Graphic dictation little dog. Rules for drawing by cells

Equipment: album, stencils, water-based markers.

Lesson progress

Finger gymnastics.

Attention girls!
Attention boys!
Get your hands ready
Stretch your fingers.

"Fingers wake up" Right hand in a fist. (Perform with dominant hand). We alternately unbend the fingers of the hand, starting with the thumb, while counting one, two, three, four, five. (3 times at a fast pace).

“Fingers fall asleep” Alternately bend the fingers of the hand, starting with a large count of one, two, three, four, five. (3 times at a fast pace).

“Fingers say hello” The tip of the thumb sequentially touches the rest (the exercise is performed simultaneously with the left and right hand). A variation of this exercise: the palms of both hands are raised with their fingers up and facing each other, fingers apart. When reading the first line with your thumbs, we carry out rotating movements. Performing this exercise is combined with reading nursery rhymes by heart:

Finger boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang songs with this brother.

Alternate execution of "goat" and "bunny" with the right hand.
"Bee" With the index finger of the right hand (dominant), the rest are in the fist, we carry out rotational movements in a circle (first clockwise, then counter-clockwise) with pronunciation of the tongue-twister:
The bee sat on the flower
She drinks fragrant juice.

Working with stencils.

Stencil No. 4

  1. We circle the index fingers of the left and right hands along the lines on the stencil.
  2. We draw these lines - “paths” with index fingers in the air while standing.
  3. We draw these lines - “paths” with index fingers on the table while sitting or standing, as it suits you. (You can use not a table surface, but a linoleum napkin).
  4. We circle the lines on the stencil with colored felt-tip pens with the left and right hand at the same time.
  5. We independently copy the lines on a blank sheet of paper.

Today, animals that live next to us will walk along our paths.

Grumbled a living castle,
Lie across the door. (Dog).

Dictation: from the starting point 3 cells right, 1 up, 1 right, 4 down, 7 right, 1 up, 1 left, 8 down, 1 left, 3 up, 5 left, 3 down, 1 left, 7 up, 3 left, 3 up, connect at the starting point.
Answer: see picture.

Graphic dictation "Cat"

Shade your drawing. Follow the hatching rules:

Do not go beyond the contours of the picture,
- Keep lines parallel
- do not bring the strokes together, they should be at an equal distance,
- select the hatching direction from top to bottom, from bottom to top, from left to right.
- you can hatch in one figure in different directions, different colors.

After completing the task, the children themselves evaluate their work.

Preparing a child for school is a long and mandatory process. Therefore, psychologists and pediatricians recommend starting a year before the first grade, in kindergarten or at home. Since the baby needs to be prepared not only for mental and physical stress, but also moral. In general, how to do upbringing, help to become more assiduous, attentive and courageous.

If you can still morally prepare a child for big changes, by means of communication with peers in the yard and kindergarten. Then you can teach the baby to be more attentive, develop writing skills, attentive performance of certain tasks, with the help of graphic dictations and drawing by cells. Today, this incredibly popular activity has won the hearts of not only preschool children, but also teenagers. This is a way to teach the baby to write, develop logic, abstract thinking, perseverance and painstaking, as well as fine motor skills of the pens. With the help of this lesson, the child develops coordination, stability and corrects the correctness of his movements, so to speak, “fills a firm hand”, which will undoubtedly help him at school, when writing dictations and notes in a short period of time.

What are graphic dictations? Imagine in front of you a sheet of paper on which the cells are drawn. The task contains arrows (showing the direction) and numbers (showing the number of cells that need to be passed in the specified direction). If you follow the signs accurately and carefully, draw a line in the right direction for the right distance, you get an image - a picture. In other words: graphic dictations are drawing by cells, using pointers in the task.

These activities are not just for kids. preschool age, in kindergartens, but for children under 12 years of age. After all, mindfulness and coordination of movements can be developed at an older age. A fascinating activity is an entertaining leisure not only for children, but also for adults. The recommended age to start drawing graphic dictations is from 4 years old. It is at this age that development begins. fine motor skills, with the help of drawing by cells.

