Project "space world or life in space". Project "Space and Us" Presentation on the theme we live in space

  1. 1. Project on the topic: “Space” was completed by a 2nd grade student Roman Tsarevsky
  2. 2. Today we will get acquainted together with two planets of the solar system - Venus and Saturn. These planets are considered among the most beautiful planets. Let's find out why this is so.
  3. 3. Let's guess what planet we are talking about now? Only the sun and the moon in the sky is brighter than she is. And there is no hot planet in the solar system.
  4. 4. ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE PLANET The planet Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is named after the ancient Roman goddess of love and beauty. Interesting Planet Fact: Venus, the only planet named after a woman, was perhaps named after the most beautiful deity because she emitted the brightest light of any of the five planets known to ancient astronomers.
  5. 5. Venus is called "sister-Earth." The planets are almost identical in size, chemical composition, weight and density. Venus has volcanoes, mountains, and sand, just like Earth. The size of Venus is only 650 km smaller than the size of the Earth. But that's where the similarities with planet Earth end.
  6. 6. What do we know about the planet Venus - the second planet solar system, and the third brightest object in the Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. Because Venus is so close to Earth, it can be seen with the naked eye (without a telescope) and appears to be the brightest light in the night sky.
  7. 7. A few more facts Around its axis, the planet rotates extremely slowly, almost imperceptibly, and a complete revolution occurs in 243 Earth days. A day on Venus lasts a little less than a year on Earth. Venus makes a complete revolution around the Sun in 225 Earth days. The Earth needs 140 days more for this.
  8. 8. Continue Venus is one of two planets that rotate around its axis clockwise from east to west. Only one planet behaves the same way, and that is Uranus. Since Venus rotates very slowly around its axis, there is no change of seasons here - it is simply constantly “baked” from all sides.
  9. 9. Is life possible on Venus? Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. The temperature on the surface of the planet is about 480 degrees, because of this, there is no liquid water on the planet. o The high temperature on the surface of Venus is the result of the greenhouse effect. Because of the large clouds of sulfuric acid surrounding the planet and the dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide, almost all of the solar energy that makes its way through the atmosphere is trapped below it and heats the planet's surface. The planet's atmosphere is made up primarily of carbon dioxide(96%) and nitrogen (4%).
  10. 10. Exploring the planet: The Russian spacecraft Venera 13 took these photographs of the surface of Venus on March 1, 1982. The spacecraft stayed on the surface for 2 hours and 7 minutes before being destroyed by the planet's caustic environment Image of the surface of Venus taken by the Venera 13 spacecraft
  11. 11. Let's summarize: 1. Venus is the closest Planet to the Earth. 2. sunlight, reflecting off Venus, makes it the brightest planet in the night sky. 3. Venus is covered with a heavy layer of vortex clouds, blocking observation of craters and mountains on its surface. 4. In the atmosphere of Venus, thunderstorms constantly occur with rainfall in the form of sulfuric acid. 5. The atmosphere of Venus consists mainly of carbon dioxide. 6. Venus is about the same size as the Earth. 7. Clouds on Venus fly around the planet in just 4 Earth days. 8. Venus and Mercury are the only planets in the solar system that do not have satellites. 9. Slow rotation around the axis contributes to constant baking and the absence of a change in season. 10. Only Venus and Uranus rotate around the axis clockwise. 11. Due to the high temperature, life on Venus is not possible.
  12. 12. Let's guess what planet we are talking about now? Magnificent gas giant Jupiter's brother and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby.
  13. Saturn, as well as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, are classified as gas giants. Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturn, an analogue of the Greek Kronos (Titan, father of Zeus). Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture. The Greeks called him Kronos. He was the son of Uranus and the father of Jupiter. Saturn overthrew his father to become king of the gods, but was then overthrown by his son, Jupiter.
  14. 14. The "pearl of the solar system" Saturn - is the second largest planet, is widely known for the rings revolving around the planet. These rings were first discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. Saturn has the nickname "Pearl of the solar system".
  15. 15. The temperature of Saturn is -212 degrees. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89 degrees. The width of Saturn is 120,537 km, which is 10 times the width of the Earth. Saturn could fit 750 Earth-sized planets.
  16. Interesting facts about Saturn Saturn has the most low density of all the planets and is less dense than water - so if there were a big enough bath to hold it, Saturn would float. Saturn rotates faster than any other planet except Jupiter, making one complete revolution in 10.5 hours. This rapid rotation has caused the planet Saturn to "push down" at the equator and flatten out at the poles.
  17. 17. Composition and temperature of the planet: The main chemical elements that make up Saturn are hydrogen and helium. The wind speed on Saturn is high - at the equator it reaches 480 m/s. The temperature of the upper boundary of the atmosphere is 85 K (-188°C). There are many methane clouds in the upper atmosphere - several dozen belts and a number of individual eddies. In addition, powerful thunderstorms and auroras are quite often observed here.
  18. 18. Saturn's Moons and Rings The planet Saturn has at least 62 moons. Since the planet was named after Kronos, the lord of the titans in Greek mythology, then most of the satellites of Saturn were named after other titans, their descendants. These satellites may have strange characteristics. Pan and Atlas are shaped like a flying saucer, Iapetus has one side as bright as snow and one side as dark as coal, and Enceladus is volcanic in ice, erupting with water and other elements.
  19. 19. Satellites of Saturn The largest of the satellites is Titan. Titan is about half water ice and half rock. Titan is the only satellite in the entire solar system that has an atmosphere, moreover, similar to the earth, where the pressure is only one and a half times higher than at the surface of the planet Earth.
  20. 20. Let's look at Saturn's largest moons: Titan Tethys Dione Enceladus
  21. 21. Rings of Saturn The main feature of Saturn, which distinguishes it from other planets, is a huge system of rings - its width is almost 115 thousand km with a thickness of about 5 km. The constituent elements of these formations are particles (their size reaches several tens of meters), consisting of ice, iron oxide and rocks. Rings consist of the smallest stony formations, formations covered with ice and ice crystals themselves. And due to the particularly high reflectivity, the rings of Saturn are clearly visible and can be easily observed through a telescope from Earth.
  22. 22. The natural color of the rings of Saturn View from the Cassini spacecraft
  23. 23. Exploring the planet Saturn was first observed in 1610 by Galileo in his telescope with 20x magnification. The ring was discovered by Huygens in 1658. The greatest contribution to the study of this planet was made by Cassini, who discovered several satellites and gaps in the structure of the ring, the widest of which bears his name.
  24. 24. Well, our journey is over. See you soon!

Project in the preparatory group "Space and Us"

Type of project: information and educational, creative.

Project participants: children preparatory group, parents, educators.

Implementation time: April 2016

Relevance of the problem: What is space? Probably not all adults know the answer to this question. More primitive people fixed their eyes on the night sky, trying to find out what kind of luminous dots are on it. Some thought that the gods lived in the sky, others believed that the sky was inhabited by unknown to man beings, and even to this day, a person has not developed a complete understanding of what the cosmos really is. Therefore, it is important to competently build work on the formation of children's ideas about space. From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. At an early age, they are interested in the mysteries of the universe. Older preschoolers are always attracted by the theme of space, since everything unknown, incomprehensible, inaccessible to the eye excites children's imagination. What methods can be used to interest a child, how to help him learn a lot of new and interesting things about space? We believe that the project method will allow children to learn complex material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting. The work on the project is complex, permeates all activities of preschoolers, takes place in everyday life and in educational activities.

