According to the results of the admission campaign. To the main places within the control figures

Ministry of Education and Science published the results of the 2017 admission campaign in Russian universities. The findings show an increase passing score to the leading universities of the country, which indicates an increased level of knowledge of applicants.

Average USE score credited to budget places in 2017 increased by 1.6 points compared to the previous year and was 68.2 points.

In universities Moscow and St. PetersburgGPA USE enrolled in budget places amounted to 76,2 and 75,8 points, respectively.

Among universities with more than 1.5 thousand people admitted to state-funded places, the highest rates also fall on Moscow and St. Petersburg: the average score for them is 79,9 .

According to this indicator, federal universities are inferior to the leading metropolitan universities by about 11.6 points (their average score 68,3 ).

federal university in Russian Federation- one of the types of higher educational institutions (along with the institute, academy and university), providing high level educational process, research and technological developments.

The largest universities in the regions are on average 13 points behind the capital universities in terms of budgetary enrollment (their average score 66,9 ).

The first three places among universities with the largest enrollment for state-funded places were taken by:

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics ,
  • Saint Petersburg State University
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
On average in Russia, the competition for state-funded places amounted to 8.2 applications per place.

The largest number of applications for one place was submitted to:

  • economic programs (21 people/seat),
  • specialties in the field of politics and international relations (20.5 people / place),
  • Media (19.4 people/seat),
  • medicine (8.5-16.1 people/seat).
  • For engineering and technical areas, an average of 7.2 applications were submitted per place,
  • Pedagogical specialties - 7.3 applications per place.

Traditionally, the highest competition for education is in universities located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions and Republic of Tatarstan.

These subjects have a large educational network and 1.6-4.5 more applications were submitted for one place in them than the average for Russia.

Among technical areas, the highest scores are for areas related to:

  • informatics and computer technology and information security (28.4 thousand people) - 69.9 points,
  • vehicles(reception plan for more than 14.1 thousand people) - 56.8 points;
  • construction (12.1 thousand people) - 64.9 points,
  • mechanical engineering (11.6 thousand people) - 61.9 points.

The share of target customers was 13.6% of total accepted. Their average USE score increased by 1.3 points and became equal to 64.4 points.

Target Reception- This is a program for admission to universities of applicants, which involves payment for the training of future specialists by employers. (The organization “orders” the university to train a specialist for future work in the company). This approach makes it possible to eliminate the shortage of personnel in important sectors of the economy - medicine, education, agriculture. Moreover, such a mechanism contributes to the return of the graduate to the regions after graduation. Despite the fact that applicants enter the university according to a separate competition, they still pass entrance exams in the same form. As a rule, passing scores for targeted admissions are significantly lower than those of applicants entering the general competition.

Most of the target students are in the specialties and areas included in the following groups:

  • clinical medicine,
  • Education and Pedagogical Sciences,
  • Technique and technology of land transport,
  • Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems,
  • Aviation and rocket and space technology.

All the winners and prize-winners entered universities:

  • All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren,
  • Olympic champions and medalists
  • Paralympic Games,

who expressed a desire to enter the higher educational establishments.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren- a system of annual subject Olympiads for students in state, municipal and non-state educational organizations implementing general educational programs.

Olympic Games- the largest international complex sports competitions, which are held every four years under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. The medal won at the Olympic Games is considered one of the highest achievements in sports.

Paralympic Games(Paralympic Games) - international sports competitions for people with handicapped. Traditionally held after Olympic Games, and starting from the 1988 Summer Paralympic Games - on the same sports facilities;

Currently, budget places have received 6202 winner and prize-winner of the Olympiads, which is higher than the level of the previous year ( 5950 human).

The share of enrolled winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads of the total number of enrolled was 2,2% generally ( 2% in 2016).

The next admissions campaign is finally over and graduates of secondary educational institutions have moved on to a new crucial stage of life, having determined their future. Summing up the results of the entrance campaign-2017, the leadership of higher educational institutions spoke about the results of entrance examinations and the preferences of applicants in choosing a specialty.

The next admissions campaign is finally over and graduates of secondary educational institutions have moved on to a new crucial stage of life, having determined their future. Summing up results of the entrance campaign-2017, the leadership of higher educational institutions spoke about the results of entrance exams and the preferences of applicants in choosing a specialty, and representatives of Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education and Science announced "dry" statistics.