Graphic dictations as an educational game are used in various places: at home, in extracurricular activities, on vacation, at sea, in the country, and even at a summer camp. It is important to interest children, and what will do it better than such an activity. Indeed, in the end you get an unknown picture, which you can then paint with pencils or felt-tip pens. Explaining this to the baby, you can not worry about his interest in this, not so much an activity as a game that develops the imagination.

So, let's get started. First of all, you need to prepare, namely, to purchase a collection of graphic dictations. You can get them not only in specialized stores for children's books, but also in a stationery shop, second-hand bookshops. They can be downloaded for free on some sites on the Internet (for example, on our site), you can also go to paid sites. The choice of such tasks is great, choose based on the age, gender and hobbies of the child. For kids who are just starting classes, it is best to choose graphic dictations (drawing by cells) depicting bunnies, cats, dogs. For girls: princesses, flowers. But, you can start with simple geometric shapes: squares, triangles, prisms. So you will immediately teach the child and coordination of movements, improve the motor skills of the pens, develop perseverance and attentiveness, and tell about the names and types of geometric shapes. For boys, dictations with the image of cars, animals, robots, castles, funny little men are suitable. The easiest graphic dictations, with simple shapes and performed in one color, are for beginners. Complicated tasks - for older children. Choose graphic dictations on a topic that is interesting to your child. If the kid is into music, use drawings of musical instruments, treble clefs and notes.

If you have already done cell drawing with your child, start adding variety to your activities. That is, at 5-6 years old, you can perform dictations that help develop even more. That is, get drawings with those animals that the child has not yet seen and does not know what they look like. Use colors that the baby has not yet learned very well. Expand the horizons of the child in this way, let him increase and replenish his vocabulary new words, teaches them, learns where they can be applied. The main thing is a good mood, enthusiasm and a positive attitude of the crumbs before performing any task. Under such conditions, study will indeed be incredibly useful, fruitful and not straining the child.

After a selection of graphic dictations, start preparing. Remember that the child must be praised for a job well done. Even if the picture is not yet obtained, there is no need to constantly prompt, direct and compare with other children. You need to guide and push in the right direction. To do this, first of all, you need to teach the child where to be left-hand side, where is the right one. Show me where is the top and where is the bottom. This simple and ingenuous knowledge will help you perform all graphic dictations with 100% accuracy.

Sit near a table with a level and smooth surface so that the child can sit evenly and correctly in the chair. Pay attention to lighting. Tip: if you want to teach your child to a school notebook, give him the opportunity to get used to it, learn how to navigate, prepare graphic dictations on a sheet, just like a school notebook. Now prepare a simple pencil and a diligent eraser so that the wrong strips can be easily removed and the same dictation can be continued again. Prepare yourself a pencil and an eraser.

It is worth keeping track of time so that the child does not get tired, so that the hands and eyes rest. Although if the baby is not tired, wants to continue and finish the work now, there is no need to pick up the dictation, the child will decide when enough is enough.

There is a time frame for working with graphic dictations

For children 5 years of age - a maximum of 15 minutes. For older children, up to 6 years - a maximum of 20 minutes (from 15 minutes). For first-graders (6 or 7 years old) - a maximum of 30 minutes, a minimum of 20 minutes.

Drawing by cells is a great way to teach your baby to a pencil and a pen. Teach how to hold it correctly, practice so that the fingers are not so tired of holding the subject at school. This exercise will help you teach your baby to count correctly, as he will need to count the exact number of cells before starting the lesson.