Project problems : Modern preschoolers ask a lot of questions about space, stars, astronauts , because this topic, like everything unknown, incomprehensible, inaccessible to the eye, excites children's imagination. This project will help children learn how to extract information from various sources, systematize the knowledge gained, apply it in various types children's activities.

Expected results: Assimilation of knowledge, ideas about space by children .

Increasing the level of motivation for classes.

Development in children of active, independent, creative personality.

Involving parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.


To form in children the integrity of the picture of the world (the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bouter space , The solar system and its planets, human space exploration .)

To promote the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities of children, the creation of conditions for the development of cognitive speech activity of preschoolers, the desire for independent knowledge.


1. Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the cosmos. Tell about interesting facts and space events .

2. To give knowledge about human space exploration , about the importance of space research for the life of people on earth. continue acquaintance with the first pilot - cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

3. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise; cultivate mutual assistance, benevolent relations with each other,

4. Broaden your horizons and activate the vocabulary of preschoolers.

5. To cultivate respect and love for the Earth, which gives everything necessary for life. A sense of pride in their homeland, the history of their planet, for the achievements of scientists , astronauts .

6. Involve parents in joint activities.

Project relevance

Being an astronaut is not relevant for modern boys

Fictional characters of modern cartoons misinform preschoolers, talking about non-existent planets, and often cause them negative emotions, contribute to the development of fears. Therefore, it is important to competently organize work on the formation of children's ideas about outer space.

The project will help to expand knowledge and understanding of outer space; concretizes knowledge about the planets of the solar system, constellations, meteorites, forms an interest in unknown facts from history space. Children will learn to analyze existing facts, establish causal relationships, and draw conclusions. Supposed result:

Assimilation by children of knowledge, ideas about outer space development of an active, independent, creative personality.

Raising a patriotic feeling of a preschooler, the desire to be brave, strong and hardy.

Involvement of parents in joint activities with the child.

Implementation stages project

1. Collection of information

Individual conversations with children and parents

2. Diagnostics to identify children's knowledge about outer space

Diagnostic game tasks;

3. The study of educational and methodological literature on the problem

Collection of material (books, illustrations, postcards, presentations)


1. To select topics that expand the ideas of preschoolers

1Conversation "What space » .

Target: to give children an idea about the planets of the solar system, the sun, the stars, the first flight in space to find out the knowledge of children on this issue.

2. Conversation "Blue Planet - Earth".

Target: explain to children what a telescope is, space, show how beautiful our Earth is from space.

3. Conversation "The Moon is the Earth's satellite".

Target: find out children's ideas about the moon, month, expand knowledge about the lunar surface, atmosphere.

4. Conversation "First in outer space »

Target: Continue acquaintance with the first pilot astronaut Yu. A. Gagarin

5. Conversation "The sun is the source of life on earth".

Target: clarify children's knowledge about the sun, its shape; explain what it is

1Design (origami)

Topic: « space rockets » .

Target: learn name constituent parts rockets; build a paper rocket

2.Drawing", "Open Space"

Target: Expand the horizons, knowledge of children about outer space; develop color perception; maintain interest in visual activity.

3. Modeling "Cosmonauts"

Purpose: to teach children to sculpt an astronaut "spring", using a toy as a nature; convey the shape of the parts of the toy

2 Joint activities

1 Watching the cartoons "The Secret of the Third Planet", "Squirrel and Strelka".

2 Constructive games:

-« spaceport » ,

- "Spaceship"

3 Didactic games :

- "Find a Pair",

- "The Fourth Extra"

- "Choose a word"

4 Outdoor games:

- "Fast rockets are waiting for us",

- "Weightlessness",

- « space relay »

3 Plot - role-playing games

1 « Space trip » ,

2 « astronauts »

4 Reading fiction

1B. Borozdin "First in outer space » ,

2 Lyubov Talimonova "Tales of the constellations"

3 Riddles about outer space

5 Create a move folder "Planets of the solar system"

6 Working with parents

Consultation How to introduce preschoolers to outer space »

Participation in the exhibition of crafts.


1Competition of reciters of poems about outer space,

2 backfill question « Space and us »

3. Collective panel "Flight to the moon"


Outdoor games:

"Fast rockets are waiting for us"

Hoops-rockets are laid out around the hall. Their number is several pieces less than the players. Children join hands and walk in a circle with the words:
- Fast rockets are waiting for us
To travel to planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!
After last words children scatter and take places in the "rockets" (if there are a lot of children, then you can sit in one rocket for two or three people) and take different space poses. Those who did not get a seat in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful astronaut poses. Then everyone gets back into the circle and the game starts all over again.


The game is played under the accompaniment of a music director.
Purpose: development of imitation of the movements and speech of an adult - repetition of the sound "U".
- We launch a rocket "UUU!": Hands above the head in the shape of a cone,
- Started the motors "R-rr": movement in a circle one after another
- Buzzed: "Whoo!": Hands spread out to the sides.
- They flew to the gas station: sat down - hands forward, refueled - lowered their hands.
The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

"Rocket launcher"

Children lay out the hoops in a circle, run freely around the hoops and say the words:
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights around the planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers!
The teacher removes a few hoops. The game is repeated until one hoop remains.


Children freely sit in the hall, make a “swallow” and stand as long as possible. Children standing on the second leg sit down. The child who stands on one leg the longest wins.

"Sun and Rain"

Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal.
Children sit on benches. The teacher says: "Sunny", the children walk and run around the entire site. After the words "Rain. Hurry home!” children in their places.

The sun is the champion.

The chosen child facilitator recites a "cosmic" rhyme, during which the children become one of the planets:

An astrologer lived on the moon.
He kept records of the planets:
Once - Mercury,
Two is Venus
Three is Earth
Four is Mars
Five is Jupiter
Six is ​​Saturn
Seven is Uranus
The eighth is Neptune.

Space riddles with answers

There is a yellow circle in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old

But the scientist

I know it's not a circle, but a ball,

Strongly hot. (Sun)

At night with the sun I change

And I'm on fire in the sky.

I pour soft rays,

Like silver.

I can be full at night

And I can - with a sickle. (Moon)

Look out the window at night

High in the sky we light up

like the sun, very far away. (Stars)

Take a look through the telescope

He walks in orbit.

There he is the head of all,

More than all other planets.

In our solar system

Nobody is bigger. (Jupiter)

All planets with poles

Everyone has an equator.

But planets with belts

You won't find another.

In these rings he is alone,

A very important gentleman. (Saturn)

In the sky I often glow,

Your next door neighbour.

I am Mercury's sister

And I'm always hot (Venus)

This is the red planet

Next door to us.

It is winter and even summer

Freezes over ice.

It's strange, whatever you say,

The ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

Here is the younger brother of the planets,

Small in size.

He is closest to the sun

That's why it's hot. (Mercury)

I fly in space with a tail,

I sweep the dust of the universe.

Like a broom, my long tail

Will clean up the stars. (Comet)

These stars are like sparks

They fall and fade quickly.