According to information provided by Rosobrnadzor, the Unified State exam about six hundred and eighteen thousand schoolchildren passed this year. It is noteworthy that, according to the results of the Unified State Examination, most of the applicants could count on a place at the university under the state order. According to the Minister of Education and Science, this figure has reached 57%, and the average score has increased by an average of 2 points compared to the previous year.

The increase in the level of academic performance could not remain unnoticed, and led to an increase in the lower threshold of the average entry points in . In addition, one cannot fail to note the steady growth of interest on the part of young people in the specialties of the natural sciences.

What professions were in demand the most?

at the Moscow Pedagogical state university, as before, there was a high demand for humanitarian specialties. Journalism and media-related specialties are among the most in demand here: there were 35 people for one place, and the passing score was 276 points. The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​did not lose its position this year either, where demand was observed in almost all subjects.

It turned out to be quite remarkable that applicants showed an increased interest in specialties teacher education. In particular, an increased demand was noticed for the specialty of a teacher of Russian language and literature with a passing score of 272. A slightly smaller number of graduates applied to the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, but, in general, an increase in the average score was noted there.

Very tense admission campaign appeared in high school economy under the National research university. Here, since 2014, an increase in students has been observed annually. Compared to 2014, the number of students in 2015 doubled, and then in 2016 by another 65%. This year was no exception and, contrary to expectations, the number of applicants to enter this university increased by 30%. According to Vadim Radaev, the first vice-rector of the university, due to such an "influx" of applicants, the competition for the university was huge: 45 people applied for one place.

A large influx of graduates led to high requirements for USE scores, and now the average score at HSE has almost reached 90. Therefore, only the strongest applied here. The greatest demand here was for the economy, multimarket, communication areas ( foreign language and intercultural communications). Modern world trends have caused a great competition for specialties related to media, communications, computer science, software engineering, IT and everything related to technology.

Interest in IT specialties has also increased in. And although this Institute of Physics and Technology, the interest of applicants in studying technologies at the intersection of specialties is very indicative. By the way, popularity among MIPT students is largely due to pre-university training system which is actively pursued by the university. More than 17,000 schoolchildren study at the MIPT Correspondence School in such areas as computer science, mathematics, chemistry and physics. The institute increased the entrance score to 94, but the key parameter for admission was the participation of applicants in the All-Russian Olympiads.

AT medical universities a large competition continues to be observed in the specialties "", "General Medicine" and "" (the last two specialties account for 30 and 36 people, respectively). New directions were opened at the First Moscow State Medical University: in "Pharmacy" they singled out the direction "Consulting Medicine and Pharmacy", and in "General Medicine" - "Doctor-Researcher". It is worth noting that the majority of applicants to this university are well-prepared applicants who studied in biomedical classes, so their average score is quite high.

Youth Career Guidance

In the course of studying the results of the admission campaign, experts noted with pleasure that graduates began to take a more conscious approach to career choice. If before they were guided by the prestige of the specialty and the level of wages, today completely different issues are in priority. Today's youth are no longer interested solely in material values. Many applicants are considering the prospects for further education, employment, opportunities to participate in internship and practice programs.

According to the rector, today's students have ceased to be "walking encyclopedias" and have learned to reason, search for the necessary information and use it effectively. Young people have become more flexible and sociable. They show great interest in project work and elective courses, and this has a positive effect on further work, and regardless of the specialty.

It is also important that when submitting documents, applicants know exactly what they want. That is, they are more oriented. This is confirmed by the fact that this year many applicants submitted original documents to the chosen university at once.

Features of the introductory campaign - 2017

One of distinctive features The entrance campaign of this year was that educational institutions began to take into account such individual results of applicants as participation in competitions and various olympiads. Now universities charge for special achievements in studies. This will certainly encourage students to get them as much as possible.

Another feature can be attributed to the last year of the demographic decline. The fact is that in 2017, young people who were born at the beginning of the new century, when the birth rate was quite low, became applicants. But it is expected that in subsequent years the number of applicants will increase significantly, since their birth took place during the years of demographic growth. Many rectors believe that this will lead to a redistribution of specialties and will attract more teachers and researchers.

