What is speech therapy definition. What is speech therapy: the basic principles of speech therapy. Severe speech disorders

branch of special pedagogy, whose task is to study the shortcomings of speech, develop principles and methods for their prevention and overcoming. Speech disorders can affect various components of speech activity. Some of them concern only pronunciation and are expressed in intelligibility disorders without any accompanying phenomena; others are found not only in pronunciation defects, but also in reading and writing disorders. There are violations covering both the phonetic and the lexico-grammatical system. Often the shortcomings of speech relate to its pace and fluency. Speech disorders often hinder successful development cognitive activity children, adversely affect the formation of their psyche. They have such features as isolation, self-doubt, negativism, etc. Overcoming speech disorders is carried out by special pedagogical methods, often with simultaneous medical interventions. However, elimination adverse conditions sound formation in itself usually does not provide overcoming speech defects arising in connection with the anatomical features of the articulatory apparatus. Correction of speech in these cases is achieved by carrying out speech therapy work with children. Studies of speech therapists have revealed the mechanisms of interaction between disorders of auditory perception and speech motor function, pronunciation and phonemic formation, disorders of oral and written speech. The interdependence of violations of the sound and semantic aspects of speech is revealed; thus, the complex and diverse mechanisms of mental processes involved in the formation of speech activity were revealed.


logo + greek pais - child). A science that studies speech disorders in children and adults, their semiotics, diagnosis and treatment methods. The object of L. are defects in speech and pronunciation - deafness, anartria, alalia, aphasia, dyslalia, stuttering, etc. The training of speech therapists is carried out at the defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes and includes the study of borderline medical sciences, including neurology, psychiatry, medical psychology. Speech therapists work in specialized rooms in district clinics and dispensaries.


from the Greek logos - word + pai-deia - education) is a branch of special pedagogy, whose task is to study the shortcomings of speech, develop principles and methods for their prevention and overcoming.

Speech disorders can affect various components of speech activity. Some of them concern only pronunciation and are expressed in intelligibility disorders without any accompanying phenomena (see tongue-tied tongue); others are found not only in pronunciation defects, but also in reading and writing disorders (see Agraphia, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia). There are violations covering both the phonetic and the lexical-grammatical system (see Alalia, Aphasia). Often the shortcomings of speech relate to its pace and fluency (see Stuttering).

Speech disorders often impede the successful development of children's cognitive activity and adversely affect the formation of their psyche. They have such traits as isolation, self-doubt, negativism, etc.

Overcoming speech disorders is carried out by special pedagogical methods, often with simultaneous medical interventions. However, the elimination of unfavorable conditions of sound formation in itself usually does not provide overcoming of speech defects arising in connection with the anatomical features of the articulatory apparatus. Correction of speech in these cases is achieved by carrying out speech therapy work with children.

Studies of speech therapists have revealed the mechanisms of interaction between disorders of auditory perception and speech motor function, pronunciation and phonemic formation, disorders of oral and written speech. The interdependence of violations of the sound and semantic aspects of speech is revealed; thus, the complex and diverse mechanisms of mental processes involved in the formation of speech activity were revealed. See also Speech Disorders.


speech therapy) is the rehabilitation of patients with speech disorders that have developed in them due to any existing congenital abnormalities, due to an accident or as a result of a disease (for example, after a stroke). Speech therapists have specialized training in this area, but may not have a medical degree.

speech therapy

Word formation. Comes from the Greek. logos - word + paideia - education.

Let's not beat around the bush, let's start with a definition. Speech therapist - a correctional teacher (yes, a teacher, not a doctor), dealing with the elimination speech disorders in children and adults. However, the speech therapist not only “puts” sounds.The work of a speech therapist begins with the development of mental processes in children (attention, visual and auditory perception, memory, thinking, general and fine motor skills). Its tasks also include: expansion and enrichment vocabulary children, improving the grammatical structure of speech, developing coherent speech, teaching literacy.