Light up in the middle of the night

Starry rain in the sky

Like these lights

Painted by the artist. (Meteorites)

I'm flying around the earth

I reflect down the signal,

So that viewers can

Receive a TV channel. (Satellite)

Cosmonauts, sat down firmly?

I'm going into space soon!

Around the Earth on a carousel

I'll circle in orbit. (rocket, spaceship)

He is in a spacesuit, with insurance

Went into orbit.

The ship was deftly corrected

The cable is broken. (cosmonaut, astronaut)

There is no frying pan in space

And no saucepan either.

Here and porridge, and herring,

And borscht, and vinaigrette -

Packaged like cream!

I will be an astronaut.

I'll eat from something

No dishes at all. (From tubes)

It's always cold in space

Summer does not exist.

The astronaut, checking the cable,

Putting on something.

That clothes will store

Both heat and oxygen. (space suit)

There is a window in the ship -

"Challenger", "World".

But not what is on Earth -

In the house and in the apartment.

In the shape of a circle, that window

It is very durable. (porthole)

Summary of GCD for the preparatory group

"YU. A. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut. Conversation. Reading of V. Stepanov's poem "Yuri Gagarin".

Program tasks: to give children new knowledge about space, the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Enter the words into the children's dictionary: space, cosmodrome, planet, space rocket, spacesuit. Help understand poetry. Continue to teach children to answer content questions. Develop interest in astronauts, a sense of pride in them.

preliminary work: reading excerpts from the book by Yu. Nagibin "Tales about Gagarin", examining illustrations.

Material: portrait of Yu. A. Gagarin. Subject pictures: launch of the spaceship; space rocket "Vostok" in space; a snapshot of the planet Earth (from space); astronaut.

The teacher shows a picture of an astronaut.

Children, who do you think this is? (answers).

Children examine the clothes of an astronaut, name it with the help of a teacher.

What do astronauts do? (answers).

What are they flying? (answers).

The teacher shows the picture "Start of the spaceship."

And who was the first astronaut on Earth? (answers).

That's right, the first cosmonaut of the Earth was called Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Do you want to know more about him?

The teacher's story.

“On April 12, 1961, a Russian man was the first to fly into space, his name was Yu. A. Gagarin. He flew on a space rocket "Vostok" (shows a picture). The space rocket on board with Gagarin circled the Earth once"

What was the name of the first astronaut? (answers)

When did Gagarin fly into space? (answers)

Yes. The first flight into space was on 12 April. And so on this day we celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

Children, do you want to become astronauts? (answers).

Then let's get ready!


Children, together with the teacher, perform several exercise.

From space, Yu. A. Gagarin observed our planet and photographed it. Children, where do we live? (answers).

That's right, we live on planet Earth. Look how beautiful our Earth is! (picture of Earth from space).

The whole world knows the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin. Songs and poems have been written about him. Listen to one of them. V. Stepanov's poem "Yuri Gagarin".

In a space rocket

Named "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to go up into space.

Singing songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

Children. Now you know who the astronauts are? (answers).

What was the name of the first astronaut on Earth? (answers).

What kind of person was this? (answer).

outcome behavior.

Conversation "What is space"

Program content:

Introduce children to the concept of the solar system. To expand the knowledge of children about the planet earth. Talk about how people used to represent our planet - Earth. To form in children the ability to form adjectives from nouns, depict objects according to the idea, create a composition in a wide expanse of the sky. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the solar system, space phenomena; the concepts of "stars", "planets", "comets", "satellites", the names of the planets, the ability to answer the teacher's question with a complete answer. Develop the skill of reading syllables and words, thinking, attention, memory, articulatory apparatus, artistic Creative skills A: Free to experiment, imagination and sense of composition. To cultivate independence, activity, cognitive interests, accuracy, a sense of camaraderie, the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, the desire and ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations on the theme “Space”, a conversation about space; viewing illustrations about space; drawing “Space fantasy”, starry sky, reading poems and stories about space.

Materials and equipment:

Tinted sheets of paper of blue color A-4, napkins, stacks or plastic sticks, space rocket launch soundtrack; cards with words with missing letters; drawing a star for gymnastics for the eyes; crossword: pictures on the topic: “Space”.

Lesson progress

- Guys, a lot of guests came to our lesson today. Let's greet them.


Guys, how are you feeling today?

Good, joyful, fun.

Let's join hands and give each other our good mood.

All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tight
And we smile at each other.

Good. Listen to what the next poem is about.

At home for a book and in kindergarten
Boys dream, girls dream
Fly to the moon.
They long for the moon
And they even fly, but only in a dream.

Tell me guys, what did I read the poem about now? Recently, our country celebrated the Day of Cosmonautics. 51 years have passed since the flight of the first man into space. This is a holiday of astronauts and people who are involved in the creation of space rockets. Would you guys like to become astronauts? Who are astronauts? What do you think an astronaut should be like? (healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous hardy, etc.).

Today we will have an unusual lesson: we will fly into space with you. To find out on what we will go on a journey, let's guess a riddle.

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land.
But he can do it
Make fast ... (rocket)

That's right, guys, we'll fly on a rocket. So, we will soon go on a space journey to the planets of the solar system. But first, let's do some gymnastics for our tongues. To give clear answers, we need to practice tongues.

Choo-choo-choo, I want to fly into space.
- To them - to them - to them, we will fly on a rocket.
- Dy - dy - dy, we will fly to the star.
- Oh - oh - oh, then we'll go home.

Ball game “Form adjectives from nouns”.

We need to take our places, and for this you need to form from words that answer the question what? words that answer the question what? (star - stellar, fog - foggy, sun - sunny, moon - lunar, night - night, cold - cold, oxygen - oxygen ...).

Well done, everyone coped with the task, took their places, prepared for the start.

(Rocket launch sound)

So, we went on a space journey to the planets of the solar system.

See what our planet looks like in outer space. (Show picture).

In ancient times, people believed that the Earth is huge and flat, like a plate, and you can get to the edge of the Earth. There were even daredevils who dreamed of getting to this region and seeing what was there, on the edge of the Earth, and whether it was possible to fall from it. They traveled on foot or on horseback or by ship. Those people who traveled on foot or on horseback, sooner or later got to the big water and believed that this was the end of the Earth, and their journey ended. But there were also those who, having reached the shore, transferred to the ship and continued their journey, they were convinced that, setting off on a journey from some place and always moving in the same direction, you return to where you started your journey. Then they realized that the Earth is not flat like a pancake, it is round like a ball.

Scientists have found that our planet in the solar system is not alone. And what is the solar system?

D: This is the sun - around which nine planets revolve, many small planets - asteroids and comets.

What planets do you know? (Children list).

Name the most distant planet. (Pluto)

Which planet is closest to Earth? (Mars)

Which planet is made up of gas and liquid and is surrounded by huge rings of ice and rock? (Saturn)

What planet is so bright that it's mistaken for a UFO? (Venus)

Which planet is inhabited by living beings? (Earth)

Are there any other objects in outer space besides the planets of the solar system? (Comets, meteorites, asteroids, stars, satellites, rockets, constellations). The sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They look like small sparkling dots and are located far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very large (show maps). And then one day, a man looked at the starry sky, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were and why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special instruments - telescopes, through which they observed space, stars, planets, etc. (picture is shown).