In 2017, the Financial Analytics program was allocated 15 budget places for citizens of the Russian Federation and equivalent to them, 20 places for training under the contract and 5 places to study foreign citizens . Admission to the program was carried out on a competitive basis based on the results entrance examinations and specialty "Financial analytics".

134 applications were submitted for the program from citizens of the Russian Federation (and those equivalent to them), as well as 7 applications from foreign citizens. Based on applications from Russian citizens, we tied for second place among all master's programs with the Entrepreneurship and Project Management program, losing to the Marketing program, which received 155 applications. But within the Faculty of Economics, which is new for the Master's program in Finance and Credit, our program turned out to be the leader in terms of the number of applications submitted.

The program accepted certificates in English, giving from 75 to 100 points for the exam in English. Also, the diplomas of the winners of the CFA Institute Research Challenge 2017 were taken into account, giving the winners 100 points for the exam in English and in the specialty; winners and prize-winners of the 2017 Finance 360 ​​competition, which gave the winners 100 points for the specialty exam and the winners 80 points for the specialty exam. The results of those who entered the exams can be seen in the figure below in the context of exams, gender, budgetary or contractual place, certificates in language and olympiads are highlighted.

We think that there is nothing special to comment on here: everything is already quite clear. A slight distortion in the share is noticeable of English language in the sum of the ratings, but it is rather insignificant. You can also notice that you can write both exams, overtaking both Olympiads and certificate students. At the same time, 5 applicants with international language certificates and 2 people with international competition, as well as 4 people from the Olympiads, including the same international competition.

The joint distribution by the sum of two exams for those who passed both exams (including Olympiads and certificates) is as follows:

According to the year of birth and gender among those who entered the program, the distribution turned out to be as follows:

And the distribution by sex and month of birth among the applicants is as follows:

Among the applicants, the distribution between the regions of Russia (foreigners did not enter the program this year) suggests that there is no difference between those who are from the regions and those who are from Moscow - everyone is about the same age and everyone is not afraid to change the region to get quality education:

The number of those in need of a hostel among those who entered the program is as follows:

In total, 43 people from 14 universities entered the program, while this year almost all budget places were filled by graduates of Moscow State University, which is very unusual for the program, usually up to half of budget places in last years on the program "Financial Economics" - the predecessor of our program, were occupied by graduates of other universities:

At the same time, according to a survey of applicants, 3/4 consider themselves sanguine and choleric, and 1/4 - melancholic and phlegmatic, which quite accurately reflects the choice of the training track: one needs drive, and the other needs smooth decision-making.

We hope that all applicants will study diligently, receive a master's degree, and then in their work and everyday life they will always comply with the motto of our program, given at the end of the review of the results of the 2017 admission campaign for the Financial Analytics program.

" posted detailed information for the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number free places, as well as minimum points, which were required to dial to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the exam.

In the section "Reception 2019" using the service "", you can learn about the most important dates associated with university admissions.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admission committees of universities and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally to the mail that you indicated during registration. And, quite quickly.

Olympics in detail a new version section " " indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the sites of the organizers.

In the section, a new service "Remind about an event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants can automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before anyone else and automatically.

What to expect during the period from 26.07 to 29.07?

How events will develop these days and what options are possible.

26 July
What will happen?
1. On July 26, the acceptance of documents from applicants entering by USE results, as well as persons entering without entrance examinations (winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads).
2. As a rule, this day is work admissions committees ends earlier than usual.

How to act?
1. To begin with, we recall that each applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities for 3 areas of study (specialty) in each. Therefore, if you have not yet used all your capabilities, then this must be done, because. there won't be another chance.

July 27
What will happen?
1. On this day, the websites of all universities should appear competitive lists candidates for enrollment indicating their scores for all entrance examinations. In a separate column, as a rule, indicate extra points for individual achievement.
2. Competitive lists may appear both early in the morning and late in the evening, because. exact time their appearance is not regulated.
3. Competitive lists for most universities will be updated several times a day, and this is a common practice.
4. The first lines of the lists will be occupied by winners and prize-winners school olympiads, as well as categories of applicants entering target set and a special quota (disabled children, orphans, etc.), because all of them have a special (priority) right to enrollment.

How to act?
1. First of all, be patient.
2. Carefully read the competitive list.
3. Try to calm down.
4. Do not take any drastic steps in a hurry, because it is too early to draw specific conclusions. At this stage, competitive lists give only general idea about the competitive environment. Not more than.