What kind of knowledge does this specialist have? A speech therapist, in addition to pedagogical knowledge, also possesses the basics of medical knowledge (neuropathology, anatomy and physiology of the organs of speech, hearing and vision), without which it is impossible to correctly determine a speech disorder in a child, and even more so to correct it.

It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the violations, the correction of which is dealt with by a speech therapist.
1) violations of the pronunciation of sounds (dyslalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia);
2) violations of the rhythm and pace of speech (takhilalia, bradilalia, stuttering);
3) voice disorders (dysphonia, aphonia),
4) underdevelopment of speech or loss of speech (alalia, aphasia),
5) writing disorders (dysgraphia, dyslexia).
If we take another classification, then all speech defects can be divided into 3 groups:
1) phonetic defect - a violation of the pronunciation of sounds,
2) phonemic defect (phonetic-phonemic) - a violation of phonemic hearing (distinguishing sounds),
3) general underdevelopment speech - a violation of sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech, i.e. all structures of the language system.

Within the framework of this article, of course, one cannot ignore the topic related to the age of contacting a speech therapist.
If at the age of 2 - 3 months the child does not coo, and by 6-7 months babble, then there is reason to think seriously, most likely, you cannot do without the help of a professional speech therapist. If by the age of one year the baby does not try to pronounce words, this is also evidence of some kind of violation. A serious reason for contacting a speech therapist is the lack of words and phrases in your baby’s speech if the child is over 2 years old. A consultation with a speech therapist at the age of three is recommended for all children without exception, regardless of whether they have speech defects or not. By the age of five, speech is usually fully formed, all sounds should be pronounced clearly and correctly, the baby should be able to build phrases and sentences, retell short tales, stories, and come up with some kind of stories.

Dear parents, remember! The sooner you contact a specialist, the more successful the results of corrective work will be!

I offer you a test, thanks to which the mother can determine for herself whether the child needs a speech therapist.

Read these statements. Put opposite the statement with which you agree with its serial number, if you do not agree, put 0. In other words, if there is no such violation, put 0; if there is, put the number of the question.
1. Our family members have pronunciation deficiencies.
2. Our child uttered the first word after 1 year.
3. The kid does not chew well and does not like solid food (carrots, apples, etc.)
4. Our child speaks fluently not only in Russian.
5. Our child is chattering so fast that sometimes we do not understand what he is talking about.
6. Our child's slow speech makes me nervous.
7. The child speaks very loudly (or very quietly).
8. Our child is not able to pronounce long words (by the age of 2, “main” (car), “apiped” (bicycle) are the norm).
9. The kid hardly manages to memorize verses.
10. He writes some letters and numbers in the opposite direction.
11. Our child is already 6 years old, but he can’t remember the letters in any way.
12. In speech, the child makes grammatical errors (Long ears. Many chairs. My apple. Up to 3 years old - this is the norm!).
13. Our child does not pronounce some sounds (this item depends on the age of the child, there are age norms for incorrect pronunciation).
14. We have read this fairy tale so many times, but the child cannot tell it! (from 2.5 years old)
15. Often people around ask to "translate" what our baby said (speech is blurred, slurred, incomprehensible).
16. Our child stutters.
17. I am alarmed by the fact that the child repeats the same word 3-4 times before expressing his thought.

Total points:
If you typed:
from 0 to 4 points - you have no reason to worry;
from 5 to 9 points - we recommend consulting a speech therapist;
from 10 points and more - you need to urgently seek help from a speech therapist!

So, a speech therapist is a teacher, not a doctor, he is engaged in correction, not treatment. However, it can be compared with this specialist. The doctor writes out recommendations that you follow at home, the speech therapist does the same (in addition to classes). Therefore, remember that the success of correctional work depends not only on the classes themselves, but also on your work with the child at home. Also, a speech therapist often works in collaboration with a neurologist, so his instructions must also be followed. Good luck to you and your kids.