Are the stars in outer space located separately or form some kind of groups? What are their names? (Constellations) And now let's do it graphic dictation and find out what constellation is hidden under it.

cells up; 1 left; 1 up; 2 right; 3 down; 2 right; 2 down; 3 left;

What happened? (Ladle - Ursa Major).

What constellations do you know? (Answers of children).

Each of you was born under some constellation. (Children name under what constellation they were born.). What is the biggest star you know? That's right, the sun is the largest and hottest star in our solar system. You can not look at her with open eyes for a long time. Let's do gymnastics for the eyes so that they rest.

Let's draw a star with the eyes.

What other planets do you know? (Children list).

(children enter.)

People have not yet reached the stars, but the planets have already been studied.

People wanted to know if there is life on other planets. What creatures live there, are they similar to us, is there air on other planets. But to find out, you must definitely fly to them. Planes were not suitable for this. Who knows why? (because the planets are very far away). And so, scientists under the guidance of designer Korolev (picture display) invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it and launched it into outer space. There were two dogs on board - a squirrel and an arrow, they successfully returned to Earth. And then on April 12, 1961, a man went into space for the first time. Who was the first astronaut on Earth? (picture display). When Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, the whole country followed his flight, all the people were worried. And when he landed, everyone rejoiced. People took to the streets of cities and arranged a holiday. We were all proud of what Russian citizen was the first in the world to fly into space.


We fly to other planets
Announce everything (Raise hands)
All the toy people
It asks to fly with us (they step and clap)
Even a teddy bear
Wants to fly to the stars (hands on the belt and swing from foot to foot)
And with the Big Dipper
Meet in the blue sky (walk).

And now we will draw. But we will draw in an unusual way: on special sheets that we have already prepared in advance. We will scratch the drawing with stacks. This image method is called scratching or, in other words, scratches. You will have to make some effort to scratch and depict your drawing. We will draw space and everything connected with it. Think over the content and composition of your idea of ​​space, highlight the main elements and secondary ones, and proceed. In order for some objects (comets, planets, the moon) to appear more voluminous, you need to completely scratch the entire surface inside the contour.

As the work progresses, I collect children's drawings and put them on the board.

Our journey has come to an end. Let's once again, like real astronauts, spend a few minutes in zero gravity.

Work report

1. Origami "Space rockets"

2. Drawing, "Open Space"

3. Modeling "Cosmonauts"

4. Collective panel "Flight to the Moon"

5. Exhibition joint work of children and parents

6. Question for backfilling

Tricky question

Program content

Target: Consolidate existing knowledge about space.



To systematize children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system, astronauts, space technology

Enrich children's vocabulary (cosmodrome, spacesuit, weightlessness, telescope, etc.)


Develop children's intellectual ability

Develop strength, endurance


Develop the ability to work in a team, empathize with each other

Create an emotionally favorable atmosphere

Material: Paintings about the cosmos to match every question and riddle

Drawing by dots with numbers (rocket) for the competition of captains

Sports equipment for competitions

A board for each team with a picture of the planet and the name of the team

Stars - bonuses for correct answers

Gifts - books "Astrological Encyclopedia"

Video with the cartoon "Chip and Dale - flight into space"

preliminary work:

1. Conversation with children about space, about famous astronauts.

2. Solving riddles.

3. Reading books.

4. Viewing pictures, portraits, various space magazines.

1. Introductory part. Conversation.

Teacher: Guys! Do you know what holiday the whole country celebrates today? (Cosmonautics Day). Correctly! This is a holiday of astronauts and people who are involved in the creation of space rockets. Why do you think people wanted to fly into space?

Educator: Do you guys know anything about space? Today we will have a team competition between two groups. Team senior group is called "Saturn" and the team of the preparatory group is called "Jupiter". You must answer the questions that I ask you, and for this you will receive stars. At the end of our quiz, we will count them, and the team with the most stars will win. But if the answers are shouted out from a place, or in chorus, they all answer together, then the asterisk will climb. Therefore, be careful, and whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers.

Riddles are read to each team in turn. The team that guesses wins more riddles.

1. A little blue fur coat covered the whole world. (Sky)

2. The golden grain crumbled by night,

Looked in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars on the sky)

3. Chubby, white-faced,

Looks in all mirrors. (Moon)

4. Now a pancake, then half a pancake,

That side, that side. (moon or month)

5. By high road

There is a steep-horned bull,

He sleeps during the day

And looks at night. (Month)

6. What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)

7. We cry without him, but when he appears, we hide from him. (Sun)

8. Blue scarf,

scarlet bun,

Riding on a scarf

Smiling at people. (Sky and Sun)

Captains competition.

Each of the captains asks each other a question "True or False?". You have 1 minute to think about each answer. In case of difficulty, the team comes to the aid of the captain.

Question Options:

1. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to walk on the moon.

2. Earth is the only planet that has a satellite.

3. Meteorite - the name of the planet.

4. Mars is sometimes called the Red Planet.

5. Ursa Minor - the name of the star.

6. The sun is the hottest planet.

7. Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman- astronaut.

8. The solar system consists of nine planets.

9. Belka and Strelka - names spaceships.

10. Telescope - an optical device for research and study space bodies.

11. A comet is a flying star.

12. Suit - clothes astronauts.

Team competition.

1. Relay

For each team, the Sun is drawn on the magnetic board with numbered orbits and prepared images of 9 planets of the solar system with magnets.

The team lines up in a column one by one to the left of the table, on which the planar models of the planets lie. Each member of the team, taking one "planet", must run to the board, attach "planet" to the corresponding orbit and pass the baton to the next player. The team that draws up the diagram of the solar system faster and without errors wins.

Each team is given a marker and a picture of a rocket with parts of the words written on it. Each team selects 2 participants. After explaining the task, the images of rockets are placed on a magnetic board.

Exercise. When the rocket was launched, 5 words split in two. You need to connect the halves together with a line to get these words.

The words: satellite, telescope, planet, earth, Neptune;

Plu-tone, moon move, comet, orbit, moon.

3. "The Fourth Extra"

Participants receive envelopes with a set of drawings, three of which can be combined into group for any common ground, and single out one as the fourth extra.


Earth, Mars, globe, Saturn;

Yu. A. Gagarin, V. V. Tereshkova, A. A. Leonov, S. P. Korolev.

4. Crossword


1. The planet of the solar system, which in ancient times was nicknamed "planet of war" for its red color.

3. Satellite of the Earth.

4. The second planet from the Sun in the solar system, a neighbor of the Earth.

5. The planet Saturn has it.

5. "Decoder"

Teams are offered encrypted words on the topic "Constellations" (constellation name). Letters in words are encrypted with numbers.

Exercise. Enter the letters corresponding to the given number.

For the first team - VIRGO, PISCES.

For the second - MUHA, LYRA.

Fan competition.

"Explain the Word".

Exercise. Fans of each team are given two the words:

Lunokhod, astrologer;

Land on the moon, starship.

Points are awarded for correct answers.

Summing up and announcement of the result.

Prize giving.

Project development in grade 2

"We live in space"

Worked on projects

2nd grade students

MBOU secondary school No. 40


Project Manager

Ponomareva O.V.

teacher of the highest category

astronautics It has limitless future ,

and her perspectives boundless ,

how herself Universe .