And so: before you lies the task of a graphic dictation, a pencil. In front of the child is a piece of paper in a cage or a notebook, an eraser and a simple pencil. On the sheet of the child, with or without your help, is shown in the indicated place, the starting point. Explain that from this point they start drawing lines (right, left, down and up), in the direction and with the number of cells that you name. Now proceed, next to the named task, and they are indicated in a line, put a dot with a pencil so as not to forget where you finished the dictation, not to confuse the child and, of course, yourself. Watch what the child is doing. Tell me if the baby is confused where the left and right sides are. Count together, if necessary, the number of cells.

For example, you have a figure, the most standard is a house. Tell the kid what kind of drawing you will end up with, or keep it a secret for even more interest. From the point you need:

1 → - 1 cell to the right

Dictate clearly, the child should perceive everything by ear. At the end of the work, look at how much the baby's figures coincide with the given elements. If the baby is wrong, find out together exactly where. Erase extra lines with an eraser, starting from the point of failure, and continue drawing. It is important to keep the child in a good mood during the learning process.

Grade 2


Dog Ryabka.

We lived on the banks of the river. We had a new boat. I often ran to the river to fish. There was a booth at the house. Our dog Ryabka lived there. We loved her. The first fish was for Ryabka. The dog took good care of the house. She was a good friend.

Words for reference: with us, stood, guarded.

Grade 2

Mathematical dictation.

  1. By how much should 77 be reduced to get 7?

  2. Find the difference between the numbers 11 and 5.

  3. Write the number that is one less than 100.

  4. By how much should 8 be increased to get 15?

  5. How much more is 16 than 9?

  6. From the numbers 27, 72, 74, 37.97, 70 write out those with 7 units.

  7. From what number did you subtract 6 if you got 8?

  8. How much must be subtracted from 14 to get 9?

  9. How much is 4 units less than 4 tens?

  10. Write down all two-digit numbers ending in 3.

  11. (*) What number must be added to 70 to get the sum of 80 and 8?

Option 1.

  1. After 8 buds have blossomed on the wild rosemary branch, 7 more unblown buds remain on it. How many buds are on a branch?

  2. Do the calculations.
40+30 72+4 98-50 58+2

80-60 60+37 76-4 90-6

3. Present these numbers as the sum of two single-valued terms: 11 and 14.

4. Write in ascending order all possible two-digit numbers using

numbers 3 and 9 (numbers can be repeated).

5. Draw two segments so that the length of one is less than the length of the other by 8 cm.

Option 2.

  1. After Masha has passed 5 metro stations, she has to pass 6 more. How many stations does Masha have to pass in total?

  2. Do the calculations:

20+50 63+5 70 – 52 73 + 7

90 – 10 40 + 29 89 – 3 80 – 8

3. Present these numbers as the sum of two single-valued terms: 12 and 15.

4. Write down in ascending order all possible two-digit numbers using the numbers 5 and 6 (the numbers can be repeated).

  1. Draw two line segments so that the length of one is 1 inch longer than the other.

Examinations for the 3rd quarter.

Grade 3


Early spring.

Early spring has come. The bright sun destroys the last snow fortresses. Ringing drops knock on the ground. The forest smells of fragrant buds. Green fir-trees importantly extended their thorny branches. Sweet juice flows from the birch. The rays of the sun lit up the whole area. Lived the forest. A loud chirp sounded overhead. A flock of birds flashed past the tree trunks. In spring, the feathered kingdom has a lot of trouble and worries.

Words for reference: fortresses, I heard.

Mathematical dictation.

1. Find the quotient, sum, difference and product of the numbers 12 and 3.

2. How many times must 4 be increased to get 24?

  1. What number is 6 times less than 36?

  2. How many centimeters are in 5 dm?

  3. By how much should 12 be increased to get 24?

  4. What number is greater than the product of 0 and 3 times 1?

  5. 9 increase 6 times.

  6. The sum of which two even numbers equal to 60? (write one example).

  7. What number must be divided by 3 to get 30?

  8. Write the answers of the examples in ascending order:
4 x 7 72: 9 36: 4 13 x 1 8 x 7

11. (*) Write down three numbers that can be represented as a product of two equal factors.