The science of speech therapy is engaged in a detailed study and development of speech. The term denoting this direction of scientific knowledge, of Greek origin, was formed by the merger of two words: “speech” (logos) and “education, education” (paideia). Thus, the term itself reveals the essence of speech therapy and its focus.

In addition to the education of speech, this science, being one of the branches of special pedagogy, pays special attention to speech defects, their causes, their mechanisms, symptoms and course. Speech therapy studies pathological abnormalities speech development and speech activity in order to find new methods and programs for teaching people with similar defects to produce correct speech.

The object of study of speech therapy are persons who are diagnosed with any speech deviations (except for physiological deficiencies). Like any other area of ​​scientific study, speech therapy has its own principles, objectives, methods and programs for teaching individuals with identified speech disorders.

When did the trend originate?

The history of speech therapy does not have an exact date of occurrence, but spans several millennia. There are four stages in the development of this direction (independent today) of correctional pedagogy. As the trend in the development of the industry demonstrates, it was formed on the basis of the knowledge gained by medicine and pedagogy, and therefore has a direct connection with them.

Scientific knowledge of speech disorders and finding methods for their correction began not so long ago, when medicine became aware of the basic mechanisms of the anatomical and physiological aspects, thanks to which a person manages to carry out speech activity. Around the middle of the 19th century, the first notes appeared on the theory of speech disorders, the author of which was the neuropathologist P. Brock. A little later, his treatise with a description of the center of the sensory side of speech capabilities was published by another neuropathologist - K. Wernicke.

Both of these works have given rise to much controversy and discussion regarding the mechanisms behind the speech system. It is worth noting that this scientific conflict has become an excellent pretext for collecting new data and knowledge about possible violations of human speech activity.

In this regard, the results of studies of speech disorders gradually began to appear, which were carried out for experimental purposes not only by neuropathologists, but also by linguists, psychologists, physiologists, teachers and other specialists.

Thus, speech therapy as a science was born gradually, against the background of the development and improvement of other sciences. And now, being an independent branch of correctional pedagogy, speech therapy is not isolated from other areas. Moreover, it closely interacts with other areas of scientific knowledge of individuals.

In the vastness of Russia, a breakthrough in the development of speech therapy was the event when the state decided to provide assistance to children with speech disabilities. In the not so distant 1917, special decrees were issued on the need to include preschool and school institutions (including private ones) in common system education of the Soviet people.

The leading Soviet authorities were engaged in the coordination of these documents. Thanks to these decrees, which prompted the government to come to grips with the issue of providing assistance to children with speech defects (including abnormal ones), cardinal changes were initiated in the organization of educational and educational processes.

Basic concepts

Speech disorders, which speech therapy deals with, are considered deviations in the work of the muscles. speech apparatus, violations in the pronunciation of sounds or intonation, underdevelopment of speech, pathological development against the background of diseases and other anomalies.

Such defects are studied and determined by experts in various scientific fields. In the course of studying speech defects, each deviation is considered in accordance with the goals, objectives and methods of each of the scientific areas.

The value of speech therapy in this case is the study of a disorder with the aim of preventing it, as well as eliminating it with the help of special programs of corrective education or training. Therefore, speech therapy is considered a branch of special pedagogy. Its current structure is:

  • Preschool and school speech therapy.
  • Speech therapy for adolescent children.
  • Speech therapy for adults.

The theoretical foundations of speech therapy make it possible to investigate the etiology of speech disorders using the evolutionary-dynamic method in combination with the principle of unity of the dialectical, biological and social aspects of the development of the speech apparatus.