Sergey Korolev



Form the concept of space

Systematize and expand children's ideas about space and astronauts.

Introduction to the sciences that study space

To instill respect for the history of Russia, to cultivate a sense of pride in their country.


Definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it;

Create conditions for the formation of knowledge about the solar system, its composition, about the place of the Earth in the solar system;

Promote development abstract thinking, the ability to highlight the main thing in a popular science text, to argue your point of view;

Contribute to the education of an aesthetic sense and interest in research work;

The ability to analyze, build logical statements, draw conclusions, correctly build speech when solving communication tasks;

Implementation of mutual control;

Learn to use various sources of information;

Continue to develop creative abilities, including them in project activities;

Instilling a patriotic feeling for the heritage of not only one's own people, but also other peoples of the world.

Project type: research.

Project type:

According to the scope of the results: social;

By the breadth of content coverage: interdisciplinary and non-subjective;

By working time: a week;

By the nature of contacts: within the region.

Working mode: out-of-class.

Project organization form: individual.

Products shape project activities: report, exhibition, individual presentation albums.

Stages of project protection:

1 . Topic message.

2. Choice by the class of the schedule of projects according to their content.

3. Presentation.

4. Discussion and evaluation of the obtained results.

Project protection schedule:

1. The concept of "Space".

2. Science and scientists.

3. Universe

4. Space bodies.

5. Game minute. Riddles about space.

6. Achievements of our country in space exploration.

7. Efficiency and evaluation of project protection.

At all times, man was interested in the origin and principles of "work" various items and phenomena.Human- a curious and inquisitive creature. The study of outer space was no exception. To do this, in different eras, devices were invented that helped to look at least a little beyond what was permitted. Space is a boundless space, which humanity will explore as long as it lives on this Earth itself, until all its inquisitiveness and curiosity runs out.

Fundamental question:

-Space - its significance in human life?

Our humanity has entered the space age. AT modern world everyone educated person it is necessary to know what space is, and to have an idea about the processes taking place in space.
Before proceeding to the presentation of modern ideas about the cosmos, let's find out the meaning of the word "cosmos" itself. "Cosmos" in Greek means order, structure, harmony (in general, something ordered). Philosophers Ancient Greece understood the word "cosmos" as the Universe, considering it as an ordered harmonious system. Space was opposed to disorder, chaos. For the ancient Greeks, the concepts of order and beauty in natural phenomena were closely related. This point of view was held in philosophy and science for a long time; No wonder even Copernicus believed that the orbits of the planets should be circles only because the circle is more beautiful than the ellipse.

Problem questions:

Why do people explore space?

What science deals with the study of space?

Are the solar system, the universe and the galaxy synonymous?

What bodies live in space?

What are the achievements of our country in the knowledge of outer space?

Why do people explore space?

Since ancient times, mankind has sought to expand the scope of its habitat.People did not limit themselves to the development of the surface of the earth. At the first stage of outer space exploration, man sought only to expand his ideas about the structure of the world. The main achievement of the new space technology became a direct observation physical phenomena, which was previously hampered by the atmosphere. For example, spacecraft made it possible to see a wider range of radiation - from gamma rays to long radio waves. This was the beginning of extra-atmospheric astronomy.

The exit to the nearest outer space gave impetus to the development of many applied sciences, including geography, geodesy, cartography, and meteorology. Data obtained from spacecraft make it possible to more accurately predict climate change and weather conditions in specific regions, to predict the onset of natural disasters. Space technologies have become an indispensable tool for organizing the entire economic life of modern civilization.

What science deals with the study of space?

Astronomy - ancient science. The birth of astronomy was associated with the rejection of the geocentric system of the world (developed by Ptolemy, in the 2nd century) and its replacement by the heliocentric system (authored by Nicolaus Copernicus, mid-16th century), with the beginning of telescopic studies of celestial bodies (Galileo Galilei, early 17th century) and discovery of the law of universal gravitation (Isaac Newton, late 17th century).

The 18th and 19th centuries were for astronomy a period of accumulation of data on the solar system, the Galaxy and physical nature stars, sun, planets and other space bodies.

Extragalactic astronomy began to develop in the 20th century.

The word "astronomy" comes from the Greek:astron - star andnomos - law , - this isthe science of the structure and development of cosmic bodies, systems and the universe as a whole.

The science of astronomy consists of the following sections:

Spherical astronomy - a branch of astronomy that develops mathematical methods for solving problems related to the study of the apparent location and movement of cosmic bodies in the celestial sphere.
Practical astronomy - the doctrine of astronomical instruments and methods for determining time from astronomical observations, geographical coordinates and azimuth directions.
Astrophysics the branch of astronomy that studies physical state and chemical composition celestial bodies and their systems, interstellar and intergalactic media, as well as the processes occurring in them

Celestial mechanics - a branch of astronomy that studies the movements of the bodies of the solar system in their common gravitational field. The problems of celestial mechanics include the consideration of general questions of the motion of celestial bodies in a gravitational field and the motion of specific objects (planets, artificial Earth satellites, etc.); determination of the values ​​of astronomical constants; composing ephemeris.
stellar astronomy - a branch of astronomy that studies general patternsstructure, composition, dynamics and evolution of stellar systems (clusters and galaxies).
extragalactic astronomy - a branch of astronomy that studies cosmic bodies (stars, galaxies, quasars, etc.) that are outside our scosmic system - Galaxies.
Cosmogony - a branch of astronomy that studies the origin and development of cosmic bodies and their systems (planets and the solar system as a whole, stars, galaxies).

Cosmology - the physical doctrine of the Universe as a whole, based on the results of the study of the most common properties the part of the universe that is available for astronomical observation. The general conclusions of cosmology are of great general scientific and philosophical significance. In modern cosmology, the most common model of the hot Universe, according to which in the expanding Universe at an early stage of development, matter and radiation had a very high temperature and density. The expansion led to their gradual cooling, the formation of atoms, and then (as a result of gravitational condensation) - protogalaxies, galaxies, stars and other cosmic bodies.


There are many objects in the Universe, including planets and satellites, stars and systems, as well as galaxies. The solar system, in which our planet Earth is located, is also full of both planets, satellites, and asteroids, comets, and many other interesting objects.

Our Sun is just one of many stars that form a giant star system - the Galaxy. And this system, in turn, is only one of many other galaxies. Our Galaxy contains 150-200 billion stars. They are located in such a way that the Galaxy has the form of a flat disk, in the middle of which, as it were, a ball is inserted with a diameter smaller than that of the disk. The sun is located on the periphery of the disk, practically in its plane of symmetry. Therefore, when we look at the sky in the plane of the disk, we see a luminous strip in the night sky - Milky Way, consisting of stars belonging to the disk. The very name "Galaxy" comes from the Greek word galaktikos - milky, milky and means the system of the Milky Way.

Of all the planets in the solar system, we can live only on Earth, because here there is air, water, and here the temperature we need for life is here. When viewed from space, our planet appears blue. It shows the oceans and continents (land).

