subconscious mind do whatever it takes to realize your intention.

How are the desires that you turned into intentions fulfilled?

Having made the decision to move towards the intended goal, you give impetus to the implementation of the intention, and it will definitely happen. You will have favorable combinations of circumstances; random coincidences and unexpected occurrences will be directed to achieve what was intended.

Do not worry, you will have resources and opportunities. You will begin to look at the world through the prism of your intention and notice what you need to realize it.

Events will begin to develop quite quickly, the first signs will be noticeable in 1-2 days.

will start coming to you new information. This will mean that the Universe has understood your intention and has taken action. Then for some time nothing can happen, there will be a “calm”. But that doesn't mean you have to give up on your intention.

It is very important to remain highly motivated and not. After a lull, it is time for the realization of desire.

New ideas and opportunities are emerging. To act in such conditions is extremely favorable. The result will not keep you waiting. You will get everything you thought about. This is the main law of intention.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Intention - the focus of consciousness, thinking on any subject; this orientation is based on desire, intention (Wikipedia).

² Meditation is a kind of mental exercise used as part of a spiritual-religious or health-improving practice, or a special mental condition resulting from these exercises (

Every transfer wants to make the object of dreams come true as soon as possible. However, their attempts are often doomed to failure. Many of the trainees (especially beginners) try literally their best - they make attempts, strictly, even reverently adhere to the rules of transurfing and ... still nothing happens! Then there are complaints, complaints, they say, they put and spent a lot of effort, time, worked with slides exactly according to the instructions, followed the principles of transurfing, but wishes still do not come true, etc.

The explanation for this is very simple. If the transferr adhered to the basic rules and principles of transerfing during visualization, and dreams remained “on paper”, then there is something in space that prevents the embodiment of thoughts and ideas. This something in transurfing has been known for a long time. It is called destructive pendulums.

Destructive pendulums are energetic informational structures "living" in the invisible planes of being. The essence of these pendulums is negative. That's why they are destructive. However, it is also incorrect to call them with the usual word “bad”. Is a cat bad for a little gray mouse who has succumbed to the temptation to feast on fragrant cheese and left his safe mink? Yes. And in the general plan of the universe? Of course not. So it is with pendulums. They are neither good nor bad. They are one of the components of the world order. Given. Moreover, a given, which has one unpleasant property - to feed on the energy of the so-called adherents (admirers of their energy essence, image, egregore).

Destructive pendulums are a solid obstacle to the realization of the desired. They tirelessly try to subjugate the mental energy of a person, thereby preventing him from translating his plans into reality. By ignoring the vibrations of the destructive pendulum, the transferer not only removes an annoying obstacle from its path, but also receives the energy of the pendulum itself - free energy to make a choice.

Having defined the obstacle, it is necessary to overcome it. A destructive pendulum can be removed in two ways: to fail the pendulum itself or to extinguish its oscillations. To fail the pendulum means to be indifferent to its existence. To extinguish its vibrations is to be in a state of complete equilibrium to pendulum vibrations. Only in these two cases, the transferr can count on a positive result of visualization and translating the essence of the slide into reality.

It should be taken into account that the essence of destructive pendulums is very strong. They are great masters of pulling a person for his feelings of fear, insecurity, guilt, timidity, failure, envy, greed, the most secret complexes. The scope of pendulums is very wide, and their methods are verified and reliable. Why did a colleague get a long-awaited promotion when you are still wiping your pants in your previous position? Oh, what a fashionable car the neighbor on the site has! What do you have under the saddle? Oh, my wife's friend drove off to rest in the Seychelles, closer to the warm Indian Ocean. And what are you, back to the local forest plantation, baking potatoes?! What a wonderful classmate smartphone. Yes, you don't have that. Oh, what gorgeous Italian stilettos that girl on the other side of the sidewalk has! You definitely can't afford one! Eh! Well, and so on, according to the list.

A person around the clock and bezvylazno is in the crazy environment of modern vain society. Vanity, illusory values, lack of spirituality are the most favorable environment for pendulums. It has always been so. It is not for nothing that a knowledgeable and experienced transferfer, striving to translate what he wants into reality, and making all mental efforts for this, tries to retire. Thus, he separates himself from society, temporarily withdraws himself, thereby depriving the pendulums of the opportunity to influence his thoughts and aspirations.

These simplest truths have been known for a very long time. Remember, Jesus Christ went into fasting and retired inside the vast desert. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) plunged into meditation not somewhere among the market crowd, but in a quiet dense forest. The Old Testament prophet Moses ascended Mount Sinai and remained there in prayerful seclusion for 40 days and nights. They all pursued main goal- plunging into prayer (visualizing), they deprived the pendulums of even the slightest opportunity to influence their consciousness.

Make slides, dear friends, visualize, be calm and unperturbed, deprive the opportunity to “feed” destructive pendulums with your energy, try, dream, be bright and pure, and then everything will definitely work out for you!