Based on this, the tasks of speech therapy are determined:

  • The study of the individual characteristics of speech for each form of speech deviations.
  • Identification of symptoms, the nature of development and the degree of deviation of speech activity.
  • Determination of trends in the development of children with speech deviations.
  • Identification of the connection between speech disorders and the formation of mental, physical health and the formation of personality.
  • Study of the formation of the speech apparatus in children with various developmental defects in the presence of speech deviations.
  • Identification of the nature of the appearance of the disorder, its mechanism of action, associated symptoms, and structure.
  • Development of pedagogical and other methods of cognition of disorders of speech activity.
  • Systematization of the received practical and theoretical knowledge to create a basis that allows improving the methods of studying speech defects.
  • Development of new methods, techniques and principles to prevent and eliminate violations.
  • Formulating and posing new, topical issues related to the organization of programs to provide appropriate assistance to people with speech disorders.

The tasks of this scientific direction presented above consider violations of speech activity from the point of view of:

  • Theories - the study of speech disorders in order to be able to develop new methods for prevention, identifying a tendency to deviance and overcoming them.
  • Practices - the use of preventive measures, methods for identifying and eliminating deviations in the speech apparatus.

As can be seen, the theoretical side and practical experience speech therapy are closely related, which allows for an integrated scientific approach to solving the problems of diction defects.

Through its direct scientific activity, this branch relies on the basic principles of speech therapy:

1. The principle of consistency - considers speech as a unique system with its own complex structure, the components of which are studied separately to obtain overall picture capabilities and structure of the speech apparatus.

2. The principle of complexity - takes into account the patterns and specific features of the development of individuals in the presence of speech defects.

3. The principle of development - when carrying out correctional and speech therapy activities, it involves the definition of the main stages, tasks and the identification of complications associated with the immediate environment of the face.

4. The principle of considering speech disorders against the background of the mental state of the individual and its aspects.

5. The principle of the activity approach - for the organization of a speech therapy program for raising or teaching a child with diction, the leading one is his direct activity (games, training, practice).

6. The principle of orthogenetic features.

7. Etiopathogenetic and symptomatic principle.

8. A principle that takes into account the structure of diction defects.

9. The principle of bypass - considers the possibility of forming a new principle of the functioning of speech "by" the component, which is a violation.

10. General didactic principles.

It is worth noting that the basis of the scientific method is speech therapy principles, general didactic, as well as special ones (principles of development, systematization of techniques and interconnectedness). They are a practical reinforcement of the theory of R.E. Levina regarding an integrated approach to the implementation of speech therapy activities, which takes into account the characteristics of the individual (in the motor, sensory, volitional and emotional spheres).

What options and techniques does science use

The methods used by this branch of science make it possible to carry out basic speech therapy practical activities, supported by theoretical knowledge. All methods of speech therapy, as practice has shown, can be divided into groups:

1. Methods for organizing the processes of studying speech mechanisms (comparison, complex study, study in dynamics).

2. Empirical (based on experience) methods. In particular, it is observation, experiment and study in psychodynamics. They also include the biographical method, based on the collection, systematization and analysis of data, and praximetric examples on the consideration of the activity of speech.

3. Methods associated with the analysis and processing by means of a computer of data obtained during the application of quantitative and qualitative methods.

4. Interpretation methods that study the ways of applying the theory in practice in relation to the phenomena under study.

Specialists carrying out scientific activities

Direct participants in speech therapy activities are speech therapists. These are specialists who carry out the correction of speech disorders in children, using scientific methods. The main task of their activity is a comprehensive assessment of the state of the individual's speech apparatus, as well as a comparison of its capabilities with age criteria.

The profession of a speech therapist appeared relatively recently, approximately in the second half of the 20th century. Its occurrence was associated with attempts to correct speech in persons with various violations development, substantiating them as phenomena of a physiological nature, requiring medical methods of treatment. The ineffectiveness of such measures led experts to the idea that speech disorders may have psychological character requiring a different approach.

Communication of a person with people around him is a very important aspect of his development as a person. Therefore, specialists who carry out speech therapy and correctional activities provide society with a huge service.