Written test work.

Option 1.

  1. For the New Year's holiday table, we bought 5 boxes of eclairs, 6 pieces each, and there are 3 times fewer cupcakes than eclairs. How many cupcakes did you buy?

  2. Do the calculation:
23 + 49 70 - 70 x 1

82 – 39 (42 + 0) : 6

3. Fill in the blanks:

8 x 3 = ... x 6 ... m 99 cm less than 2 m

… : 9 = 72: 8 3 dm more …. dm 9 cm

4. Draw two segments so that one is

2 times longer than the other.

5. (*) When the brother was 13 years old, the sister was 4 years old.

Now my brother is 20 years old. How old is your sister?

Option 2.

  1. Anya solved 5 columns of examples for the lesson, 4 examples in each, and there are 15 fewer problems than examples. How many problems did Anna solve?

  2. Do the calculations:
34 + 47 30 - 30 x 1

76 – 59 (54 + 0) : 9

3. Fill in the blanks:

9 x 4 = 6 x .... … dm 9 cm less than 2 dm

… : 4 = 56: 7 4 m over … m 99 cm

4. Draw two such segments so that one is 3 times shorter than the other.

5. (*) When mother was 36 years old, daughter was 7 years old. Now my mother is 40 years old. how old is daughter?

Examinations for the 3rd quarter.

4th grade

Vocabulary dictation.

Agronomist, alley, wealth, ahead, burn, horizon, goodbye, from afar, bonfire, beautiful, journey, sparkle, excursion, Russia.



Early in the morning I went fishing with a friend. Comrade dug up worms, collected fishing rods. On the shore of a quiet backwater, we chose a place. Here is the first fish. The comrade threw a large perch on the sand. Every now and then he pulled out perches. My float seemed to freeze. We switched places. Soon my friend had a full bucket. My catch barely covered the bottom. Sad, I approached the village. Grandfather Ilya met us at the fence. He smiled slyly and said that the white color scared the fish. My shirt and rod were white.

Reference words: rod.

Russian language tests for grade 1.
Grade 1__MOU "Batyrevskaya secondary school No. 1"



Circle the number that represents the correct answer. Before you start taking the test, remember how to answer the test questions.

1. Find a word in which the first syllable is stressed.
1) frost 2) winter 3) wind 4) snowdrift
2. What letter is superfluous?
1) a 2) i 3) o 4) n

  1. Mark the word that has more sounds than letters.

1) berry 2) woodpecker 3) earth 4) glade

  1. Which word has fewer sounds than letters?

5. What letters at the beginning of a word and after vowels represent two sounds?

Are you looking for an exciting activity that will help not only to keep free time, but will also contribute to the development of creative thinking, mindfulness and other useful skills? Try drawings by cells - this is a great option to diversify your pastime, develop concentration, hand coordination while writing and logical thinking. This lesson is included even in the preschool program, but it will be useful not only for children, but also for adults as a kind of relaxation after a busy day. AT recent times many people with busy work schedules prefer to relieve stress and relax by doing coloring pictures and drawing by cells.

With the help of pencils or felt-tip pens, you can draw anything on a notebook sheet, for example, draw a dog in the cells. For this, you do not need to have special skills, you just need to stock up on an ordinary school notebook and writing utensils.

The first way: lines by cells

Such drawings are called graphic dictations. The bottom line is to draw short segments on a notebook sheet in certain directions and sequences indicated in the task. The lesson will be especially useful for preschool children and younger students, as it develops auditory and visual perception attention and coordination of movements. Children usually like graphic dictations due to the presence of a surprise moment - after all, they will not know in advance what kind of drawing will result.

For kids younger age you can start with simple pictures of small sizes. For example, you can draw a cute dog in profile. Grab a sheet of paper and get to work. follow the arrows from left to right and you'll be fine!

If you conduct such dictations with your child more often, they will allow you to quickly remember the directions “top-bottom”, “left-right”, learn to count the cells and connect them, developing hand motor skills.