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. At the center of the solar system, a hot star, the Sun, shines brightly. Eight major planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth, it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, the year lasts less, and on those that are farther, a complete revolution can be several Earth years. The planets also rotate on their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

A.Hite's poem for memorizing the planets:

All the planets in order
Call any of us.
One Mercury, two Venus,
three Earth, four Mars.
Five Jupiters, six Saturns,
Seven Uranus followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row
and quite later
and a ninth planet called Pluto.

What bodies live in space?

space objects - these are cosmic bodies and systems of cosmic bodies with a certain organization. Underspace bodies we will understand all the physical bodies considered by astronomy - the structural elements of the Universe. The main types of cosmic bodies include planetary bodies (planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids), stars, nebulae, and space environment.

Meteorite - solid cosmic origin that fell to the surface of the earth. The meteor body enters the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of about 11-25 km/sec. At this speed, it begins to warm up and glow.

Meteor - (from Greek - "heavenly", "shooting star") - a phenomenon that occurs when small meteor bodies (for example, fragments of comets or asteroids) burn in the Earth's atmosphere. A similar phenomenon of greater intensity (brighter than magnitude -4) is called a fireball.

fireball - (from Greek - throwing spear) - a meteor with a brightness of at least -4m (brighter than the planet Venus), or having noticeable angular dimensions (coma). The International Astronomical Union does not have an official definition of the term "bolide". The flight path of the fireball is usually hyperbolic.

meteoroid - heavenly body, intermediate in size between interplanetary dust and an asteroid. According to the official definition, a meteoroid is a solid object moving in interplanetary space, much smaller than an asteroid, but much larger than an atom.

impact crater - an indentation on the surface cosmic body as a result of the fall of another smaller body.

Asteroid - a small planet-like celestial body of the solar system, moving in orbit around the sun. Asteroids, also known as minor planets, are much smaller than planets. One wayclassification of asteroids is the definition of size.

Comet - (from Greek - “hairy, shaggy”) - a small celestial body that has a foggy appearance, revolving around the Sun, usually in an elongated orbit. When approaching the Sun, comets form a coma and sometimes a tail of gas and dust.

meteorics - (meteor astronomy) - a branch of astronomy that studies the movement of meteoroids, their interaction with the atmosphere when they fall to the Earth, the composition and other properties of meteorites.

Meteorites are classified into three main types:

Stone - chondrites.

Ironstone - pallasites.


Game minute. Riddles about space.

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among bright stars in the void

She is not a star, not a planet,

Mystery of the universe...(Comet)

Shard from the planet

Among the stars rushes somewhere.

He flies for many years, flies,

Space… (Meteorite)

Shard from the planet

Among the stars rushes somewhere.

He flies for many years, flies,

Space… (Meteorite)

planet blue,

Beloved, dear.

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called...(Earth)

The bottomless ocean, the endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also inhabited, maybe planets. (Space)

There is a yellow circle in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old

But already a scientist -

I know it's not a circle, but a ball,

Strongly hot.(Sun)

At night with the sun I change

And I'm on fire in the sky.

I pour soft rays,

Like silver.

I can be full at night

And I can - with a sickle.(Moon)

Achievements of our country in space exploration.

Astronomy late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century made a powerful breakthrough in science, which was facilitated by a number of discoveries and inventions. This is James Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, Einstein's theory of relativity. By the 30s of the 20th century, the study of the atom provided the basis for quantum mechanics, and this is how astrophysics appeared. Scientists open up a huge scope for research in radio astronomy. In the second half of the 20th century, infrared astronomy developed, and with the launch of the first satellites it gave rise to research using ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. In the astronomy of the 21st century, super-powerful quantum processors provide tremendous scope for new experiments and discoveries in science...

The first spacecraft that became artificial satellite Earth orbit, was launched on October 4, 1957 and was named Sputnik-1. Then, just a few months later, in February, the United States launched its Explorer-1 satellite, and a few years later, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, France, Australia and other countries with developing space programs launched their satellites ...

The first conquest of outer space by man was the flight around the globe Yuri Gagarin on the ship "Vostok-1" April 12, 1961.

Further, the USSR confidently held the championship, launching into space two spaceship"Vostok-2" and "Vostok-3", which were able to approach each other at a distance of up to 6.5 km. Then the first flight of a female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and spacewalk of cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.

Science needs astronautics - it is a grandiose and powerful tool for studying the Universe, the Earth, and man himself. Every day the sphere of applied use of astronautics is expanding more and more.

The weather service, navigation, saving people and saving forests, worldwide television, comprehensive communications, ultra-pure drugs and semiconductors from orbit, the most advanced technology - this is already today, and very close tomorrow of astronautics. And ahead - power plants in space, removalharmful industries from the surface of the planet, factories in near-Earth orbit and the Moon. And many many others.

Astronautics is vital for all mankind!

Efficiency and evaluation of project protection.

creative project

"Mysterious Space"

Prepared by the teacher

MADOU " Kindergarten No. 29"

City of Sterlitamak 2017


Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for today's children. Meanwhile, space pirates star Wars and other alien creatures - the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Interest in the Cosmos awakens in a person very early, literally from the first steps. The mysteries of the universe always excite the imagination, with early childhood to old age. The sun, the moon, the stars - it's so close at the same time, and at the same time so far away. I think that each of us, including me, is very interested in looking at the night sky.

That is why I chose the topic of the project: “ Mysterious world space"

Problem: Insufficient knowledge in the field of cognitive development, the history of space exploration, what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet.

Hypothesis: the most mysterious and fascinating thing in the world is space

Target works: Learn about the history of space exploration

Tasks: study additional literature;

select and organize entertaining information; give facts proving the mystery and amazingness of the cosmos

Stages of work:

Preparatory stage

1. Choice of topic.

2. Determination of questions on this topic.

3. Collection of information, its analysis and generalization.

Practical stage

1. Analysis of the collected information, 2. Design of the material

3. Research results

Generalizing stage 1.preparation and design of the presentation of the project. 2. Protection.

For centuries, people have been attracted

space with its secrets and mysteries. Humanity has asked itself many

questions about space that had no answers. People tried to know the secret space, gradually accumulating knowledge about it.

Space - it is a vacuum, in the unimaginable dimensions of which there are countless galaxies with their stars, planets and satellites. This is a frightening awareness of the insignificance of our planet on a cosmic scale and at the same time breathtaking from its greatness, beauty and the inability to realize its true size.

There are about 300 satellites in orbit today.

They serve to transmit throughout

the world telephone conversations, television

broadcasts, weather information. By signals

satellite captain determines where to sail the ship.

They help to study the Earth, Sun, planets,

In the vast expanses of space, our Earth rotates

Earth is one of the planets

solar system

The study of space began in ancient times. And only four hundred years ago, after the invention of the telescope, astronomy began to develop rapidly.

The 17th century is a transitional age for astronomy. At this time, the Milky Way, other star clusters and nebulae were discovered.

XIX century - astronomy entered a phase of numerous discoveries and achievements.

XX century - the launch of the first satellite into space, the first manned flight into space, access to open space, landing on the moon and space missions to the planets of the solar system.

We live in the solar system.

In the center of it is the Star - the Sun, around which nine planets revolve.

Before the first man flew into space,

scientists first sent various animals into the cosmic unknown.

The first "cosmonauts" - scouts were dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes.