The main task of a speech therapist is not only to eliminate problems with diction, but also to identify the causes that provoked this defect. To this end, the specialist uses the most effective techniques and scientific methods, developing correct speech together with a speech pathologist who monitors the activities and development of the child as a whole. The key to full-fledged speech capabilities is an integrated approach to studying the problem, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Other tasks that a speech therapist is involved in are:

  • Correct placement of sounds.
  • Enrichment of vocabulary.
  • The development of skills for a clear pronunciation of sounds, for which pure speech is used.
  • Construction of coherent, full-fledged, euphonious speech statements.
  • Instilling skills and grammar rules.
  • Error correction.
  • Application of measures to prevent, identify, study the mechanism of speech deficiencies, as well as their elimination.
  • Identification of the causes of other defects (if the child has them), as well as the determination of the necessary measures to provide him with appropriate assistance.

The key to successful correction of diction is a timely appeal to a speech therapist. At the same time, speech therapy is an area where the success of the entire enterprise depends on the leading specialist only by 50%, the second 50% is the efforts of the patient and his family. Under these conditions, the child has every chance to master the correct speech. Author: Elena Suvorova

speech therapy- a special pedagogical science about speech disorders, ways to prevent them, identify and eliminate them by means of special training and education. It is one of the sections of special pedagogy. Speech therapy studies the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course, structure of speech disorders, and the system of corrective action.

History reference

The first attempts to correct speech disorders are described in works on deaf pedagogy in the 17th century. (speech defects with preserved hearing did not stand out as a special problem then). As an independent scientific branch speech therapy took shape in the second half of the 19th century. up to 30

X years. 20th century in speech therapy, a simplified idea of ​​speech disorders as defects in the speech-motor muscles prevailed; consideration of the shortcomings of speech was carried out mainly in line with the development of symptomatic techniques for overcoming the motor difficulties of articulation. These questions, along with the problem of correcting the respiratory system, were the main content of speech therapy. Practical corrective measures had a predominantly medical focus. With the expansion and deepening of scientific ideas about the nature of speech activity, the direction of speech therapy has radically changed - pedagogical content began to come to the fore. Modern speech therapy, based on the general principles of defectology, as well as interacting with other sciences (psychology, physiology, linguistics), considers speech as a systemic multifunctional formation that affects mental development.

  • Lukash Olga Leonidovna
  • Ditkovskaya, Nina Leonidovna

Classification of speech disorders

Currently, there is no single classification of speech disorders. Attempts to create one (M. E. Khvattsev, O. V. Pravdina, R. A. Belova-David, M. Zeeman, R. E. Levina, etc.) have been made throughout the history of the development of speech therapy as a science and field practical activities. The ineffectiveness of the classification of speech disorders is explained quite simply: a person does not have specific organs for performing speech functions. The generation of speech and voice is carried out by adapted organs and systems that initially perform other physiological functions. The perception and understanding of speech is also carried out by systems originally used for something else. Hence the contiguity of disciplines involved, in addition to speech therapy, in the correction and treatment of speech disorders. For practical purposes, it is not the "Linnean principle" - classification, but the differentiation according to the types of variants of speech disorders (typology) that is more suitable.

Clinical and pedagogical classification

All types of disorders considered in this classification, on the basis of psychological and linguistic criteria, can be divided into two large groups: oral speech and writing disorders.

Oral speech disorders

  1. phonation disorders of the utterance:
    1. Dysphonia (aphonia)
  2. Violations of the structural-semantic (internal) design of the statement:

Writing disorders

Psychological and pedagogical classification

Speech disorders in this classification are divided into two groups: violations of the means of communication and violations in the use of means of communication.

Communication disorders

Violations in the use of means of communication

Speech disorders: main options

Speech development disorders in oligophrenia(adjacent area of ​​speech therapy and oligophrenopedagogy).

Speech development disorders in hearing impairment(the area is predominantly deaf pedagogy).

Scientific journals in Russian

Magazine "Defectology"

A scientific and methodological journal, an organ of the Russian Academy of Education, has been published in Moscow since 1969. Frequency - 6 times a year.