The second way: drawing from a sample

This method consists not only in drawing simple lines, but in coloring a certain number of cells with color. You can draw only with a soft simple pencil, getting monochrome pictures, or use colored gel pens, pencils or felt-tip pens. In this case, bright and colorful drawings of the dog in the cells in the notebook are obtained.

Drawings by cells can be simple, which can be offered to depict a child of 4-6 years old.

There are also complex images with a lot of colors and elements that older students or adults can handle. These can be cartoonish, schematic and as close to reality images of dogs.

Many tasks, such as graphic dictations for children 6-7 years old and preschoolers, develop spatial thinking and perception of the world around them, perseverance and attentiveness, and most importantly, help prepare preschoolers for writing and the basics of mathematics.

Graphic dictation by cells is very interesting tasks, which the child must complete on paper in a box under dictation. The very technique of graphic dictation is based on the education of attention and fine motor skills of the baby. It is very useful to develop this before the baby goes to school, but it’s not scary if the child has already gone to the first or 2nd grade, these tasks will be a useful addition to education.

  • To complete the graphic dictation exercise, you need to prepare sample tasks, and for the child a sheet of paper, a writing tool (pencil, pen, felt-tip pen), a small ruler and an eraser. It is easier to use a pencil for the smallest students, the fourth or fifth year of life is already suitable for this type of exercise.
  • Also for preschoolers, you can make special sheets of paper on which there will be large cells (not standard half a centimeter, but for example - 1 cm each), they can be drawn in advance or printed. But here, children should perform a graphic dictation of grade 1 on notebooks in a standard cage.

You will have a drawing on your sheet, it can be different animals, a pattern or transport. The purpose of the exercise for children is to repeat the actions you dictated, at the end of which you should get a one-on-one pattern with a sample.

Rules for drawing by cells

Tasks are carried out according to certain rules, this is not a math lesson, but it still teaches children the basics of counting and the concepts of direction in space. At the very beginning, you put a dot on paper at the corner of the cell (this will be the starting point), it should be in such a place that the child, repeating the pattern, can fit it on the sheet. Also, your child can put this point on his own, but you should say how much he should retreat from the top and side of the sheet.

Next, arrows will be drawn on your sheet, indicating the sides of the direction of space and numbers - indicating how many cells you need to draw to get the desired pattern. Example: horizontal arrows "5←" - five cells to the left, "1→" - one cell to the right.

Vertical arrows "3" - three cells up, "6↓" - six cells down. Diagonal arrows: "2↖" - two cells diagonally up to the left, "4↗" - four diagonally up to the right, "↘" - down to the right, "↙" - down to the left.

Variants of graphic dictations by cells

  • Dictations can be simple or complex, it all depends on the level of development of your child. So, for example, dictation for preschoolers should be very easy, because kids are just learning to hold pencils in their hands and are just starting to navigate in space. But dictations in cells for children in grades 1-2 can be more difficult and the pattern can be made in different colors.
  • Exercises can be written in text ( short story) or simply have directions and numbers. More options for dictations can be intended for different sexes. So a graphic dictation for boys can consist of drawings that the boys liked, these can be: a robot, an airplane, animals (pelican, rhinoceros, dog, etc.). Whereas for girls, the picture can be: a flower, a doll, a cat, etc.

Simple tasks

Simple exercises are considered easy in repetition and in form. So, for example, you can teach the basics of geometry using pictures with squares, triangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, etc. To make it easier for the little one to complete the lesson, help and guide him while sitting next to him.

If the baby is confused, then tell him that he drew in the wrong place and be sure to praise him with the right action. AT simple lessons lines must be directed strictly horizontally or vertically. You can draw a hint in the corner of the leaflet, in the form of arrows and a number of direction names.