The first cosmonauts - Belka and Strelka became the first living creatures successfully sent into space for experimental purposes and also successfully returned to Earth.

Cosmonaut (astronaut) - a person who has made space

flying and conducting in flight

testing and operation

space technology.

A spaceship is both a home and a scientific

laboratory. They live and work there


First manned flight into space

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

1952 - first airplane flight

1957 - graduated from the Orenburg Pilot School;

March 1960 - cosmonaut candidate;

Vostok with Gagarin

board first went into space

and made a revolution around the Earth.

First female astronaut to walk outer space

Svetlana Savitskaya. This happened during her second flight into space in 1984. The duration of the stay in space was three and a half hours.

The first artificial earth satellite

our country launched

in 1957. Thus began the space age for humanity.

The first satellite revolved around the planet for 92 days, after which it entered the atmosphere and burned out.

During his work, various information about the atmosphere and the propagation of radio signals was collected.

Now we return to our beloved Earth. Did you enjoy being in space? Let's remember what interesting things we saw?

2. By airship,

Cosmic, obedient

We are outrunning the wind

We are heading for…

3. The rocket has a driver, Weightlessness lover. English: astronaut And in Russian …

1. To arm the eye

And make friends with the stars.

Milky way to see

Need a powerful...

4. The very first in space, flew at great speed brave Russian boy Our astronaut...

5. Lights the way at night, The stars won't sleep. Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep In the sky shines for us ...

6. The planet is blue,

Beloved, dear.

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called...

7. In space through the thickness of years Icy flying object. His tail is a strip of light, The object's name is...

9. The object is

in the Universe Insidious, not simple, He eats the stars Like a sandwich with caviar. Dangerously invisible And not visible to the eye So dark dark...

8. What do we see when we look out the window, Shining bright light on us...

How much more unexplored in the universe!

Billions of stars and planets. And maybe there is a life on some that is at least a little similar to ours ...

Exploration of the mysterious space continues!

lefttopDevelopment of the project in the 2nd grade
"We live in space"
Worked on projects
2nd grade students
MBOU secondary school No. 40
Project Manager
Ponomareva O.V.
teacher of the highest category
Astronautics has a limitless future,
and her prospects are endless,
like the universe itself.
Sergei Korolev
Form the concept of space
Systematize and expand children's ideas about space and astronauts.
Introduction to the sciences that study space
To instill respect for the history of Russia, to cultivate a sense of pride in their country.
-determination of a common goal and ways to achieve it;
-create conditions for the formation of knowledge about the solar system, its composition, about the place of the Earth in the solar system;
- to promote the development of abstract thinking, the ability to highlight the main thing in a popular science text, to argue one's point of view;
- contribute to the education of an aesthetic sense and interest in research work;
- the ability to analyze, build logical statements, draw conclusions, correctly build speech when solving communication problems;
- implementation of mutual control;
- learn how to use various sources of information;
- continue to develop creative abilities, including them in project activities;
- instilling a patriotic feeling for the heritage of not only their own people, but also other peoples of the world.
Type of project: research.
Project type:
- by the scope of the results: social;
- by the breadth of content coverage: interdisciplinary and non-subjective;
-by working time: a week;
-by the nature of contacts: within the region.
Working hours: part-time.
Form of project organization: individual.
Form of products of project activities: report, exhibition, individual presentation albums.
Stages of project protection:
1.Message topic.
3950335425452. Class selection of project schedule according to their content.
3. Presentation.
4. Discussion and evaluation of the obtained results.
Project protection schedule:
1. The concept of "Space".
2. Science and scientists.
3. Universe
4. Space bodies.
5. Game minute. Riddles about space.
6. Achievements of our country in space exploration.
7. Efficiency and evaluation of project protection.
At all times, people have been interested in the origin and principles of the “work” of various objects and phenomena. Man is a curious and inquisitive creature. The study of outer space was no exception. To do this, in different eras, devices were invented that helped to look at least a little beyond what was permitted. Space is a boundless space, which humanity will explore as long as it lives on this Earth itself, until all its inquisitiveness and curiosity runs out.
Fundamental question:
-Space - its significance in human life?
Our humanity has entered the space age. In the modern world, every educated person needs to know what the cosmos is and have an idea about the processes taking place in the cosmos. Before proceeding to the presentation of modern ideas about the cosmos, let's find out the meaning of the word "cosmos" itself. "Cosmos" in Greek means order, structure, harmony (in general, something ordered). Philosophers of Ancient Greece understood the word "cosmos" as the Universe, considering it as an ordered harmonious system. Space was opposed to disorder, chaos. For the ancient Greeks, the concepts of order and beauty in natural phenomena were closely related. This point of view was held in philosophy and science for a long time; No wonder even Copernicus believed that the orbits of the planets should be circles only because the circle is more beautiful than the ellipse.
Problem questions:
Why do people explore space?
What science deals with the study of space?
-The solar system, the Universe and the Galaxy are the words synonyms?
What bodies live in space?
- What are the achievements of our country in the knowledge of outer space?
Why do people explore space?
39884355899785Since ancient times, mankind has sought to expand the scope of its habitat. People did not limit themselves to the development of the surface of the earth. At the first stage of outer space exploration, man sought only to expand his ideas about the structure of the world. The main achievement of the new space technology was the direct observation of physical phenomena, which was previously hindered by the atmosphere. For example, spacecraft made it possible to see a wider range of radiation - from gamma rays to long radio waves. This was the beginning of extra-atmospheric astronomy.
The exit to the nearest outer space gave impetus to the development of many applied sciences, including geography, geodesy, cartography, and meteorology. The data obtained from spacecraft make it possible to more accurately predict changes in climate and weather conditions in specific regions, and to predict the onset of natural disasters. Space technologies have become an indispensable tool for organizing the entire economic life of modern civilization.lefttop
What science deals with the study of space?
Astronomy is the oldest science. The birth of astronomy was associated with the rejection of the geocentric system of the world (developed by Ptolemy, in the 2nd century) and its replacement by the heliocentric system (authored by Nicolaus Copernicus, mid-16th century), with the beginning of telescopic studies of celestial bodies (Galileo Galilei, early 17th century) and discovery of the law of universal gravitation (Isaac Newton, late 17th century).