Covers the problems of the theory and practice of teaching and educating (preschool and school) children with mental and physical development, general and vocational training deaf and blind adults, defectology education, etc. Popularizes the best practices of special schools and preschool institutions. Publishes materials about new technical means and manuals for teaching anomalous children, advice and consultations.


Scientific and methodological journal, published in Moscow since 2004.

Addressed to speech therapists working with preschool and school age, specialists of educational authorities, teachers and students of defectological faculties of universities. The journal publishes guidelines for practicing speech therapists, abstracts speech therapy classes and exercises, white papers, articles on topical issues speech therapy.

Since the second half of 2006, an supplement to the Speech Therapist magazine has been issued - "Sweetie". The application is an illustrated book for classes with a child. Each application number is dedicated to one single aspect of speech therapy work.

Online edition of correctional pedagogy and special psychology: scientific and methodological journal. This publication is a methodological and informational support for specialists, parents and public organizations. It has been on the Internet since 2000.

see also

  • Special Pedagogy
  • Special psychology

Write a review on the article "Speech therapy"


  • Basova A. G., Egorov S. F. History of deaf pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students defectol. fak. ped. in-comrade. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 295 p., illust


An excerpt characterizing speech therapy

Dinner was already over, the emperor got up and, finishing his biscuit, went out onto the balcony. The people, with Petya in the middle, rushed to the balcony.
"Angel, father!" Hurray, father! .. - the people and Petya shouted, and again the women and some weaker men, including Petya, wept with happiness. A rather large piece of biscuit, which the sovereign held in his hand, broke off and fell on the railing of the balcony, from the railing to the ground. The coachman in the coat, who was standing nearest, rushed to this piece of biscuit and grabbed it. Some of the crowd rushed to the coachman. Noticing this, the sovereign ordered a plate of biscuits to be served to him and began to throw biscuits from the balcony. Petya's eyes were filled with blood, the danger of being crushed excited him even more, he threw himself on the biscuits. He did not know why, but it was necessary to take one biscuit from the hands of the king, and it was necessary not to succumb. He rushed and knocked down an old woman who was catching a biscuit. But the old woman did not consider herself defeated, although she lay on the ground (the old woman caught biscuits and did not hit with her hands). Petya knocked her hand away with his knee, grabbed the biscuit and, as if afraid of being late, again shouted "Hurrah!", in a hoarse voice.
The sovereign left, and after that most of the people began to disperse.
“So I said that we still have to wait - and it happened,” the people said joyfully from different sides.
Happy as Petya was, he was still sad to go home and know that all the enjoyment of that day was over. From the Kremlin, Petya did not go home, but to his comrade Obolensky, who was fifteen years old and who also entered the regiment. Returning home, he resolutely and firmly announced that if they did not let him in, he would run away. And the next day, although not yet completely surrendered, Count Ilya Andreich went to find out how to put Petya somewhere safer.