To draw the "Dog" dictation - retreat six cells to the left of the sheet and six from the top, put a point, start drawing from it:

2→, 1, 2→, 1, 1→, 5↓, 7→, 2, 1→, 3↓, 1←, 7↓, 2←, 1, 1→, 3, 6←, 4↓, 2←, 1, 1→, 3, 1←5, 3, ←2.

Decorate the dog yellow, draw her eye, you can finish the spots in a different color, for example, brown.


We retreat from the top 6 cells and to the left - 7, draw from the point:

1→, 1, 3→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 3→, 1↓, 2←, 2↓, 1→, 2↓, 1→, 1↓, 3←, 2, 1←, 2↓, 3←, 1, 1→, 2, 1→, 2, 2←, 1, 3→, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1.

Color in any color.

Robot (graphic dictation on the cells), draw on the cells of the robot


To draw a car - retreat two cells to the left of the sheet and 9 from the top, put a point, start from it:

4→, 2, 8→, 2↓, 3→, 3↓, 2←, 1, 2←, 1↓, 6←, 1, 2←, 1↓, 3←, 3.

Offer to finish the wheels and windows with doors near the car, decorate it in any color.

Difficult tasks

The difficult lesson is that the drawing is not simple in shape, it is no longer just squares and triangles, but full-fledged graphic drawings with many bends. In addition to horizontal and vertical lines, you can add diagonals.

This complicates the process quite a lot, and it should be done if the child loses interest and completes everything very quickly. You can also add different colors, ie. one part of the drawing is drawn in one color (red), and for the second half the color changes (blue or green).


In order to get a donkey, you need to retreat 32 cells on the left and 2 on top, put a dot and start:

1→, 2↓, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1→, 5↓, 1→, 3↓, 1←, 1↓, 2←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 4↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 6↓, 1←, 7, 1←, 3, 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 6←, 1, 1←, 1, 2←, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 6↓, 1←, 8, 1→, 5, 1←, 1, 1←, 4↓, 1←6, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 2→, 1, 14→, 1, 2→, 1, 2→, 1, 2→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 3.

Color the donkey in gray and finish the eye.


Try to draw an airplane with your baby, for this, use a special "formula":

2→, 1↘, 5→, 3↖, 2→, 3↘, 4→, 1↘, 2←, 1, 1→, 2↘, 5←, 3↙, 2←, 3↗, 5←, 3↖, connect at the starting point. Color the airplane grey, blue or in green, do not paint over the cockpit.


So, the kangaroo graphic dictation needs to start by setting a point, stepping back 2 from the left and 5 from the top:

1, 2→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 2→, 1, 1→, 4, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 1↓, 1 →, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 2→, 2↓, 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 2←, 1↓, 2→, 1↓, 4←, 1 , 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 1↓, 3←, connected to the beginning.

Decorate the kangaroo Orange color, draw an eye.

Kangaroo (graphic dictation on the cells), draw on the cells of a kangaroo


To draw a giraffe you need from the starting point:

1↗, 2→, 1, 1→, 10↓, 4→, put a point, from it 2↘, 1→, 1↓, 1←, 1, returned to the set point, from it 8↓, 1 to the left, 5 , back 5↓, 1←, 5, 3←, 5↓, 1←, 4, 1↙, 2↓, 1←, 2, 2↗, 1↖, 1, 1↗, 7, 1←, 1↖ and connect to the starting point.

You can draw spots on a giraffe and draw an eye.


To draw a graphic dictation fish - retreat six cells to the left of the sheet and seven from the top, put a point, start drawing from it:

1→, 1, 3→, 1, 2→, 1↓, 2→, 1↓, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 1→, 1, 2→, 3↓, 1←, 1↓, 1←, 2↓, 1→, 1↓, 1→, 3↓, 2←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1, 1←, 1↓, 2←, 1↓, 2←, 1, 3←, 1, 1←, 2.

Color the fins of the fish in blue, finish the eye, and paint the fish itself in green or purple.

Fish (graphic dictation by cells), draw a fish by cells