The 18th-19th centuries were for astronomy a period of accumulation of data on the solar system, the Galaxy and the physical nature of stars, the Sun, planets and other cosmic bodies.
Extragalactic astronomy began to develop in the 20th century.
The word "astronomy" comes from the Greek: astron - star and nomos - law - this is the science of the structure and development of cosmic bodies, systems and the universe as a whole. The science of astronomy consists of the following sections:
Spherical astronomy is a branch of astronomy that develops mathematical methods for solving problems related to the study of the apparent location and movement of cosmic bodies in the celestial sphere. Practical astronomy is the doctrine of astronomical instruments and methods for determining time, geographical coordinates and azimuths of directions from astronomical observations. Astrophysics - a branch of astronomy that studies the physical state and chemical composition of celestial bodies and their systems, interstellar and intergalactic media, as well as the processes occurring in them
Celestial mechanics is a branch of astronomy that studies the movements of the bodies of the solar system in their common gravitational field. The problems of celestial mechanics include the consideration of general questions of the motion of celestial bodies in a gravitational field and the motion of specific objects (planets, artificial Earth satellites, etc.); determination of the values ​​of astronomical constants; composing ephemeris. Stellar astronomy is a branch of astronomy that studies the general laws of the structure, composition, dynamics and evolution of stellar systems (clusters and galaxies). Extragalactic astronomy is a branch of astronomy that studies cosmic bodies (stars, galaxies, quasars, etc.) located outside our star system- Galaxies. Cosmogony - a section of astronomy that studies the origin and development of cosmic bodies and their systems (planets and the solar system as a whole, stars, galaxies).
Cosmology is a physical doctrine of the Universe as a whole, based on the results of the study of the most general properties of that part of the Universe that is available for astronomical observations. The general conclusions of cosmology are of great general scientific and philosophical significance. In modern cosmology, the most common model of the hot Universe, according to which in the expanding Universe at an early stage of development, matter and radiation had a very high temperature and density. The expansion led to their gradual cooling, the formation of atoms, and then (as a result of gravitational condensation) - protogalaxies, galaxies, stars and other cosmic bodies.
There are many objects in the Universe, including planets and satellites, stars and systems, as well as galaxies. The solar system, in which our planet Earth is located, is also full of both planets, satellites, and asteroids, comets, and many other interesting objects.
Our Sun is just one of many stars that form a giant star system - the Galaxy. And this system, in turn, is only one of many other galaxies. Our Galaxy contains 150-200 billion stars. They are located in such a way that the Galaxy has the form of a flat disk, in the middle of which, as it were, a ball is inserted with a diameter smaller than that of the disk. The sun is located on the periphery of the disk, practically in its plane of symmetry. Therefore, when we look at the sky in the plane of the disk, we see a luminous band in the night sky - the Milky Way, consisting of stars belonging to the disk. The very name "Galaxy" comes from the Greek word galaktikos - milky, milky and means the system of the Milky Way.

Of all the planets in the solar system, we can live only on Earth, because here there is air, water, and here the temperature we need for life is here. When viewed from space, our planet appears blue. It shows the oceans and continents (land).
Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. At the center of the solar system, a hot star, the Sun, shines brightly. Eight major planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.
Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth, it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, the year lasts less, and on those that are farther, a complete revolution can be several Earth years. The planets also rotate on their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).
A.Hite's poem for memorizing the planets:
In order, all the planets Will name any of us. Once Mercury, two Venus, three Earth, four Mars. Five Jupiter, six Saturn, Seven Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row, and then the ninth planet called Pluto.
right top
What bodies live in space?
Space objects are cosmic bodies and systems of cosmic bodies with a certain organization. By cosmic bodies we will understand all the physical bodies considered by astronomy - the structural elements of the Universe. The main types of cosmic bodies include planetary bodies (planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids), stars, nebulae, and space environment.

A meteorite is a solid body of cosmic origin that has fallen to the surface of the earth. The meteor body enters the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of about 11-25 km/sec. At this speed, it begins to warm up and glow.
Meteor - (from Greek - "heavenly", "shooting star") - a phenomenon that occurs when small meteor bodies (for example, fragments of comets or asteroids) burn in the Earth's atmosphere. A similar phenomenon of greater intensity (brighter than magnitude -4) is called a fireball.
Fireball - (from Greek - throwing spear) - a meteor with a brightness of at least -4m (brighter than the planet Venus), or having noticeable angular dimensions (coma). The International Astronomical Union does not have an official definition of the term "bolide". The flight path of the fireball is usually hyperbolic.
A meteoroid is a celestial body intermediate in size between interplanetary dust and an asteroid. According to the official definition, a meteoroid is a solid object moving in interplanetary space, much smaller than an asteroid, but much larger than an atom.
An impact crater is a depression that has appeared on the surface of a cosmic body as a result of the fall of another smaller body.
An asteroid is a small planet-like celestial body in the solar system that orbits around the sun. Asteroids, also known as minor planets, are much smaller than planets. One way to classify asteroids is by size.
Comet - (from Greek - "hairy, shaggy") - a small celestial body that has a foggy appearance, revolving around the Sun, usually in an elongated orbit. When approaching the Sun, comets form a coma and sometimes a tail of gas and dust.
Meteorics - (meteor astronomy) - a branch of astronomy that studies the movement of meteoroids, their interaction with the atmosphere when they fall to the Earth, the composition and other properties of meteorites.
Meteorites are classified into three main types:
-Stone - chondrites.
- Ironstone - pallasites.
Game minute. Riddles about space.
Flashing a huge tail in the dark,
Rushing among the bright stars in the void,
She is not a star, not a planet,
The mystery of the universe ... (Comet)
Shard from the planet
Among the stars rushes somewhere.
He flies for many years, flies,
Space ... (Meteorite)
Shard from the planet
Among the stars rushes somewhere.
He flies for many years, flies,
Space ... (Meteorite)
planet blue,
Beloved, dear.
She is yours, she is mine
And it's called ... (Earth)
The bottomless ocean, the endless ocean,
Airless, dark and extraordinary,
Universes, stars and comets live in it,
There are also inhabited, maybe planets. (Space)
There is a yellow circle in the sky
And the rays are like threads.
The earth revolves around
Like a magnet.
Even though I'm not old
But already a scientist -
I know it's not a circle, but a ball,
Strongly hot. (Sun)
At night with the sun I change
And I'm on fire in the sky.
I pour soft rays,
Like silver.
I can be full at night
And I can - with a sickle. (Moon)
Achievements of our country in space exploration.
Astronomy of the late XIX - early XX centuries made a powerful breakthrough in science, which was facilitated by a number of discoveries and inventions. This is James Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism, Einstein's theory of relativity. By the 30s of the 20th century, the study of the atom provided the basis for quantum mechanics, and this is how astrophysics appeared. Scientists open up a huge scope for research in radio astronomy. In the second half of the 20th century, infrared astronomy developed, and with the launch of the first satellites it gave rise to research using ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. In the astronomy of the 21st century, super-powerful quantum processors provide tremendous scope for new experiments and discoveries in science...

The first spacecraft, which became an artificial earth orbit satellite, was launched on October 4, 1957 and was named Sputnik-1. Then, just a few months later, in February, the United States launched its Explorer-1 satellite, and a few years later, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, France, Australia and other countries with developing space programs launched their satellites ...
The first conquest of outer space by man was Yuri Gagarin's flight around the globe on the Vostok-1 spacecraft on April 12, 1961.

Further, the USSR confidently held the championship by launching into space two spacecraft Vostok-2 and Vostok-3 at once, which were able to approach each other at a distance of up to 6.5 km. Then the first flight of a female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and spacewalk of cosmonaut Alexei Leonov.

Science needs astronautics - it is a grandiose and powerful tool for studying the Universe, the Earth, and man himself. Every day the sphere of applied use of astronautics is expanding more and more.
The weather service, navigation, saving people and saving forests, worldwide television, comprehensive communications, ultra-pure drugs and semiconductors from orbit, the most advanced technology - this is already today, and very close tomorrow of astronautics. And ahead - power plants in space, the removal of harmful industries from the surface of the planet, factories in near-Earth orbit and the Moon. And many many others.
Astronautics is vital for all mankind!
Efficiency and evaluation of project protection.