On the morning of the 15th, on the third day after that, an innumerable number of carriages stood at the Sloboda Palace.
The halls were full. In the first there were nobles in uniforms, in the second, merchants with medals, in beards and blue caftans. There was a buzz and movement in the hall of the Nobility Assembly. At one large table, under the portrait of the sovereign, the most important nobles were sitting on chairs with high backs; but most of the nobles walked about the hall.
All the nobles, the same ones that Pierre saw every day either in the club or in their houses - all were in uniforms, some in Catherine’s, some in Pavlov’s, some in new Alexander’s, some in general noble ones, and this one general character uniform gave something strange and fantastic to these old and young, the most diverse and familiar faces. Especially striking were the old people, blind, toothless, bald, swollen with yellow fat or shriveled, thin. For the most part they sat in their places and were silent, and if they walked and talked, they would attach themselves to someone younger. Just as on the faces of the crowd that Petya saw in the square, all these faces showed a striking feature of the opposite: a common expectation of something solemn and ordinary, yesterday's - the Boston party, Petrushka the cook, the health of Zinaida Dmitrievna, etc.
Pierre, from early morning pulled together in an awkward, narrow noble uniform that had become him, was in the halls. He was in a state of agitation: the extraordinary assembly not only of the nobility, but also of the merchants - estates, etats generaux - evoked in him a whole series of thoughts long abandoned, but deeply embedded in his soul, about the Contrat social [Social contract] and the French revolution. The words he noticed in the appeal, that the sovereign would arrive in the capital for a conference with his people, confirmed him in this look. And he, believing that in this sense something important was approaching, something that he had been waiting for a long time, he walked, looked closely, listened to the conversation, but nowhere did he find an expression of those thoughts that occupied him.
The sovereign's manifesto was read, which caused delight, and then everyone dispersed, talking. In addition to the usual interests, Pierre heard rumors about where the leaders should stand at the time the sovereign entered, when to give the sovereign a ball, whether to be divided into districts or the entire province ... etc.; but as soon as the matter concerned the war and what the nobility was gathered for, the rumors were indecisive and indefinite. They were more willing to listen than to speak.
One middle-aged man, courageous, handsome, in a retired naval uniform, was talking in one of the halls, and people crowded around him. Pierre went up to the circle formed near the talker and began to listen. Count Ilya Andreich, in his Catherine’s voivodship caftan, walking with a pleasant smile among the crowd, familiar with everyone, also approached this group and began to listen with his kind smile, as he always listened, nodding his head approvingly in agreement with the speaker. The retired sailor spoke very boldly; this was evident from the expressions of the faces who listened to him, and from the fact that Pierre, known for being the most submissive and quiet people, disapprovingly departed from him or contradicted him. Pierre pushed his way into the middle of the circle, listened and made sure that the speaker was really a liberal, but in a completely different sense than Pierre thought. The sailor spoke in that especially sonorous, melodious, noble baritone, with a pleasant grazing and contraction of consonants, in that voice with which they shout: “Cheak, pipe!”, And the like. He spoke with a habit of revelry and power in his voice.
- Well, that the Smolensk people offered the militias to the gosuai. Is it a decree for us Smolensk? If the bourgeois nobility of the Moscow province finds it necessary, they can show their devotion to the Emperor by other means. Have we forgotten the militia in the seventh year! Caterers and robber thieves have just made a profit...
Count Ilya Andreich, smiling sweetly, nodded his head approvingly.
- And what, did our militias make a benefit to the state? No! only ruined our farms. Better still a set ... otherwise neither a soldier nor a peasant will return to you, and only one debauchery. The nobles do not spare their lives, we ourselves will go without exception, we will take another recruit, and for all of us, just call the goose (he pronounced the sovereign so), we will all die for him, - the orator added, animated.
Ilya Andreich swallowed his saliva with pleasure and pushed Pierre, but Pierre also wanted to speak. He moved forward, feeling animated, not knowing what else and not knowing what he would say. He had just opened his mouth to speak, when one senator, completely without teeth, with an intelligent and angry face, standing close to the speaker, interrupted Pierre. With a visible habit of debating and holding questions, he spoke quietly, but audibly:
“I believe, my dear sir,” said the senator, mumbling his toothless mouth, “that we are not called here to discuss what is more convenient for the state at the present moment - recruitment or militia. We are called to respond to the proclamation with which the Sovereign Emperor honored us. And to judge what is more convenient - a recruitment or a militia, we will leave to judge the highest authority ...
Pierre suddenly found an outlet for his animation. He became hardened against the senator, who introduced this correctness and narrowness of views into the upcoming classes of the nobility. Pierre stepped forward and stopped him. He himself did not know what he was going to say, but he began briskly, occasionally breaking through in French and expressing himself bookishly in Russian.
“Excuse me, Your Excellency,” he began (Pierre was well acquainted with this senator, but considered it necessary to address him officially here), “although I do not agree with the lord ... (Pierre faltered. He wanted to say mon tres honorable preopinant), [my esteemed opponent,] - with the lord ... que je n "ai pas L" honneur de connaitre; [whom I do not have the honor to know] but I believe that the estate of the nobility, in addition to expressing their sympathy and delight, is also called upon to discuss and discuss those measures by which we can help the fatherland. I believe, - he said, inspired, - that the sovereign himself would be dissatisfied if he found in us only the owners of the peasants whom we give him, and ... chair a canon [meat for cannons], which we make of ourselves, but would not have found co-co-counsel in us.
Many moved away from the circle, noticing the contemptuous smile of the senator and the fact that Pierre speaks freely; only Ilya Andreich was pleased with Pierre's speech, as he was pleased with the speech of the sailor, the senator, and in general always with the speech that he had last heard.
“I believe that before discussing these issues,” Pierre continued, “we should ask the sovereign, most respectfully ask His Majesty to communicate to us how many troops we have, what is the position of our troops and armies, and then ...