July 28th
What will happen?
1. For the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads who have the right to enter without entrance examinations, as well as for those entering the target set and a special quota (preferential categories), this is the last day for receiving the original documents. Late submission of originals means refusal of enrollment.
2. On the same day, the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from applicants who have special rights and enter as part of a targeted admission ends if they have applied for admission to two or more universities.
3. For those entering the general competition (the results of the exam), this day is unlikely to bring any important news.

How to act?
1. Olympiads, target recipients, beneficiaries - carry the originals and agree to be enrolled, of course, in the university that is of greatest interest. Otherwise, there will be no chance.
2. Everyone else - wait and hope.

July 29
What will happen?
1. On this day, universities will publish orders for the enrollment of Olympiads, target students, beneficiaries.
2. All orders will be in the public domain and posted on the website of the university. There may be many.
3. Orders will appear during the day - some university will publish them in the morning, and someone will publish them late in the evening, but in any case they will be, because. otherwise it is a violation.
4. Budget places reserved for target recipients and beneficiaries may not be fully filled. This means that vacancies must be submitted to the general competition, i.e. for those who enter according to the results of the exam.

How to act?
1. Do not be lazy and find on the website of the university all issued orders for enrollment.
2. Analyze them and calculate how many Olympiads, target students, beneficiaries were enrolled in the specialties you are interested in.
3. Create an EXEL table for your convenience, which you fill in with the results of calculations.
4. Based on them, determine how many budget places are actually left for the general competition for each specialty you are interested in. To do this, it is necessary to subtract the number of enrolled students from the general recruitment plan (it must be on the website of the university). The remainder will be a guide to the future.
5. View your position in the ranking and compare it with the number of remaining budget places from the table. It is known that at the first stage no more than 80% of budget places will be filled, and therefore if you are among this number, relax and enjoy. With the timely submission of the originals and consent to enrollment, you will be enrolled at the 1st stage. If you don’t enter, it’s time to start thinking, analyzing, weighing, and also looking for the option that suits you with the least risk.

To be continued...

1. According to the results of the admission campaign in 2017, to universities for budget places
6202 winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads entered. In 2016, this figure
was 5950 people. By what percentage was the admission rate exceeded?
to universities for budget places for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads in 2017
compared to 2016? (Round your answer to the nearest percent)

2. In the period from June 12 to July 13, 2017, an odds test on the Enroll Online portal
passed over a million applicants. The figure shows the distribution
the number of test results of the chances of admission to technical specialties
universities. Based on the figure, determine the number of applicants who took part in the
testing, having a chance to enter the specialty "Geology, mining,
oil and gas business and geodesy»

Solution. The figure shows that the answer is 6000
3. Find the area of ​​the trapezoid depicted on checkered paper with the size of the cell
1 cm × 1 cm (see picture). Give your answer in square centimeters.

4. When firing artillery, the automatic system makes a shot at the target.
If the target is not destroyed, the system fires again. shots
repeated until the target is destroyed. Probability of destruction
some target at the first shot is 0.1, and at each subsequent - 0.9.
How many shots will be required so that the probability of destroying the target is
not less than 0.95?

5. Find the root of the equation √(31-2x)=3
6. In triangle ABC AC=BC=4, angle C is 30°.
Find the height AH.

Solution: (the leg opposite the angle of 30 degrees is equal to half of the hypotenuse, (hypotenuse AC, the leg opposite the angle of 30) AH, so AH=0.5AC=2)
8. Two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped,
outgoing from the same vertex are 3 and 4. Area
surface of this parallelepiped is 94. Find
third edge outgoing from the same vertex
9. Find the value of the expression -18√2sin(-135)
10. The height above the ground of a ball tossed up changes according to the law
h(t)=1.6+8t−5t2, where h is the height in meters, t is the time in seconds since
throw. How many seconds will the ball be at a height of at least three meters?

11. To the direction "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" from graduates
Lyceums received 600 more applications than gymnasium graduates. Girls
among graduates of lyceums 5 times more than girls among graduates of gymnasiums.
And there are more boys among lyceum graduates than boys among graduates
gymnasiums n times, with 6< n < 12 (n ‐ целое число). Определить общее количество
applications, if among the graduates of gymnasiums there are 20 more boys than girls.