speech therapy (from the Greek lógos - word, speech and paideía - education, training)

branch of pedagogical science; studies anomalies in the development of speech with normal hearing, investigates the manifestations, nature and mechanisms of speech disorders, develops scientific foundations their overcoming and prevention by means of special training and education.

For the first time, the issues of correcting speech deficiencies were reflected in works on deaf pedagogy (See Deaf Pedagogy) , relating to the 17th century. (At that time, the concept of deaf-mutism was still little distinguished from hearing-mutism and other speech defects in hearing people). From the 2nd half of the 19th century. the study of speech deficiencies with normal hearing acquires an independent, but mainly medical content: speech correction began to be regarded as a medical procedure that was carried out by doctors or nurses.

Until the end of the 30s. 20th century one-sided ideas of speech as a set of specialized muscular movements prevailed. Consideration of the shortcomings of speech was carried out most often in the plane of developing symptomatic techniques for overcoming the motor difficulties of articulation. These questions, together with questions of the correction of the respiratory system, constituted the main content of L. With the expansion and deepening of scientific ideas about the nature of speech activity and the appearance of theoretical research in this area, the direction of L. changed radically - pedagogical content began to come to the fore. Modern linguistics proceeds from the concept of the complex structure of speech activity, the diversity of its functions, and the ways in which it influences the mental development of a person.

Disadvantages of speech are different in their manifestations, their nature, degree of severity and influence on mental condition and development. Some of the shortcomings relate to the pronunciation side (for example, tongue-tied) , others manifest themselves not only in pronunciation defects, but also in reading and writing disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia), they also capture the lexical and grammatical side of speech (for example, Alalia, Aphasia). Along with violations of the means of language, there are deviations in the formation of speech behavior, leading to stuttering (See Stuttering).

In speech therapy research, in addition to pronunciation defects, the level of lexical and grammatical development, mastery of the sound composition of the word, written speech, etc. is established. The state of receptor activity, cognitive processes, emotional-volitional sphere, etc. is widely studied. taking into account data from other areas of knowledge: psychology, linguistics, physiology, and medicine. Speech disorders are overcome by pedagogical methods, the direction of special education and correctional and educational activities, as necessary, is consistent with medical recommendations.

The direct purpose of L. is to develop issues of speech pathology, however, the results of studies of the abnormal development of speech contribute to the expansion of ideas in the field of general psychology and speech pedagogy. In the USSR, speech therapy assistance is provided in special and mass schools, preschool institutions, children's clinics, hospitals, etc. Speech therapists are trained at defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes. Scientific research in the field of L. are conducted at the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, pedagogical institutes, and some research medical institutions.

Lit.: Khvattsev M. E., Lack of speech in schoolchildren, M., 1958; Levina R. E., Writing disorders in children with speech underdevelopment, M., 1961; Essays on the pathology of speech and voice, ed. S. S. Lyapidevsky, v. 1-3, M., 1960-67; Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy, M., 1968; Kashe G. S., Fomicheva T. B., Didactic material to correct pronunciation deficiencies in children preschool age, M., 1971.

R. E. Levina.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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